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TNA's New Beginnings II

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Spike Dudley defeated Alex Shelley in 6:07 by pinfall with a Dudley Dog. The two displayed great chemistry. C+



Saturday, week 3, May 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

McArthur Court, Eugene, OR.



<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ozYd-PlcvVs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Abyss (with Harley Race) v Billy Kidman

This wasn't the dominant display that Abyss has been showing of late against wrestlers from the X Division as Kidman give him some trouble, but Abyss did still have more of the match and at times completely over powered his much smaller opponent. Kidman eventually went down in 7:08 by pinfall with The Black Hole. C-


Maven (with Jimmy Hart) v The Amazing Red

Maven brutalised Red in the early stages of the match, displaying the dark, sinister traits he has come to be known for in TNA. Red did mount a comeback with his ultra fast, high flying exciting way, but Maven brutalised him again until he took the match in 9:28 by pinfall with a Crossbody Block. C+


Dusty Rhodes is backstage with Mike Sanders. Dusty wishes Sanders luck for tonight's six man tag against members of the WWE Invasion and that he has a plan in mind to help them out tonight and he makes the match no disqualification. Sanders shakes Rhodes and thanks him for finally letting The Fringe to be an integral part of TNA. C



The Fringe (EZ Money, Mike Quackenbush & Mike Sanders) v WWE Invasion (Christian Cage, D'Lo Brown & Jeff Jarrett)

Fringe took it to the Invaders and with the added incentive guaranteed title matches fought with a gusto they hadn't shown in TNA before. The Invaders had a lot of class and experience and worked their way into the ascendancy. Then...

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThKNt-GY1ww?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Out runs CM Punk's New Dawn, at least the return of Caprice Coleman, Evan Karagias and Jose Maximo who storm the ring and attack Cage, Brown and Jarrett. The crowd erupt as The Fringe look delighted, but somehow, amidst the chaos, The WWE Invaders steal the match in 13:29 when Jeff Jarrett defeated EZ Money by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage. C-

WRITER'S NOTE: Jeff Jarrett enforced his creative control and refused for his team to lose. The Fringe were my intended winners.


'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown v Goldust

Monty unleashed a fury on Goldust which led to Goldust bailing and threaten to walk out the match. Monty retrieved him and threw him back in the ring where he unleashed a second barrage of offence. Goldust looked done and dusted until a well placed eye poke and low blow got him momentum on his side. The match was then even for the most part, until Goldust utilised a golden cyclindrical shaped object that looked suspiciously like a dildo and knocked out Monty Brown with it despite Jack Doan seeing everything... but then Doan is the WWE Invader's referee. Goldust's win was then academic in 14:11 by pinfall after using a foreign object. B-


John Layfield cuts a promo prior to his match tonight with Mr Wrestling IV, where he insults him and calls him fake. C




WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v Brits Abroad

Quite an even match which saw both champions and challengers score some near falls in the opening nine minutes before there was a very interesting development. With legal men Chris Hero and The Miz down following a double cross body, AK-47 make an appearance. Kid Kash hands the Feast or Fired briefcase to the referee and suddenly it's a three way tag.


WWE Invaders (champions, with Jimmy Hart) v Brits Abroad v AK-47

Both champions and the original challengers are rather miffed at this occuring and Austin Aries and Kid Kash take full advantage of being completely fresh to dominated their two opposing teams, and complete the cash in in 11:50 when Kid Kash defeated The Miz by pinfall with a Money Maker. AK-47 win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C


Goldust is backstage and has a few words for 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown. He says succumb to the Invasion or follow Buff into the quack house. He then talks in riddles, and mentions about having found a lost friend. C


Dudleys v Pride of Britain

The Dudleys looked very impressive against the plucky Brits, who not through lack of effort just weren't in the Dudleys' league. Dudleys chalk up the win and look like the major threat everyone expects them to be in TNA, winning in 8:51 when Brother Devon defeated Doug Williams by pinfall with a 3D. C+


John Layfield v Mr Wrestling IV

Layfield was regretting his fake comments looking at the pain he was suffering as IV put him in numerous submission holds. IV out wrestled Layfield but Layfield out thought IV, using sneaky tactics to gain the advantage and ultimately the victory in 15:30 by pinfall with a Clothesline From Hell. C+


Al Snow speaks from backstage where he talks about how confident he is of keeping the WWE Championship tonight and WWE taking over TNA in the future. C




AJ Styles (champion) v Ken Shamrock

A match that saw some great action and a nailed on mix of technical, submission and high risk wrestling, with Styles of course providing the vast majority of the high risk action. Shamrock had AJ trapped in the Ankle Lock for close on a minute and it looked like AJ was going to tap and lose the title. AJ managed to grab the ropes though, and after being able to recover a little when he sidestepped a Shamrock attack and sent him outside, he was able to mount enough offence to be able to successful defend in 18:09 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. AJ Styles makes defence number 5 of his TNA X Division title. B-




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v 'Cowboy' James Storm

As expected, a physically intense match between the former America's Most Wanted partners. With Robert Roode leaving TNA, Storm is now left to focus on a singles career and he is getting an early and unexpected title opportunity. Punches were stiff, throws were hard and the atmosphere tense as Harris slowly wore down Storm but the champion looked battered and bruised as his arms were raised in 19:19 by pinfall with a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris makes defence number 12 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+


As we wait for the match between Al Snow and Bryan Danielson to commence, Tenay and Potter run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C-




Al Snow (champion) v Bryan Danielson

A great match in front of a hot crowd, this was shaping up to be a classic. Danielson was at his technical finest, and Snow used his Head games to tip the balance in his favour. A to and fro match had the crowd vocal but it was the champion that just pulled through in a very difficult title defence, walking away with the belt in 23:32 by pinfall with a Snow Plow after a distraction from Jimmy Hart. Al Snow makes defence number 3 of his WWE title. B-


Show rating: C+

Show can be considered a success and should increase TNA’s popularity.

A number of angles did not reach the standard of the ring action

Attendance: 7184

Buy rate: 0.68

Profit: $141,433


Sacrifice was TNA’s eighth best ever show

Sacrifice drew TNA’s third biggest buy rate

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1. Kris Katana 8

1. The Final Countdown 8

3. Nest 7

3. Michgcs 7

5. Jay R 6

6. Olympia 5


Well done to Kris and TFC for getting eight correct. Not surprisingly, nobody guessed that AK-47 would win the Tag Team Championship. Your prize is you can both now create a new character to enter my game world. Unlike previous character creations though, your new character won't necessarily be signed by me for TNA.

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Impact Preview


Impact comes to us this Sunday from Stanford, CA.


CM Punk's New Dawn returned at Sacrifice, minus their leader Punk. They attempted to help The Fringe to defeat the WWE Invasion in the six man tag but amidst the chaos, Jeff Jarrett picked up a cheap win. Tonight one of them returns to the ring for the first time since Lethal Lockdown.

Dusty Rhodes is set to announce not one but two series of qualifiers for Slammiversary III.

The new Tag Team Champions, AK-47 are sure to be in a celebratory mood.


Tune into Spike on Monday night to watch what unfolds.




Brits Abroad v Double R

Bryan Danielson v John Layfield

Evan Karagias v Lance Storm v Super Crazy v The Amazing Red

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Ultimo Guerrero defeated Pac in 8:30 by pinfall with a Reverse Superplex. C-



Sunday, week 3, May 2005

Broadcast on Spike on Monday night, week 4, May 2005

Maples Pavillion, Stanford, CA.



Al Snow starts of Impact, boasting about defeating Bryan Danielson and retaining the WWE Championship. Danielson makes his way to the ring saying the only reason Snow retained the title was because he had the scrawny Jimmy Hart help him out and Danielson wants a return match. Snow knocks Danielson back and reminds him that Curt Hennig told Danielson that he only got one shot. Danielson says he'll go through TNA Director of Authority Dusty Rhodes. Snow laughs and tells Danielson that Rhodes has no authority over the WWE Championship and has no power to name any challenger. C+


Backstage and The Fringe are celebrating with Mike Sanders congratulating AK-47 at winning the Tag Team Championship and that they have done The Fringe proud in winning their first title. Aries and Kash are beaming and proudly display their belts. D+


Evan Karagias v Lance Storm v Super Crazy v The Amazing Red

The opening contest was an exciting X Division contest between two of CM Punk's New Dawn and two WWE Invaders although Jimmy Hart was not at ringside for this one. There was no let up in the action which more resembled lucha libre as as soon as one man left the ring another came in. Karagias emerged with the victory in 10:30 when Evan Karagias defeated The Amazing Red by pinfall with a Tidal Wave. C+


Kevin Kelly interviews Maven, asking if he is proud of what he has done to CM Punk, first being the main protagnist in his hanging at Lethal Lockdown and then by attacking him in his hospital bed. Maven stays silent, just looking very stern. C


Dusty Rhodes comes to the ring and announces two series of qualifiers for Slammiversary III. The first is five singles matches to determine five qualifiers to challenge for AJ Styles' X Division Championship in Ultimate X. The second is five wild card tag team matches where the winners advance to a ten man battle royal to determine the number one contender but with a difference... the winner can challenger for either the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship or the WWE Championship and they both start tonight. Everybody goes nuts in the arena. B-


Brits Abroad v Double R

An acceptable match that lacked any zest or stand out quality. A slight surprise winners in Double R given that Brits Abroad had been on a good run and challenged for the Tag Team Championship at Sacrifice. The win for Rocky and Roderick came in 7:33 when Rocky Romero defeated Desmond Wolfe by submission with a Diablo Armbar. C-


Curt Hennig is backstage with The Fringe. He books a return match for WWE Invaders to get their Tag Team Championship back. Aries and Kash argue that Hennig can't do that. Hennig simply replies that he just did. D


Harley Race is backstage with his monster Abyss, saying that his recent demolition of X Division competitors is only the beginning of his path of destruction back to the top of TNA. C+



Air Paris v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

The first of five Ultimate X qualifying match saw new crowd favourite Daniels slowly get the upper hand over Paris. However, shortly before the match ended Maven made his mark by attacking Daniels in the ring. Paris took full advance to move onto Slammiversary III and the first Ultimate X qualifier in 10:52 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C+


Dudleys are backstage, gloating about beating Pride of Britain at Sacrifice and saying they will dominate TNA's tag teams for years to come. C


Dusty Rhodes has Al Snow and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris in his office. He says that whoever wins the Wild Card Battle Royal at Slammiversary III will have to announce which belt they are challenging before the show occurs. Christian Cage interrupts and says he wants the NWA TNA Championship so the WWE can dominate and challenges Harris to a match. Harris accepts so Rhodes makes it for Slammiversary III. C+



Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock v Mr Wrestling IV & Satoshi Kojima

A high pressure match with the long term prize at stake and one where wrestlers unfamiliar teaming with each other are forced to do so. Saying that, Jarrett and Shamrock have teamed together in the past and hence showed better team work. This helped to propel them to victory in 11:47 when Jeff Jarrett defeated Satoshi Kojima by pinfall with The Stroke. C-


Goldust and 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown are backstage, Monty arguing that Goldust cheated by using a golden dildo to win. Goldust's retort was that Monty must like dildos given his past with Buff Bagwell. Security has to prevent Monty from launching into Goldust. C


We see CM Punk in hospital, sitting up in bed and looking the best he has since Lockdown, though still in a groggy state. Mike Tenay speaks to his doctor, who says that Punk will make a full recovery in time, but it will take time. C+


Bryan Danielson v John Layfield (with Jimmy Hart)

A good quality main event where Danielson's technical ability caused Layfield a lot of trouble. Layfield has been around the block though and used his cunning to counter Danielson. The middle of the match saw both men come close to victory and Jimmy Hart helped Layfield out when Danielson had him locked in Arms Across America by placing his foot on the rope while Robert Brisko was checking on if he was going to tap. Layfield fought back and managed to pull off the win in 16:40 by pinfall with a Clothesline From Hell. C+


Show rating: C

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3156

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Saturday, week 3, June 2005


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I0NMhO_sQUg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Current card



'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Christian Cage (C+)




AJ Styles (champion) v Air Paris v qualifier v qualifier v qualifier v qualifier (D)



Al Snow (champion) v challenger



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz) (D+)


'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown v Goldust (D+)



Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier (D+)




To be announced

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Impact Preview


Impact comes this Sunday from Poughkeepsie, NY.


On the show 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and Christian Cage will sign the contract for the World Championship match at Slammiversary III.

There is a wrestling willing to step forward and challenge Al Snow for the WWE Championship at the same event.

Also, a brother wants blood.


Tune in to Spike on Monday night to watch the show.




ULTIMATE X QUALIFIER - Caprice Coleman v Roderick Strong

WILD CARD QUALIFIER - EZ Money & Mike Sanders v D'Lo Brown & Jorge Estrada

Kid Kash (Tag Team Champion) v Jerry Lynn

Abyss v Doug Williams

Jeff Jarrett v The Amazing Red

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In a match that had some good action and average heat, Brits Abroad defeated Divine Storm in 5:54 when Chris Hero defeated Quiet Storm by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome. C-



Sunday, week 4, May 2005

Broadcast on Spike on Monday night, week 1, June 2005

McCann Center, Poughkeepsie, NY.



Dusty Rhodes gets 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and Christian Cage to sign the contract for the World Championship match at Slammiversary III. When the ink dries, Christian taunts Wildcat about the match, to which he responds to with a shove. They both see red and start brawling and Dusty calls officials to run in and break them up. C


Dudleys speak from backstage. They say they have been given the FBI as oppponents at Slammiversary III and all they will be is another team demolished on the Dudley's path to tag team greatness. C+



Caprice Coleman v Roderick Strong

An outstanding match that will take some topping, not just on this show but in the whole year for TNA. Excitement abound as both men took it to each other in a fast paced match. Lots of near falls despite the match being fairly short and it was Coleman who qualified in 6:37 by pinfall with a Thermal Shock. The crowd applauded both men after the match. B


Backstage again and Christopher Daniels is yelling at Maven, who cost Daniels his Ultimate X qualifier last week. Curt Hennig turns up and tells Daniels if he wants Maven so badly he can have him... at Slammiversary III. D+


Satoshi Kojima is seen via a video message, who says that he enjoyed last week's wild card tag team match despite losing, and says he has a lot of respect for Ken Shamrock as a fighter. C+



EZ Money & Mike Sanders v D'Lo Brown (with Jimmy Hart) & Jorge Estrada

Another good quality match. The Fringe got lucky with the draw as they draw each other as partners and their slick team work got the better of Brown and Estrada, who although they tried to team well together, simply didn't have the experience or fluency of their experienced tag opponents. The Fringe qualified in 10:08 when Mike Sanders defeated Jorge Estrada by pinfall with a 3.0. C+


Backstage and Kevin Kelly is interview Joel Maximo. Maximo says he wants the blood feud with his brother to come to an end and he wants his blood. Joel challenges Jose to a First Blood match at Slammiversary III. C


Al Snow boasts about being the greatest WWE Champion ever. Steve Corino, who hasn't been seen in TNA for a little while, interrupts Snow and says that technically, he is the only WWE Champion ever as the WWE was the WWF when they 'just had a Championship'. Corino challenges Snow to prove he is the best by putting the title up at Slammiversary. Ego dented, Snow agrees. C


Jeff Jarrett (with Jimmy Hart) v The Amazing Red

Another very good match where Jarrett struggled to keep up with Red's pace and was in trouble on a few occasions. Being a wily and sly veteren, he bailed out to ringside and had Hart distract both Red and Mickey Jay at convenient points of the match. This allowed Jarrett to get on top of Red and he wasted no time in putting the match to bed in 9:54 by pinfall with The Stroke. B-


Bryan Danielson is in the ring and calls out John Layfield. Layfield comes out and laughs at "the little man" that he beat last week. Danielson says he wants a rematch at Slammiversary III, to which Layfield says he will be happy to beat "the little man" again. C+


Backstage and Dusty Rhodes is with AJ Styles. He says he saw with CM Punk earlier in the week and he is happy with the progress he is making. He says that with The Fringe emerged and the New Dawn almost back to full strength, TNA can now rise to the WWE Invasion and fight back. He sees AJ as the future of TNA, a man who can rise to true greatness. AJ takes in Dusty's words and thanks him for them, and says his immediate target is coming through Ultimate X still the X Division Champion. B


Abyss (with Harley Race) v Doug Williams

Earlier it was stated that the Coleman v Strong match would take some beating. Everybody sure has been trying as Abyss and Williams put on another really good match. Williams put up a much stronger fight than the X Division wrestlers have been against Race's monster, but Abyss was still too powerful for him and won in 11:29 by pinfall with The Black Hole. B-


Shots are shown of Dusty Rhodes visiting CM Punk in hospital. Rhodes talks to Punk and Punk is able to acknowledge what he is saying. Rhodes tells Punk not to rush his recovery, to come back when he is physically able to and tells that The Fringe and the rest of New Dawn are rising to fight off the WWE Invasion. Rhodes leaves and Punk doesn't seem too impressed with what Rhodes said. C+


Goldust is backstage, holding on to his golden dildo. He tells 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown that he has no qualms in using his dildo on him again when they meet in their rematch at Slammiversary III. C+


Kid Kash (Tag Team Champion) v Jerry Lynn (with Jimmy Hart)

Coleman v Strong will take some topping? It almost did with a quality main event that matched the opener and was a fitting way to round off the best night of wrestling in TNA history. Kash and Lynn went back and forth with a healthy mix of mat based wrestling and technical action. Kash edged a pulsating match in 19:02 by pinfall with a Money Maker. B


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 3702

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Saturday, week 3, June 2005


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Current card



'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Christian Cage (C+)




AJ Styles (champion) v Air Paris v Caprice Coleman v qualifier v qualifier v qualifier (D)



Al Snow (champion) v challenger



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz) (D+)


Dudleys (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) (C-)


Bryan Danielson v John Layfield (C+)



Joel Maximo v Jose Maximo (D+)


'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels v Maven (C-)


'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown v Goldust (C-)



Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, EZ Money, Mike Sanders, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier (C-)




To be announced

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Impact got a 1.14 rating on Spike, a new TNA record.

Impact was TNA's best ever show.

Caprice Coleman v Roderick Strong was TNA's best ever match

Kid Kash v Jerry Lynn was TNA's second best ever match

Jeff Jarrett v The Amazing Red was TNA's seventh best ever match


AJ Styles has suffered a reverberating bicep working elsewhere. He will be out for around four weeks and will miss Slammiversary III.


Pac has signed a contract extension for three months.


TNA made a loss of $101,593 in May.

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Holy shit, some strange records.


Strong vs Coleman was unpredictable as best match ever, unlike Kid Kash vs Jerry Lynn.


AJ Styles will not miss TNA, TNA will miss AJ Styles.

What are you going to do about the Ultimate X, a #1 contender's match or for the vacated title ?

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Attitude Preview


With the X Division Champion AJ Styles injured, Attitude comes to us from Peoria, FL.


Seven matches feature including three championship matches, but with Styles injured, the X Division Championship will not be defended.


Watch the action live on UrbanXtra and Request TV pay per view.




NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - 'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Goldust

WWE CHAMPIONSHIP - Al Snow (champion) v 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown

NWA TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP - AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v Double R (Rocky Romero & Roderick Strong)

WILD CARD QUALIFIER - Abyss & Lance Storm v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels & Bryan Danielson

ULTIMATE X QUALIFIER - Mr Wrestling IV v Super Crazy

Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock v The Fringe (EZ Money & Mike Sanders)

Brits Abroad (Chris Hero & Desmond Wolfe) v Dudleys (Brother Devon & Brother Ray)

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In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Divine Storm defeated Full Blooded Italians in 7:41 when Chris Divine defeated Little Guido by pinfall with a Divine Storm. C-



Wednesday, week 1, June 2005

Live on UrbanXtra pay per view

Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, FL.




Mr Wrestling IV v Super Crazy (with Jimmy Hart)

An opening match that saw some decent action but a perhaps surprising lack of sustained interest from the near eight thousand fans in attendance. IV was looking very good and ready to put Crazy away when Jimmy Hart distracted Mickey Jay. From nowhere, D'Lo Brown ran in and nailed IV from behind. Crazy made the most of Brown's interference and qualified for Ultimate X in 9:53 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. C


John Layfield speaks from backstage, saying his match with Bryan Danielson is a foregone conclusion. He has beaten him before and he will embarass him next time. C




AK-47 (champions) v Double R

The new champions looked slick and a class above Strong and Romero in this one and the champions made a fairly comfortable defence in 9:08 when Austin Aries defeated Roderick Strong by pinfall with a 450° splash. AK-47 make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. D+


A video recap plays showcasing Maven's new dark personality and includes highlights of his TNA tenure, the big one being the hanging of CM Punk. C+


Brits Abroad v Dudleys

The Dudleys put on another dominating display as they ripped apart the Brits for most of the match, who did manage to put in sporadic spells of offence. Dudley's latest win came in 9:13 when Brother Devon defeated Chris Hero by pinfall with a 3D. C+


Christian Cage speaks from backstage, where he says that one way or another he is going to walk out of Slammiversary III as the new World Champion and there won't be anything that 'Wildcat' Chris Harris can do about it. C



Abyss (with Harley Race) & Lance Storm (with Jimmy Hart) v 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels & Bryan Danielson

Daniels was hampered by working through his injury and this considerably reduced his and Danielson's chances of qualifying. Abyss needs no invitation to brutalise people but Daniels' injury allowed him to do so even more which led to him taking the bout in 12:16 when Abyss defeated Christopher Daniels by pinfall with The Black Hole. C+


Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock v The Fringe

A tremendous match featuring four wild card qualifiers despite Jarrett being below par. Also despite Jarrett being below par he and Shamrock were able to walk out with a win thanks to a mixture of cunning and ability. Jarrett took this win in 13:58 when Jeff Jarrett defeated Mike Sanders by pinfall with The Stroke. B


Mike Tenay is seen at the announce table and conducts a remote interview with CM Punk, who speaks for the first time since his hanging at Lethal Lockdown. Punk is still in his hospital bed and hooked up to monitors. Punk says that he will be back in time and that the WWE Invaders will all pay for what they did, starting with Maven who had the noose. C+




Al Snow (champion, with Jimmy Hart) v 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown

Monty's power gave Snow some trouble but there were a couple of occasions where Hart saved Snow's title by either distracting Mickey Jay or placing Snow's foot on the ropes. Then, with Brown having hit The Pounce and in an incident echoing the opening match, Hart distracting Jay again and this allowed Goldust to run in and attack Monty. Like Super Crazy earlier, Snow made the most of the interference and retained in 18:38 by pinfall with a Snow Plow. Al Snow makes defence number 4 of his WWE title. C+




'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Goldust

The strange Goldust made his entrance, happy that he deprived Monty Brown of the WWE Championship and confident he will dethrone Harris and become the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Harris was undeterred and focused, and the match turned out to be a see saw affair, going back and forth until towards the end, 'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown returned the favour. With hatred in his eyes and Robert Brisko arguing with Jimmy Hart on the apron, Brown hit The Pounce on Goldust. Goldust went down like a sack of spuds, so Harris, thinking what goes around comes around, rounded off the match in 23:05 by pinfall with a Catatonic. 'Wildcat' Chris Harris makes defence number 13 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. B-


Show rating: C+

The show can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Some of the angles did not reach the standard of the ring action.

Attendance: 7731

Buy rate: 0.61

Profit: $144,774


Attitude was TNA's second best ever show.

Jeff Jarrett & Ken Shamrock v The Fringe was TNA's second best ever match.

Attitude drew TNA's fifth biggest ever buy rate.

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Saturday, week 3, June 2005


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/I0NMhO_sQUg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Current card



'Wildcat' Chris Harris (champion) v Christian Cage (C+)




AJ Styles (champion)? v Air Paris v Caprice Coleman v Super Crazy v qualifier v qualifier (D)



Al Snow (champion) v Steve Corino ©



AK-47 (Austin Aries & Kid Kash, champions) v WWE Invaders (Jerry Lynn & The Miz) (D+)


Dudleys (Brother Devon & Brother Ray) v Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke) (C-)


Bryan Danielson v John Layfield (C+)



Joel Maximo v Jose Maximo (D+)


'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels v Maven (C-)


'Big Black Love Muscle' Monty Brown v Goldust ©



Jeff Jarrett, Ken Shamrock, EZ Money, Mike Sanders, Abyss, Lance Storm, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier, qualifier ©




Name challengers to each of the four titles.

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Impact Preview


Impact comes this week from Wilmington, NC.


Dusty Rhodes is expected to make an announcement regarding Ultimate X and AJ Styles' X Division Championship with AJ currently out injured.

CM Punk spoke for the first time last week since Lockdown. Will more be revealed this week?

There are rumours of an uprising within the WWE Invasion.


The action will be on Spike on Monday night.




WILD CARD QUALIFIER - Doug Williams & Billy Kidman v 'Cowboy' James Storm & Adam Bomb

ULTIMATE X QUALIFIER - Jorge Estrada v Bryan Danielson

'Wildcat' Chris Harris (World Champion) & Steve Corino v Al Snow (WWE Champion) & Christian Cage

Ken Shamrock v Mike Sanders

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v The Miz

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WILD CARD QUALIFIER - Doug Williams & Billy Kidman v 'Cowboy' James Storm & Adam Bomb

ULTIMATE X QUALIFIER - Jorge Estrada v Bryan Danielson

'Wildcat' Chris Harris (World Champion) & Steve Corino v Al Snow (WWE Champion) & Christian Cage

I was thinking this one goes to a no contest... but I'm not too sure.

Ken Shamrock v Mike Sanders

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v The Miz

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WILD CARD QUALIFIER - Doug Williams & Billy Kidman v 'Cowboy' James Storm & Adam Bomb

Anarcy Rules! Adam Bomb is a loser that not even Storm can carry while Kidman can be a superstar for you.

ULTIMATE X QUALIFIER - Jorge Estrada v Bryan Danielson

'Wildcat' Chris Harris (World Champion) & Steve Corino v Al Snow (WWE Champion) & Christian Cage

could also see double cor, but barring that guess the heels win - which gives them loud bragging rights going into the PPV where hero Harris would get the last laugh win.

Ken Shamrock v Mike Sanders

Austin Aries (Tag Team Champion) v The Miz

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