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TNA's New Beginnings II

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hey, you've had a little luck cleaning up druggies (didn't Bagwell reform and rehab?


what strategy do you use (or suggestions from anyone)? I know its 3-strikes and out, but does any punishment work better than others?


Buff Bagwell hasn't tested positive again... he didn't go to rehab and he hasn't been caught since his second positive... but he might not have reformed!


With my current level of testing (three random tests after Explosion, five after pay per view with somebody who failed in the previous event automatically tested) I used riot act, last chance and fired.


If I ever make it bigger and have more money, I'll test more often and use more disciplinary measures.

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Buff Bagwell hasn't tested positive again... he didn't go to rehab and he hasn't been caught since his second positive... but he might not have reformed!


With my current level of testing (three random tests after Explosion, five after pay per view with somebody who failed in the previous event automatically tested) I used riot act, last chance and fired.


If I ever make it bigger and have more money, I'll test more often and use more disciplinary measures.


What system do you use to randomly test? Just wondering.

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mike Quackenbush defeated Big Vito in 5:43 by pinfall with a Quackendriver. D+



Saturday, week 3, September 2004

Black River Coliseum, Poplar Bluff, MO.


Live on Spike TV


Ken Shamrock is backstage, proclaiming himself as the king of old school wrestling. He says that as he has proved this and is on a winning streak, he has a demand to make with TNA's Director of Authority. Having said this, he bursts into Dusty Rhodes' office and demands a World Championship shot at Abyss. Rhodes talks Shamrock down for being rude and entering his office without knocking. Shamrock bangs his fist on the desk. Rhodes is unpreturbed, thinks for a moment and then says "OK... if you defeat Jerry Lynn tonight. If Lynn wins, he gets the title match". Shamrock is satisfied and leaves, confident he will beat Lynn. C


Desmond Wolfe is backstage, hyping his deciding match with EZ Money and saying he will win. D


Double X (with Francine) v The Young Bucks

Kazarian and Romero largely dominated a short match which did have flashes of quick, innovative and exciting moves by Matt and Nick Buck. The inevitable win came in 4:45 when Rocky Romero defeated Matt Buck by submission with a Diablo Armbar. D-


CM Punk comes onto the stage and shoots on Jeff Jarrett, calling him selfish and only created TNA to make himself money, not to give the fans great wrestling. He is aware of his comments from Impact last week and once he has claimed back his title from Abyss, will make Jarrett pay. C+


Mr Wrestling IV cuts a promo on Bryan Danielson, saying they are meeting at Bound for Glory III and he intends to put on an all time classic and that he is focused on getting the victory. D+




Doug Williams (champion) v Vampiro

Vampiro seemed bothered by his loss to Mr Wrestling IV last week as it appeared as though his head was in a completely difference place than even it normally is. This led to a very routine defence for Williams as he made comfortable work of it in 7:55 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. Doug Williams makes defence number 3 of his TNA TV title. C-


Harley Race is backstage, holding Abyss' World Championship belt while he gorges on some raw meat. Race warns Punk not to forget about his monster, otherwise he might not live after Bound for Glory III. C


Sid Vicious is backstage hissing about taking out Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart when a familiar shrieking voice through a megaphone is head shouting "Get him boys"


Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart start beating down Sid Vicious, finishing with Teddy Hart busting Sid open with a shot to the head with Jimmy's megaphone. Jimmy Hart cackles as the three walk off. Mike Tenay and Potter question when this will end and Tenay in particular voices concerns over the future concerning these what amount to invasions by WWE employees. C-PRE SHOW

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Mike Quackenbush defeated Big Vito in 5:43 by pinfall with a Quackendriver. D+



Saturday, week 3, September 2004

Black River Coliseum, Poplar Bluff, MO.


Live on Spike TV


Ken Shamrock is backstage, proclaiming himself as the king of old school wrestling. He says that as he has proved this and is on a winning streak, he has a demand to make with TNA's Director of Authority. Having said this, he bursts into Dusty Rhodes' office and demands a World Championship shot at Abyss. Rhodes talks Shamrock down for being rude and entering his office without knocking. Shamrock bangs his fist on the desk. Rhodes is unpreturbed, thinks for a moment and then says "OK... if you defeat Jerry Lynn tonight you will get Abyss next week. If Lynn wins, he gets the title match". Shamrock is satisfied and leaves, confident he will beat Lynn. C


Desmond Wolfe is backstage, hyping his deciding match with EZ Money and saying he will win. D


Double X (with Francine) v The Young Bucks

Kazarian and Romero largely dominated a short match which did have flashes of quick, innovative and exciting moves by Matt and Nick Buck. The inevitable win came in 4:45 when Rocky Romero defeated Matt Buck by submission with a Diablo Armbar. D-


CM Punk comes onto the stage and shoots on Jeff Jarrett, calling him selfish and only created TNA to make himself money, not to give the fans great wrestling. He is aware of his comments from Impact last week and once he has claimed back his title from Abyss, will make Jarrett pay. C+


Mr Wrestling IV cuts a promo on Bryan Danielson, saying they are meeting at Bound for Glory III and he intends to put on an all time classic and that he is focused on getting the victory. D+




Doug Williams (champion) v Vampiro

Vampiro seemed bothered by his loss to Mr Wrestling IV last week as it appeared as though his head was in a completely difference place than even it normally is. This led to a very routine defence for Williams as he made comfortable work of it in 7:55 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. Doug Williams makes defence number 3 of his TNA TV title. C-


Harley Race is backstage, holding Abyss' World Championship belt while he gorges on some raw meat. Race warns Punk not to forget about his monster, otherwise he might not live after Bound for Glory III. C


Sid Vicious is backstage hissing about taking out Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart when a familiar shrieking voice through a megaphone is head shouting "Get him boys"


Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart start beating down Sid Vicious, finishing with Teddy Hart busting Sid open with a shot to the head with Jimmy's megaphone. Jimmy Hart cackles as the three walk off. Mike Tenay and Potter question when this will end and Tenay in particular voices concerns over the future concerning these what amount to invasions by WWE employees. C-



http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm6E7KXHDFrNg9KVTh5-_PJ0Hk9r6QP194ApzOaiNE5KfrQCpkXw USA I - 2


http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm6E7KXHDFrNg9KVTh5-_PJ0Hk9r6QP194ApzOaiNE5KfrQCpkXw USA II - 2

America's Most Wanted v The Fringe (Aries/Kash/Sanders)

Slightly strange in that there were large USA chants echoing through the arena whenever AMW were on top in the match yet loud boos whenever The Fringe were on top, so at least it was clear who the crowd were behind. What will happen in the semi final will be most interesting, as it was The Fringe who won the match for USA II in 11:24 when Austin Aries defeated Robert Roode by pinfall with a 450° splash. USA II will now face Japan in the semi final, so will the crowd be patriotic or continue their hatred for The Fringe and support the Japanese? D+


EZ Money hypes the decider with Desmond Wolfe and like Wolfe, he says he will win. D


Backstage and Ernest Miller is holding both the tag team championship belts. He shocks everybody by saying that Shane Douglas, his tag team partner, has walked out not only on him but on TNA. Miller then passes one of the belts off camera and says he has acted quickly and the Tag Team Championship are still in safe hands. Into camera shot walks Jose Maximo, holding the second championship belt and the two shake hands. Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell then walks past and calls them "gay". Miller and Maximo look angry but Buff runs off. C+





CM Punk's New Dawn (Coleman/Rave/Styles/Red) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (X Division champion), Air Paris & Latin American Exchange (Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero)

An ultra fast paced match that was practically contested under lucha libre rules. New Dawn were the slicker unit but were surprised when they lost the match in 11:17 when Air Paris defeated Jimmy Rave by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. Paris claims the third spot in Bound for Glory III's Ultimate X match for the championship. C-


Jeff Jarrett speaks out at Steve Corino, as it has been signed that the two shall meet at Bound for Glory III. He also has further words for CM Punk, questioning where his head is at given he has a battle with Abyss, himself and I'm sure he doesn't like the fact that there are wrestlers in TNA from WWE who are known to have taken drink and drugs in the past. "Where's your head at Punk?" B-


Ken Shamrock speaks out on the main event, up next. He says that he will prove again he is the king of old school wrestling by defeating Jerry Lynn and earn his title match against Abyss next week in the process. C-



Jerry Lynn v Ken Shamrock

It was an old school wrestling match, with some of Lynn's high flying thrown in for good measure. It turned out to be easily the best match of the night too as the fans were into it and the two impressed. They were also evenly match, so much so that the timekeeper rang the bell on the 20:00 mark and the referee called for a time limit draw. Lynn and Shamrock were staring each other down and the fans chanting "WE WANT MORE" as Impact went off air. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action.

Attendance: 3063

TV rating: 0.75

Loss: $64,770

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What system do you use to randomly test? Just wondering.


I allocate numbers to each wrestler based on the order they appear on the card. Therefore if the opening contest was a singles match, the two competitors would be numbers 1 and 2, going all the way through to the main event.

I then use http://www.random.org/integers/ to pick me the relevant amount of random numbers and that gives me who to random test.

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* indicates a bonus point included for correctly naming Air Paris to score the fall in the X Division 8 man

Jonny Cosmic 1

Olympia 4*

Jay R 5*

Michgcs 3*

BHK 4*

Kijar 1

Nest 2




After 2 events

1. Jay R 9

2. BHK 8

3. Michgcs 7

3. Olympia 7

5. Kijar 6

6. The Final Countdown 5

7. Nest 2

8. Jonny Cosmic 1


Next event: Impact (one point each correct prediction)

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Sunday, week 3, October 2004

Current card


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SaeLKhRnkhQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Abyss (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo (champions) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (D+)




'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (champion) v The Amazing Red v Air Paris v ??? v ??? v ??? (D)


Sid Vicious v Sean Waltman & Teddy Hart (D)


Jerry Lynn v Ken Shamrock ©


Jeff Jarrett v Steve Corino (C-)


AJ Styles v Vampiro (D-)


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV (D)


Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada) v New Dawn (Caprice Coleman & Jimmy Rave) (D-)


More matches to be announced.



This is the final event in the series up to Bound for Glory III. The prize for the winner is to choose the next champion for all four title belts (realistic choices only and I decide when the title changes occur).

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Impact preview


Following the time limit draw on Impact last week, TNA Director of Authority Dusty Rhodes has announced through tna.com that Abyss will still defend his World Championship on Impact this week... the only issue is that nobody knows who the challenger is... if it's not Ken Shamrock you can imagine he will be livid.

Jimmy Hart shocked everybody last week by being the third person in the apparent WWE invasion, joining Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart in appearing in TNA while under WWE contract. The three took down big Sid Vicious last week. The big man is bound to hit back.

Equally shocking was one half of the Tag Team Champions, Shane Douglas, walking out of TNA. Ernest Miller has recruited Jose Maximo and Dusty Rhodes has rubbered stamped them as Tag Team Champions and Buff Bagwell and Monty Brown still have their shot at Bound for Glory III. Buff, of all people, called them gay last week. Will Miller and Maximo get their hands on everybody's favourite homosexual?


Watch Spike TV to find out.




Event 3 of the Bound for Glory Predictions. Each correct prediction earns one point.


TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship




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Vampiro suffered a broken arm at Impact and will be out for around 4 weeks.


WWE Unforgiven was held at Toyota Center in Texas, drew a 15,000 sell out crowd and a buy rate of 6.23. Match of the night and main event saw Booker T retain the Undisputed Championship over Scotty Too Hotty (B+). The show rating was B+


Announcer Travis Morton has left TNA after his contract expired. TNA wish him all the best.


Violent J has died in a drugs related death. He was 32 years old.


Tiger Mask IV has defeated Dick Togo for the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship. Togo managed 11 successful defences

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Violent J died. Damn no more Wicked Clowns.


Event 3 of the Bound for Glory Predictions. Each correct prediction earns one point.


TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


I was thinking 3-way with Shamrock V Lynn V Abyss

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TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship


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Event 3 of the Bound for Glory Predictions. Each correct prediction earns one point.


TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship Shamrock? Jarrett? Shamrock. No, Jarrett. Ahh, Shamrock.

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TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship : Jeff Jarrett

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After 2 events

1. Jay R 9

2. BHK 8

3. Michgcs 7

3. Olympia 7

5. Kijar 6

6. The Final Countdown 5

7. Nest 2

8. Jonny Cosmic 1


Next event: Impact (one point each correct prediction)


What is this Kijar you are slipping.:p




TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian


TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)


CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)


WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship: It is going to be Je, double f, Ja double r, e, double t. That's Double J Jeff Jarett

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Hey, shut up! I tried...




TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)-I don't see Guido on Italy's team here, and he's the only reason they'd ever win....

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship: Its gonna be Jeff Jarrett.

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Figured it's too late to win anything, but I always like to show my support to this great diary!



TNA TV TITLE - Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian

TNA NATIONS CUP SEMI FINAL MATCH 1 - Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers) v Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

CM Punk v Ernest Miller (Tag Team Champion)

WINNER EARNS SPOT IN ULTIMATE X - Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero


BONUS POINT: Name who will challenge Abyss for the championship: Another WWE contracted "superstar?"

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Amazing Red defeated Místico in 7:59 by pinfall with a Red Star Press. D+



Saturday, week 4, September 2004

Detrick Gym, New Britain, CT.


Live on Spike TV


Ken Shamrock for a second week running starts Impact by bursting into Dusty Rhodes' office. He says that as he is the king of old school wrestling and that Jerry Lynn failed to defeat him last week that he will get the title match against Abyss tonight. Rhodes tells Shamrock to shut up, telling him that while Lynn did indeed fail to beat Shamrock last week, by the same token he failed to beat Lynn and therefore as he had his chance, he doesn't get the title match. Shamrock leaves fuming and slams the door on his way out. C


A video plays hyping Desmond Wolfe vs. EZ Money. D-






Mexico (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada) v Italy (Big Vito & Tracy Smothers)

Vito and Smothers simply didn't work well together and despite Hernandez being below his best, Latin American Exchange found this opening semi final match easy going, taking a quick win in 4:36 when Hernandez defeated Big Vito by pinfall with a Dominator. D


Backstage in the bowels of the building and CM Punk is stalking Harley Race with a steel chair. Abyss roars into view, yelling at Punk not to touch Race. Punk instead turns round and nails Abyss with a clean chair shot to the head, dropping the big man like a large tree. C+


In a more civilised area backstage, Jimmy Hart and Sean Waltman are taunting Sid Vicious but keeping their distance. They insult him numerous times, laughing as they do and running steadily backwards, keeping enough distance between them and Sid. After a while Sid gets annoyed and walks off. D+




Doug Williams (champion) v Frankie Kazarian (with Francine)

A match of considerably better quality than the earlier Nations Cup match which managed to buy in some crowd interest following the dour opening match. Kazarian gave Williams some good offence but Williams' ground and pound style saw him through in 9:03 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. Doug Williams makes defence number 4 of his TNA TV title. C-


Backstage and Mike Sanders is giving his members of The Fringe a pep talk, geeing them up ready for the TNA Nations Cup Semi Final clash they have with Japan. D-


Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell was cutting a promo on saying how he and his big black love muscle will become the Tag Team champions in a few weeks time. Ernest Miller interrupts and takes exception to Buff calling Jose Maximo gay last week. The two start scuffling but security breaks them up before it gets too physical. C



Jerry Lynn v Mike Sanders v Satoshi Kojima v Ultimo Guerrero

Perhaps not as exciting as some expected this four way to be, nonetheless, it was non stop action as the four men did not let up throughout. All four men would ultimately make credible X Division champions but Kojima maintained his fine form in TNA by earning the fourth spot in Ultimate X by winning this four way in 11:49 when Satoshi Kojima defeated Ultimo Guerrero by pinfall with a Lariat. C-


Following the match, Ken Shamrock storms the ring and delivers a beat down to Jerry Lynn. C-


Bryan Danielson's promo was interrupted by Mr Wrestling IV, and the two engaged in a war of words. D+


CM Punk v Ernest Miller

Punk managed to put all his troubles to the back burner as he and Miller put on a good match and Punk earned another good win, making it seem like Abyss is the only TNA wrestler at the moment who has the better of him. Punk's victory came in 11:13 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. C


Having picked up the victory, CM Punk celebrates in the ring. C-


Jeff Jarrett is speaking backstage, saying that CM Punk had better take notice of what he does at Bound for Glory III as when he takes apart Steve Corino, it will be the same as what he will do to Punk. Corino walks up to Jarrett and warns him he had better bring his A game to TNA's biggest event. C




Abyss (champion with Harley Race) v ???

Over the past week, people have been wondering who will face Abyss for the title, well now we are going to find out...

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/R8-Gdv72ZqE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

AJ initially takes the fight to the big man and has some success until the monster can catch up with the quick Styles and over power him. What follows is a quality back and forth match where Styles' speed nearly earned him victory as did Abyss' power and weight advantage. Harley Race tried to get involved at one stage but the referee stopped him and threatened to send him to the back. Race need not have worried though as Abyss made a successful first title defence but far from an easy one, coming through in 16:32 by pinfall with The Black Hole. Abyss makes defence number 1 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title and he and Race celebrate as Impact goes off air. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the in ring action.

Attendance: 3029

TV rating: 0.74

Loss: $55,170

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Sunday, week 3, October 2004

Current card


<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SaeLKhRnkhQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Abyss (champion) v CM Punk (C heat)



Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo (champions) v 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell (C-)




'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (champion) v The Amazing Red v Air Paris v Satoshi Kojima v ??? v ??? (D)


Sid Vicious v Sean Waltman & Teddy Hart (D)


Jerry Lynn v Ken Shamrock ©


Jeff Jarrett v Steve Corino (C-)


AJ Styles v Vampiro (D-)


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV (D)


The Fringe (Austin Aries, Kid Kash & Mike Quackenbush) & EZ Money v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) & Pride of Britain (Doug Williams & Pac) (E+)


Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada) v New Dawn (Caprice Coleman & Jimmy Rave) (D-)


America's Most Wanted ('Cowboy' James Storm & 'Wildcat' Chris Harris) v Double X (Frankie Kazarian & Rocky Romero) (D-)



MEXICO Latin American Exchange (Rey Bucanero & Ultimo Guerrero) v ITALY Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) (E+)




This is the final event in the series up to Bound for Glory III. The prize for the winner is to choose the next champion for all four title belts (realistic choices only and I decide when the title changes occur).

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TNA made a loss of $130,417 in September.


Kid Kash has won the JAPW Heavyweight Championship for a second time. He beat Johnny Kashmere for the title, who had made four successful defences.


Trish Stratus has won the WWE Women’s Championship for a second time. She beat Melina Perez for the title, who had made four successful defences.

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