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TNA's New Beginnings II

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BHK1978 - 10

Destiny - 10

Martin C - 10

Olympia - 9

Colt Cabana - 6


This leaves me with a problem. Three into two don't go. With two winners, one captain could be picked each. So we're going to need a tiebreaker. Predictions for the next Impact please, here are the matches...


AJ Styles v BG James

Doug Williams v Elix Skipper

Desmonde Wolfe v Eric Bischoff

American Dragon v Low Ki v Paul London v Robert Roode

Bulldogs v Ring Wizards



Guess the length of the main event (Styles v James). Closest wins.

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Great show!


AJ Styles v BG James


I was never a fan of BG James.


Doug Williams v Elix Skipper


Desmonde Wolfe v Eric Bischoff


American Dragon v Low Ki v Paul London v Robert Roode


Bulldogs v Ring Wizards



Guess the length of the main event (Styles v James). Closest wins.



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AJ Styles v BG James

Doug Williams v Elix Skipper

Desmonde Wolfe v Eric Bischoff

American Dragon v Low Ki v Paul London v Robert Roode

Bulldogs v Ring Wizards



Guess the length of the main event (Styles v James). Closest wins.


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Thanks BHK. Such kind words are always appreciated. :)


I have to say even though I picked JJ to be the winner I was shocked that he won. All though I think it was the logical change because as Olympia said, you are going to TV and who should be the champion while making the transition? The owner!

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AJ Styles v BG James



Doug Williams v Elix Skipper


Desmonde Wolfe v Eric Bischoff


American Dragon v Low Ki v Paul London v Robert Roode


Bulldogs v Ring Wizards



Guess the length of the main event (Styles v James). Closest wins.



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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jimmy Rave defeated Joe E. Legend in 5:49 by pinfall with a Rave Clash. The two didn't click. D



Saturday, week , February 2003

Young Arena, Waterloo, IA.

Live on Syndication


Eric Bischoff is in the ring with Harley Race, where a red carpet is laid out and streamers and balloons decorate the ring and surrounding area. Much fanfare to introduce Jeff Jarrett, who walks out with his newly won NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The three then celebrate Jarrett's success and are all smiles. B-


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is walking backstage with Roger, holding hands. Buff spots some electrical equipment that is falling and about to hit Roger. He dives on Roger, pushing him out of the way and gets flattened himself. Paramedics have to attend the scene and wheel Bagwell away, while Roger is both grateful and distraught. D+


Bulldogs v Ring Wizards

A match hindered by Davey Boy Smith still being rusty and Mike Quackenbush putting in a poor performance, which cost his team in 7:48 when Davey Boy Smith defeated Ken Anderson by pinfall with a Running Powerslam. D


BG James cuts a promo hyping the main event tonight where he faces AJ Styles. D+


Ken Shamrock comes to the ring and expresses his anger at Jarrett, Corino and Douglas for their gang attack which saw him lose the World Championship to Jarrett at Against All Odds. Jeff Jarrett, Steve Corino and Shane Douglas come down to the ring... and attack Shamrock again, giving him no chance with the three on one and Shamrock is left lying face down on the canvas. D+


Doug Williams v Elix Skipper (with Francine)

A good match which puts both competitors in the spotlight and bodes well for them. Some good wrestling and counter wrestling, with Skipper throwing in some high flying for good measure. Skipper takes the match which could have gone either way in 11:44 by pinfall with a Sudden Impact. C


After the match, Samoa Joe's music hits and he marches to the ring. He attacks Skipper with punches and kicks before nailing him with a Muscle Buster and leaves without saying a word or looking behind him. C-


A video plays hyping Ernest Miller versus Vader. D+


American Dragon v Low Ki v Paul London v Robert Roode

A solid enough match with plenty of high spots, but did not quite live up to everybody's expectations. American Dragon proved to be the superior wrestler in this contest and duly got the victory in 12:52 when American Dragon defeated Robert Roode by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex. D+


A video is shown which showcase's Davey Boy Smith's decision to return to wrestling and the training regime he pursued to get back in ring shape. C


CM Punk cuts a promo about being a great X Division Championship and soon he will be away from TNA in order to make himself even greater. Harley Race interrupts him and tells him he is fed up of all his crap. Race is working on making Punk prove he is as great as he declares himself to be. Punk is annoyed and befuddled as Race leaves the ring. C


Desmond Wolfe v Eric Bischoff

Bischoff had declared in a pre recorded segment shown prior to the match, that if he wants to get rid of Wolfe from TNA, he has to do it himself. This he didn't do as Wolfe dominated an awkward match, picking up and easy win and hopefully moving onto a new chapter in his TNA career. The win came in 3:54 by pinfall with a Tiger Bomb. D-


Harley Race chastides Homicide backstage, telling him he is nothing but a low life thug and if he doesn't sort out his attitude in TNA and in the ring, he may soon be an ex champion. Homicide is speechless while being berated. C


AJ Styles v BG James

Ahem. Isn't it amazing how BG James has improved... as he's a heel and for the first time I've booked him in a match against a face. Whoops. That explains his first two shockers. James goes 3 and 0 in this one... that's three bouts and three defeats. It looks like nobody is capable of stopping the Styles Express as he heads towards his Lockdown showdown with Jeff Jarrett. AJ's victory came in 18:06 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C-



Following the contest, 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown comes down to the ring. He looks at AJ and pats him on the back for his victory and grabs a mic. He says that while AJ has his title match at Lockdown, he tells him that he needs to get in line. Monty addresses everyone and tells them he cashing in his World Championship match at Destination X! C-


Show rating: C-

Some of the angles lifted the show. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.12 (new TNA record)

Loss: $46,128

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BHK1978 - 3

MartinC - 3

Destiny - 3




The main event lasted 18:06

Destiny 18:02

BHK 20:23

Martin 12:43


Congratulations Destiny for winning and indeed for only being 4 seconds out on the tiebreaker. You picked AJ Styles and Abyss to be team captains for Lethal Lockdown, however AJ Styles won the Against All Odds tournament and so will challenge for the World Championship. You can keep Abyss and name the opposing captain, or pick two new captains, it's entirely up to you.

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Sunday, week 3, March 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (D+ heat)



CM Punk (champion) v American Dragon (D-)



Ultimo Dragon, Elix Skipper, Frankie Kazarian, Low Ki, Super Crazy, Paul London (E+)


More matches to be announced.




To be announced.

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American Dragon has signed for a further three months.


Joe E. Legend and Gary Steele have both left TNA as it was decided not to renew their contracts.



WWE No Way Out results

Montréal Olympic Stadium, Montréal, Quebec.

Attendance: 40,189

Buy rate: 7.25


Chris Benoit beat Hugh Morris (C+)

Chris Nowinski beat Steve Bradley (E)

Val Venis & Godfather v Ron Killings & Funaki ended in a no contest (C-)

Prototype & Billy Kidman beat Lance Storm & Mike Awesome (C-)

Perry Saturn beat Charlie Hass (D-)

Hurricane beat Test (B)

D-Von Dudley beat Billy (C+)

Al Snow & Maven beat The Hollys to retain the Tag Team Championship ©

Rhyno beat Chris Kanyon (C-)

The Rock beat Kurt Angle (A)

Edge beat The Undertaker (B)

Hulk Hogan beat Chris Jericho (B+)

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BHK1978 - 3

MartinC - 3

Destiny - 3




The main event lasted 18:06

Destiny 18:02

BHK 20:23

Martin 12:43


Congratulations Destiny for winning and indeed for only being 4 seconds out on the tiebreaker. You picked AJ Styles and Abyss to be team captains for Lethal Lockdown, however AJ Styles won the Against All Odds tournament and so will challenge for the World Championship. You can keep Abyss and name the opposing captain, or pick two new captains, it's entirely up to you.


I would like the two opposing captains to be Abyss and Desmond Wolfe.

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Johnny Kashmere defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir in 8:02 by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. D-



Saturday, week 4, February 2003

William H. Pitt Center, Fairfield, CT.

Live for the final time on Syndication.


Jeff Jarrett is in the ring to start the last ever Impact show on Syndication. He begins with his business hat on by saying that while a lot of people don't agree with what he does in the ring, he would like to thank Syndication for all their support for TNA in it's fledging days, which draws cheers from the crowd. He says how much he is looking forward to taking TNA to the next level when Impact debuts on Sci Fi next week.

Then he puts his wrestling hat on. He scoffs at Monty Brown for wasting his Feast or Fired shot. He continues by remarking that Brown had the chance to use it whenever he wanted, whether it be when Jarrett is injured, after he's had a hard match, but Monty Brown shows his stupidity by announcing weeks in advance of his using it at Destination X. Jarrett closes by saying how much he is looking forward to keeping his belt. D+


Elix Skipper is being attacked backstage by America's Most Wanted. Frankie Kazarian comes rushing to the scene brandishing a baseball bat, which makes AMW flee. D-


Air Paris v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

Jeff Jarrett's challenger at Destination X kicks the action off against a true X Division competitor. The two compete in an average match where the size and strength advantage of Brown comes to the fore and he overcomes his adversary in 8:51 by pinfall with The Pounce. He'll need to do much better against Jarrett. D


BG James speaks, admitting he has not had the best of starts in TNA but very soon you'll see a much improved BG James. Crowd are bored. Last show on Syndication is not going well thus far. D-


Having picked up the victory against Jimmy Rave at Against All Odds and Eric Bischoff on Impact last Saturday night, Desmond Wolfe is celebrating in his locker room with his Pride of Britain partner, Doug Williams. He says how he is looking forward to a new chapter in his TNA career, and indeed his life. D-


Dragons v Spanish Announce Team (with So Cal Val)

Things finally pick up with a contest between two exciting tag teams. The action was fast paced and at times, especially when American Dragon was in the ring, highly technical. Dragons gain a momentum boosting win, but with them rumoured to be chasing down CM Punk and the X Division Championship, who will be challenging Latin American Exchange for the Tag Team Championship. The end came in 11:28 when Ultimo Dragon defeated Joel Maximo by submission with a Dragon Sleeper. C-


After the match, Abyss makes his way to ringside. He enters the ring and attacks the Dragons, leaving them both down and out. D+


Latin American Exchange talk from backstage, talking themselves up by saying they are the best team in TNA and that they have defeated everybody. They have no worthy challengers for the Tag Team Championship. D+


Footage is shown of Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell and Roger on a date in a gay bar. The two are on the dance floor when a number of clients notice Buff and encourage him to strip off... which he does down to his underpants! Good job Syndication broadcast Impact late at night! D+


AJ Styles v Jimmy Rave

A good match and one that has lifted both the show and the fans. Rave is a talent, of that there is no doubt, but of late he has been up against some strong competitors and at this stage of his young career has been a little out of his depth. Styles can't put a foot wrong in recent months and he maintains his good form in 9:36 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C


Vader is backstage, going mad because he's trying and failing to find Ernest Miller. D-



Harley Race is backstage with CM Punk, and he informs him that on the first Impact on Sci Fi, he will be defending his X Division Championship... against Ultimo Dragon. Punk goes beserk. C+


Low Ki v Samoa Joe

A match where Ki had a surprising amount of offence given Joe's recent strong performances and domination of 'lesser' wrestlers. Joe did come out on top in a match that under delivered slightly, he prevailed in 11:56 by pinfall with an Island Driver. D+


A music video is shown to promote AJ Styles. C+


Harley Race is with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett is on about trying to stop Monty Brown from having a title match. Race says there is nothing he can do about it because of the Feast or Fired clause, but tells Jarrett not too worry. He knows Jarrett will overcome Brown, and even if he is struggling, he'll work out a back up plan. C+


Ken Shamrock v Shane Douglas

A disappointing main event, which stemmed from the interference in Shamrock's title defence at Against All Odds. Shamrock had the lion's share of the match and beat Douglas fairly comfortably in 13:41 by submission with an Ankle Lock. D


Following the match, Ken Shamrock gets on the mic and tells Shane Douglas that that beating was repayment for Against All Odds. Eric Bischoff interrupts and says he is glad that is the case, because on the first episode of Impact on Sci Fi, he will be facing Steve Corino. Shamrock grins as Impact ends on Syndication. C


Show rating: D+

Some of the angles lifted the show. The show might hurt TNA's popularity overall.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.12

Loss: $42,220

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I really liked the Jeff Jarrett opening interview about Monty. And why do I have a feeling that Monty might take the title.


Also, I wonder why Ken Shamrock v Shane Douglas and Low Ki v Samoa Joe rated out so low. Sometime I just can't understand the match ratings for this game.

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Sunday, week 3, March 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown (D+ heat)



CM Punk (champion) v American Dragon (D-)



Ultimo Dragon, Elix Skipper, Frankie Kazarian, Low Ki, Super Crazy, Paul London (E+)


More matches to be announced.




To be announced.

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I really liked the Jeff Jarrett opening interview about Monty. And why do I have a feeling that Monty might take the title.


Also, I wonder why Ken Shamrock v Shane Douglas and Low Ki v Samoa Joe rated out so low. Sometime I just can't understand the match ratings for this game.


Thanks. :)


I can understand the Shamrock v Douglas match rating fairly low, as I have underused Douglas and he is a little past his best now. I did expect Joe v Ki to be better though.

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Impact Preview




Expect title matches and huge news on the Sci Fi debut of Impact.


All championships will be defended. More matches will be made for Destination X. There are likely to be surprises as wrestlers and TNA itself look to make an impression on their new home.

Tune in to the earlier time slot of late evening on Saturday as Impact goes live.



World Championship - Jeff Jarrett defends against an as yet unnamed opponent.

Tag Team Championship - Latin American Exchange (champions) v Backstreet Boyz

X Division Championship - CM Punk v Ultimo Dragon

Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino

AJ Styles v Ken Anderson

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World Championship - Jeff Jarrett defends against an as yet unnamed opponent.


The name might be big but I don't think that Jeff will lose his belt on the first show on a new network.


Tag Team Championship - Latin American Exchange (champions) v Backstreet Boyz



X Division Championship - CM Punk v Ultimo Dragon


Tough call...


Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino


I like Steve but Ken is still in the Upper echelon of names for your promotion.


AJ Styles v Ken Anderson


Ken is a tag team guy for your diary and I am not sure if he will be getting a singles push this soon.

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