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WCW 1989-We WILL be Number 1

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“Sir Mr. Turner will see you now”


I walked through a big door into the best looking office I had every seen the office of none other than Ted Turner the owner of WCW. He had recently fired the head booker after a string of pretty bad months. I've been in wrestling for years and I was the first person Mr. Turner contacted.


“Well howdy stranger, how ya been?”


“Pretty good sir.”


“Good good, see I have a problem buddy and I think that you can solve it. The only thing is ya never been a booker before and nobody backstage really knows you.”


“I no Mr. Turner, but the reason I'm so sure I can be so successful is I have ideas that have not been done before, and as for the people backstage and the wrestlers I may not be the best known guy but I'm a people person and I will win over a lot of the guys in the back.”


“Well we have a pretty good group of boys back there and i'm excited bout your plans so what exactly are these plans buddy?”


“Attitude, more blood more real story lines more sex you know? All Vince is doing is kid stuff Mr. Turner they might be “Successful” but their not entertaining...to me at least and I know what the people want.”


“Ok, sounds pretty good as long as it helps us compete. I wouldn't usually let people do this but I'll give you a shot...but there was another reason I called you here. There is another guy who is new and wants a job in WCW and wants a shot in the creative things in WCW and his name is..Eric Bischoff he's really new to wrestling but give the kid a shot and damn who knows we could be number one in no time.”


“Alright, so this Eric kid does he have the right to shoot down my ideas does he?”


“No, it's actually the opposite, you can deny Eric's ideas.”


“Alright, so I'll see you soon.”


“Yes ya will boy, tomorrow morning you have a meeting with Eric 9:30 sharp right next to this room.”





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Well ok it's 9:29 I walk into the room Ted told me to and I see a young guy siting leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.


“Hello sir I'm Eric Bischoff”


he shakes my hand.


“Nice to meet you I'm Jack Kingsmith but you can call me Mr. JK. So Mr. Turner has hired you as an assistant to me of sorts you know that right?”


“Yes sir, I do have a say in things don't I?”


“Well I'll be making a lot stuff in the beginning but after I get everything under my new product, I will look at us as a team with me having final say in everything which means if I don't like what your idea is I can shoot it down. Got it?”


“Yes I do and I respect that. Can I be in charge of production?”


“Sure, now lets get down to business. I had the idea of hiring some new guys that could play good parts in an attitude based characters. One would be Mark Callaway who works in USWA could be a future superstar, Two young guys Tommy Dreamer and Louie Spicolli both 18, Brain Lee a worker for USWA, Manger Missy Hyatt, Steve Austin, and I'm thinking about more."


“Well what about firings? That sounds like some good names but with the roster Mr. Turner that would leave a overload don't you think?”


“That's true I'll cut some dead wait off the roster. Our first show is in two days so I'll wait till after that. Well is there anything else you want to discuss?”


“You know there is something that I was going to ask. A lightweight division you know like Luchas from Mexico and all over to work for the WCW Lightweight Championship. What you think?”


“Ummm, well give it a try out match soon will Brain Pillmen and...”


“Eddie Guerrero”


“You want to sign him”


“Yes he's fantastic all round great wrestler.”


“Well give him a try out too. Anything else?”


“Can I be a Color Commentator?”



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This week on WCW World Wide we will hold a little tournament to be named NWA World Title # 1 contender. The first match will be Sting V. Terry Funk and the winner of that will face the winner of Lex Luger V. Sid Vicious next week on Worldwide. We also have a number one contender match for The Fabulous Freebirds NWA Tag Team Championship Doom will face The Road Warriors. And a Grudge Hardcore match between Cactus Jack and Kevin Sulivian. We will also hear from NWA World Champion Ric Flair.


Quick picks

Doom V. The Road Warriors

Kevin Sulivian V. Cactus Jack

Lex Luger V. Sid Vicious

Sting V. Terry Funk


Feel free to make picks there will be a competition for the month also this is my first diary so please feel free to give advice.

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WCW Worldwide Part 1/3


Jim Ross: Welcome to WCW Worldwide I'm JR here with my new partner Eric Bischoff. And Eric tonight is the start of a new era here in WCW.


Eric Bischoff: That's right JR, and damn will it be exciting. I no first hand what this will be like lets go ahead and get this era started baby.


Road Warriors V. Doom

Animal and Ron Simmons start the match off. They lock up in a test of strength and Simmons wins pushing Animal down. Ron then puts Animal in a side head lock but Animal stands up and drives Simmons to the mat. Animal picks him up lefts him above his head and drops him behind his head and then tags in Hawk. They both whip Simmons into the ropes and catch him with a double back breaker. Hawk continues the beat down with stomps to Simmons mid section, Simmons then grabs Hawks leg bringing him down followed by a tag to Reed. Reed goes to work on Hawk with left and right hands followed by whipping Hawk into the corner. Hawk kicks Reed in the balls as Animal was distracting the ref. Then Hawk puts Reed on his Shoulders and Animal comes down with a Doomsday Device.

Winner: The Road Warriors Via pinfall @ 14:31

Rating: C+


JR: Well that was a good match until The Road Warriors cheated.


Bischoff: I don't know what your talking about JR that was a clean good fought match by both teams.


JR: I don't know what match you were watching Eric but clean is not the word I would use to describe this match.




As we return to TV The Nature Boy's music hits as Ric comes down with a mic.


Flair: WOOOOOW! The Nature Boy is here. Yes your World Champ the man that will always be better than you, the man who will make more money for this promo that you all make in year is here WOOOW. Not to mention that my women wooow my women are ten times hotter than the pigs here in Texas. Now lets cut down to business, tonight a tournament will start to determine who faces me at WCW Against All Odds for this piece of Gold on my shoulder. And truth be told I'm not scared by any of them. Hell who really has a chance to beat me some of the best wrestlers in wrestling have went toe to toe with me and fell flat. Look at Dusty I faced him and he could never beat me now look were he is some jobber to the stars up north. Arn Anderson got tired of not being able to beat or be better than Flair so he's in some tag team that no body even cares about. And last but not least “The Universal Hart Throb” Austin Idol hell no body as seen him in two years. The list could keep goin and goin but we don't have time. My point is these guys wrestling for a shot tonight WOOOW don't have a shot against me and they will never be the man WOOOW cuz they will never beat me WOOOOOOW.

Rating: A


Bischoff: Flair speaking the truth as always JR and I feel bad to who ever face Flair in three weeks.


JR: Well Flair is a true legend in Pro wrestling but we all know how big his ego can be at times.


Bischoff: A little ego never hurt anyone JR.


JR: You should know Eric.

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