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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Sighs and facepalms. All I have to say is: poor Greed! But we've all had it, haven't we? We've all had the higher-ups in any business force this arrogant little punk into our lives? Maybe it's just me. lol. But here's hoping that one day Greed will be able to haul off and sock Chord the way he deserves and the way that Rip should've done a long time ago.


We can only hope, Angel.... We can only hope. :cool:


I think if this diary gets credit for one thing, it's that it's given Matt Sparrow a character. Before this he was the KING of Bland, and I really can't remember anyone ever really showing interest in him. Now? Now he's a cult classic.


By the way EV, if you're looking for material that Pecker Wrecker can use; this:



No shame in taking from the best at his art-form :)


Joel Gertner is amazing in my eyes. ha. I remember him during his days in ECW (I was around 14-16 at that time) & I thought he was hilarious. As you said, he truly made it his "art-form".


With that said, Matty has always been a favorite of mine for some reason. However, I never really knew how to book him & he always ended up as a glorified jobber. Luckily now, by accident, I found a persona that I really like for him. He's a lot of fun to write for & his brewing feud with "The Moral Majority" is a really intriguing cultural struggle as a writer.



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You mentioned cultural stuggle. I often get into debates with writers about what makes for a face and what makes for a heel. For instance I have an e-fed friend who thought/thinks that a face (himself, who is very, very over) can trash another face (a well loved face mind you) provided that his character believes it right. I beg to differ.


However, I will say this: In wrestling, it's not what you are, it's how you do it.


Personally I think any gimmick can be done in as a face or heel, regardless of the content. For example: Kane. His character is evil, that's a fact. He's basically a demon of hell. However, he can go face or heel with changing anything except for the manner he addresses people. It's not what you are, it's how you do it.


Enter the moral majority and the porn star.


The moral majority would probably have the moral high ground in real life, but in wrestling...you don't treat people with respect, you're the bad guys no matter what.

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You mentioned cultural stuggle. I often get into debates with writers about what makes for a face and what makes for a heel. For instance I have an e-fed friend who thought/thinks that a face (himself, who is very, very over) can trash another face (a well loved face mind you) provided that his character believes it right. I beg to differ.


However, I will say this: In wrestling, it's not what you are, it's how you do it.


Personally I think any gimmick can be done in as a face or heel, regardless of the content. For example: Kane. His character is evil, that's a fact. He's basically a demon of hell. However, he can go face or heel with changing anything except for the manner he addresses people. It's not what you are, it's how you do it.


Enter the moral majority and the porn star.


The moral majority would probably have the moral high ground in real life, but in wrestling...you don't treat people with respect, you're the bad guys no matter what.


Without going to far into a response (as I'm afraid that this topic could really take "wings" of its own and completely overtake the diary at hand), I agree with your assessment of how the face/heel scenario works with most any gimmick. The same goes for a character like, lets say, Shawn Michaels back in the 90's.


He pretty much played the same arrogant pretty-boy character through most of the decade; however, it was how he interacted with other superstars that ultimately made whether or not he was face or heel. His ability, or inability, to pay respect to those who deserve respect (At least from the fan's perspective).


As you said, The Moral Majority may have a fanbase in some viewers as they agree with their viewpoints. However, I've hyped them up rather aggressive in their tone so it may scare most away (even though I wouldn't always say so I guess). Matty, at least with my demographic, will almost always like the guy. however, his character could certainly be a "heel" in this feud against those with "Moral standing".


Great comment though, Celt. :D

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Its definitely a topic that can generate a ton of debate. So I won't say much. But I do think the idea of what makes "good" versus "bad" in wrestling is most interesting. Is it how a wrestler acts? Who they face? How the fans react? There are so many ways to definite it...


Bad to DOA.... The stuff wtih Chord is looking fun. Keep up the good work.

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Good vs Bad is always a main staple of most wrestling companies, especially traditional ones. But it is the shades of good and bad, and all the potential 'gray' area that really bring out characters and give the ability to really tell a story and draw people in. When done well, with a character like Raven it is almost a work of art.


Of course when it's done badly, ala Lex Luger switching between heel and face depending on who held the world championship at any point, then of course the character becomes a parody. But that opens up it's own opportunities also. ;)


Then of course, there is all the things to explore that would lead a character to either turn 'good' or 'bad' and the motivations that caused it. In fact, at least from what I have seen, almost every 'face' wrestler has the potential to be turned to a heel, with varying degrees of success ( possible exception being Ricky Steamboat. I can't see anyone EVER buying him as a heel.)


Of course the reverse is somewhat less true. There are several heels that it is almost impossible to ever truly support or believe in as faces. Even the best efforts and mega pushes would make it hard to really buy into them as a genuine 'face' character. Modern example would be Randy Orton. A more classic one would be Kevin Sullivan. ( A devil worshipping sadist with a Napolenic complex is about as heel as you can get ;) , at least in character. )


But to me, possibly the most interesting study, and probably one, knowing how you like to write characters, will be the person who is demonstrably a heel by their actions, yet truly beleives they are doing good and trying to help.


I explored something like that in a simpler fashion during the Jack and Steve DeColt feud I had in my CGC diary. Steve stole Jack's fiancee, faked her kidnapping, hired a psycopath and his thugs to torment his brother while still pretending to be his friend and partner and then finally physically turned on him and got Ricky to do the same, all while saying and beleiving that he was helping Jack through 'tough love' because he beleived Jack had become a possessive self absorbed egomaniac who was using his fiancee and younger brother just to enhance his own image.

( Like I have said before, I truly think writing wise, my CGC diary was my best work so far.)


But enough diatribe. I am looking forward to your character study of Jay Chord and seeing if you find anything in him other than an arrogant young punk with undeserved self entitlement.

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Randy Orton is going to be the face against one of the legacy kids (probably Ted) at this Wrestlemania.


:) My point stands.


But back to the diary, I think Jay Chord is really good pick up for DOA. I can really see him slotting into the Main Event with ease. He just has that star appeal you know?

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Even though I stopped predicting, I'm still reading. Solid work so far. Some of the fun stuff is trying to figure out who everyone is. Here's some of what I've come up with:


Tom Kornell - Steven Parker

Dick Eyezen - ??Unknown??

Johnny Vicious - ??Unknown?? :confused: (I feel like I should know this one)


I think those are the only tough ones, but there might be a few more...

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Celt" data-cite="The Celt" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Randy Orton is going to be the face against one of the legacy kids (probably Ted) at this Wrestlemania. <p> </p><p> <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> My point stands.</p><p> </p><p> But back to the diary, I think Jay Chord is really good pick up for DOA. I can really see him slotting into the Main Event with ease. He just has that star appeal you know?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> How you see Orton being the face , considering he is the one sneak attacking them constantly, is beyond me. Granted it will probably be more of a heel vs tweener match than heel vs face, as the only one I see in that group who could really pull a complete face turn is Cody. With his father Dusty being one of the biggest faces of all time, Cody could realistically go back to being a 'good' guy and get the fans behind him.</p><p> </p><p> As for Chord, while he will probably slot upper card, I don't see him quite at the popularity level for main event yet. He will probably need some build first, so I wouldn't expect him to crack the top till at least season 2.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rayelek" data-cite="Rayelek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Even though I stopped predicting, I'm still reading. Solid work so far. Some of the fun stuff is trying to figure out who everyone is. Here's some of what I've come up with:<p> </p><p> Tom Kornell - Steven Parker</p><p> Dick Eyezen - ??Unknown??</p><p> Johnny Vicious - ??Unknown?? <img alt=":confused:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/confused.png.d4a8e6b6eab0c67698b911fb041c0ed1.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> (I feel like I should know this one)</p><p> </p><p> I think those are the only tough ones, but there might be a few more...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That can be tough as I know some were having trouble with Cannonball Funk being Cannonball Kid versus Grandmasta Phunk (Same look for the most part). Thanks to the amazing work of jhd1 (Thank you again), I've been able to formulate my own vision of the DOA. Those in question, as critical-23 touched on, are as follows:</p><p> </p><p> Dick Eyezen - Handsome Stranger</p><p> Johnny Vicious - Hell Monkey (w/o the mask)</p><p> </p><p> Others that could be confusing:</p><p> </p><p> Jettstream - Jacob Jett</p><p> El Dragón Dorado - Champaigne Lover</p><p> </p><p> Also, no worries about not predicting anymore. As a writer, It's a good way for us to know that people are "still checked in"; however, as long as you're enjoying what you're reading then that's great! Maybe just a comment here or there saying "I'm still here" will help! ha. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> As for Chord, while he will probably slot upper card, I don't see him quite at the popularity level for main event yet. He will probably need some build first, so I wouldn't expect him to crack the top till at least season 2.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He actually slotted in as an "Opener" via the recommended push button. So, as you can see, a lot will have to go into his development before he's ever ready to call himself a true main eventer. With that being said; however, He will certainly have a character-specific-persona that will, hopefully, help to get him over in the diary just as much as the actual "player in the game". </p><p> </p><p> As you said, though, my guess is that he won't really be a "big time player" until the start of Season II. (6 Months into the game; We're on the verge of completing the first month) Even with this though, He will get a proper push BUT won't have anywhere near a GOD push from what i'm thinking. More of a realistic climb, weaved within storylines, and ultimately creating some depth to his character. </p><p> </p><p> The Network and Jay Chord, on the other hand, may not be so patient....</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="pantaloons" data-cite="pantaloons" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Once I saw you were doing another one of these I got very excited. You have not dissapointed me. This is awesome, keep it up.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you, pantaloons! You were a great source of feedback during my PSW project, so, it's good to see you here as well! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Side note: I love your Avatar. Punchout? </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <hr color="black"></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Episode #4 Update:</strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;"> I've booked the show & am in the process of writing it out. While normally I set a date for its release & by some grace of motivation I always have it out earlier than that; This show will not be that case. I'm guessing Episode #4 will be up sometime early-to-mid next week as this weekend is my birthday. With that, I'll probably be on the boards very little; however, the start of next week I should have some more time to, once again, work on the show! Just thought I'd leave you with that info! </span><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Your feedback, comments, predictions, concerns, etc. are all welcome as we move forward. I'll always do my best to interact with you & give you insight (without giving away fundamental ideas for storylines and such) on my thought process behind most decisions. Ultimately, diaries feel much more "Alive" more "organic" when there is an open conversation between the writer & the readers; versus a one-sided development. This isn't a mandate asking for feedback, but rather, me relaying that your messages will always be welcomed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> There will be times that I try to limit major debates that arrise (such as "what makes a good face vs. heel" character), Not because I don't want to hear your insight on the situation at hand, but rather because no one wants to have their diary overtaken by a 4-5 page heated debate that could go on forever. In this case, It would probably be best to create a thread in the appropriate forum & then link that debate in your response within this diary. </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-size:8px;"> That way, there are no "runaway conversations" that really don't pertain to what's happening in the diary. While they are most likely always interesting, It's best to keep large debates about the subject at hand ("The DOA") as then it becomes part of the "Organic development" of the diary itself.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Thank you for your support thus far. To be honest, as a writer and a "headbooker", it's much more fun going through this process knowing that there are others who enjoy your work. </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-size:8px;"> It's much, much, appreciated.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> Cheers.</span></p></div></blockquote>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26399" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>it just hit me , but now when I picture Acid making his entrance, I can almost hear the words <em><strong>'MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!'</strong></em> pouring out over the loudspeakers.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I could definately see a correlation between Acid's DOA persona and that of a Mortal Kombat competitor. ha. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> There is that raw, animalistic, in-need-of-being-caged ability to his character in the DOA. It's almost as if he is sub-human & someone who see's the world through a truly primal filter. When he's mad, He becomes like a rabid animal looking to strike. When he's content, He's still a slight movement or a threatening gesture away from exploding into an all-out rage. </p><p> </p><p> Overall, That's How I've always looked at Acid as a character. That said, He was somewhat like this during my X-WA diary; however, this version is far more hyped. Far more depth to the overall image of his character!</p>
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Episode #4

Title: "… When it Rayne’s, It Pours … "





Acid & Johnny Vicious

… Last Week, On DOA “Rapid Assault” …


[The 4th episode of DOA “Rapid Assault” arrives with a familiar tone. That of intense chaos. This theme is aggressively perpetuated through the medium of a “Hype Video” highlighting last week’s DOA Championship match. The HD presentation utilizes a plethora of 3 to 5 second video segments to document the highly touted, warmly received, altercation between two of THE early favorites in the shows short history; Acid and Johnny Vicious. In a sense, due to the short duration of each clip, there is an overall “Blitzkrieg” like mentality brought forth as we shift from one image to the next in an overly accelerated manor. In the end, the short intro video comes to a close with the slowed-down image of Acid holding the DOA Championship high above his head. Meanwhile, the sound of John Greed proclaiming the newly crowned Champion as exactly that is heard peering through the speed-metal theme song that blares in the background.][/i]




[The sight of the DOA “Dungeon” in a state of frenzied anticipation soon follows the short opening presentation. There are home-made signs positioned all over the sold out crowd in attendance as various TV camera’s capture the true essence of “Sound-Stage D” by zooming in on various, overly-hyped, DOA fans. Overall, the opening moments of this week’s episode is no different than any that followed before it as the DOA strategically applies the rule of “Crash-Course-TV” straight out of the gate.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay, and WELCOME… to DOA “R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT!” [slight Pause] I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one HELL of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: That’s right, Davis. After becoming the FIRST EVER DOA Champion last week, Acid will officially have his “crowning ceremony” HERE…. TONIGHT! I can’t wait!

Davis Detterich: It’s certainly a powder-keg waiting to explode as you KNOW there are many in the locker room that would LOVE to spoil Mr. Tyler’s celebration ceremony. [slight Pause] Also, we will all bare witness to the DOA “Dungeon” IN-RING DEBUT of… Teddy Powell! God knows that there’s a war brewing between he and Steve Flash, and we will all be treated to the sight of these two men… These bitter rivals… Squaring off in a one-on-one affair, Here TONIGHT!

John Greed: Steve Flash practically begged for this match to take place ever since he was viciously assaulted by Teddy Powell over the last two episodes. [slight Pause] All in all, be careful of what you wish for, Stephen. [small laughter] From what it seems, Teddy Powell is not a man to mess with here in the DOA! He can surely attest to that!

Davis Detterich: This and sooooooo much more will take place TONIGHT on “Rapid Assault”! [slight Pause] Without further ado, Let’s turn to the ringside area as our…… [Confusing talking is heard]… Wait a second… [More talking is heard]… Were going to bypass going to the right for a quick second as we‘ve received word that “The Voice of Reason“ is currently on his way to the arena! Lets cut to Mr. Tyler as he speeds toward the DOA “Dungeon“!




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… A “hit” is placed …


[The overhead pivoting sight of a black limo speeding down the 405 quickly takes hold as the subtle audio of an underground punk anthem frames the “West Coast” narrative rather well. The camera lens on high, potentially positioned within a helicopter of sorts, slowly zooms in on the vehicle as it continues upon its journey toward the DOA “Dungeon” (Sound-Stage D). Through the “magic of Hollywood”, This pre-taped segment now transitions from the overhead sight of the limo to that of an internal view of said vehicle. There, seated in the middle of a long leather seat, is the DOA’s appointed “Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler. With his trademark scowl projected from the grizzled face of the Industry Legend, Mr. Tyler is seen utilizing a sleek blackberry phone; Seemingly putting a diabolical plan into motion]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Have you landed? … Have you arrived at “The Dungeon”? … Good… See to it that NO ONE sees you on the premises, I want your existence here to be relatively unknown until the “plan is in motion”… Do you understand my orders? … I want him annihilated, I want him physically destroyed… He CANNOT be present during Acid’s ceremony tonight… I don’t care WHAT you have to do; You have my blessing to take matters firmly into your own hands… I WANT Johnny Vicious out of the picture… Make me proud…


[Mr. Tyler confidently closes his phone conversation with the mysterious DOA newcomer as there appears to be a “Hit“ placed on Johnny Vicious. With a silent arrogance to his cold-hearted demeanor, “The Voice of Reason” jolts his right arm outward in which to review the time on his watch. Slowly settling the very same arm back down at his side, Mr. Tyler looks past the camera lens with the knowledge of what is set to partake here tonight; A sense of knowledge that we currently don’t posses.]


Grade: C


John Greed: It looks like Johnny Vicious has a LONG NIGHT ahead of him… [Laughs]

Davis Detterich: Who was he talking to? Are we set to see a new member of the DOA roster here tonight? Another personal addition from Mr. Tyler? Someone should alert Johnny…

John Greed: Alert Johnny? Are you serious, Davis? Do YOU want to be on Mr. Tyler’s bad side? While he may not be the ultimate ruler here in “The Dungeon”, He DOES have a very influential voice with the Network. He’s pretty much their “right hand man”; Whatever he recommends almost always gets granted by Arcadia. So, if you alert Johnny, there’s a good chance that he could recommend your firing… And then what? You would be as good as gone…

Davis Detterich: “Voice of Reason” my ass… He’s done nothing but manipulate the system here in the DOA. Using this company as his own personal playground. It’s ridiculous, Someone needs to stand up for the sake of the DOA competitors. They came here to get away from “The Old Guard” and they STILL find themselves being held down by the same god-damn politics that have tainted other promotions. I thought this place was going to be different… Give an even playing field to everyone as a show that Pro Wrestling was moving forward…

John Greed: Oh, Davis. How ignorant you really are. No matter where you go, what you do, or who you THINK will get a chance at the top… Pro Wrestling will always find a need for the Eric Tyler’s in this world. The people who can bring a sense of credibility to our company. If you don’t like his viewpoints then tough… He’s “The Voice of Reason”… for… a… Reason! He understands this “sport” more than anyone else on this roster. So, in a sense, you have to trust that his judgment is for the best of the DOA.

Davis Detterich: I trust NOTHING about Eric Tyler… Nothing at all… And until he proves me wrong, I will CONTINUE to trust NOTHING out of his mouth…




Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious vs. Donnie J

Singles Match


The opening match of the night was somewhat of a letdown from the perspective of a lackluster response from those within the DOA “Dungeon”. On paper, the altercation between Donnie J and Johnny Vicious should have delivered a truly gripping back-and-forth affair; however, despite all that, The live audience in attendance quieted down pretty early on in the match-up. With that being said; however, Johnny Vicious still carried his own weight as most are starting to look at him as a true patron for the DOA. His ultra-aggressive, hard-striking, fast-paced offense creates an aura around him; Almost as if he were physically put together with the intention for superstardom from day one.


For those who expect Donnie J to just roll over and “give up” after losing his long-time tag partner, Jimmy P, last week; you are sadly mistaken. The Indy veteran holds his own rather strongly as their match-up forms a true “open” scenario. Both men are given the ability to flash their strengths and ultimately make a resounding case for themselves as a potential threat here in the DOA. However, it’s not the losing superstar’s strengths, but his weaknesses, that prove to be his undoing.


While attempting a top rope missile-drop kick, Donnie J is seen taking too much time playing to the crowd. It’s his innate sense of being. When the situation at hand transforms from bigger moments to even bigger moments, Donnie J almost always loses focus for a split second to rile up the crowd in his favor. While such a practice may work with other competitors, Johnny Vicious is not the kind of guy you give any sort of “opening” to.


As Donnie dives off the top rope, a staggering Vicious instantly perks up once again. Lunging in a lightning quick manor and landing his signature “Blunt Force Trauma” (Running Leaping Superkick) square across the jaw of the descending Donnie J. As you can expect, J’s head snaps back rather violently as his entire body goes limp from the impact. With his body, motionless in a heap on the canvas below, it doesn’t take very long for Vicious to dramatically score a standard three count from DOA referee, Eugene Williams.


Johnny Vicious defeats Donnie J in 7:57 via a “Blunt Force Trauma” (Running Leaping Superkick).

Grade: D


John Greed: [Laughing at what he just saw] Someone should check on Donnie J and see if his head is still attached after that! WOW!

Davis Detterich: It just goes to show you that a lack of focus will almost certainly end with a lack of a victory. Today, Donnie J did everything he could to push this bout into overdrive; however, all it took was a momentary lapse of focus & BAM… Off with his head. [Laughs as well]

John Greed: This is why I never condone “playing to the crowd”. I mean, honestly, Donnie was potentially on the verge of a victory & his only real undoing was that he “cared” too much what the crowd thought of him. If he would have just taken care of business, cut out all the “love me, love me please” crap, then he possibly would be the one with his arm raised as the victor right now.

Davis Detterich: I think there is a place and time to “play to the crowd”; however, Donnie J just proved that THIS moment was not one of those. I guess, maybe he’ll learn from this as he moves forward within the ranks of the DOA?

John Greed: If he EVER wants to be seen as a credible threat then he certainly MUST take this opportunity to learn where he “fell off the boat”. We’ll see though…




Johnny Vicious

… The Victor’s Celebration …


[The final clanging of a nearby ring bell is heard as we all witness the victorious Johnny Vicious having his right hand raised high into the air by DOA official, Eugene Williams. Even in victory, “The Blazing Red Demon” holds true to that persona; flashing a devilish snarl across his face as those in attendance shower him with a wave of heavy acceptance. For the most part, This segment appears to be a simple celebration ceremony brought forth to frame Johnny Vicious as a “powerful figure” amongst the people. However, the scenario’ simplicity comes to a crashing halt as we see a disturbance taking place, in a domino effect, heading toward the ringside area. A nearby camera man quickly rushes over to the scene to document what’s taking place and what he captures is the sight of an unfamiliar face to the DOA landscape.]



Rayne Man

… Making his OWN way …


[The sight of the former SWF rookie, once acclaimed for his potential as an eventual standout in the “Land of Supreme”, creates a mixture of shock & confusion as nearby fans quickly move out of his way. With a tire iron in his right hand, and a menacing aggression to his reckless entrance, we now hear slight commentary from Davis Detterich and John Greed as it pertains to what is taking place before us all.]


Davis Detterich: Is that… That’s Rayne Man, isn’t it?

John Greed: We both were briefed that he had been signed earlier this week; however, we really had NO IDEA that he was planning to make an appearance here tonight!

Davis Detterich: I don’t think he’s here to fix a flat tire… So, Why the hell does he have a tire iron in his hand? [The shock dawns on him] Is he really going to… Oh my…


[Johnny Vicious has absolutely no idea about the presence of the debuting Rayne Man standing outside the ring as his attention is still locked on the fact that he has just won tonight’s match-up. Literally, Eugene Williams is still holding Vicious’s right hand in the air as a show of respect for the aggressive fighter; also unaware of the insurgence of someone with potentially vile intentions. Then it happens…]


[With a heavy-handed blow to the back of Johnny Vicious’s head, The steel tire iron practically bounces off of his unsuspecting skull of Rayne’s victim. Vicious, crashing to his knees upon the canvas below, has no idea what’s hit him as his body is forced into a state of shock. Before he can spin around and face his attacker, Rayne Man levels another heavy handed blow to the upper-back of Vicious. This strike, seemingly more forceful than the first, absolutely floors “The Blazing Red Demon” as his body collapses downward in a thunderous heap.]


[The DOA audience showers Rayne Man with an overwhelming show of disgust; manifesting a major chorus of boo’s & ultimately condemning him for his actions. However, this doesn’t pull him out of his warlike trance. Instead, the former SWF rookie is seen landing 3 more heavy-handed strikes to the body of his victim. With each and every blow, Vicious’s body uncomfortably flops in homage to the brute force of his attacker. There is no offensive return for Johnny, no chance to really defend himself what so ever. Instead, He is forced to slip in and out of consciousness as he lay face down on the very canvas he was just marked victorious upon.]


[The segment comes to a close as we transition to the first commercial break with the sight of the debuting Rayne Man standing over his victim, Johnny Vicious, with a warrior-like intense look upon his face. His weapon of choice, the tire iron, now lays next to the very man it was used upon. A symbol of their dreaded connection within this scenario. Meanwhile, the closing seconds before we outright shift to a commercial break shows a zoomed in view of the vile attacker as he looks up at the crowd, slowly turning his attention away from Vicious, with a purely evil stint of laughter roaring from within.]


Grade: D-


Davis Detterich: GOOD GOD! Was that needed? Honestly… I hope you understand what you’ve just done, Mr. Tyler. You’ve systematically ordered the destruction of a human being. How does that feel? Weight on you heavily at all? And to Rayne Man, are you one to just take blind orders? Why would you agree to such a heinous assault? If you were half the man you think you are then you would have at least given your victim the ability to defend himself…

John Greed: It’s all part of the system, Davis. This is how it works, here, in the DOA! Just as you said earlier about Donnie J, some 3 minutes ago, He allowed himself to become unfocused and by doing so he opened himself up to bad scenarios. This isn’t ANY different! Johnny Vicious turned his attention away for a split second, thought he was safe, and it ended up being a deadly mistake.

Davis Detterich: Those two situations are completely different. Johnny Vicious was engaged in an open scenario of combat with Donnie J. In that case, He had a CHANCE to defend himself. What Rayne Man just did, what Mr. Tyler just ordered, was a one-sided beat down! Vicious had no chance to stand toe-to-toe with his attacker & defend himself. That’s a HUGE difference!

John Greed: In the DOA, you must ALWAYS be ready for something to take place. Whether you’re in the middle of a match, walking backstage, getting ready in the locker room, or pulling into the arena that night… The second you step foot in “The Dungeon” is the very second that you must fight for your existence. Johnny Vicious let this notion slip and that’s why he’s now gripping onto consciousness. WHAT A DEBUT FOR RAYNE MAN!! [Laughs] I quite like this guy already…




Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… Who is his partner tonight vs. The Moral Majority? …


[shortly after Rayne Man is highlighted as the newest addition to the DOA roster, We cut to a confusing image of glistening skin. Due to the extreme closeness of the camera angle, It is unclear as to what body part we’re currently setting our eyes upon; however, one thing is for sure: A heavy-lathering of body oil was used to highlight this unknown figure’s body. With time, slowly, the camera lens begins to broaden the shot as the camera physically climbs upward; Showing the person to be none other than Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow. With an arrogant smirk running across his face, The oiled up porn-star stands before the camera man in the locker room area. Wearing only his ring attire (a pair of short, black, leather biker shorts) and a devilish grin.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: I searched LONG… and HARD… For someone to “watch my back”. [Arrogant Laughter follows] For someone who was open to the practice of… DOUBLE-TEAMING… The opposition. [Arrogant Smirk is still plastered on his face as Matty pauses for a second] And in the end, I believe that I found the perfect man… For the… JOB.


[Matty delivers another stint of arrogant laughter as he understands full well what he’s doing. Playing off of his typical sexual overtones in which to further perpetuate his overall persona.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: When choosing a partner, I knew I had to look for a unique set of skills. Someone who could defy restraints, Someone who was oblivious to societal norms, and someone who was unafraid of vindictive judgment. In a way, I needed to find a partner who possessed no limits in which to beat a tandem held down by their own moral limitations. [Matty stairs into the camera for a second; Then flashing his trademark smirk following his brief moment of intensity] You see, Your threats of eternal damnation mean nothing to me. For, the way I see it, GOD placed beautiful women on this earth to be… PLEASED… By us Men. Brought into a state of absolute… toe-curling… mind-numbing… Euphoria… With the very MUSCLE… Of life itself.


[Matty looks down at his man-hood for a second, then back up to the camera lens. Seemingly in appreciation of his own…well… you know.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: So, when finding another half to my Duo… I decided to place my BALLS to the WALL… Making a grand statement with my choice of Ally… A man, a myth, that stands as a FREAK… The ultimate defiant wrestler as he paves his own way; IN his own way. This man, Is none other than… Jettstream!




… No limits vs. The Duo of Limitations …


[The camera man quickly pans outward to show that Jettstream was actually standing along side Matty the entire time. With an unsettling, and somewhat of a “circus freak”, look upon his face; Jettstream truly sends the image that Matty Sparrow was looking for someone who would not be afraid of the Moral Majority in the slightest. How could he be? The daredevil, spot-monkey looking, death-defying superstar was practically the physical personification of Insanity from a Pro Wrestling perspective.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: For one night only, Jettstream and I have formed a deadly duo hell-bent on exposing the charade that is The Moral Majority. We will see to it that the TRUTH is… RELEASED… And the prissy-alter-boys are given the kind of BEATING… They deserve. [Arrogant laughter follows] In the end, Just call us… “Pecker-Stream”…


[The segment draws to a close now as Matty, once again, delivers a stint of arrogant laughter stemming from his not-so-subtle usage of sexual terminology. Meanwhile, his partner for One-Night-Only, Jettstream is seen tilting his head to the side, crouching down slightly, and directing each pointer finger square upon his temples. All in all, while they look like a rather awkward pairing; something appears to be quite intriguing as these two join forces toward a common enemy.]


Grade: D-


John Greed: Watch what you wish for, Matty. First off, You’re playing a deadly game by forging a war with The Moral Majority. This is nothing short of obvious. However, Jettstream? Really? The man who hasn’t come away with a victory here in the DOA thus far? Maybe Mainstream Hernandez was right… Maybe you ARE Suicidal?

Davis Detterich: I think Jettstream makes a lot of sense, John. Like Matty said, He needed to find someone without limits so that he could trust in them to defeat an opponent that is held down by their own moral code. How do you defeat order? With absolute anarchy! That’s exactly what Jettstream stands for!

John Greed: Yea, I’m sure he won’t be so keen on the idea after Jettstream misses a high-risk move & ends up shattering his skull; Leaving Matty alone in a 2 on 1 scenario.

Davis Detterich: I guess that’s the nature of the beast, John. Matty will either live or die by his risky choice in Jettstream.

John Greed: I’m betting on: Die.




Pecker-Stream (Matty Sparrow & Jettstream) vs. The Moral Majority

Death-Defying Duo Match [Abides by Divisional Rules]


The Moral Majority absolutely despises the loose-valued, over-sexualized, SINNER that is the DOA’s resident porn-star, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow. It’s quite obvious as the “holier-than-thou” tandem of Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez stare upon their bitter rival with a look of complete, and utter, disgust; Not hiding their true perception in the slightest. Even as the bell officially rings, The Moral Majority continues to stare from afar upon Matty Sparrow; Judging, de-valuing, and ultimately mentally condemning the controversial figure to a life of eternal damnation. In a sense, It’s this underlying tone that ultimately elevates this simple Death-Defying Duo altercation into an epic that ultimately blurs the lines of “Good vs. Evil”.


While many may question Sparrow’s shocking choice of Jettstream as his partner, knowing that the young man with a “death-wish” has not come away with a victory yet in the DOA, many of his critics would certainly swallow their questioning as Jettstream holds his own & then some. Like a man possessed, the young high flier utilizes his unique, yet purely reckless, offensive styling to completely stump the Moral Majority. With that being said; however, Matty Sparrow spends most of the match-up as the true “legal-man”. His innate need to be the center of attention is arguably why Matty became “blinded by the bright lights of the DOA Dungeon”; Desperately wanting to be the man who ultimately pins his bitter rivals. For, if this were to happen, then Matty knew of the torture that would certainly formulate within the minds of The Moral Majority. Defeated by a SINNING Porn-Star? What could be worse?


In the end, it came down to comfort ability. It came down to the notion of true cohesion as The Moral Majority appears as a veteran tandem; A well oiled-machine. While Matty & Jettstream never have any sort of falling out, or really any down moments as a Duo to speak of, It was the Moral Majority as a whole’s ability to manipulate all situations as a powerful Duo that ultimately aided in the demise of their opponents.


As Matty Sparrow signals to the crowd, in a truly provocative kind of manor, to symbolize the coming of his signature move, “Testicular Thrashing” (A kick to the groin followed by a DDT), Citizen X is seen yelling across the ringside area toward the uber-submissive trailers, Prudence and Grace. His message is clear, and rather uncomfortably delivered, to “disrupt Matty Sparrow”. X, unable to do it himself as he’s locked in a back-and-forth brawl between he and Jettstream, places his faith in his forced female minions. While the busty, scantily-clad, tandem of Prudence and Grace appear to be uncomfortable with their “battle-plan”, They begrudgingly agree & ultimately slide into the ring; Grabbing Matty by the legs & arms in an overtly seducing kind of manor. Matty, physically unable to resist the temptations of the flesh, cracks an arrogant smirk upon his face; Turning his complete attention toward the busty-beauties before him.


Bad Mistake.


As Matty’s attention is turned toward others; Mainstream Hernandez is able to regain his composure & ultimately lay out his opponent with a running Tornado DDT! The move, while rather awkward in its execution, practically mows over his own female companions as Matty’s body twists violently; crashing to the canvas a few seconds following the start of the maneuver. With both Grace and Prudence slowly crawling away from the scenario at hand, with Grace obviously in pain while holding her arm, Mainstream Hernandez is able to successfully obtain a standard three count from DOA official, Eugene Williams.


The Moral Majority defeats Matty Sparrow and Jettstream in 5:43 when Mainstream Hernandez was able to capitalize on a Prudence/Grace interference; executing a Tornado DDT upon Sparrow.

Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: What the hell? Why weren’t the Moral Majority disqualified for using Prudence and Grace as props? They practically held Matty up from a victory!

John Greed: They never placed a combative finger on Matty though, Davis. They simply… You know… “Got him in the mood”. [Laughs] It just goes to show you Matty’s weakness. If you force him to think with his… Well, his “little Matty”… [Laughs] Then he is almost certainly set to lose focus. Prudence, and Grace, did nothing to hurt Matty… So, Eugene probably didn’t feel it was a DQ-worthy situation.

Davis Detterich: That’s just sickening. They (Citizen X and Hernandez) speak of values, virtue, and morality; however, they are willing to practically prostitute these two beautiful women out for a sake of a victory? It’s blatantly hypocritical.

John Greed: You’re entitled to your opinion, Davis… [Pauses] But, in reality, they did nothing but promote their cause with the semblance of another victory! It’s simple, the more they are seen as transcenadtory victors… The more that their cause is brought to the forefront! So, in a way, the girls helped to perpetuated their morals, values, and virtue by making sure that Citizen X and Mainstream Hernandez won. Who will you listen to more? A collection of men who win constantly? OR, A tandem that falls victim every week? It’s quite simple…

Davis Detterich: That could very well be THE worst act of justification I’ve EVER heard… [silence] I will say this again, and shout it from the mountain tops until I’m proved wrong; however, those who manipulate religion in their favors are no greater than the “Evil’s they hunt”.




Totally Supreme (Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell)

… Devising a “Fool-Proof” Plan …


[We return from a short commercial break to witness the sight of the DOA locker room area. Its beauty rivals some of the greatest “clubhouses” in all of sports as the overall look appears to bring a sense of grandeur to the fact of being employed by such an organization. However, it’s not the greatness of the space that we’ve come to bare witness to BUT rather the sight of the comic-duo, Totally Supreme, developing what appears to be a “plan” of some sorts.]


[With a chalkboard standing on high behind Tom Kornell, riddled with “chicken-scratch” words & various confusing objects, it appears that; as always, Tom is taking control of the situation at hand. Leaving no “heavy-lifting“ to Dick what so ever.]


Tom Kornell: You see, Dick, this plan is absolutely fool-proof. [A confident smirk grows on Tom’s face] As you can see by my diagram… [Tom spins back around to his confusing collection of images, un-readable words, and heavy chalk marks] The best way to catch “The Tokyo Express” off guard is by playing to their weaknesses. So… What would you consider to be a weakness of theirs?


[Dick Eyezen, staring at Tom in his typical “grumpy-old-man” fashion, closes his eyes for a second, releases a hefty sigh, and then slowly opens his eyes once again; All in a show of boredom. Or maybe it’s annoyance? I’m not really sure anymore with Dick.]




[Tom Kornell stairs back at Dick with a look of “What the Hell?” on his face. Shocked by his own partner’s inability to formulate even the most simplistic realistic viewpoint.]


Tom Kornell: Vampires? Where the HELL did you get that idea?


[Dick looks back at Tom with a look of annoyance upon his face. As if Tom should already know what he’s about to say. To Dick, Everyone should have the same background knowledge as he. In a sense, he‘s not a big fan of having to “educate“ others.]




[Tom cuts him off. Fearing an endless rant from Dick]


Tom Kornell: DICK! First off, Why with the yelling? You’re ALWAYS yelling! [shakes his head in disbelief for a second; letting out a sigh of his own] And secondly, Do you have a point here or not?


Dick Eyezen: HUH??? WHAT WAS THAT???


Tom Kornell: [Annunciating more] DO… YOU… HAVE… A… Wait a minute…


[A “light bulb” goes off in Tom’s head as he leans in close to Dick Eyezen.]


Tom Kornell: Do you have your hearing aide on?


Dick Eyezen: Do I have my steering gage on?


Tom Kornell: Your HEARING AIDE?




[Then it dawns on Dick what Tom must be saying. He quickly turns his hearing aide on and looks back up at Tom with an “ooops” kind of expression upon his face.]


Tom Kornell: Is it on now? [He says, Tired of the situation at hand]


Dick Eyezen: Yes! Honestly, If we’re going to devise a plan… Why not do what I’ve always done in “The Land of Supreme” when we were in need of a concrete decision being made.


Tom Kornell: [His eyes light up with anticipation] Good idea! What’s that?


[Tom Kornell looks on with sheer happiness on his face as he expects some sense of amazing insight brought forth by Mr. Eyezen. I mean, if he was able to develop the SWF into such a powerful empire then there’s no doubt that he has to have some amazing tricks up his sleeve.]


Dick Eyezen: It’s this ancient Mayan practice called “Zeh-Ayet-Bawl”. It’s this mythical circle that you can turn to at any point & ask it various questions. Questions about life, about who to put-over-who, and which “Big Ugly” to catapult to the “Moon“!


[Tom stares back at Dick with a look of absolute shock over how dumb Dick really is]


Tom Kornell: Does this bawl, as you put it, does it only give you answers like “Most Likely”, “I better not tell you now”, and “Outlook Good?”


[Dick’s eyes widen with shock]


Dick Eyezen: OMG…. Have you used it too? Is that how TCW made such a quick climb up the ranks? You were using the very same powerful force that I was to ultimately take over my spot atop the industry?


[Tom Kornell simply shakes his head in disbelief. Walking away from the scene; however, saying one final phrase before the segment comes to a close]


Tom Kornell: How the HELL did the SWF EVER make it as far as it did?


[We cut to another short promotional commercial break with the sight of Dick Eyezen seated on a steel chair; Holding a look of “what?” on his face as he is truly confused as to why Tom appears to be mad at him.]


Grade: D+


[John and Davis are heard laughing heartily]

John Greed: These guys are pure genius… [Laughs] It all makes sense now. When I was fired by the SWF, Mr. Eisen brought me into a room & spoke of some sort of “All-powerful being” that told him that I should be let go. I had no idea…

Davis Detterich: [Laughs] This would explain why someone like Runaway Train came to be. Have you seen the guy work in the ring? [Laughs] There’s no way that a rational person made that choice. However, now, it’s easy to see WHO was really the “brains” behind that operation…



OTA vs. Matthew Keith

Singles Match


There is a stark contrast between the seasoned-veteran, OTA, and the somewhat “green”-wide-eyed 2nd generation superstar, Matthew Keith, as their bout initially takes form. Keith, seemingly unable to keep his emotions in-check, frantically attempts to mow-over his opponent in as little time as possible. A fact that only aides in the mental unraveling of the youngster. With every maneuver, every attempt to show his limitless abilities, the young Keith is eventually reversed & kept in check by the mentally-grounded veteran, [Fumihiro] OTA. This shouldn’t come as any REAL surprise as even though Matthew possesses a great deal of talent; OTA is a bonafide stand-out with years of Championship gold under his theoretical belt. So, while Matthew may have many years of potential superstardom before him, here tonight he’s nothing more than a less-than-equal competitor versus the greatness that is one-half of the Death-Defying Duo Champions, OTA.


With this being said, though, it’s not like Matthew looks like an absolute slouch. Actually, in the contrary, the young Keith appears to hold his own rather strongly. His outstanding abilities as an up-start Pro Wrestler is something to be valued; however, it’s his lack of experience that ultimately aides in his inability to truly subdue the much more versed OTA.


Toward the end of the match, The DOA “Dungeon” roars into a collective state of outward negativity as the “Totally Supreme” Duo tactically appear through the “Dungeon Gateway”. Their demeanor appears to carry this sense of two men somewhat afraid of what they’re about to embark upon; however, cautiously focused on the “task at hand”. With that being said, the comical duo attempts to distract their formulated rival, OTA, on numerous occasions; however, to no avail. A fact that only accelerates Dick & Tom’s demeanors toward a heavy state of annoyance.


In the end, with a heavy sense of frustration brewing from within, Matthew Keith commit’s a terrible mistake as he attempts a top-rope moonsault. In his eyes, He needs to pull of something drastic in which to hopefully overcome the momentous onslaught coming from his opponent. However, it’s this very miss that opens up the staggering youngster for OTA’s final blow. Within seconds, OTA is fortunate enough to execute his signature “Ninja Strike” (Double-Clutch Karate Kick to the Face) square across the jaw of the wavering Matthew Keith. All it takes is 3 more seconds, counted officially by Eugene Williams, to spell a singles victory in favor of OTA.


Fumihiro Ota defeats Matthew Keith in 8:11 via a “Ninja Strike” (Double-Clutch Karate Kick to the Face).

Grade: C-


Davis Detterich: Matthew Keith, while putting forth a valiant effort here tonight, looks as if he needs a little more experience under his belt. You can be born with all the ability in the world, even have legendary genes at your disposal; however, without experience… You’re doomed to make continuous mistakes. With knowledge comes patience.

John Greed: Yes, Sensei. [Laughs] Do you plan on leading us all in some sort of meditative practice now? [Laughs] “With Knowledge comes patience” [said in a mocking tone]

Davis Detterich: [ignoring John] Even with “Totally Supreme” looking to force OTA “off his game”, The tested-veteran shows a true understanding of intense calmness. A trait of any great competitor.

John Greed: Well, it looks like Dick & Tom are looking to continue their attempt though… You can have all the “intense calmness” in the world but, in the end, no one can really stand up to a 2 on 1 altercation. [Laughs] NARATO may want to come out here pretty soon because, if not, then we may see the “Glorious” OTA, as you put it, may be inline for a hefty beating!




Totally Supreme (Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell) and OTA

… Assault by Idiocy …


[OTA is not given much time to celebrate his victory over Matthew Keith as the members of Totally Supreme begin their slow ascent into the squared circle. Equipped with a steel chair in Dick Eyezen’s hands, The comedic-duo locks eyes with their potential victim while ignoring the dramatic gestures of Eugene Williams; attempting to force them to leave. OTA, positioning all of his weight in low combative stance, barely moves an inch as he awaits his attackers initial engagement. Meanwhile, the “Totally Supreme” Duo stands only a few feet away from their target, slowly talking out of the corners of their mouth’s; Relaying a quick count to 5 in which to signify the beginning of their assault.]


[While their plan appears to be somewhat of a thought-out process, It doesn’t really work as they initially intended. Why? Because OTA is not only ready for them; but also, floors both of his attackers in a matter of 8 seconds. Even with a steel chair in hand, Dick Eyezen is the first to “hit the deck” following a standing sidekick to the chest from OTA. Meanwhile, Tom Kornell appears to lunge forward in hopes of catching his victim off guard; however, his attempt is unsuccessful. Instead, OTA is seen flooring him as well with a steady roundhouse kick to the temple. So, despite trying to formulate a cohesive plan, Everything falls apart in a matter of seconds.]




… Does he even need help? …


[The other half of the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions, NARATO, is seen entering the “Dungeon” through the “Dungeon Gateway”; however, his initial speedy entrance transforms into a slow walk as he understands that his partner isn’t in THAT much of danger. With a heavy smile, and a light-heart, NARATO watches on as Dick Eyezen wildly swings his chair like a madman. Missing his target, OTA, and accidentally slamming the unforgiving steel chair into the forehead of his own partner, Tom Kornell. In an overly dramatic, cartoonist kind of fashion, Tom Kornell staggers around the ring for a few seconds before ultimately falling to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Eyezen, wincing at the fact that he hit Tom, opens himself up to another sidekick from OTA. This time, sending the crazed Richard Eisen-knock-off over the top rope; crashing to the cement outside of the ring.]


[We once again transition into another commercial break with the sight of OTA & NARATO celebrating in the ring. Laughing over what has just taken place & ultimately showing that they are, in no way, afraid of the comical-duo “Totally Supreme”]


Grade: D


[Laughing from both John and Davis is heard]

Davis Detterich: Well… I guess THAT plan didn’t work out so well.

John Greed: They try… SOOO hard… But, sadly, are practically incapable of really doing anything right.

Davis Detterich: How have we not been sued yet?

John Greed: I don’t know? Probably because they know that it’s a “spot on” portrayal. Plus, Isn’t mimicking someone a form of flattery?

Davis Detterich: I don’t know if this is flattering to anyone… [Laughs]



Steve Flash vs. Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

Episode #4 Main Event

Singles Match


There’s no need for an intense nose-to-nose stare down in the middle of the ring.

No exchange of verbal jabs.

No respective process of “getting to know their opponent” through a slowly building physical survey of abilities.

This was an all-out war, a grudge-match built upon utter-hatred.


Steve Flash, aggressively hell-bent on revenge, comes straight out of the gate with a hellacious onslaught of deadly fists of fury. His feverish intent of destruction is seemingly un-matched as Teddy Powell appears to be, in no way, ready to truly defend himself. With each and every strike, Powell’s lightweight frame is forced into a drastic convulsion; Almost as if the internal rage brewing within Flash’s body is able to manifest itself through super-human ability. This one-sided act of physical domination continues through out the early moments of their match-up; however, is not an everlasting sight as the mysterious Powell is eventually able to even the score.


As the overall pace of the match begins to slowly transition from a reckless brawl toward that of a tactical aggressive back-and-forth, Steve Flash; once again, begins to shine as his intense matt wrestling abilities take center stage. Not in the same light as his earlier show of dominance; however, a true testament to the very strengths that have defined his illustrious career; A no-nonsense, “ice-cold”, approach to competition.


Luckily, for Teddy Powell though, Mr. Flash’s reign of physical confidence subsides with one powerful reversal by the mysterious one. While Steve attempts his signature “Flash Bang” (Belly-to-Back Side Suplex), Teddy Powell is able to flip over the top of Flash’s shoulder; Ultimately leveling his opponent with a dramatic snap neck breaker. The once dominant figure now lays in a theoretical pool of pain; holding his neck in a show of immense injury. This exact moment ushers in the “winds of change” as Mr. Powell quickly takes advantage of the situation. Drastically turning the match-up in his favor with a combination of heavy-handed strikes & lightning quick aerial spots. There was little that Steve could do, at this point, to really slow down the resurgent Powell.


From this point onward, Teddy theoretically rips his opponent apart, limb by limb, while maintaining an unsettling bout of silence. His dead-pan stare, presented through his lifeless eyes, properly continues to convey the overall narrative that this version of Mr. Powell appears to be quite different than any we’ve seen before. The arrogant swagger, the constant psychological need to “prove himself”, no longer exists. Instead, the former DaVE (and PSW standout) star looks to re-package himself as a deadly-serious, almost evil, being with a mysterious axe to grind. He almost appears to carry a “serial killer” mentality to his ways as he coldly staggers around the ring; focused on his opponents absolute destruction.


With time, toward the end of their heated match-up, the combustible in-ring action slowly starts to shift toward a more “open affair”. Both men appear to pull out “all the stops” in hopes of a resounding victory; however, each and every pinfall attempt only acquires a measly 2 count from Mr. Williams. Something drastic needs to be done… And that very notion comes into play very soon there after…


With Teddy Powell showing signs of his body physically giving way, Steve Flash capitalizes with hopes of ending their altercation. Following a string of chained maneuvers, one after the other in an average pace, Mr. Flash quickly pulls his wavering opponent up to his feet. With Powell’s eyes showing the truth behind the matter, That he was gripping onto consciousness after repeatedly being dropped on his head, Steve Flash locks in the beginning of the “Flash Bang”.


He lifts him up off the ground… And…


*** The Lights go completely out ***


Unlike previous examples, The lights come back up rather quickly; however, the sight we left with is not what we are treated to following their revival. Instead of Steve Flash on the verge of executing his signature “Flash Bang” (Belly-to-Back Side Suplex) we now bare witness to the sight of Teddy Powell dropping Steve Flash with a marinate maneuver, A Sit-down Tombstone Piledriver entitled “The Path to Redemption”. Upon impact, Flash’s body goes completely limp. Meanwhile, with the same cold-blooded look he started the match with, Teddy Powell rolls over onto his victim; acquiring a standard three count from DOA official, Eugene Williams.


Teddy Powell defeats Steve Flash in 12:26 via “The Path to Redemption” (Sit-Down Tombstone Piledriver).

Grade: C-


Davis Detterich: GOOD GOD, What a shocking ending! [Pauses] Steve Flash was, potentially, seconds from victory with the “Flash Bang” when the lights went out! Just like the attack upon Flash last week, Somehow… someway… Teddy Powell appears to be able to manipulate the lighting here in “The Dungeon”! How? I have no idea…

John Greed: Black Magic. [Laughs] That’s my guess.

Davis Detterich: Could be? I guess you can’t rule anything out at this point; however, the lights going out, once again, worked in Powell’s favor this week! [Pauses] I’ve NEVER heard of anything like this ever happening during a wrestling event… One second Flash is on his way to victory, the next second… The lights are out & Teddy Powell ends up victorious with an unseen reversal of fate.

John Greed: Rule of thumb here in the DOA, Don’t piss off Teddy Powell or he may find you… in the dark.




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Praising HIS Roster Addition …


[We return from the final commercial break to hear the brash, unapologetic, opening phrase of “The Voice of Reason’s” theme music blaring over the DOA “Dungeon”.]


I… Deserve… Your Respect!…


[Those in attendance quickly raise to their feet; showering the hated authority figure with a heavy-dosage of disrespect. Ultimately, defying Mr. Tyler’s grand opening statement in the only way they know how; A momentous chorus of boo’s. This notion, quite indicative of most SUPER-HEEL’s in Pro Wrestling, grows with intensity as Mr. Tyler is finally seen shuffling through the “Dungeon Gateway”. His rugged 5’o’clock shadow fuses quite well with his harshly aged face, as the heavy bags under his eyes tell of a man who has “seen it all”. It’s this understanding; however, that fuels the “demon within” as Tyler downright expects that all must follow his demands. As if, his years of service in this industry, gives him an earned right to do whatever the hell he feels. Needless to say, “The Voice of Reason” does nothing to hide his disdain for the DOA fans; Holding an underlying disgust upon his face as he slowly raises a black microphone before his chapped lips.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: You can boo me all you want. Believe me, I don’t really give a damn. [Pauses] You see, what I care about is the further development of the DOA. Not you pathetic, drug-abusing, deadbeat, Gen-”Me” Punks that don’t know the FIRST THING about success; Especially in THIS industry. [Eric pauses as the crowd continues to shower him with a heavy wave of boo’s] The fact of the matter is this, I came out before you and told you the EXACT truth. Verbatim. That the DOA was stricken with a deadly disease. A disease, That would almost certainly cripple this very company before it even had a chance to challenge “The Big Three”. That Disease… A complete lack of talent.


[A roaring display of hatred; once again, finds its way toward Mr. Tyler as the rabid DOA fans continue to shower “The Voice of Reason” with a defiant chorus of boo’s.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: So, I simply made a judgment call… A decision made upon experience. Made upon first-hand-knowledge as it pertains to ACTUALLY creating a “winner”. [An Arrogant smirk follows] I contacted the Arcadia Network & personally saw too it that ACID was added to the DOA roster. Not because I wanted him… More so, because we NEEDED him! [Heavy Boo’s] Again, you can boo all you want but you can’t deny the fact that ACID, my personal choice for the DOA roster, carries THE “Top Crown” here in the DOA. He stands above the rest for good reason. However, before I truly dive into this… First, Let me introduce the very man I’m speaking of… The vile warrior that has done NOTHING but prove his overall worth to this company; To this industry as a whole. I give to you… The DOA CHAMPION… ACID!!




… The DOA Champion …


[The lights within the DOA “Dungeon” dim slightly as the sound of predatory growling is heard filling the open space. Within a few seconds, the chaotic sound of Acid’s heavy-metal theme music overtakes the “Dungeon”; Creating a truly menacing sight as different colors of light flash all around the sound stage. A few seconds later, The FIRST EVER DOA CHAMPION, ACID, is seen slowly staggering through the “Dungeon Gateway”. His swagger appears to be more of an un-human process of movement. His right leg, dragged behind him in a shuffling manor, as his head dips down slightly in a purely unique fashion. In a sense, creating this “caged animal” persona quite well as nearby fans slightly remove themselves from the steel guardrail; In fear of what may happen.]


[With the DOA Championship gleaming like a historic treasure in the “Dungeon” lights, Mr. Tyler watches on within the ring with a slight arrogant smirk upon his face. Meanwhile, Acid has now slowly ascended into the squared circle. Standing in an awkward, gargoyle like, stance at the side of Mr. Tyler.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Show some respect for YOUR DOA CHAMPION… [Crowd boo’s] Do you have NO decency? This man practically broke his back for the sake of this god-damn company, for this Championship, and all you can do is boo him? This is EXACTLY why I came to the DOA… To further “educate” the wrestling fans of the future. To call to attention your INABILITY to really understand TRUE TALENT when you see it. [Pauses as the crowd continues to boo] It’s YOU [Pointing to the crowd] that has diluted our industry! It’s YOU… Not those like Acid… Who have brought Pro Wrestling to a state of extremism. What ever happened to Honor, Respect, and dignity? Did you all strip these away just as you did to your intelligence?


[Just then, in a shocking fashion, the entire DOA roster slowly shuffles through the “Dungeon Gateway”. All with their own intentions for doing so; however, a powerful sight as all 30+ cast members make their presence known; Creating an iconic vision as the entire entrance isle way appears to be a sea of angry (again, All for different reasons), easily mentally combustible, competitors. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler, noticing such an act was taking place, quickly turns his attention toward those he governs.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Good… Now the rest of you can SEE what a TRUE Champion looks like. [Tyler’s intensity grows]


[Just then, we see Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow highlighted within the “motley crew”; Already holding a microphone in hand.]



Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… Interjecting on behalf of the DOA …


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: Listen here, Gramps. [An Arrogant Smirk forms as the crowd pops for Matty] We’ve all grown rather sick and tired of your lecturing as It’s a lot like a dirty prostitute… Nothing but “Sloppy Seconds”. [Laughs] All of us grew up watching you… In ACTION; however, funny enough, Over the last 30 years, Your whole “me, me, me” shtick has become quite old.


[Just then, OTA is also seen highlighted on the other side of the crowd; Also holding a mic in hand.]




… Also interjecting on behalf of the DOA …


OTA: Sparrow’s right. What are you really looking to conquer here? Is your life more fulfilling with the practice of abusing power? Do you believe that you’re speeding toward enlightenment with your rants laced in self-promotion?


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: SILENCE!! Who the HELL do you think you two are? Have you all not learned by now, I am NOT to be interrupted. This is MY show… What I say… The decree’s that I send to The Network are always followed. Why? Because I am one to be respect… And yet, you two think you can simply come out here and challenge my authority? Challenge my well-earned respect?


[Just then, Mainstream Hernandez is also seen holding a mic up to his mouth. Shockingly, not too far from his bitter rival in Matty Sparrow]



Mainstream Hernandez

… A “Voice of Morality” …


Mainstream Hernandez: Mr. Tyler is right. What the hell gives you the right to interject? He’s a beacon of Success. A single ray of light handed down personally by our Divine Creator. Without him, The DOA would have already folded. And yet, you, a deviant SINNER, believe that your word is far more important than his?


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: What are you going to do? Sick your bitches on me again? [Arrogant Smirk forms] This time, I’ll make sure they are MORE than taken care of! I can guarantee you that!


[This sparks Mainstream Hernandez to bolt across the crowded masses; leaping into the air and igniting a hellacious brawl between he and Matty Sparrow. This fact draws Citizen X in their direction as well; hoping to help his partner in crime, however, the controversial “right-winger” is quickly taken out of the equation by a shocking strike from Fox Mask. Within seconds, The crowded DOA mass has turned toward an all-out brawl. Bodies are flying everywhere, punches practically come out of nowhere, and the overall feeling of absolute chaos fills the “Dungeon”. Then, in a moment that can only be described as purely epic, Johnny Vicious is seen staggering through the “Dungeon Gateway” with a look of vile intent upon his face. While he appears to be still reeling from his earlier injuries at the hand of the debuting Rayne Man, Johnny simply walks through the hellacious brawl untouched. Almost as he if was some sort of transcendtory figure; Unable to be harmed as he aggressively seeks out his mortal enemy.]



Johnny Vicious

… His sights are set on Acid …


[His slow, yet intense, stagger quickly becomes an all-out run as Vicious enters the ring through a momentous slide under the bottom rope. Now within the ring, The sight of Acid & Johnny Vicious brawling back and forth is seen within the black ring ropes of the “Dungeon” ring. Back and forth… Tooth and Nail… These two men appear to be on the verge of tearing each other apart. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler stands off in the corner of the ring. Potentially still able to really make an effort from an action perspective; however, intelligent enough to understand that THIS was not a fight he wanted to wage. Instead, the manipulative authority figure, frantically waves toward the “Dungeon Gateway”. A fact that ultimately brings Rayne Man, once again, to the scene.]



Rayne Man

... Spoiling Vicious's attempt ...


[With Johnny focused entirely on Acid, Rayne Man is once again able to equalize Vicious’s violent abilities by chop-blocking his right knee from behind. While Vicious attempts to stave off both men, In the end, it’s obvious that even HE is unable to truly fend off two bruising competitors at one time.]


[The closing segment of the 4th Episode of “DOA Rapid Assault” comes to a shocking halt with the sight of the much beloved street-fighter, Johnny Vicious, falling victim to a 2 on 1 assault. He attempts to regain control of the situation at points; however, his valiant effort is not enough. In the end, Vicious is seen being ACID RAIN BOMBED onto a nearby steel chair brought into the ring by Rayne Man himself. His body, lifeless, as this week’s episode concludes with this eerie vision of destruction.]


Grade: D



John Greed: Serves him right.

Davis Detterich: This is ridiculous! Is Mr. Tyler that frightened by Vicious that he has to sick his boys on him? I mean, Rayne Man appears to have been brought into the DOA for the sole purpose of keeping his alliance on top! Just a hired thug… A soldier for hire!

John Greed: Mr. Tyler deserves to have HIS choice of superstars on the DOA roster! He knows best. He knows what makes a TRUE competitor. So, to simply write off Rayne Man as a “thug” is rather ignorant, Davis.

Davis Detterich: He’s a thug… Plain and simple… A no-good punk with no real sense of ethics! I hope you’re proud of yourself, Rayne. You came to the DOA as nothing more than an over glorified bodyguard!

John Greed: Bodyguard or not, Mr. Tyler and his men were able to work as a cohesive unit… Physically destroying the ONLY man that appears to have the ability to challenge Acid for the DOA Championship. If Vicious is out of the picture, as it looks like after that Acid Rain Bomb, there’s a good chance that Mr. Tyler will FOREVER keep the DOA Championship firmly in his camp.

Davis Detterich: Sure… In a truly manipulative manor…







Overall Show Grade: D+

TV Rating: 0.20 (- 0.03)

Dungeon Attendance: 2,000


<hr color="black">

Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


Johnny Vicious defeats Donnie J via pinfall

The Moral Majority defeats Matty Sparrow & Jettstream via pinfall

OTA defeats Matthew Keith via pinfall

Teddy Powell defeats Steve Flash via pinfall

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I haven't read the show yet but I just wanted to say that the Rayne Man alt is awsome. Now I shall start reading.


Okay now that I have read, I want to say great show once again!


To me the stars of this diary are Eric Tyler and Totally Supreme. I acutally look forward to every segment that they are in.


Oh and OTA speaks clear English! Who knew?

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Amazing Show, E-V! As always. :p I have to agree with BHK about Tyler and Totally Supreme being the biggest stars of this diary. There's just something about them that makes them really interesting. Johnny Vicious is great though too. Such a Bad Ass.


I love how you made the final segment pretty much fall apart due to the DOA roster. It really futhered that us vs. them war that you're creating between Tyler/his goons and the rest of the roster. Great stuff!


Can't wait to see the next show!

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I haven't read the show yet but I just wanted to say that the Rayne Man alt is awsome. Now I shall start reading.


Okay now that I have read, I want to say great show once again!


To me the stars of this diary are Eric Tyler and Totally Supreme. I acutally look forward to every segment that they are in.


Oh and OTA speaks clear English! Who knew?


I always knew he spoke english.His bio says he grew up in California. I just use non speaking as part of his gimmick, something I 'borrowed' from J Silver's Ota character.

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that the Rayne Man alt is awsome.


Isn't it great? All credit goes squarely upon the amazing jhd1! :D His work has been amazing source of creative motivation as his alt renders give me a better feel for these characters. Without him, This project wouldn't be half as enjoyable. With he, KAM, and ReapeR all doing amazing rendering; I'm excited and strapped in for the long haul.


I want to say great show once again!


Thank you, BHK! :)


This show was a little more challenging as a few instances came up that made the overall booking process rather difficult (This will be covered in my "Network Notes" post-show review). Overall, though, I learned some great lessons with this show that will hopefully help me to better book the DOA in the future.


To me the stars of this diary are Eric Tyler and Totally Supreme. I acutally look forward to every segment that they are in.

I have to agree with BHK about Tyler and Totally Supreme being the biggest stars of this diary. There's just something about them that makes them really interesting.


That's great to know! Eric Tyler has become quite easy to write for as I've definitely found "my stride" with his persona. He's the perfect counter-defense to the evolution of Pro Wrestling; Feeling as if the new generation of superstars aren't "good enough" to carry the torch that he helped to lay. There's a hint of truth behind it (not in the sense that they don't have talent but maybe that Tyler deserves more respect than they are giving him due to his decorated career); however, it's the struggle between a hint of realism and over-hyping the fact that makes it fun to write for.


As for Totally Supreme :p... They're just fun to write for from a comedic standpoint. Being able to poke fun at the SWF, TCW, and their respective owners. They tend to be the two most popular companies in the Cornellverse (especially as it pertains to diaries); so, it's a lot of fun to give a little light-hearted "Jab" at the towering juggernauts. I'm excited to see where they go from here & have some plans for future developments... Maybe the addition of another member... ;)



Johnny Vicious is great though too. Such a Bad Ass.


I was hoping that Vicious's persona was able to "jump off the screen" a little better than my previous versions of him in former diaries. To me, He feels a lot like Taz. However, not outright by any means. There are things that Taz did during his ECW days that were truly inspiring from a "Bad Ass" perspective. So, it's hard NOT to fuse his persona slightly into the Johnny Vicious character. With that being said; however, I'm attempting to make Vicious more a "man of the people" despite him not even knowing it. He appears to be out for himself, has shades of tweener blood to him; however, is someone that the crowd absolutely raves for. It's my belief that his feud with Eric Tyler, Acid, and now Rayne Man, will help him to seem like that guy as he, unknowingly, stands as the definition of the DOA vs. the group portrayed as "Outsiders" (in their own ways).


Tyler = Not of the modern generation. Likes the old structure of things.

Acid = An "Outsider" by the definition that you never truly know what he's going to do. Plus, He wasn't part of the "Original Cast" and was brought in by Tyler. So, it's easy to paint him as an outsider's addition.

Rayne Man = Very simple to portray him as a man whose new to the Indy scene. Recently leaving SWF, He still has that "Big Two" stentch on him. Something that would certainly bring excitement; however, also a sense of that he doesn't truly belong.


I love how you made the final segment pretty much fall apart due to the DOA roster. It really futhered that us vs. them war that you're creating between Tyler/his goons and the rest of the roster. Great stuff!


I'm really happy that that's also "Jumping off the Screen". It's a HUGE part of the early introduction to the DOA. Ultimately defining what the DOA is by how the "outsiders" interact with them. Telling the companies narrative both by how they act, and re-act, but also how the "Outside forces" stand as a stark contrast.


I always knew he spoke english.His bio says he grew up in California. I just use non speaking as part of his gimmick, something I 'borrowed' from J Silver's Ota character.


Oh and OTA speaks clear English! Who knew?


As for OTA, I've always been a big fan; however, never really knew how to book him. In the X-WA (one of my first diaries), He was seen as this "teacher-type" versus a legit superstar in a sense. There to only help usher in the new generation of superstars. However, here in the DOA he's being treated as more of a bonafide superstar. His character, while quite subtle, is suppose to be centered on the fact that he comes from the West; however, follows the philosophy of the eat. Using my own practice of Buddhism to inspire his actions, the way he speaks, and the way he interacts with others on a competitive level.


This has only been hinted to for the first time with Episode #4; however, will become more prevelant as he gains more "air-time" from a character standpoint!

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Fantastic writing, Eisen-verse. Your shows feel as if I'm actually watching the broadcast. Something that most all writers strive for. I just wish this was a real company! The characters, the storylines, the backstage happenings all seem very unique.


I've been lurking for quite some time now but really wanted to stop by and say great work.

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Once again...awesome show Eisen! Great debut by Rayne Man too, and I can see Eisen and Cornell sitting at home exploding with rage over the Totally Supreme segments :D Oh, and OTA still rules!


Thank you, jhd1! :D


The great thing about Rayne Man is that this is ONLY the tip of the iceberg. There's a HUGE storyline brewing underneath it all! It's hard to contain my excitement over the new development as I just want to shove it out there now; however, have to wait to slowly develop the scenario. All in all, It's going to be an amazing situation from a writer's perspective.





<hr color="black">

The results for Episode #4 can be found on the previous page! (18)

I hope you enjoy the read!

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Thank you, jhd1! :D


The great thing about Rayne Man is that this is ONLY the tip of the iceberg. There's a HUGE storyline brewing underneath it all! It's hard to contain my excitement over the new development as I just want to shove it out there now; however, have to wait to slowly develop the scenario. All in all, It's going to be an amazing situation from a writer's perspective.


I'm super excited to see what happens with Rayne Man. His alt is awesome, his debut was a great way to bring him in, and it seems like he's going to go far. Can't wait to see this continue on.

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Review of Episode #4: "... When it Rayne's, It Pours ..."

- 4th week of May 2010 -



The Monday Following Episode #4

... Ratings Dip, Unacceptable Errors, and "Bravo's" ...



The atmosphere is rather uncomfortable as an unsettling wind theoretically swirls within the walls of the Network - "War Room". The typical, and somewhat expected, fakey-"Hollywood" smiles are not present as each Review Board member quietly re-affirms their understanding of the research they recently have compiled.


Sound, in any form, could potentially ease the anxiety that comes with awkward silence; however, I would later come to regret that thought in hindsight. For, this week, my performance was on the verge of being forced through a "shredder" of sorts.



Network Note #1

Subject: A Ratings Slip<hr color="black">

“Have you seen the ratings for Episode #4?”


A winced slightly, looking off to the right, in a way of removing myself from the potentially awkward situation at hand. My guess was that they weren’t all that great. Why else would he pose the question as such?


“No. I can’t say that I have.”


The Arcadia Network review board associate simply stares back in my direction. This, for the most part, nameless mid-level executive didn’t stand with much power within the Network. However, his insight was extremely important; as it pertains to the longevity of the DOA. The information that he compiles comes from various important sources: Viewer response via Arcadia.com, Independent viewing analysis with a random selection of the greater L.A. population, and a collection of “so-called” industry veterans who have been hired on as development consultants.


“The final report shows that Episode #4 delivered a 0.20 rating for the Network. [brief Pause as he looks up from the bound folder before him. Removing his glasses while rubbing his eyes slightly.] This isn’t ‘great news’; however, we understand that the initial ‘glitz’ of a newly developed company has probably worn off by now. So, we’re not overly worried about this becoming a trend. That being said; however, we would like to see the viewer ship continue to climb. [brief Pause] In the research that we’ve compiled since Thursday Night, It appears that one of the main components of such a low rating was your final segment. [Looks over his notes again] Viewers described it as: long-winded, without a real point, and generally lacked a sense of a “Bang”. The debuting Rayne Man did well; however, everything else seemed to fall pretty flat. In the future, See to it that you utilize those with more “Star Power” in any closing segment. We don’t want to send the viewer away, at the end of the night, with a feeling of being unsatisfied.”


He was dead right. My experiment of placing Matty Sparrow and The Moral Majority in the final segment of the night was probably a poor choice of judgment. While their feud has been “red-hot” from its inception, Here stood concrete reasoning that neither were really ready for the limelight quite yet. In time, All three men could potentially be headlining most DOA shows; however at this point, They were better served floating around the middle of the card; Producing quality segments BUT not being asked to carry the most important segment of the night. That was blatantly my fault. Although, It was done with an inquisitive heart as I subconsciously wanted to see what would happen if they were thrusted before the masses. In the end, it’s that questioning mindset that ultimately derailed most of the show. Leaving the final segment with a, somewhat, bad-taste in the viewer’s collective mouth.


All in all, You live and you learn. However, for someone in my position, Mistakes are not always readily accepted. If I wanted to keep my post as the Director of Wrestling Operations within the DOA, More of a meticulous mindset would be needed.


I just came on board… I was sure as hell not going to allow this train to derail straight out of the station.




Network Note #2

Subject: Scheduling Error<hr color="black">

“What was this about you having a lapse of focus as it pertains to Cannonball Funk and El Dragón Dorado's involvement in Episode #4? These two, especially Funk, are widely considered to be HUGE stars within the DOA landscape and yet you allowed a DOA taping to take place without their services? This is strictly unacceptable. In the future, See to it that you pay closer attention to your schedule. Just so you understand the severity of this mistake, Mr. Tarver told me to relay this message personally. [stares straight into John’s eyes] The Network will NOT accept this blatant lack of organization. Shape up, John, or you’ll definitely hear from Mr. Taver, face to face, about the situation in the future.”


Again. They were dead right.


I don’t know what I was thinking? Maybe it was the unsettling realization that I was now a professional ego-stroker; as it pertains to Jay Chord? -OR - it possibly could have been the fact that my mind simply degenerated into a state of recklessness so close to our TV Taping? Either way, they were right, This WAS unacceptable.


0-2. Not a great scenario to be in as I continue to be perceived as an “Outsider” within the walls of the Arcadia Network. At first, I was looked at upon as a quirky new addition to the typical laundry list of programming. However, now, the DOA was generating both praise, and internal doubt, as a civil-war-like situation was starting to develop.


It was decisions like this, or really lack-there-of, that only continued to feed the polarizing rift that had swept over the office. Again, I HAD to make sure that Episode #5 was nothing short of spectacular. Without theoretical “fireworks”, The show may fall flat on its face yet again. Inching me ever-so-closer to the losing faction within the Arcadia Network (The Pro-Pro Wrestling crowd).


This wasn’t like your typical wrestling promotion. We didn’t have the chance to continue on until our hefty bank account was run dry. Here in Deadly Overloaded Action, Bad Ratings… Bad decisions… And bad reviews… Were the ultimate “Kill Shot” for any TV Show. In, or outside, of the Pro Wrestling industry.




Network Note #3

Subject: Much Love for ‘Totally Supreme’<hr color="black">

“So far we’ve been pretty harsh with you, John, BUT we want you to know that there were silver lining’s within the lackluster showing. [A slight; uneasy smile forms upon his face] The ‘Totally Supreme’ pairing has done nothing but receive rave reviews on all fronts. Independent Pro Wrestling writer’s are lighting up the blogosphere with positive feedback, most Wrestling publications are overly praising their work, and even a few cable news broadcasts have picked up the story. All in all, You’ve crafted these two men into a true ‘cult-classic’ with most viewers! Bravo in that ability. [A genuine smile forms now] The Network would like to see you capitalize on this outstanding development. Hell, the more they see air-time the better chance it will FORCE the Richard Eisen & Tommy Cornell to address their impersonators; something that would certainly go along way in reverberating the DOA’s ‘Anti-Establishment”, “Anti-Old Guard”, narrative.”


Thank God, Something good comes from the “Headless Horsemen” (A name that I derived for the review board as they typically don’t think with their heads… Rather, they think whatever they are told by The Network, Viewer feedback, and their pages upon pages of research).


The “Totally Supreme” characters were something I had developed far before my days in the DOA. In fact, The notion almost made its debut during my days in PSW. However, I ultimately squashed the idea when I was unable to find anyone to truly “fit the bill”. Luckily, with the Arcadia Network’s almost unlimited budget at my disposal, I was able to scower the Indy landscape to find the perfect fit.


I knew that their persona's would eventually lead us into “hot-water” with Richard [Eisen] and Tommy Cornell; however, to be honest, I didn’t really care. What did I owe them? Honestly? Especially in the case of Richard [Eisen]. I was practically shoved aside like some broken disposable camera. Limited in its ability, so, theoretically thrown away without a second-thought given. I didn’t hate the man. Far from it actually. However, this was my small way to send a hefty “jab” square between their eyes.


A great way to develop a narrative never seen before in the U.S. wrestling scene: Someone ACTUALLY stupid enough to dare “challenge” the “Big Two”.


Not in the sense of actually going to war with them; however, constructing a controversial character portrayal of their public persona's. Poking fun of them with a heavy twist of comical character-stretching. Either way, as “The Headless Horsemen” proclaim it to be so, They’ve been showered with a great deal of positive feedback.


This just reinforces the fact that NOW was the time to push toward the next stage of their development.




Network Note #4

Subject: The Successful Debut of Rayne Man<hr color="black">

“Also, It appears that viewers are quite happy with the shocking debut of Rayne Man. The common theme with most giving feedback was that they were happy to see such a talent receive a proper push. Also noting that they felt he was ‘held-back’ in the SWF, Hoping that the DOA would be a better ‘playground’ for him as he could potentially show his true abilities in, and out, of the ring. [A strong smile forms] We need all the ‘Star-Power’ that we can get, John. See to it that we ride the ‘wave of momentum’ with this guy. The return could be HUGE for the DOA.

I never really knew Greg [Rayne Man] as he jumped straight to the main roster while I was rounding out my tenure with RIPW. However, Nero had nothing but great things to say about the man. His work ethic was something to revere, his humble nature was a trait to cherish as a booker, and his overall ability was like a “diamond waiting to be cleaned”. This guy had everything going for him.


That’s why I was shocked that Richard [Eisen], and “the suits” within the SWF, had dropped the ball so badly as it pertains to a potential future stand-out.


Then again, I wasn’t complaining on his behalf. Why? It was this very fact, his unfair failings in the SWF, that ultimately made it possible for the DOA to scoop him up off of Free Agency.


Their loss & our massive gain.






<hr color="black">

What we learned:

* A "D+" for an overall show is not something to strive for. So far, I've been able to pull a "C-" in the previous attempts; however, this just goes to show that I'm still trying to learn HOW to book the DOA. Even as a created company, You have to go through a period of 'feeling out your shows' in which to generate better scores. With companies like SWF, You can pretty much get "A" segments out of anyone. However, with a company like the DOA, a solid "C to C+" is like a golden performance. So, in the end, I learned from my mistake: Do not put workers who aren't all that over into the final segment of the night. While a "D" segment may be okay in the middle of the show.... It's not a great outcome for the FINAL segment of the show. :o


* I was dumb and completely spaced on the fact that Cannonball Funk and El Dragón Dorado were both working for SOTBPW the same night of my "Rapid Assault" Taping (Thursday Night). Since, the taping of the event was on the same night of its airing, I couldn't move the date back in anyway. So, I was forced to move forward without two of my "bigger babyfaces". That being said, It really forced me to change my booking plans dramatically for this last show (maybe why this last show felt a little flat for me). I guess, in the end, It was another 'situation to learn from'.


* The Rayne Man's debut was pretty successful from an in-game perspective. His gimmick is that of an "Ice Man"; and for now... His momentum stands at a "C-" with his gimmick landing a solid "B-". In the future, He's set to be part of a HUGE undertaking in the DOA. Look for a great formation to develop in the next coming month or so. :p Already said too much... ha.

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