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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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By the way, does anyone think http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/Aidanbro111/phpXwHASsPM.jpg might be a more appropriate rep for Torment?



I do :)


Does this mean that Torment is going to be racing pigeons in his spare time?


Also, will he scream at Steve Flash, "I want to eat your children!"

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Does this mean that Torment is going to be racing pigeons in his spare time?


Also, will he scream at Steve Flash, "I want to eat your children!"


God, I hope so. ha. jk.


I guess you can never say never. That'll probably be if he ever turns face as it'll be easier to make a mockery of his persona. ;)

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Great show EV, glad to see Spee- I mean Torment get some gold. Looking forward to seeing where things go from here.


Thank you smurphy!


I'm a big fan of Marc Speed; so, I was happy to find a good use for him as Torment. Now, as the first ever Chokeout Champ, he'll go down in DOA history.





<hr color="black">

Diary Note: The Network Notes for Episode #8 will be up later today/tonight. So, if you enjoy hearing/seeing 'behind the scenes info' (both from a story stand point, John's viewpoint on his booking or lack there of, and actual in-game information) then stop back later to read that! Cheers. E-V.
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Review of Episode #8: "... The Call for Order ..."

- 4th week of June 2010 -




The Monday Following Episode #8

... Average Ratings, Matty continues to fall, Jay/Steve are a letdown, and Donte is my ’crack’ ...


There has been a collection of whispers circulating through out the office as of late. Was there a power-shift on the verge of taking place at the top of the Network? If so, all of our jobs could potentially be on the light; seconds away from being replaced by the ‘hot’, ‘new’, thing. Then again, I’m quite positive that I would potentially be okay. Why? Because, funny enough, the DOA was actually… the hot… new… thing!


With that being said, I could sense the underlying fear within the room. Even the review board knew that their posts may be up for questioning if the network saw a power shift take place. Either way, it was best to sit back and take everything at face value. No need to push too far into ‘what may be’ when I was more focused on ‘what THEY have to say’.


Network Note #1

Subject: Episode #9 to be a ‘Super-Card‘?<hr color="black">

“Your ratings stayed pretty consistent with what we can expect from the ‘Late-Night’ time slot on Thursdays. More or less, You’re doing around the same numbers as the rest of our original programming. So, with that said, it appears that the Network executives are very happy with your run thus far.”


[Looks up from the neatly positioned paperwork before him; smiles in my direction as if we were friends.]


“Lets see what you can do this week to ‘bolster’ the ratings a little higher. You’ve been granted a full 90 minutes of DOA programming; don’t take this for granted. A real action-packed Main Event would really help I’m sure. Hell, What is it that you guys call it? A ‘super-card’? Maybe it’s time to throw something crazy together to inspire some new households to tune into Rapid Assault? Make it so they can‘t turn away!”


Ratings. Ratings. Ratings. It always comes down to Ratings.


Then again, what else would a Network care about in the end? Higher ratings equals more leverage as potential sponsors look to advertise on the Arcadia Network.


With most ‘headbooker’ jobs, The viewership for most broadcasts is something you keep in the back of your mind; however, it’s not really the “be-all-end-all”. Why? You have a ship to guide, a war to wage, and a need to inspire your ‘men’ to follow with you on this journey. A General, If you will. However, things are MUCH different in Deadly Overloaded Action…


In the world of TV development, I am not a “Headbooker”… I’m a Director of Wrestling Operations.


In the world of TV development, I am not a ‘General for Men’… I am simply a producer waiting in the wings.


In the world of TV development, I am not a “Wrestling Writer”… I am a Network employed writer looking to develop gripping, action-packed, well thought out, plot-lines; all with the intention of creating memorable characters. Something that the Network can then spin around and exploit; taking the popularity that I helped to develop, making a quick buck in merchandising sales, and ultimately I see nothing of the profit.


Needless to say, I do all the work. They rake in all the money.


I’m not going to complain totally though. I no longer live in a ****roach infested apartment in the ‘Steel District’ of Pittsburgh, driving a half-dead Chevy that has legitimate bullet holes in the side, and looking to score tonight’s dinner from a nearby McDonald's; due to it’s cheap pricing.


No, now I find myself in a nice, spacious, one-bedroom apartment in the lovely hills of Burbank, I’ve upgraded to a Toyota that has troubles stopping, and actually have enough money, consistently, to grocery shop. Needless to say, this is “the life” compared to my time in Pittsburgh.


All in all, They were right. Not entirely, but somewhat.


We aren’t in need of a ‘super-card’ quite yet; as it would only hurt our PPV event coming up in the next few weeks. So, instead, I have to find a way to cultivate a continued sense of excitement. Throwing everything BUT the kitchen sink at my audience; leaving the Kitchen sink for the PPV.


I guess we’ll see.



Network Note #2

Subject: How do you solve a problem like Matty?<hr color="black">

“We’ve run into quite the confusing scenario, John.”


[i fidgeted in my chair slightly; not excited to hear what comes next. Whatever it may be]


“Matt Sparrow has polled quite well with our research department in the past; however, this week there appears to be something odd.”


[He stares even deeper onto his sheet, As if his ‘second-glance’ would prove to supply him with an answer not known before.]


“Maybe it’s the nature by which the continued argument between he and The Moral Majority is panning out, or possibly it’s just him. I mean, the episode before this one, he looked to stand out like a ‘sore thumb’ with many of our viewers who felt he wasn’t ready for, as they call it, ‘The Closing Lights’. Now, this week, his name has shown up yet again in our feedback analysis; most stating that something feels very off about his persona. Do you know what this could be?”


To say the least, I have no idea.


I’ve worked very hard to craft Matt into a bonfide superstar. In most cases, Matt was the pure example of what I had envisioned for Deadly Overloaded Action when I first interviewed for the Director Of Wrestling Operations position. This feeling that there are SO MANY talented Indy wrestlers out there; lost to the masses because they don’t work for “The Big Three”. In the past, If you didn’t work for Eisen, Cornell, Strong, or even Vilbert, You were considered to be a nobody to most casual wrestling fans.


This was a very, very, sad scenario.


Especially for a guy, like myself, as I was once in the same boat as them; struggling to be noticed by those at the top of the industry. Practically destroying my body all in the name of the ‘sport’ that loved.


So, when constructing the early days of a DOA program, Matt was someone I kept in mind on a daily basis. Then, with the development of his “Porn Star” persona, I thought we had struck gold. Our demographic was eating it up, everything was rolling, and it looked like his feud with the Moral Majority was really gaining a lot of traction.


Then the research came back.


“There’s something ”Off” about Matty Sparrow.”


No matter what I’ve tried; there’s always been something.


Now, it seems like reality was no different. So, what to do? Gently remove the “Pecker-Wrecker” from the main event scene? Keeping his character strong, but ultimately, giving him a short stint back in the Midcard; where many think he belongs? - OR - Do I continue to beat my head against the wall as I push Matty ‘to the moon’; only to hear back that his rise has possibly hit a theoretical wall.


This was something I had to review.



Network Note #3

Subject: An unlikely let-down.<hr color="black">

“We here, at the Network, LOVE Jay Chord; however, the overall consensus from our feedback analysis was that his match with Steve Flash was an epic letdown for most of our viewers. Whether it was shotty writing, the inability for these two men to work well together, or a slight ‘pushback’ toward the young Chord as many don’t really know how to react to him; this is a troubling sign.”


[His mood changes slightly; somewhat unhappy with what he’s heard as it pertains to the Jay Chord vs. Steve Flash match.]


“To those who consider themselves ‘Avid Wrestling Fans’, Their response to the Flash/Chord match was that these two men have zero chemistry as realistic opponents; a fact that’s astounding as we all really enjoyed everything. [slight pause] To those who consider themselves to NOT be ‘Avid Wrestling Fans’, It seems as if the match went on for ‘too long’; it ran for somewhere around 14 minutes, right?”


[i nodded as he continues on.]


“There’s nothing we can do to fix what our viewers saw; it’s in the past, but maybe, you should keep these two away from each other for the time being. It’s probably in the best interest of the show.”


You can’t sneak anything past our fans.


The Steve Flash/Jay Chord altercation was an absolute mess from start to finish. We had a lock-solid plan to keep Jay Chord over with a DQ; however, to ultimately put Steve over as being able to ‘keep up’ with the youngster. This, I felt, was a great representation of the struggle Steve’s currently locked within: “Can he, the aging veteran, continue to push toward the top? Even if he is MUCH older than the rest of the DOA roster?”


With that being said, My well-oiled plan fell by the wayside as these two practically stunk up the entire card. Now, I’m a huge fan of Steve’s work; however, part of me wonders if he simply didn’t want to help put Jay over in the longest match of the night. Annoyed over Jay’s consistent behavior backstage, and a friend of Mr. Tyler, it wouldn’t surprise me if Steve purposely made it tough on Jay. However, by doing so, it really created a major letdown as many of us thought that this COULD be the match of the night.


In the end, I guess this just goes to show you how you can NEVER really expect anything in life. Once you do, You’re bound to have reality punk you in the face.


The Jay Chord/Steve Flash match was that abusive sense of reality.



Network Note #4

Subject: So… You Wanna be a hit TV producer?<hr color="black">

“Lastly, This has nothing to do with ‘Rapid Assault’ and everything to do with “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?”


[i could feel the lump forming in my throat; didn’t they like it? This was my first attempt at creating an alternative form of programming; focused in Pro Wrestling; however, without any real competitive action to speak of. Well, outside of the competition of someone winning a DOA contract that is.]


“The Network loved it. Our viewers loved it.”


[i sank into my chair; relieved.]


“The Network executives are thinking about green lighting some other DOA projects in the future; they’re interested in you heading those up as well.”


[i nodded slightly; intrigued by the possibility.]


“We liked the fresh, witty, intensely realistic, approach that you cultivated with this program. To be honest, This industry is dominated by Reality TV. It truly is the KING of entertainment right now. So, who else would be better to tap into this realm than Pro Wrestling? You’re pretty much a weekly, scripted, Reality TV show, right?”


[i nodded again; not totally in agreement but not going to go against his ‘happy mood’.]


“Donte Dunn was the perfect choice, and now, he will forever be seen as ‘the man of the people’ after winning the show. I mean, his struggle as a child… wow… That’s gripping TV regardless of what genre you’re looking to tap into. Born into poverty, lost his parents as a child, immigrated to the United States with his young sister. [shakes his head in disbelief.] It makes me tear up just thinking about it. That’s ‘crack’ for a writer… For a producer like yourself. Don’t let up on this, John. Ride this wave of momentum as much as you possibly can. He [Donte] could ultimately be your ‘meal ticket’; that once-in-a-lifetime gift given to producers that ultimately makes them legendary. That is… If you sell the story well enough…”


I practically held my breath the entire time he spoke; nervously attempting to pay attention while also fearing the worst. However, when it came to be that the Network was happy with my production, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of overwhelming release. My body sunk into my chair, my mind slowly came to a sense of ease, as my heart began to decelerate… Moment by moment.


“So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler” was an idea I had crafted up shortly after signing with Arcadia. As you can see, It took a few weeks to ‘sell the idea’ to the Network. At first, They didn’t really seem all that intrigued. That is, until, market research began to trickle back that the DOA was becoming quite the commodity with our demographic. Once that was squared away, The Executives became much more willing to listen to my ideas. Overall, acting much more favorably toward me and wants/needs.


Did we manipulate the final results?


You bet your a** we did…




Was it to doop our viewers into thinking that they were selecting the next great Pro Wrestler?




Perception is ten times stronger than the truth… As the truth often takes time to take hold. Perception takes only seconds to craft.


Donte Dunn was always going to win. From the very second Eric [Tyler], our head of talent analysis, saw him working a regional Indy show in California a few weeks back, We knew that this guy had something special within him.


He has the looks.


He has the speed, the jaw-dropping athleticism, to ‘keep up’ with a typical DOA match.


And, He’s an absolute unknown to even most “Avid Wrestling Fans”.


We can shape him into what we want him to be. He’s an original DOA product; untouched by “The Big Three”.


He’s the ‘every-man’. The formerly poverty-stricken boy who picked himself up by his boot straps, moved to America, and went after the glorious façade that is “The American Dream”.


He’s perfect.


In every way.








<hr color="black">

What we learned:

* I’m going to start touching upon a new development from a ‘backstage perspective’ as the Arcadia Network sees a ‘changing of the guard’ from the top of the company. This won’t affect Mr. Taver’s position; however, it will introduce a new person into the fold. He’ll most likely be created (not already in the database) and will serve as a background figure for the most part; with the potential of becoming an on-screen character later on due to his immense, unique, nature. While I’ll go into greater detail what his pop levels are, and overall stats levels, at a later date… He will most likely sign on with the DOA and show up on my roster from an in-game perspective. That way I can better simulate him possibly becoming a part of the DOA experience. I know it may seem a little “WHAT?”, in the sense of making a change, but I really like the idea that will come forward with this. It could REALLY bring on a sense of craziness in the end.


* I don’t expect to see the DOA’s ratings ever really move from where they lie right now; between 0.20 and 0.23. Sure, with time, I may try to find a way to move into Prime-Time; however, I’m guessing my risqué product levels will keep me from that fact. Outside of that, I’ll have to keep an eye on the Arcadia Network’s profile to see if any time-slots become much more popular than what they are now & then try to move from there. Either way, I’ve come to accept this range (0.20 - 0.23).


* Matty Sparrow had a gimmick change to one that I created; “Rated-R”. It bombed. He now has a Gimmick rating of an “F+” and it’s dropped his overall happiness down a peg from an in-game perspective. I even tried to offer him some money but that didn’t really help. Either way, now with the accumulation of him standing out like a sore thumb during last weeks closing segment, and now seeing his gimmick rating fall very hard, it’s probably best to review what I want to do with Sparrow at this point. This doesn’t mean, in anyway, that I’m going to simply push him straight out of the Main Event. That would seem awkward and unrealistic; so, I’m going to find a way to make everything work out in the end. Keeping Matty as a consistent ‘budding’ cast member and still find a way not to push him so heavily like I was maybe intending to.


* During Episode # 8, I received the dreaded note that Steve Flash and Jay Chord don’t work well together and that it made for an awkward bout. I tried my best to relay this in the actual write-up of their match; however, thought it was best to touch on it again. I was absolutely floored by the news as I was really banking on a great match between the two. I mean Flash vs. Chord? How is that NOT a major match-up? Either way, they were only able to pull a “D-” all together… Which is pretty sad if you ask me.


* In which to simulate a small popularity bump for Donte Dunn after winning “So… You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?” I edited his overall popularity to an “E-”. Normally, I‘m not one to edit while in-game; however, I felt it was justified after he had just walked away with a HUGE focus on an hour-long show a few days prior. I think it would be much more of a “WHAT?” kind of situation if I would have bumped him up to a “D“ lets say. Either way, an “E-” gives him enough popularity so he isn‘t an “F“; while also having enough room to move up from a Lower Midcarder pretty soon with proper booking (and matches). As I‘ve said before, Despite his great look, and being a perfect fit from an in-ring perspective for the DOA, Dunn will not be receiving a GOD push. I‘m not a huge fan of it & it should only be used for VERY special people who can really make a difference right away; when needed.


Popularity Shifts:


+ Pop. Gains

Donte Dunn (from F to E-)

Torment (from E+ to D-)



- Pop. Losses

Johnny Vicious (from D to D-)

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Great work, Eisen-verse. Your last few posts (show included) really shows that you put a lot of time, and effort, into this dynasty. It's cool to hear a review of your show from a Network's perspective. It brings another voice to what's being booked. My hats off to you man.
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Great work, Eisen-verse. Your last few posts (show included) really shows that you put a lot of time, and effort, into this dynasty. It's cool to hear a review of your show from a Network's perspective. It brings another voice to what's being booked. My hats off to you man.

Thank you, Oracle!


It does take a lot of work to put together some of these segments; however, It's a lot of fun for me. I'm sure I'm more prone to fizzle out at some point but I've put a lot of focus in how to re-work my typical duration; in a sense, not feeling the need to pump out major works every single day. (Like in previous diaries). Does it mean I care less? God no. If anything, I really love this diary so much that I want it to keep going & I know that my motivation levels will stay higher if I allow myself the room to have 'thoughts outside of this project'. ha.


As for the Network's view of what I'm booking, Here in lies WHY I decided to come back from my 'short retirement' after PSW. I felt that there was a very unique story to tell here. John Greed struggles to find some footing within an industry he has NO CLUE about. Sure, he's been a headbooker before but he's never been a Director of Wrestling Operations. ha. It comes with a totally different view, feel, and focus. Also, when you factor in the characters that show up from a Network's perspective (Mr. Tarver, Sophia, and the newly developing CEO at some point here), It makes the story even more interesting to say the least.

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What we learned:


* Matty Sparrow had a gimmick change to one that I created; “Rated-R”. It bombed. He now has a Gimmick rating of an “F+” and it’s dropped his overall happiness down a peg from an in-game perspective. I even tried to offer him some money but that didn’t really help. Either way, now with the accumulation of him standing out like a sore thumb during last weeks closing segment, and now seeing his gimmick rating fall very hard, it’s probably best to review what I want to do with Sparrow at this point. This doesn’t mean, in anyway, that I’m going to simply push him straight out of the Main Event. That would seem awkward and unrealistic; so, I’m going to find a way to make everything work out in the end. Keeping Matty as a consistent ‘budding’ cast member and still find a way not to push him so heavily like I was maybe intending to.



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When did Matt Sparrow's gimmick change happen? I can say this... in a product where gimmicks matter, and sometimes, in promotions where they don't matter but fans don't mind gimmicks, a crappy gimmick rating can really screw things up.


It's entirely possible that people didn't buy into Sparrow as a "Rated R" person. How many people in the history of this business could pull off that gimmick and not look bad coming out of it? :p I mean... if I was a "Rated R" star, I rather been in "Rated R" projects than wrestling. It's easier and more enjoyable. ;)

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When did Matt Sparrow's gimmick change happen? I can say this... in a product where gimmicks matter, and sometimes, in promotions where they don't matter but fans don't mind gimmicks, a crappy gimmick rating can really screw things up.


It's entirely possible that people didn't buy into Sparrow as a "Rated R" person. How many people in the history of this business could pull off that gimmick and not look bad coming out of it? :p I mean... if I was a "Rated R" star, I rather been in "Rated R" projects than wrestling. It's easier and more enjoyable. ;)


Good point.


If anything, I actually quite like the fact that Matty's gimmick bombed. Not because I didn't want to see him in the Main Event scene, but more so, because it shows me that you can simply plug people into position to be successful in TEW terms. Sometimes, there are things out of your control (such as the crowd's reaction to a gimmick change). In a way, it's a friendly reminder that you can't just do whatever the hell you want and expect that people will love it (I'm looking at you Mr. McMahon. ha). There will be moments where something you plan on falls through, so you're stuck with two options.... A) Force it through or B) Go with the flow of reality. To me, this is the BEST THING about this game (especially when matching it with a working diary). It forces you to be creative; re-think avenues and ultimately come up with a new route if your original one fell apart.


With that being said, You are right. There aren't many who can really pull off a "Rated R" gimmick. To be honest, I think I slowly became quite comfy with how I had set things up in the DOA and just expected that a gimmick like this would pass. Honestly, It wasn't an easy gimmick to say the least. It's actually one that most men probably couldn't pull off due to the high difficulty level that I put on it. However, that's just a sign that I must have thought Matty could pull it off... or... That, in the end, nothing could slow me down. ha. Boy, was I wrong.


Needless to say, I actually enjoy the fact that Matty's gimmick didn't take. Why? It's back to the drawing board. :D If you know me, and followed my PSW diary, you know that I'm not one to 'stay in my ways'. If I lose a wrestler to a big company, a gimmick flops, or something just doesn't turn out right... Meh. Not because I don't care but because I can't control it & would rather not forcibly control it by editing in-game.


To me TEW is about playing with what the game gives you. Bending off of the situations that arise & ultimately making the best out of what you have.

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At a F+ gimmick rating, you have nothing to lose if you decide to change his gimmick right now. He might get better at it over time, but i wouldn't risk it.


That's true, How much worse can it really get? Ha. I may try to wait a week on doing so as Matty will end up in the Main Event this next week on "Rapid Assault" I'm thinking; however, that's a good point (as always) Amp. There really isn't anything to loose by this point. ha

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To me TEW is about playing with what the game gives you. Bending off of the situations that arise & ultimately making the best out of what you have.


Here, here! It's the surprise A* gimmick ratings mixed amongst the F+s that make it so special. You might have no plans whatsoever for a worker and all of a sudden - awesome chemistry - and suddenly you've got a year-long feud planned out in your mind. Equally, you might push someone to the very top, only for them to walk away three weeks later. Sure, it isn't ideal, and it is frustrating at times but where would the fun be if every match got an A?


Think of the story opportunities simply because Sparrow got an F+!

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Here, here! It's the surprise A* gimmick ratings mixed amongst the F+s that make it so special. You might have no plans whatsoever for a worker and all of a sudden - awesome chemistry - and suddenly you've got a year-long feud planned out in your mind. Equally, you might push someone to the very top, only for them to walk away three weeks later. Sure, it isn't ideal, and it is frustrating at times but where would the fun be if every match got an A?


Amen, my friend. If every match ended in an "A", every gimmick got over well, and there was always good chemistry between workers then this game would be overly boring. ha. It simulates real life in a sese; not everything is going to go your way but you work with what you've been given.


Think of the story opportunities simply because Sparrow got an F+!


Actually, I almost feel like this could be BETTER for Sparrow. Yes, he won't be sniffing around the Main Event anytime soon probably (outside of this next week's telecast as it would be dumb to just drop him so quickly from a top position); however, in time, this will give him more time to stay away from being "Fed" to Acid. If he continued on, Then there's a good chance he'd end up losing quite a bit along the way. So, now, back to the midcard/upper midcarder realm, He can thrive as I try to find a way to limit the damage of his failed gimmick.

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Episode #9

Thursday, 1st Week of July 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Singles Match


Who’s got the Funk? … DOA’s got the Funk. Yaaaaaooowwww!


That’s right, The DOA’s in-house “Funk-Star” makes his return to “Rapid Assault” this week by competing against the masked man with a “Death-Wish”, Jettstream. It’s been almost 2 weeks since Funk last grooved before the “Dungeon Dead-Heads” and his absence has inspired a mini-revolution of sorts; calling on his return to TV. Said revolution, led by a mysterious internet journalist by the name of Critical-23, seemingly has shown the dedication that the Arcadia Network has to its fans; ultimately bringing the much-beloved Funk back to action in a grand way.


Can the returning Funk-Star find a way to dust off his ring-rust, squeeze into his flashy spandex pants once again, and overcome the insanity that is Jettstream’s unique offensive styling? - OR - Will his highly anticipated return to TV fall short of the mark as his opponent takes one step closer to being labeled as a ‘threat’ in the DOA?


Either way, It’s bound to be an exciting opening bout filled with high-risk spots, amazing aerial prowess, and the ‘smooth’ delivery of Funk-inspired gyrating.



Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez w/ Prudence & Grace

Three-Way Singles Match


The Death-Defying Duo Division is, quite possibly, the hottest form of Pro Wrestling action Today!


Gone are the slow, methodical, sleep-inspiring action that has plagued Tag Team wrestling forever. Here to stay is the fast-paced, extremely seamless, high octane approach of the Death-Defying Duo Division; a true revolution of epic proportions.


In our second match of the night, Three men representing three of the strongest DOA Duo’s will compete in a heated affair as each member looks to make the case that THEIR tandem is, by far, the greatest within the Division. While it’s set to be a three-way match-up, It’s common knowledge to expect that each Duo will find a way to utilize both men in which to influence the ultimate outcome.


In the end, Will one-half of the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions, OTA, find a way to overcome his rivals? Guiding his belief of non-violence aside in which to peacefully defeat those who are willing to inflict pain upon him?


Will it be the controversial, Religious fanatic, Mainstream Hernandez who ultimately overcomes the actions of those he dubs as SINNERS? Moving ever so farther down the road toward an eventual Death-Defying Duo Title Shot?


- OR -


Will the comedic, Richard Eisen-inspired, buffoon, Dick Eyezen, find a way to shockingly come away with a BIG-TIME victory in favor of Totally Supreme’s ultimate goal: The destruction of the DOA from within?


Only time will tell; however, it’s certainly expected to be a chaotic affair.



El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell w/ Violet

Singles Match


The third match of the night pits two opposites forces, converging upon each other in a cataclysmic kind of fashion. The age-old narrative of: Good vs. Evil, Takes center stage as the consummate “Hero” El Dragón Dorado steps into the ring with the obsessively jaded societal villain, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell.


It was Dorado that Powell recently assaulted; all in the name of exposing those who are labeled as “Hero’s”. While having a meet-and-greet with awe-inspired youngsters, Dorado was viciously, and remorselessly, assaulted by Mr. Powell; an act that Teddy describes as an ‘awakening’ to those very kids. ‘An awakening’ that GOOD… NEVER gets ahead. That the VILE… ALWAYS succeeds & that success is out of your hands if others are willing to destroy your dreams.


All in all, A great after school special message, huh?


However, now, within the guidelines and rules of a standard DOA match, El Dragón Dorado attempts to gain a sense of revenge from his maniacal foe; something that he has not yet tasted in the “Dungeon” yet (Their only other one on one affair ended with a Powell victory after the lights were turned out; in his favor).


Can El Dragón Dorado prove to those who label him as a ‘role model’ that GOOD can truly prevail?


- OR -


Will Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell continue his slow, destructive, rise to the top of Deadly Overloaded Action? Ultimately leaving the hopes, and dreams, of the youth of America behind as collateral damage?


The ultimate X-Factor: Can El Dragón Dorado, and DOA official Eugene Williams, fend off Violet?



Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Normal Tag Match (Not under Death-Defying Duo Division Rules)


The FIRST MAIN EVENT of the night was directly developed by the Arcadia Network itself; free from Eric Tyler’s typical booking routine of handing his ‘chosen few’ an easy ride from start to finish. Shortly after Episode #8 came to a close, Network Executives informed Mr. Tyler of their continued unease with said practice; ultimately, taking matters into their own hands by single-handedly changing aspects of the card in which to promote equality amongst the DOA competitors. With that, This tag team altercation was born.


It was originally set to be Johnny Vicious, again, in handi-capped turmoil as he was set to take on both Rayne Man and Torment all by himself; most likely, a way for Mr. Tyler to continually destroy the will of the “Blazing Red Demon”. However, when the final card was submitted to the Network… A major change was made.


Now, It stands as a tag team altercation as “The Remarkable” Steve Flash joins the side of his equally embattled partner; Johnny Vicious.


With the playing field a little more level at this point, Which team will find a resounding victory on this week’s episode of “Rapid Assault”? While that’s unknown, one thing is for sure, This isn’t a simple tag team match-up. Oh no. This 2 on 2 altercation physically personifies the struggle that has encompassed Deadly Overloaded Action since day one; The continuous struggle of Mr. Tyler vs. The DOA. More importantly, Mr. Tyler vs. Steve Flash and Johnny Vicious as his men look to do the ’dirty work’ of the retired Wrestling Legend turned “Voice of Reason”.



Greg Black vs. Matty "The Pecker-Wrecker" Sparrow

Singles Match

The winner is the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship

Special Guest Referee: Acid


The FINAL MAIN EVENT of the night stands as another match-up developed by the Network (versus Eric Tyler) in which to clearly discover the NEW #1 contender to Acid’s DOA Championship!


Ever since Greg Black’s momentous debut, He and Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow have been on a crash course toward a destructive ending. After two weeks of neck-snapping assaults from Black, “The Pecker-Wrecker” appears to be focused, and determined, to overcome his newfound foe. However, if history tells us anything, Black’s ability to manipulate any scenario may prove to be Sparrow’s downfall. For the one major knock on the glorified “Porn Star” is that he tends to lack enough drive within the ring; something that Mr. Black certainly does not.



In control; how will he maintain order?


To add a sense of fairness to the Champ himself, The Network has also declared that Acid will stand as the special guest referee for tonight’s final Main Event. In a way, Giving him full control of who his opponent may be? However, it appears that the Network is comfortable with such an outcome. Why? It’s out of their hands & they’re not looking to overly interfere with “Rapid Assault”, but rather, trying to give ALL the ability to succeed instead of “All the Kings Men”.


Also, in a shocking of the winner’s timetable to the DOA Championship, the victor will receive their title shot at THE END OF THIS MONTH; Set for the 12th Episode of the DOA… Taking place on PPV!!


With all of this in mind, How can the final Main Event NOT tear the roof off the “Dungeon”?


In the end, Who will walk away as the new #1 Contender?


Then again, maybe the real question is… who will ACID allow to walk away as the New #1 Contender to his DOA Championship?




The winner of this past Saturday's "So... You wanna be a Pro Wrestler?", Donte Dunn, will make his DOA debut! Not in action, mind you, but the newcomer will be given the opportunity to make himself comfortable in "The Dungeon" before he's thrusted into competitive action!




Also, The man who has made a career out of guiding men to Championship Gold, The Guru will make his “Dungeon” debut THIS WEEK on “Rapid Assault”. What will his position be? Is he looking to take another competitor under his wing? We’ll find out this, and much much more, this Thursday… on DOA… “R-R-R-R-RRRRAAAPID ASSAULT”!!!!!







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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Neither man has really gotten much airtime, but I like Funk's gimmick.

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Going with OTA here because...well, I really don't have much of a reasoning.

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

I think Powell could be a bigger player than Dorado.

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Vicious is one of my favorite characters that you have going right now. He just outweighs the rest of them.

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

I can't see the 'Pornstar' getting it the victory through the backdoor, front door, or an exit. Greg Black for champion!

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream


Who really knows with this match, as Tweek It said neither one has gotten much screen time so I will go with the guy who had a somewhat push.


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez


I am not sure where any of them rank in your actual game, so I will just go with the guy that seems to be getting a push with the main event guys.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell


John Greed owes him a push, because he did not honor the title run in Teddy's last PSW contract.:D


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment


I have no real reason for this.


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow


Greg worked for a national promotion, Matty was/is working for Costal Zone. I think Greg should get the win here.

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Glad to see Funkster back on TV. And about being the mysterious internet journalist, i got something in mind for that. Thanks for the shoutout!


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

MH is under Tyler so this could be a step closer to bring more gold to the stable.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Drag's got the better skills but Powell has the better character right now.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Just to stick it to Tyler even more. . .


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

We already saw Sparrow/Acid, now we want to see Black/Acid.

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Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Funk is a bigger star & Jettstream hasn't won a singles match yet.


Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

DRAW, or thrown out by the Referee, after everyone gets involved and there's no way of keeping any order.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

The Golden Dragon gets his revenge with a victory but maybe via DQ or something? If not that then I'm guessing Powell will attack him after the match. Just seems fitting so that you can keep this feud going.


Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

To piss off Tyler.


Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

Matty's new gimmick landed an F+ so I don't see him beating the great Greg Black.

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'Redeem Thee' Teddy Powell's picture is Torment in the hype thing, just to let you know :)


Cannonball Funk vs. Jettstream

Dick Eyezen vs. OTA vs. Mainstream Hernandez

El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

Johnny Vicious and Steve Flash vs. Rayne Man and Torment

Greg Black vs. Matty Sparrow

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