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TNA's New Beginnings II

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Abyss (champion) v 'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock v Sid Vicious v Steve Corino v Jerry Lynn v Doug Williams (C heat)



Bumders ('Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell, champions) v Latin American Exchange (Jorge Estrada & Hernandez) (C+)




Evan Karagias (champion) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (D+)



'Wildcat' Chris Harris v 'Cowboy' James Storm v AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett v Austin Aries v Kid Kash v Vampiro v Teddy Hart v Chris Hero v Desmond Wolfe ©

TNA World Heavyweight Title Shot: AJ Styles

TNA X-Division Title Shot: Kid Kash

TNA Tag Team Title Shot: Chris Harris

Fired: Teddy Hart


Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo v New Dawn (C-)


The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero (D)


Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders) (D+)


Johnny Kashmere v Roderick Strong (E+)


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV (C-)


CM Punk v D'Lo Brown (C-)

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Abyss (champion) v 'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock v Sid Vicious v Steve Corino v Jerry Lynn v Doug Williams (C heat)



Bumders ('Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell, champions) v Latin American Exchange (Jorge Estrada & Hernandez) (C+)




Evan Karagias (champion) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (D+)



'Wildcat' Chris Harris v 'Cowboy' James Storm v AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett v Austin Aries v Kid Kash v Vampiro v Teddy Hart v Chris Hero v Desmond Wolfe ©

World : Jeff Jarrett

Tag : Chris Harris

X Div : AJ Styles

Fired : Vampiro


Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo v New Dawn (C-)


The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero (D)

Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders) (D+)


Johnny Kashmere v Roderick Strong (E+)


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV (C-)


CM Punk v D'Lo Brown (C-)

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In the mean time and on a large tangent...


Fairytale of New York is an excellent example of a song where you don't need fancy effects, choreographed dancing or loud noises to be great. Here is another and one of the most powerful live performances I have ever seen. From the 2011 Brits Awards... all you need is a fabulous voice and a piano...


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qemWRToNYJY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


I know it's away from the theme of the thread but I thought I would share it with everyone.

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Abyss (champion) v 'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock v Sid Vicious v Steve Corino v Jerry Lynn v Doug Williams (C heat)



Bumders ('Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell, champions) v Latin American Exchange (Jorge Estrada & Hernandez) (C+)




Evan Karagias (champion) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (D+)



'Wildcat' Chris Harris v 'Cowboy' James Storm v AJ Styles v Jeff Jarrett v Austin Aries v Kid Kash v Vampiro v Teddy Hart v Chris Hero v Desmond Wolfe ©

Heavyweight: AJ

X: Aries

Tag: Wolfe

Fired: Harris


Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo v New Dawn (C-)


The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero (D)


Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders) (D+)


Johnny Kashmere v Roderick Strong (E+)


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV (C-)


CM Punk v D'Lo Brown (C-)

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Arashi Assassins defeated Middle Eastern Nightmare in 6:50 when Devon Storm defeated Abbadon by pinfall with a Mind Bender. C-



Sunday, week 3, December 2004

Madison Square Garden, New York City


<iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HwHyuraau4Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Johnny Kashmere v Roderick Strong

Some great action to kick off Christmas Feast although the action did drift a little in places. The crowd were into the match up too. Kashmere had most of the match and his dominance paid off in 9:30 by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. C+


The Amazing Red v Ultimo Guerrero

Despite the action not being quite as good as the opener and the crowd having lost a little interest, this was still an equally well received match. This might have been because it was a closer contest with the outcome much less predictable. Red was the man with his arm raised in 11:01 by pinfall with a Code Red. C+


Back in the parking lot and Doug Williams arrives at the building in a red sports car. Tenay and Potter ask whether he will go from losing the TV Title one night to winning the World Championship the next. B


EZ Money & Mike Sanders v Full Blooded Italians

A match that suffered due to both Sanders and Mamaluke being off their game, leaving their partners to carry them through much of the match. The difference maker turned out to be Money's desire and fight for a cause, and he whooped with delight when he picked up the win in 10:15 defeating Little Guido by pinfall with a Money Clip and Sanders welcomes him as a fully fledged member of The Fringe. C





Evan Karagias (champion) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

A match that turned out to be as exciting and dangerous as everybody expected with numerous ladder spots including Daniels executing a hurracanrana when both men were at the top of the ladder. Daniels later took an even sicker bump when Karagias pushed him off the top of the ladder and through a table that had been setting up at ringside. With Daniels not moving, this enabled Karagias to retain in 15:07 when he retrieved the belt. Evan Karagias makes defence number 2 of his TNA X Division title. C+


CM Punk was cutting a promo on D'Lo Brown and the WWE Invasion, Punk saying they will never be welcome in TNA by 'anybody of sound mind'. D'Lo Brown interrupts and says Punk had better get used to it as the WWE are taking over TNA. C


Ernest Miller & Jose Maximo v New Dawn

Both Miller and Maximo were lacklustre, due to the fact that Maximo does not like Miller's 'defection' to the WWE Invaders. Their teamwork was off and the former Tag Team Champions did not look like the slick unit they once were. New Dawn were the polar opposite and were the epitome of a well oiled machine. The ending still came as a surprise though. With Miller seeking the tag, Maximo instead dropped off the apron, slid in the ring and hit him with a Maximo Velocity to many cheers from the crowd. Maximo then left Miller to New Dawn who finished him off in 7:42 when Caprice Coleman defeated Ernest Miller by pinfall with a Dawn Awakening. Maximo's turn was very well received. C+


Bryan Danielson v Mr Wrestling IV

Danielson looked very strong against a IV who seemed rather distracted. A straight forward win for Danielson came in 10:32 by submission with an Arms Across America. C-


AJ Styles is in the back talking about how he will retrieve the World Championship briefcase in Feast or Fired tonight. Jimmy and Teddy Hart arrive on scene, shoot down AJ and say that Teddy will be the one who will be a future World Champion. C+


CM Punk v D'Lo Brown (TV Champion, with Jimmy Hart)

A match where Punk was focused on one thing, taking out D'Lo. For much of the match he was enjoying considerable success until Jimmy Hart distracted Mickey Jay for long enough to allow Teddy Hart to run in and hit Punk with a Hart Destroyer. Punk became easy pickings for D'Lo who picked him off in 13:08 by pinfall with a Low Down. C+



AJ Styles v Austin Aries v Chris Hero v 'Cowboy' James Storm v Desmond Wolfe v Jeff Jarrett v Kid Kash v Teddy Hart v Vampiro v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris

A wild match where often one didn't know where to turn to follow the action as there were brawls and wrestling all over the place, not to mention wrestlers climbing the corners to try and retrieve briefcases. First to pull down a case was Kid Kash who battled off Chris Hero to pull it down in 7:12. Next was Teddy Hart who took full advantage of wrestlers fighting elsewhere to fetch the second case unchallenged in 13:13. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris was the third to retrieve a case, with help from his tag team partner 'Cowboy' James Storm who was fending off Vampiro in 15:12. Finally, Jeff Jarrett used all his sneakery to pull AJ off the top turnbuckle when he had grasp of the case, and pretty much stole the final case from him.

Jeff Jarrett joins Kid Kash, Teddy Hart and Chris Harris who are with Kevin Kelly at a podium on the stage. Kelly invites forward Kid Kash to open his briefcase.




Kid Kash has the briefcase containing a Tag Team Championship match.

Kash is satisfied as Austin Aries is no doubt delighted.

Kevin Kelly then invites forward Teddy Hart.




Teddy Hart has the briefcase containing a X Division Championship match.

Hart is disappointed, he clearly wanted the World Championship match.

Next to come forward is 'Wildcat' Chris Harris. Is it the World Championship match or future endeavours?




'Wildcat' Chris Harris has the briefcase containing a World Championship match.

TNA founder Jeff Jarrett is fired from TNA!

Harris is understandably ecstatic and holds his case up high. Jarrett is absolutely fuming, bellows no a few times before destroying the set. The crowd start chanting "Bye bye Jarrett bye bye" before singing "Hey hey hey goodbye". Jarrett storms off set as security approach to take him away. B-


To be continued later...

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Buff 'The Puff' Bagwellis standing tall and proud with his Tag Team Championship belt hanging from it's usual place, his enormous erection. He talks about gay pride and tonight he and Monty Brown will be the pride of gays. Jorge Estrada walks by and he says he doesn't care if Buff is gay proud or whatever, tonight he and Hernandez are taking home the gold. C




Bumders (champions) v Latin American Exchange

Some great tag team action and a warm crowd as Jorge Estrada and Hernandez took the fight to the gay champions. The match was close and intriguing as two teams who featured two different styles that were similar - Monty and Hernadez as well as Buff and Jorge. The high crowd support that Bumders received saw them rise to the occasion and pound on their opponents, which saw them defeat Latin American Exchange II in 16:57 when 'Alpha Male' Monty Brown defeated Hernandez by pinfall with The Pounce. Bumders make defence number 4 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C+




Abyss (champion, with Harley Race) v Doug Williams v Jerry Lynn v 'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock v Sid Vicious v Steve Corino

A very good main event full of action for the duration, as you would expect in a six way. All six men hit or used their finishers at some stage and every time it was broken up by one of the other wrestlers. Abyss and Harley Race knew it would not be easy for Abyss to defend his championship against five challengers in one match, and the big man did as much as he could to retain. However, the decision cameLynn in 23:58 when Ken Shamrock defeated Doug Williams by submission with an Ankle Lock. Ken Shamrock wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. B-


Following the match, Ken Shamrock celebrates in the ring holding the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt for a second time. The other five wrestlers filter out as the crowd boo.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Isq9kPsMjQg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The crowd then start cheering. 'Cowboy' James Storm and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris rush the ring and attack Ken Shamrock. Shamrock can't cope with the two on one following the six way and succumbs to a Death Sentence. Harris then hands the referee his Feast or Fired briefcase he won earlier in the night! E




'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock (champion) v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (with 'Cowboy' James Storm)

Unsurprisingly the impromptu match was one sided, with Shamrock in no shape to fight back. He hung on for as long as he could, but his second title reign lasted a mere three minutes as he lost in 1:27 by pinfall to a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. The crowd cheer wildly as AMW celebrate Harris' unexpected World Championship win. C


Cameras then cut backstage and the arena and commentary falls silent. Jeff Jarrett is stepping into a car and drives off as the reality of the TNA founder being fired sets in. E+



Show rating: C

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 8801 (4th highest in TNA history)

Buy rate: 0.52 (6th highest in TNA history)

Profit: $101,991

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In the mean time and on a large tangent...


Fairytale of New York is an excellent example of a song where you don't need fancy effects, choreographed dancing or loud noises to be great. Here is another and one of the most powerful live performances I have ever seen. From the 2011 Brits Awards... all you need is a fabulous voice and a piano...


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qemWRToNYJY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


I know it's away from the theme of the thread but I thought I would share it with everyone.


It doesn't hurt to have a good looking girl singing it either. Adele is one of the best singers out there today.


Also great show! I would have never thought that Jeff Jarrett would be the one to get fired. As far as Chris Harris winning the main title goes...well I am not thrilled about it but you have a way of changing my mind much like you did with Buff Bagwell. So I will give it time before I start picking Chris to lose the title on every show.

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WWE held Armageddon Manhattan National Center, New York City. The show drew a 30,000 sell out crowd and a 5.71 buy rate. Sharmell beat Trish Stratus for the Women's Championship. Shawn Michaels beat Kurt Angle in the match of the night (A). The main event saw Booker T retain his Undisputed Championship against Kane (B+). The show rated B+


Tony Mamaluke, James Storm, Evan Karagias, Jimmy Rave and Jerry Lynn all returned clean drug tests at Christmas Feast.

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It doesn't hurt to have a good looking girl singing it either. Adele is one of the best singers out there today.


Also great show! I would have never thought that Jeff Jarrett would be the one to get fired. As far as Chris Harris winning the main title goes...well I am not thrilled about it but you have a way of changing my mind much like you did with Buff Bagwell. So I will give it time before I start picking Chris to lose the title on every show.


Adele is probably the biggest artist in the UK at the moment and definately has one of the best voices.


I thought there was two or three surprises on Christmas Feast. Glad you enjoyed it.


I'll catch up with the predictions next time. It's approaching 1am and I need to go to bed.

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Adele is probably the biggest artist in the UK at the moment and definately has one of the best voices.


I thought there was two or three surprises on Christmas Feast. Glad you enjoyed it.


I'll catch up with the predictions next time. It's approaching 1am and I need to go to bed.


She is pretty big over here as well. Her Rolling in the Deep song is a pretty big hit over here.

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Quite a wide range of scores which suggests some of the events and results at Christmas Feast surprised a few people.


1. Olympia 10 (includes 2 bonus Feast or Fired points)

2. David Corperial 7 (includes 1 bonus Feast or Fired point)

2. Jay R 7

2. Kijar 7

2. The Final Countdown 7

6. BHK 6

7. Nest 5

8. Destiny 4

8. Michgcs 4



Well done Olympia, your prize is to turn a wrestler of your choosing. There are some I won't turn because of current or future stories I have for them so get in touch with ideas by PM or if you want to know who you can't touch. Thanks.

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Impact Preview


Christmas Feast turned out to be a night of surprises. Jose Maximo turned his back on Ernest Miller following Miller's decision to join Jimmy Hart's WWE Invasion. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris won Feast or Fired, cashed in his title shot and won the World Championship all in one night and TNA's founder Jeff Jarrett got fired. As 2005 approaches, the landscape is changing in TNA but will it become tainted by a huge WWE influence?

Mentioning the World Championship, both Abyss and Ken Shamrock have credible claims for rematches. Dusty Rhodes promises to address this situation on the show.

Also, the popular Japanese star Satoshi Kojima returns to TNA action.


Spike TV is the place to see it.




TNA TV TITLE - D'Lo Brown (champion) v The Amazing Red

Doug Williams v Jerry Lynn

Satoshi Kojima v Mr Wrestling IV

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Divine Storm (Chris Divine & Quiet Storm)

Arashi Assassins (Devon Storm & Keiji Sakoda) v The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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TNA TV TITLE - D'Lo Brown (champion) v The Amazing Red

Doug Williams v Jerry Lynn

Satoshi Kojima v Mr Wrestling IV

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Divine Storm (Chris Divine & Quiet Storm)

Arashi Assassins (Devon Storm & Keiji Sakoda) v The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Buck)

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In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Miz defeated Pac in 6:54 by pinfall with a Reality Check. D+



Saturday, week 4, December 2004

RAC Arena, Catonsville, MD.


Live on Spike TV


Dusty Rhodes is in the ring and introduces the new World Heavyweight Champion, 'Wildcat' Chris Harris. Harris walks to the ring and Rhodes congratulates the new champion on a very successful Christmas Feast. However, he warns him he has tough battles ahead. Harris says he knows.

Rhodes then asks for Abyss and Ken Shamrock to come to the ring. They do, with Abyss being accompanied by Harley Race. Rhodes says that both these men have legitimate cases for a rematch. Shamrock says that damn right he does, he was cheated out of the title only moments after winning it. Rhodes says this is what will happen... On the first Explosion of 2005 Abyss will challenge Chris Harris for the title and then on Genesis 2005 Ken Shamrock will then challenge whomever wins that title match for the gold. Both Abyss and Shamrock are happy with this, while Harris is looking forward to the challenges. C-


Ernest Miller speaks out backstage on Jose Maximo. He talks of his disgust at his betrayal at Christmas Feast and his stupidity at not seeing that the future in TNA is through the WWE. He tells him he will meet him in the ring at Genesis and take his revenge then. C


Arashi Assassins v The Young Bucks

A short match that lacked in entertainment and saw the Assassins in control. Their comfortable win came in 4:45 when Devon Storm defeated Matt Buck by pinfall with a Mind Bender. D-


AJ Styles is backstage and expresses both his anguish at not winning the World Championship match at Feast or Fired and also his extreme relief that Jeff Jarrett practically stole the fired briefcase from his grasp. Jerry Lynn walks by and tells Styles he's not bothered how he feels. The two scuffle and agree to meet at Genesis. D+


CM Punk is in the ring where he says he is glad that Jeff Jarrett is gone from TNA as the way he was running it allowed drug takers, drinkers and any old has been run amok in TNA, keeping the true wrestlers like himself, AJ Styles, Bryan Danielson and Jose Maximo down. One thing though he continues... Jarrett may have gone but the WWE Invaders are very much still here...

Before he can continue he gets interrupted by some of the said Invaders - Jimmy Hart, Teddy Hart and D'Lo Brown. Jimmy Hart tells Punk they are here to stay and they are here to take over whether Punk likes it or not and Punk won't be able to do anything about it. C+


Brits Abroad v Divine Storm

An improvement on the opening tag team match and another where one team were largely on top, this time it being the Brits. Again the result matched how the match unfolded and the Brits triumphed in 5:47 when Chris Hero defeated Chris Divine by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome. D+


Little Guido and Jorge Estrada are minding their own business backstage when they bump into each other. Their chance meeting escalates into an argument over who is in the best tag team, which cumulates in the two agreeing to a tag team match at Genesis. C-


Kevin Kelly conducts a backstage interview with Sid Vicious, where Sid expresses his sorrow at not winning the World Championship last Sunday. C-


Kevin Kelly is then seen in a pre recorded sit down interview with Evan Karagias where they discuss his X Division Championship reign, his battles with 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and potential future challengers including Teddy Hart, Jose Maximo and Satoshi Kojima. B-




D'Lo Brown (champion, with Jimmy Hart) v The Amazing Red

A much better quality match than the earlier contests which finally had the fans in Catonsville wake up and make some noise. There were times where D'Lo struggled to keep up with the much quicker Red and Red used his speed advantage to come close to winning the title. D'Lo has been around the block though, hung on in there when Red looked his most dangerous and fought back, closing out the title match in 12:51 by pinfall with a Sky High. D'Lo Brown makes defence number 1 of his TNA TV title. C


The Fringe come into Dusty Rhodes' Director of Authority's office. Mike Sanders acts as spokesman and asks if Rhodes was impressed with their Christmas Feast performance. Kid Kash retrieve the Feast or Fired Tag Team Championship briefcase and he and Money pulled off a big win over FBI. Rhodes said he is impressed, though doesn't seem too sincere. However, having seen Brits Abroad's impressive win earlier tonight, he books a number one contenders match for Explosion between them and Sanders and Money. The Fringe look happy. C-


Jose Maximo is backstage on his mobile phone. CM Punk approaches him. Punk tells Maximo he was impressed with how he handled Ernest Miller and that he does not see the WWE Invasion as the future. Maximo remarks that Miller is a scumbag who didn't even tell him what he was going to do. Punk tells Maximo he is everything that fits into the New Dawn - he is a pure athlete who focuses on his wrestling and not the politics of the business of the sins of life. Punk offers Maximo a place in New Dawn. Maximo accepts without hesitation. C+


Mr Wrestling IV v Satoshi Kojima

While IV was really off his game, Kojima looked superb in his first match back in TNA but after initially having the fans cheering him, they turned to boos as he was very brutal in his dismantling of IV, with many feeling he went too far with his violence. Even so, Robert Brisko saw fit not to disqualify him and Kojima took the match in 7:41 by pinfall with a Lariat, leaving IV needing to be stretchered out of the ring after the match. C


Bryan Danielson cuts a promo from the back and he says he wants to see 2005 to be the year of wrestling. Hence he wants to wrestle wrestlers. He says he wants to face Doug Williams at Genesis. C


Bumders are standing on parade as usual, rubbing each other up with their Tag Team belts hanging off their big erections. They both say "nobody can hang with us" with a cheesy grin on their faces. C+


Doug Williams v Jerry Lynn

The main event was a very good wrestling match high in technical action and a very strong case for CM Punk and Bryan Danielson's views that TNA should concentrate on wrestling ability as Williams and Lynn wrestled back and forth and had fans on the edge of their seats. One of Impact's best ever matches went over 20 minutes and the fans still wanted more, but Williams walked away with victory in 22:02 by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. B-


Show rating: C

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 2617

Rating: 0.71

Loss: $65,528

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Sunday, week 3, January 2005

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/x46GaoCodAQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Current card



Abyss or 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v 'King of Old School' Ken Shamrock (C-)



Bumders ('Alpha Male' Monty Brown & Buff 'The Puff' Bagwell, champions) v Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) or The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders) (C-)



Evan Karagias (champion) v challenger to be determined (C-)


Ernest Miller v Jose Maximo (D+)


CM Punk v Teddy Hart (D+)


Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)


Bryan Danielson v Doug Williams (C-)


AJ Styles v Jerry Lynn (D+)




To be revealed when all matches announced.

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2004 Awards


Wrestler of the Year: Chris Jericho

Young Wrestler of the Year: Caprice Coleman

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Akira Taue

Female Wrestler of the Year: Trish Stratus

Promotion of the Year: Total Nonstop Action

Most Improved Promotion of the Year: New Japan Pro Wrestling

Match of the Year: Undertaker beat Shawn Michaels on WWE Smackdown! in May

Show of the Year: WWE Smackdown! in May

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2004 Power Top 100


1. Chris Jericho

2. The Undertaker

3. Shawn Michaels

4. Toshiaki Kawada

5. Jun Akiyama

6. Masahiro Chono

7. Edge

8. Mitsuharu Misawa

9. Booker T

10. Hiroyoshi Tenzan

11. Akira Taue

12. Yuji Nagata

13. Hulk Hogan

14. Kenta Kobashi

15. Naomichi Marufuji

16. Osamu Nishimura

17. Triple H

18. Stone Cold Steve Austin

19. Kane

20. Kazuyuki Fujita

21. Kendo Ka Shin

22. Big Show

23. Dr Wagner Jr

24. Yoshinari Ogawa

25. Caprice Coleman

26. Dalip Singh

27. Rey Mysterio Jr

28. Rob Van Dam

29. Shinya Hashimoto

30. Keiji Mutoh

31. Koji Kanemoto

32. Minoru Tanaka

33. Mitsuya Nagai

34. Bill Goldberg

35. AJ Styles

36. Scott Taylor

37. Takuma Sano

38. Jushin Thunder Liger

39. Tatsuhito Takaiwa

40. El Hijo Del Santo

41. Masato Tanaka

42. Bryan Danielson

43. Satanico

44. Kevin Nash

45. Scott Hall

46. Abismo Negro

47. Johnny Kashmere

48. Daisuke Ikeda

49. Taiyo Kea

50. Cibernetico

51. Tamon Honda

52. Hector Garza

53. Shark Boy

54. Heavy Metal

55. Yoshihiro Takayama

56. Octagon

57. Latin Lover

58. La Parka

59. Atlantis

60. Perro Aguayo Jr

61. Kurt Angle

62. Steve Williams

63. Jun Izumida


65. El Dandy

66. Takeshi Morishima

67. Satoshi Kojima

68. Aguila

69. Takeshi Rikioh

70. Steve Corino

71. Negro Casas

72. Little Guido

73. Silver King

74. Brian Adams

75. Keiji Sakoda

76. Shinjiro Otani

77. Super Crazy

78. The Amazing Red

79. Manabu Nakanishi

80. Katsuyori Shibata

81. Pentagon

82. Konnan

83. Air Paris

84. Colt Cabana

85. Brian Kendrick

86. Tiger Mask IV

87. Tadao Yasuda

88. Al Snow

89. Rocky Romero

90. Masao Inoue

91. Lash LeRoux

92. Katsushi Takemura

93. Dick Togo

94. Kid Kash

95. Bryan Clark


97. Akitoshi Saito

98. Tony Mamaluke

99. Psicosis

100. Ruckus

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End of 2004 Top Ten Promotions


1. World Wrestling Entertainment

2. New Japan Pro Wrestling

3. Pro Wrestling NOAH

4. All Japan Pro Wrestling


6. Total Nonstop Action

7. Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre

8. Asistencia Asesoria y Adminstracion

9. Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE

10. Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling

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Rocky Romero has signed for a further three months.


Stone Cold Steve Austin has won the WWE Intercontinental Championship for the third time, defeating Rhyno who had made eleven successful defences.


Mr Wrestling IV has signed for a further eighteen months, quelling rumours he was ready to leave TNA. Other rumours suggest the contract was only signed on his last day of his existing deal.


Jimmy Rave has signed a written contract with CMLL and will be leaving TNA in one week.

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lots of congrats to go around. To TNA winning the top promotion of the year award! wow!! Excellent job. Caprice Coleman the top rated TNA guy in the top 100 - kind of a surprise. Don't remember standing out that much compared to others on the list - kudos to his "young gun" award. Would have thought AJ or even Danielson would have been higher than him for sure. And where the guys who held the world title during the year?? Maybe new champ Wildcat Harris will fix that and become a bigger, more visible star than those who held the belt in the past.


13 guys ranked in the top 100 is decent. I'm sure that number will even get better next year


Good Feast card - several swerves like Jarrett being fired. That is major! Wildcat Harris taking the world title - we'll see if he follows the footsteps of other former tag team stars who went on to become world champion (such as Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, etc). I wish him well, and hope he grows into the title and becomes a superstar in your world. It is certainally a step into uncharted waters. I applaud you taking a bold step to create a new star instead of just using the same guys we see in real life (ROH champs)


I will think on someone to suggest a turn for and PM you. If you want to send me any guys that are "hands off" feel free.

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Thanks Olympia. PM on the way shortly.


Coleman won the award on the back of his performance in other promotions too.


I was delighted with winning the top promotion award and so many guys being in the top 100. With WWE dropping in size and our reputation and our prestige being A* saw us win that. All of my top 100 workers also work elsewhere, so it is a combination that has seen them appear in the top 100.


Harris... well, not completely decided yet how far to take him... Jarrett being fired was a late night stroke of genius, in my own opinion. :D

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Impact Preview


The World Championship picture is clearer and Chris Harris has a tough month ahead. If he can be successful defending against Abyss he will then face Ken Shamrock at Genesis. How will the new World Champion cope in his first month as top dog?

With Jeff Jarrett's firing it appears CM Punk's accusations of him being behind the WWE Invasion are false, as the WWE Invasion is still in TNA and building. He has recruited Jose Maximo following Ernest Miller abandoning him to join the Invasion but how is Punk going to try and repel the Invasion?

All the titles are hot commodities at the moment with numerous teams on the path to Bumders' titles. No less than five teams are in action tonight including the two teams who battle for number one contendership next week on Explosion.


Catch the action on Saturday night on Spike TV.




TNA TV TITLE - D'Lo Brown (champion) v Caprice Coleman

Mr Wrestling IV & Doug Williams v Bryan Danielson & Jerry Lynn

'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels v Steve Corino

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

Arashi Assassins (Devon Storm & Keiji Sakoda) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders)

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TNA TV TITLE - D'Lo Brown (champion) v Caprice Coleman


Mr Wrestling IV & Doug Williams v Bryan Danielson & Jerry Lynn


'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels v Steve Corino


Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) v Latin American Exchange (Hernandez & Jorge Estrada)

Arashi Assassins (Devon Storm & Keiji Sakoda) v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders)

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Apologies everybody. I had written the show and then pressed a wrong button on my browser and lost my whole write up. As I had already ended the show in the game, this now lacks some details. Sorry



The Amazing Red beat The Miz D+



Saturday, week 1, January 2005

World Arena, Colorado Springs, CO.


Live on Spike TV


'Wildcat' Chris Harris was in the ring with Dusty Rhodes, acknowledge he was facing a tough month and he would do everything he could to keep his newly won title. Ken Shamrock and Abyss with Harley Race came to the ring and the situation threatened to become volatile. Harris and Rhodes fetched chairs and Shamrock and Abyss backed off. Rhodes then told Shamrock and Abyss that their will forfeit their title rematches if they lay their hands on Harris before they get their rematch. The two and Race left. C


Latin American Exchange defeated Full Blooded Italians and Chris Hero & Pac (who was substituting for Desmond Wolfe who could not make the show). Hernandez pinned Pac to get the decision. D+


CM Punk cuts a promo on Jimmy Hart saying that no matter how long it will take, he will lead his New Dawn and stop the WWE Invasion since nobody else in TNA is willing or able to do it. C+


Kevin Kelly interviewed The Fringe about their asperations. Money and Sanders say they will beat Brits Abroad on Explosion next week to become the number one contenders and then take the belts from Bumders at Genesis. What must stablemate and Feast or Fired briefcase holders AK-47 be thinking? C-


The Fringe then went on to defeat Arashi Assassins when Money defeating Sakoda. C


Kevin Kelly holds another interview, this time with Satoshi Kojima. He says he wants an X Division Championship match as he never got the chance before. Dusty Rhodes arrives, he books Kojima in a number one contenders match on Explosion against Jose Maximo. C


Following a commercial break, Kevin Kelly interviews Ernest Miller. He cuts a promo on Maximo saying he is blind for not seeing where the future lies and ungrateful for turning his back on everything he has done for him. C+


Steve Corino defeated Mike Quackenbush comfortably. D+


Sid Vicious speaks from the locker room, saying he wants to prove himself again. C+


Mr Wrestling IV then speaks from the backstage interview area. He says he is staying in TNA because it is the best promotion to work for. He aims to make a name for himself here. C+


D'Lo Brown beat Caprice Coleman to make his first defence of the TNA TV Title. D+


Jimmy Hart orders an attack on CM Punk where Teddy Hart and Ernest Miller leave Punk lying on the concrete. C


D'Lo Brown converses with somebody off camera, telling them to "make the right decision" and "do the right thing on Explosion". C


Bryan Danielson & Jerry Lynn beat Doug Williams and Mr Wrestling IV when Danielson made IV submit to Arms Across America. C+


Show rating: c

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3350

Rating: 0.69

Loss: $45,951



Again, apologies for the short write up.

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