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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Guest TDubTNA

Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Even though I'm a fan of Jettstream I like Johnny Vicious a bit more. He's incredibly talented and could really be a top talent in you're company. So I'm gonna go with Johnny on this one.


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Not going to lie on this one I may be a bit biased, but Cannonball's picture is amazing, so with that I'm going with him even though I know Roy is supposed to be an MMA bad ass. I'm rolling with Funk on this one.


Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

I am a huge Steve Flash fan but El Dragon Dorado could be an absolutely big star for you. I think it's going to be a hell of a match but I'm gonna go with El Dragon in a close one.





Very excited about this diary man. I follow you're PSW all the way to the end and couldn't wait to see what you'd come up with and you haven't dissapointed at all. Can't wait to see where this goes

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Right, on with the predictions (oh dear no!).


Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado


Gutfeelings with these predictions until we get into the swing of things so no reasons other than that. Plus Cannonball Funk is :cool:


Can't wait for this one...

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Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Gotta have a violent monster in your company.


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

He's got vids of his evolution into wrestling. Speaks volumes for me.


Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

Kind of a dream match for me like a Ricky Steamboat (Flash) vs a masked Perro Aguayo Jr. (Champagne Lover)


This is gon' be good!!!

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Making picks is a little tough since we don't know who's being pushed where right now but that will establish itself as we see more shows. Most of these picks are based on personal preference for workers as much as they are for knowledge of in game stats.


Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious


I like him better as Hell Monkey but he'll still take the win


Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison


Better basics, Better psychology and more over


Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado


1) He's more over in the US

2) He's Steve Flash

3) He's Steve F'n Flash

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Holy wow! :eek:


16 people leaving predictions is unlike anything I even saw with PSW! So, Thank you to that times a billion!


I plan on putting up a small post today about something that just took place in my game that ultimately sets back one small creative decision, however, other than that, I plan on booking the show tonight in TEW. I want to make sure that I have all my thoughts covered & that the show is sound from front to back.


Especially since this is the Series Premiere, I know that there needs to be some extra things taking place. Plus, as a writer, I need to formulate how the DOA looks and feels... Creating a vibe all in itself. So, that could mean that the results for this show aren't up until next week? Just wanted to let you know as I don't want to rush anything here.


Also, you can expect a surprise on the first ever DOA "Rapid Assault" telecast. :D


Thank you again!



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Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado


Are the renders acurate as to who they are? I mean to El Dragon Dorado looks like a well known Mexican wrestler and I wasn't sure if that is on purpose.


Can't wait for the first show EV.




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Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado


Are the renders acurate as to who they are? I mean to El Dragon Dorado looks like a well known Mexican wrestler and I wasn't sure if that is on purpose.


Can't wait for the first show EV.





Yes, Troy, most on the wrestlers EV has on his roster are renders. El Dragon Dorado is none other than Champagne Lover in a mask. Pretty cool either way.

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Yes, Troy, most on the wrestlers EV has on his roster are renders. El Dragon Dorado is none other than Champagne Lover in a mask. Pretty cool either way.


Critical-23 is spot on with this. I was fortunate enough to have jhd1 in my corner from day one, so, I was able to formulate a true vision for DOA with a few of his amazing renders.


El Dragón Dorado is certainly Mr. Champagne Lover.


Jettstream is Jacob Jett


Cannonball Funk is The Cannonball Kid


I think, off the top of my head, that those are the only three "masked" (in a sense with Funk too) characters on the roster that might bring forth some confusion.



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Days before our Season Premiere

... Troubleshooting ...



Frankie Perez, also known as "The Alchemist", was injured at a local CZCW show and will be out of action for 12 months.



I had just entered the building when a nearby Arcadia Intern frantically rushed in my direction. In what can only be described as a Fearful reaction based upon initial shock, I slightly staggered backward.... Almost spilling my open-ended coffee cup in the process. The blazing hot liquid slams forcefully on the shiny granite floor below my tattered, and torn, black dress shoes. A fact, the spill, that forced a smile upon the nearby receptionist... Surveying the situation at hand as the seemingly troubled Intern relays his reasoning for such a jarring introduction to John's day at Arcadia Headquarters.


"Did you hear? About Frankie Perez?"


I, also cracking a smile at this point, tried to overcome my rapid heart rate... Tracing the small puddle of coffee with my right foot in the process.


"No. I literally just got up like 30 minutes ago...."


I had been up for longer, however, my day is broken down into time periods... Before Coffee and after. 30 Minutes ago marked my first sip of my new addiction, my lifeblood. I guess it's better than prescription pills, at least, that's why my Brother keeps on resonating.


"He was injured last night at a CZCW show. He and Donnie J had a slip-up toward the end of their match-up & it looks like Frankie's going to be out for 12 months."


Sh*t. To be honest, While Frankie was never set to be a "major player" in DOA, at least not straight out of the gate, his new persona gave me something to look forward to as it pertained to molding its direction. I slightly shook my head, taking a sip of my coffee... then cracking my neck to the side in a typical "give me a second to soak in the new information" kind of way.


"Well, that's not ideal... Has anyone been in touch with him? Is he opposed to surgery? The faster we can get him back into the 'Cast'... The better."


As it stood right now, 12 months would mark his return right at the beginning of Season III. That, was not acceptable by any means for such an up and coming fighter.


"Uh... No. I got the news off of TotalExtremeWrestling.com... I tried to tell some of the other Interns but they all laughed at me... [squirms slightly as he looks down] calling me a dipsh*t for being a Wrestling fan..."


That was our uphill battle here at Arcadia as, while we were the newest kid on the Network block, there was still a stigma placed upon Pro Wrestling with the general public. I guess if you're only real connection to the sport is "The Big Three" then maybe you've come to believe that the industry is all about snail-like progression... Falling behind the current trend of overhauling things in the name of Evolution.


"I'll speak with him. Thank you.... ah...."


"Kevin... Kevin Walter. I'm a big fan, Mr. Greed... big fan of your work with PSW..."


I gently nodded and moved along. My morning was originally going to be centered toward speaking with our writing staff about putting together a strong first showing this thursday... However, now I was, instead, placed on the duty of speaking with Mr. Perez...


And speaking we did...


In the end, he agreed to surgery... Went through said surgery.... And now, I'm slightly happier in saying that "The Alchemist" will potentially be back with DOA at the start of Season II...



Post-Surgery, Frankie Perez will be out for 7 months with a slightly lessened torn rotator cuff.





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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado

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Days before our Season Premiere

... Getting to know "Sound-Stage D" ...



It's almost as if I had walked straight into a dream. My mind, typically known for its light-speed ability to frantically survey thoughts at a split second before turning them into an all-out obsession, had become quite tranquil as my entire state of being was in a state of awe. This is what it meant to work for a "Big Player" in the Pro Wrestling industry.... Even if we had nothing to show for ourselves thus far.... Even without a single show ran.... The DOA was given something as grand... As unique... As "Sound-Stage D".


"In our latest focus groups we've found that the name of our broadcasting space should be called 'The Dungeon'. It resonates with the overall feeling that we're trying to convey & it appears that THAT name has stood out above the rest. The final touches are currently being worked over, however, you can visit "Sound-Stage D" at any point this week before the show. It may be in your best interest to know exactly what you'll be working with..."


What I was working with was a private oasis for the gritty-minded wrestling developer. The overall vibe is that of a fusion of Underground vs. The Modern, flash, that you would expect from a company such as DOA. The outer shell, from within, appears to stand as a broken-down warehouse... (much like this: http://www.americanepoxysystems.com/new/images/industrial_before.jpg)...


A nightmare like-vibe that consists of broken industrial window panes (equip with a hazy red light shining from the unknown; behind said panes), what appears to be rusted pipes running from ceiling to floor, and a faded brick wall that appears to be on it's last leg. It's almost as if you could expect for there to be heavy piles of dust, debris, and rodent droppings found at each and every turn. However, that's not the case... As the amazing ability of "Hollywood" has given us "the look"... BUT... Without the actuality.


A small, crackling cement-based, balcony rests in the right corner of the spacious hall (seating up to 2,000 people on a good day)... There, sits a sleek black desk equip with small monitors and a flashy DOA logo positioned behind where two potential commentators would eventually sit. They were removed from the actual action down below, about 10 feet above the action, however, given the perfect Bird's eye view of what is to take place within "The DOA Dungeon".


As said before, Seating had a capacity of around 2,000 onlookers on a good night. The seating, while keeping with the grungy industrial look, appear to be "top-of-the-line" cushion seating. Almost as if the viewers were given a Movie-like atmosphere to watch the hell that was almost certainly days away. The seating, on the main floor, was quite typical for what you would see at a wrestling event... an endless sea of steel chairs... Stopping just before a heavy-duty, rusting steel guardrail circling the entire ringside area. Just high enough to keep fans from truly being part of the action, however, not enough to impede upon their view of said action.


The entrance way is what stands out as the purely Modern-Approach to a Pro Wrestling environment.... Creating somewhat of a stark contrast to the rest of the building. A small, once again rusted, steel ramp way extends slightly downward a matter of 10 feet or so. Not towering by any means, however, at least giving the entrance a sense of a small slope. At the top of the slope stands, what appears to be, a deep whole in the faded brick wall... With steel support beams lining the door-like enterence... Equip with two large flat screen image relayers on each side of the doorway... Constantly showing images that would co-inside with the grungey environment that the DOA has created for itself. Meanwhile, another, much larger, flat screen image relayer is seen above the door (having the screens pretty much surround the entrance doorway)... Currently showing a high-res logo of the DOA as we speak.


All in all, my mouth was permanently on the floor...


The Arcadia Network had pulled no punches in creating a warzone-like space for their newest addition. Now, it was just my turn to return the good graces...




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"Rapid Assault" Quick Picks


Jettstream vs. Johnny Vicious

Cannonball Funk vs. Roy Edison

Steve Flash vs. El Dragón Dorado


This stands as the final post before the first show's results. All in all, I wanted to give an idea of what to expect from "Sound-Stage D", or "The Dungeon", as we move into the first telecast. Results will most likely come at some point Next week? Ultimately, I'm taking my time on this one!
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