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Canadian Golden Combat: Reforming its legacy

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CGC Canadian Title Match

Ed Monton vs. Joey Poison ©

Monton is fading fast


Trent Shaffer vs. Bobby Thomas

Shaffer can be a big star


CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Soldiers of Fortune (Insane Heat and Fate) vs. Zeus Maxmillion and Stevie Grayson ©

The soldiers of jobdom do their duty


CGC World Title Match

Alex DeColt vs. Jack DeColt ©

draw. Alex wont win, but he wont lose

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CGC Canadian Title Match

Ed Monton vs. Joey Poison ©


Trent Shaffer vs. Bobby Thomas

Shaffer could be huge for you



CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Soldiers of Fortune (Insane Heat and Fate) vs. Zeus Maxmillion and Stevie Grayson ©


CGC World Title Match

Alex DeColt vs. Jack DeColt©

I have a feeling Chadler and Delay will intefer. Draw

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Locker room incident before the Week 1, February 2010 show


Thrill Seeker was in fine form before the show keeping everyone entertained with his hilarious road stories it created a relaxed and happy atmosphere


CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 1, February 2010

Varsity Arena (Ontario) – 2,000


To start off the show, A video plays hyping Joey Poison vs. Ed Monton.


Road Agent Notes

The Poison vs. Monton storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: D+


Match 1

Ed Monton vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Title Match


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Joey Poison defeated Ed Monton in 8:06 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 5 of his CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

Faith did some good work at ringside. Joey Poison and Ed Monton have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Poison vs. Monton storyline has continued with this match.

Match Rating: D


Match 2

Trent Shaffer vs. Bobby Thomas


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Trent Shaffer defeated Bobby Thomas in 9:43 by pinfall with a Heart Burn.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Trent Shaffer is improving in Rumble skills.

Match Rating: C-


Match 3

The Soldiers of Fortune vs. Zeus Maxmillion and Stevie Grayson ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxmillion in 8:30 when Destiny defeated Zeus Maxmillion by pinfall. The Soldiers Of Fortune win the CGC World Tag Team titles.


Road Agent Notes

Fate was really off his game tonight. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The DeColts vs. Maxmillion and Grayson storyline has continued with this match. Fate is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D+


After the match with the Soldiers of Fortune still in the ring, it is being set up for a celebration. They show off their new titles for the crowd, enjoying the moment. The Former Champions Maxmillion and Grayson interrupt the celebration, as they are not impressed. The four men end up fighting and have to be separated.


Road Agent Notes

This segment brought the crowd's mood down. Destiny is improving at acting. Stevie Grayson is improving at acting. Stevie Grayson is developing better performance skills.

Segment Rating: D-


Match 4

Alex DeColt vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match


In a match that had a fantastic crowd and great wrestling action, Jack DeColt defeated Alex DeColt in 27:44 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defense number 6 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was exhausted by the end. Hotstuff Marie did some good work at ringside. Alex DeColt was visibly tiring toward the end. The match dragged at the end, as it was too long for the workers to keep an 'all out' pace going.

Match Rating: D+


At the end of the show, Eddie Chandler is shown breaking into the locker of Jack DeColt, and stealing the title belt inside.


Road Agent Notes

The Chandler vs. DeColt storyline has continued with this segment.

Segment Rating: B+


Final Show Rating: D

Notes: Stevie Grayson was used to much, I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in Varsity Arena, and drew 2,000 fans. The feedback has been OK, although a lot of people think they should be doing better.


OOC: just a quick comment before I get to the predictions, I know that this wasn't the best show that I could have booked although I thought it would have done good at the time of booking. Hopefully next weeks show will be better.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 2/4

BYU14: 3/4

Dragonmack: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 2/4


Just to clarify I am counting both Dragonmack's and lo-drew's predictions for the main event as draws as losses. Nothing personal that is just the way that I have decided to handle it. Anyways thanks to all of you for making predictions, a new edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted within the next few days. Until then read up on the results and comment if you would like to.

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CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro


CGC.com: “Chris here we are once again I would like to get your initial thoughts on how this past Sunday’s edition of Title Bout Wrestling went down.”


Chris Kaladaro: “ Well to be honest, I would like to forget that this past Sunday’s show ever happened.”


CGC.com: “And what is your reasoning behind that.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well besides the bad rating we got, it has created a lot of negative atmosphere within the locker room. People within CGC are saying that maybe I wasn’t the answer to the problems that CGC was having before I came in. I mean you can tell that we were going to get a bad rating on the show when the highest rating for a match was a C- I don’t know if that is good by your standards but by my standards it sucks.


CGC.com: “Well sir with all do respect it was only one show so you should be able to bounce back easily.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well that isn’t the issue, you see when CGC hired me from NOTBPW I came here thinking and knowing that I would have to make an impact otherwise I would wind up unemployed again. The first few shows in January went off well, but this first show in February in my opinion was a disaster nothing more nothing less.”


CGC.com: “Well Chris I can’t say that I agree with everything that you are saying but who am I to disagree with the man who pays my salary.”


Chris Kaladaro: “You’re a smart man.”


CGC.com: “Well to close out this session I want to get a glimpse of some of your plans for the remainder of the month of February if I may.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well to be honest I haven’t got to many things planned that I can shed some light on because it would spoil some things that I have planned. However my goal for the rest of this month is to have shows that are better than this first one. If we don’t do that then the company as a whole is in big big trouble.


CGC.com: “As always Mr. Kaladaro it has been a pleasure to sit down with you this week and hopefully you are wrong and the rest of this month treats you nicely. This has been yet another edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro.”




OOC: Some of the card for the next show will be posted tomorow around 11:00pm. Until then read up on this Column or anything else that you may need to catch up on and as always feel free to comment if you would like to.

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling Preview

Week 2 February 2010


Hello ladies and gentleman Marty Papin here to go over what you can expect to see at this weeks edition of Title Bout Wrestling should you be there live or be watching on TV.


This edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be taking place live from King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia and here are some of the matches that will be taking place.


The theme for this weeks show is 3-3-3 that’s 3 DeColts in 3 separate matches against 3 different opponents. The first of the three matches will see Ricky DeColt going up against a man who has been a bit of a thorn in the side of Jack DeColt as of late in Eddie Chandler. Will Ricky be able to do his brother Jack a favor and silence Eddie Chandler or will Eddie Chandler beat one of the DeColts on his way to eventually beating Jack DeColt for the CGC World Title.


The second of the three matches involves Alex DeColt he will be going up against Dan DaLay. Will Dan be able to beat Alex or will Dan prove to be no match for Alex as he beats him in the middle of the ring. Also will Dan Dalay be able to execute the DaLay down to beat Alex or will Alex hit the DeColt Driver and pin DaLay in the center of the ring.


The final match in this series of three matches features Jack DeColt putting the CGC World Title on the line against his opponent for the evening Trent Shaffer. Trent has been on a role as of late and is very popular when it comes to the fans. Will Trent be able to use all of that against the current champion Jack and defeat him to win the title or will Jack DeColt prove to be too much for Trent to handle ending the winning streak. All this and so much more will be answered as CGC presents Title Bout Wrestling live this Sunday night from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada don’t miss out on this great night in CGC Wrestling history.


So until Sunday night this is Marty Papin saying so long and I will see you all at the matches.


Those matches again are


Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler

Alex DeColt vs. Dan Dalay


CGC World Championship Match

Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©


OOC: Predictions as always are welcome, after a few people have made their predictions on who they think will win the above matches the results of the show will be posted so that you can all see how you did. So like I always say get predictiing!

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Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler


You know this is going to be dumb because no DeColt should lose but I am going to go with Eddie in this one.


Alex DeColt vs. Dan Dalay


CGC World Championship Match

Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

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Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler

CHandler has every tool needed to be your top heel and the perfect match for the DeColts


Alex DeColt vs. Dan Dalay

Alex is better than Dalay


CGC World Championship Match

Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

Shaffer can be in that top spot one day, but needs more time, so wont be dethroning Jack

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I just would like to quicky thank both BHK and Dragonmack for the predictions. However it will be a while until the results for the show are posted as I am without a computer right now. I am not sure how long it will take before I get it back but hopefully not to much longer. However I wanted to post this so that anyone who was wondering where the results were had their question answered. This dynasty will be back up in full swing once I get my computer back. Until then thanks for the support!



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Just another update I got my computer back today but had to have my harddrive wiped completely out. I did manage to save the CGC game that I had and the dynasty word document so hopefully this can continue without any confusion so in other words hopefully when I re download the game and put the save where it should be hopefully it will behave properly without any problems. Thanks to everyone for their patience Hopefully the results will be up sometime tonight or tomorow.



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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 2, February 2010

King Edward Multiplex (British Columbia) – 5,000


To start out the show, Trent Shaffer comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Jack DeColt. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match.


Road Agent Notes

Trent Shaffer was very underwhelming. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Match 1

Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ricky DeColt defeated Eddie Chandler in 17:53 by pinfall with a DeColt 45.


Road Agent Notes

Ricky DeColt is improving in Technical skills.

Match Rating: C+


Match 2

Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Dan DaLay defeated Alex DeColt in 17:49 by pinfall with a DaLay Down.


Road Agent Notes

Dan DaLay was visibly tiring toward the end. Dan DaLay is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: B-


Jack DeColt is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Dan DaLay comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Jack DeColt does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B+


Main Event – Match 3

Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Trent Shaffer in 17:51 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defence number 7 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was exhausted by the end.

Match Rating: C


Final Show Rating: C+

Notes: This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in King Edward Multiplex, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been great, it has drawn a lot of praise.


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 1 of 3 correct

Dragonmack: 1 of 3 correct

Lo-Drew: 1 of 3 correct


As always I would like to thank all of you who predicted and also thank you for your patience as this show took a while to get up because of my computer crashing. This Dynasty will get back in full swing with the card for the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling being posted tomorow until then read up on the results and enjoy. Also feel free to comment if you would like to do so.

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CGC.com catches up with Chris Kaladaro after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling and just four days away from CGC’s February pay per view titled CGC Luck of the Draw.


CGC.com: “Hello once again CGC Wrestling fans we are here once again with Chris Kaladaro to talk about the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling and to get his thoughts on how it went down. So Chris how do you feel the last edition of Title Bout Wrestling went I mean just looking at the reviews it went pretty well but how do you think it went?”


Chris Kaladaro: “ Well being that we only had three matches on the card I would say that it went pretty well and being who was involved in those three matches I would have to say that I am quite pleased at the way things went down this past Sunday night.”


CGC.com: “That brings up my next question do you think by just having three matches on the card that it takes away from other matches that your younger stars could be having.”


Chris: “Well to be honest yes, but when you only have so many minutes of a television show within a week then it is kind of hard to figure out what to do with all of those extra wrestlers.”


CGC.com: “Is there a possibility of CGC getting another show in the future?”


Chris: “Well I will never rule it out but for now it isn’t in the works, but you never know we could eventually benefit from another show but for now we are just going to stick to the one we have and try to make it the best we can.”


CGC.com: “Now having said that you have a pay per view coming up this Sunday which is your second once since you took over as head booker of the company. Can you give us a glimpse of some of the things that we can expect?”


Chris: “Well to tell you the truth I can’t give you any specific things that will be happening on the show as of yet, but rest assured that our top five stars will all be on the show in matches whether it be against each other or other opponents. I can assure you that you won’t want to miss out on the great action, whether you are there live or decide that you want to pay the money to see it in the comfort of your own home live on pay per view.”


CGC.com: “Well as always I thank you Chris that is all the time we have on this edition of the CGC.com sit down but we are out of time for this edition. Before we wrap things up I just want to make everyone aware that CGC Luck of the Draw will take place live this coming Friday live on pay per view see you at the matches.”




OOC: So I know I said that I would be posting the card for the pay per view for this post but forgot about the CGC.com segment so the next thing that will be posted will be some of matches for CGC Luck of The Draw so that people can make predicitons. Until then read up and comment if you choose to do so.

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CGC.com: “That brings up my next question do you think by just having three matches on the card that it takes away from other matches that your younger stars could be having.”


Chris: “Well to be honest yes, but when you only have so many minutes of a television show within a week then it is kind of hard to figure out what to do with all of those extra wrestlers.”



If you are having a hard time trying to get all of your wrestler's work, might I suggest a pre-show battle royal. It always worked for me and you will be able to get a bunch of guys work all at once. And the skills of the wrestlers usually improves while taking part in a battle royal.

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CGC Luck of The Draw Preview

Week 3 February 2010


Hello ladies and gentleman and CGC Wrestling fans Marty Papin here to talk about some of the things that you can expect to see at the February CGC Pay Per View whether you are there live or watch it live on pay per view.


CGC’s Luck of the Draw takes place live this Sunday from the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park in British Columbia Canada and here are some of the matches that you can expect to see.


To start off the night, Trent Shaffer tries his luck against Ricky DeColt, Shaffer has had some luck as of late but will it end at Ricky DeColt? Tune into CGC Luck of the Draw to find out whether or not Shaffer continues his winning ways or if Ricky puts and end to them.


The CGC Canadian Title will be on the line as the current CGC Canadian Champion Joey Poison steps into the ring and puts his title on the line against Thrill Seeker. Many people are thinking that this match is a waste and that Joey will just run though Thrill Seeker so what will Thrill Seeker do in order to prove his critics wrong needless to say this match should be a great under card contest.


The CGC Tag Team titles will be on the line as the new champions The Soldiers Of Fortune (Destiny and Fate) take on challengers The Dirty White Boys Grease Hogg and Lead Belly. Will the Soldiers of Fortune be able to retain their titles or will the Dirty White Boys shock everyone and win the belts for themselves.


In the Co-main event Dan DaLay will meet the challenge of Alex DeColt, will Dan be able to do what people think he cant by beating Alex DeColt. Or will Alex get the win that many are saying that is inevitable.


Finally in the main event of the evening the CGC World Heavyweight Title will be on the line as Eddie Chandler challenges once again for the CGC World Championship against the champion Jack DeColt. Will history be witnessed live as the CGC Canadian Title changes hands or will Jack DeColt be able to retain the belt and make another successful defense of his championship.


All this and so much more will be answered live as CGC Presents Luck of The Draw don’t miss it as it could be a night to change the course of CGC forever.


Trent Shaffer vs. Ricky DeColt


CGC Canadian Title Match

Thrill Seeker vs. Joey Poison ©


CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©


Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt ©


OOC: Predictions are welcome, after a few people have posted their thoughts on who they think will win the matches the results will be posted. So get predicting!!!

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CGC Canadian Title Match

Thrill Seeker vs. Joey Poison ©

Rivera may have a new name but he is the same old bland


CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©

How the hell did the Soldiers of Fortune get the tag titles? Is your division that weak?


Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay

Decolt is just better.


CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt ©


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CGC Canadian Title Match

Thrill Seeker vs. Joey Poison ©


CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©


Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt ©


Well this is a carbon copy of Dragonmack's picks but they make the most sense to me as well.

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CGC Canadian Title Match

Thrill Seeker vs. Joey Poison ©


CGC Tag Team Championship Match

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©


Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt ©

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Locker room incident before CGC Luck of the Draw


Fate and Trent Shaffer have really bonded backstage having discovered a love of musicals.


CGC Luck Of The Draw

Friday Week 3, February 2010

Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia) – 15,000 - Live on Pay Per View


To start off the show, Jack DeColt comes down to the ring. He takes a microphone and starts talking to the crowd, before eventually getting interrupted by Eddie Chandler. They have a big argument, going back and forth on the microphone, before agreeing to face each other later on in a singles match.


Road Agent Notes

Adrian Garcia helped Chandler during this segment. The DeColts vs. Elite #1 (CGC) storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B+


Match 1

Trent Shaffer vs. Ricky DeColt


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ricky DeColt defeated Trent Shaffer in 17:42 by pinfall with a DeColt 45.


Road Agent Notes

There are no specific comments to be made about this match.

Match Rating: C+


Match 2

Thrill Seeker vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Title Match


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Joey Poison defeated Thrill Seeker in 7:34 by pinfall with an Antidote Web. Joey Poison makes defense number 6 of his CGC Canadian title.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Match Rating: D+


Match 3

The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated The Dirty White Boys in 8:05 when Fate defeated Lead Belly by pinfall. The Soldiers Of Fortune make defense number 1 of their CGC World Tag Team titles.


Road Agent Notes

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Grease Hogg is improving in Performance skills. Lead Belly is improving in Rumble skills. Lead Belly is improving in Technical skills. Lead Belly is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D-


Match 4

Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Dan DaLay defeated Alex DeColt in 28:04 by pinfall with a DaLay Down.


Road Agent Notes

Alex DeColt seemed off his game tonight. Dan DaLay was visibly tiring toward the end. Dan DaLay is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C


Jack DeColt is in the ring, about to compete. Before the match starts, Dan DaLay comes down to the ringside area, apparently scouting his future opponent. Jack DeColt does not look happy about it, and appears somewhat distracted too.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Main Event – Match 5

Eddie Chandler vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jack DeColt defeated Eddie Chandler in 28:26 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defense number 8 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was exhausted by the end. Eddie Chandler was visibly tiring toward the end. The match dragged at the end, as it was too long for the workers to keep an 'all out' pace going. The DeColts vs. Elite #1 (CGC) storyline has continued with this match. Jack DeColt is improving in Flying skills. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C-


Final Show Rating: C-

Notes: Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole, I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Last Night’s CGC Luck Of The Draw


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Luck Of The Draw last night in Kamloops Royal Athletic Park, and drew 15,000 fans. The feedback has been decent, although hardly spectacular.


Prediction Key

Dragonmack: 1 of 4 predictions correct

BHK1978: 2 of 4 predictions correct

Lo Drew: 3 of 4 predictions correct


As always I would like to thank the three of you for making predictions. The next edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime tomorow or Wednesday with some of the next card being posted by Thursday. Until then read up on the results and don't hesitate to comment if you would like to do so.

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