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TNA's New Beginnings II

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jimmy Rave defeated Desmond Wolfe in 8:43 by pinfall with a Rave Clash. C-



Sunday, week 1, December 2002

Convention Center Arena, Dallas, TX.

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is in the ring with Roger. He and Roger make out... and this time Buff is a willing participant. Is he growing to like homosexuality..? Possibly not, as he goads Ken Shamrock, saying he could see how disgusted Shamrock was on Impact and how mad he was. Shamrock comes to ringside. He is still visibly disgusted at the display of homosexuality between Buff and Roger, but he remains calm. He tells Buff that he has given him motivation to defeat him at Christmas Feast. C


Jose Maximo (with Joel Maximo) v Potter (with Harry Smith)

A solid enough match despite a lacklustre performance by Jose. Potter, being a sound technical wrestler frustrated Jose Maximo for significant periods of the match. Jose Maximo argued with Mickey Jay about a definate two count he got, which allowed Joel to enter the ring and nail Potter with a low blow. With the two still arguing, Harry Smith then came into the ring and tried to clothesline Joel Maximo, only to miss and hit his own partner instead. This allowed Jose Maximo to pick up the victory in 8:31 by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. D


Abyss v Tatanka

Very disappointing. About the only positive thing is that Abyss continued his monstrous ways with a fairly dominating victory over the Native American in 11:05 by pinfall with The Black Hole. E+


Jeff Jarrett is in an office backstage. He is going to make AJ Styles pay for his outburst last night and puts him in a match on Impact this coming Saturday... against Abyss. C



America's Most Wanted (champions, with Dawn Marie) v Ring Wizards

Both Chris Harris and Ken Anderson did not put in performances worthy of a championship match. The champions were comfortable enough for the whole match, and thus far only Monsters Inc have looked capable of taking their belts... and they haven't teamed up since their title shot. The end of the match came in 11:23 when 'Wildcat' Chris Harris defeated Ken Anderson by pinfall with a Death Sentence. America's Most Wanted make defence number 11 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D



CM Punk (champion) v Frankie Kazarian (with Francine)

Despite the two having met a few times recently, the two put on a match that was fresh enough for it to not matter. There was some good in ring action, distractions from Francine and a run in from Rocky Romero that went unseen by Rudy Charles. Despite all this, Punk prevailed and will go on to Christmas Feast to face Rocky Romero. He won in 13:26 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk makes defence number 8 of his TNA X Division title. C-


Rick Steiner cuts a promo saying that Samoa Joe needs to control his temper, otherwise he's going to be easy pickings. Joe is going to struggle doing that say Steiner, as he knows the buttons he needs to press. C


Dragons (American Dragon & Ultimo Dragon) v Shane Douglas & Vader

Shane Douglas picked his partner very well as he looks to get one up on Ultimo Dragon prior to their Christmas Feast face off. He let Vader have most of the match as he overpowered the two Dragons and looked to thoroughly enjoy beating two people up half his size. American and Ultimo did not go down easily however, but they did go down in 13:48 when Vader defeated American Dragon by pinfall with a Vader Bomb. D+

Following the match, Vader cuts a promo where he is very confident of winning a case in the Feast or Fired match, as instead of having two men to beat up, he will get to enjoy beating up nine men. C-



Ken Shamrock (champion) v Bam Bam Bigelow

Bigelow was a late substitute as challenger when TNA officials realised they had double booked Shane Douglas. The match suffered due to a lack of selling and it was one of Shamrock's easiest title defences, as he out wrestled The Beast From The East and prevailedin 10:52 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 4 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. D+


CM Punk talks from backstage, where he promises Rocky Romero will get what is coming to him at Christmas Feast. E+




AJ Styles & Samoa Joe v Jeff Jarrett & Rick Steiner

It seems that most of TNA's best matches feature AJ Styles. This was another contest featuring the young high flyer that is setting the bar in TNA. Joe, Jarrett and Steiner certainly played their part too in a match that developed well from opening bell to winning fall. On a rare occasion on TNA, youth overcame experience in a slightly surprising result in 23:29 when AJ Styles defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall with a fast roll up. AJ looks to be the future... C+


Show rating: C-

Some of the angles did not meet the standard of the matches. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.14 (new Explosion record)

Profit: $33,329

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Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 3, December 2002

Current card





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader

2. Elix Skipper

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

4. Ernest Miller

5. Air Paris

6. Jimmy Rave






Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E-)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)





Name the main event for Genesis in January, including number of participants, stipulations and if it is for a championship. Only two musts...

1. If it is for a championship, the champion must be in the match to defend his belt.

2. It must be a realistic main event, ie not Sheik Abdul Bashir v Gary Steele for example.

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Should I get a welcome back Olympia chant going?


Yes. Yes you should.


And tell him to track down Oldschool as well.


I've been sitting on the back burner - took a promotion at work and the extra hours that came with it were just a bit more than I expected. I at least will try to pop on here to keep up with all that is going on and post a note now and then. If not, just don't send Bagwell to find me. :D

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Impact preview




It's head games as Buff Bagwell and Rick Steiner are trying to get into Ken Shamrock and Samoa Joe's heads respectively. What will happen this week on Impact?

Jeff Jarrett has taken exception to AJ Styles' directness and booked him into a match against Abyss. How will the young star fare?

Another Feast or Fired participant will be decided as American Dragon faces Mike Quackenbush in a qualifying match.


Tune in to Syndication on Saturday night.

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In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Air Paris defeated Jody Fleisch in 10:16 by pinfall with a Tiger Driver. The two showed great chemistry. C-



Saturday, week 2, December 2002

Decatur Civic Center, Decatur, IL.

Live on Syndication


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring, saying he has a big announcement to make. He has appointed a legend of the business to become the new authority in TNA, to allow Jarrett to concentrate on wrestling and not have to worry about trying to control all of the upstarts in the company. He introduces... Harley Race.

Out walks Race in a suit, minus tie. He shakes Jarrett's hand and promises to help Jarrett make TNA into a major force. He plans to shake things up and he will start later tonight. Boos rain in on the ring as the two shake hands a second time. C+


Gary Steele v Sheik Abdul Bashir

Despite some solid ring action, this match bombed as the crowd didn't like two lowly wrestlers compete against each other and so it turned everybody off. Bashir got the win in 5:50 by pinfall by using the ropes for leverage. The quicker this match is forgotten, the better. F+


Samoa Joe spots Rick Steiner backstage and completely lays into him with a flurry of kicks and punches. Steiner has no reply and ends up dazed and battered, lying on the concrete. Joe stands above him and hisses to Steiner, "Looks like you pressed the wrong buttons" and walks off. C


Spanish Announce Team cut a promo from backstage where they treat The Order of the Phoenix with utter contempt, calling Potter washed up and Harry Smith greener than grass. They say that Christmas Feast will be a feast for them, as they devour on a team they have beaten before. D+


Backstreet Boyz v Triple X (Kazarian & Skipper, with Francine)

Despite these teams having met numerous times of late, this was a decent match and a notch above their previous efforts. The action was good, the crowd had regained their interest following the earlier debacle and an even contest saw Triple X prevail, mainly because of Francine's distractions, in 13:17 when Elix Skipper defeated Johnny Kashmere by pinfall with a Sudden Impact. C-


Backstage, and Vader attacks American Dragon, hitting him with some stiff punches and throwing him into a wall. He then lets fly with a tirade of vicious insults. How will Dragon fare in his match later on..? C


Jeff Jarrett is backstage, taunting AJ Styles, calling him a showman and a circus act. AJ appears from nowhere, flying into Jarrett with a forearm, but Jarrett manages to retreat away from a cursing AJ. C+


Feast or Fired Qualifying Match

American Dragon v Mike Quackenbush

Following Vader's earlier attack, Quackenbush had all of the early offence and Dragon looked in serious danger of losing on three occasions. He managed to rally however and finally get the ascendacy in the match, ultimately prevailing in 10:19 by submission with an Arms Across America. C-


At a hotel, Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell harasses the young, pretty female receptionist while Roger openly flirts with him, telling him he loves him when he acts all manly. Buff seems to have got over his initial disgust... maybe he quite enjoys it now? The disgusted receptionist hands over a keycard and the two walk away... and in the background Ken Shamrock is seen at the hotel bar, having watching everything unfold and without being noticed. C-


Elizabeth is backstage with 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, talking up his Feast or Fired chances and saying how there is only one Alpha Male in the match and he's standing next to her. The Alpha Male will win a World Championship match says Elizabeth. D+


Ernest Miller v Jimmy Rave

A solid enough contest but nowhere near spectacular. Miller was comfortable enough throughout the match and had some to spare when overcoming Rave in 11:07 by pinfall with a Thrust Kick. D+


Mike Tenay and Don West run through the Feast or Fired rules and hype up the seven competitors so far announced for the match. C+



Buff Bagwell are in their hotel room, eating strawberries, drinking champagne and flirting with each other. Just as they are about to get down to a kiss and a cuddle, the door bursts open, Ken Shamrock comes in and throws Buff Bagwell all around the room, trashing both him and the room while Roger goes onto the balcony to cower. Bagwell is left by Shamrock lying under a broken lampshade as Shamrock leaves without a word. C+


Abyss v AJ Styles

A lack of psychology made the main event suffer a little, as the match drifted from time to time. Abyss grew increasingly frustrated throughout the match as despite hitting some of his biggest moves, including a Black Hole Slam that saw AJ close enough to the ropes to put his foot on them at two. Abyss' frustrations boiled over and in 15:26 he was disqualified for using a steel chair. D+


Following the match, Harley Race walks to ringside. He tells everybody that he and Jeff Jarrett aren't satisfied by that, and he books AJ to face Vader on Impact next week. AJ is beaten and deflated, even though he won, as Impact goes off air for this week. C


Show rating: D+

Some of the angles definately lifted the show as a whole. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 1969

Ratings: Syndication 0.09

Loss: $35,568 (new TNA record)

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Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 3, December 2002

Current card





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader

2. Elix Skipper

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

4. Ernest Miller

5. Air Paris

6. Jimmy Rave

7. American Dragon




Pick 4 wrestlers who will retrieve cases, one point per correct wrestler picked. A bonus point if you also match up which case they retrieve (for example, Vader - World Championship match would score you two points if you predict him to retrieve a case and get the correct one). A maximum 8 points here if you're lucky!


Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)





Name the main event for Genesis in January, including number of participants, stipulations and if it is for a championship. Only two musts...

1. If it is for a championship, the champion must be in the match to defend his belt.

2. It must be a realistic main event, ie not Sheik Abdul Bashir v Gary Steele for example.

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Impact preview




Harley Race has made his intentions clear, he is here to do Jeff Jarrett's authority work. He has booked AJ Styles to face Vader, how will AJ cope after being dominated yet victorious against Abyss last week?

Another move by Race is to book the final three Feast or Fired qualifying matches for this week's show. The problem for the wrestlers... nobody knows who is facing who!

Shamrock gained the upperhand over Buff Bagwell, attacking him in his hotel room last week. Buff will no doubt look for retribution on the final show before Christmas Feast. Will he get it?


It's live on Syndication on Saturday night.

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In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Hernandez defeated Joe E. Legend in 7:15 by pinfall with a Megabomb. D-



Saturday, week 3, December 2002

Buccaneer Arena, Urbandale, IA.

Live on Syndication


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is first on Impact, accompanied by Roger who has his hand on Buff's ass. Bagwell is seething with Ken Shamrock, he had planned a night for Roger to remember last week only for Ken Shamrock to completely ruin it, and what's more, he had the audacity to attack Buff The Stuff. Buff promises that Shamrock will pay for his actions at Christmas Feast by losing the one thing he treasures... his World Championship. C


Feast or Fired Qualifying Match

Glenn Gilberti v Super Crazy

A rather drab match to kick off the action this week. Both have had better matches in their careers and it's Gilberti who qualifies by dubious means in 8:30 by pinfall with a handful of tights. D-


Homicide and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris engage in a war of words backstage about who is in the better team, and who will hold the Tag Team Championship post Christmas Feast. D


Rick Steiner comes to the ring, and says he is going to interview Samoa Joe. He pulls a lifesize cardboard cut out of Samoa Joe from under the ring and places it next to him in the ring. He asks him what makes him think he can match Rick Steiner in the ring? Unsurprisingly, there is no answer. He then asks how will he feel when he gets beaten in the ring by the Dog Face Gremlin? He puts the microphone next to Joe's cardboard mouth. Steiner proclaims that he can see he is going to get as much out of Joe as any other time, so this interview is over. C-


Feast or Fired Qualifying Match

Jimmy Rave v Tatanka

This wasn't much better than the first contest between Gilberti and Crazy. Rave is unable to match Tatanka's level of ability here and Tatanka emerged an easy enough winner in 6:44 by pinfall with a Tomohawk Chop. D


CM Punk talks from the locker room, and tells how he plans to have a X Division Championship reign that will be remembered in TNA for many years to come. D+


Jeff Jarrett is in an office. He berates AJ Styles for his attack on him last night, and tells him that if he ever pulls another trick like that, it will be the last thing he does in TNA and that he will make him pay physically at Christmas Feast. C


Dragons v Ring Wizards

Dragons are an exciting team, who with time working together have the potential to win the belts further down the line. Ring Wizards are a little bit of a strange pairing but do seem to be able to work fairly well as a unit. Dragons chalk up a good win here in 8:27 when Ultimo Dragon defeated Ken Anderson by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. D+


A music video is shown, hyping Ultimo Dragon. D-


Ken Shamrock cuts a promo backstage, saying that Buff Bagwell as champion would be a mockery of everything the NWA TNA Championship stands for. It is about wrestling and not homosexuality. Shamrock is focused on one thing, defending his title at Christmas Feast, and not like Buff Bagwell who is after some sort of revenge and pleasing his bum chum. C


Feast or Fired Qualifying Match

Frankie Kazarian (with Elix Skipper & Francine) v Johnny Kashmere (with Trent Acid)

Disappointing. Kazarian had an off night and the two didn't click, which also didn't help. Skipper distracted Kashmere and Kazarian tried to make to most of it, but Kashmere managed to block Kazarian's sneak attack and qualified in 9:46 by pinfall by a roll up. D-


Backstage and Harley Race enters Vader's locker room. The two look into each others eyes, laugh and shake hands, meeting for the first time since they were in WCW. C




Don West and Mike Tenay run through the Christmas Feast card. D+


AJ Styles v Vader

The night's saving grace. Some great heat from the crowd, the two have pretty good chemistry and we saw some good ring action. Vader hit AJ with a lot, but AJ was able to hang in there, barely at times. The match went on for some time, and the longer it did, the more it played into AJ's hands as the big man tired. This tactic worked, as AJ got a huge victory in 19:50 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. Impact ends on a high note for both the fans and TNA management. C+


Show rating: C-

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 1785

Ratings: Syndication 0.09

Loss: $38,712 (new TNA record)

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Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 3, December 2002





Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader

2. Elix Skipper

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

4. Ernest Miller

5. Air Paris

6. Jimmy Rave

7. American Dragon

8. Glenn Gilberti

9. Tatanka

10. Johnny Kashmere

Pick 4 wrestlers who will retrieve cases, one point per correct wrestler picked. A bonus point if you also match up which case they retrieve (for example, Vader - World Championship match would score you two points if you predict him to retrieve a case and get the correct one). A maximum 8 points here if you're lucky!


Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)





Name the main event for Genesis in January, including number of participants, stipulations and if it is for a championship. Only two musts...

1. If it is for a championship, the champion must be in the match to defend his belt.

2. It must be a realistic main event, ie not Sheik Abdul Bashir v Gary Steele for example.

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Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)


I am not sure Buff has the stuff to beat Shamrock.



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)


This is a tough one, are you trying to keep Rick relevant? Or are you trying to push Joe?



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader World

2. Elix Skipper Tag

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

4. Ernest Miller

5. Air Paris

6. Jimmy Rave X Division

7. American Dragon

8. Glenn Gilberti

9. Tatanka Your fired!

10. Johnny Kashmere


Pick 4 wrestlers who will retrieve cases, one point per correct wrestler picked. A bonus point if you also match up which case they retrieve (for example, Vader - World Championship match would score you two points if you predict him to retrieve a case and get the correct one). A maximum 8 points here if you're lucky!


Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)

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Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader

2. Elix Skipper-Tag

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown-World

4. Ernest Miller

5. Air Paris-Fired

6. Jimmy Rave

7. American Dragon-X

8. Glenn Gilberti

9. Tatanka

10. Johnny Kashmere

Pick 4 wrestlers who will retrieve cases, one point per correct wrestler picked. A bonus point if you also match up which case they retrieve (for example, Vader - World Championship match would score you two points if you predict him to retrieve a case and get the correct one). A maximum 8 points here if you're lucky!


Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)

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Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C heat)

Bagwell has risen to the top (no pun intended) and would be an interesting champion, Shamrock chasing would add some intrique as well



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Latin American Exchange (D-)

still the cream of the crop in your tag team world.



CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (E)


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett ©


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe (C-)



Four cases - One contains World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired!

1. Vader

2. Elix Skipper

3. 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

4. Ernest Miller - FIRED

5. Air Paris - world title

6. Jimmy Rave

7. American Dragon - X-Division

8. Glenn Gilberti

9. Tatanka

10. Johnny Kashmere - tag team

Pick 4 wrestlers who will retrieve cases, one point per correct wrestler picked. A bonus point if you also match up which case they retrieve (for example, Vader - World Championship match would score you two points if you predict him to retrieve a case and get the correct one). A maximum 8 points here if you're lucky!


Ultimo Dragon v Shane Douglas (E)


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (E)


Spanish Announce Team v The Order of the Phoenix (E)


Abyss v Doug Williams (E-)

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Paul London defeated Robert Roode in 7:08 by pinfall with a London Calling. C


Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 3, December 2002

Convocation Center, Jonesboro, AR.

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring, talking about how he is going to brutalise and pulverise AJ Styles just so he can show him who is boss round here and that he should show respect and not act like a spoilt little punk. C


Abyss v Doug Williams

A disappointing match in which Abyss used his size and strength advantage to have his way with Williams for most of the match, despite putting in a lacklustre performance. The end came mercifully both for the viewing public and Doug Williams in 9:30 by pinfall with The Black Hole. D-


Spanish Announce Team (with So Cal Val) v The Order of the Phoenix

A considerably better contest than the precedant that was unfortunately let down by a crowd that had been turned off somewhat by the opener. It was a shame as there was some decent action in this, and Order of the Phoenix for the first time in weeks looked like a solid unit. Even so, it wasn't enough to overcome the Maximos who look to kick their TNA careers into gear. They triumphed in 8:08 when Joel Maximo defeated Harry Smith by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. D+


Backstage and Air Paris and Jimmy Rave are in mid conversation, where they are discussing strategies for Feast or Fired and they decide that working together will help them retrieve a case. E+


Steve Corino v Super Crazy (with Midajah)

A solid match between two solid competitors who have yet to find their niche in TNA, nor garner the sort of fan support that the company's top talent has. The two showed that they are more than worthy of a spot in TNA though with a good mix of classic wrestling from Corino and high flying from Crazy. Crazy went to the proverbial well once too often though with his high risk offence which enabled Corino to pick up the victory in 13:18 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. D+




CM Punk (champion) v Rocky Romero (with Francine)

Rocky certainly had a case for earning this title shot a month or so ago... then hasn't been seen much in TNA due to him competing in other companies over TNA. Punk meanwhile has been active, his sole focus keeping the X Division Championship. This showed in a match where Punk was comfortable throughout where he had scouted Romero out and was able to combat his offence effectively. One of his easier title defences concluded in 10:52 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk makes defence number 9 of his TNA X Division title. D


Seemingly following on from Rave and Paris' example earlier, Elix Skipper approaches the man beast Vader with a similar proposition, to work together to retrieve a case each. Vader has been around a long time though, and sees right through Skipper's dubious proposal and makes Skipper retreat when he tells him he'd rather throw him through a nearby wall. C-


Shane Douglas v Ultimo Dragon

A good match, the best of the night so far. Douglas, who without question has struggled in TNA so far, finally proved he still has it in the ring. Dragon has been the opposite and has impressed in his short tenure here. The match could have gone either way, and unlike the Corino Crazy match earlier, this one when the way of the aerialist as Dragon prevailed in 11:38 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. C-


A music video is shown highlighting America's Most Wanted reign as thus far the only NWA TNA Tag Team Champions. E+




America's Most Wanted (champions, with Dawn Marie) v Latin American Exchange

A good match, probably the best in the tag team division since TNA's inception around six months ago. Some classic tag team action as LAX cut off the ring and isolated Chris Harris from his partner. Cue the hot tag after the referee had missed one and James Storm cleared house and for a good two minutes looked like he would defend the titles almost on his own as Harris was groggy on the apron. That was until Elix Skipper appeared and while Homicide had the referee backed into a corner, nailed James Storm in the back of the head with the championship belt. Hernandez held back a fuming Chris Harris while in the ring when Homicide defeated 'Cowboy' James Storm by pinfall with a Lariat following interference from Elix Skipper in 14:01. Latin American Exchange win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C


Rick Steiner puts down Samoa Joe prior to their contest later on tonight. He tells him he is too fat to ever become a success in wrestling and needs to diet. Joe won't like this! C-


Feast or Fired

Vader, Elix Skipper (with Francine), 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (with Elizabeth), Ernest Miller, Air Paris, Jimmy Rave, American Dragon, Tatanka, Johnny Kashmere and Glenn Gilberti

The debut of TNA's innovative Feast or Fired match. One case is hung above each corner, containing a World Championship match, Tag Team Championship match, X Division Championship match and You're Fired. The match starts as a huge mass brawl, something that Monty and Vader get the better of and end up facing off in the ring, until Rave and Paris take them down with stereo drop kicks. The pair then tried to take advantage by going for a case each, only to be cut off by Ernest Miller and Tatanka.

The match saw mostly brawling with some wrestling when opportunity allowed, but with ten men competing at once, this wasn't easy. Vader was the first man to retrieve a case. He pounded on Johnny Kashmere in the corner before tossing him unceremoniously over the top rope. He then climbed and pulled down case 2.

Vader wasn't done though. He then started hammering on Ernest Miller in another corner, underneath case 4. He near enough knocked him out and started climbing up, and it took some convincing from Harley Race that Vader was only allowed one case... so he hit a Vader Bomb on Miller instead, which have Monty Brown the opportunity to retrieve case 4 unchallenged.

The last two cases came down to two men battling each other for them and were collected in quick succession. Firstly, Tatanka managed to fight off Glenn Gilberti to retrieve case 3 before Elix Skipper was fighting American Dragon on the top rope, kicked him off and collected case 1. Then it was reveal time...

Having case 1, Elix Skipper went first... he was satisfied with a shot at the X Division Championship.

Vader was in possession of case 2. He slowly opened it and was clearly frustrated with the result when he hit the table so hard with the case it broke. When it was finally shown, Vader had won a Tag Team Championship match.

Cases 3 and 4 were to be opened simultaneously. Tatanka and Monty were clearly very nervous, it was all or nothing here. One was to receive a World Championship match and one would never be seen in TNA again.

They opened...

Monty's joy is Tatanka's dispair. Monty has a World Title opportunity, while Tatanka is no more. The crowd are pleased for Monty but sad for Tatanka, who waves goodbye and thanks the fans.


Then Ernest Miller appears and attacks Vader with case 2, saying that he cost him a World Championship match. C-


AJ Styles bursts into Harley Race's office accusing him of having favourites and telling him he won't stand for such crap. AJ will knock down anything Race can throw in front of him. C+


Rick Steiner v Samoa Joe

A good match. How ironic is it that the man that accused Joe of being fat was the one that was tiring towards the end of the match. Despite this and Joe's best efforts, including numerous submission holds, the canny veteran used all of his vast experience and short cuts to pull a fast one in 13:23 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Joe beats the mat in frustration as Steiner bails out of the ring and away before he can get retribution. C-


Ken Shamrock speaks from backstage, saying that despite all of Buff Bagwell's oddities of late, nothing is going to distract him from his focus of defending his NWA TNA World Championship tonight. Not Buff, not Roger and not any homosexual act the two of them can think of. He finishes by saying that Buff is going to get a beating, but not of the kind he likes. C-


AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett

What a match, the best TNA has seen. Some great action, a great crowd and an intriguing encounter between a star of today and a star of tomorrow. Jarrett has been a World Champion, AJ will be one. The faster paced this match was, the more it was in favour of Styles. Whenever it slowed down, it was Jarrett who had control. The pace varied throughout, which made it all the more exciting as predicting a winner proved very hard, despite Jarrett being a clear favourite going into the match. Jarrett had AJ in position to hit The Stroke, but AJ elbowed Jarrett in the side of the head before hitting a pelé kick to the top of his head. Jarrett was weakened and AJ was quick to take advantage and pulled off a shock and the biggest win of his life in 14:53 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. B- (new TNA record)


As we wait for the match between Ken Shamrock and Buff Bagwell to commence, Don West and Tenay run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C+




Ken Shamrock (champion) v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger)

It was never going to be easy to follow the previous match, but the two gave it a good go. The two traded some good offence before some Bagwell cheap shots saw him gain control in a masculine match. That was until Roger interfered when Shamrock was recovering from a Bagwell piledriver and attempted to cuff Shamrock with pink furry handcuffs. It didn't work. As soon as Shamrock saw what he was doing he flew into a rage and punched Roger square on the nose. That was it for Roger, who cried before running away leaving Buff on his own. Buff is more than capable then and again took control until he made the mistake of spanking Shamrock. That was it. Shamrock laid into Bagwell as if there is no tomorrow. Buff had no response... or rather Buff couldn't respond and Shamrock prevailed in 22:58 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock makes defence number 5 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C


Ken Shamrock celebrates in the ring with his belt as Christmas Feast ends. C+


Show rating: C (new TNA record)

Some angles did not reach standards set by in ring action. Show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

Attendance: 7602 (new TNA record)

Buy rate: 0.16 (new TNA record)

Profit: $52,174 (new TNA record)

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WWE held Armageddon at the Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England. It attracted a 15,000 crowd and 6.89 buy rate.




TNA's latest round of drug testing saw Vader and Jimmy Rave produce clean tests. The test on Elizabeth however showed her to be a user of hard drugs and in line with TNA policy she has been released.


Rocky Romero suffered a damaged eye while competing in Japan and will miss around 3 weeks of action.


Jacqueline has retired from active competition.

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For the match I think I would like to see, Sheik Abdul Bashir v Gary Steele!:D


Seriously, I would like to see Ken Shamrock & AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett & Rick Steiner in a cage.


If you don't want to go with that one:


Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett.

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Tag team cage match it is. :)


I've had problems with a virus on my computer.


I backed up everything in TEW and it all seems fine following a reinstall of my computer. Should be back into the game tomorrow hopefully.


Glad to hear you had it backed up (I never do that).


With the tag team cage match I thought, it was something different. Give AJ a chance to be in the main event with Ken.

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