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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Taping of Episode #11 for "Rapid Assault"

... Slighted, Jaded, and on the verge of leaving? ...




“I talked to pops earlier this morning; it’s legit, John. They offered him a three-year contract with close to $500,000 dollars in earnings after incentives. It sounds like they really wanted him bad; kept on contacting the house. At the end of the day, he [John Campbell] didn‘t want to work for a TV Network; Said that he‘s a ‘wrestler‘ not a ‘producer‘.”


My stomach turned into knots as my heart sank deeper and deeper into my chest. I trust Ash, I know he wouldn’t steer me wrong for whatever reason, so, his word was as strong as oak.


As everyone geared up for the taping of ‘Rapid Assault’, Here I stood… Pacing around the loading dock, on my cellphone, removed from the cluttered backstage hallways of “The Dungeon”. The person on the other side of the phone, Ash Campbell, confirming my fears that the Network was attempting to replace me.




Did Jensen know about this? Was he lying to me? - OR - was this orchestrated above him? I doubt it. Everything programming related goes straight through Jensen’s hands. While the other executives may have more control over financial decisions, Jensen was GOD from a programming perspective. So, in a way, he had to know…


He had to have a role in all of this.


With my mind racing feverishly, barely able to pay attention to what Ash was relaying to me, I start to conjure up the worst case scenario (something that I’m quite good at by now). Do I finish the show tonight… Then confront Jensen about all of this in the morning? Do I simply walk off the set like some prima donna looking to deliver the ultimate ‘F*ck you” to the “suits” across the street at Headquarters?


Now, I know that the latter choice would be detrimental to me and everyone else affiliated with the DOA. It would most likely ruin everything that we have worked for… Why? Because I became sour over spilled milk? A scenario that I shouldn’t even have known about?


Does it make me a baby that my feelings are hurt? So much so that I’m willing to remove myself entirely from the broadcast in which to send a jolt back to corporate? Such a move would certainly doom my career as we know it. Then again, if Ash is speaking the truth (which I trust is the case) then how much of a career do I really have left?


There stands the door to the loading dock…




Free to walk through.


An escape from a world that is seemingly crashing down around me.


Do I ‘take my ball’ and leave? Turn my back on the very project that has kept me excited since I first heard of it’s creation or do I suck it up, go against my brewing feelings, and be a respectable adult? Doing my job despite the fact that it may not be my job for very long.


I can feel my legs gravitating toward the door but my mind in a state of utter confusion…


F*ck it…

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At the Taping of Episode #11 for "Rapid Assault"

... Staring upon the doorway ...


It only took a few steps…


An subconscious movement that eagerly pulled me toward the doorway.


I know it’s not the ‘respectable thing to do’; however, when have I ever followed anyone else’s plan? At my root, I am more than willing to be loyal to another until they prove to me otherwise. Arcadia proved to me otherwise.


Was it career suicide? Probably.


Would I garner a scarlet letter of sorts within the industry? Maybe.


Did I care? No.


For the first time in my life, I didn’t really care. Then again, with each and every step I felt the demons of my past bubbling up from within. Almost as if my decision to ‘walk’ was bringing them back to the forefront. Re-establishing themselves within my psyche as I slowly resort back toward self-destruction.


And for what? To protect myself from the general sadness that comes with failure. Sure, I have done my best to build the DOA into an interesting weekly program. Stuck in my office for nights on end trying my best to convey the right message in favor of the Network. However, to them, I was always someone they settled on. They wanted Nemesis; They wanted a ‘big name’ to help stimulate the ratings. Sadly, through all I’ve gone through, I wasn’t able to generate such an intrigue.


So, maybe it’s best for the DOA that I walk? That I step away and open the door to some other ‘bigger name’ to accept the position. In the end, these men will fair better.


With each and every step…


Clanking on the cement below…


I knew what was to be done.


It was time to free myself from the confines of this industry.


Forever? Maybe. That would be answered at a later date. However, for now, my body… my mind… and my whole being needed the time away.


Maybe I could go back to Mexico? Live in a small apartment off of the beach and simply waste my days away staring out upon the beautiful ocean before me.


Possibly, if I felt like staying in the industry, I could weasel my way back into RIPW with the help of Nero. Then again, we haven’t spoke in almost 6 months now. My guess is he would take me back on, but, as we know, it all goes through ‘the big-boss’.


Or, maybe, I could find a line of work elsewhere. Turn my hiatus into a permanent change of lifestyle.


I guess we’ll see…


For now, It was time to take a prideful step toward the rest of my life…


Acting out in an immature manor; however, feeling justified in my direction.

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OOC: Yep, you guessed it. I've decided to bring this project to an end. I'm sorry to those who enjoyed the DOA; however, I've found that the coupling of life being more demanding, and the loss of interest in this diary, has brought it to it's close. This message is not to be read in sorrow for myself as I have a lot of great things on the horizon: Marriage in 2 months, new job coming soon, and a new move. However, in a way, I am somewhat sad to see this project go.


Am I done for good? Maybe. I know I said before that this would be my last project but I don't know if I can say that for sure. Do I need a break? Yes.


That being said, I don't really know how long that break will be to be honest. I love writing, I love pro wrestling, and I love being part of these boards. So, with time, I'm sure I will feel the pull to come back. Like I told jhd1, This may only be a week that I'm away but, more or less, I feel like I need some time to step away and review what I want to do next.


I have a few ideas in mind; however, they are only ideas at this point. If they start to become more 'fun' in my mind, and the story works, then I may come back with a whole new diary. Then again, It would take quite a bit of excitement to really get me back on board with one of these. With that being said, I hope that if I do come back, that people will still take notice.


I want to thank jhd1, ReapeR, and Kam for their amazing renders that helped to flesh out this project. I hope, if a new project comes along, that I can still lean on them for help as their work truly inspires me.


I have one more post to give in this thread. Then, I'll let this one slip away.





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Well I am sorry to see this go but you know if you do decide to come back I will be reading whatever you put out. And don't feel bad life happens, if you feel the need to write again I am sure we will all come back and read.


Just want to wish you and your future wife good luck!

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As someone who writes diaries here, I fully understand what a massive time sink it is to do one, especially if you are striving for quality. I also know the feeling of burn out and needing to take time away, as witness to my own 6 month sojurn last year.


So sit back, enjoy life, enjoy marriage ( well the first year of it anyway, until the fun wears off :p ) and take a break. lurk around the boards, comment or not if the mood strikes you. We will be here, and if you get the urge to write again ( and if you are like me, you almost can't play this game without at least imagining it as a diary! ;) ) we will be glad to welcome you back to the fold. :D

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You have no idea how much I appreciate all of your kind words. To be honest, I'm a big fan of these boards. Not only from the standpoint that it gives me an avenue to write, but also, because I've come to gain a lot of good friendships here.


Even as I'm writing this, I'm starting to formulate a new project. ha. Is that bad of me? For some reason, as dragonmack says, I can't even think about playing this game without a diary in mind. With that said, It's going to take a little bit before this one see's the light of day. Why? I need a little break from it all. The stress of putting together shows can be quite daunting, but, with time, I'm sure everything will come back together again.


So..... I guess.... John may not be done after all (with the DOA yes, but not overall). however, I'm going to write it as if he may be done because i'm not 100% sure if this other project will ever gain it's footing. Either way, It's an interesting character study to think of thus far.


Thank you again all. I really appreciate this all.





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You have honestly been my more hardcore wrestling outlet since the days of PSW. Though I don't tend to comment very much, I have been reading this one since day one and truly enjoying your writing style and what you bring to the table. I understand that real life comes first no matter what and I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. (Sorry, had to get that one in there. lol.) But truly I do wish you luck on whatever you embark upon. Your diaries have definitely been a success here on the GDS boards and when/if you decide to come back I'll have a front row seat in whatever arena you call home. Ever need/want to talk about anything, my pm box is wide open.

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Good luck E-V. You have a reader for life if you come back. If not I hope you consider a friendship just as good, because even though we never met you are one of the constants around here and someone I looked forward to seeing what you had to say. Congrats on the impeding wedding and all the other events in your life.



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It's a real shame to see this one go, especially as I'm not totally caught up with it yet and was looking forward to investing myself in it more.


But yeah, a break will do you good. If there is one thing you can be sure of with E-V diaries, it is that heart and soul (alongside the excellent writing skill and creative brain) will be totally sunk into it. The level of detail you aspire to (and achieve) in your dynasties is bound to take a toll and require time out.


D-Mack took time out before, as he said. I've done the same in the past. Maybe it's just your turn right now. Hopefully you'll recharge and be back at some point. But your real-life sounds exciting enough at this point to keep you busy - good luck with everything.

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OOC: Again, thank you all for your kind words. It means a lot to me & has really made this process even more bittersweet. To be honest, I foresee myself coming back at some point; most likely sooner than later. I hope that if It is sooner that people won't be annoyed with such a short 'haitus'. Either way, though, I'm a writer at heart. I'm a songwriter, a music columnist, and received my degree in Public Relations (which is heavily rooted in writing narratives for the general public). So, needless to say, I don't really believe I'll ever be 100% done. So, if you enjoy what I've been able to do thus far, then you'll be happy to know that I will most likely be back. As much as it may annoy some (just as people may tend to look at me like the GDS Brett Favre if I come back too early), I've already found a potential new diary in the works in which to further John's development. To be honest, again, when thinking of it today that was the major thing that made it okay to bring this diary to a close. To spend a week, two, a month, or two, in which to better develop the story as a whole & then come back rejuvinated and ready to go. Needless to say, Thank you all so very much. I knew there were some great people on these boards; however, had no clue about the sheer amount of them. I'm extremely happy to be part of this fraternity of writer's & will be 'seen' on the boards here as I try to work-out a potential new story. Cheers. E-V<hr color="black">


The Day after 'The Walkout'

... Where to go next? ...


As you can guess, The executives within Arcadia weren’t very happy with my decision to walk-out on the taping of “Rapid Assault”. At some level, I think I burned a few bridges personally as well with those within the DOA by doing so; however, I really found myself in a state of not caring anymore. Removed from the need to be responsible for the sake of the Network as a whole. Did It brand a scarlet letter upon my chest, making it harder to find further employment past this scenario? Yes and No. Within ‘Hollywood’; yes. Within the Pro Wrestling industry itself, I don’t believe so.


With that being said, Do I want to continue on this path? I’m not really sure. I have wanted to be a professional wrestler as far back as I can remember; throwing my body around like a madman in my backyard like a kid with a ‘death-wish’, but that dream didn’t extend to what I do now. You don’t hear many kids saying to themselves: “Someday, I want to be a head booker”.


Sadly, my ability to compete within the ring was taken from my in one single instance; a botched maneuver brought forth by a roidal behemoth. With that said, however, that is my reality. There’s no going back from that.


So, with that in mind, do I want to continue within an industry that only appears to be rubbing in my loss even more? Watching others do what I love and only being delegated to the ‘background’? I’m not really sure.


What I do know, however, is that my life leads me somewhere else.


I’m not sure where that could be; but for the first time, I’m okay with that.


Now, with the ‘entire world’ seemingly against me for my recent actions (all be it stupid on my part & totally rooted in emotional outbursts vs. thought-out action), maybe it’s best for me to bow-out; find a new form of employment. One that may give me peace versus heartache. Peace of mind vs. continued confusion.


We will see where that takes me…

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Man, I'm sorry to hear this project's over. It was so well put together and done very well. I completely understand about life being the main focus right now. If you return, you have a reader for sure!! Good Luck with everything!!

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Final OOC Comment: I know I said that I would be taking time off, and I plan on it for the most part; however, I just want to let everyone know that I'm actually putting together the groundwork for a new diary set for sometime this month. I know... I know... "Take some time off, E-V". I thought it was time off that I wanted/needed; however, I've come to realize that it wasn't really the case... It was more so that I was quite unhappy with the DOA, John's limited focus in the diary, and the overall feeling of it. In the end, it felt very 'cold' and lacked the very thing that made me LOVE my PSW diary: The focus on John's life versus random little events that meant nothing in the greater scheme of things.


So needless to say, I hope you all don't end up 'annoyed' because it sounds like I'll be back sooner than later. I guess, if anything, this is more of a brief 'hiatus' as I attempt to forge out the details of the next diary. To be honest, as I said before, I'm a writer. That's just who I am from the inside out. So, all in all, this is what I love to do. When thinking of not doing something like this... I felt rather removed. I don't like that.


The new diary, from what it's forming so far, could quite possibly be my best yet. Why? It's fusing a lot of what i've done in the past from a product stand-point with John while also fleshing out his character a little more again.


With that said, The next diary will carry a pretty hefty intro write-up consisting of as many posts as need be to sell the story as to what happened to John post DOA. It will follow the PSW route more so in that you'll really get to know John again & understand him for who we all know he is (at least in this diary).


I promise you, when this does go up... It won't be a rehashing of old stuff or something that I get tired of right away. It's a really, really, really intriguing story thus far & I can't wait to write for all involved.


Again, I hope you are not 'annoyed' with the sudden love of a new project. Believe me though, I won't rush it. I want to make sure everything is perfect before I put it on the boards.





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I look forward to you next project, if you decide to go forward with it. I'm sure you have another fun ride in store for us. Its hard to stay away when you feel like you still have stories to tell.


Thank you, PA. It's good to know that I'll have your support as I go forward with the next chapter of John's evolution. I think that's why I knew that the writing was on the wall with the DOA. It wasn't a lack of wanting to write that forced me to bring this one to a close, but rather that I found myself more excited about what was coming next for John than where he was right then. Does that make sense? ha. It may not as I'm pretty tired right now.


Either way, His continuing evolution will take some more twists and turns as he embarks upon a new journey really soon. In the end, It's a great feeling to be 'coming back' to my bread and butter with diary writing. Now, that doesn't mean I'm actually going back to a previous company I once booked, but rather, that this next diary will be more centered around the things that I find to be fun versus the formulaic regurgitation of mindless facts. :D

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Sorry my interaction with this project dropped to zero, but my life got pretty hectic. I was still reading though, and was interested to see where it went, but alas; it was not to be. A job well done again E-V, and I hope your next project provides you with more stimulus.


On an unrelated note, if it's over, any chance of posting the banner for the DOA, which I don't believe we ever saw?

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Sorry my interaction with this project dropped to zero, but my life got pretty hectic. I was still reading though, and was interested to see where it went, but alas; it was not to be. A job well done again E-V, and I hope your next project provides you with more stimulus.


On an unrelated note, if it's over, any chance of posting the banner for the DOA, which I don't believe we ever saw?


It's all good Shmoe; I know how much life can swoop in and take you elsewhere. You've always been a consistent reader of mine going back to PSW, so, whenever I saw you on the thread I was happy to see you there. Maybe, as things start to slow down, I'll see you on the next thread as well! Best of luck with all of that though; believe me, I understand how life takes hold.


As for the banner; here ya go:




I enjoyed the DOA tremendously, however, I look forward to your next project with caged enthusiasm.



Plus, the belt shop is always open. Stop in from time to time.




Thank you, ReaPs. It's always been a great feeling knowing that you've been around for both my PSW and DOA projects. Your work here is outstanding, so, to have someone of your caliber reading is amazing.


I may stop by the 'belt shop' at some point here. :D

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Sad to see this go as I looked forward to more "blog" posts about the USPW/DOA war, but such is life. I wish you all the luck in getting married (trust me, as someone going through a ugly divorce you'll need it :D) and having a healthy marriage with a few lil E-V's. Stay awesome and I will wait for you eventual return. :D
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Sad to see this go as I looked forward to more "blog" posts about the USPW/DOA war, but such is life. I wish you all the luck in getting married (trust me, as someone going through a ugly divorce you'll need it :D) and having a healthy marriage with a few lil E-V's. Stay awesome and I will wait for you eventual return. :D


Thank you, Critical-23! To be honest, It'll be sad to not see more 'blog' posts from you; however, maybe if the next project inspires you so, then we could possibly see more? Either way, It was great interacting with you within this thread. I know "Cannonball Funk" was a favorite of yours & you pretty much kept him alive for me. ha.


I'm sorry to hear about the divorce, man. I've been around many who have done the same thing and it seems to really drag a lot of life out of you. My thoughts are with you as you continue down that path. Know that, in the end, you'll find another avenue for your focus with time.


Hope to see you on the next thread in the near future.





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Tough to see DOA go. Really liked the product and your writing style, E-V.


In honor of this passing, my private game is now a DOA one...set in Australia.


Good luck with the future and your upcoming dynasty. Will be following all the way.



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