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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)

Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)


Who pays the Ultimate Sacrifice: Jeff Jarrett

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)


No reason for this, I just feel that the champions will retain right here.



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)


I have to say I really like what Jose has done since his brother left.



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


LAX should get the win but I fully expect Buff and Month to lose in a very funny fashion.


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?


Sid Vicious, my reason for this is if the ultimate sacrifice is being fired Sid is probably the best one to go out of the four.

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?


Rick Steiner. He sucks more than the other three combined. Jarrett and Shamrock have talent and Sid has menace. Steiner has....nothing.

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?

Rick Steiner

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice? Rick Steiner

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?

Rick Steiner... O.o

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©

going opposite of most other pickers -- Rick is the only one who really hasn't had a world title run, he's a big member of Eric's Army, and has been giving some very solid matches of late (his match againt Evan K headlined a decent show that "raised TNA's popularity" - in the Northeast of all places.


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?

Sid pays the sacrifice.



Make a stipulation for the Slammiversary main event (World Champion v winner of Ultimate Sacrifice)


regarding Sin and Sacrifice - despite zero chemistry, they put on a decent match. Maybe they don't team longterm, but are due a few more matches before being tossed on the scrap pile. They might get a couple wins, and then be used to put over some of the established and rising teams. After a month or two of no chemistry midcard matches, they can split and possibly have a main event feud!

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Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (E+)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (D+)


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D)

Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)







Who pays the ultimate sacrifice? : Steiner

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Writer's Note: Sorry, I've just noticed that I forgot to write an Impact preview when I wrote the show in the game.





In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, 'Cowboy' James Storm and Robert Roode defeated Divine Storm in 6:46 when Robert Roode defeated Chris Divine by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. D



Saturday, week 3, May 2004

Strahan Coliseum, San Marcos, TX



Ken Shamrock is in the ring to start Impact. He remarks that he is prepared to risk his entire career tomorrow night in order to get another shot as the World Championship because he is the world's most dangerous man and he will win Ultimate Sacrifice.

Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner then rush the ring and put the boots into Shamrock. Shamrock is getting his body stomped all over until Sid Vicious' music hits and he rushes the ring, clearing Jarrett and Steiner from it. He and Shamrock looks at each other, and Shamrock nods to him in appreciation. C


Backstage and Jorge Estrada has attacked EZ Money, saying that he is sick of helping him as it is getting him nowhere. E-


AK-47 v Brits Abroad

Desmond Wolfe comes to the ring and introduces his new tag team partner from his home country of England...


Chris Hero comes out and speaks in a horrible English accent, saying he and Wolfe are Brits Abroad, and look to make in roads in TNA's tag team division.

They don't start well though, as they are defeated by another new team in TNA in 6:41 when Kid Kash defeated Desmond Wolfe by pinfall with a Money Maker. D+


Potter appears at an unknown location. He tells Abyss that he accepts his challenge to a barbed wire match at Sacrifice. He also says he isn't afraid of Abyss and he isn't afraid to go hardcore. C


Backstage and The Fringe are discussing amongst themselves about doing a favour for somebody. This favour soon becomes apparent as they come upon Sid Vicious. They immediate attack but despite the three on one disadvantage, Sid is able to repel The Fringe. Aries, Quackenbush and Sanders back down. D




Evan Karagias (champion) v Ultimo Guerrero

A fairly entertaining contest and one where the champion had control for most of the match. Karagias successfully defended in 9:16 by pinfall with a Tidal Wave. Evan Karagias makes defence number 2 of his TNA TV title. C-


Desmond Wolfe is backstage, where he challenges Mike Sanders to a final match to settle their differences and to determine he is the better man. D


CM Punk and Eric Bischoff engage in an in ring war of words about whether Eric Bischoff and his Army or CM Punk and his New Dawn will emerge from Sacrifice with championship gold and Punk says the power struggle will be on to clean up TNA when New Dawn have all the belts. Bischoff says over his dead body. B-


Air Paris v Steve Corino

Air Paris came out to this match looking like a gypsy. The match itself was similar in standard to the TV Title match, though a more even affair. It was Corino who took the win, and he's looking more like his old self before the horrific ordeal he suffered at the hands of Abyss and Harley Race. His win arrived in 10:50 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. C-


Eric's Army cut a promo on New Dawn, saying they aren't in their league and keeping their tag team titles is near enough a foregone conclusion. C


Mr Wrestling IV is incensed, so incensed by Vampiro's contempt for who he is and what his mask represents, that he says if he can't beat Vampiro at Sacrifice then he will remove his mask. C+


AJ Styles v Christopher Daniels

Surprisingly, there wasn't a lot of interest from the crowd in this one, which was a shame because it was clearly the best match so far tonight. Offence was exciting and fast paced and Styles got the better of Daniels in 10:09 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C+


Potter is in the ring, cutting a promo about how he will disfigure Abyss as payback for the ordeals he has been putting some of his peers through. Harley Race shows up and distracts him. Suddenly, Abyss sneaks up behind Potter and Race and Abyss proceed to beat Potter into the mat. C


Backstage and Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell is with 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown. Buff is very excited that he finally gets Monty as his partner. He says they will be awesome in the ring and afterwards, they can be awesome as partners too. Monty is repulsed by this. Buff asks if Monty has ever tried man sex. Monty says he hasn't. Buff says he shouldn't dismiss it until he has tried it. He finishes by telling Monty he has a surprise for him at Sacrifice. B-


CM Punk's New Dawn (Punk, Coleman, Rave & Red) v Eric's Army (Douglas, Miller & Maximo, with So Cal Val) & Bryan Danielson

A good match but spoilt a little by a trio of poor performances from Miller, Rave and Red. This prevent the main event from being as good or better than Styles v Daniels. Heels cheated, faces cameback, usual eight man brawl, all the standard 'features' of an eight man tag were here and it was CM Punk's New Dawn who got a huge momentum boosting win in 15:57 when CM Punk defeated Shane Douglas by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. C


Show rating: C-

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3541

TV rating: 0.88

Loss: $43,107

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Sunday, week 3, May 2004



<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FB2t5CNasE4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn (C-)



Jose Maximo (champion) v The Amazing Red (D+)



Winner gets a World Championship match

Loser pays the Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious ©


Jarrett - sell his TNA shares

Shamrock - his TNA career

Steiner - his position in Eric's Army

Sid - any future World Championship match


America's Most Wanted v Full Blooded Italians (D+)


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm (D-)



Abyss v Potter (C-)


Air Paris v AJ Styles (D+)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange (C-)



Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro (D+)


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero v Steve Corino (D+)



Who pays the ultimate sacrifice?



Make a stipulation for the Slammiversary main event (World Champion v winner of Ultimate Sacrifice)

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Arashi Assassins defeated Middle Eastern Nightmare in 7:01 when Keiji Sakoda defeated Abbadon by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. C-



Sunday, week 3, May 2004

Wachovia Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA.


<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FB2t5CNasE4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Backstreet Boyz v Divine Storm

A decent opener which saw plenty of decent action. The Boyz were able to halt their recent slide down from Tag Team Champions with a much more impressive display, though admittedly against lesser opponents. Their triumph came in 5:45 when Trent Acid defeated Chris Divine by pinfall with a Backstreets Back. C


Rick Steiner spoke from backstage saying how he is not prepared to be forced to leave Eric's Army and tonight his focus is on winning Ultimate Sacrifice. Sections of the crowd chant 'boring' during his promo. D-


Christopher Daniels v Doug Williams v Frankie Kazarian (with Francine) v Jerry Lynn v Rocky Romero (with Francine) v Steve Corino

An action packed match that was full of twists and turns and every wrestler hit their finisher on one of the others. With six men in the ring though, more often than not when one finisher was hit, another was ready to capitalise or to break up the pin. The one finisher the counted came in 10:25 when Jerry Lynn defeated Rocky Romero by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. C


Sid Vicious is next to speak about Ultimate Sacrifice. He hisses that it is about time he became champion again and he is so sure of that he's willing to risk never having a title match again to enable him to win the belt back. Crowd far more supportive and interested in Sid. C


Mr Wrestling IV v Vampiro

A little disappointing, much more was hoped for from this match built up around Vampiro claiming that IV's wearing of a mask to hide his identity. In the match itself the action was reasonable, as was the crowd but it began to fade towards the end as IV began to tire. Vampiro got the upper hand and claimed a shady victory in 11:03 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Following the match, IV refused to remove his match as he had promised on Impact as he said Vampiro had cheated to win, which garnered some favour from the fans. D+


It's Jeff Jarrett's turn to talk about Ultimate Sacrifice, where he says there is no way in hell he will be selling any small fraction of TNA. C


Air Paris v AJ Styles

An exciting match that probably would have been even better had it been given a worthy build up and generated more crowd interest. As ever, Paris and Styles produce entertaining, fast paced action and there was no shortage of that here. Paris was impressive again, but again couldn't take home the bacon, he just can't seem to find his niche in TNA yet is impressive in the ring. AJ takes this one in 10:16 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C+


Backstage and the final competitor in Ultimate Sacrifice talks about the match. Unlike the others, Ken Shamrock does not mention his ultimate sacrifice, rather he has his eyes solely on the prize and earning a World Championship match at Slammiversary. C-


America's Most Wanted (with Midajah) v Full Blooded Italians

Another highly entertaining affair and a classic tag team contest. Heels cheat for a while, James Storm makes the hot tag to Chris Harris who mounts a comeback for his team... but FBI are on a hot streak at the moment and are really putting themselves in contention for a shot at the titles as they win this in 9:25 when Tony Mamaluke defeated 'Cowboy' James Storm by submission with a Sicilian Stretch. C+


A video plays hyping Jose Maximo vs. The Amazing Red and touches on the history between Eric's Army and New Dawn. C+




Jose Maximo (champion, with So Cal Val) v The Amazing Red

A very, very good match, Red being quicker than a burp, there were times when he ran rings round Maximo who found himself not being able to keep up with him on occasion. Maximo certainly had his share of the match though and what transpired was an edge of your seats who will win type of match. Maximo was going to hit Maximo Explosion (his singles version) on Red, who countered it and used it as a platform to win the title in 11:45 by pinfall with a Code Red. The Amazing Red wins the TNA X Division title. Is the New Dawn dawning? B-


Eric's Army... well, the Tag Team Champions Ernest Miller and Shane Douglas cut a promo where they dismiss their challengers tonight, saying they aren't fit to lace their boots, never mind challenge them for their titles. C-


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell v Latin American Exchange

Monty Brown is a reluctant tag team partner of Buff Bagwell, but none the less he remains focused on the task at hand. However, their lack of experience tagging together showed and this allowed LAX to gain control of the match.



Out comes The Godfather with three young ladies at his side. The crowd go nuts!

Hernandez and Estrada completely take their eyes of Brown and Bagwell as Buff tells Monty he said he had a surprise for him. Monty takes no notice and instead wins the match for his pairing in 8:43 defeating Hernandez by pinfall with The Pounce. Following on from this, The Godfather and his three ladies enter the ring, at which point Monty takes an immediate shine to them and starts to leave with him and The Godfather. Buff gets upset at this in the ring, gets a mic and tells Monty that he is desperate for his big black love muscle. Monty yells back that he has all the loving he wants right here. Buff looks forlorn in the ring. C+


A video plays hyping Eric's Army I vs. New Dawn and recaps their history. C




Eric's Army (champions) v New Dawn

Sacrifice has been a very good night of action and this match edged up the quality just a little bit more. It featured great action from bell to bell and a hot crowd who were firmly behind the underdogs, New Dawn. Eric's Army used their years of experience and knowledge of shady tactics, but in what might be the biggest upset yet in TNA, the titles changed hands cleanly in 11:19 when Jimmy Rave defeated Ernest Miller by pinfall with a Dawn Awakening. New Dawn win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. The Sun is rising on a New Dawn... B-


Bryan Danielson cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with CM Punk where he talks about respect and how he is glad that for once, such a prestigious match does not have a dark undertone and that it really is about the better man. Which is him. This was Danielson's best promo since coming to TNA. C-



Abyss (with Harley Race) v Potter

As expected, a violent, brutal and bloody affair, as when the barbed wire came into play, it ripped apart the flesh of both combatants. After such quality action earlier, this was a let down, as although it delivered on blood and violence, it lacked in the pace or excitement that made the earlier bouts so entertaining. Potter was getting cut up all over his body and became weaker, which enabled Abyss to get the win in 15:33 by pinfall with The Black Hole. Who can stop the monster? D+


CM Punk speaks from backstage. He says he is delighted with the efforts of New Dawn so far tonight and their victories are victories for clean living and the right, positive attitude. He tells Danielson it will be a pleasure to challenge him for the title tonight and that he believes the best man will win. C


Ultimate Sacrifice

Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock v Rick Steiner v Sid Vicious

All four men in the ring at once and the first fall decides the match. The match starts off fairly slowly, as all the wrestlers with the exception of Shamrock are wary of what defeat means to them. Shamrock's intensity begins to rub off on the others, as when Shamrock goes close a few times to earning the prize of victory, the others realise they need to go about trying to win the match rather than trying not to lose it.

Sid and Shamrock begin to gain control of the match and when they dispose of Jarrett and Steiner to outside the ring, the two turn and face each other as anticipation levels grow inside the area. The crowd cheer alternatively as the two begin to trade blows, only for Jarrett and Steiner to come back into the ring from seperate sides and strike Shamrock and Sid respectively from behind. This causes a nasty looking clash of heads between Shamrock and Sid, and both slump to the match groggily, looking genuinely hurt. Jarrett seizes the advantage and earns the Slammiversary World Championship match in 16:14 when Jeff Jarrett defeated Rick Steiner by pinfall with The Stroke. Steiner must now leave Eric's Army... something he looks crestfallen about. C+


A video plays hyping Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk and covers their respect and admiration for each other. C


As we wait for the match between Bryan Danielson and CM Punk to commence, Tenay and Don West run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C




Bryan Danielson (champion) v CM Punk

A very good match. Not only that, a very good wrestling match. As have quite a few on tonight's show. Some other companies *cough* McMahon's *cough* should take note that fans seem to like wrestling. Anyway... back and forth this went with Danielson and Punk wrestling tooth and nail with one another and as both have been keen to point out, they wrestled a wrestler's match, clean and pure. The even contest came to an end in 20:06 where Punk made it a New Dawn clean sweep of the championships, winning by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. CM Punk wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


The match is over, and CM Punk is celebrating. Bryan Danielson walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect, and the two competitors shake hands. C-


Bryan Danielson leaves and the rest of New Dawn join CM Punk in the ring - AJ Styles, TV Champion Evan Karagias, new Tag Team Champions Caprice Coleman and Jimmy Rave and the new X Division Champion The Amazing Red. New Dawn has a lot of gold and their theme plays as AJ and Karagias hoist CM Punk up and parade him around the ring, Punk holding his newly won title belt high and proud. C


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action.

Attendance: 8734

Buy rate: 0.52

Profit: $101,836


Sacrifice is TNA's 9th best show in it's history.

New Dawn defeating Eric's Army is TNA's 9th best match.

Sacrifice drew TNA's 4th biggest crowd.

Sacrifice drew TNA's 6th highest pay per view buy rate.

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Some varied scores this time round.


Michigan Hero 8

Jay R 7

Kijar 7

Nest 6


The Final Countdown 4

Kris Katana 3

Olympia 3


Well done to Michigan Hero who wins the prize of naming the stipulation for the Slammiversary main event, between CM Punk and Jeff Jarrett for the World Title.


Interestingly, not one person got the six way correct and only the winner picked Punk to win the title.

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Shane Douglas, Bryan Danielson, 'Cowboy' James Storm, Ernest Miller and Mr Wrestling IV all returned clean drugs tests at Sacrifice.


TNA has signed Matt Jackson to a two year contract. He will team with his brother Nick.


Jose Maximo has beat Devon Storm to win the UPW Heavyweight Championship. Storm made fifteen successful defences.

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I must admit that Caprice Coleman and Jimmy Rave winning the tag team championships was a bit out of Leftfield for me. However, I do think it is a good choice, you are giving two wrestlers a shot with the belts and that is what I enjoy about this diary. You seem to take wrestlers that others would never push and you push them (With the exception of Necro Butcher!:mad:).


And in my opinion you have done a great job with Buff and Jose Maximo. Those are two guys I could give to craps about in real life but in the context of your diary I want to see them do good.

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Had Necro Butcher been any good for me in TNA I would have pushed him too. He was cack though. :D


I give opportunity. Those that perform well for me and prove popular with the fans I allow them to progress no matter who they are. Having said that, Maximo might be taking a back seat for a short while. He's held titles for some time and it's time for others to have a go.


I haven't yet decided how long New Dawn will hold on to the tag belts for.


With Buff, he's the exception. He has failed three drug tests, and despite the CM Punk's New Dawn storyline and my own rules regarding three drug tests, I've kept him on purely because he is proving to be entertaining for everybody. I enjoy writing his storylines and have lots of ideas yet for how to proceed with Monty Brown and The Godfather. Away from my TNA diary, I can't stand Buff. I'm rather enjoying turning him gay and making him suffer for a while with Monty resisting his advances...

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surprising how it was 2 New Dawn matches that scored the best results (B-), add in Evan K and the group has delivered some better results than some of the more established stars (including their leader and new world champ). always good to see newblood being pushed and getting their chance to shine.


meanwhile, the undercard is entertaining with Buff storylines. He can do better than monty though. Monty and the Godfather + hoes could be another fun story to spin off this and take a life of its own....then as can often happen in the wacky world of wrestling, the 2 roads could cross again at a later time.

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Maybe this truly is TNA's New Dawn?


meanwhile, the undercard is entertaining with Buff storylines. He can do better than monty though. Monty and the Godfather + hoes could be another fun story to spin off this and take a life of its own....then as can often happen in the wacky world of wrestling, the 2 roads could cross again at a later time.


If Buff wasn't chasing Monty... who else in my TNA would he get some big black... muscle? Caprice Coleman and Ernest Miller are the only other blacks in my TNA, and they don't have anywhere near the buff build of Brown.

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