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Memoirs of a Booker

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*Yuu went through the motions that were many, small and repeating again. A small card table holding tickets printed cheap and limited to several colors.*



"I hope you enjoy show."


*She was honest in her words and feeling even as The Lizard Queen played games with Yuu's future. But Yuu? She was more intricate than the fine wristwatch that draped the Lizard's wrist. Yuu had already played the final hand and left the table while the Queen? She bluffed an empty chair. It made Yuu smile privately even now.*


"I don't know, Yuu."


*Her year end review the night before.*

"I just don't know."


"I do."


"You may even see the future, yes? Please go and in."






5SSW Coronation Road (Thursday)


Held: Thursday, Week 3, December 2010

Location: Doshisha Athletic Center (Kinki)

Attendance: 515




Camera cuts from Sensational Ogiwara to both women shaking hands in the ring and here we go. Lockup and HEART takes Kiko to the corner and they break cleanly. Another lock up again and Kiko takes HEART to the corner and we break clean again with applause from the crowd. They lock up a third time and this one sticks. Side headlock by Kiko, off the ropes but Kiko holds on. HEART escapes into an armbar, but Kiko uses the ropes to flip out of the hold and gets an arm drag to HEART. HEART quick to her feet as the two stare at each other, light applause for both for their testing ways. Kiko claps for HEART.


Lock up and a knee by Kiko, followed by some well placed chops. HEART is sent off the ropes, but returns with a sharp elbow to Kiko. Off the ropes again and Kiko is caught in a Snap scoop powerslam for an early 2! Kiko to the corner and a suplex to Kiko gets another 2. Winning isn't everything, but pinning is. Slam to Kiko, HEART of the ropes with an Abrupt knee drop and covers again. HEART is in control and stays there with a Hammerlock. Kiko escapes, but HEART follows with some educated kicks. Super Kick! No! Kiko holds the ropes and rolls out of the ring. She pounds on the apron in frustration as it's all HEART, all the time.


HEART tries to take advantage, but Kiko with a pick up and rams HEART into the corner, where she sticks. Kiko waits on her, using the time to collect herself some more and erase the bad start. Kiko with elbows to HEART and a snap mare over, and quick following leg drop for her first 2. Headlock by Kiko, HEART to her feet and elbows out. Off the ropes and a tilt a whirl back breaker by Kiko for another 2. Chops by Kiko as she keeps the pressure on with a deliberate pace. Off the ropes again and a straight kick by Kiko sends HEART to the floor. Kiko up top? Full Crossbody to HEART on the floor by Kiko! Both women are down and out near the feet of Sensational Ogiwara.


Kiko up first and tosses HEART in the ring for a cover, 2. Northern lights by Kiko gets another 2! Back slide by HEART, roll through, Double underhook backbreaker! 2.95! Kiko kicked out and HEART is amazed! HEART up top now, misses! Scoop up, Kingdom Quake! 2.999! Kiko is beside herself and look out to the crowd for something, anything. Kiko sends HEART off the ropes, return to sender but it's all Flying Tiger Knee! 3!! HEART Saitoh wins!!!

Official Result: HEART Saitoh defeated Kiko Sakakibara by pinfall with a Flying Tiger Knee.

Rating: D+





After the introductions, the lights are dimmed for action. There are no handshakes offered and none taken as both women stare at each other across the ring until the crowd begins to chant DEVIL's name. Raku has heard enough and charges in only to have her head taken off with clothesline. The match is under way and DEVIL is standing tall.


Raku is back up but only in form as DEVIL has woman handled her with ease. In the corner, DEVIL slaps the face of Raku repeatedly while demanding the Raku wake up. "This is 5SSW, where are you!?" Raku power shoves out of the insulting barrage and breathes heavily and upset, but DEVIL closes back until Raku slaps the next words out of DEVIL's mouth. Sudden Enzuigiri! DEVIL stumbles back but is caught by a leg sweep. Leg Drop to the back of DEVIL's favorited head. Raku feels the momentum and heads up top, but DEVIL is up on her feet and blasts her off the ropes to the floor.


Raku back in the ring, but DEVIL greets her with an elbow. Raku tries another enzuigiri, but DEVIL just tosses this one aside with exaggerated ease. DEVIL goes into her old bag of tricks with a hand full of hair followed by a handful of eyes. She leads Raku around the ring and the crowd adores her all the more. DEVIL tries for a suplex, but Raku slips out in mid-air. Drop kick to the back of DEVIL's favorite head! Raku seizes DEVIL for the Japanese Whip but DEVIL reverses into a sleeper, grounding Raku to a hault in the center of the ring. Jawbreaker by Raku for the escape.


Raku finally gets her pace going off of a high dropkick in the corner followed by a Flipping Neckbreaker that gets almost 2. DEVIL kicks out, but Raku remains in control with a rapid ascent to the top, picture perfect Missle Dropkick and DEVIL is down hard on her favorite face. DEVIL sent hard to the corner, followed fast and hit with a Handspring Back Elbow Smash. DEVIL is dazed, Raku tries to follow with a Scoop Side Piledriver, but DEVIL reverses into a desperation Drop DDT. Both women are down, but DEVIL seems deeper. Raku up first, but DEVIL greets her with a closed right hand which knocks her back. Again, and again until DEVIL is back to her feet. Devil Drop! No!! Rake of the eyes. Fisherman Buster by Raku! DEVIL is set in the downright position as Raku prepares for takeoff.


Swanton Bomb!



Official Result: Raku Makuda defeated DEVIL Karube via pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.

Rating: C+




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Just curious, how many heads does DEVIL Karube have?

:D More than the standard issue it does and seem.






5SSW Coronation Road (Thursday)

Held: Thursday, Week 3, December 2010

Location: Doshisha Athletic Center (Kinki)

Attendance: 515

Show Rating: C


The Road Ends Here!

Raku Makuda and HEART Saitoh did the unimaginable as they knocked the clear favorites clear off of Coronation Road. While many saw Raku upsetting the baddest woman in Joshi today, almost no one saw HEART Saitoh getting past Kiko Sakakibara. Kiko seemed destined for the title shot, and the end of year PPV seemed to be the perfect choice of venues. But the Coronation Road has turned in a surprising direction. It will be either Raku Makuda or HEART Saitoh winning the Empress Cup and facing DEVIL Karube for the Title.




Where are Yuu?


How far is a fall from grace? The once golden "Oracle" of 5SSW may have the numbers to answer that question. Spotted by a sharp eyed forum member at the ticket table, JoshiPants187 did his best to get an answer from Yuu on her own whereabouts. Yuu's cryptic answer:

"You may even see the future, yes? Please go and in."

While some fans remain optimistic, the facts don't speak kindly of Yuu's future with 5SSW. With less than a week until her contract is up for renewal, there has been no standard announcement of an extension. With no ring time to her name and a degree in Television Broadcasting, we may have seen the last of Yuu Onuki in the land of Joshi Puro... until 5SSW hires back again in 2015 that is.




A Blast From The Past.


JWW, three letters that will make Joshi purists tear up to this day, made its annual appearance on Sakura Bank's end of year report. The one time Mother Ship of all things Joshi Puro, slipped into bankruptcy after being dethroned by Sakurako Kagawa and her 5SSW Batallion. Gone but not forgotten, the JWW brand reported a $20,000 annual profit by means of syndication/coprytight revenue. That is down $5,000 from the previous year.





5SSW Coronation Road

Thursday, Week 3, December 2010



Ampulator: 25/27


Astil: 24/27


Wallbanger: 18/27


Dragonmack: 16/27


Editor6: 13/27


NordVolf: 5/27


Bigpapa42: 1/27





Noodleshop: Hi. I am still here. I think that is good and better than the plot, which is not here. *Grumble* But Corontaion Road has been a good patch up, I think I said I did not book the winners in this tournament. Yes? Yes, I did not so I am surprised too. Raku? Really?? *It's my weird oatmeal face* HEART is more of an interesting moment I think.


QAW has their big, super show up. I love The Cherry Bomb.


When I close my eyes REALLY tight, this is what my diary looks like.


Gang Wars! New York always has the best names. The David Mack Chronicles keep me grounded. I would float off into nonsensical bubble without them.


I think that is it, no? Yes. Eyes. Boom.

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"Welcome to the End of the Coronation Road everyone, I'm Kuniyoshi."



"And I am the shocked and amazed Katsuhiko."



"I think we all are after last week, Katsuhiko. What an amazing turn in the road it was last week. I think everyone shares your shock and amazement."

"An incredible night of upsets as both veteran favorites were forced from the Coronation Road by the future of Joshi Puroresu, HEART Saitoh and Raku Makuda."

"The future? I'm going to have to disagee with you there. After what they've accomplished? They are the now of Joshi, not the future. Which leaves only one real question in the air, is DEVIL Karube part of the past now?"


"An interesting question, Katsuhiko and one I'm sure DEVIL will be more than willing to answer. But there is another question we can't skip over just yet. Who will win the 2010 Empress Cup along with the chance to ask DEVIL personally about her place in time in Joshi Puro."




"Before we start, I know Kagawa-san wanted to make a small announcement about the tag team titles. A situation that has been in limbo since the departure of Fuyuko Higa."


"Yes, I really do hate loose ends. So I will be inviting all of those involved down to the ring tonight so we may straighten this out once and for all. Now that Coronation Road is almost finished, it's time to get our vibrant tag division back on track."



"Almost finished is right as our Main Event is still tonight, let's start with the younger of the two, HEART Saitoh. If we are still shocked and amazed a week later, it is because of what this young woman did. I think we all said it last time, this was Kiko Sakakibara's chance at the title. But HEART snatched the clock right from her hand."

"Unbelievable and if you go back and watch that match, she did it impressively. She took control early, and Kiko had to abandon her playbook for high risks."


"Kiko has been with me a long time, and I respect her as much as anyone on this roster. On top of that, I would never bet against her in any match. She really needed to ground the high flier Saitoh, not play her game. I think it helped her a little, but it cost her everything in the end. What made me smile the most was how much HEART reminded me of her teacher, Sensational Ogiwara. Her execution was brilliant and her game plan was well thought out."


"Ogiwara-san had to have been proud, watching from her ringside seat. But I think you bring up a good point, this is going to be a high flying affair. Raku "The Assassin" Makuda is known for her big aerial maneuvers, and wild risk taking."


"Raku is such a special woman. There is no one else like her in women's wrestling today. But I don't see the wild risk taker, I really don't. She knows exactly what she is doing in a very cool manner. The moves are wild, to be sure. But not the mind inside."


"Interesting insight, and I agree completely. Raku is out of the box but that is by choice, not by defect. These two are so evenly matched. They are the same size. They both love to pick up the pace. But Raku has the edge on experience, almost 6 years more ring time than HEART Saitoh. I know HEART has an amazing teacher, but Raku has the best around: Experience. Raku is going to take this match."


"I'm not sold on this calculating chaos theory you both seem to have. Raku is very smart, and a great wrestler. But she gambles on those big moves, and when she loses the bet? She usually loses the match. HEART showed a lot of poise and control last week, she does that again? She wins when Raku makes a mistake. Kagawa-san?"


"The fans of 5SSW will win tonight, pf that much I am certain. But I will agree with you both, it is anyone's match tonight. They are so equally matched. I can't wait."





Coronation Road 2010: Empress Cup Tournament



Week 4, December, 2010


HEART Saitoh vs. Raku Makuda



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*The night is building with lines, grace and that particular that is violence. There is only the Main Event which is left. Behind the curtains Raku and HEART pace, wait of the fire building. Yuu can feel it on her skin. It is then that the music of the Lizard Queen begins and the crowd becomes the electric eel of motion and eyes. Yuu could still smile at the reaction her one time mentor could provoke. In the ring, The Lizard Queen bowed her head deep in mutual respect of the crowd. The show was always on.*




5SSW Coronation Road (Thursday)


Held: Tuesday, Week 4, December 2010

Location: Doshisha Athletic Center (Kinki)

Attendance: 575



"This Sunday will be our biggest show of the year. The winner of Coronation Road will face DEVIL Karube for her World Title."


*A wave of cheers and applause from the crowd.*


"But before we go there, we have some unfinished business to take care of. Chiyeko Kita?"


*Kagawa looked back towards the curtain that separated the us and the them.*

"Please bring the Tag Team titles to the ring."


*The music of Shojo Beatdown played, and soon Chiyeko Kita emerged with both titles over her shoulders. She did not look happy as the Lizard Queen tried to look sypathetic, reading the young woman's mind.*


"You are right Chiyeko. It isn't fair. You worked just as hard as anyone to get those titles, and you fought hard to keep them. You put your body on the line!"



"That's right!"


*Chiyeko nodded in full agreement.*


"But it's not fair to the other tag teams to let this limbo continue any longer. That is why tonight I am officially vacating the-"


"No! Stop right there, Kagawa-san."


*Kita held up a hand, and made no move to relinquish the belts across her shoulder.*


"You're right. I did work hard. I did put my body on the line and I did it for one reason only."


"That fans?"


*The crowd on hand cheered, but Chiyeko ignored them with great conviction.*


"No! The 5SSW Tag Team titles! You and the fans are both the same, Kagawa-san. You think my more famous ex-partner did all the work. You think Fuyuko made Shojo Beatdown. Well, she didn't, I did!"


*The crowd was not on Chiyeko's side. But she didn't care as she adjust the titles on her shoulder again.*


"I'm tired of living in that shadow. She's gone, but I'm still here."


*Chiyeko looked at the Lizard Queen.*


"And if I'm still here, then so is Shojo Beatdown!"


*The Shojo Beatdown theme starts again as both Kita and Kagawa-san look to the curtain. Kita with a smile on her face. It doesn't take lone before the Joanne Rodriguez breaks into the public eyes much to the shock of those involved. She doesn't look happy either, until she is standing beside Kita. Kita takes one of the belts from her shoulders and passes it over to Joanne. The crowd responds with sound as the Lizard Queen stares.*


"You want to take these titles off of us? Then with all due respect, Kagawa-san, step aside and let those poor, mistreated tag teams in the back come and take them!"


*Kita lowered her microphone.*

"With all due respect? You skate a very fine line, Chiyeko. But you do skate it and I like your spirit, if not your message. But you will defend those titles this weekend. It will be ShoJoa Beatdown... versus The Daughters of Whirlocity for the 5SSW Tag Team titles, and we will see if your spirit and your message are really on the same page."


*The Lizard's theme plays as Kagawa-san waves to the crowd one more time before leaving her ring. Joanne leans in and talks to her tag team partner about the latest development. Kita gives a short nod before both leave the ring as well.*


Coronation Road Final: HEART Saitoh vs. Raku Makuda


*As soon as the voices fall. The music of HEART Saitoh tears into the space left open. The crowd applauds and then stands as Sensational Ogiwara leads the way to the ring and holds the ropes open for HEART before joining her inside the ring one more time. As HEART is introduced by name, Ogiwara claps along with the crowd. She looks deep into her students eyes and nods, telling her that this is her time now.*


Raku is in the ring before her music even gets warmed up. She attacks HEART from behind before with a stiff forearm to the back of her head before the bell even rings. She needs no introduction it seems. Raku keeps the pressure up driving her into the corner and then delivering some stiff chops to the throat. Raku plays the crowd, who is not happy with her, and then mocks HEART with a gesture of death before the referee makes the corner break. Japanese whip by Raku, HEART hits hard and falls to the mat. HEART seems off her game as she tries to get some space with some defensive chops, but Raku levels her with a Standing dropkick. Arm drag by Raku that settles into a High Armbar but HEART to the ropes and up. Japanese whip, HEART finally counters with a back flip and then backdrops Raku off the rebound. Chops again, snap suplex and then a stomp to the face by HEART. Single leg sweep by Raku and she then stomps on the head of HEART. Touche! Both women up and stare down.




Test of strength lock-up, Throat Thrust by Raku but HEART with chops to fire back. Raku grabs the hair and drives HEART to the mat skull first. The crowd hates Raku. Off the ropes and HEART manages a dropkick and covers for 2. Chops by HEART, but Raku slams her spine first back to the corner, maintaining the focus on keeping HEART grounded. Slaps by Raku, and chops by HEART. Raku levels her again with an standing dropkick, and then tosses her to the floor. Raku follows and beats her down outside. Raku slams HEART to the apron then tosses her into expensive seats. HEART is down and furnitured. Raku has another chair, but HEART desperation Superkicks it into her face and sends Raku falling into the crowd. Nobody catches her. Raku is down, HEART back in the ring and moonsaults out to the floor, but Raku gets the chair up! Both are down as HEART rolls on the concrete floor, holding her ribs. Raku struggles back to the ring and props her self in the corner as the referee starts his count.




HEART is struggling to get back into the ring, but she make it and Raku covers for 2. Raku misses a clothesline, roll up by HEART for a surprise 2. Back to the corner, uppercuts by Raku, she charges and then gets a running shoulder. Lariat by Raku and a cover for 2. Raku applies an Armlock cloverleaf, crowd behind HEART as she gets the ropes. Raku spits at the crowd and sets HEART up top and goes for an elevated Sitout jawbreaker, but HEART fights and gets a Double Underhook suplex from the top! HEART rolls over for a long 2. HEART back up with some sharp kicks as Raku finds her feet. Chops from HEART and more kicks too. Lariat misses, but Enziguri by HEART finds the mark for another close 2. HEART is holding her head, slams Raku to the corner and misses a charge. Raku with a lariat for 2! Raku up top now, grabs HEART and pulls her up with her. HEART fights and they are all the way up top now, Superplex by HEART! Cover!! No!!!




The crowd thought it was over. HEART up top now, but Raku trips her up and nails a Stunner from the top! Cover!! 2!!! Raku picks up HEART, no, Short range lariat by HEART. HEART unsteady but up top. Flying Tiger Knee! Misses!! Raku gets another Stunner! 2.9999998!! Crowd loves HEART's heart. Raku doesn't as she drags HEART across the canvas. Raku tells the crowd it's over as she heads up top. Swanton Bomb! HEART rolls clear and both women are down again!! Raku is not happy. HEART slaps Raku across the face with feeling, High leg lariat response by Raku. 2.9999999! Kicks by HEART, but Raku with another Stunner! Ouch!! Raku jumps up top quick this time, High Swanton Bomb! Connects!! 3!!!




Official Result: Raku Makuda defeated HEART Saitoh via pinfall with a Swanton Bomb.

Rating: D+




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