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TNA's New Beginnings II

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<p><strong>News</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Low Ki and AJ Styles have left TNA and signed a written contracts with CMLL.</p><p> </p><p>

Sting has also signed for CMLL.</p><p> </p><p>

Abdullah The Butcher has retired from wrestling at the age of 67, he is now looking for a backstage role.</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Corino has suffered a groin strain working in another company but will work through the injury.</p><p> </p><p>

The latest round of drug testing has given some concerning results. While Air Paris, AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe produced clean results, there were two who did not. Buff Bagwell has tested positive for steroids. It is understood that TNA management has told him in no uncertain terms that this is not acceptable. They have released a statement announcing the test result and that both disciplinary action has been taken and Bagwell will automatically be tested during the next round.</p><p>

Meanwhile, Davey Boy Smith has been identified as a hard drugs user and has had his TNA contract terminated with immediate effect.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.seeklogo.com/images/W/WWF_Backlash-logo-01633A91D7-seeklogo.com.gif</span></p><p> </p><p>

WWE held Backlash at Williams Arena, MN. It drew a 15,000 capacity crowd and a buy rate of 7.06</p><p>


Bubba Ray Dudley & Acolytes beat Shawn Stasiak, Tommy Dreamer & Brock Lesnar ©</p><p>

Rob Van Dam beat Christian to retain the Intercontinental Championship (B)</p><p>

D'Lo Brown beat Batista (D+)</p><p>

Mr Perfect beat Tyson Dux (D)</p><p>

William Regal beat Randy Orton to retain the European Championship ©</p><p>

Raven beat Chavo Guerrero, Steven (???) and Kimo to retain the Hardcore Championship (D+)</p><p>

Jazz beat Cheerleader Melissa to retain the Women's Championship (D)</p><p>

Jeff Hardy beat Mark Henry (B-)</p><p>

Jamie Noble beat Spike Dudley to retain the Cruiserweight Championship ©</p><p>

The Zoo Crew beat X-Factor (C+)</p><p>

Triple H beat Big Show to retain the Undisputed Championship (B+)</p><p>

Kane & Shawn Michaels beat Kevin Nash & Scott Hall (B-)</p><p>

Show rating: B</p>

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<p>That sucks losing Davey Boy, AJ and Low Ki all at once!</p><p> </p><p> Once again I was laughing at the Roger/Ernest Miller interaction. I could just picture Ernest Miller getting kissed by the gay dude, and well it was very funny.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26469" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Congratulations to BHK for winning. Your prize is to name the stipulation in the Tag Team Championship match at Sacrifice.</div></blockquote> <p> </p><p> If you are allowed to do it could you make the tag match a Scaffold match?</p>
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<p>Great Show Nobby. This is one of the diaries I was really getting into before my "gardening leave" so I'm glad to see its still around!</p><p> </p><p>

Can't say I'm suprised about Davey Boy but its still a big loss. I'm sure you will thrive though! Keep up the excellent work Nobster</p>

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tough losing AJ - he was a big deal atop the roster. Low Ki had potential and could have good matches in the lower/midcard. will be interesting to see who rises up to take their place. Bulldog is a big name, but replaceable since he was not performing that well.


also interesting to see unfold is what happens in the Bagwell steroid scandal!! He has been one of the driving forces in your TNA> not only does he turn in quality matches and angles, but he is THE BIG DRAW among your readers. maybe Roger needs to be scouting for a new "boy friend" just in case Buff the Puff does get canned. Then if he gets his nose clean and gets to stay, you have your next feud as the 2 battle for Roger's affection

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Explosion preview




TNA lost three wrestlers in the space of a week since Lockdown. Low Ki has left for CMLL while Davey Boy Smith was fired for being found using hard drugs in a post Lockdown drugs test. By far the biggest loss however is AJ Styles, who also signed a contract with CMLL. Rumours abound at the moment about who if anybody TNA will sign as replacements. The only confirmation so far is Chris Candido, who will make his TNA debut on Explosion.

A new champion was crowned at Lockdown when American Dragon emerged from the X Division Championship four way with the title. Where next for one of the Dragons?

A major announcement is due to be made regarding the controversy surrounding the finish to the Backstreet Boyz v Latin American Exchange match at Lockdown.



TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Abyss & Vader (champions) v Pride of Britain

CM Punk v Ken Shamrock

BG James & Shane Douglas v Ernest Miller & Jimmy Rave

Chris Candido v Ken Anderson

Air Paris v Paul London

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir in 5:41 by pinfall with The Pounce. D+



Saturday, week 4, April 2003

Reed Gym, Pocatello, ID.

Live on Sci Fi


Cameras are backstage as Impact starts. The area is sparse until a black four by four style vehicle comes out. A door opens, and out walks...


Mike Tenay is beside himself. Sid Vicious is at Impact! B-


A musical video tribute then plays to AJ Styles, who has left TNA for Mexico and CMLL. The crowd are heard "Thank you AJ" through the video. C-


Air Paris v Paul London

A really good opening contest which treated the fans to some fast paced action and plenty of thrills and spills. It was one where both men showed off their skills with aplomb and either could have walked out victorious. Paris did, in 8:04 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C


We find Ernest Miller and Steve Corino exchanging words backstage. The two stare each other down, but no more and it is not evident what the two were so agitated with each other about. D-


Eric Bischoff and Harley Race are backstage and Eric Bischoff is clearly mad at Race. Race announces that he is delighted to inform TNA fans that Sid Vicious has signed with the company. He also addresses the controversy from the tag team match at Lockdown between Backstreet Boyz and Latin American Exchange. He says that while he cannot change the referee's decision of the match, he can change something else. On Explosion a week on Sunday, it will be Backstreet Boyz who face Abyss and Vader... in a scaffold match for the Tag Team Championship. Latin American Exchange will then face the winners for the title at Sacrifice. Bischoff is livid with Race as the crowd cheer Race's decisions. C



Abyss & Vader (champions) v Pride of Britain

Not a bad contest, and one where the Brits ran the two monsters very close. Wolfe and Williams have really stepped up a level in recent weeks, evident by the fact that a couple of months ago, this match was very one sided. The champions kept their belts this time, but also at the end, the two didn't look to be on the same page. They picked up their win in 7:36 when Abyss defeated Desmond Wolfe by pinfall with The Black Hole. Vader and Abyss make defence number 2 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


Following the match, Abyss and Vader have a short staredown, but certainly not one that somebody would want to be in the middle of! C


Hernandez, Homicide are attacking Robert Roode backstage when a fourth man arrives on the scene...


Konnan, who proceeds to help in the beat down. With Roode not getting up, the three make a sign that they are as one. E


Chris Candido v Ken Anderson

A far less than stellar match, similar in quality to a certain England team in the World Cup today. Candido was in control of Anderson when a visitor showed up...


...who proceeded to lay out Candido while Anderson had Rudy Charles distracted. This allowed Anderson to pick up an acedemic win in 7:53 by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb following interference from Mike Sanders. D-


Candid footage is shown of American Dragon celebrating after Lockdown of him winning the X Division Championship with a group of fans outside the arena. The fans adore Dragon and he is loving their support. D


Footage is then shown of CM Punk and Air Paris having taken out Desmond Wolfe, though it is not apparent in what manner. D-


Ernest Miller & Jimmy Rave v BG James & Shane Douglas

A reasonable enough match. Out of the four, only Rave has been making much impression in TNA as the remaining three are looking to establish themselves in the company. Douglas' win loss record has been rather poor, but he improved it here in 12:16 when Shane Douglas defeated Ernest Miller by pinfall after using brass knuckles. D+


The camera cuts backstage where we find Ken Shamrock warming up for the main event against CM Punk. C-


Backstage and Rick Steiner and Buff Bagwell are in the men's locker room. Steiner makes an off the cuff remark about Bagwell's sexuality and that Steiner won't bend down in Buff's presence. Buff goes berserk and completely lays into Steiner, throwing him into the lockers and throwing a bench on to him. Even Roger gets involved, as he rubs baby oil into Steiner's eyes, leaving him in agony and the crowd booing loudly. D+


CM Punk v Ken Shamrock

Even though the bout looked a little awkward at times, this was still a good main event. The former X Division Championship certainly held his own in a step up in class here, and gave Shamrock some trouble throughout the match. Shamrock was able to pick up the win in 17:50 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C-


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring afterwards and publicly berates Harley Race for signing Sid Vicious behind his back. He calls Vicious a washed up brute who has no place in TNA. This prompts Sid to march to the ring and Jarrett yells at Sid to not even think about stepping in the ring. Sid has no qualms about doing so and Jarrett starts to beg him off. Sid lets his actions do the talking, as he nails some rights on Jarrett's head. He then whips him into the ropes and meets him with a big boot. Jarrett is hurt, but has the wherewithall to bail out as Sid stands over him in the ring, pointing at him and telling him he wants Jarrett at Sacrifice as Impact goes off air. B-


Show rating: D+

A number of angles did not match the standard set by the ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.47

Loss: $51,400

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Sunday, week 3, May 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v Sid (B- heat)



Champions v Latin American Exchange (E)


More matches to be announced.




To be announced.

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angles did not match in-ring quality? Sid Vicious turned in a pair of B- angles!!! that blew away every match outside of Styles-Jarrett at the last card. Big Sid looks to be able to provide some excitment right off the bat.


sorry to see Candido lose in his debut. Interested to see if he and Shane reform the Triple Threat!!!!! that could add some spice and a new chapter to TNA.....who would they choose as the 3rd member?

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Aside from Sid's pair of B- angles, a lot of the others were D or even lower, hence that note.


The Triple Threat is a very good idea, especially as both Elix Skipper and Rocky Romero (now departed) are competing in All Japan Pro every Saturday so are absent every Impact makes it impossible for Triple X to build any momentum, heat or storyline. They are both in short term storylines now, and Candido is face while Douglas is heel, but may well happen soon...

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Impact preview


Sid's surprise appearance had Jeff Jarrett reeling and the fans delighted. How is Jarrett going to react to this dangerous man's appearance in TNA?

We will get an update on the condition of Rick Steiner, who was taken to hospital following Buff & Roger Bagwell's cowardly baby oil attack last week.

Desmond Wolfe has had his hands full of late. As if Abyss hasn't been enough, last week he had CM Punk and Air Paris set on him. Gossip backstage says that Abyss hasn't finished with him yet.


Tune in to Sci Fi for all the action on Saturday evening.



X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - American Dragon (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

BG James v Ernest Miller

Devon Storm v Steve Corino

HARDCORE MATCH - Abyss v Necro Butcher

Full Blooded Italians v Harry Smith & Jody Fleisch

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X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - American Dragon (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

BG James v Ernest Miller


Miller probably will not win but I am not fan of BG James.


Devon Storm v Steve Corino



HARDCORE MATCH - Abyss v Necro Butcher


Necro Butcher! Okay this diary has just been taken to the stage of beyond awsome! Sadly I don't think Necro will win, no matter how awsome I think he is.


Full Blooded Italians v Harry Smith & Jody Fleisch

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Somebody who won a recent prediction competition picked Necro Butcher as the wrestler I should sign. Olympia, you shall remain nameless.

To be fair, it was his fifth pick. I couldn't even start negotiations with his first four picks.


If this match is crap, he's only having one match. :D

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X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - American Dragon (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

BG James v Ernest Miller

Devon Storm v Steve Corino

HARDCORE MATCH - Abyss v Necro Butcher

Full Blooded Italians v Harry Smith & Jody Fleisch

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Paul London defeated Judas Mesias in 8:25 by pinfall with a London Calling. D+



Saturday, week 1, May 2003

Cox Pavillion, Las Vegas, NV.

Live on Sci Fi


Sci Fi kicks off with Harley Race proclaiming Sid Vicious as the man who will put Jeff Jarrett in his place and will lead TNA to the next level. This does not come down with Jeff Jarrett, who walks to ringside with Eric Bischoff. Tensions are high as Jarrett and Sid as well as Race and Bischoff both get into arguments. Things begin to settle down and Sid tells Jarrett he wants him in a match. Bischoff and Jarrett back down and neither are keen to accept Sid's challenge. Race then decides for them, by informing everybody that Sid Vicious has not yet been medically cleared to wrestle, but will be soon. Vicious gives Jarrett dagger eyes as he and Bischoff leave for the back. C+


Backstage and there are some disturbing images... Abyss has Desmond Wolfe hung up by a rope, dangling over a pile of smashed glass. Abyss is screaming at Wolfe, who gets harrassed into accepting Abyss' wish of a Monster's Ball match at Sacrifice. Abyss then hauls Wolfe back up and to apparently safety, only for him to choke slam him off a ledge and through a table. D+



Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v Harry Smith & Jody Fleisch

Despite Tony Mamaluke putting in a below par performance, this was an entertaining opening contest that would not have looked out of place much higher up the card. Smith and Fleisch tried their best, but were outclassed by the experienced duo of Guido and Mamaluke. The FBIs closed it out in 5:38 when Little Guido defeated Harry Smith by pinfall with an Arriverderci. C]


A music video is shown recapping American Dragon's rise to the X Division Championship. C


Rick Steiner is seen in a hospital bed, recovering from the injuries received from Buff and Roger Bagwell last week on Impact. He has a patch covering his left eye, which bore the brunt of the very dangerous baby oil. A knock is heard on the door. Steiner tells the knocker to come in, but soon wishes he didn't, as in walks Roger Bagwell. Roger tells Steiner that the three wise men brought gifts to Jesus. He realises he is only one man but he knows he is as wise as three, so he has brought three gifts for Steiner... gold, frankinsense and... baby oil. Steiner goes nuts, just as Buff Bagwell bursts into the room, mounts Steiner and lays a stream of lefts and rights onto Steiner's skull. Satisfied with his work, he tells Steiner that he will see him at Sacrifice before telling Roger he is now going to mount him. Roger reaches for the baby oil as the show cuts to a commercial for JJ baby oil. C-



Hardcore Match

Abyss v Necro Butcher

A bloody, brutal match and one which Abyss largely dominated. He tortured Necro in no end of ways, but what was strange to TNA fans and not to Necro fans was that the more Abyss did, the more Necro appeared to enjoy it. The match ended in 12:29 with Abyss winning by pinfall following The Black Hole Slam onto a barbed wire board. A few in the building appreciated the pair's efforts and the level of brutality, but many thought it went too far and for too long. E+


Latin American Exchange are on the hunt backstage and the three find their targets, America's Most Wanted. They attack them from behind but Harris, Roode and Storm fight back and repel Homicide, Hernandez and Konnan who beat a hasty retreat. E+


Chris Candido is in the ring and calls out Mike Sanders. Sanders obliges and Candido asks him what all that bull**** was last week when Sanders poked his nose in business that was not his business. Sanders replies that this business is all about making a name for yourself at others expense, something that he intends to do at the expense of Candido at Sacrifice. Candido accepts the challenge and starts to beat on Sanders, who rolls to the outside and backs up the entrance aisle. D-



Devon Storm v Steve Corino

FBI earlier... now Devon Storm puts in an impressive debut, despite Corino's performance being below his best, thanks mainly to the fact he is working through an injury. Despite this, Corino's class and greater experience helped him to prevail in 7:25 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. C


Jimmy Rave is backstage and tears into Shane Douglas, calling him a coward and a cheat for how he resorted to brass knuckles to win on last week's Impact. He challenges him for a match at Sacrifice and tells him to leave the brass knuckles at home. D


Ken Shamrock is in the ring but before he gets chance to do anything of note, a large box is wheeled to the ringside area with "To Ken Shamrock" written in large letters on the side. Curious, Shamrock approaches it and slowly begins to open it... but is surprised when Ken Anderson bursts out of the box and begins to beat on Shamrock. Shamrock fights back and turns it round, putting Anderson in the Ankle Lock, who taps the mat like crazy. Shamrock eventually does release the hold. D+


BG James v Ernest Miller

Terrible contest between two men who are both capable of much better. James won in 11:58 by pinfall with a Dogg Pound. Time to move on... E+


So Cal Val, Joel Maximo, and Jose Maximo come out for an interview, challenging The Dragons to a tag team match. E+


CM Punk and Paris have an interview in which they taunt Desmond Wolfe over the beating they gave him last week on Impact. Punk also says that he is activating his rematch at Sacrifice. D



American Dragon (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

It's very unusual for the opener to be the best match on a card, but that's what happened tonight. This match came close and Dragon and Kazarian put on an entertaining affair with Dragon just edging the offence. He emerged the victor too, in 14:42 by submission with an Arms Across America. American Dragon makes defence number 1 of his TNA X Division title. C-


Show rating: D+

A number of angles did not match the standard set by the ring action. The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity. Necro Butcher was used too much.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV rating: 0.46

Loss: $54,857

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Sunday, week 3, May 2003

Current card



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v Sid? (B- heat)



Champions v Latin American Exchange (E+)



American Dragon (champion) v CM Punk (D)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Rick Steiner (D+)


Chris Candido v Mike Sanders (E+)


Jimmy Rave v Shane Douglas (D-)



Abyss v Desmond Wolfe (D)


More matches to be announced.




Create your own company for it to become active in my game at a random point in the future.

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The wrestling world is in mourning with the news that Davey Boy Smith has passed away at the age of 40. His death is drugs related and it again brings up the debate about the use of drugs in wrestling.


The Fabulous Moolah has retired from the business, aged 79.


All American Pure Wrestling has opened in the South East region of the United States.

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Well I guess it was a good thing that you decided to get rid of Davey Boy...


Once again the Buff thing was wrong on so many different levels, funny but so wrong.:D


I hope Necro Butcher did well enough to stay in TNA. Even if he only ends up being a jobber.

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Yes, it was lucky Davey Boy failed that drugs test.


I'm sure I can think of many more scenarios for Buff and Roger yet. :)


Necro can be a hardcore jobber. Probably appear once every blue moon.


Oh, and for those with long memories, AAPW is the company designed by Totti when he won a prediction competition. The Sacrifice one will carry the same prize.

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