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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Sid Vicious (champion) v Steve Corino (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Double X (D)



Christopher Daniels (champion) v Jerry Lynn (D)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v CM Punk (C+)




American Dragon v Mr Wrestling IV (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Latin American Exchange (D)


Scott Steiner v Shane Douglas (C-)


Abyss v AJ Styles (C-)


Desmond Wolfe v Doug Williams v Ernest Miller v Jose Maximo (D+)



Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock ©


Masato Tanaka v Mike Sanders (E)

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Looked like the New Dawn kids made a good showing of themselves on the last show (several C rated match/angles). Who will Evan K team up with? He and AJ could be an interesting team (and a good feud when they split up down the road)



Sid Vicious (champion) v Steve Corino (C heat)

Againt All Odds, Corino captures the world title



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Double X (D)



Christopher Daniels (champion) v Jerry Lynn (D)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v CM Punk (C+)

I see Pufffy getting the win here - maybe even hurting Punk - to set up Bagwell vs the other members of New Dawn as they try to avenge their leader. all leading up to the next time Punk returns and gets his hands on Bagwell for a rematch in a month or so.




American Dragon v Mr Wrestling IV (D+)

Dragon wins this one - but MW4 says turnabout is fair play and this time he REFUSES to unmask. Guess the rubber match will be inside a cage, so the loser cannot run and cannot hide his face.


Backstreet Boyz v Latin American Exchange (D)


Scott Steiner v Shane Douglas (C-)


Abyss v AJ Styles (C-)


Desmond Wolfe v Doug Williams v Ernest Miller v Jose Maximo (D+)



Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock ©


Masato Tanaka v Mike Sanders (E)

Tanaka might be able to lose his way up the roster - but Sanders has some big wins so far in TNA - not sure the long term plans but he has been pretty solid in the mid-card angles.

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Sid Vicious (champion) v Steve Corino (C heat)



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Double X (D)



Christopher Daniels (champion) v Jerry Lynn (D)


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v CM Punk (C+)




American Dragon v Mr Wrestling IV (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Latin American Exchange (D)


Scott Steiner v Shane Douglas (C-)


Abyss v AJ Styles (C-)


Desmond Wolfe v Doug Williams v Ernest Miller v Jose Maximo (D+)



Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock ©


Masato Tanaka v Mike Sanders (E)

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Keiji Sakoda's promo was interrupted by Jeff Jarrett, and the two engaged in a war of words. E


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Robert Roode defeated Nick Jackson in 7:16 by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. D



Sunday, week 2, February 2004

Idaho Center, Nampa, ID.


Live on UrbanXtra pay per view.


Ladies and gentleman, opening Against All Odds, introducing Reverend and the Makers...

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After the song, the cameras cut backstage where Sid is hissing. He says the theme to Against All Odds is apt as the Heavyweight Champion of the World is headlining the show and will remain the Heavyweight Champion of the World at the end of it, and there isn't a damn thing Steve Corino can do about it. C


Masato Tanaka v Mike Sanders

The opening contest turned out to be an entertaining and high quality affair which was great to watch given the two combatants had no build up to the pay per view and haven't competed much in TNA of late. It benefitted by the two showing great chemistry. Tanaka was his usual hard hitting self but his downfall was when he tried to utilise a table. Maybe he was thinking it was ECW. Sanders made the most of Rudy Charles getting the table out of the ring by hitting Tanaka with two stiff chair shots to the head before closing out the match in 7:36 by pinfall with a 3.0. C+


Jeff Jarrett is shown preparing for his match later with Ken Shamrock by practising a number of submission holds on a sparring partner. He still maintains he is the real world champion and this will be shown when he becomes the number one contender again. C+


Backstreet Boyz v Latin American Exchange (with Jorge Estrada)

The former two time tag team champions have been suffering somewhat from a fall from grace of late and this continued as they were outbrawled on the whole by their Latin American opponents. Estrada wasn't shy about causing a distraction either and only occasion became physically involved. The win for LAX came in 9:47 when Hernandez defeated Trent Acid by pinfall with a Dominator and they are putting themselves in contention for the championship. C-


AJ Styles is cutting a promo backstage on his match tonight with Abyss when the monster shows up with his entire right arm wrapped up in barbed wire. AJ gets the fright of his life and Abyss starts to chase after him backstage. D-




Christopher Daniels (champion) v Jerry Lynn

Another match high in quality as the two opponents put on a fast paced match that went back and forth. Lynn looked like he was going to win the title when he had Daniels in position for the Cradle Piledriver but Daniels earned another feather in his cap by wriggling out and then overcoming a wrestler of the quality and reputation of Lynn in 14:27 by pinfall with a Last Rites. Christopher Daniels makes defence number 4 of his TNA X Division title. Maybe his boast that he will become TNA's best ever X Division champion will come true..? C


Shane Douglas cut a promo on tonight's match with Scott Steiner that wasn't well received at all which was quite surprising. E+




America's Most Wanted (champions, with Midajah) v Double X (with Francine)

A reasonable match and one where AMW were in control for a significant proportion although they found Francine problematic at ringside. Midajah overcame that though when she engaged a catfight and the two brawled to the back. With the four men free to now concentrate each other, AMW resumed control and took the match in 12:11 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall with a Death Sentence. America's Most Wanted make defence number 2 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is backstage with his husband Roger. He addresses CM Punk, telling him that Roger reformed him, he no longer does the drugs that he used to and if CM Punk doesn't back off, he is going to pursue a sexual discrimination case against him. D-


Desmond Wolfe v Doug Williams v Ernest Miller v Jose Maximo

Some interesting aspects to this one as two members of Eric's Army were pitted against two former tag team partners in a fatal four way. Unfortunately, the quality of the match didn't match the intrigue going into it, but it's not to say it was shoddy. Initially it was two versus two but that started to break down after a few minutes when the desire to win the match overcame the will to help out your friend. Hence, the match became more choatic as it wore on. By the end, Eric Bischoff will have reason to be both pleased and disappointed as in 13:25 Jose Maximo defeated Ernest Miller by pinfall by using underhanded tactics. C-


Jeff Jarrett cuts a promo on Ken Shamrock, telling him he is going to feel great when he makes him tap and proves he is the real world champion. C+




American Dragon v Mr Wrestling IV

This was a disappointing match and not up to the standard of other contests between the two, thanks mainly to a poor performance from IV. Dragon had the upperhand but was getting increasingly frustrated with not being able to put IV away. He grabbed a steel chair, reminiscent of the first mask match, and again swung at IV. This time though IV ducked and responded by kicking the chair into Dragon's face and followed up to take the win in 14:56 by pinfall with a Sudan Elbow Drop. Dragon did not have chance to escape this time as IV removed Dragon's mask with nobody surprised it was Bryan Danielson underneath it as everybody knows who American Dragon is. D


Scott Steiner cuts a promo on Shane Douglas, calling him Eric Bischoff's little toy soldier. C-


Abyss v AJ Styles

Abyss came down with his right arm still completely wrapped in barbed wire. AJ Styles was ultra wary of the monster but somehow Mickey Jay persuaded Abyss to remove the barbed wire so the match could start. With the barbed wire now gone, AJ could breathe a little easier, when he wasn't getting squashed by Abyss' power and weight advantage. However, AJ is a tenacious little bugger and fought back, utilising his speed and his agility to overcome his much larger opponent and picked up a slightly surprising victory in 13:16 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. CM Punk appeared on the stage at the conclusion of the match and applauded AJ's efforts. C


Ken Shamrock speaks from backstage and tells Jeff Jarrett he is living in a dream if he thinks he can make Ken Shamrock tap or that he is the real world champion. He says he will snap Jarrett's ankle in half. C


Scott Steiner v Shane Douglas

Another disappointing affair. Steiner still shows some ring rust while the crowd have gone cold with too many segments and the disappointing Dragon v IV match. Such a shame as the early matches promised much. Steiner gradually wore down "Eric's little toy solider" and took the bout in 10:50 by submission with a Steiner Recliner. D


CM Punk speaks out on Buff Bagwell, telling him he does not care if he likes women, men or animals, fact is that he violated TNA drug policy and TNA violated the policy themselves by not firing him, so Punk will have to take action himself. C


Number 1 Contendership to the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship

'The Real World Champion' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock

A much better match and demonstrates the show has got back on track. Jarrett surprised many by trading submission holds with Shamrock and coming out of it fairly well. He locked in the Figure Four and it took some time for Shamrock to reach the ropes to get the break. He felt the affects too as Jarrett capitalised on Shamrock's weakened state. Pain is partly in the mind though and when Shamrock snapped, he blocked out his leg pain from Jarrett's earlier efforts and started to pound on the self proclaimed real world champion. Shamrock's onslaught was vicious and sustained and saw him earned the number one contendership in 18:19 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C


Steve Corino speaks out from backstage, saying it took a lot of hard work and talent to defeat nineteen other wrestlers and win Lethal Lottery and ever since that victory he has focused on one sole thing, winning the title from Sid Vicious. He tells Sid it's time to go old school tonight. C


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell) v CM Punk (with The New Dawn)

When CM Punk emerged with all of The New Dawn in tow, Roger Bagwell panicked. Not the fighting type, he saw five wrestlers surround ringside, apologised to Buff telling him "I love you" and ran scared to the back. He need not have worried as The New Dawn had zero physical involvement at all, merely there encouraging Punk as he battled Buff. Buff did get one comedy moment in when he started to rub Punk's groinal area, but that sickened and angered Punk, who promptly answered back with a stiff Muay Thai kick. From there Punk had control of most of the match and he was able to stand over a vanquished foe in 17:43 following a pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. Punk got the mic after the match and said that he hopes he has shown Buff Bagwell the straight ways and that he cleans himself up. C


As we wait for the match between Steve Corino and Abbadon to commence, Mike Tenay and Potter run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C




Sid Vicious (champion) v Steve Corino

A good main event and one where Corino surprised a lot of people by having control of a lot of the match thanks to a very good display of old school technical wrestling as he chopped down his larger opponent and worked on his right leg to such an extent that Sid was barely able to stand. With the crowd firmly behind him, Sid reached down, fought back and closed out the match in 22:57 by pinfall with a Powerbomb. Sid Vicious makes defence number 6 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title but has to use the ring ropes to hold himself up at while celebrating his win. C


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Out comes Eric Bischoff. He tells Sid Vicious that he shouldn't be celebrating beating Steve Corino so fast, as he has to save himself for another title defence... right now! E


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Out walks the maskless American Dragon with the Feast or Fired briefcase, as Eric Bischoff announces that Sid Vicious' opponent is not American Dragon but...



Sid Vicious (champion) v Bryan Danielson

Sid has a look of utter disbelief and still troubled by his leg, Danielson immediately targets it like a huge bullseye. Danielson is relentless and if Sid thought he had his work cut out trying to deal with Corino's technical superiority over him, Danielson took it to the next level. Sid struggled to get much offence in, but with sheer determination, he struggled on. Ultimately it was futile as in 7:03 Danielson won by submission with an Arms Across America. Bryan Danielson wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight title and celebrates with Eric Bischoff as Sid hobbles around ringside, half mad, half sad. C


Show rating: C-

The show might have hurt TNA's popularity overall.

A number of angles did not reach the standards set by the in ring action.

Attendance: 6490

Buy rate: 0.52

Profit: $98,032


The show attracted the third highest buy rate in TNA history.

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Very good ending. And now you have the title on someone that has...you know actual talent.:D Now you just better hope that Sid does not try and stab you with scissors.


Oh and I love the way you are writing CM Punk right now. For me he has become one of the most if not the most interesting wrestler in your diary.

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Very good ending. And now you have the title on someone that has...you know actual talent.:D Now you just better hope that Sid does not try and stab you with scissors.


Oh and I love the way you are writing CM Punk right now. For me he has become one of the most if not the most interesting wrestler in your diary.


Thanks BHK.


I'll lock myself in the office for the next week!

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Close this time round...


JayR 7



Olympia 7

Kijar 7


Had anybody guessed that American Dragon/Bryan Danielson would have cashed in Feast or Fired and won, that would have got a bonus point... but then you're not clairvoyants. :D


Well done to The Final Countdown. Your prize is to pick what type of match and the opponents for the X Division Championship match at Destination X.

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Impact Preview


Bryan Danielson surprised everybody at Against All Odds when he started the show as the masked American Dragon and finished it having cashed in Feast or Fired and winning the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship. He already has challengers lining up. Sid Vicious has his rematch, Ken Shamrock won the number one contendership at the same event while Mr Wrestling IV also has a strong case having defeated American Dragon. Danielson has the power that goes with the gold and the advantage of a loose alliance with TNA authority Eric Bischoff. What will be decided on Impact?

CM Punk's New Dawn have made a bright start in TNA but with details emerging of another failed drugs test after Against All Odds, it will be highly likely that CM Punk will make the popular Scott Steiner his next target. Will this cause CM Punk's New Dawn to lose favour with the fans that he has enjoyed their support on his crusade to cleanse TNA?

Ultimate X has been announced for Destination X. How many men will challenge Christopher Daniels for his title and how will he react to being at a disadvantage when defending his title?


Tune in to Spike TV on Saturday night.




TNA TV TITLE - AJ Styles (champion) v Shane Douglas

Air Paris v The Amazing Red

Desmond Wolfe & Masato Tanaka v Mike Quackenbush & Mike Sanders

Kid Kash v Paul London

Arashi Assassins v Double X

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TNA TV TITLE - AJ Styles (champion) v Shane Douglas

Air Paris v The Amazing Red

experience wins out over the newcomer - who improves his stock in the fans' eyes during the match.


Desmond Wolfe & Masato Tanaka v Mike Quackenbush & Mike SandersKid Kash v Paul London


Arashi Assassins v Double X


and I predict that Uncle Eric gets to Scotty the body Steiner causing him to turn on his brother during a roid rage episode so that CM Punk and Dawn (doesnt have the same ring as Tony Orlando and Dawn though) can make the save and set up their next feud......parlaying into total war against Team Eric. Hope they are ready for Prime Time!!

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jorge Estrada defeated Pac in 5:37 by pinfall with a Greetings from Graceland. D+



Saturday, week 3, February 2004

Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, CA.


Live on Spike TV


Eric Bischoff kicks off Impact holding the World Championship belt and introduces the new NWA TNA World Heavyweight champion, Bryan Danielson. The ring is decked out for a formal presentation. Danielson enters, beaming from ear to ear. Bischoff congratulates Danielson for his win at Against All Odds and tells him it gives him great pleasure to give him the championship belt and to officially name him as the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Danielson shakes Bischoff's hand and is all smiles as he says it is an honour to hold such a prestigious championship and to be able to call himself the best.

Then Sid Vicious' music plays and out comes the former champion. To his credit, he does not complain about what happened last Sunday, he recognises Danielson used Feast or Fired and used the opportunity to cash in when he was weak. He warns Danielson though that he is activating his automatic rematch.

Before Bischoff can respond, Ken Shamrock's music hits and out walks the official number one contender. He says that he understands where Sid is coming from but that Sid needs to get in line behind him as he earned the right to be number one contender by beating Jeff Jarrett.

Again Bischoff is unable to answer as Mr Wrestling IV's music hits and he enters the ring. IV says that he now has two wins over American Danielson, Bryan Dragon or whatever he calls himself now and absolutely deserves his shot at the World title.

Bischoff finally gets chance to reply. He tells Sid that he can have his rematch and he can have it on the next edition of Explosion. He tells Shamrock that he is the number one contender and he will face the winner of the Explosion match at Destination X. Sid and Shamrock are satisfied with this and eagerly eye the champion and his prize. Finally, Bischoff turns to IV, whom he tells that he will have to wait his turn. He might have beaten Danielson but he hasn't beaten anybody else of such standing yet. So... if Danielson is still champion after Destination X... then IV can have his shot. If not, then he'll need to focus his efforts elsewhere. Is IV happy or unhappy? Nobody can tell as his body doesn't show any reaction. C-


Backstage and Mike Sanders has attacked 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, saying he is the mind behind Austin Aries' recent rise and they are coming after him. E+


Arashi Assassins v Double X (with Francine)

A good quality and entertaining opening match, a pleasing start to the wrestling on tonight's show. Storm and Sakoda are showing improved teamwork after an indifferent start to their career as a tag team together in TNA, but they still fell short of Double X who triumphed in 7:18 when Rocky Romero defeated Keiji Sakoda by pinfall with a High Speed. C


Backstage and Harley Race talks to Ken Shamrock, warning him that sooner or later he will have a "big problem". Shamrock tells Race to go away and not bother him with petty nonsense. C


In Sid's locker room, there is a knock on the door. Sid invites the person in and it is Steve Corino. Sid stands on guard but Steve Corino congratulates Sid on defeating him this past Sunday, adding that he knows when he is beaten by a better man. Corino offers Sid a handshake and Sid accepts as the crowd voice their approval. B-


Kid Kash v Paul London (with Dusty Rhodes)

Another match of significant quality despite London not being at his best. Even so, spurred on by his new manager at ringside, he was just about able to overcome the dangerous Kash in 10:06 by pinfall with a London Calling. C


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CM Punk and his New Dawn appear. He says that he won the first battle at Against All Odds by defeating Buff Bagwell but the war on drugs, alcohol and the owners of TNA is far from over. He says he is bitter, angry and saddened that in the drugs tests at Against All Odds there was yet another failure and the man who failed the test is now the next target of the New Dawn... that man is Scott Steiner and Punk calls out Big Poppa Pump.

Steiner doesn't appear though, instead it is Eric Bischoff who walks down the aisle. He says that if Punk wants Scott Steiner so bad, he will gladly make the match as he can't stand the Steiners either... so Punk can face Scott Steiner on Explosion. He is about to leave when makes a U turn and says there is one more thing. He has noticed there is an up and coming tag team in our ranks and he thinks it is time that they faced a stiff test, so at Destination X, the team of Caprice Coleman and Jimmy Rave will face two of his soldiers... Ernest Miller and Shane Douglas. Punk doesn't look too happy with that as he feels their mission is being blocked. C


Backstage and Jeff Jarrett and Sid Vicious are in a heated argument over Sid losing the World Championship six days ago, with Jarrett still claiming he is the real world champion. Sid tells Jarrett to grow up and be a man. C+


Desmond Wolfe & Masato Tanaka v Mike Quackenbush & Mike Sanders

A disappointing affair considering the quality of the first two matches. Despite the cultural and slight language differences, Wolfe and Tanaka did work quite well together while Quackenbush and Sanders used the usual tag team heel tendencies well. The faces were the victors in 9:12 when Desmond Wolfe defeated Mike Sanders by pinfall with a Tower of London. D+


Steve Corino is walking backstage, with a favourable reaction from inside the arena. Then Abyss attacks him and sustains a vicious assault, causing the cheers to turn to boos. Corino is destroyed as Abyss roars. B-


America's Most Wanted are in their locker room, talking about their retention of the NWA TNA Tag Team Championship at Against All Odds. The door is slammed open and the Steiners run in and attack the champions with boos coming from the arena. C-


Air Paris v The Amazing Red

Despite a lack of ring psychology on show, this match was far better than the previous one with Paris and Red putting on an action packed, fast paced match that kept the crowd on the edge of their seats. With both men vying for position at the top end of the X Division, they left nothing in the back. Red was the one who won in 12:24 by pinfall with a Code Red. C+


Christopher Daniels is interviewed backstage by Joel Gertner. He complains about how unfair it is that he has to defend his X Division Championship at Destination X in Ultimate X against AJ Styles, CM Punk, Homicide, Jose Maximo and Jerry Lynn. He demands to speak to Bischoff about this and walks off. D+


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is in his locker room and says that he quite fancies a muscular black man... an alpha male if you will... C




AJ Styles (champion) v Shane Douglas

A good close to a good show where AJ displayed his tenacity, exciting arsenal of moves and his quickness to out pace Douglas to score the victory over his more experienced opponent. This came in 15:13 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 3 of his TNA TV title. C


Show rating: C-

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's overall popularity. Some angles didn't reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3079

TV Rating: 0.71

Loss: $72,125 (new TNA record)

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Sunday, week 3, March 2004

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Current card




Bryan Danielson or Sid Justice (champion) v Ken Shamrock



America's Most Wanted (champions) v Steiners (D+ heat)




Christopher Daniels (champion) v AJ Styles v CM Punk v Homicide v Jerry Lynn v Jose Maximo (D+)


Arashi Assassins v Double X (E+)


Eric's Army v New Dawn (E+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (D)


Abyss v Steve Corino (C-)




Will be revealed when full card is posted.

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