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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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I like Matt Sparrow. I hope you didn't get the impression I disliked him.


Oh no, don't worry, AMP. I didn't feel like you were overly spewing hatred for Matty. With those "network notes", They tend to focus somewhat on what others say as 'viewers' but also goes off of what happens in the game. So, it was easy to write it off that Matty was losing popularity due to the fact that his gimmick was bombing, he was putting forth bad showings, and there was a culture that people weren't that happy with him! So, it wasn't directed at you! Sorry, If it seemed like that.


I like he Rated R version of Matty and regular Matty as well. Sucks it didn't workout for him.


And Strong's suit legally can't be valid as it is only in a satire way that you are portraying Sammy. I mean, ECW were never sued by WCW for the BWO for that same reason. I mean, it's good writing don't get me wrong, but I AM in Criminal Justice (Go Jets~!!!!) so that kinda sticks me in the rib a little bit. KUTGW.


I think that's the whole point... Sam Strong won't win the legal case if he put it up. First, he would have to get Richard Eisen and Tommy Cornell on board, which I doubt he will be able to do so. In fact, they have a better case (Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell) than Sam Strong does (Sammy Strung). Sam is a common male name, and Strong is a common word. Eisen's and Cornell's name is not common. Even they aren't likely to win such a lawsuit.


I bet that's why the "Arcadia Network" backs Greed on this - it might cost them, but they know they will win.


That's the thing. The lawsuit is pending as a possibility; however, it's more so Sam trying to bully the DOA (And "Arcadia") to remove the "Sammy Strung" character. So, there is no actual lawsuit yet... Just Sam trying to convince Arcadia that he WILL sue if they don't remove "Sammy". Needless to say, Even his camp knows that it probably won't win in court... But it's less about that. It's more so Sam Strong trying to force John into killing the gimmick before it even gains any weight; thinking that his legandary status will pretty much persuade John into giving him the "ass-kissing" that he feels he deserves. So, while he sent him the letter... It's not a formal suit just yet. As of right now, It's just Mr. Strong trying to push his weight around and manipulate another company through his status. :D

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And honestly, like your network notes said, it's, so far, a failure. Networks in general are skittish about these kind of things... but when they want to put up a fight, it's hard to get them to back off.




So far, Matty has been somewhat of a failure (from the perspective of trying to 'mold' him into a Main Eventer); however, with time, that could reverse itself after he's shown to be more profitable for the Network. :D

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Actually, when I was referring to failure, I wasn't referring to Sparrow... I was referring to Strong. :p


;) Gotcha.


It's all good. Just chalk it up to reading at a fast pace & pretending like I know what I'm talking about when I really don't. haha. Either way, Thanks for putting your 2 cents in AMP. It's been awhile since I've seen you around so it's cool to know that you're still here; keeping me on my toes. ha ;)

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I put my vote in to fire Roy Eddison. I know you didn't ask for insight but he never really seemed to fit in with the DOA product. His crossover appeal was something to spark interest in the DOA but in the end he's not really your stereotypical flier/athletic/modern/lucha wrestler.


Off with his head!




or I guess you could just fire him. :rolleyes:

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I put my vote in to fire Roy Eddison. I know you didn't ask for insight but he never really seemed to fit in with the DOA product. His crossover appeal was something to spark interest in the DOA but in the end he's not really your stereotypical flier/athletic/modern/lucha wrestler.


Off with his head!




or I guess you could just fire him. :rolleyes:


Call it selfish pride but I don't know if I can totally just give up on Edison, CZCW. I have something in mind for him; however, I really do need to re-think whether or not I should spend precious time on someone who may not be able to pull down a good enough rating to keep it worth it?


Sure, He has a decent level of popularity (by DOA standards) at a "D-" but most of his matches end up rather 'blah' due to his inability to carry a match; plus being a stark contrast to the typical DOA competitor.


That being said, I do really need to sort through my ideas for him. Is it better just to cut the loss, take a hit to my pride for not being able to use him properly, and then move onto someone who could potentially pull down a "C-" to a "C" match on a regular basis? Someone like Mikey James or such?


We'll see I guess...

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My fears were relieved.


The steamrolling locomotive that is the Pro Wrestling Legend, Sam Strong, was deemed as nothing more than a ‘roof top heckler’; A general nuisance versus a, potentially, crippling legal force. Never the less, A sense of joy quickly overcame my broken-in frame.


The “Sammy Strung” character was here to stay now that our legal department reassured myself, and the Network as a whole, that the lawsuit pending from Mr. Strong was nothing more than a hollow piece of paper; an act of a ‘bully’ instead of a well-thought out legal process.


With that being said, as we all exhale a collective breath of ease, this meant the official birth of the ‘push back’ to the “Big Three”; a comedic faction squared firmly upon exposing the ‘truth’ behind the Eisen… Cornell… and now… Strong.






<hr color="black">NEXT: A MEETING OF 'THE MINDS'...

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The small, pop-art infested, conference room down the hall stands as our inaugural meeting place. For weeks now, I have leaned on each of these men in various ways; however, this will mark the FIRST TIME that all have sat together under one roof; to analyze the direction of the DOA. Within these walls, amongst these men, there are no talks of ‘ratings’, no recollection of demographic testing, and certainly no speak of Network ideals. No. We are simply four men bound by our love for this industry; reviewing the DOA’s path from strictly a ‘Wrestlers’ perspective.


In a sense, Call this my own little “Breakfast Club”; a group of individuals from different backgrounds, holding different points of view; however, all pulled together for one main purpose: To build Deadly Overloaded Action from the ground up. Leaving no stone unturned. No thought lost in space.


The brick-red walled room fills with a heavy-clouded haze; the consistent, smoke-filled, exhalation of Eric Tyler marked as the ultimate culprit. The Network’s headquarters is considered to be a ‘smoke free’ building; however, Eric never seems to comply. He knows of this rule… Just doesn’t seem to really follow ‘said rules’; dripping of the self-defiant mentality that tends to plague most Pro Wrestlers.


While Eric tends to portray a demeanor of being practically unapproachable; it’s creation is on a subconscious level. Behind it all, He’s actually a very dependable, often social, being. You just need to strip away the layers of brute-conditioning from him. It’s there where you see the true Eric Tyler; a well-spoken, highly trusting, individual with the ability to lead others straight ‘into battle’. A true ‘Wrestlers Wrestler’.


On the other hand, Steve [Flash] and Eknath [Dutta] are quite the opposite; both known for their gentle demeanors & subtle displays of respect. While very different from their jaded counterpart, They all share a common bond in their love for this industry. The main reason for WHY they all joined the DOA shortly after its creation.


Steve, my go-to Road Agent, has made a career out of bringing the best out of others (as has Eric; even Eknath in another way). So, needless to say, his membership in our small ’brain trust’ is certainly well warranted. Without Steve, The DOA would certainly be removed of its backbone; as he’s the very man who I trust to convey my narrative to the ’cast members’. Simply enough, He breaks down my frantic madness into tangible scenarios within the ring ropes; A job that I greatly value.


Finally, Eknath is widely considered to be my true ‘right-hand-man’. While he may be the newest acquisition of the DOA brand, His insight into what makes a good show ‘click’ is invaluable. His calm, and often gracious, demeanor is something to cherish as most within this industry reek of self-destruction; ultimately pulling others into their web of personal annihilation within days, months, or even years. Needless to say, It’s his tranquil delivery of information that stands as my greatest equalizer; bringing my own high-anxiety down to a lesser state as he forges through the darkness with a focused mind.


All different; however, all attributed to the success of Deadly Overloaded Action.


My ‘Brain Trust’.


My ‘Inner Circle’.


In wrestling terms, My ‘Creative Team’.


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| The 'Roy Eddison' Summit |

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“You know you need to let him go, John. $2,000 is a lot to pay a guy who simply can’t work within the ropes. He’s too green. He’s going to get someone ‘killed’ in there.”


Eric proclaims; leaning back in his chair following, what seems like, a quick inhalation of his glass of scotch.


“I disagree, Eric. He can serve a great purpose for the DOA.”


Eknath returned; rather calmly as he barely blinks. His hands interlocked within each other in a peaceful fashion.


“What’s that? As a camera man? [slight Chuckle] Have you seen him work ‘in the dark’ lately? He looks clueless from start to finish. I mean, Steve can attest to this. He’s the last one to work with him.”


Everyone looks to Steve Flash with an inquisitive manner. Meanwhile, Steve is seen leaning forward toward the table; his elbows keeping his upper body propped up.


“He’s a little green; I’m not going to lie. That being said, I still think he can work out the ‘kinks’ with time. He just needs exactly that… Time. If you have the patience, John, then I say he’s a good fit. If not, then I say we let him go.”


There was a moment of silence; everyone thinking over Steve’s last statement.


“I’m not sure. On the one hand, He’s the perfect ‘heel’ just waiting to happen. The monstrous, out of control, incessantly violent fighter with little-to-no remorse for his victims. That’s golden in this industry. However, I’m afraid that he’s not progressing as well as I would like. [Pause] He still carries a great deal of popularity with our fan base, so, there is a lot of value there. [sighs] I don’t know… I can justify this outcome either way.”


Another short stint of silence is broken by Eric’s cold interjection; leaning back in his chair and dragging on his cigarette once again.


“I say fire him.”


There is a level of awkwardness circulating within the room; however, I’m guessing that it’s only being felt by myself. The others look pretty calm overall. With that being said, Steve shrugs slightly and also leans back in his chair as Eknath responds.


“Deep in your gut, John. What do you want out of Roy? Is he to be the next great DOA competitor? Just a midcard filler or someone who will bounce around aimlessly until you finally realize that he has no worth to you? I guess it comes down to that.”


I pensively stare forward at my ‘inner circle’; lost for words. With time, though, coming to a conclusion.


“I’m going to give him a little more time. [Pause] I believe that I have the right avenue for him, but, it will take some convincing of our fans in which to make it work. I mean, up until now, he hasn’t won a singles match in the DOA. [Pause] For this new perspective to work, I’ll need a new narrative for Roy. [i smirk confidently] I know just the man to make this all work…”


With that, My eyes gaze excitingly toward the man who some label… “The Mouth for the Monsters of Pro Wrestling”.

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Superb writing Eisen-verse. I like how you make it possible for us, the reader, to really get to know people like Tyler, Guru, and Steve Flash. While their characters are great during the show it's really cool to also see the real side of them. It gives an all around picture.


On another note I'm happy to see Edison not go. He may not fit the product perfectly but he's a project that you heavily pushed in the beginning. So it would be good to see him get his due. Especially since he was Funk's b*tch at first. Maybe a re-match down the road where Edison finally wins one instead of getting DQ'ed?

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Superb writing Eisen-verse. I like how you make it possible for us, the reader, to really get to know people like Tyler, Guru, and Steve Flash. While their characters are great during the show it's really cool to also see the real side of them. It gives an all around picture.


Thank you, Oracle!


The way I see it, It would be borderline impossible for John to steer the "DOA Ship" all alone. There are too many scenarios, too much high stress, and very little time to go it alone. Therefore, the creation of Greed's "Inner Circle" takes form. These guys are here to help John make sense of what he's trying to accomplish; adding to the conversation in the process. This will help him going forward as he has a trusted collection of individuals who he can rely on. That being said, I really wanted to convey their overall differences in the opening segment. If you look at each of these guys in-game personalities, I tried to portray them pretty close to that.


That being said, In the end... The final decision always lies with John.


Also, as you can guess, the stress of the job will start to weight pretty heavily on John as time goes on. Up until now there has been subtle hints that he hasn't really left the office very much, barely ever see's his apartment, and practically breathes for the DOA. With time, You may see things get 'out of hand' personally as the pressure tightens.


On another note I'm happy to see Edison not go. He may not fit the product perfectly but he's a project that you heavily pushed in the beginning. So it would be good to see him get his due. Especially since he was Funk's b*tch at first. Maybe a re-match down the road where Edison finally wins one instead of getting DQ'ed?


Yea, Edison's losses to Funk was suppose to be centered around Roy's intro storyline; that he didn't have a grasp of the rules of Pro Wrestling yet. While each loss really helped to convey that narrative, The time away from TV has ultimately hurt his persona that much more. At this point, from a purely booking perspective, he's seen as somewhat of a 'loser'. Needless to say, His newest scenario will help to bring him back to that 'in need of work' mentality that will ultimately guide him toward being a legit threat.


At least I'm hoping...

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Tuesday Afternoon, 2nd Week of July 2010

... A change is gonna' come, Oh yes it will ...




His eyes are glazed over; already bored with the informational rambling that he glaringly dubs as ‘noise’.

His demeanor sunken; lazily hunched over as if the single act of standing is too much to accept.

His stare is rather cold; mentally removed from the situation at hand as he day-dreams of other, more pressing, scenarios. (ie: playing Xbox with his buddies, watching mindless reality TV, and making ‘a move’ on every pretty girl that gives him any sense of time.)

He’s the typical aging teenager; a few years removed from his dreaded early 20’s.

A time where only HE matters.

Where everything revolves around his own being.

A damn punk.


“You got me in this show?”


Jay interjected rather harshly as he adopts my office doorway as his ‘battle line’.


“Yes, I have something in the works for you…”


I continue to look down at the paperwork before me; knowing that direct eye contact is a sign of respect. Sadly, something Jay doesn’t quite deserve as of yet. All in all, I’ve come to realize that it’s best to act as a ‘father-like’ authority with Jay; rather than just giving into the ‘ass-kissing’ he believes he deserves.


“A match? [chomping on his gum like a lazy cow] I don’t wanna waste another Thursday night if all I’m going to do is make a random appearance.”


“Trust me, Jay. You’ll have something to work with…”


I continue to look down at the paperwork before me; giving the perception that I’m ‘too busy’ to speak with the young Chord. I’m sure it is enraging him as we speak; however, I’m not here to stroke ego’s… I have a show to run.


“A win? You know I didn’t come here to keep on losing…”


I set my paperwork down for a second; looking up toward Jay with a somewhat stern demeanor upon my face. Typically, I wasn’t one to lead with an “Iron Fist”; however, Jay wasn’t the typical superstar either. During my days in PSW I often ran into Prima Donna’s but NO ONE was even close to the young Chord. For years, He’s been labeled as the ‘second coming’ of the great Chord dynasty. While young, He’s found much success on the indy circuit, so, he expects… no demands… To see the same success on a greater scale.


All in all, I’ve come to realize that Jay needs the DOA just as much as we need him. Sure, he’s got endless amounts of talent, a powerful name in Pro Wrestling, and a heavy dose of ‘star power’ resonating through his pores. With that being said; however, he’s still quite ‘green’ to the whole process. If he wasn’t, He would be in one of the “Big Three” as we speak.


Is he in the SWF? No.


TCW? No.




All three of them have passed on the youngster; not touching him with a ten-foot pole on account of his toxic personality. Now, I’m not dumb. If he succeeds in the DOA and is able to cultivate a unique tone all for himself then the “Big Three” will come calling. We lose out on a ‘home-grown’ product and ultimately have to scramble to fix the whole that will certainly be left in his departure. Is that what’s holding me back from pushing him to the moon? No. Simply, He’s not ready. Even Chord’s have to pay their dues…


“A victory is hollow if it means nothing, right? [slight Pause] You need to give us time to create a sense of meaning behind your persona. When that happens then you’ll find a streak. Okay? For now, We’re going to continue ahead with the scenario we have already talked about.”


Jay rolls his eyes. Sighs.


“This is bogus.”


Jay starts to roll off of my doorframe, Just as I interject.


“Jay. We need you on board… Can I count on you?”


Jay, answering as he continues to roll out of my office in a purely lazy manner, responds rather half-hear tingly.




With that, Another awkward exchange ends between Jay and I. More or less, I find himself stuck in the role I often hated. I’ve become “the suit”. The corporate-driven associate, fixated on the outside sources around me, and passing off requests like they were nothing.


What the hell happened? Where did I go wrong?


Sure, Jay is not the easiest person to deal with but, surely, this wasn’t me.


Was it the stress of the job? Am I growing rather mindless due to the overwhelming task before me? Not acting as a functioning human-being… More like a robotic drone with the Network as my overriding programmer?


Something needs to change…


I need to change…



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What We Learned:


John Greed is finding that his new position is starting to change him personally. Gone are the days of the semi-conscious, anxiety-filled, transitional figure looking to 'make it' in a new position forced upon him by injury. Here are the days of the semi-conscious, corporate-driven, occupationally obsessed TV executive with little, to no, remorse for his decisions; Not because he 'doesn't care underneath it all' but rather because he can't even 'feel underneath it all' anymore. He sleeps in his office, has little interaction with the greater talent of the DOA, and often finds himself speaking with other TV executives versus anyone within the actual Pro Wrestling industry.


With a potential 'change in spirit' brings a potential shift for the DOA.... Quite possibly a rejuvenated focus on the companies direction as a whole.


The card for Episode #10 will come soon! Finishing touches are being made as we speak. Its release will come sometime in the next few days most likely.

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Episode #10

Thursday, 2nd Week of July 2010


The most chaotic, athletically grueling, death-defying form of Pro Wrestling is coming straight into your home this week, Thursday, on DOA "Rapid Assault". No one will be safe.... Everyone may leave via an ambulance.... and Some, May never be the same again.... However, ALL DOA competitors will gain your absolute respect as they wage war with one another, putting their lives at risk, all for one momentous collective prize.... To usher in a New Era in Pro Wrestling... An Era of limitless possibilities... An Era... of Deadly... Overloaded... Action!




"The Barbadian Bruiser" Donte Dunn vs. ???????

Singles Match


How can one compete with uncertainty? Is it possible to mentally prepare for the unknown? These are the pressing scenarios permeating through Donte Dunn's brain as he forges closer to his Pro Wrestling debut. Only a few weeks removed from his victorious appearance on the Arcadia smash hit, "So... You wanna' be a Pro Wrestler?", the young Dunn has been portrayed as a 'speeding locomotive with no understanding of its destination'; in a way, severely 'green' to the process of actually BEING a Pro Wrestler. Not just a side show.


He has the looks, he has the athleticism, and he has the drive; however, does he simply have... "it"; That ability to transcend all odds and succeed in the 'cut-throat' world of Professional Wrestling? While some may speculate either way, the truth is... We have no idea at this point.


So, it seems quite fitting to have the unknown, unproven, competitor in Donte Dunn competing for the FIRST TIME within a pair of ring ropes against a... well... Unknown competitor.


It could be anyone.... However, WHO it is may be less of the narrative here.


More realistically, Is he.... ready?



American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado [/size]

Singles Match


Can you predict an outcome between two like-competitors? Is it possible to foresee a winner between two men who could, quite possibly, be labeled as carbon-copies of one another? That is the challenging scenario ahead of us as El Dragón Dorado steps into the ring with the newest addition to the DOA roster, Internationally known high flier, American Elemental.


As stated above, both men are known for their accelerated pace within the ring ropes. Also, both carry a like sense of being internationally loved by many. Needless to say, these two masked superstars will need to overcome their similarities in which to find the theoretical ‘crack’ in the other’s in-ring approach.


This is the ONLY way that one can step away from the other… Setting themselves apart simply by standing victorious over the other!



Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority w/ Prudence & Grace vs. Totally Supreme w/ Sammy Strung vs. Rayne Man & Torment

Fatal-Four-Way Ladder Match

An Unfinished Contract is hanging above the ring; Giving the victor an opportunity to via for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships at the DOA's PPV Event this month!


15 feet above the ring hangs a grand opportunity… An unfinished contract; guaranteeing it’s possessor as the new #1 Contenders to the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships.


4 teams all via for said opportunity… Aggressively focused upon grabbing the reigns of their own respective DOA careers & ultimately gaining the chance to via for said DOA Death Defying Duo Championships THIS MONTH at the DOA’s inaugural PPV Event.


With odds like this, The third match of the night is bound to progress within an atmosphere of pure carnage.


Who will literally rise above the rest; gaining control of the unfinished contract & cementing an opportunity to compete for the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships during this month‘s PPV Event?


What will it take for any team to subdue their opponents enough in which to embark upon their glorious ascent?


This, and much more, will be answered as the “DOA Dungeon” houses an Armageddon-like fatal-four way between some of the hottest Duo’s on “Rapid Assault”.



Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell w/ Violet

Singles Match


Hell hath no furry… like pure, unadulterated, violence.


This is the narrative circulating around the fourth match of the night as two iconic DOA figures square off for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY!


On one side of the ring stands the often-oppressed, however violently defiant of said oppressor, Johnny “The Blazing Red Demon” Vicious. A man entrenched in aggression, Vicious has been forced down a road less traveled; unfairly demoted to the bottom of the ‘company rung’ in which to ‘prove his worth’ as an active competitor. While he’s done nothing but exactly that, proving his greatness as a truly unique fighter, his oppressor, “The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler, continues to throw obstacles in his path back to the DOA Championship. Needless to say, It’s easy to formulate conspiracy theories around Vicious’s match this week as his opponent, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell, is notorious for coming away with major victories; using a slew of underhanded tactics to overcome those who stand in his path of Redemption. With that said, It’s rather ingenious for Mr. Tyler, the Arcadia-delegated Administrator of Vicious’s ‘journey back to the top’, to designate, of all people, Teddy Powell as Vicious’s opponent.




What is bound to happen when two men, both bent on their own pathway toward Redemption, square off in a heated preliminary test of WHO may take another step toward the DOA Championship?


Granted, This is NOT a #1 Contendership match…


BUT, One cannot argue against the narrative that both of these men are currently obsessed with getting ‘to the top’. One was once there and the other ‘never had a chance’.


Who will come away as the ultimate victor in this ICONIC meeting of DOA Powerhouses?



Greg Black vs. "The Remarkable" Steve Flash

Singles Match


Tonight’s Main Event carries the overall narrative forming through out the ENTIRE Episode… That of ‘proving oneself’.


For Steve Flash, The aging veteran is, once again, forced to ‘prove himself’ to the masses as “The Voice of Reason” continues to question the New York Native’s ability to ‘keep up’ with the rest of the DOA superstars. While his initial outcomes were quite unsuccessful, as of late, Flash has found a way to overcome the odds by raging forward with a momentous streak of victories. In a way, He’s completely masked the early losses that once defined his DOA existence and has quickly transitioned into a legit threat for the DOA Championship scene. With that being said, Mr. Tyler doesn’t prescribe to such a vision of Flash. Instead, taking every opportunity to inform Flash of his declining abilities as an in-ring competitor. Can the “Pride of New York” find a way to, once again, prove to the masses that he IS worthy of such a status? - OR - Will “The Voice of Reason” get his way by exposing Steve as nothing more than aging, out-of-shape, unimportant veteran with too many miles wracked up on his theoretical speedometer?


With Greg Black, The newly minted #1 Contender to the DOA Championship is set to prove whether or not he’s worthy of said title. Fresh off of his resounding victory last week in which to claim said status, Black is now forced into the “Lion’s Den” as he faces public scrutiny from each and every corner: Is Greg Black worthy enough to via for Acid’s DOA Championship? While common knowledge would simply proclaim “yes” due to his impactful years in “The Land of Supreme”, That was New England… This is Los Angeles. What Greg was able to accomplish in the SWF is nothing more than a minor blimp on the DOA’s radar. Easily said, Greg Black needs to PROVE that he has the ‘entire package’ as it pertains to being a Champion: A iron-will, a heightened awareness of the situation at hand, and a extreme level of honor raging through your veins. Needless to say, Does Greg posses these kind of characteristics? If not, Then he may end up as YET another Victim of the DOA Champion, Acid, when the two finally meet one-on-one later this month.


Can Greg Black prove that he’s worthy of such a lofty status?


Will Steve Flash prove “The Voice of Reason” wrong by defeating one of THE best competitors in Pro Wrestling today?


Tune into “Rapid Assault” this week to find out the truth…




The controversial “Wee-Legend” Sammy Strung will accompany his new faction-mates, “Totally Supreme”, to the ring during the #1 Contendership match to the DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships. Can the ‘Little American’ find a way to come up ‘Big’ in helping Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell walk away with the ultimate prize: An unfinished contract in which to guarantee a Duo Titles Match? - OR - Will the comical duo continue to descend into complete mediocrity with yet another loss?




Also, The infamous Jay Chord will be making his return to the “DOA Dungeon” as the arrogant youngster issues an OPEN CHALLENGE to anyone willing to accept. Who will rise to Chord’s challenge? Will this mark Chord’s first victory in the DOA? Tune in to this week’s episode of “Rapid Assault” to find out!




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Donte Dunn vs. ?????

American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado

Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment

Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell

Greg Black vs. Steve Flash

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Donte Dunn vs. ?????


Something tells me that Donte is about to be going on a losing streak that will rival the 1976-77 Tampa Bay Buccaneers losing streak.


American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado


Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment


They have had the most impact out of all of these teams thus far.


Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell


Greg Black vs. Steve Flash

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Donte Dunn vs. ?????

gonna go against the grain and think Dunn gets an initial push before fading into obscurity, ala most hyped rookies


American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado

El Dragon has gotten criminally underpushed for one of the most physically gifted and talented people in the world. Ideally he should be one of the foundations of DOA, barring level of Japanese commitment



Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment

For Tyler to continue to have power, his people need championships, therefore they need to win championship shots


Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell

Despite Greed's obvious need to make something out of Teddy Powell, Vicious is not only the better wrestler, he is the better character.



Greg Black vs. Steve Flash

The true measuring stick test of Greg Black's worth

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Donte Dunn vs. ?????


Something tells me Eric Tyler isn't going to make life easy for Dunn. Would not surprise me if Dunn's first opponent is Acid of all people in a non title match.


American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado


As much as like American Elemental, Dorado has paid his DOA dues a little more and as D-Mack said someone of his talent has been underpushed (criminally may be going a little far, he is at least getting regular TV time), so I see El Dragon winning this one but AE will be put in a strong losing performance on his debut.


Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment


Aah the rarely spotted Feline Fancy make an appearance ! I'll go for Moral Majority on this one, though given the push for Tyler's bunch of ass-kissers I wouldn't be too surprised to see them win.


Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell


This one ends in a chaotic no contest, when things get wildly out of control as is so often the case in Powell match-ups, and like a red rag to a bull Vicious is only too happy to oblige.


Greg Black vs. Steve Flash


Flash is getting a nice upper-mid push as someone the DOA fans will respect for what he has put into the indy wrestling circuit but right now Black still has that 'big leagues' aura about him and he is being pushed as a STAR in the DOA.

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Donte Dunn vs. ?????

American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado

Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment

Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell

Greg Black vs. Steve Flash


The final choice is a personal one of mine as I love Steve Flash. I don't really expect him to win as he's up against Black but a man can wish can't he. :rolleyes:


Love this diary man.

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El Dragon has gotten criminally underpushed for one of the most physically gifted and talented people in the world. Ideally he should be one of the foundations of DOA, barring level of Japanese commitment


As much as like American Elemental, Dorado has paid his DOA dues a little more and as D-Mack said someone of his talent has been underpushed (criminally may be going a little far, he is at least getting regular TV time), so I see El Dragon winning this one but AE will be put in a strong losing performance on his debut.


I can see how some would see Dragon's stint in the DOA thus far as being rather uneventful; feeling that he deserves 'more'. I, too, am I huge fan of Champagne Lover; however, have become rather cold to the fact that most diaries push him to the moon straight out of the gate. Sure, he has amazing ability that pretty much personifies the DOA; however, I want to develop a character for him before he climbs up the 'DOA ladder'. ya know? Yea, he's lost to Teddy Powell on a couple occasions but those losses are designated to help 'define Dragon' to the masses. Pitting a perfect opposite to his character against him as it helps to define who he is as a man, as a competitor, and as a future standout.


Dragon, much like Jay Chord/Matthew Keith/American Elemental, will all get the chance to 'shine' in the DOA. However, first, they have to go through the slums in which to pay their dues as a character. Rummage through the smaller feuds as that's ultimately what helps to develop their character before they can truly stand out in front as a 'Main Eventer'.


That being said, Dragon will see his day sooner than the rest of those named though...

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Donte Dunn vs. ?????

My guess is that the mystery opponent is Jay Chord. As much as I hate him, my prediction is that he is going to win.


American Elemental vs. El Dragón Dorado

A definite even matchup. My vote goes to the man who's been getting more of a push.


Feline Fancy vs. The Moral Majority vs. Totally Supreme vs. Rayne Man & Torment

My love of The Moral Majority is well-documented. I don't see Totally Supreme or Feline Fancy winning it. A close second would be Rayne Man and Torment but I just gotta go with the Majority. The Moral Majority.


Johnny Vicious vs. Teddy Powell

While I want to vote for Teddy Powell and I think things are going to break down by the end of the match, I still see Vicious walking away with the win in the end.


Greg Black vs. Steve Flash

My head says vote for Greg Black. My heart says vote for Steve Flash. I went in the middle and am voting a draw when Acid comes out and makes an attack on both men.

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I can see how some would see Dragon's stint in the DOA thus far as being rather uneventful; feeling that he deserves 'more'. I, too, am I huge fan of Champagne Lover; however, have become rather cold to the fact that most diaries push him to the moon straight out of the gate. Sure, he has amazing ability that pretty much personifies the DOA; however, I want to develop a character for him before he climbs up the 'DOA ladder'. ya know? Yea, he's lost to Teddy Powell on a couple occasions but those losses are designated to help 'define Dragon' to the masses. Pitting a perfect opposite to his character against him as it helps to define who he is as a man, as a competitor, and as a future standout.


Dragon, much like Jay Chord/Matthew Keith/American Elemental, will all get the chance to 'shine' in the DOA. However, first, they have to go through the slums in which to pay their dues as a character. Rummage through the smaller feuds as that's ultimately what helps to develop their character before they can truly stand out in front as a 'Main Eventer'.


That being said, Dragon will see his day sooner than the rest of those named though...


Now, that I think about it--where's the Alchemist/Frankie Perez?

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Now, that I think about it--where's the Alchemist/Frankie Perez?


IIRC he had a serious injury at the beginning, enough to put him put almost a year. I think Greed had him opt for surgery, which put his return at like 7 months, but basically meant he isn't going to be a factor till at least season 2.

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IIRC he had a serious injury at the beginning, enough to put him put almost a year. I think Greed had him opt for surgery, which put his return at like 7 months, but basically meant he isn't going to be a factor till at least season 2.


DMack, you're right. Totally forgot all about that and should have looked near the beginning. Oh well.:o

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