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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Impact Preview


The NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship match came to a messy end at Turning Point when CM Punk took out both the champion and challenger in Jeff Jarrett and Ultimate Warrior. Will Jarrett be pleased or angry with Punk? How will Warrior react having stood by Punk despite Punk's outspoken views on drug taking?

Eric's Army stood tall and proud after Turning Point, coming out with a perfect three wins from three even though some of the manner of the victories were shady at best. Will they be left to celebrate or will some who were done wrong seek retribution?

New Tag Team champions were crowned in the Happy Homos. Backstreet Boyz have the rematch clause, will they activate it?


Watch Spike TV on Saturday night.




TNA TV TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v Mr Wrestling IV

Ken Shamrock v Little Guido

Alex Wright v CM Punk

Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

Mike Quackenbush v Paul London

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TNA TV TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v Mr Wrestling IV

Ken Shamrock v Little Guido

Alex Wright v CM Punk

Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

Mike Quackenbush v Paul London


what's that sound?......

We Want Necro....clap clap clappty clap

We Want Necro....clap clap clappty clap

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Frankie Kazarian in 8:01 by pinfall with a Top Rope Bulldog. C-



Saturday, week 4, November 2003

Smith Center, Washington, D.C.

Live on Spike TV.


CM Punk walks to the ring and explains why he caused the NWA TNA World Championship match to stop at Turning Point. He says he believes in clean competition and as such does not want either a drug taker nor somebody who endorses it to be champion. Punk then challenges Jarrett and Warrior to a three way for the title at Christmas Feast so he can right the wrongs in TNA. C+


Mr Wrestling IV speaks from the backstage interview area. He says that American Dragon's change in attitude and his actions of late sickens him, so much so that he challenges him to a mask versus mask match. C


Mike Quackenbush v Paul London

A solid opening bout where London increased his stock to prospective new managers by looking good against Quackenbush, defeating him in 9:08 by pinfall with a London Calling. C-


Following the match, London celebrates in the ring. E+


A commerical airs advertising Christmas Feast and features Ultimate Warrior. B-


Latin American Exchange v Pride of Britain

Wolfe and Williams haven't teamed up for a while with Wolfe being X Division champion but they looked good here in a match they had control of for the majority. Hernandez didn't match his strong performances of late. The Brits took the win in 8:08 when Doug Williams defeated Jorge Estrada by pinfall with a Crowning Glory. D+


Jeff Jarrett comes to the ring. He tells CM Punk he will be disappointed as he has already decided on the challenger for the NWA TNA World Championship at Christmas Feast... and it is Sid Vicious. The crowd cheer while Don West states that he thinks Jarrett has gone nuts. However... continues Jarrett... if Punk wants to try and clean TNA up so badly then he can have his match on Explosion, he will defend against Warrior and Punk but when Jarrett wins, neither of them will get another shot at him. Punk might be on his high horse in cleaning up TNA, but Jarrett says there is nothing to clean up. C+


Backstreet Boyz are backstage and say that they are invoking their rematch clause for Christmas Feast only this time there aren't going to be any poles or paddles, it's going to be a regular match. D+


Alex Wright (with Roger Bagwell) v CM Punk

A really good match and one which showed how much Alex Wright has matured in TNA and also that he and Roger make a very good pairing in action, though some will question the kiss they shared mid match. Punk isn't one to mess around though and while nobody here is known to be a drug taker, that didn't stop him in warming up for his Explosion title shot by beating Wright in 10:13 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. C+


Eric Bischoff then comes to the ring with his soldiers. He toasts Shane Douglas, Ernest Miller and the TV champion Jose Maximo and celebrates their monumentous victories at Turning Point. He then looks to Christmas Feast. He says that Jose Maximo will take care of Rick Steiner while he is putting Ernest Miller and Shane Douglas into the Feast or Fired match to ensure that Ken Shamrock won't be receiving any title shots. C


The camera then cuts to Shamrock backstage. He knows full well there will be ten men in the Feast or Fired match and he has no problems in taking out all nine of his opponents to get the World Championship case. In fact, he might even take one out tonight when he takes apart Little Guido. C+


Ken Shamrock v Little Guido

That match is next and Guido proved to be a much tougher opponent than Shamrock expected. The contest was a lot more even than everybody predicted and despite a lack of psychology on display it was entertaining. Shamrock did win but he sure didn't take Guido out with the victory coming in 13:24 by submission with an Ankle Lock. He showed respect to Guido after the match by applauding his effort. C+


The camera then cuts to the announce table where there is a commotion. Abyss has appeared with a barbed wire baseball bat and is threatening Potter with it. Potter doesn't back down and this leads to Abyss hitting Potter with the bat. Abyss leaves Potter bloodied and floored before medics come to his aid and take him to the back. C+




Jose Maximo (champion) v Mr Wrestling IV

A far superior contest to the last TV Title match a week ago. Both men brought a mix of fast paced technical wrestling to the match and the fans were kept entertaining and in suspense right up to the end in 15:12 when Maximo took the bout by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. Jose Maximo makes defence number 2 of his TNA TV title. C+


Following the match, Eric Bischoff came to the ring and congratulated Jose Maximo on another great win. He then asked if Jeff Jarrett is going insane, why has he named Sid Vicious as his challenger at Turning Point? If it were down to Bischoff, Sid wouldn't go anywhere near a title shot. B-


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3288

TV rating: 0.78

Loss: $45,335


Impact was either the 4th or 10th best show in TNA's history (as there are two Impact's in November 2003 both rated C on the top ten list).

Ken Shamrock v Little Guido is the 10th best match in the company's history.

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Impact preview


Jeff Jarrett has his hands full. Not only will he face CM Punk and Ultimate Warrior on Explosion but he has also signed himself to face Sid Vicious. Will he prove to be one of the greatest or has he bitten off more than he can chew?

Eric Bischoff asserted his Army in feature contests at Christmas Feast. He'll be sure to command his soldiers to get the upper hand on Impact.

Will American Dragon accept Mr Wrestling IV's challenge for a mask match?


Tune in to Spike TV on Saturday night to find out.




Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Ultimate Warrior

Air Paris v Ken Shamrock

TV TNA TITLE - Jose Maximo (champion) v Super Crazy

American Dragon v Jody Fleisch

America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Doug Williams defeated Rocky Romero in 7:42 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. D+



Saturday, week 1, December 2003

Leudecke Arena, Austin, TX.

Live on Spike TV.


Eric Bischoff is in the ring with Jeff Jarrett. The two argue about Jarrett's wisdom in giving Sid Vicious a title shot at Christmas Feast. Sid walks out and he and Jarrett stand toe to toe. While this is happening, Bischoff announces that this is Sid's one and only chance to win the title. Jarrett hits a low blow and he and Bischoff make their exit. B-


Roger Bagwell is backstage. He approaches Paul London and makes him an offer to be his manager. London says he will consider the offer. E+


America's Most Wanted (Harris & Storm, with Robert Roode) v Full Blooded Italians

An acceptable opening tag team match which featured all the usual elements that make up a good tag team match. AMW had more of the match and made the most of it in 9:27 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Death Sentence. D+


Mr Wrestling IV is in the ring and calls out American Dragon to answer the challenge he made last week. Dragon comes out and accepts IV's challenge for a mask versus mask match but says it won't be at Christmas Feast as Dragon will compete in the Feast or Fired match. C-


Desmond Wolfe talks about his Christmas Feast opponent, Vampiro. He calls him dark and dangerous but is confident he will overcome him. C-


American Dragon v Jody Fleisch

A disappointing match especially as Dragon has been in fine fettle. Even with the lacklustre match he made relatively easy work of Jody Fleisch and took it in 5:57 by pinfall with a Dragon Suplex. D


Following the match, the camera focuses on the announce team when for the second straight week, Abyss appears and attacks Potter. He clubs him from behind, rips up the protective matting round the ring and power bombs Potter on the concrete. Potter is stretchered out as Tenay and West are beside themselves with fear and disgust. C


CM Punk speaks from backstage. He says it his both his destiny and his mission to win the World Championship on Explosion and clean up TNA. B-




Jose Maximo (champion) v Super Crazy

A match which suffered as the two combatants didn't gel in the ring. Crazy has made sporadic appearances in TNA and this also showed. Maximo capitalised and took the match in 12:02 by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. Jose Maximo makes defence number 3 of his TNA TV title. C-


Happy Homos are in their locker room which is decked out in pink and pastel colours and a few hearts dotted around. Bagwell and Wright say that they aren't worried about the Backseat Boys as they have beaten them once and will easily do so again. C


The cameras cut backstage where Eric's Army are in the process of a three on two beatdown on Ken Shamrock and Rick Steiner with Bischoff giving his soldiers instructions. Shamrock and Steiner are left down and out. C-


Air Paris v Ken Shamrock

A much better match that featured two of the ten combatants in the Feast or Fired match. Shamrock was fired up but Paris used his superior quickness well to evade some of Shamrock's ferocious attacks. He couldn't keep it up for the whole match though as Shamrock eventually did get him and earned the win in 12:11 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C


Vampiro is backstage, stalking Sid Vicious. Sid turns round however and spots him. He sternly approaches Vampiro who scampers off. Sid calls him a coward as he does so. C-


Mike Tenay and Don West talk in depth about the Jeff Jarrett, Ultimate Warrior and CM Punk three way match on Explosion and focus on CM Punk's solo mission to "clean up TNA". C+


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Ultimate Warrior

A disappointing main event mainly due to the wrestlers trying to build the match up slowly when there wasn't enough time to do so. Warrior is also showing signs of ring rust but was able to dominate Bagwell for long spells. The match had no conclusion as CM Punk ran down and took out both men with a Pepsi Plunge to Warrior and a Go To Sleep on Bagwell which led to Rudy Charles throwing the match out. D


Show rating: D+

Some of the angles helped to lift the show.

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity overall.

Attendance: 3677

TV rating: 0.68

Loss: $49,479

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Sunday, week 3, December 2003

Card subject to change



Jeff Jarrett (champion) v Sid Vicious (C heat)



Happy Homos (champions) v Backstreet Boyz (D+)



Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Vampiro (D+)



Air Paris, American Dragon, Doug Williams, Ernest Miller, Jody Fleisch, Ken Shamrock, Little Guido, Paul London, Shane Douglas, Ultimate Warrior (C-)


Jose Maximo v Rick Steiner (C-)


Frankie Kazarian v Mr Wrestling IV (E)


Christopher Daniels v Devon Storm (E+)


Hernandez v Super Crazy (E-)




To be announced

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Jody Fleisch suffered a gashed arm on Impact but will work through the minor injury.


Little Guido has suffered a damaged eye working elsewhere. He will be out for around 4 weeks and will therefore not compete in Feast or Fired which leaves his spot open.


Ultimate Warrior has signed for a further three months.

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Explosion preview


Explosion returns as TNA heads to the Mid West for the first time on pay per view. The fans there will enjoy championship matches and heated rivalries as TNA builds up to it's final pay per view of the year, Christmas Feast.


Check out UrbanXtra for how to order.




NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Jeff Jarrett (champion) v CM Punk v Ultimate Warrior

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Happy Homos (champions) v America's Most Wanted

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Mike Sanders

Abyss v Potter

Doug Williams & Ken Shamrock v Ernest Miller & Shane Douglas

Konnan v Sid Vicious

American Dragon v Rick Steiner

Christopher Daniels v Super Crazy

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NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Jeff Jarrett (champion) v CM Punk v Ultimate Warrior

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Happy Homos (champions) v America's Most Wanted

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Mike Sanders

Abyss v Potter

Doug Williams & Ken Shamrock v Ernest Miller & Shane Douglas

Konnan v Sid Vicious

American Dragon v Rick Steiner

Christopher Daniels v Super Crazy

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NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Jeff Jarrett (champion) v CM Punk v Ultimate Warrior

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Happy Homos (champions) v America's Most Wanted

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Mike Sanders

Abyss v Potter

Doug Williams & Ken Shamrock v Ernest Miller & Shane Douglas

Konnan v Sid Vicious

American Dragon v Rick Steiner

Christopher Daniels v Super Crazy

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NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Jeff Jarrett (champion) v CM Punk v Ultimate Warrior

Don't know how but Jarrett will retain.

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - Happy Homos (champions) v America's Most Wanted

TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Mike Sanders

Abyss v Potter

Doug Williams & Ken Shamrock v Ernest Miller & Shane Douglas

Konnan v Sid Vicious

Sid needs the momentum going into the PPV.

American Dragon v Rick Steiner

Christopher Daniels v Super Crazy

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Austin Aries defeated Mr Wrestling IV in 5:46 by pinfall with a 450° splash. C



Wednesday, week 2, December 2003

UNI-Dome, Cedar Falls, IA.

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view


Jeff Jarrett is walking into the arena with a minnion carrying his bags. As he walks he talks, saying that he knows he has a serious dual threat to his title tonight in CM Punk and Ultimate Warrior but he isn't worried. Punk and Warrior are against each other due to Punk's beliefs on drugs and he has a plan in case things look like they will go wrong. He walks into the building with Don West and Mike Tenay speculating what it might be. Potter is not on commentary tonight due to his match with Abyss. C+


Christopher Daniels v Super Crazy

A reasonable opening match which saw Daniels continue his impressive start in TNA. In hindsight though, it would have been better to have this pre show and Aries v IV as the opener! Anyway, Daniels took the match in 9:23 by pinfall with a Last Rites. D+




Happy Homos (champions, with Roger Bagwell) v America's Most Wanted (Harris & Storm)

A good quality tag team match where the Homos played up their homosexuality well and disrupted the challengers. The most entertaining segment was when Buff yelled "spank me baby" after he had hit a Buff Blockbuster on James Storm and Alex Wright came into the ring and spanked Buff with a pink paddle. The champions went on to take the match in 10:21 when Alex Wright defeated 'Cowboy' James Storm by pinfall with a Homo Delight. Happy Homos make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


Potter cuts a promo where he aims to extract revenge on Abyss for his recent brutal and horrific attacks at the announce table. Potter is looking in a bad way following the two beatings with taped ribs and a bandaged head. D-


American Dragon v Rick Steiner

A good contest between two very reliable wrestlers. Steiner tried to wear Dragon down with his more powerful arsenal but Dragon was resilient and battled away until Steiner was tiring. His cause was helped further when Jose Maximo came to ringside and distracted Steiner from the job at hand. This led to Dragon winning the match in 11:36 by submission with an Arms Across America. C+


Konnan v Sid Vicious

Sid demolished Konnan in what proved to be a squash match in 1:48 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. D+


Backstage and Buff Bagwell is attacking Johnny Kashmere with a weapon. Kashmere is bleeding and when the wrestlers turn side on to the camera, Buff and Alex's pink paddle is turning red. E




Desmond Wolfe (champion) v Mike Sanders

A good, entertaining bout and probably Sanders' best performance in TNA. He certainly stepped up and fought hard to win the X Division gold. Wolfe is proving to be a sturdy and worthy champion and strengthened this view in 12:50 by pinfall with a Guvnor's Crumpet. Desmond Wolfe makes defence number 7 of his TNA X Division title. C


Prior to the next match, Ken Shamrock attacks Shane Douglas with a steel chair. With Douglas downed, Shamrock puts Shane's ankle in between the chair and stomps on it. Douglas screams in pain and Shamrock walks off with a look of intensity. C-


Doug Williams & Ken Shamrock v Ernest Miller & Shane Douglas

An OK match despite Williams and Miller not performing to their best. This really hampered Eric's Army with Douglas really suffering following Ken Shamrock's pre match attack. Shamrock essentially carried the match and came out a fairly comfortable winner in 11:51 when he defeated Shane Douglas by submission with an Ankle Lock with Douglas immediately tapping. C-


Jeff Jarrett is walking backstage when he is startled rounding a corner... he walks straight into the tall frame of Sid Vicious. Jarrett is shaking as Sid hisses at him and tells him that the title will be his at Christmas Feast. Jarrett scampers off. B-


Abyss v Potter

The crowd were firmly behind Potter as they were vociferous in their support and the match saw some great action yet there were feelings it went on for too long given who was involved. Potter's injuries did affect him and Abyss capitalised on his injured ribs every opportunity he could. Abyss gained victory in 10:32 by pinfall with The Black Hole. C


Mike Tenay and Don West run through the tale of the tape for the main event. C




Jeff Jarrett (champion) v CM Punk v Ultimate Warrior

A good main event. Punk stirred the pot during his entrance by wearing a black t-shirt with a syringe on it and the red circle and diaganol line that symbolises no.


Warrior comes sprinting to the ring and gets in Punk's face. He is heard to say "All I've done for you" and "I'm clean" before the two come to blows before Jarrett's music even starts. Robert Brisko lets them have at it and calls for the bell before Jarrett is even here. The two fight for a full minute before Jarrett's music plays and he comes strolling down the ramp, laughing as he does.

Warrior still has some ring rust but it is testament to his current condition that he showed little sign of tiring as the match wore on. All three men had their moments and Warrior nearly won the title after a Gorilla Press/Splash combination on Punk where Jarrett barely made the save in time.

Punk was getting on top and hit a Go To Sleep on Warrior. With Jarrett recouperating on the floor, he was all set to win the title when from nowhere Abyss came in the ring. He whipped Punk into the corner and avalanched him before whipping him into the ropes and hitting a Black Hole Slam. Jarrett had Brisko distracted during this and took full advantage when he threw Warrior from the ring and covered Punk in 23:04. Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 18 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C


Show rating: C-

Some of the angles didn't reach the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 7946

Buy rate: 0.41

Profit: $108,037

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AAPW Demonology

Wednesday, week 2, December 2003

Universal Studios, Orlando, FL.

Attendance: 1000 (sellout)


MsChif beat Aja Kong (D-)

Dan Severn beat Scotty Riggs (D)

Adam Pearce beat Top Gun Talwar (D)

Hotstuff Hernadez beat Low Ki (C+)

Monty Brown beat Caprice Coleman to retain the AAPW World Heavyweight Championship (C+)


Show rating: C

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