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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Bryan Danielson (World Champion), Jose Maximo (X Division Champion), Rick Steiner (TV Champion) & Shane Douglas (Tag Team Champion) v AJ Styles, CM Punk, Evan Karagias & Jimmy Rave (C heat)


Jeff Jarrett v Sid Vicious ©


Abyss v Steve Corino (C-)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (D+)


Air Paris v Ken Shamrock (C-)




Christopher Daniels v Jerry Lynn v Mike Quackenbush v Mike Sanders v two of CM Punk's New Dawn (D)


America's Most Wanted v Divine Storm (C-)


Backstreet Boyz v Full Blooded Italians (D-)


Desmond Wolfe v Ernest Miller (C-)


Kid Kash v Mr Wrestling IV (E+)




Bryan Danielson

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In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Double X defeated Arashi Assassins in 7:47 when Frankie Kazarian defeated Keiji Sakoda by pinfall with a Wave Of The Future. Maybe it should have been on the main show. C



Sunday, week 3, April 2004

Davis Recreational Hall, Davis, CA.



<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ic0tVFYvRZ0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


'Two Tribes', Lockdown 2004 theme finishes and Mike Tenay, Don West and Potter welcome everybody to the David Recreational Hall and a unique pay per view for two reasons. Every match is inside the steel cage... and there are no title matches. C


Backstreet Boyz v Full Blooded Italians

The opening match was a fast paced tag team bout where everybody put in their stint, except for Tony Mamaluke who put in a stink. Guido carried him through though as the FBI upset the two time former champions and took the contest in 10:21 when Little Guido defeated Trent Acid by pinfall with an Arriverderci. Acid and Kashmere looked annoyed with each other after the match. C


Harley Race is standing by Abyss backstage, where he vows that tonight they end Steve Corino. His torturing of recent weeks were just a prelude to his sacrifice in the steel cage. C


Kid Kash v Mr Wrestling IV

A drab match where IV looked tired and underwhelming. This led to Kash having a large chunk of the advantage during the match, but when IV got on top, Vampiro made an appearance. However, his intended attack on IV hit Kid Kash instead, and IV quickly took the match in 10:43 by pinfall with a Sudan Elbow Drop which led to Vampiro holding his head in his hands as IV held his arms in the air. D


Sid speaks from backstage, saying that tonight he will let our years of frustration and beat the crap out of Jeff Jarrett inside the six sides of steel. C


A video plays highlighting the wrestlers in the upcoming Xscape match, and that the winner will get a shot at the X Division Championship. C


Xscape Match

Winner gets X Division Championship match

Caprice Coleman v Christopher Daniels v Jerry Lynn v Mike Quackenbush v Mike Sanders v The Amazing Red

As expected, this match was a fast paced spot fest, and also as expected the two members of The Fringe and New Dawn both worked together. All six men made numerous efforts to escape the cage and the biggest spot of all came when Daniels grabbed hold of Quackenbush on top of the cage and hit the Angels Wings on him all the way down onto the canvas. Neither man got up for the rest of the match while the crowd came out with the usual "holy ****" chants. With Coleman battling Sanders, Lynn and Red raced up the cage, where Red kicked Lynn's face into the cage before as quick as a hiccup, vaulting himself up and over the top. Coleman cheered on his team mate as Red climbed to the floor in 12:40, earning himself the title match. C+


Backstage and Dusty Rhodes is with Paul London. He hypes London, saying that while Red has just earned himself an X Division Championship match, London is a future X Division champion. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (with Roger Bagwell)

Finally Buff gets what he wants... to get his hands on some big black... muscle. Monty is not so enthused though, as his first reaction is to punch Buff in the face. This leads to Buff scampering and holding his face in a very camp manner.

Buff comes back, and starts to rub Monty's muscluar torso. This angers Brown more, who proceeds to throw Bagwell hard into the cage, causing Buff to bleed. He uses one of the small holes in the cage for the cameras to poke through to allow his husband Roger to wipe away his blood and apply some make up.

Monty has had enough. He charges... The Pounce... and he misses. Buff sidesteps and Brown runs into the cage. This allows Buff to control the match for a long time, often he rubs various parts of himself up and down Monty's body. Monty gets pissed off and powers back, but Buff scoots behind, rolls up Monty and has a hand full of tights and ass and gets a sneaky three count in 10:40.

Following the match, Monty stalks Buff, only for Roger, who has entered through the cage door, to distract him. Monty then stalks Roger, who throws pink furry handcuffs to Buff. Buff nails Monty in the head from behind with the cuffs before cuffing him to the cage. Roger exits and pulls on Monty's feet from the outside, so he can offer little resistance. Buff rubs Monty's body in an erotic way, before bending down in front of him and rubbing his ass against Monty's crotch. Buff is heard saying "I love big black... ****" while Tenay, West and Potter express their disgust on commentary. C


Ernest Miller speaks before his match against Desmond Wolfe, telling him that he will regret ever having made an open challenge. C-


America's Most Wanted (with Midajah) v Quiet Storm

Dire. Mercifully a match dominated by AMW was over relatively quickly, so hopefully there were not big queues at the concession stands. The win was academic in 6:08 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Quiet Storm by pinfall with a Death Sentence. D-


Eric Bischoff is backstage with his Lethal Lockdown team, led by NWA TNA World Champion, Bryan Danielson. He rallies his troops and warns them that failure is not an option. They have all the gold in TNA and therefore have full control. Bischoff wants nothing to jeopardise that. C


Desmond Wolfe's Open Challenge

Desmond Wolfe v Ernest Miller

An OK match, though one wonders if Miller accepted this match just for something to do, as he was left out of Bischoff's team for Lethal Lockdown. He was too sly for Wolfe in this one, taking a less than exciting match in 11:50 by pinfall with a Thrust Kick. C-


A video plays hyping the Ken Shamrock v Air Paris match, and Shamrock's repeated show of respect for Paris' attitude and ability. C


Air Paris v Ken Shamrock

A good match between the two, where Paris fought with heart and desire. The much accomplished Shamrock proved to be too good though as he ground out the required result in 13:32 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Shamrock offered Paris a handshake after the match, but Paris brushed it off, instead leaving the ring dejected. C+


A video package shows recapping Steve Corino's ordeal at the hands of Abyss. C-


Abyss (with Harley Race) v Steve Corino

Corino was still looking dishevelled as he made his way to the cage, but once inside he released weeks of fury, brutally attacking Abyss with a fork he had concealed inside his dirty jeans. Abyss started bleeding from under his mask, before Corino then took the same fork and ripped open Abyss' upper left arm.

The brutal nature didn't stop there, as Harley Race threw a small brown bag into the ring. Abyss had gained control by this stage, by grating Corino's head with the steel chain fencing that made up the cage. With Corino bleeding, Abyss held the bag up into the air, before pouring it's contents onto the mat... hundreds, probably thousands of drawing pins... er, I mean thumb tacks.


He sets up Corino... who squirms out, and jabs Abyss with the fork again. He quick hits Old School Explusion... into the tacks. Abyss writhes in agony as Corino makes the cover... and wins a brutal contest in 17:03. B-


A video plays recapping the feud between Jeff Jarrett and Sid Vicious, stretching back to when Jeff Jarrett cost Sid the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship. C-


Jeff Jarrett v Sid Vicious

Similar in ways to the previous match, and nearly as good. Jarrett tried to beg Sid off at first, but that didn't work as the big man pounded the crafty veteran in the early going. Jarrett used this craftiness, as well as his resiliency to fight his way back into the match, but ultimately, a pissed off psychotic big man is always likely to win, and Sid finally got the better of Jarrett in 17:58 by pinfall with a Powerbomb, lifting a huge burden off his shoulders. C+


CM Punk is backstage with his New Dawn. He gives them a rousing speech, saying it is time for TNA's new dawn to begin as they show that talent, desire and clean living is the way forward. E+



If a member of New Dawn wins, they get a title match against the wrestler he defeated.

If a member of New Dawn loses, they must leave New Dawn

CM Punk's New Dawn (AJ Styles, CM Punk, Evan Karagias & Jimmy Rave) v Eric's Army (NWA TNA World Champion Bryan Danielson, NWA TNA Tag Team Champion Shane Douglas, TNA X Division Champion Jose Maximo & TNA TV Champion Rick Steiner)

As Lethal Lockdown is about to commence, CM Punk is in a heated argument with Eric Bischoff about which team should have the man advantage. Bischoff ends the argument by declaring that as he is TNA authority, his Army gets the man advantage. Punk is incensed and goes to town on Shane Douglas. Douglas goes on to put in a poor performance all night, so when Jose Maximo runs to the cage, Punk effectively is one on one. This is a much closer match with the fresh Maximo battling Punk before an expectant crowd. It's pretty even until Douglas hits a low blow as Punk was about to attack Maximo in the corner, just as the clock ticks down to zero...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZuwyoMrvQMA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Styles comes in all guns blazing as New Dawn regain the upper hand quickly. That is until the champ comes out, Bryan Danielson. He assumes control of the entire ring, and directs traffic with Maximo and Douglas. Evan Karagias comes out next, but Danielson cuts him off and puts him in Arms Across America. He's still in the hold when Rick Steiner comes out, and Karagias is in big trouble as Steiner, Douglas and Maximo team up on AJ and Punk. The New Dawn duo fight off Eric's Army trio and finally free Karagias from the agonising hold. Jimmy Rave comes out and the cage roof is lowered, bringing the weapons into play.

Eric's Army immediately grab weapons. Seeing this, New Dawn has no choice but to follow suit and the match becomes a chaotic mix of weapon hitting and wrestling. New Dawn are in trouble again until they fight back with the desire that CM Punk aluded to earlier, and upset the applecart of professional wrestling, when Punk takes the match in 23:04 when CM Punk defeated Bryan Danielson by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. C+


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Having won the match, CM Punk is lifted up by his overjoyed team mates as New Dawn celebrate in the ring. Eric's Army meanwhile retreat, with Danielson clutching the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt close to his chest. In the background, Eric Bischoff is seen standing on the ramp, fuming. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Jimmy Rave was used too much on the show.

Attendance: 7380

Buy rate: 0.54 (new TNA record)

Profit: $103,035


Abyss v Steve Corino is the 8th best match in TNA history.

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Palace at Auburn Hills, MI.

Attendance: 26,632

Buy rate: 5.76


Tommy Dreamer beat Doug Basham (C-)

Randy Orton beat Kimo (D)

Victoria beat Cheerleader Melissa (E+)

Mark Henry beat Christian, Hugh Morrus and Batista (C-)

Jamie Knoble beat Tyson Dux to retain the Cruiserweight Championship (C-)

Chuck Palumbo, Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit beat William Regal, Billy Gunn & Matt Hardy (B-)

Steven Richards beat Jimmy Jacobs to retain the European Championship (D+)

Rob Van Dam & Scotty 2 Hotty beat Kevin Nash & Scott Hall (B)

Rhyno beat Tajiri (C+)

Shawn Stasiak beat Spike Dudley, Billy Kidman & Matt Morgan to retain the Hardcore Championship (D+)

Triple H beat Albert (B+)

Kane beat Booker T and Stone Cold Steve Austin to retain the Undisputed Championship (B+)


Show rating: B+

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20LEgend - 3

BHK - 8

JayR - 8

Nest - 5

Kijar - 7

Michigan Hero - 4

Olympia - 5

The Final Countdown - 8


Quite a mixed bag of scores. 20LEgend didn't help himself by predicting before the full card was announced and then not adding to his predictions.

Well done to BHK, Jay and TFC. Rather than having a tie breaker, I've decided to let all three of you design a tag team. They can be current TNA wrestlers in my game, ones in the database that I'd have to sign (though then their teaming in TNA will depend on if I can sign them) or completely original wrestlers that I will create or import into my game.


Do it in the thread if you want them to be public knowledge or by PM if you want their TNA debut to be a surprise to readers.

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You are going to kill me for this but I would like to see the return of The Necro Butcher and I would like him teamed up with Air Paris. I was trying to think of the weirdest combo.


If you really do not want to bring Necro back just fire me over a list of free agents that you were thinking about bringing in and I will pick from that.

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And the current TNA roster if possible.


MAIN EVENT (heels in italics)

CM Punk

Ken Shamrock

AJ Styles

Sid Vicious


Bryan Danielson (NWA TNA Champion)

Shane Douglas (Tag Team Champion)

Jeff Jarrett

Jose Maximo (X Division Champion)

Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell

Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)



'Wildcat' Chris Harris

'Cowboy' James Storm

Steve Corino

Desmond Wolfe

Johnny Kashmere

Desmond Wolfe

Air Pair

Rick Steiner (TV Champion)

Christopher Daniels



Trent Acid

Paul London

'Alpha Male' Monty Brown

The Amazing Red

Mr Wrestling IV

Masato Tanaka

Evan Karagias

Devon Storm

Doug Williams

Rocky Romero

Shawn Daivari

Mike Sanders


Frankie Kazarian

Mike Quackenbush

Little Guido




Jimmy Rave

Caprice Coleman

Keiji Sakoda

Ultimo Guerrero

Jorge Estrada

Kid Kash

Tony Mamaluke

Austin Aries



Robert Roode

Roderick Strong

EZ Money


Quiet Storm




Chris Divine

Nick Jackson

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Backstreet Boyz defeated Middle Eastern Nightmare in 6:12 when Johnny Kashmere defeated Abbadon by pinfall with a Backstreets Back. D



Saturday, week 4, April 2004

Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, CA.


Live on Spike TV


Mike Tenay and Don West welcome everybody to Impact. Tenay says that Potter is not announcing with them tonight as he has requested some leave to visit his home country of the United Kingdom.

CM Punk starts Impact and talks about winning Lethal Lockdown, defeating Bryan Danielson and earning a World Championship match at Sacrifice in the process. He says that his grand plan in cleansing TNA is making excellent progress. He has seen known drug takers such as Ken Anderson, Scott Steiner and Ultimate Warrior leave, his New Dawn has been slowly getting the better in the war of politics with Eric Bischoff and his Army and winning championships is the next step in the cleansing of TNA. C


Potter is shown arriving backstage, much to the surprise of Tenay and West who thought he was in the United Kingdom. C-


America's Most Wanted (with Midajah) v The Fringe

A rare appearance from all three male members of AMW as Robert Roode joins his occasional running buddies Harris and Storm, while The Fringe make their debut as a trio in the ring. Despite the lack of ring time together, both trios work well together, although Quackenbush's performance individually did not measure up to the other five. In spite of this handicap, The Fringe perhaps surprisingly prevailed in 5:44 when Mike Sanders defeated Robert Roode by pinfall with a 3.0. D+


Joel Gertner interviews Full Blooded Italians backstage. He asks them about their intentions to climb to the top of TNA and challenge for the Tag Team Championship. Guido says that they plan to take one team out at a time and will start with Arashi Assassins on the next edition of Explosion. D+


Harley Race is in the depths of the building, with Abyss lurking in the darkness. He says that they enjoyed systematically destroying Steve Corino's soul and that even though he won the match at Lockdown, that Corino will never be the same person again. Race finishes by saying that Abyss is seeking his next victim. C


Doug Williams v Jorge Estrada

A watchable match that had some solid action but lacked excitement. Williams had the most of the match and this led to him picking up the win in 8:24 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. D+


Eric Bischoff is in the ring. He calls out Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner, Ken Shamrock and Sid Vicious to the ring. One by one they enter, and Bischoff tells them he has had an idea. None of them are getting any younger, but at Sacrifice he can give them an opportunity. He has put the four of them in a fatal four way match where the winner will earn a World Championship match. However, in order to enter the match, each must pledge to make the Ultimate Sacrifice and Bischoff tells the four that they have two weeks to decide what their Ultimate Sacrifice is. The loser of the match will face their Ultimate Sacrifice. The four look at each other and at Bischoff with mixed feelings. C+


Vampiro is backstage, where once again he makes fun of Mr Wrestling IV saying that he hides behind a mask and is afraid of being his true self, unlike Vampiro. D+


Double X (with Francine) v Jerry Lynn & Steve Corino

A good quality match, pleasing in that Lynn and Corino aren't a tag team. They did team well together, and given their distinguished individual careers, Double X pulled off a coup by taking the match in 11:44 when Rocky Romero defeated Steve Corino by pinfall with a High Speed. C+


The Tag Team Champions appear. They applaud Double X's efforts before they address New Dawn. They say the group got lucky at Lethal Lockdown and to prove it, they offer a championship match to Coleman and Rave at Sacrifice. C


Prior to a commercial break, Potter is seen walking to the ring. Tenay and West speculate as to what he is up to. D+

Following the commerical, Potter is in the ring. He addresses the fans, saying that he is appalled and sickened by the actions of a big bully in TNA... and that bully is the monster Abyss. He says he was aghast at how he treated Steve Corino, and while Corino did indeed win at Lockdown, he is not his normal self. Potter vows to either change Abyss, or get rid of him, or die trying. C-




Rick Steiner (champion) v Paul London (with Dusty Rhodes)

Despite both men being off their game and Steiner visibly tiring towards the end, this was still an entertaining match as a complete contrast of styles collided in the ring. London's fast paced offence was getting him on top in the match until Steiner used cheat tactics to gain the upperhand. With London reeling, Steiner capitalised in 12:39 by pinfall with a Top Rope Bulldog. Rick Steiner makes defence number 4 of his TNA TV title. C


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is backstage with Roger Bagwell, where he comments that he went weak at the knees and had a funny feeling in his stomach when he was all close and physical with 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown. He says he loved his big black... muscle... and now wants his big black... dick. E+


New Dawn (AJ Styles, Evan Karagias & The Amazing Red) v Jose Maximo (X Division Champion, with So Cal Val), Air Paris & Christopher Daniels

The main event was definately the highlight of the night, despite another guy, this time Daniels, performing below par. This was fast paced mayhem from bell to bell with lots of exciting action and a crowd that got ever more into it as it went on. New Dawn showed the slicker teamwork and earned victory in 14:46 when The Amazing Red defeated Jose Maximo by pinfall with a Code Red. Red motioned to Maximo that he wants his belt as he was having his arm raised by Robert Brisko. B-


Show rating: C

The show should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles didn't match the standard of the matches.

Attendance: 2969

TV rating: 0.88

Loss: $73,878 (new TNA record)


Impact was TNA's 7th best show

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TWA Survival of the Fittest

Sports Centre, Midlands, United Kingdom

Attendance: 2000 (sell out)


Amazing Kong beat April Hunter (E-)

Barry Buchanan beat Rodney Mack (E)

CM Punk & Alex Shane beat Lazz & Timothy O'Reilly (D-)

Johnny Stamboli & TJ Wilson beat Joe Gomez and Claude Dale for the TWA Tag Team Championship (E+)

Paul Burchill beat Glenn Gilberti (D)

Nigel McGuinness beat Jeff Jarrett to retain the TWA Triple Crown (C-)


Show rating: D+

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Sunday, week 3, May 2004

Current card


<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FB2t5CNasE4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (D)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious (C-)




To be announced when full card revealed



Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (D)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious (C-)




To be announced when full card revealed

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