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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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I'm back. Been alid up a little with some back issues hard to sit at a computer desk but I've returned and have caught up. So I'll just say all the in between segments have been highly enlightening and get to my predictions.


Masked Cougar vs. Torment

Torment gets his debut win. I'm a big Marc Speed fan and Masked Cougar has effectively been a jobber for you.


Cannonball Funk & Pecker-Stream vs. Roy Edison & The Moral Majority

Draw. Every one here has some good momentum going and having anyone lose will lose that a little. You've got enough workers involved here to use a good loss of control sports entertainmentesque finish to this match so no one loses face. Probably lead to a No DQ match between some pairing of these workers to make a final state of who is best.


NARATO vs. Tom Kornell

Kornell is a joke but in the best possible way. His loss doesn't hurt his character at all. Also I'd think that having the fake Kornell lose is a way to tarnish the reputation of the real Cornell saying he's weak.


Johnny Vicious vs. Acid & Rayne Man

I'm also for the against all odds win here. I really like Hell Monkey and I like him here as Vicious. Rayne Man makes the mistake that costs his side the match and Acid continues to look strong even in the loss.

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Your deep insight into the DOA is something that I really like about this Dynasty. I love reading all the backstory information just as mutch as your shows as you really do a great job of creating a true atmosphere. Its great to know why certain decisions were made by Greed in-show based upon the fact that the Network was calling for it. Its very refreshing.


Thank you, CZCW!


I try my best to visualize most all situations in this diary, as I find it easier to really convey a message when I know exactly what it's suppose to look, sound, and feel like. Everything from the scenario at hand (during a show or during a "behind the curtain" moment) or developing the overall culture of the DOA. It's all something that I put a lot of time & effort into.


I've been lucky to have some free time as of late; however, It's more so because I'm not finding really anything on the job front right now. Hopefully, in time, I'll finally be able to land something & in that case I'll be moving up to Minneapolis to live with my fiancee. So, at that time, things may slow down slightly BUT I'll still continue on with this project. It's too much fun not to. ha. :)


I'm back. Been alid up a little with some back issues hard to sit at a computer desk but I've returned and have caught up. So I'll just say all the in between segments have been highly enlightening and get to my predictions.


First and foremost, I hope you're feeling better following your back issues. I've heard, from others who suffer from various back issues, that it's extremely painful when you try to attempt even the smallest movements. So, I don't blame you one bit for staying away from a computer chair. All in all, I hope you're getting closer to 100%.


Also, Thank you for your comment on the segments that went up since the last show. :D It's great to know that you're enjoying the read thus far!




<hr color="black">

Episode #5 update: I've booked the show and, so far, written up 3 segments. That being said, I still have a lot of work ahead of me. So, it may be awhile before the results are officially up. I'll leave a better time-table as the writing process continues on!
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Just to back up the whole submission based wrestling doesn't have to be slow and 'boring' argument, I give you exhibit A: The finisher of real life luchador Mistico.....




That's a truly beautiful move! :D


Exactly what the "Chokeout" division is all about. Fast-paced, high octane, chain-wrestling based matches with the NEED for an ending via a submission hold versus a basic pinfall attempt.


All in all, Great find, TK!! Again, a thing of beauty!


I second that.





So, EV, who do you assign that move to? :rolleyes:




Ha! That's exactly what I was trying to wrack my mind about. My first thought was El Dragón Dorado BUT that may just be a knee-jerk reaction. Either way, I'm going to find it hard NOT TO use this move for one of the DOA superstars. ;)

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Episode #5

Title: "… To Rise or To Fall? … "





Johnny Vicious, Acid, Rayne Man, and Eric Tyler

… “Last Week, on Rapid Assault” …


[Episode # 5 opens with the sight of an extremely hectic hype video documenting what took place the week prior. In this short, minute-long, presentation we are force-fed the narrative of “The Rise, and potential Fall, of Johnny Vicious” through various images, video clips, and audio files depicting such a scenario. Meanwhile, also relaying the subconscious understanding that “The Voice of Reason” has found his own personal warriors in the DOA Champion, Acid, and the newly acquired Rayne Man.]


[The violent, and overly gritty, video comes to a climactic end as we hear Eric Tyler himself peer through the silence. All the while, We are treated to a flickering still frame image of the man in question; Johnny Vicious.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: If you lose, Then it’s all over Johnny. Everything you’ve obtained up until now will be stripped away. You’ll be forced to the back of the line & will not receive another DOA Championship opportunity until you’ve truly PROVEN your worth once again… [slight Pause] Win tonight… or… You’ll be delegated to the depths of the DOA… [i}[Pauses][/i] That’s a promise you can’t count on.


[With that lasting narrative in mind, The short introductory presentation comes to a gradual close. For a few seconds, There appears to be a sense of calm following such a chaotic opening. However, this “warm-and-cozy” feeling doesn’t last very long as we are quickly thrusted back into a wildly stimulating view of the DOA “Dungeon”. The crowd in attendance, aggressive in their nature, voice their support for the grungy, underground, company that dares to challenge the “status quo” of the Pro Wrestling Industry. Fusing their love of the DOA with their, seemingly, inherent need for abusive violence.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay, and WELCOME… to DOA “R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT!” [slight Pause] I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one HELL of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: The lingering question holding tonight’s broadcast hostage is whether or not Johnny Vicious will be able to overcome the momentous odds of competing against BOTH Acid and Rayne Man! If he wins, Then he’ll find himself back in the DOA Championship hunt; however, a loss will certainly force him to “the back of the line”, so says “The Voice of Reason”! [slight Pause] If you ask me, I don’t see ANY chance of him coming away with a victory tonight! He’s one hell of a competitor BUT… To defeat two men? Especially with one of them being the DOA Champion, Acid? [Laughter follows] You probably have a better chance of growing wings!

Davis Detterich: That may be true BUT I wouldn’t count out “The Blazing Red Demon” that easily. The numbers may not be in his favor; that’s true, but Johnny Vicious is not your typical competitor. He’s a rough, violently aggressive, human-wrecking-ball. A true equal to the DOA Champion if there ever was one.

John Greed: An equal? I won’t go that far; At least not until he’s actually picked up a victory over Acid. A great competitor? Sure. On the same level as the DOA Champion? I can’t agree with you there. [slight Pause] Plus, you’re forgetting, Davis. Tonight’s Main Event isn’t a one-on-one affair between these two juggernauts. The recent DOA newcomer, Rayne Man, will also be thrown into the mix here tonight. When you’re stacked against a situation like that, I don’t care WHO you are… You’re bound to lose!

Davis Detterich: Either way, It’s bound to be a climactic ending to tonight’s show! [slight Pause] With that being said, Lets get this show charging forward with our opening match-up. Pitting the debuting Torment against one-half of the DOA Duo, “Feline Fancy”, Masked Cougar!

John Greed: I don’t know about you, Davis, but I’m really feeling this Torment-guy. Did you see him in the back? [Laughter follows] What a Freak!! The kind of guy you HATE to compete against… A true rage-filled psycho if there ever was one!

Davis Detterich: Yea, I think I saw him chokeout one of the catering guys backstage. [Laughs] Must have not been a fan of the selection…




Masked Cougar vs. Torment

Singles Match


The opening match of the night was really a one-sided affair; to be honest. The Masked Cougar, despite a pretty decent showing, appears to be psychologically lodged in an awkward reality as singles competition is not something he’s overly comfortable with, yet, in the DOA. As time goes on this becomes even more evident as it looks like the mysterious flier is unable to really keep a strong sense of momentum. Instead, falling victim to the intense hard-hitting abilities of the deadly DOA newcomer, Torment.


In the end, The out-of-sorts Cougar finds himself in a terrible position as his opponent appears to take full control of their altercation. Grounding the fan-favorite for the most part, While focusing his palpable internal rage upon the neck of Masked Cougar.


With his opponent staggering, and somewhat confused, Torment quickly slides in “for the kill”. Within a matter of a few seconds, Torment executes a forceful knee to the back of Cougar’s spine. This forces his opponent to arch his back in pain; giving Torment the ability to aggressively lock in his signature submission hold: “The Reaper cometh” (Dragon Sleeper). While Cougar attempts to break free from the confines of Torment’s surprisingly powerful frame, His attempt is quite unsuccessful. The struggling subsides, his body grows limp; however, he is still conscious enough to officially tap-out; desperately calling for the hold’s end.


Torment defeats Masked Cougar in 4:49 via “The Reaper Cometh” (Dragon Sleeper).

Grade: D


John Greed: Did you seen Cougar’s neck practically snap while he was flailing around? [uncomfortable Laughter follows] That was just… ugly… wow. [Laughs again] This guy, Torment, is one “cold blooded killer”.

Davis Detterich: Just with his look, his demeanor, I feel like we should be calling the local authorities to make sure he didn’t escape from Prison! [uncomfortable Laughter follows] This guy is purely a monster.

John Greed: Before it’s all said and done, I’m sure this man alone will register a pretty hefty body-count. He’s got the grit of an Acid, or Johnny Vicious, but something seems very unique about his abilities in the ring. All it takes is a split second, a slight mistake, and it’s all over from there…




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler and An Unknown Man

… The Pact is made …


[Following Torment’s impressive “Dungeon” debut, We seamlessly transition to a view of “The Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler, standing before a closed-feed TV prompter positioned in an undisclosed room somewhere within the arena. The unsettling vision of Torment staring into the camera lens, his right arm raised high as the victor, would send shivers down most anyone’s spine; however, Mr. Tyler is not your typical wrestling viewer. Instead, A slight smirk forms upon his weathered face. Almost as if he had thoroughly enjoyed the vicious beat-down administered by the newcomer; taking slight joy in Torment’s ability to physically destroy another human-being.


[Just then, an unknown raspy voice tears through the blanketing silence within the room. The author of such a statement; not seen on camera quite yet.]


Unknown Voice: He’s marvelous, isn’t he? [slight Pause] A true physical specimen; cut from a unique mold.


[Mr. Tyler slowly turns his head in the direction where the voice appears to be resonating from. Meanwhile, the camera man steadily follows his gaze; opening up the scene slightly more now as we bare witness to a shadowy figure standing in the corner of the room. The only sense of light coming from the end of his blazing cigarette.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: And you are?


[A slight, very short, stint of laughter follows from the unknown man. His tone still stands as quite raspy even as it’s projected through a typically happy gesture. This creates a rather eerie vibe none the less.]


Unknown Voice: My name isn’t important, Mr. Tyler. What IS important; however, is the unique sense of knowledge that I posses. A sense of knowledge that would be extremely beneficial to your cause…


[“The Voice of Reason”, clouded by his own arrogance, appears to be somewhat short with the shadowy figure before him. Utilizing his typical gruff demeanor to hopefully force the figure before him to simply leave. In time, though, Tyler would come to denounce this mindset as the mysterious man continues to make his case.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: My cause? [slight Pause from Tyler] Get out of here. I don’t have time to waste talking to some coward in the darkness. I have more IMPORTANT things to tend to…


[Just then, The shadowy figure slowly staggers his way out of the darkness. His every step, marked with an obvious limp. Meanwhile, he continues to heavily drag on the cigarette firmly positioned in his mouth.]


Unknown Man: Is this better? [slight Pause] This war that you’re waging. This generational conflict that you’re constructing. It’s not a unique scenario. [slight Pause] I’ve been trapped in the very same battle for 3 long years. Forced to become a voyeur on the sidelines. Delegated to the crippling status of a Gatekeeper. I know this war. I LIVE this conflict on a daily basis. [slight Pause; draws another hefty drag on his cigarette. Spewing forth a cloud of smoke from his severely chapped lips] Therefore, my understanding can stand as a useful tool, to you, going forward…


[You can practically see the clicking of Tyler’s thoughts upon his face. Analyzing the situation before him. Ultimately, responding with a overpowering sense of pessimistic review.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: What do you want from me? Money? Power? What do you stand to gain for you services?


[The unknown man doesn’t miss a beat. Instantly responding with an uncomfortable sense of constructed calm. Potentially masking a pure evil from within.]


Unknown Man: I need not money, fame, nor championship gold. [slight Pause] All I ask is that my insight is taken into account. Look to me as a personal aide of sorts, Mr. Tyler. Another voice seated on your shoulder. Another set of eyes behind your back.


[Again, “The Voice of Reason” continues to cautiously analyze the deal placed before him. Unaware if he can truly trust the mysterious cigarette smoker.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: So let me get this straight. [stares deep into the Unknown Man’s eyes] You’re not seeking anything outside of becoming an aide of mine?


Unknown Man: Oh, I certainly am seeking more… [Pauses to add drama] I’m seeking the destruction of the lazy, ADD-ridden, punks that consider themselves the “next generation” of this industry. The industry that I practically broke-my-back for night in and night out on the Indy circuit. Without glory, without fame, and certainly without a real paycheck. All for the love of what we do. [slight Pause] I’m seeking a victory in this very war that combines us both…


[A devilishly arrogant smirk slowly forms upon the face of “The Voice of Reason” as Mr. Tyler gently nods his head in approval. Slowly walking toward the unknown man & offering his right hand in a show of agreement.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I can see the pain in your eyes. I can see the hell-bent nature you bring to this war. For that… [slight Pause as Tyler stares the Unknown Man in the eyes again] I know I can trust you. However, my trust does not stretch very far. If you give me a reason, I will see to it that you’re physically removed from this company on a stretcher. Do you understand?


[Again, the same devilish smirk forms upon Mr. Tyler’s face despite the truly grotesque picture he has just painted. Despite this, The unknown Man doesn’t seem phased in the slightest. Accepting Mr. Tyler’s handshake. A cold, stern, look still residing in his demeanor. ]


Unknown Man: I wouldn’t have it any other way…


[The segment appears to be closing when Mr. Tyler finally digs for further understanding of the mysterious man. Utilizing his subconscious sense of power to force this very man to disclose his name.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Before our pact is made official, You must do me one thing. [Pauses to add drama] Give me your name. I must know who my employees are…


[Again, without a moment to spare, The unknown man speaks of his identity; still wrapped in an overly raspy delivery.]


Unknown Man: I’ve gone by many names over the years; however, you can simply refer to me as… The Elder Statesman.


[A cloud of undefined terror floats above the two men as their pact is certainly coiled in vile intent. This image continues to resonate through your TV screen as Episode #5 comes to its first major commercial break. Closing the unsettling segment with the sight of their firm handshake.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: I don’t like the look of this…

John Greed: Oh, Davis. Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

Davis Detterich: Didn’t you just see that? I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that whatever happened there… Whatever that was… It’s not good for the DOA.

John Greed: You don’t know that? This guy could literally be a great source of feedback for “The Voice of Reason”. As he said, a personal aide if you will. I don’t see anything wrong, or unsettling, about that!

Davis Detterich: That’s because you’re a cold-hearted d*ck…

[John Greed is heard laughing]

John Greed: This industry is bound to turn you into one… Just takes time, Davis. Just takes time…







”Pecker-Stream” (Matty Sparrow & Jettstream)

… A Ballzie Award Winning Performance …


[We return from a long third-party promotional break to witness the sight of “Pecker-Stream” sitting together on a shiny black leather couch. Matty, decked out in his typical leather biker shorts and no shirt, glistens in the camera’s lighting as he appears to be wearing some sort of lubricant all over his chest. Meanwhile, Jettstream is seen in full-ring attire; with his mouth wide open as he stares forward toward a nearby flat screen TV.]


Jettstream: Holy… Are you kidding me? … Cows? Blue Midgets?… Fireworks?… What…?


[Jettstream appears to be in a state of absolute shock as Matty cracks an arrogant smirk upon his face.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: It’s my best work. A masterpiece if you will. Did you know, I won a Ballzie for this piece of creative genius?


Jettstream: But… What… What ever happened to the whole “Ding, Dong, Your pizza is here!”? I mean… I don’t consider myself a prude in the slightest but…


[Just then Jettstream turns to the side while holding his mouth; gagging in the process. Meanwhile, Matty still stares on with a look of pride plastered across his face.]


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow: They’re thinking of making a sequel… Calling it… “A**-atar II: Electric Boogaloo”.


[Within his gagging, Jettstream looks over at Matty in a way that can only be described as complete shock. The look on his face, despite blocked by his mask, is absolutely priceless as even HE, a man projected as “crazed”, appears to be floored by Matty’s 2nd profession.]


[Just then, The sound of a familiar voice peers through Jettstream’s gagging.]





Cannonball Funk

… Funkin’ Awesome …


[Funk, dancing his way onto the scene, appears to be in his typical good mood; however, his joyous gyrating comes to a complete stop as he lays eyes on the video before him. With his mouth wide open, Funk appears to be completely floored by what’s taking place.]


Cannonball Funk: MOM?


[Just like that, for comedic delivery, the segment comes to a close. There’s nothing to see but a blank, black, background as it’s almost as if the broadcast has come to a unexpected stall. In a sense, it feels as if the Arcadia sensors quickly took hold of the situation and brought the segment to a close. This was all done to further perpetuate the notion that Matty Sparrow is TRULY a controversial figure in the Pro Wrestling Industry; if not on TV in general.]


Grade: D


[The sound of Davis and John laughing hysterically is heard prior to their addressing of the situation]

Davis Detterich: It looks like even the Network had enough of that one…[Laughs]

John Greed: Matty Sparrow had sex with Cannonball Funk’s mom? Is that what we got out of that one? [Roaring with laughter]

Davis Detterich: I’m not totally sure? Either way, I’ve met mrs. Funk… She’s a lovely lady.

John Greed: A lovely porn-star it seems…




Cannonball Funk & “Pecker-Stream” vs. Roy Edison & “The Moral Majority”

3 vs. 3 - First Pinfall


It’s quite obvious that DOA official, Eugene Williams, appears to be preparing himself for a hotly contested match-up between true bitter rivals as the highly anticipated 6 man-tag match explodes within the “Dungeon’s” squared circle. There’s a hint of forced confidence upon his face; however, Williams’ body language tells a complete other story: The fact that even HE, the most powerful man in the upcoming hellish bout, is somewhat afraid of what’s about to take place. A fear that is well justified as this altercation bursts into an all-out act of warfare far before the bell has even rung.


Order never finds consistency as, despite Mr. Williams’ attempts, there is no TRUE legal man ever declared. Instead, All 6 men take to action as if tonight’s bout were working under a “Texas Tornado” rule-set; No one showing any real effort to refrain from chaotic decision-making.


Images of Jettstream executing a standing shooting-star press off the top rope & onto an awaiting Citizen X on the outside of the ring, Roy Edison practically tearing Cannonball Funk’s head off with an array of jaw-dropping strikes growing with intensity, and “The Moral Majority” using their submissive pairing of the beautiful Prudence & Grace to distract the overly-sexualized Matty Sparrow, litter the entire altercation as utter-chaos is the only way to describe what’s taking place before us.


With that being said, Eugene Williams finds his patience growing rather low as his calls for order have only brought him violence; even upon himself. So, with that in mind, as Mr. Williams is aggressively floored by a wayward tackle from Roy Edison (unhappy about Mr. Williams’ attempt to remove him from the ring), Eugene has no other choice but to give up; Calling for the bell to be rung & confusing everyone within the “Dungeon” in the process. Well, everyone but the competitors as they continue to wage an emotionally-laced war with one another.


After a short description of Mr. Williams’ decision made by the unnamed ring announcer, Those within attendance shower the ringside area with a heavy chorus of boo’s. Unhappy over the un-fulfilling decision handed down by the overwhelmed DOA referee.


This match as been declared a DRAW; No winner can be named due to an extreme lack of Order.

Grade: D-


John Greed: It looks like Eugene Williams may shockingly have just become public enemy # 1 here tonight in “The Dungeon”. [Laughter follows] These fans are NOT happy with the decision he just made…

Davis Detterich: They may be unhappy; but, Eugene’s job is also rooted in the fact that he must watch out for all competitor’s safety! What was happening in that right… here tonight… That was a deadly war that would have, almost certainly, brought injury to some… if not all! So, while unpopular, it was definitely the right choice by a veteran official.

John Greed: That’s crap, and you know it, Davis! These fans want to see an outcome… Not someone following the “letter of the law”.

Davis Detterich: That’s your opinion, and seemingly the opinion of many in the “Dungeon”, BUT I… for one… Think Eugene made the right choice. [slight Pause] Something we CAN agree on though is that these 6 men are certainly no where near from ending their bitter, intertwined, rivalry! There’s no doubt in my mind about that…




El Dragón Dorado

… A HERO to many …


[With the extremely reckless tone still permeating through the TV set, Episode #5 attempts to subdue those feelings of absolute insanity with the sight of a small collection of children standing before the camera lens. Their eyes are wide with excitement as they all collectively grip their 8 x 10 photos of El Dragón Dorado; Extremely overjoyed over the notion of being able to meet one of their favorite DOA superstars in a matter of a few seconds. Then it happened…]


[A nearby door opens up with a grand sense of force as El Dragón Dorado slowly steps through the small wooden door frame. With a heavy smile plastered upon his face, The highly popular luchador shuffles his way toward the crowd of children; each of them in a state of unbreakable “awe”. Overall, there is a “heart-warming” quality to what’s taking place with Dorado reaping all of the positive energy from such an beloved, family-friendly, scenario.]


El Dragón Dorado: Thank you guys for coming out to see me! [still holding the same smile upon his face] Are you enjoying the show thus far?


[The small crowd of children return with a resounding “Yea”. A fact that forces Dorado to grow an even bigger smile upon his face; Happy to see that his trade has brought joy to others.]


El Dragón Dorado: Maybe someday… You’ll all be standing in that VERY ring! [slight Pause] Wouldn’t that be great?


[Again; another resounding statement of “yea” is heard collectively from the crowd]


El Dragón Dorado: Now, It’s not easy… You really have to put in a lot of hard work. A lot of endless hours training your body, mind, and soul. Do you think you all have the determination to reach for your goals? To train yourself to become the very best at what you can do?


[While in a continued state of “awe” the small crowd of children once again respond with “Yea”; however, not as uniform as their previous declarations. All in all, El Dragón Dorado begins to autograph everything in sight. Meanwhile, everyone appears to be floating on “cloud nine” as most of these kids are being given the ability to meet one of their Hero’s in life. This is certainly evident with a small, 7 year old, child who looks up at El Dragón Dorado with large brown eyes & a look of wonder upon his face.]


Small Child: Usted es mi héroe


[A closed caption translation is shown below the child stating what he had just said: “You are my Hero”, Keeping those who don’t speak Spanish in the loop. This beautiful display of affection moves Dorado so much that he slowly kneels down in front of his beloved fan; placing his right hand on his shoulder and looking him straight in the eye with a loving smile still upon his face.]


El Dragón Dorado: Usted es MI héroe…


[The little boys eyes light up as Dorado literally makes his day with that statement. However, the “warm-and fuzzy” feeling quickly comes to a close as the lights shocking go out. The small room they stand within is now pitch black as there is much confusion heard from the small collection of children. Meanwhile, the sound of physical action is heard also taking place within the blanketed room. A scenario that creates a very unsettling tone.]


[When the lights shockingly come back up a loud collection of screams are heard! With the camera man now back in focus, The sight of El Dragón Dorado laying face down on the ground is seen. His body is motionless as a small pool of blood appears to be resting at his side. Meanwhile, Teddy Powell stands over his body as if he were a proud predator displaying “his kill”.]



Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell

… The destruction of ”Warm & Fuzzy” …


[The small crowd of terrified children quickly bolt out of the room; however, not before Teddy Powell is able to reach out and grab one of the children by his shirt; keeping him present within the carnage. With a cold-hearted look upon his face, borderline serial killer’esque, Teddy stares straight into the young child’s face… Relaying the most psychotically destructive message possible to someone who was just told he was his favorite DOA superstar’s hero.]


Teddy Powell: Hero’s are for the weak. For those who allow others to make themselves feel inferior. [Pauses] The truth of the matter young child is that your efforts in life won’t always warrant you success. Don’t believe Dorado’s brainwashing attempts. Training will do nothing for you… The real world… In all of it’s disgusting glory… Is more about WHO you know than WHAT you’re actually able to accomplish. Just like I was thrown to the wolves after my partner was given the ultimate opportunity to leave the HELL that was DaVE… You, too, will find yourself locked in a state of self-destruction until you realize that FATE means NOTHING. The only thing that you can bet on is… If others don’t like you… [slight Pause for drama] Then you’ll be forced to live a life in the shadows… Forced to be an afterthought… Do you understand?


[Teddy released his grip upon the little boy’s shirt as absolute fear takes hold. The child, now crying rather heavily, storms out of the room as the devilish Powell watches his exit the entire way. Now turning his attention downward upon his motionless victim, Teddy Powell appears to be locked within a trance: Bitter hatred for anyone, or anything, that symbolizes success. So, who better to attack than a man who is so unbelievably loved by everyone associated with the DOA: El Dragón Dorado?]


[This truly depressing segment comes to a close as we slowly transition toward another commercial break; however, not before receiving one final glimpse of the purely psychotic aggressor that is Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell.]


Grade: D-

Davis Detterich: This guy needs to be locked up!! Why the HELL would you do something like that? Can you imagine the horror for these kids? There’s NO WAY that they’re escaping decades of therapy after this…

John Greed: Teddy only told them the truth though, Davis. Your abilities, your work ethic, everything, it doesn’t guarantee success in life. If anything, Dorado’s statement was FAR MORE detrimental to these kids. They NEED to know the realities in this world… That success in life is just as much about ability as it is politics…

Davis Detterich: Really? A collection of 8, 9, and 10 year old’s need to know that truth? At this age? Are you kidding me?







NARATO vs. Tom Kornell

Singles Match


It’s quite comical to see the “Totally Supreme” Duo make their entrance through the “Dungeon Gateway” as Dick Eyezen appears to be struggling to stay awake. With every step, The sleepy “SWF owner-knock off” staggers his way behind his partner; holding a small teddy bear in one hand & drinking a glass of warm milk in the other. Needless to say, as NARATO & OTA burst through the very same “Gateway”; A stark contrast quickly develops. This contrast speaks to the narrative that the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions symbolize all that this company attempts to project: Extreme Acceleration, “in-your-face” persona's, and the feeling as if each and every segment is teetering on utter-recklessness. Meanwhile, “Totally Supreme” play off of their real-life counterparts: Continuing the sense that their out-dated, slow, and quite boring.


With this in mind, The DOA “Dungeon” erupts into laughter as Dick Eyezen is seen falling asleep in the corner of the ring in rather dramatic fashion. As Mr. Eyezen curls his middleweight frame up into the fetal position, DOA official Eugene Williams appears to be stumped as what to do with the scenario before him. At first, he tries to wake the “slumbering grandpa”; however, in time… he realizes that his attempts are not really proving to be successful. Instead, Mr. Williams calls for the opening bell; expecting Mr. Eyezen to be nothing more than a “dead-weight prop” that each competitor had to take into account.


The actual match itself was something of an “awe-inspiring” altercation as both men theoretically tear the square circle apart with their “jaw-dropping” athleticism. NARATO, a speedy hell-cat if you will, truly dazzles those in attendance as his lightning quick maneuvers appear to be “not of this world”; Almost as if he were fortunate enough to posses a 3rd, and even a 4th, level un-matched by anyone. Even the talented Tom Kornell.


Tom Kornell; however, shockingly holds his own as both competitors engage in a true “open” scenario. At one point, It looks as if each man is able to telegraph the other’s move at a moment’s notice. This fact opens the door to a truly hectic exchange of quick pinfall attempts, blazing strikes, and seamless displays of commendable chain wrestling.


All in all, The actual back-and-forth nature of this match really catapults their bout into one of THE best in the DOA’s short history. Truly signifying what the DOA, as a product, is all about: Aggressive competition, lightning quick exchanges, and “jaw-dropping” maneuvers both in the ring & from on high.


Sadly, for most wrestling purists, This match isn’t won “cleanly”.


Dick Eyezen, awaking from his “Cat-nap”, quickly forces his way into the action. However, his lame attempt at flooring NARATO only ends with the sight of he, himself, being back dropped over the top rope. With Mr. Eyezen now semi-conscious on the ringside floor, and OTA speeding around the corner to see to it that Mr. Eyezen doesn’t leave that state, it looks as if the final outcome of tonight’s one-on-one affair may be nearing its end.


With NARATO spinning back around from his backdrop of Dick, Tom Kornell quickly ascends from the canvas, executing Tommy Cornell’s signature “Rough Ride” maneuver (Slingshot Suplex to Face Crusher) much to the shock of the DOA crowd in attendance. Before long, It was all said and done as Tom Kornell picks up a shocking victory over one half of the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions.


Tom Kornell defeats NARATO in 7:38 via a “Rough Ride” (Slingshot Suplex to Face Crusher).

Grade: C


John Greed: HOLY CRAP!! [Laughter follows] Tom Kornell just beat NARATO!

Davis Detterich: Are you kidding me? [Laughter follows] I guess this all plays into “Totally Supreme’s” plan of destroying the DOA from the inside out! What better way to do so then by defeating a sitting Champion?

John Greed: This is just… just… wow… [Laughs]




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler, Acid, and Rayne Man

… DESTROY Vicious …


[There is an air of Evil Intent surging through the darkened room as the DOA’s “Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler, is seen standing before the camera in a militaristic manor. With his hands clenched together behind his back, The aged Icon stares straight through the camera lens; Almost as if he were fixated on an image unseen to the viewer at this point. Instead, we are left with an extremely close view of the intense demeanor of the grizzled Mr. Tyler.]


”The Voice of Reason”: You have NO room for failure tonight. [slight Pause] I will not accept anything less than the absolute destruction of Johnny Vicious. Do I make myself clear? [A slight nod of approval comes from Mr. Tyler] Good. [Again; another slight pause] I want the squared canvas to be soaked in HIS Blood. I want his body physically unable to go on. I want nothing… nothing… less than a dominating victory here tonight. [slight Pause] Again, Do I make myself clear?


[A sadistic smirk grows upon the face of Mr. Tyler as the camera man slowly pans around the room; opening up the shot so that we may witness both the DOA Champion, Acid, and the recent newcomer, Rayne Man, standing across from their supposed leader. With the DOA championship glistens in the camera’s light, Acid is seen aggressively breathing as if he were practically hyperventilating; Occasionally spewing forth a animalistic battle-cry. Meanwhile, the DOA’s newcomer, Rayne Man, is seen dipping his head slightly in which to cast a very dark shadow upon his face. Creating a sense of devilishness to his look as he, also, delivers a sadistic smirk upon his face.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Unleash Hell… [A creepy smile forms upon Eric’s face] and don’t rest until he’s exhausted his final breath…


[We now fade to our final commercial break of the night with the chilling vision of the DOA’s “Voice of Reason” walking away from his minions; disappearing into the darkness as the sound of his black dress shoes clank on the cold cement below. Meanwhile, we are given the last glimpse of the unholy alliance of Acid & Rayne Man; making brief eye contact with each other as there is an unspoken message developing: No one is safe… No one can contest their NEED for carnage.]


Grade: D


Davis Detterich: These two jackals… They’re nothing more than thugs for Mr. Tyler. You can try to paint it anyway that you want BUT the truth of the matter is that these men are nothing more than absolute THUGS!

John Greed: Are you calling the DOA Champion a Thug?

Davis Detterich: Yes, yes I am, John. Acid is one hell of a competitor; however, he has shown that he’s spineless in the past. He’s “Tyler’s choice” here in the DOA, so, talented or not… He’s just a mindless drone from the DOA’s “Voice of Self-Arrogance”!

John Greed: I’d watch it, Davis. Mr. Tyler could have you fired in no time… All it takes is one phone call to the Network & you’ll be out of here. Then again, That means I would be able to spearhead “Rapid Assault” on my own. [Laughter follows] So, with that in mind, Go ahead!! Say what you want…

Davis Detterich: To be the “Voice of Reason”, doesn’t Mr. Tyler have to understand what’s BEST for the DOA? Versus what’s BEST for himself? So far, He’s shown that he cares ONLY about his own success. He’s even gone as far as to “Sick his boys” on the ONLY DOA superstar who could possibly challenge Acid for the DOA Championship. Why? To ensure that “HIS Roster Addition” continues to dominate the “Dungeon” Landscape. It’s just sickening… People tune into the DOA to get AWAY from “tiring Old Guard of Pro Wrestling”.

John Greed: It was nice knowing you, Davis. [Laughter follows] Actually, I take that back. I’ve hated every second of my time with you! I can’t wait to see you hit the unemployment line.

Davis Detterich: Grow a pair, John. Grow a pair and stand up for what’s right…







Johnny Vicious vs. Acid & Rayne Man

2 on 1 Handi-cap Match

If Johnny Vicious wins = He will stand as the #1 contender to the DOA Championship held by Acid

If Acid/Rayne wins = Vicious will be forced to the theoretical "Back of the Line" and will have to EARN his chance to return to challenging for the DOA Championship.


The DOA’s highly respected veteran official, Eugene Williams, shows his understanding of the scenario at hand as he quickly checks each individual for weapons; patting them down in which to be safe. However, once the initial bell is rung & Rayne Man steps forward as the “legal man”, safety and concern take a back seat as Johnny Vicious aggressively leaps atop his opponent; throwing violent punches square into Rayne’s face. Acid, trying to “save” his partner, quickly slides back into the ring; however, is met with the same violent right hands from the embattled Vicious. Overall, it appears that Johnny has come into tonight with a hefty-load of aggression brewing from within.


With time, Mr. Williams is able to slightly obtain a sense of order; however, there is an overwhelming feeling that absolute carnage is always a step away. In any sense, the atmosphere floating around tonight’s Main Event further perpetuates the narrative that Johnny Vicious is “fighting for his life”. This is quite evident in Vicious’s reckless nature as the “monkey-like” aggressor takes every second as a moment to wound his opponents; never slowing down & always keeping his mind focused on introducing as much pain as possible to both Acid & Rayne Man.


Vicious’s pure-recklessness is never more evident than a few minutes into the match as Johnny is seen diving over the top rope, spinning in a twisting manor while in mid-air, and crashing upon a staggering Acid. Both men crash heavily onto the cement floor below them as such a fall would typically garner a short stint of recovery from most people; however, Vicious is shockingly back on his feet shortly there after. Returning his focus upon the Rayne Man & continuing his violent assault in the process.


In time; however, the numbers-game slowly begins to creep up on the reckless warrior as the partnership of Acid & Rayne Man obtain control of the match. This comes following a botched top-rope superplex attempt by Vicious, As Acid is able to regain consciousness, in turn, executing a massive standing Tornado DDT upon the wounded Vicious. The impact of such a head-first spike leaves Johnny Vicious motionless on the canvas below. An uncomfortable sight for anyone hoping for a Vicious victory tonight.


Through pain, and fatigue, “The Blazing Red Demon” finds a way to regain his stride; luckily finding a 2nd and 3rd wind. However, again, the numbers-game always find a way to one-up the scenario.


Toward the end of the match, the “Dungeon” begins to stir at the sight of the DOA’s “Voice of Reason”, Eric Tyler, entering the ringside area through the “Dungeon Gateway”. His cold, dead, eyes focused on the action before him. Never really interested in becoming physically involved; however, wanting to have an up-close view of his minions at work. This reality, unknown to Vicious as his beady-red eyes are locked on a potential victory at hand, later comes to haunt tonight’s Main Event.


Through Mr. Tyler’s instruction from afar, Acid (the non-legal man) is seen folding up a nearby steel chair and sliding into the ring with the intent of using said weapon. Mr. Williams, a stickler for rules and regulations, quickly takes notice; placing his hands on the very same weapon & relaying instructions for Acid to “leave the ring”. A small struggle ensues as Johnny Vicious quickly ascends upon the scenario at hand… Looking for any room to floor Acid. However, with his attention locked on Acid, the seemingly unconscious Rayne Man is able to quickly leap to his feet… Executing his signature, “Rayne Drop” (Neckbreaker), upon the unsuspecting Vicious.


With Johnny Vicious holding his neck in immense pain, wincing after his every move, Rayne Man is seen quickly going for a pinfall attempt. Acid, seeing his partner on the verge of a potential victory, quickly drops the steel chair and shoves Eugene Williams in direction of the pinfall. This initial push, while rocking Mr. Williams slightly, is the catalyst for landing the first count in a quick manor… Ultimately, ending in a standard three count for Johnny Vicious JUST as he kicks out.


While in pain, and still holding his neck, Vicious’s kick-out is far too late. His attempt was valiant; however, he stands as the loser of tonight’s Handi-cap Main Event.


Rayne Man and Acid defeats Johnny Vicious in 13:09 via a “Rayne Drop” (Neckbreaker) from Rayne Man.

Grade: C-



Davis Detterich: I can’t believe it…

John Greed: Believe it, Davis!! Johnny Vicious, The man that many praise as the DOA’s “savior” from Mr. Tyler is now simply a “nobody”. A man forced down a lengthy road if he ever hopes to get BACK to the DOA Championship!

Davis Detterich: This… This just doesn’t seem fair… Why should someone like Johnny Vicious be forced into a situation like this IF he’s as great of a competitor as he is?

John Greed: Must not be THAT great if he’s unable to simply win a match… [Laughs] I can’t wait to hear from Mr. Tyler!!




”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler, Acid, Rayne Man, and Johnny Vicious

… “Back of the Line, Vicious” …


[The DOA “Dungeon” suffers from a complete state of shock as Johnny Vicious’s fate has been sealed. The one-time DOA Championship contender, Vicious is now forced to “the back of the line” by decree of “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler after losing tonight’s heavily one-sided handicap match-up. A quick pan of those in attendance confirms this notion as many are seen with their jaws dropped to the floor; completely beside themselves in confusion over HOW someone like Johnny Vicious could be delegated to “a nobody” so quickly after his momentous rise.]


[An overjoyed; however unsettling, smile forms upon the face of Mr. Tyler as he continues to stand in the entry way of the “Dungeon’s Gateway”. There is a sense of selfish happiness emanating from the aged Icon as HIS dream scenario has actually come true. With that very same smirk upon his face, obviously full of himself at this point, Mr. Tyler slowly raises a DOA microphone up to his mouth. Sending a crippling, yet expected, message toward the beloved loser of tonight’s Main Event: Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: There’s nothing you can do at this point, Johnny. Your fate has been sealed. [Evil Grin continues to resonate] I gave you all the opportunities in the world to prove yourself here in the DOA, and sadly for you, You were unable to truly capitalize upon those opportunities. You’re a failure, a Joke, and Now… A “nobody” here in Deadly Overloaded Action.


[The sight of the severely battered Johnny Vicious pulling himself off the canvas with help of a nearby ring rope sends shockwaves through most viewers. Here barely stood a man, A truly gifted competitor who SHOULD reap the benefits of his hard-work; however, is being forced back into the “far reaches” of the DOA due to a personal vendetta.]


[Vicious is now on his feet, leaning on the very same ring rope that helped him off the canvas, resonating a truly foul mood. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler still seems quite confident in his abilities to manipulate the company for his own gain.]


[At this point, Acid and Rayne Man, now take their supposed leader’s side. Staring back upon the man they just defeated with a look of selfish pride upon their faces. Not saddened over Vicious’s delegation in the slightest.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler”: Next week, We will find the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship. However, you… Johnny, You won’t have the privilege to via for such a position. Instead, Your long, possibly career-crushing, journey from the depths of this organization upward will mark it’s beginning. [Evil Grin] While others will potentially go on for fame and fortune, challenging Acid for the DOA Championship, You will be nowhere NEAR that opportunity. [slight Pause] Do you understand? Do you REALLY understand the stages of HELL you’ll have to pass through in which to get BACK to the top? [Gruff Laughter follows] Most men wouldn’t survive such a challenge… Hell, some weaker individuals would probably pack everything up and call it quits. So, knowing your emotionally-laced nature, I guess we’ll have to wait and see if you EVEN show up next week… [slight Pause] If you do, then prepare yourself for the carnage that will certainly follow. Until then… Enjoy the view from “The back of the line”… Johnny!


[A uncharacteristic stint of laughter comes from the often grumpy Legend as Mr. Tyler slowly drops the microphone down at his side. His original theme music, once again blaring over the “Dungeon’s” sound-system, practically shakes the building’s foundation as a heavy chorus of boo’s are heard mixing with Tyler’s entrance audio. Meanwhile, Johnny Vicious is seen growing with intensity as it’s quite obvious that he TRULY hates Eric Tyler. Why wouldn’t he? Vicious is being forced to “the back of the line” due to a personal vendetta; All with the underlying FACT that Tyler KNOWS Vicious is one of the ONLY men who can actually via for Acid’s title.]


[The 5th broadcast of DOA “Rapid Assault” on the Arcadia Network comes to a close, once again, with the dramatic sight of a heated stare down between Johnny Vicious and Mr. Tyler. In the very last closing seconds, The DOA camera man quickly zooms in on Vicious’s face as we see him mouth the words: “I’ll be here next week… Looking to END YOUR LIFE”.]


Grade: D+


John Greed: Whether you like it, or not, Johnny Vicious has just been delegated to the role of a “nobody” here in the DOA. A nameless punk, an undercard loser; Forced to watch on as we seek to find the NEW #1 Contender to Acid’s DOA Championship NEXT WEEK on “Rapid Assault”!

Davis Detterich: The Network can’t stand for this!!! If you know what’s best for this company, for your network as a whole, Interfere with Mr. Tyler’s final decision. YOU have the power, and only YOU, to turn this all around!!! Do the right thing!

John Greed: The right thing would be to allow Mr. Tyler’s ruling to stand. He gave Vicious the ability to “stay on top” with a victory tonight; however, he was unable to do so. Why should we make special arrangements for a guy who can’t even win a match? It’s quite simple. You win, You stay on top. He lost, So he’s nothing more than a loser. Not worthy of the #1 contendership to the DOA Championship.

Davis Detterich: Do the right thing, Arcadia!! [slight Pause] Either way, Next week, as John relayed, we will search for the NEW #1 contender to the DOA Championship. I, for one, think that should STILL be Johnny Vicious; however, it seems like, as of right now, it will stand as a new figure within the Main Event scene. Who will come away with the crown to via for the title? Also, how will that decision be made? All of this, and quite possibly the physical destruction of Mr. Tyler by Johnny Vicious, this NEXT WEEK… On DOA… “R-R-R-R-Raaaaaaapid Assault”!! [slight Pause] Goodnight everyone!!









Overall Show Grade: D+

TV Rating: 0.21 (+ 0.01)

Dungeon Attendance: 2,000


<hr color="black">

Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


Torment defeats Masked Cougar via Submission

DRAW in the Six-Man Tag Match

Tom Kornell defeats NARATO via pinfall

Acid and Rayne Man defeats Johnny Vicious via pinfall

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Great stuff. Kinda glad you went this way with Vicious, sloooow slow build with payback finally coming at the end of the first season, I should suspect. Interested to see who steps up in the meantime as well.


Other standouts are Mr. Kornell picking up the win (teddy bear and a glass of milk, LOL) and the commentators in general are pretty enjoyable, liked the brief hype for Torment before his match although I do love the cougar :(


And a**-atar...I won't comment XD

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Great stuff. Kinda glad you went this way with Vicious, sloooow slow build with payback finally coming at the end of the first season, I should suspect. Interested to see who steps up in the meantime as well.


Thank you, Shape!


When I was weighting what should be done, The idea of Johnny Vicious being forced to "the back of the line" seemed very intriguing. He's shown that he's a great competitor, and a beloved DOA superstar, so the thought of him having to work his way back up really shows how ego-driven Mr. Tyler really is. He would rather see the DOA suffer from a competition perspective (knowing that Vicious vs. Acid would tear the roof off) so that he can continue "all-powerful" in his decision to bring Acid on board. Afraid that Vicious would eventually take the title from him if given more opportunities.


So now, Vicious is forced to "fight" his way back to the top. :D Something that sounds like a lot of fun to write!


Other standouts are Mr. Kornell picking up the win (teddy bear and a glass of milk, LOL) and the commentators in general are pretty enjoyable, liked the brief hype for Torment before his match although I do love the cougar :(


The Teddy bear & Warm Glass of Milk Combo was a personal favorite of mine. ha. Writing Dick Eyezen is, by far, one of my favorite sources of comedy in this diary. While the DOA is pretty gritty, and somewhat dark for the most part, It's fun to interject some comedy into it all as well. I feel that's what my PSW was missing. So, it's fun to bring it to life here in the DOA.


As for Torment, I have to say... He's an early favorite of mine. ;) Plus, He's in turn for a big push (as you can see through one of the segments of Episode #5).


And a**-atar...I won't comment XD




I am glad the Elder Statesman has finally made his appearance! It is about time Ted Brady gets some love in a diary!:D


You asked and you shall receive. haha :D


I really like the idea of Ted Brady's original gimmick (so says in his bio in the game), so, he felt like the perfect compliment to Mr. Tyler. As you can see, He may not be on the screen every time "The Voice of Reason" is seen; however, he will play a very important role going forward in the DOA.


All in all, He and Tyler are the perfect pair if you ask me. ha.


Woohoo! 4/4 :D


Great show Eisen, really enjoyed The Elder Statesmen's debut, very dark. It'll be interesting to see how Vicious does from the 'back of the line.'


Thank you, jhd1!


You're starting to catch on to my booking plans it seems (ie: 4/4) ha. ;)


The Elder Statesman, while not overly popular from an in-game perspective (I think he's an "E" in the U.S.), is one of my favorite new personas in the company. He may not wrestle a lot; however, he will certainly play a big role in future developments. This show, more so than anyone before it, really had an overall theme to it as alliances were starting to show & Johnny Vicious fought for his "life".


Now, with Vicious in need of "proving himself" to "The Voice of Reason", And Mr. Tyler finding the early formation of a super-group. All is looking up for this project from a storyline perspective! :D

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What a show EV! :eek:


It sucks to see that the overall show grade wasn't on par with your writeup but you really raised the bar with this one. I really like how Mr. Tyler was portrayed this week as his character was fleshed out even more. His bitter fear of Johnny Vicious is really fun to dive into.


Here are a few other things I liked:


1) I fell over laughing during the Funk, Sparrow, and Jett segment. LMFAO! :p Matty boinked Funk's mom? Priceless.


2) Torment looks like a Grade A bad ass. I'm interested in his connection with Mr. Tyler.


3) Great way to book the 6 man tag match. Keeps everyone over.


4) Love the idea of Johnny Vicious having to fight his way back up from the basement of the DOA. Should make for some great stories along the way with a blowout at the end of the first season.


You've really out done yourself this week EV. Great show.

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What a show EV! :eek:


It sucks to see that the overall show grade wasn't on par with your writeup but you really raised the bar with this one.


I ran into this as well during my PSW diary; however, It doesn't phase me all that much. In a company like DOA (with a very "unpopular" roster by TEW terms), You're lucky if you can pull somewhere in the upper D's and lower C's. Sure, I could book my shows with the overall grade in mind but that's not really my style. If the show ends up with a great grade then awesome! If not, oh well. The main thing that matters to me in this diary is the "TV Rating"! As that will play a HUGE part in how the Network reacts to John Greed and the job that he's doing!


The way I look at it, John Greed may be the Vince Russo of the Cornellverse. haha. :eek: He goes to the 'nth degree to create epic storylines, really dig deeper than the average booker, and yet he gets "crapped on" by those watching the show. haha. Because, when you break it down, the grades that you receive are primarily the reaction the crowd is giving you for that segment. So, in my eyes, it's more of a disconnection with the fans and what's trying to be put together. So, in a sense, John's known for creating crazy scenarios, putting them into detail; however, not always getting a huge amount of fan-fare.


Either it's Vince Russo or Quentin Tarantino in his early days... ha! ;)



Here are a few other things I liked:


1) I fell over laughing during the Funk, Sparrow, and Jett segment. LMFAO! :p Matty boinked Funk's mom? Priceless.


2) Torment looks like a Grade A bad ass. I'm interested in his connection with Mr. Tyler.


3) Great way to book the 6 man tag match. Keeps everyone over.


4) Love the idea of Johnny Vicious having to fight his way back up from the basement of the DOA. Should make for some great stories along the way with a blowout at the end of the first season.


You've really out done yourself this week EV. Great show.


Thank you, CZCW! It may sound corny, but, I really try to flesh out each and every show and make it into something grand. Sure, It's only a TV show BUT the DOA is more of a "TV-Show" versus a "Wrestling Promotion". So, it needs to do the same things that a modern TV show does... Garner interest on a week to week basis. With that being said, I spend a lot of time formulating what will happen on the next show, booking and re-booking until I'm happy with that will take place, and then writing out the show with one goal in mind: To entertain the reader. :D


Cause, in the end, I'm not sure how long this project will go for, Sadly. Not because I'll grow tired but because I'm walking on uncharted land using a company owned by a TV station. Will I get all the way through Season 1? Season 2? Who knows? However, I'd rather create a strong piece of work so, if I do lose the DOA somewhere too early on, then it can go down as a "Cult Classic" if you will. Like so many other TV Show's that only made it through a short lifespan.


Enjoyed the show, EV. Loving the characters, but that's no surprise at all. Keep up the great work.


Thank you, PA!


It's always great to hear feedback from you as you've been a huge source of help going back to Day 1 (on the GDS boards). I have to say, in regards to the characters, I'm having the most fun I've ever had writing a TEW diary. There is much more variety from a character's standpoint & it really opens the door to a more interesting booking process!

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Review of Episode #5: "... To Rise or To Fall? ..."

- 1st week of June 2010 -



The Monday Following Episode #5

... "Squandering", Moral vs. Immoral, and Praise of Tyler ...


You would think, by now, that I would find a sense of awkward comfort in these little weekly "bash Johnny" meetings. I mean, for years now, I've been plagued with my own process of self-defeating decisions; however, it's a lot different when it's being done by a collection of "corporate suits". Nit-picking your every thought. Tearing you down for every wayward choice.




It could be worse...


I could, still, be working for Mitch...


Network Note #1

Subject: “Squandering“ Roy Edison<hr color="black">

“What’s your creative direction with Roy Edison, John? So far, it appears that you’ve done nothing but squander the additional hype that THIS network attempted to cultivate. His cross-over appeal was something we were banking on! I’m sorry John but this is just not acceptable. How do YOU plan to FIX this Situation?”


I, for one, don’t really believe that I’ve “squandered” Mr. Edison in the slightest; however, this marks an obvious distinction between the respective worlds of Pro Wrestling Development and that of TV-Character development. To studio executives, Mr. Edison is a powerful character that should seamlessly transition from a MMA-Bad Ass into a full-fledged Pro Wrestling Icon. Not wanting any sense of gradual build because, in their minds, Roy Edison’s cross-over appeal could potentially garner some additional ratings, and/or more mainstream media focus, to the DOA. While, yes, I agree that this COULD be true. My thought process, coming solely from that of the Pro Wrestling realm, is firmly rooted in the idea that his character NEEDS to be genuine. It needs to spark a unique tone so that he’s not just another nameless wrestler who use to have a semi-famous previous occupation.


Sure, Roy could have simply walked onto the DOA landscape and destroyed everyone left and right; winning at a dominating rate. To the Network, This was probably more acceptable BUT, in my eyes, the narrative of a wild MMA fighter trying to reform to the rules, and regulations, of Pro Wrestling competition was something FAR MORE intriguing of a story to tell.


So, yes, while he hasn’t been all that successful from a wins/loss perspective, There’s an underlying tone that ONCE Roy truly understands how to compete within the guidelines of his new profession; No one may be able to stop him. So far, He’s lost every match due to his inability to comprehend the newly-acquired rule-book of Pro Wrestling. With time, as that knowledge becomes easier for him as a competitor, there’s a good chance that he may become unstoppable.


All in all, while in a sense “Squandering” his original momentum, this new look upon a MMA-Cross-over has given Mr. Edison a sense of depth. Something that most intelligent wrestling fans claw for. Needless to say, despite the fact that I kept my rebuttal rather short, this was one scenario that I didn’t really agree upon. Sure, I could have made my voice loud and clear but that simply wasn’t my style. It’s better to have a job after all, Isn’t it?



Network Note #2

Subject: Where, or where, is Jay?<hr color="black">

”There is a general sense of buzz circulating around the fact that Rip Chord’s son, Jay, is now “rumored” to be part of the DOA. DOA fans, and wrestling fans as a whole, appear to be really excited about his arrival. So much so that his name was within the top 3 searches on the companies website. When can we expect to see Jay make his debut in the DOA? It would be a sad scenario to have his initial momentum “squandered” as well.”


There they go with the whole “squandering” thing again. You would think that these guys lived for the very chance to possibly throw that word around like it was their friend’s first name. Despite the fact that I literally wanted to roll my eyes in protest, Here, they were right.


Jay Chord, at this point, has NEVER been seen on National Television in any shape or form. To this point, the greater public has no idea what this guy looks like outside of their natural abilities to guess; knowing what his father looked like & going from there. So, in a sense, the DOA is given the unique opportunity to unveil the Chord youngster to the wrestling masses! A powerful scenario that could potentially lift our company as a whole in the ratings department. Not to mention, as much as I can’t stand the guy, his abilities in, and out of, the ring are absolutely astounding!


He worked “in the dark” last week & put together a strong initial showing. There’s nothing, outside of his own backstage persona, that can hold Jay Chord back. He can wrestle with the DOA’s best, talk from morning to night, and has that aura of a 2nd generation star emanating off of him 24/7.


It looks like this next episode will mark his official debut with Deadly Overloaded Action. I’m not sure in what form; however, it’s quite obvious that the excitement buzzing around the youngster would be best to capitalize on.



Network Note #3

Subject: Justified Hatred of one another<hr color="black">

“In recent demographic analysis, The “Moral Majority” has tested quite high. The network would like to see their persona's pushed even more so. With that said, also, Matty Sparrow has emerged as another figure that’s become quite popular with DOA fans. So, in a sense, their rivalry, if you want to call it that, has been extremely beneficial to the DOA. Again, The network would like to see their story continued for an extended period of time. Season I would most likely suffer if it were to be extinguished so early.”


The emotionally-charged culture clash between “The Moral Majority” and the most immoral person on the DOA roster, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow, has been like theoretical crack for myself as a booker. How couldn’t it be? You have two sides, both justified in their viewpoints, looking to prove their personal mantras by showing that the OTHER is wrong/immoral/prudish.


A feud like this could, potentially, stand as a “fire raging through out the DOA for years to come”. No ability to limit the carnage, to lessen the damage; so, giving in to the fact that such a hellish war will only come to a close when one side either A) Loses their job or B) Loses their life.


Two sides, Hell-bent on their cultural views…


Neither willing to truly listen to the other…


Sounds like America if you ask me.



Network Note #4

Subject: “The Voice of Ratings“<hr color="black">

”Now, John, I know that we’ve been very critical of you again this week; however, we hope that you can understand that our notes are ONLY to help you and the DOA succeed. The Arcadia Network have a heavy interest in your success, and the DOA’s success as a whole; so, we keep our eyes, and ears, close to the “ground” to see what most wrestling fans are looking for. Simply relaying that information to you in the end. So, We stand as the voice of the people. With that said, One thing that the wrestling community seems to be overjoyed about is your unique usage of Eric Tyler. He’s the perfect self-absorbed boss. The guy we all want to physically shake; question their motives in life. [slight Pause] Great work, John. Keep it up”


Contacting Eric [Tyler] about the DOA is, quite possibly, THE most important decision I’ve ever made. Without a “big-name” on the books, Most upstart companies can see their ultimate demise pretty early on. Why? We all like something NEW, something FRESH, but we also are creatures of habit. We want to see someone that we KNOW, that we RESPECT for their previous work. Eric stands as exactly that for us here in Deadly Overloaded Action.


His dedication in working with the “next crop of wrestling talent” is quite commendable as he KNOWS that his time has come and passed. He loves this industry. Everything about it. So, with that in mind, he’s made it his life’s work in the later part of his career to truly develop the “up-and-coming” wrestlers of the world.


Thankfully, after leaving Canada and practically “making” Shooter in CGC, his next stop was none other than our innovative venture. Even with our product being NOTHING like he’s ever worked with before, His tireless dedication to those coming up after him has been extremely remarkable. Swapping stories, teaching the tricks of the trade, and even going as far as to work with various wrestlers on off-days, has become a vital tool in this companies development.


The DOA wouldn’t have made it past it’s first week without Eric.




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What we learned:

* Roy Edison's inability to really "grab-hold" of the Pro Wrestling rule book has been a conscious effort to give him a "tough time". Making it seem very difficult to move from the world of MMA fighting to that of Pro Wrestling. Despite his losses, He hasn't lost any popularity by this point (still a D- overall in popularity). So, creatively, as time goes on, there's a good chance that he'll start to gain some victories. That being said, I'm not overly excited about his grades thus far. That could be, though, that he's been working with people who don't suit his style that well. So, I guess we'll see.


* Jay Chord held a promo & worked a match "in the dark" last week. All I have to say is, wow. He pulled down a "C" match with El Dragón Dorado and also pulled down a "C-" promo. This is a great sign going forward!! I already have his DOA persona crafted; so, now it's only a matter of time. This week, Episode #6, will mark his debut with the company!


* The Moral Majority have really done well thus far, grade-wise, in my game. Putting together promos both on the main show, and in "the dark", with grades of said promos ranging anywhere from a D+ to a C-. Very exciting to see! When you factor in that their typical match falls around a "D+", These two are destined for some greatness going forward in the DOA.


* Matty Sparrow is one of my favorite characters to write for (of all time)!


* I'm really trying to use Mr. Tyler as a "top attraction" while also using his overness to help spike others popularity in various segments. He, along with Acid, are the too most popular figures on the roster (both at a "C" for overness); so, I'm trying to find ways to develop "new homegrown stars" by utilizing their popularity. With that being said, I'm being VERY selective when it comes to WHO ultimately gets to work certain campaigns with these two.

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Has anyone on the DOA roster gained pop yet?


Good question, Celt.


Yea, I've had a few DOA "cast members" bump up in popularity in the last month (game-time). Also, saw some people fall in popularity sadly. Overall, I'm thinking of adding a second additional post to all "Network Notes", just below the What we learned section, to address any popularity shifts in the DOA. That way, It stands as another "behind the scenes" look into the mechanics of the game itself. Anyways, for this time, though, I'll just post those who have changed right here:





Popularity Gains

Cannonball Funk (E+ to D-)

Citizen X (E- to E+)

Johnny Vicious (E+ to D-)

Mainstream Hernandez (E- to E+)

Teddy Powell (E+ to D-)

Tom Kornell (E+ to D-)



Popularity Losses

Fox Mask (D to E+)

Masked Cougar (E+ to E-)

NARATO (D- to E+)

Steve Flash (D to D-)

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Monday Night, 2nd Week of June 2010

... Moral Objection ...




“Sorry John, I tried everything. Every angle we spoke of. He simply wants nothing to do with the DOA.”


I was in a state of shock. I thought, almost for certain, that Eric would be able to deliver upon bringing him to “Hollywood”. They had spent, roughly, a few years together while working for Phil [Vilbert] and everything I heard from Eric was positive. On top of that, I was a BIG fan of his work during his tenure, there, in the Tri-State area. So, fusing my lofty expectations with the fact that it was all-but guaranteed he would join, I found myself rather floored over the newest development.


“Are you sure? There’s nothing we can do?”


“Again, I’m sorry John. There’s nothing we can do.”


My eyes darted to the side, trying to fixate on the neon signs located on the other side of my smudgeless office window. Meanwhile, a brief sense of silence comes from the other side of the phone as Eric Tyler appears to be hesitant about what he says next. Knowing that the TRUTH would almost certainly make the situation even more damaging.


“Did he give any reason? Anything that we could work on?”


The brief silence is broken with a hefty sigh from the Wrestling Icon; a man I’ve grown to respect a great deal since helping to construct the DOA. In a way, Eric had become my “right-hand-man”. We worked almost perfectly in tandem as he was a trusted voice that really KNEW what he was talking about. He knew EXACTLY how this industry works & what would need to be done for us to REALLY challenge “The Big Three”. That’s why we felt it was best for him to meet with Art [Reed]; That his shared history with the man could ultimately sway his decision to join our program.



Not a fan of Deadly Overloaded Action...


Within a matter of a few seconds, The truth was brought forth.


“He wants nothing to do with us, actually. He called our program ‘crass’ and ‘degenerate-like’. Also, felt that we were only playing off of the ‘classless’ form of wrestling; doing nothing good for the industry. [Another sigh follows] He’s a man of deep-morals, John. Sadly enough, we aren‘t an attractive opportunity for anyone who dislikes more of a ‘risqué‘ product. It‘s just the truth of the matter. [slight Pause] What makes this company what it is, what makes it unique, is also the very thing that may turn some away. That‘s a reality we‘ll have to live with.”


He was right. There was no way around it.


We ARE ‘crass’. We ARE ‘rated-R’.


However, at the same time, we ARE the next-wave of Pro Wrestling genius on the International scene. We make no apologies about our approach and, for that, we have to expect that some may not agree with our organizational mantra. Art Reed, while a man I respect dearly for his abilities in the ring, was someone who we couldn’t count on as a potential competitor. Why? Our product, risqué-in-nature, was too polarizing for his taste. Even if his extremely-gifted athletic ability would mesh perfectly with our fast-paced, lightning quick, modern-style of in-ring action.


“Very true, Eric. Very true. [slight Sigh follows] We did everything we could. Thank you for the attempt.”


“It’s no problem, John. I, too, thought he would have fit in quite perfectly with our in-ring product; however, it’s what we do from an entertainment perspective that left me worried. Even during his days in DaVE, He was never truly comfortable with what was taking place around him. He kept to himself, worked his match, and then would slip out the back door of the arena before the show had come to an end. At least, It was like this in the final year. He and Phil butt heads on numerous occasions over what was ‘acceptable’ for his character. In the end, He was actually happy to see DaVE fall apart. I remember him saying exactly that. Noting that it had given him a platform; however, he was very happy to explore other, more fruitful, offers. [slight pause] I guess, don’t be shocked if he ends up with Cornell.”


Eric had told me early on that we were fighting a losing battle with Cornell; as it pertains to potentially signing Art. Despite his amazing athletic gifts, Mr. Reed was more of a “Traditionalist”. Someone who would absolutely thrive in the South East. With that being said, We thought we had a slight chance of bringing him on board, but, I guess the DOA is more for the “younger generation”. Someone like Art was already “set in his ways”. He had already compromised once before, signing with DaVE despite his moral objections, and had gained much success; to the point where, now, he could stand as a little more picky in his choices of employers.


“I do bring good news though, John. That ‘Bulldozer’ kid from Rip’s camp may be willing to sign on. I don’t know much about him personally; however, I’ve heard nothing but great things. I’m on my way to attend a MAW show. I’ll let you know what I see.”


“Great, Thank you, Eric. You’re really the ‘beating heart’ of this company.”


Without a “gushy” return, Eric simply hangs up the phone; not a shock in the slightest. Even despite our budding friendship, and his natural generous demeanor, Eric was cut from a different mold. Call it the mold of a different generation. One not to show his feelings. One to NEVER acknowledge their own success in life. He simply went about his work, gave everything 110%, and ended his night next to the same woman for the last 30 years of his life.


He is an honorable man.


In, according to Art Reed, an un-honorable company.

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Popularity Gains

Cannonball Funk (E+ to D-)

Citizen X (E- to E+)

Johnny Vicious (E+ to D-)

Mainstream Hernandez (E- to E+)

Teddy Powell (E+ to D-)

Tom Kornell (E+ to D-)



Popularity Losses

Fox Mask (D to E+)

Masked Cougar (E+ to E-)

NARATO (D- to E+)

Steve Flash (D to D-)



To qoute Raven: "Some must die so that other may live!"

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Shame about Reed, though I like that we got to hear about it despite the rejection. As I said before, it's always good to hear the bad with the good.


Enjoying the Network Notes too, it's funny how they seem to knock John down a peg or three and then build him up a little by the end of the meeting. Without any way of knowing, I suspect it isn't far from the truth for these sort of meetings :D

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To qoute Raven: "Some must die so that other may live!"




I would love to keep everyone over all the time; however, it's quite impossible. So, as you said, "Some must die so others may live". Fitting for this scenario as Fox Mask, Cougar, and Flash are all people that I really value on the roster but, right now, it's just not "their time".


With a roster of unpopular workers (by TEW terms/popularity), Some may have to take a hit in their overall popularity in which to develop a new wave of home-grown talent. (ie: Matty Sparrow, Citizen X, Mainstream Hernandez, Johnny Vicious, etc.)


Shame about Reed, though I like that we got to hear about it despite the rejection. As I said before, it's always good to hear the bad with the good.


I definitely agree about the "good with the bad", jhd1. This diary, just like with PSW , I'm really trying to convey John's experience. So, in a sense, there may be more of these kind of situations arising. Whether it's a big signing for the company, someone leaving for whatever reason, or someone turning us down.


For the reader's sanity, I won't go into this kind of detail for every situation BUT those that are important to the overall "story of John Greed" will certainly find more focus.


I'm glad you liked it, :D


Enjoying the Network Notes too, it's funny how they seem to knock John down a peg or three and then build him up a little by the end of the meeting. Without any way of knowing, I suspect it isn't far from the truth for these sort of meetings :D


I can't say I've ever sat in while a Network gave you notes about your programming; however, this is how I best expect it to flow. ya know? A critical analysis of what you're doing as THEY want more success out of you; basing their decisions upon research versus personal feelings. Who can fight with well-thought-out research? That being said, there are times where John will literally be left scratching his head... (ie: The idea of Johnny Vicious needing a "Catch-phrase").


Either way, It's a lot of fun to finish a show & then instantly turn my attention toward what worked & what didn't. It helps me to stay connected with the product much more. Plus, that way, I can create a better/more realistic approach from the Network on what they want to see in the end.

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I believe the cut-off for DOTM votes has passed, so, with that being said, I just wanted to thank Everyone who voted for this project as DOTM for February! :D



It's an amazing honor. Something that I certainly Cherish as a lot of hard work has gone into the DOA's development thus far. A true labor of love; through and through.


JamesCasey is widely considered to be one of THE most respected writer's on this board due to his great MAW work of art. In a way, I feel somewhat embarrassed to have had defeated him near his final moments with said diary; however, I also am so very grateful for the award.


Special Thank You's certainly have to go to these people as well:


Jhd1: If it wasn't for your amazing alt renders I'm not sure I would have "bought into" the DOA as much as I have. You've given me the ability to truly tell a story with the proper images from within my crazed mind. ha. I thank you greatly for this.


BigPapa42: You will always stand as my adviser, my teacher, my "Voice of Reason" (if you wanna pull in the DOA reference. ha). You've helped me greatly since day one & I really appreciate this.


KAM: Your logos (both for the DOA & for "Rapid Assault") has also given me the ability to truly "buy into" the DOA experience. Thank you greatly for this. For your amazing work.


ReapeR: The DOA Championship's that you created are a thing of beauty. Thank you for your continued support & the amazing renders that make the DOA seem "Alive".


Mistaken: For tirelessly formulating our award system. Your hard work means a lot to me (and I'm sure everyone else on this board). Many thank you's.


There are many more, I'm sure, however, these are the ones who come to mind. Thank you ALL for your continued support & for allowing me to create this crazy-little-DOA-world for you. It's something that I always take much pride in & try to work, re-work, and re-work some more in which to develop an entertaining show for my "viewers" (readers).


Cheers & Thank you again.







<hr color="black">

The Card for Episode #6 will be up Tomorrow Afternoon! (CST)

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Congrats on the win, EV, and thanks for the nod. Its good to know that I am your Eric Tyler :-)


Also wanted to mention that I do like how you presented the deal with Art Reed. Making what may have been a small moment in the game - contract offer rejected - into something that has some meaning in diary terms.

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