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Canadian Golden Combat: Reforming its legacy

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The new format works for me it does make the segments stand out more. Also, you could make just the segment headers a different color if you wanted to make it stand out even more.


Alright thanks for letting me know, I might make color for the segments blue like this segment 1 but any other color really wouldn't work because I want to keep it as close to black as I can.

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Alright thanks for letting me know, I might make color for the segments blue like this segment 1 but any other color really wouldn't work because I want to keep it as close to black as I can.


You really do not need to make the change it is fine just the way it is. I just thought it would make the segment pop, for lack of a better term, and not blend in with the matches.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro and Alex DeColt after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling.


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the show where I talk to Chris Kaladaro about what happened on the last show. Tonight we not only have Chris Kaladaro live in the studio but we are also joined by CGC’s owner Alex DeColt in this interview. Guys I can’t thank you enough for being here especially you Alex as I am sure that you’re very busy in the day to day operations over at CGC.”


Chris Kaladaro: “I am always glad to be here Terry.”


Alex DeColt: “Yeah I am glad to be here as well Terry.”


Terry Smith: “Alex my first question is for you and doesn’t really pertain to the show but a couple people on the net and various other resources have kind of put this show down for breaking the moral code of wrestling. What is your take on this?”


Alex DeColt: “Well the moral code you are talking about Terry really doesn’t exist anymore you have to remember that a lot of what you see nowadays is wrestlers who are an extension of themselves and they aren’t characters necessarily. So you referencing a moral code in the industry doesn’t really mean anything because a lot of that code has died out in modern wrestling.”


Terry Smith: “Alright well my next question is about the first match of the evening and I will address it to Chris since Alex was in the match. The first match of the night was between Alex DeColt and Fate what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I guess I have to be careful with what I say since Alex is here.”


Alex DeColt: “Just say what you feel Chris I don’t care if you have anything bad to say about me because people have been doing that for years so it really doesn’t affect me anymore.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I thought that the match was good, it was an average match and even though a guy like Alex DeColt who is a great worker by any standards was in the match it suffered because he had to face a guy who is probably past his prime. I thought that the match was good but it could have been better but that is more on Fate than Alex I think.”


Terry Smith: “Now Alex I have to ask you even though you won the match you were attacked by a man who has been a thorn in your side as of late in Eddie Chandler. What do you have to say about this?”


Alex DeColt: “Well Eddie may have gotten the best of me with that attack and he may have gotten the best of me in previous weeks. At the next pay per view title In The Company Of Legends he will get what is coming to him because it’s long overdue considering what he has done to me over the weeks leading up to the event.”


Terry Smith: “Moving onto the next match of the night, Destiny took on Ricky DeColt what are your guys thoughts on this match.”


Alex DeColt: “I’ll take this one if I can Chris.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Go ahead.”


Alex DeColt: “Well like the match that I had with Fate on the same night it was a Soldiers Of Fate member vs. a DeColt and while it may not have been the best match or even better than the one I had with Fate it was still good. You have to realize that Destiny like Chris said about Fate is a bit past his prime and the match suffered because of it, there is no question that given the right opponent Ricky can shine. He may not be able to have the matches that myself my brother Jack or even sigh Steve could have but he is getting there. I thought the match was good though but it definitely could have been better.”


Terry Smith: “Moving on to the third match of the night between Shane Nelson and Larry Wood, what did you guys think about this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I will start off by saying that I thought the match was good but the match definitely suffered and I think it might have been more on Shane than Larry.”


Alex DeColt: “To add to what Chris said Larry is a good champion and he has proven himself time and time again but I think I speak for Chris as well as myself in saying that we are waiting for Shane to break from his shell. We were hoping that it would happen during his feud with Nate Johnson but so far that hasn’t happened and it will be hard to invest in him for the future if he doesn’t get better. Don’t get me wrong he is good but he just needs to break through that glass ceiling.”


Terry Smith: “Moving onto the fourth match of the night and the co-main event of the evening Steve Frehley took on Jack DeColt. Now before I ask you about the match I would like to get Alex’s thoughts on if he thinks that Steve has devalued the CGC World Title by saying what he has said in the past weeks.”


Alex DeColt: “Well yes and no, yes because what he has said really demoralizes the people who have taken the time to build up that title especially most recently Joey Poison the current champion whom Steve is feuding with. Steve has to understand that although he is a former SWF World Champion that doesn’t make him better than anyone else. We here at CGC like to think we are all on a equal playing field and that includes Steve no matter what he may think otherwise.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the match between Steve Frehley and Jack DeColt, what did you guys think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I will start by saying that it was a very solid match and the best match of the night. Steve won the match and gained more momentum going into his match against Joey Poison at In The Company Of Legends for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. Jack did a great job in this match as well but in the end he came up just short.”


Terry Smith: “If Jack had one would he have been inserted into the match at In The Company Of Legends to make it a triple threat match for the title?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Yes it wouldn’t be fair to do anything other than that but unfortunately he didn’t get the job done.”


Terry Smith: “Now Alex I have to ask you a few weeks ago on Title Bout Wrestling Steve came out and made a bold statement. He said in his words that when he wins the CGC World Heavyweight Championship that he would throw the title in the trash. What are your thoughts on this?”


Alex DeColt: “Well it is true that Steve did make that statement however I don’t think that he would actually go through with his statement if he were to win the title. He has to realize that if he did do that it would make all the wrestlers that held that title in the past very mad so there could be a huge backlash if he decided to do it.”


Terry Smith: “Are you at all worried that he will do this?”


Alex DeColt: “No because at the end of the day I have a feeling that Steve will come to his senses and if he wins the title he won’t do what he said he was going to do. Like I said a lot of wrestlers would be mad at it happening and even though he might do it to make me and my brothers as well as Chris mad, I don’t think he will do it because he also has to think of my father. He might not like us but he has to respect my father and if he and I don’t think he has a grudge towards George so I doubt that he would do it because it wouldn’t only affect us but George as well.”


Terry Smith: “Now after Steve’s match he stuck around and grabbed a ringside seat for the main event as Eddie Chandler challenged Joey Poison for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. Do you think that this threw off the game of Joey Poison?”


Chris Kaladaro: “There is no question that it did and with their match at In The Company Of Legends looming it had to have effected him even more.”


Terry Smith: “Now in the main event, Eddie Chandler took on Joey Poison for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship what did you think of this match?”


Alex DeColt: “All personal feelings aside people have to realize that Eddie is a dangerous individual alone and even more so when he has the Soldiers Of Fortune and Nate Johnson in his stable. He is capable of doing anything and that included winning this match but unfortunately for him that didn’t’ happen and Joey won the match and retained his title making his eight defense of the strap.”


Terry Smith: “Chris your thoughts?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that the match was good and everything that Alex said about Eddie is true he would know because of the feud he is in the middle of with him right now. Eddie doesn’t go anywhere without The Soldiers Of Fortune or Nate Johnson by his side fortunately for him they weren’t anywhere to be seen. Had they been there at the end of the match then it would have been a five on one attack on Joey instead of a one on one attack. Those are odds that even Joey Poison can’t conquer and I don’t think that anyone on the roster could conquer it as well.”


Terry Smith: “Finally as the show went off the air and as Joey was in the middle of the ring celebrating his victory over Eddie Chandler, Steve Frehley jumped the guardrail and assaulted Joey Poison. What did you guys think of Steve’s latest attack?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well all these attacks will have to end once the match happens and when that bell rings to start that match a lot of people are going to wonder if Steve Frehley can walk the walk. He has certainly talked the talk both in his words and actions but the question is when they get in the ring at In The Company Of Legends will Steve be able to back up everything he has been doing to and saying about Joey Poison.”


Terry Smith: “Alex, is there anything you would like to add?”


Alex DeColt: “No I couldn’t have said it better myself.”


Terry Smith: “Well with that said we are running low on time so I would like to thank Chris Kaladaro for being here.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Thanks Terry it’s always a pleasure.”


Terry Smith: “I would also like to thank Alex DeColt for taking the time to come on the show and join myself and Chris to get some insight from the owner.”


Alex DeColt: “No problem Terry thanks for having me on.”


Terry Smith: “Well with that said that does it for the show this week but I would like to take the time I have left to remind everyone to join my broadcast colleague Adrian Garcia live in the studio this Thursday. He will be here talking about some of the matches that you can expect to see at the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. Until then this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you all at ringside alongside my broadcast partner Adrian Garcia as we call all of the night’s action live from ringside.”


OOC: First Off I would like to get your thoughts on this column since I did it differently then I normally do. If people like the column with both Chris and Alex in it then I will do one with both of them in it each month and then the rest with Chris for the month (hopefully that makes sense). Finally some of the matches that will be taking place on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted on Thursday so until then feel free to read up on the column and comment if you would like to do so.

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I personally like it. It adds more depth to the company to have the top man and booker talking about a recent card.


Alright thanks for letting me know dude, the column seemed to flow really well when I was writing it so I will probably do a column with both Alex and Chris once a month and the rest will just be with Chris.

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Wow I did not bother to read the ooc you posted despite reading the article.:o Man I feel stupid, anyway I like it with both of them in the article. I think it enhances them both a bit more.


It comes across to me as being more of a podcast now with the addition of Alex. Not sure why that is the case but that is what it seems to me now.

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Wow I did not bother to read the ooc you posted despite reading the article.:o Man I feel stupid, anyway I like it with both of them in the article. I think it enhances them both a bit more.


It comes across to me as being more of a podcast now with the addition of Alex. Not sure why that is the case but that is what it seems to me now.


That was always the idea, I wanted the article to seem more like a podcast without actually being one for obvious reasons so I am glad that you picked up on that.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 2, June 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here live in the studio to talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. This week’s edition of the show will be taking place live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada and four great matches have already been signed for the night.


In the first match of the night, Eddie Chandler takes on Ricky DeColt. Will Eddie be able to win this match without seeing interference from Alex DeColt? Or will Ricky do whatever he can to defeat Eddie Chandler and soften him up for his brother in the process?


In the second match of the night Jack DeColt takes on one half of the Soldiers Of Fortune in Fate, will Jack be able to win this match or will Fate win this match and give the Elite something to brag about in the coming weeks?


In the third match of the night CGC Owner Alex DeColt laces up his boots to take on the current number one contender to Joey Poison’s CGC World Heavyweight Championship in Steve Frehley. Will the owner of the company cause the number one contender to loose momentum towards his CGC World Title match by causing him to loose this match? Or will Steve Frehley do whatever he can to get a win over Alex DeColt and keep his momentum in tact as he looks to face Joey Poison at the next pay per view?


Finally in the fourth match of the night and the main event of the evening, Zeus Maxmillion challenges Joey Poison for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. These two are no strangers to one another as they met before back when Joey was the Canadian Champion. Joey was able to get the victory then will he do the same in this match and keep his title going into his match with Steve at In The Company Of Legends. Or will Zeus win the match and the title and as a result replace Joey in that match with Steve at the next pay per view?


All this and so much more will be answered live this Sunday night as CGC presents the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada. Be sure to get your tickets as select seats are still available and if you can’t make it to the arena be sure to check us out live on Maple Leaf Sports. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long for now and I will see you alongside Terry Smith at ringside as we call all of the action Sunday night.


Those matches again are…

Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt

Jack DeColt vs. Fate

Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: Predictions as always are welcomed the results will be posted around 11pm on Sunday so you have a little less than 72 hours to make predictions for this show.

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Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


Jack DeColt vs. Fate


Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


I would not behoove you to have Steve lose here.


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


Zeus is not World Champion material in my opinion.

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Just bumping this for anyone who still wants to make predictions for this show as only one person has made predictions. The results will be posted around 11pm central time on Sunday night so if you are still planning on making predictions you have from now until 11pm tomorow to do it.
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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday, Week 2, June 2011

Abbotsford Recreation Complex (British Columbia) – 2,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


Segment 1

[To start off the show, Steve Frehley makes his way down to the ring and grabs a microphone. He goes to the center of the ring and motions for his music to cut off. He then extends the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.]


Steve Frehley: “Joey, we are only a few days away from In The Company Of Legends and that is the day that your beloved CGC World Title leaves your possession and comes with me where it belongs. I am sick of you making a mockery of the Championship and at In The Company Of Legends I am going to defeat you in this very ring and take your title and become the new CGC World Heavyweight Champion.”


[With that said Joey makes his way down to the ring with the CGC World Heavyweight Championship he grabs a microphone and slings the belt over his right shoulder before beginning to speak.]


Joey Poison: “You really think you got my number don’t you Steve well it’s the other way around because if you are keeping score you have yet to beat me in a one on one match. You have beaten me before but it was in a tag match. If you don’t beat me in five days time at Steve Frehley then you will solidify the fact that you haven’t been able to do anything against me except for make threats that you can’t follow through on. I have heard it before some guy comes down to this ring just like you are doing right now and states that he will defeat me and end my reign. The fact is that it has yet to happen and I doubt that you will be able to get the job done at In The Company Of Legends. You will join a long list of people that even when I was the Canadian Champion made threats that didn’t come true. The only one who actually made it happen was Nate as he beat me for the Canadian Championship so he doesn’t count. However I have a feeling that just like Jack DeColt and everyone before him that you will end up the same in saying things that you can’t back up and that is a huge problem my friend.”


Steve Frehley: “You think that just because your Chris Kaladaro’s golden boy that you can say and do whatever you want.”


Joey Poison: “No that’s not true because I earned the right to be able to say whatever I want because I am the champion and whenever I make a statement like saying I am going to defeat someone I actually follow through with it. That just eats you up doesn’t it Steve the fact that I have done everything that I have ever said that I was going to do and you haven’t.”


Steve Frehley: “You know your right it eats at me the fact that I was able to capture the SWF World Title and I can’t even beat you to win that belt around your shoulder. However at In The Company Of Legends I am going to change that by beating you and winning that title. I suggest you take that to heart because its going to happen whether you like it or not.”


Joey Poison: “Oh Yeah what are you going to do about it, how about you put some action towards those words and do it right now.”


[Just then the two start brawling, they brawl for a good two minutes before a whole host of staff hit the ring to break them up, and as they are being pulled apart the two keep shouting insults at each other until finally Steve is forced out of the ring. He is told to go back to the locker room before things get even more violent and they have to cancel their match as a result.]


Road Agent Notes

The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Match 1

Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eddie Chandler defeated Ricky DeColt in 12:39 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.

Match Rating: C


Match 2

Jack DeColt vs. Fate


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Fate in 8:29 by submission with an End Of Days.


Road Agent Notes

Hotstuff Marie did some good work at ringside. The color commentary gave the match a boost. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Match 3

Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Steve Frehley defeated Alex DeColt in 12:51 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet.

Match Rating: C+


Segment 2

Eddie Chandler attacks Alex DeColt in the ring, and knocks him down and out. Chandler pulls a ladder out from under the ring, and slides it in. He uses it to batter Alex DeColt even more, and ends by setting it up and posing on it, above the downed body of Alex DeColt.

Segment Rating: C


Main Event – Match 4

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Joey Poison defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 12:55 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 9 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Zeus Maxmillion has now switched to an Avenging Angel gimmick. It has gotten an initial C- rating. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Joey Poison looked good out there.

Match Rating: C-


Final Show Rating: C


CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Abbotsford Recreation Complex, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been that the show was good, although some found it underwhelming.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.38 rating on Maple Leaf Sports.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 3 of 4 Predictions correct.

Emark: 3 of 4 predictions correct.


OOC: First off thanks to both BHK and Emark for making predictions on this show and for continuing to follow this dynasty. Feel free to give any feedback you have regarding the segments and the show as a whole if you have any. Finally The next edition of the interview between Terry Smith and Chris Kaladaro will be posted on Tuesday and will just feature Terry and Chris this week as I am only going to include Alex in it once a month.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling.


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the show where I talk with the head booker of Canadian Golden Combat Chris Kaladaro. Chris how are you doing this week?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well Terry it will be a lot easier to answer your questions this week without Alex being here.”


Terry Smith: “Well that’s good because some of the questions I have for you for this show involve him. I would like to start off by talking about the first segment of the night between number one contender for the CGC World Title Steve Frehley and current CGC World Champion Joey Poison. What did you think of their back and forth battle this week?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was very well done, CGC’s In The Company Of Legends is this Sunday night on Pay Per View so it was Steve and Joey’s last chance to get at one another either physically or verbally.”


Terry Smith: “In the first match of the night Eddie Chandler took on Ricky DeColt, what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was an average match to be honest, these two have wrestled before and have had much better matches in the past and this one just didn’t live up to their other matches as far as how good it was.”


Terry Smith: “In the second match of the night, Jack DeColt took on one half of the Soldiers Of Fortune in Fate what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it could have been a lot better but Fate was in it so I guess I should be happy with what it was. However that being said Jack DeColt should have been able to bring Fate to a watchable match and even Jack’s skills in the ring couldn’t be of any help to Fate.”


Terry Smith: “In the third match of the night and the co-main event of the evening, the man who was our special guest here last week CGC’s owner Alex DeColt took on the current number one contender to Joey Poison’s CGC World Title in Steve Frehley. What did you think of their match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I think this match saved the show from being a disaster the show was just an average show but it has this match to thank for not being worse than it was. I thought the match was very well done and even though Alex lost the match he came very close to defeating Steve Frehley he did a very good job in this match. Steve did a great job too and gained more momentum from defeating not just another opponent but the owner of the company in this match. If that is not a huge wave of momentum going into a World Title match this Sunday then I don’t know what is.”


Terry Smith: “Now after the match was over Eddie Chandler came down to the ring and pulled out a ladder and began to use it on Alex DeColt. What did you think of this segment?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well there is no question that all of this is leading up to a one on one match between the two when or where that is I don’t know but they will have a one on one match down the line sooner rather than later.”


Terry Smith: “Finally in the main event of the evening the CGC World Heavyweight Championship was on the line as Zeus Maxmillion took on CGC World Heavyweight Champion Joey Poison. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “In all honesty I expected it to be better, Zeus seems to be a guy where he can have a good match if he is in the ring with the right opponent. While the match was a little below average it wasn’t too bad but I would say that Zeus and Joey won’t be wrestling each other for a while because they just didn’t seem to click. With this match Joey Poison made his ninth defense of the CGC World Heavyweight Championship since he won it.”


Terry Smith: “Well Chris that’s all the time we have for this week’s edition of the show be sure to join Adrian Garcia live in the studio this Thursday night. He will be talking about some of the matches that you can expect to see this Sunday at In The Company Of Legends. Until then this has been Terry Smith saying so long and I will see you ringside this Sunday at the matches.”


OOC: Some of the matches that will take place at In The Company Of Legends will be posted on Thursday. Until then feel free to read up on this column and comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents In The Company Of Legends

Thursday Week 2, June 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman Adrian Garcia here to talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see at CGC’s next pay per view offering titled In The Company Of Legends. The event takes place tomorrow and will be held live from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada.


Eight matches have been signed for the evening, in the first Eddie Chandler takes on CGC Canadian Champion Larry Wood in a non-title match. Will Eddie be able to win the match and say that he beat the man who beat Nate Johnson? Or will Larry win the match and add another member of the Elite to his list of victims?


In the second match of the night, Ford Gumble takes on Vin Tanner, in a match between two guys we rarely get to see. Who will win this match is anyone’s guess tune into In The Company Of Legends this Friday to find out.


In the third match of the night the tag team championships currently held by Alex and Ricky DeColt are at stake as they take on not one but two teams in a triple threat tag team championship match. Their opponents The Dirty White Boys and the former CGC World Tag Team Champions The Soldiers Of Fortune. This match should be a good one with each team having an equal opportunity to win, which team will emerge as the winners find out this Friday night.


In the fourth match of the night Madman Boone takes on Zeus Maxmillion, both wrestlers have been on the loosing end in previous weeks. One of them will look to win the match and turn things around who will it be find out this Friday night.


In the fifth match of the night former CGC Canadian Champion Whippy The Clown takes on Thrill Seeker will the former champion be able to win the match and gain momentum towards getting another shot at the Canadian Championship. Or will Thrill Seeker defeat Whippy and make a claim at the CGC Canadian Championship himself?


In the sixth match of the night, Shane Nelson meets the man who has been a thorn in his side as of late in Nate Johnson. Will Shane be able to defeat his archrival or will Nate prove that Shane is no match for him with an easy win over Shane in this match?


In the seventh match of the night and the co-main event of the evening, Ed Monton takes on former CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. Will Ed be able to defeat Jack in this match and prove to everyone including himself that he has one more run left in him? Or will Jack DeColt barely break a sweat as he looks to defeat Ed Monton and gain another opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship down the line.


Finally in the main event of the evening it’s the match that everyone has been waiting for as current number one contender Steve Frehley gets another shot at Joey Poison and the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. Will Steve do whatever he can to win this match and prove that he is better than the whole CGC Roster? Or will Joey do whatever he can to make sure that Steve Frehley doesn’t walk out of this match with the Title and that Joey does himself. Tune into the show either live in the arena or on pay per view to find out.


Well that does it for this edition of the show and until tomorrow night this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long and I will see you all at ringside alongside my broadcast partner Terry Smith as we call all of the night’s action.


Those matches again are…

Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood

Non Title Match


Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts: Alex and Ricky ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


OOC: Predictions as always are welcomed, the results will be posted sometime on Sunday around 11pm so you have from now until then to make predictions if you would like to do so.

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Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood

Non Title Match


Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner


There is more upside to a Ford win here.


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts: Alex and Ricky ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion


Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker


Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


I think it is time for Steve to win the gold.

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Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood

Non Title Match


Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts: Alex and Ricky ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion


I like both Boone and Zeus but going with "The Bronzed God" on this one!


Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker


This time the Joke's on Whippy! Hee hee, always wanted to type that!


Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


Steve needs it... or else he's going back to SWF, maybe get a "legends" contract lol

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Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood

Non Title Match


Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts: Alex and Ricky ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

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I don't follow the CGC at all but i'll give this a shot.


Those matches again are…

Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood

(I know Larry so i'm taking MR Wood)


Non Title Match

Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner

(I know Ford as well, so i'll take him over tanner)


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts: Alex and Ricky ©

( I don't believe the DeColts are able to lose in their own fed)

CGC World Tag Team Championship Match


Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion

(Always like Zeus' look and stats)

Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker

(Not sure who Thrill seeker is, but a clown, come on i dug Doink back in the day)

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson

(No idea on either, so Shane cause Nate doesn't sound like a winning name)


Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

(Joey is a star, he's got it all and seems to grow no matter how i've used him. Doesn't mean Frehley will get dominated as he's pretty good himself.)

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CGC In The Company Of Legends

Friday, Week 3, June 2011

King Edward Multiplex (British Columbia) – 5,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


Segment 1


[To start off the show Joey Poison makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in hand and the CGC World Title around his waist he has a big smirk on his face as he gets in the ring. He looks out towards the crowd and then extends the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.]


Joey Poison: “Tonight I am going into my match as confident as ever, after all my opponent here tonight Steve Frehley has yet to beat me in a singles match. After tonight is over he will leave tonight the same way he came in still without a win over yours truly. This belt is going nowhere I am the champion for the foreseeable future so everyone in this company needs to get used to that fact. I am the reason why everyone who is here tonight is here tonight. That is because I am the best that this business has to offer and before anyone comes out here and claims otherwise I have the belt to prove it.”


[With that said Steve Frehley makes his way out onto the entrance ramp as it appears that he has something to say to the man in the ring who is his opponent later on tonight.]


Steve Frehley: “Joey I will give you all the credit in the world because although I came into this company and bragged about the fact that I have done everything in this business you are the one guy that I have not been able to beat. I give you credit for still being the man that I can not defeat because they say that everyone in this business has a guy that they can’t get the best of and you are it for me. However your luck is going to run out here tonight you can’t keep dodging a loss from me and tonight is the night that I am going to finally put you down. You escaped at Chaos In the Cage and you escaped on all our other encounters with that belt but tonight is going to be different. Tonight is my night and while you may have had nine successful defenses of your title you won’t make it to your tenth defense. That’s because I am going to beat you here tonight but don’t worry you will get the first shot at me after I beat you because that is the honorable thing to do.”


Joey Poison: “Steve you talk a big game but the fact is that I am not going to need to get a rematch because the fact is that I don’t plan on losing this belt here tonight. I have come too far in too long of a time to just lose here tonight and if for some reason it did happen I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing that you had my belt and that you weren’t the better man. Steve I want you to promise me something right now.”


Steve Frehley: “Yeah what’s that Joey?”


Joey Poison: “I want you to promise me that if you beat me here tonight that you will do it with honor you will do it cleanly and not cheap like some of the champions who have won this belt in the past. If you win this title here tonight I want there to be no unanswered questions once this match is over do we have a deal?”


Steve Frehley: “Alright you got it Joey but the question is not if I beat you it’s when I beat you but if you want me to do it in an honorable way I will. However it doesn’t matter which way I beat you here tonight because whether you like it or not it is going to happen. So I will see you in that very ring later tonight and I suggest you polish that belt up nice and shiny for me because that’s how I like my gold to look.”


[With that said Steve Frehley drops the microphone and turns around to make his way back through the entrance ramp and back to his locker room. Joey drops the microphone in the ring and gets out of the ring and goes to the back as well so that he can get ready for Steve and his match later on in the evening.]


Road Agent Notes

The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B+


Match 1

Eddie Chandler vs. Larry Wood


In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Eddie Chandler defeated Larry Wood in 18:27 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

Larry Wood was visibly tiring toward the end. Eddie Chandler and Larry Wood have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C+


Match 2

Ford Gumble vs. Vin Tanner


In an extremely short match, Ford Gumble defeated Vin Tanner in 4:13 by pinfall with a Savate Kick.


Road Agent Notes

Vin Tanner was rusty, but that will soon go away once he's got a few more matches under his belt. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.

Match Rating: E+


Match 3

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers Of Fortune vs. The DeColts (Alex and Ricky DeColt) ©


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Alex & Ricky DeColt defeated The Dirty White Boys and The Soldiers Of Fortune in 7:46; the order of elimination was The Dirty White Boys first, and finally The Soldiers Of Fortune. Alex & Ricky DeColt make defense number 3 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Destiny is improving in Technical skills. Destiny is improving in Performance skills. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Match 4

Madman Boone vs. Zeus Maxmillion


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Zeus Maxmillion defeated Madman Boone in 8:20 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: C-


Match 5

Whippy The Clown vs. Thrill Seeker


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Whippy The Clown defeated Thrill Seeker in 8:10 by pinfall with a Joke's On You.


Road Agent Notes

Thrill Seeker was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Whippy The Clown is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D


Segment 2

A video plays hyping the upcoming match between Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson.


Road Agent Notes

The Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: D+


Match 6

Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Nate Johnson defeated Shane Nelson in 7:56 by pinfall with a Natural Order.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Shane Nelson vs. Nate Johnson storyline has continued with this match.

Match Rating: C+


Match 7

Ed Monton vs. Jack DeColt


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Ed Monton in 17:45 by submission with an End Of Days.


Road Agent Notes

Ed Monton was visibly tiring toward the end. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Jack DeColt looked good out there. Ed Monton is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: C+


Main Event – Match 8

Steve Frehley vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Joey Poison defeated Steve Frehley in 19:57 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 10 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Joey Poison was visibly tiring toward the end. Steve Frehley was visibly tiring toward the end. Joey Poison and Steve Frehley have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The Joey Poison vs. Steve Frehley storyline has continued with this match.

Match Rating: B-


Segment 3

[After the main event has ended and as Steve and Joey make their way back to the entrance ramp, Eddie Chandler walks out to the ring and gets in through the top and middle ropes.]


Eddie Chandler: “Alex I want you to get out here right now this show is not going to end unless you come out here.”


[Just then Alex DeColt appears on the entrance ramp but is soon jumped by Destiny and Fate, who had been lying in wait. The ambush leaves Alex DeColt down and out as the show goes off of the air for the evening.]


Road Agent Notes

Destiny really needs a change to his character desperately. The Alex DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler storyline has been moved forward one stage with this segment.

Segment Rating: C-


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: There was a general feeling that some of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


CGC In The Company Of Legends Report


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC In The Company Of Legends last night in King Edward Multiplex, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 5 out of 7 predictions correct.

ThriceP86: 4 out of 7 predictions correct.

Emark: 6 out of 7 predictions correct.

Timber: 5 out of 7 predictions correct.


OOC: First off congratulations goes out to Emark for getting the most predictions right for this show (6 of 7) you are the winner for this round. Also thanks to BHK1978 and ThriceP86 and a special thanks to Timber for being a first time predictor on this dynasty I hope you continue to predict. Also to clear up any confusion you might have about the show even though there were eight matches on the show I forgot to list the Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton match on the prediction key so I am not holding that match against anyone. It is out of 7 instead of 8 because I screwed up by not listing the Jack DeColt vs. Ed Monton match in the prediction key. Finally the next edition of the interview between Terry Smith and Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime on Tuesday. Until then feel free to read the results and comment if you would like to do so.

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Terry Smith sits down with Chris Kaladaro after CGC In The Company Of Legends.


Terry Smith: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the show where I sit down with the head booker of Canadian Golden Combat Chris Kaladaro and talk to him about the last show. The event that we are talking about on this week’s edition of the show is CGC’s In The Company Of Legends which was CGC’s latest Pay Per View offering. Chris what were your overall thoughts on this show after it had ended?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I thought that it was very well done everyone on the show put out a great effort and although some of the matches weren’t as good as some or even as good as they could have been the show as a whole was a success.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the first segment of the night which was between number one contender to the World Title Steve Frehley and the current holder of that title Joey Poison what did you think of their back and forth this week on In The Company Of Legends?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that it was very well done, both guys did their part in making that segment and as a result of that they made people want to tune in later in the night to check out their match.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the first match of the night between Eddie Chandler and Larry Wood, what did you think of the opening match of the evening?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was a great way to start the show and even though Larry Wood lost the match it was a non title match which means that Eddie Chandler isn’t the new champion. Larry should have absolutely no problem bouncing back from this loss because he is a great champion.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the second match of the night involving Vin Tanner as he took on Ford Gumble in a one on one match. What did you think of their match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Ford Gumble got the win that’s the only thing I can really say about it because it was such a short match.”


Terry Smith: “Moving onto the third match of the night which was a triple threat tag team match for the CGC World Tag Team Championships. The challengers The Dirty White Boys and The Soldiers Of Fortune took on the champions in Alex and Ricky DeColt what did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I honestly expected this match to be worse than it was so props to The DeColts for holding this match together and making it what it was. It wasn’t a horrible match but it wasn’t a great match either. Had the DeColts not been involved in it the match would have been horrible in my opinion. At the end of the match Ricky and Alex won the match and defended their titles for the third time.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the fourth match of the night between Madman Boone and the bronzed god Zeus Maxmillion. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Honestly I think that Madman Boone held Zeus back a lit in this match, this should have been Zeus’ time to shine but unfortunately he and his opponents styles didn’t work well together and it made for an okay match at best.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the fifth match of the night between Whippy The Clown and Thrill Seeker, what did you think of their match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “It was just there and nothing special the announcing and the color commentary helped the match but not by much so in other words this match was very forgettable.”


Terry Smith: “Now after that match everyone saw a hype video for the next match between Shane Nelson and Nate Johnson, Chris what did you think of their match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought it was excellent both guys did a great job in doing what they do best and in the end Nate Johnson came out the winner. That doesn’t take anything away from Shane Nelson as he had a great showing in what turned out to be a great match.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the seventh match of the night which wasn’t advertised and a match that turned out to be a good one as well what did you think as Ed Monton took on Jack DeColt?”


Chris Kaladaro: “I thought that this match was a very good match, a while back I think I said that Ed might be a bit past his prime and while that might be true he still is capable of having great matches when he is given the right opponent. This match was the perfect example of what Ed can do if given the right opponent as it was one of the best of the night.”


Terry Smith: “Onto the main event of the evening and the eighth match of the night as Steve Frehley met Joey Poison in a one on one match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship. What did you think of this match?”


Chris Kaladaro: “The best match of the night for sure, both wrestlers gave it their all in the ring and they left it all in the ring once that match was over. This match was the perfect way to end a show and even though Steve lost the match I am sure that this won’t be the last time you see a match between Joey and Steve as they both had a great showing.”


Terry Smith: “Now just as the show was about to end and as Steve and Joey made their back to their respective locker rooms Eddie Chandler came out of the entrance ramp and called out Alex DeColt. Alex came out but was jumped by The Soldiers Of Fortune what do you make of these developments?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well Destiny and Fate are just trying to do whatever they can do to make it easier for them to back the CGC World Tag Team Titles when they get their opportunity. Yeah sure they had an opportunity earlier in the night but they want a two on two match where they only have to focus on one team and by doing this they might just get what they wanted.”


Terry Smith: “Well that’s all the time we have for this week’s edition of the show so Chris I would like to thank you as always for being here.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Your Welcome, thanks for having me.”


Terry Smith: “I would also like to remind everyone to join my broadcast partner Adrian Garcia live in the studio this Thursday night as he talks about some of the matches that you can expect to see on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. Until Sunday night this has been Terry Smith saying so long for now and I will see you all ringside alongside Adrian as we call all of the night’s action from ringside.”


OOC: Some of the matches that will be taking place on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted around 11pm on Thursday night. Until then feel free to read up on this column and comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Saturday Week 3, June 2011


Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to the latest edition of the show where I talk about some of the matches that you can expect to see on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. This week’s show will take place at Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada. Only three matches have been signed for the evening but they are three matches that you must see.


In the first match of the night, Eddie Chandler takes on Jack DeColt in a renewal of an old rivalry. These two had the biggest rivalry of 2010 and they haven’t wrestled each other in a one on one match since January 2011. Who will win this match is anyone’s guess but both wrestlers will look to start where they left off before their last match in January 2011.


In the second match of the night, Steve Frehley takes on Nate Johnson, will the former number one contender to Joey Poisons CGC World Title be able to defeat Nate and get his momentum back? Or will Nate Johnson sneak out a win on Steve Frehley and gain momentum towards getting a title shot of his own?


Finally in the main event and the third match of the night, Alex DeColt takes on Joey Poison in a non-title match. Will the owner of the company be able to derail Joey Poison forcing him to put the CGC World Title on the line in a future match? Or will the champion retain his title as he looks forward to what his future will hold for him as champion of Canadian Golden Combat?


All these questions and so many more will be answered live this Sunday night as Canadian Golden Combat presents Title Bout Wrestling live from the Abbotsford Recreation Complex in British Columbia Canada. Until then this has been Adrian Garcia saying so long and I will see you all Sunday night as Terry Smith and myself call all of the action from ringside.


Those matches again are…


Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt


Steve Frehley vs. Nate Johnson


Alex DeColt vs. Joey Poison ©

Non Title Match


OOC: As you can see there are only three matches this week as this weeks show is very angle heavy. Feel free to predict as always, the results will be posted around 11pm on Sunday night so you have from now until then to make predictions.

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