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CGC.com catches up with Chris Kaladaro after the latest Edition of Title bout Wrestling


CGC.com: “Hello once again CGC Wrestling fans we are here once again to talk about the latest edition of CGC Title Bout Wrestling with the one and only Chris Kaladaro. Chris you have to be happy with the results and the reviews that this past Sunday’s show has been getting correct me if I am wrong.”


Chris: “Well yeah you are absolutely correct we did in fact have a great edition of Title Bout Wrestling this past Sunday. I can’t help but thank the guys on the roster who were on the card for that show including Jack DeColt who was my opponent for that night.”


CGC.com: “Wow that surprises me considering the fact that you two had it at one another at the beginning of the show.”


Chris: “Well we wanted to do what we could in order to put on the best show possible and I believe that we did that. Now I should make a point that we didn’t do it alone as there were two other big matches on the card. With Ricky DeColt taking on and beating Dan DaLay and also Eddie Chandler beating Alex DeColt.”


CGC.com: “We’ll the three DeColts were all featured on this show and I am guessing that you did that on purpose.”


Chris: “Of course I did I mean the DeColts whether you like them or not are not only the best workers in Canadian Golden Combat but in the entire wrestling industry so it would be a huge mistake not to feature them on the shows.”


CGC.com: “Does that include Steve DeColt.”


Chris: “Well yes and no because while Steve may have defected to NOTBPW he is still a DeColt and a phenomenal wrestler and with any luck you will see Steve back in CGC while I am still head booker.”


CGC.com: “Wow that’s a bold statement.”


Chris: “Well how long can someone hold a grudge I guess we will have to wait and see on that one.”


CGC.com: “Well as always Chris I would like to thank you for your time and I look forward as I am sure that everyone else is looking forward to the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling. Until then CGC fans so long and we will see you at the show.”




OOC: The next edition of Chris Kaladaro's Monthly Review will be posted on Monday at the latest. Until then read up on this or anything else in this dynasty and as always feel free to comment if you would like to.

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Chris Kaladaro presents…

Monthly Review for February 2010


Hello once again CGC Wrestling fans and welcome to another exciting edition of Chris Kaladaro’s Monthly review this time for the month of February 2010.


The first show of the month started off with a video to hype a match between Ed Monton and Canadian Champion Joey Poison. Immediately following the video the two warriors entered the ring to do battle with one another Joey Poison got the victory over his foe to make defense number 5 of the Canadian Championship. The next match of the night was the up and comer Trent Shaffer taking on Bobby Thomas, Trent Shaffer defeated Thomas in 9:43 by pinfall with Heartburn. In tag team championship action the Soldiers of Fortune challenged Stevie Grayson and Zeus Maxmillion, the match ended when Destiny pinned Zeus Maxmillion to gain the Tag Team Titles for the Soldiers. After the match and during a celebration that was set up for the duo that just won the titles the former champions rushed the ring and attacked the new champions. You can be sure that by the results of this that Zeus and Stevie will be getting another crack at the champions on a future date. In the main event it was brother vs. brother as the owner of the company Alex DeColt took on the company’s champion Jack DeColt. The match went back and forth until Jack was able to lock in the End of Days submission hold on Alex, which forced him to tap out. Jack DeColt made defense number six of his CGC World Championship. At the conclusion of that show a camera cut to the backstage area and more importantly to the locker room of Jack DeColt just in time to see Eddie Chandler steal Jack DeColt’s World Championship belt as CGC Title Bout Wrestling went off the air for the evening.


On the second show of the month of February things started off with Trent Shaffer coming down to the ring Trent took a microphone and started talking to the crowd before getting interrupted by Jack DeColt. The two men argued back and forth before finally agreeing to face each other one on one in a match later on that night. In the first match of the evening the man who stole the World Title from Champion Jack DeColt took on Jack’s brother Ricky. The match ended when Ricky defeated Eddie with a DeColt 45, in the second match of the evening Dan DaLay defeated Alex DeColt with a DaLay Down. Before the main event was scheduled to take place Dan DaLay who just won his match came down to ringside as Jack DeColt was already in the ring. The main event saw Trent Shaffer face the CGC World Champion Jack DeColt in a match that saw Jack DeColt hit the end of days on Trent Shaffer to gain the pinfall and make defense number seven of his CGC World Title.


On the third show of the month, it was CGC Luck of the Draw live on Pay Per View to start off the show, Jack DeColt and Eddie Chandler went back and forth on the microphones before eventually agreeing to meet one on one later in the night. The first match featured the red hot Trent Shaffer taking on Ricky DeColt, however Ricky DeColt was able to put some water on Trent Shaffers fire by beating him with the DeColt 45. In the second match, Thrill Seeker got a chance to face Joey Poison for the CGC Canadian Title. However Thrill Seeker couldn’t escape the power of the Antidote Web which led to a pinfall victory for Poison and defense number six of his Canadian Title. In tag team title action, The Dirty White Boys took on the Soldiers of Fortune for the tag team titles. The Soldiers of Fortune defeated the Dirty White Boys when Fate pinned Lead Belly this win gave the Soldiers of Fortune their first successful title defense. In the co-main event, Alex DeColt took on Dan DaLay and in a shocking turn of events Dan DaLay was able to defeat Alex DeColt with a DaLay down. Finally in the fifth match of the evening and that nights main event, Eddie Chandler took on CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. The match ended when Jack locked Eddie in the End of Days to get him to tap out and give Jack DeColt the submission victory, this win gave Jack his eighth defense of the CGC World Title.


On Title Bout Wrestling following CGC Luck of the Draw only saw three matches but they were three great ones at that. To start off the show the DeColts all made there presence felt that was until Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay and yours truly interrupted their party. It was decided the team of the DeColts would be taking on Eddie, Dan, and Myself later on in the main event. The first match of the night was Trent Shaffer taking on Whippy The Clown, Trent Shaffer was able to use the heartburn for the second consecutive week to knock off one more of his opponents. In the second match of the evening Zeus Maxmillion got a shot at Joey Poison and his CGC Canadian Belt. The match ended when Joey Poison pinned Zeus Maxmillion after use of the Antidote Web this win gave Poison his seventh defense of the CGC Canadian Championship. In the third match of the evening two men who have been craving gold Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson found themselves partners in a match versus the Soldiers of Fortune. The match ended when Destiny defeated Nate Johnson by pinfall this win gave the Soldiers of Fortune their second defense of their tag team titles. Finally in the main event of the evening, Alex, Ricky, and Jack DeColt took on Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay, and yours truly Chris Kaladaro in a match that was off the charts. The match ended when Alex DeColt pinned Dan DaLay after delivering the DeColt Driver.


On the final show of February 2010, I came out at the start to talk about some of the things that have happened since I took over as CGC Head Booker. However Jack DeColt had to interrupt me which forced me to make the main event of the evening Jack DeColt vs. yours truly more on that later. First up was the match between Dan DaLay and Ricky DeColt, at the end of the match Ricky DeColt was able to end the match by pinfall after delivering the DeColt 45 to Dan DaLay. In match two of the evening, Eddie Chandler took on CGC Owner Alex DeColt, Eddie Chandler was able to pull out the upset victory on Alex DeColt by submission with the Fabulous Stretch. Finally in the main event it was your’s truly taking on Jack DeColt in a non-title match. The match ended when Jack DeColt locked on the End Of Days submission hold and I was forced to tap out giving him the win. There you have it the DeColts went up two wins to my teams one. That just about wraps up this month’s edition of Chris Kaladaro’s monthly Review so until next time I will see you at the matches.


OOC: Some of the matches that will be taking place on the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted by Tuesday at the latest so until then read up on this Column and comment if you would like to.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 1 March 2010


This week’s edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be taking place from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia. Here are some of the things that you can expect to see should you decide to attend the show or if you already have tickets this Sunday night.


All three of the DeColts are in action and first up in the evening will be CGC Owner Alex DeColt taking on Nate Johnson. Can Nate Johnson pull out the upset of upsets by defeating the owner of CGC in Alex or will Alex prove that power is everything with a win over Johnson.


The second match of the evening will be the third time that Eddie Chandler meets Ricky DeColt. On the past two occasions that these two men have met in the ring, Ricky DeColt has gotten the victory. Will Ricky DeColt make a clean sweep over Eddie Chandler and win his third straight match against Chandler or will Chandler get his first victory over Ricky.


Finally in your main event Dan DaLay faces off against CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. Will Dan DaLay be able to hit Jack with the DaLay Down in order to capture the CGC World Title or will Jack DeColt prove to be too much for DaLay to overcome.


All this and so much more live this Sunday night from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada there are few tickets still remaining so if you want to go now is your chance.


Those matches again are…


Nate Johnson vs. Alex DeColt


Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


CGC World Championship Match

Dan DaLay vs. Jack DeColt ©


OOC: Predictions as always are welcome so those of you who want to make them should do so now. After I get a few people's predictions the results of the show will be posted so like always get predicting!

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Nate Johnson vs. Alex DeColt


Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


Well he beat a DeColt last time, so I don't think this will be a repeat of that.


CGC World Championship Match

Dan DaLay vs. Jack DeColt ©


No reason for the title to change hands in my opinion

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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 1, March 2010

King Edward Multiplex (British Columbia) – 5,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


To start of the show Jack DeColt waists no time as his music begins to play in the arena, the fans begin to cheer as the CGC World Champion Jack DeColt makes his way out to the ring. He grabs a microphone and raises it slowly to his lips before beginning to speak.


Jack DeColt: “Well Dan DaLay just so you know if you already don’t the two of us are facing each other here tonight and just because you beat my brother Alex on last weeks show don’t expect for a repeat this week. You see I am the champion and I don’t plan on losing the title tonight so if you have anything that you would like to add to that I suggest that you get your ass out here. Hell we don’t even have to wait for the main event we can do it right now.”


With that said Dan DaLay’s music begins to play over the PA System in the arena as the challenger in tonight’s main event makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp. He stops there and has a big smirk on his face he extends the microphone that he already has in his right hand and begins to speak.


Dan DaLay: “Jack, Jack, Jack you must think I am a moron you see I already have you in the main event tonight so why face each other now that would be a waist wouldn’t it. Well the fact that I have beaten your brother Alex who is the owner of this company twice in singles matches must be scaring you otherwise you wouldn’t have done that.


Jack: “You think I am scared of you I don’t think so because I have something that you don’t and that is this.”


[With that said Jack holds the CGC World Championship belt high in the air for everyone in the arena to see including Dan DaLay.]


Dan: “Whatever Jack you might have that belt but the fact of the matter is that you won’t be having it much longer after I beat you tonight in the center of the ring.”


Jack: “You know everyone that I have faced since I won this belt has said the same thing and guess what they all have failed to do exactly what you just said that you were going to do. So if I was a betting man which I am not but if I was I would bet on you losing this match tonight.”


Dan: “Whatever that is just wishful thinking on your part.”


Jack: “Yeah for now but in about one hour we will be stepping into this ring and I will prove that I am the better wrestler and I will also prove exactly why I am the CGC World Heavyweight Champion.”


[With that said Jack DeColt’s music begins to blare over the PA system once again as he drops his microphone and begins to get out of the ring while Dan DaLay is shown still on the entrance ramp just shaking his head at the Champion.]


Road Agent Notes

Adrian Garcia helped DaLay during this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Match 1

Nate Johnson vs. Alex DeColt


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Alex DeColt defeated Nate Johnson in 13:17 by pinfall with a DeColt Driver.

Match Rating: C


Match 2

Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eddie Chandler defeated Ricky DeColt in 12:39 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch.


Road Agent Notes

Ricky DeColt seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. This match lifted the crowd.

Match Rating: B-


Main Event - Match 3

Dan DaLay vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match


In a bout that had great heat and good action, Jack DeColt defeated Dan DaLay in 28:05 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defense number 9 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was exhausted by the end. Dan DaLay was visibly tiring toward the end. The match dragged at the end, as it was too long for the workers to keep an 'all out' pace going. Dan DaLay is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: D+


After the main event is over and Jack DeColt is in the ring Celebrating his victory Ricky comes down to the ring and gets in. He waists no time as he gets on top of Dan DaLay and begins reigning down on him with punches. Before long Jack instructs his younger brother Ricky to get Dan up Jack then takes the CGC World Title and runs at Dan DaLay who is being held by Ricky and Strikes him hard in the face with the belt. Dan is left down and out in the ring with both Jack and Ricky raising their hands over their fallen adversary as the copyright information is shown.


Road Agent Notes

This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B-


Final Show Rating: C-

Notes: I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling Report


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in King Edward Multiplex, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been decent although hardly spectacular.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.92 rating on Maple Leaf Sports


Prediction Key

BHK1978: 2 of 3 predictions correct

Dragonmack: 3 of 3 predictions correct

Lo Drew: 3 of 3 predictions correct


Thanks goes out to the three of you for making predictions the next edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime on Sunday or Late on Monday. Until then read up on the results and comment if you would like.

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CGC.com catches up with Chris Kaladaro after the latest Edition of Title bout Wrestling


CGC.com: “Hello once again Canadian Golden Combat Wrestling fans we are here once again with a man who certainly needs no introduction Chris Kaladaro. Chris can you tell us your thoughts on the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling?


Chris Kaladaro: “Well Certainly, you know I do have to say that when I signed the main event of the last show which of course was Dan DaLay vs. Jack DeColt for the CGC World Title that’s all I had to do. I left it up to them to do the rest and boy did they with their argument with one another at the start of the last show and to top it off their match was better than some expected.”


CGC.com: “Which brings me to my next question because looking at the results they certainly didn’t get the best rating on their match so would you still say that they had a good contest?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Absolutely you know when you are head booker or even when you are one of the boys in the back a letter grade for a match means absolutely nothing. Hell you can have the best match of your career but still get a bad rating. That’s kind of how I felt about the match between Dan DaLay and Jack DeColt that being that they had a great match no matter what the rating said. They did exactly what they wanted to do and that was go out and entertain the fans and isn’t that what this business is supposed to be all about.”


CGC.com: “Indeed you are correct on that one, well is there anything else you have to say about this past show?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well yes there is because a show isn’t just all about the main event because truth is there is always more that goes into a show getting a good review or whatever. In addition to the main event there were two other outstanding matches as Nate Johnson took on CGC Owner Alex DeColt and hell Nate almost defeated Alex before ending up on the receiving end of a DeColt Driver. Also Eddie Chandler vs. Ricky DeColt was a good match in its own right because it was the first time that Eddie Chandler was able to get the win over Ricky as in their previous two bouts the opposite happened with Ricky getting the win.”


CGC.com: “Well it sounds like you just about said it all Chris, do you have anything else left to add?”


Chris Kaladaro: “No except for the fact that I hope that we can continue to have great shows and I can continue to be a locker room leader in a place that already has plenty of them.”


CGC.com: “Well as always Chris I would like to thank you for your time until next time this has been another edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro.”


OOC: Some of the matches for the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted within the next couple of days. Until then read up on this or anything else in this dynasty and as always feel free to comment if you would like to.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 2 March 2010


Hello ladies and gentleman and CGC Wrestling fans and welcome to the latest preview of CGC Title Bout Wrestling. CGC Title Bout Wrestling will be taking place live from King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada and here are some of the matches that you can expect to see should you attend.


Three matches have been signed for this week’s edition of Title Bout Wrestling the first match that will take place is Ricky DeColt taking on CGC Head booker Chris Kaladaro. Will Ricky DeColt be able to get a one up on Chris or will Chris Kaladaro prove that being a DeColt isn’t something to gloat about.


The second match of the evening is a triple threat match between three of CGC’s Top Stars Alex DeColt, Dan DaLay, and Eddie Chandler. All three of these men have proven to be great assets to the CGC roster but who is the better of the three find out this Sunday night as DeColt, DaLay, and Chandler face off in the middle of the ring.


Finally in the main event, the CGC World Title will be at stake as CGC World Champion Jack DeColt takes on first time challenger Bobby Thomas. Will Jack DeColt be able to make another successful defense of his World Title or will Bobby Thomas prove that he only needs one opportunity at the belt in order to win it.


All this and so much more will take place live this Sunday on CGC Title Bout Wrestling which will take place live from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada. There are still select seats available so if you want to be at the show now is your last chance to make it happen. Until then so long and we look forward to seeing you at the matches.


Those matches again are


Ricky DeColt vs. Chris Kaladaro


Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay vs. Eddie Chandler


CGC World Championship Match

Bobby Thomas vs. Jack DeColt ©


OOC: Alright so you all know the drill make your predictions and after I get a few people who have made their pics the results will be posted so that you can see how well you did. So get predicting!

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Thanks to everyone so far for the predictions. I am going to start writing the show tonight when I get home and with any luck it will be up by Friday. However if it is not up by Friday then it will be up by Sunday at the latest.




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CGC Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 2, March 2010

King Edward Multiplex (British Columbia) – 5,000

Shown Live on Maple Leaf Sports


[To start off the show live from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada in front of 5,000 screaming CGC Wrestling fans, Jack DeColt’s music hits over the PA System as he starts to make his way down to the ring. Jack gets into the ring and goes to the corner of it to call for a microphone, the ring announcer quickly gives him a microphone and he returns to the center of the ring where he motions for his music to be cut. He raises the microphone to his lips and begins to speak.]


Jack DeColt: “Well, Well, Well as you all can see but for those of you who may not be able to, I am still the CGC World Heavyweight Champion as I defeated Dan DaLay in the main event last week on this very show. You know Dan DaLay isn’t someone that is beaten easily and I will admit he took me to my limit but that’s all that he did because he failed to take the one thing that mattered and that is this.”


[With that said Jack raises the CGC World Title high up in the air for everyone to see.]


Jack DeColt: “You know it was a valiant effort probably the best effort that anyone has put up against me since I have been the champion but now I have to wonder who is next. Who haven’t I beaten yet well it think it is safe to say that I have beaten everyone that has been put in front of me by Chris Kaladaro.”


[With that said the music of Bobby Thomas begins to echo throughout the arena as Bobby makes his presence felt on the entrance ramp with a microphone already in hand.]


Bobby Thomas: “Well I guess you have forgotten about me almighty champion.”


Jack DeColt: “Your kidding me right they think you are the guy who can beat me for the title Bobby you nothing but a joke.”


Bobby Thomas: “You know Jack if I were you I wouldn’t talk so badly about Chris Kaladaro and the others in charge of CGC.”


Jack DeColt: “What are you talking about punk you need to realize that although Chris Kaladaro may be the head booker that my brother Alex DeColt is still the man ultimately in charge.”


Bobby Thomas: “Well whatever the case may be that doesn’t change the fact that it is you and me in the main event tonight. So if I were you I would go back to your locker room and say your tearful good byes to your CGC World Title because tonight it is coming home with me.”


[With that said The music of Bobby Thomas begins to play once again over the sound system in the arena as Bobby Thomas drops his microphone and can’t help but smile at his adversary. Bobby shortly disappears from the view of the crowd as Jack DeColt is left in the ring not knowing what he is going to do about his most recent threat.]


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt came out of this looking excellent. Bobby Thomas under performed.

Segment Rating: C


Match 1

Ricky DeColt vs. Chris Kaladaro


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ricky DeColt defeated Chris Kaladaro in 12:48 by pinfall with a DeColt 45.


Road Agent Notes

Ricky DeColt seemed off his game tonight. The announcing job done by Marty Papin was pretty weak. The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. This match lifted the crowd. Chris Kaladaro is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: B-


Match 2

Alex DeColt vs. Dan DaLay vs. Eddie Chandler


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Alex DeColt defeated Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler in 13:15 when Alex DeColt defeated Eddie Chandler by pinfall with a DeColt Driver.


Road Agent Notes

The announcing quality wasn't up to the same standard as the match. Dan DaLay is improving in Performance skills. Eddie Chandler is improving in Performance skills.

Match Rating: C


Main Event – Match 3

Bobby Thomas vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Jack DeColt defeated Bobby Thomas in 27:53 by submission with an End Of Days. Jack DeColt makes defense number 10 of his CGC World title.


Road Agent Notes

Jack DeColt was exhausted by the end. Bobby Thomas was visibly tiring toward the end. Jack DeColt and Bobby Thomas have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The match dragged at the end, as it was too long for the workers to keep an 'all out' pace going.

Match Rating: D+


At the end of the show and as Jack DeColt making his way to the backstage area to celebrate his win, Eddie Chandler meets him on the ramp. They have some heated words momentarily before they start brawling with each other. They brawl all the way to the backstage area and the cameras follow as Road Agents, Referees, and other staff members do their best to try and pull them apart.


Road Agent Notes

The DeColts vs. Elite #1 (CGC) storyline has continued with this segment. This segment lifted the crowd.

Segment Rating: B


Final Show Rating: C

Notes: I think this show might have actually hurt our popularity overall.


Last Night’s CGC Title Bout Wrestling


Canadian Golden Combat held CGC Title Bout Wrestling last night in King Edward Multiplex, and drew 5,000 fans. The feedback from viewers has been that the show was good, although some found it underwhelming.


CGC Title Bout Wrestling draws a 0.88 rating on Maple Leaf Sports


Prediction Key

BYU 14: 3 of 3 correct!

BHK1978: 2 of 3 correct

Dragonmack: 2 of 3 correct

Lo-Drew 2 of 3 correct


Thanks to the four of you for predicting and congratulations go out to BYU for getting a perfect 3 of 3 correct on this show. The next edition of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro will be posted sometime during the weekend until then read up on the results and comment if you would like to.

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CGC.com catches up with Chris Kaladaro after the latest Edition of Title bout Wrestling


CGC.com: “Hello once again CGC fans we are here as always after the latest edition of Title Bout Wrestling to talk abut some of the things that happened with the one and only Chris Kaladaro. Chris if I may get your first thoughts on how you thought the show this week went.”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well I have no complaints to make really the segment that opened the show with Jack DeColt and Bobby Thomas went off as good as I could have imagined.”


CGC.com: “Do you think that Bobby Thomas is the one guy who could lead CGC into the future even if he is not a DeColt?”


Chris Kaladaro: “Well right now I couldn’t say that about Bobby Thomas I mean he is a great in ring talent and all but it just seems to me like something is missing and that he needs that extra something. I would have to say that if you want my opinion on who I think the future of the company is than you will look no further than Trent Shaffer. I mean he is a guy who has World Champion written all over him and sooner rather than later that could be the case.”


CGC.com: “Does that mean that we can expect Trent to win the belt soon?”


Chris: “Well if he keeps up with things and the way they are going now then I would definitely say that a couple months down the line he will be the champion.”


CGC.com: “That’s a real bold statement considering he wasn’t even on this weeks show.”


Chris: “Yeah I know but not everyone can be on every show now can they?”


CGC.com: “Well we are running a bit short on time so before we have to sign off I would like your opinion on how the other matches on the card went.”


Chris: “Well of course I faced Ricky DeColt and Ricky really took me to my limit and I am quite surprised that I can still go with guys that are that young. As for the triple threat match with Alex DeColt, Dan DaLay and Eddie Chandler, it wasn’t as good to me as I thought it should have or could have been. However it was a good match and the three guys went out and tore the house down.”


CGC.com: “Well that just about does it for this weeks edition any thing you would like to add?”


Chris: “No, I have said what I needed to say.”


CGC.com: “Well then until next time this has been another installment of CGC.com sits down with Chris Kaladaro.”




OOC: The preview for the next edition of Title Bout Wrestling will be posted by Tuesday Night at the latest. Until then read up on this or anything else in this dynasty and feel free to comment if you would like to do so.

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Canadian Golden Combat Presents Title Bout Wrestling

Sunday Week 3 March 2010


Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to another edition of the Title Bout Wrestling preview as brought to you by me Marty Papin. This weeks edition will take place from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia Canada and here are some of the matches that you can expect to see should you choose to attend the show live this Sunday Night.


First up the CGC Canadian Championship will be on the line as current champion Joey Poison steps into the ring to do battle with Zeus Maxmillion. Will Joey be able to retain his belt or will Maxmillion prove to everyone watching and around the world that he is not just a tag team wrestler and is ready to take the next step as a singles competitor.


The next match on the card will feature tag team action as the CGC World Tag Team Champions Fate and The Insane Heat collectively known as The Soldiers of Fortune do battle with the Dirty White Boys. The belts will be on the line in this match will the Soldiers retain their titles or will we see the crowning of new tag team champions in the Dirty White Boys.


In the co-main event, Eddie Chandler is forced to take on two men at the same time in Alex and Ricky DeColt. Being that Eddie has been a thorn in the side of current CGC World Champion Jack DeColt will the other two DeColts try and please their brother by taking out his adversary or will Eddie Chandler score the upset win.


Finally in the main event hot up and comer Trent Shaffer gets his chance at making a name for himself when he steps into the ring with CGC World Champion Jack DeColt. These two are no strangers to each other as they have met once before, will lighting strike twice for Jack or will we see a new CGC World Champion in Trent Shaffer.


All this and so much more will be answered as CGC presents Title Bout Wrestling live this Sunday on Maple Leaf Sports and from the King Edward Multiplex in British Columbia. There are still select seats available so if you want to have a chance to see some great in ring action I wouldn’t hesitate to get the last few tickets as they will be gone by the time the show starts. Until then I am Marty Papin and I will see you ringside at the matches live this Sunday night.


Those matches again are


Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt


Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match


OOC: As always predictions are welcome, once a few people have given their thoughts on who they think will win the matches listed above and as soon as I have written out the segments the results of the show will be posted. So like I always say get predicting!!!

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt


Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match

I see Poison holding this a little while


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©CGC Tag Team Championship Match

Tempted to go with the change, but think this may build a little more


Eddie Chandler vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt

DeColts keep rolling


Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match

and rolling :)

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Zeus Maxmillion vs. Joey Poison ©

CGC Canadian Championship Match


The Dirty White Boys vs. The Soldiers of Fortune ©

CGC Tag Team Championship Match


Eddie Chandler vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt


Trent Shaffer vs. Jack DeColt ©

CGC World Championship Match

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