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Total Championship Wrestling: Tuesday Night Wars

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Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson - Vessey's on his way toward a near main event PPV match.


Bali So' vs Scout - DDQ Schmozz


James Prudence vs Freddy Huggins - Keeps up the Prudence push


Rick Law & Troy Tornado vs The Cali Dragons (Frankie Perez & Mikey James) - Squashy squashy!


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith - Taylor's a mini-Keith in a way, but not good enough to beat him.


Sammy Bach vs Joey Minnesota - ******* roidhead wins! :)

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Damn 'Fall Children' moniker really swerved me last show :p


Bryan Vessey vs John Anderson


Right now Vessey is being presented as the singles star


Bali So' vs Scout


Samoan's seem to be getting a strong push right from the off and a 'shock' singles win here for Bali would help further their claims for a title shot.


James Prudence vs Freddy Huggins


Should we take much notice of Prudence win on the B-show against a momemtumless Buffalo who is probably on the job out the door tour ? Of course the other reason for him winning here, is that getting a win over Edd Stone's tag partner will get the All Action champ's attention.


Rick Law & Troy Tornado vs The Cali Dragons (Frankie Perez & Mikey James)


Cali Dragon's will put in a 'plucky' performance, as the arrogant Law and Tornado 'understimate' their 'jobber' opponents but ultimately this will still be a squash.


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith


Keith is still being booked as a legendary performer who still has 'it' and getting a win over him would still be seen as a big deal. Taylor isn't at that level yet to go over the Living Legend.


Sammy Bach vs Joey Minnesota


Tainted win for Bach, following interference from Acid. I know that Minnesota is currently that little higher up the card but it seem's like you big plans for Bach.

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Damn 'Fall Children' moniker really swerved me last show :p


Was not the intent with using the moniker, but it was still fun to see.


Sammy Bach is based on Raven to some degree, obviously. He's also got some emo to him, which is where the theme music - "God Called in Sick Today" by AFI - comes in. There is another element, where the whole idea of "The Fall" comes from, which will gradually make more sense and probably become apparent.


"Fall Children" is a song by AFI, where is what I grabbed it from. Didn't really expect anyone to make the connection, but I just liked the vagueness of it.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 3, April 2010

The Theatre of Dreams (North West)



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Chapter Seven

A Path Chosen



Jason Azaria & Kyle Rhodes




The TCW logo fades into a shot of the crowd as the Total Wrestling theme song plays. Some of TCW's biggest and best moments are highlighted as part of the shows opening video montage. Notably, few of the highlights are of the HGC days of the promotion. It highlights the current crop of TCW talent.


Jason Azaria: Bringing you the very best in professional wrestling, this is... Total Championship Wrestling! I am Jason Azaria, and with me is my broadcast partner, Kyle Rhodes.

Kyle Rhodes: Good evening to one and all. We have a great night of action ahead of us. We're getting things started this week with a big match....



John Anderson vs Bryan Vessey

6'4” + 251 lbs vs 6'5” + 252 lbs


The two veteran technical wrestlers put on a clinic. The match starts at a sprint pace and does not let up. Its not just simply great chain wrestling with endless counters and reversals, but its done at a breakneck pace. The movement is constant. Anderson's partner Brent Hill is at ringside, but he doesn't interfere in the match, perhaps simply because there is no opportunity to. The match is almost entirely even through the first seven minutes, then Vessey begins to take over. The pace doesn't slow, as he punishes Anderson at full speed. After a big Vessey Driver spinning Death Valley Driver, “Shogun” goes for the first pin of the match and gets the three count from the referee. Though its a decisive win for Vessey – who doesn't celebrate at all – its the kind of action that will have fans wanting more.


Bryan Vessey Wins at 11:31 via Pinfall

Grade: B+

Kyle Rhodes: What a match to start the night out, Jason.

Jason Azaria: Indeed. That could have been a main event!



Wolf Hawkins & Jasmine Saunders

Backstage Promo


Hawkins is glaring intently into the camera. Jasmine Saunders stands beside “The Prodigy” on the backstage interview set.


Jasmine Saunders: Wolf, last week you face TCW World Heavyweight champion Rocky Golden in a non-title match. Now Tommy Cornell showed up and somehow made it into the arena...

Wolf Hawkins: I don't want to talk about Tommy, Jasmine. I want to talk about Wolf. About me. Last week I not only faced the World Heavyweight champion... I beat him. Pinned him... one, two, three. No one has done that in six months. Golden, the face of the promotion and the favorite of all these fans, falling to the Wolf. And that just proves what should have been evident for a long time now – that I am one of the preeminent talents in Total Championship Wrestling. I am not just Tommy Cornell's sidekick or clone.


The interviewer nods, as if this all somehow interesting to her personally.


Jasmine Saunders: So do you intend to ask the Home Office for a title match against Golden, after defeating him in a non-title match.

Wolf Hawkins: Of course. I would be stupid not to. You aren't calling me stupid, are you? I don't think so. See, Cornell didn't train me to be a good wrestler. He trained me to be the very best. Just like he is. I proved that last week against Golden. I will prove it again at the pay per view when I wreck Minnesota. And the whole world will understand when I take the TCW World Heavyweight championship from Rock.


Saunders nods.


Jasmine Saunders: Speaking of the coming Where Angels Fear to Tread pay per view, do you feel that your match against Joey Minnesota will affect whether or not you get a shot at Golden's world title?

Wolf Hawkins: It shouldn't. But it won't matter anyway. I am going to tear Minnesota apart and leave him beginning for mercy... Begging...


Hawkins gives one more hard look into the camera, then stalks away.


Grade: A*


Scout vs Bali So'

6'3” + 235 lbs vs 6'5” + 255 lbs


This is another match which could be so much more with more time. With Guide, Rav Umaga, and Sara Silver at all ringside, there is also an air of expectation. The action is quick, though not as frantic as the opening match. The power of the chiseled Samoan is obvious against the tag champion. The match is back and forth, with neither working holding much of advantage. The thick skull of Bali comes into play once again, as he takes a big knee to the cranium from Scout without so much as flinching. The end of the match is rather cheap, as Umaga moves around the outside of the ring and gets into Guide's face, causing a distraction for Bali to take advantage of. He doesn't look particular please as he smashes Scout with a series of big shots, and then delivers a Samoan Driver. Guide looks on outside the ring, frustrated, as his partner gets pinned for the three count.


Bali So' Wins at 8:55 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Guide, Scout, Bali So, Rav Umaga, Brent Hill & John Anderson

Post Match Chaos


As soon as the match is over, Guide, Umaga, and Silver are all in the ring. There is a momentary standoff, as Silver taunts the TCW World Tag Team champions. While this is happening, The Machines are making their way down to the ring. When they slide, things ratchet up a notch. The three teams all eye each other warily. The manager Silver takes refuge behind her two Samoan hitmen. There are a number of TCW staffers at ringside, waiting to see what will happen.


For a moment, it seems like violence might be avoided.





Eddie Peak & Genghis Rahn


The Total Violence Connection emerge in a hurry, to a chorus of boos, and they hit the ring fighting. In a blink, the ring is full of chaotic violence. It is three heel teams against the TCW World Tag Team champions, but there is no cooperation between the three teams.


Silver is out of the ring, watching with a smirk of satisfaction. Her Samoan duo hold up well in the chaos, as does the wildman Eddie Peak. Such chaotic violence is perfectly his element.


Rahn gets tossed out of the ring by the combined effort of Hill and Anderson, with the veteran going down hard to the floor. The melee slows for a moment, and the TCW staff take advantage to swarm into the ring and try to calm things down.


Grade: B+

Kyle Rhodes: I understand why the Machines got involved, even if I don't happen to agree. But what are Peak and Rahn doing in there?



Eddie Peak, Genghis Rahn & Jasmine Saunders

Backstage Promo


Jasmine Saunders is the backstage interview set by herself. She hesitates for a moment before speaking, looking around with a look of confusion. Then she shrugs and begins.


Jasmine Saunders: I am supposed to be here with Eddie Peak and Genghis Rahn, but they have instead headed down to the ring to involve themselves in the post-match shenanigans...


The interviewer trails off as there is a cacophony of noise approaching the set. The camera turns, and Eddie Peak and Genghis Rahn are making a vicious racket as they approach they set. They storm onto it, charging toward the camera as if they might attack.


Eddie Peak: Shenanigans? Oh yes... there were shenanigans... Necessary shenanigans. See, my little game with Mr. Benson is on hold for a moment. Not my choice. I would love to wrap these hands around his throat at the pay per view. But he has chosen to pursue the All-Action title instead. As if he is doing anything but delaying the inevitable. So rather than sit on the sidelines for this pay per view, Rahn and I decided to involve ourselves. The Machines wanted to make the tag title match a three-way. We want to make it a four way.

Genghis Rahn: Unless The New Wave fear the Total Violence Connection...

Eddie Peak: They should... They should...


With that the pair of wild brawlers stalk off the set.


Grade: B+

Jason Azaria: I was not aware the tag title match at Where Angels Fear to Tread had officially been made a three way yet...

Kyle Rhodes: It hasn't...



James Prudence vs Freddy Huggins

6' + 236 lbs vs 6'1” + 235 lbs


This is a surprisingly solid All-Action match that lives up to the division's name. With a bit more time, they pair may have put on one of the finest All Action matches in recent memory, but it is very good regardless. It starts off in a hurry and slows a bit in the middle, before speeding up a bit toward the end. The match avoids being a spotfest, with a simple little story of both guys going full out for a chance at the All-Action title at Where Angels Fear to Tread. The final sequence is fun, as the men trade finisher attempts with neither being able to land one clean. After Prudence ducks under a Huggins Kiss superkick attempt for the second time, he rebounds off the ropes and hits his Surf's Up knee, charging onto Huggins and getting the pin fall.


James Prudence Wins at 10:12 via Pinfall

Grade: B-

Kyle Rhodes: So James Prudence will challenge Edd Stone for the All-Action title at Where Angels Fear to Tread.

Jason Azaria: As will Benny Benson, apparently.

Kyle Rhodes: So we have another three way?

Jason Azaria: Indeed.



Rocky Golden & Miss Sara

In-Ring Promo


The reception by the fans for the TCW World Heavyweight champion is huge. He and Miss Sara play to the fans, high-fiving fans on the way down to the ring. The champion takes the time to pose in the ring with his belt as well. He finally takes a microphone. When the fans quiet a bit, he speaks.


Rocky Golden: Last week, I lost to Wolf Hawkins.


The fans boo. He nods, as if agreeing with the boos.


Rocky Golden: I'm not worried about the kid. Not right now. I'm focused entirely on Rick Law. See Law, last week, you didn't just stick your nose in my match last. You took things a step further. A step too far. You want to target me and this belt, that's fine. I understand that. I've been a target since I won this from Tommy Cornell. But when you target my Sara...


The pretty young women steps up beside her man, grabbing onto his arm as if she is still being menaced by Law.


Rocky Golden: That's taking things too far, Law. You made this personal. Very personal.


A momentary silence allows this to sink in.


Rocky Golden: Next week, at the pay per view, I'm not just going to defeat you Law. I'm going to remind you and the fans and all of TCW why I am champion. I am going to remind you how a gentleman should act.


Another moment of silence.


Rocky Golden: This is going to be a lesson you won't forget, Law.


With that, Golden leaves the ring with his belt over his shoulder and his woman on his arm.


Grade: A*

Kyle Rhodes: It would appear that Rick Law has succeeded in getting under the skin of our champion.



The Cali Dragons vs Rick Law & Troy Tornado

415 lbs total combined weight vs 542 lbs total combined weight


This one doesn't deviate too much from the expected. The heel duo are simply too much for the lightweight duo, despite their superior experience as a tandem. The Dragons do manage to get in fair amount offense, but its only marginally effective. The double-team moves the manage work better against Law and Tornado, but they don't get too much opportunity to use them. Tornado heels it up, seemingly more interested in posing and preening, but he takes some punishment for it. Law is all business. Law gets the three count after delivering a nasty-looking Squad Car Slam sidewalk slam to Frankie Perez.


Rick Law & Troy Tornado Win at 9:04 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Rick Law & Troy Tornado

Post-Match Promo


The Dragons clear out after the loss, consoling each other. Law and Tornado remain in the ring, grabbing a microphone. Law goes first, not being the most patient of men.


Rick Law: You still don't get it, Rock. You think last week made this personal.... It didn't. Its been personal all along. You think that belt makes you a target. That it is just that belt I want. But I want to take everything from you. That belt... your spot... the respect you get... I am going to take everything you have... Everything!


Law pauses for a moment, then adds.


Rick Law: You can keep the damned woman.


With that, Law hands over the microphone to Tornado and makes his way out of the ring. He gets booed as he stomps up the ramp. Tornado waits for “The Guardian Devil” to depart and the booing fans to quiet down.


Troy Tornado: Next week... at Where Angels Fear to Tread... the sequel that the world at large has demanded... Troy Tornado... Koshiro Ino... This time, with an ending everyone can get behind!


There are boos as Tornado grins. He takes a moment to flex, then continues.


Troy Tornado: You might have played the snake in the grass last month and got one over the Tornado, Ino. But it won't happen again. Oh no, we're flipping the script this time. The endless awesomeness of this guy can't be held down twice in a row. I'm not just going to beat you... I'm going to whip the face paint off of you. I'm going to send you running back to Japan. I'll have you begging for mercy. The damage path of this Tornado is going to be endless! Oh yeah!


“Hollywood” has worked himself into a fury. He calms himself with some flexing.


Troy Tornado: Take this as a warning and a promise, Ino. This time, the plucky hero wins out. You are going down.


Tornado drops the mic, then poses and flexes for the fans who are far from adoring.


Grade: A*


Joshua Taylor vs Sam Keith

6'3” + 248 lbs vs 6'1” + 235 lbs


The TCW International champion gets a pretty good reaction from the fans. That pales to the major negative reception that greets the appearance of Sam Keith, emerging to “Kashmir” by Led Zeppelin with his twin sons behind him.


The early going is mostly Keith. He seems to delight in tying up Taylor in painful holds and teaching the young man some “lessons”. The man known as “The Living Legend” goes so far as calling out the moves to his kids, as if the whole thing is for their benefit. “The American Samurai” rides it out, works for better positioning and fights his way out of the holds, avoiding the frustration that would set in for many workers. After about five minutes of this, Taylor begins to hold his own. He begins to counter Keith into holds of his own, which clearly frustrates the veteran. Both men are stubbornly determined, and it makes for a nice quick-fire sequence of chain wrestling, with several pin attempts by both. Near the ten minute mark, both men glare at each other as they slowly circle the center of the ring. The rising respect of Keith toward his opponent is almost tangible. Keith goes for a Keith Atomic Drop, and ends up taking a Taylor Driver instead. It beings to look like the International champion might pull of the upset win, but the briefest bit of interference from Matthew Keith – a trip that causes Taylor to stumble coming off the ropes – is enough for “The Living Legend” to take control back after he waylays Taylor with a big elbow. Keith whips his opponent into the corner, points to heaven, and then delivers his trademark series of hard chest slaps. Thus begins the closing sequence leading towards the inevitable – Keith's feared Proton Lock. After a Neutron Plex, Keith locks in the Proton Lock. Taylor holds out for a moment as he struggles for the ropes, but he cannot reach. “The American Samurai” has no chance but to tap out.


Sam Keith Wins at 15:04 via Submission

Grade: B



Bryan Vessey, Sam Keith, Greg Keith & Matthew Keith

In-Ring Promo


As Sam Keith celebrates the victory, his twin sons climb into the ring to join him. Their celebration does not last long before it is interrupted by “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple, who foretells the arrival of Bryan Vessey. “Shogun” wears street clothes, and he carries a microphone. He speaks once the reaction from the fans quiets down.


Bryan Vessey: Y'all say I ain't worth of facing ya, Keith. I think that's bull. But I ain't got no problem in beating you and your boys at this pay per view. None at all.


He grins while all three Keith's glare.


Bryan Vessey: Finding a partner wasn't no problem. No shortage of folks back there who don't like you, Keith. No shortage at all. I picked just one man. One man who be a legend hisself. One man you know pretty well...

The crowd pops huge as familiar music plays. One of the greatest legends of Total Championship Wrestling steps out onto the stage and stands beside Vessey.



Ricky Dale Johnson


Vessey hands the microphone over to RDJ.


Ricky Dale Johnson: Three versus two, Keith. You better hope those boys of yours are ready. See you three at Where Angels Fear to Tread....


The crowd pops big, with the Keith trio glaring at Vessey and Johnson.


Grade: A

Kyle Rhodes: Wow, we now have Bryan Vessey and Ricky Dale Johnson against Sam Keith and his two sons, Greg and Matthew.... Another big match for the pay per view!

Jason Azaria: Indeed.



Sammy Bach & Joey Minnesota

5'10” + 225 lbs vs 6'2” + 245 lbs


“The Fallen” Sammy Bach comes down to the ring with both Karen Killer and Acid. Minnesota, getting a huge reception, comes by himself.


The match is fast-paced and open, with both men getting plenty of offense. The two are familiar opponents, having faced each other in Danger and Violence Extreme numerous times. Minnesota actually shows off his aerial chops a bit, the 245-pound using the top rope liberally in this match as he shows off his athleticism. Bach engages in some chain wrestling as well, but Minnesota keeps getting the better of things. There are a couple of near falls around the ten minute mark, after which things descend into a brawl. Minnesota ends up going through the ropes and while Bach distracts referee Sam Sparrow in the ring, Acid lays into “The Philly Phenom” on the floor. The masked high flier ends up taking several big elbow shots for his effort, however. Back inside the ring, Minnesota and Bach go back and forth, exchanging kicks and shots. Bach relies most heavily on the kicks, while Minnesota works some big elbow shots, looking for a knockout blow that he doesn't manage to land. A springboard dropkick by Bach slows Minnesota down, and he looks to take over.


The match stops cold for a moment as Wolf Hawkins suddenly appears on the ramp and makes his way down to the ring. “The Prodigy” doesn't make any move to interfere, but simply watches. Grinning, Bach goes back to work with his kicks. He looks to be heading towards the upset win, but when he attempts The Fall, his corkscrew springboard moonsault, Minnesota manages to get out of the way. He battles back with some elbows, then gets a big pop when he executes his rarely seen standing moonsault. He goes to the top turnbuckle for his Minnesota Salute flying forearm, but Hawkins climbs onto the ring apron. Minnesota ends up nailing Bach with the big forearm regardless, then follows that up with an Empire Spiral back suplex to spike slam, which gets him the three count.


Joey Minnesota Wins at 16:12 via Pinfall

Grade: B



Joey Minnesota, Wolf Hawkins & Sammy Bach

Post-Match Chaos

As soon as the bell rings, Hawkins is into the ring and yelling at his rival. Minnesota ends up being restrained by referee Sam Sparrow as he is ready to battle “The Prodigy”. Bach takes a seat on the top turnbuckle, grinning as he watches the chaos and clearly enjoying it. He calls out encouragement, apparently hoping things will break down into an outright brawl. That nearly happens, as the two men start to attach each other but are quickly separated by several more TCW stafffers who hit the ring in a hurry.


Grade: A*


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A Few Post Show Thoughts


I am apparently becoming very proficient at booking B+ shows. Not a bad thing, actually. Tried a bit different approach with this, going for a deep show with solid matches throughout rather than mid-level matches leading up to a particularly strong main event. Surprised that a few of these matches delivered to that level, especially Vessey-Anderson. Though both main events disappointed a bit, perhaps because the midcard was so solid.



Heel Rick Law Sans Hat, Courtesy jhd1


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Guest cmdrsam

Bryan Vessey Wins at 15:04 via Submission


Error maybe? Good show however. Shaping up nicely. Did like Rahn and Peak coming in. Gave Rahn some air time which you seem to be a master at.

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Error maybe? Good show however. Shaping up nicely. Did like Rahn and Peak coming in. Gave Rahn some air time which you seem to be a master at.


Yeah, good catch. Thanks.


Glad you enjoyed the show.


I want to point out that a lot of your better matches include your better performers (higher consistency, basics, selling, psychology) and/or workers that fit TCW more (brawler/technicians/regular wrestlers).


The better performance skills aspect is not surprising. Didn't really think too much about the worker style, but that would make sense as well.


If I was booking for grades, I would probably be more concerned in that regard. I would have likely taken the belt off of Golden and definitely would not have taken Cornell out of the ring for a month for a storyline. I'm okay getting B or B+ shows, as those will keep me moving forward. The intent is to gradually build toward a roster that really fits TCW in terms of skills, but I'm not in a rush to get there.

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Heel Rick Law Sans Hat, Courtesy jhd1



Dude looks like George Michael.


Good show, BP. Nice to see that TCW can survive even without the obvious big-hitters (Syndicate, mainly) in the ring for most of the show.

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Dude looks like George Michael.


Good show, BP. Nice to see that TCW can survive even without the obvious big-hitters (Syndicate, mainly) in the ring for most of the show.


George Michael would make a pretty good bad-ass heel, wouldn't he?


I really wasn't certain how well I would do without Cornell on-screen for the month, but it hasn't been bad at all. Not fantastic but also not well below where I was before. Given that I tend to spam Cornell a bit to add to the grades, its a nice learning experience.

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Mark 12.0

A Fall


We are most often the architects of our demise.


That is not to say when we fall, it is always from our own hand. Sometimes it is. Sometimes we are pushed. But our own hand has usually played some role. We have put ourselves in the position to be pushed.


The sad part is that, often, by the time we can understand our role and contribution to the situation, it is far too late. Some of us simply lack the self-awareness to ever come to understand our role.


Buffalo is on his way out. His contract has not actually expired yet, but he won't be on TV any longer. The website statement wishing him all the best from TCW management has not been posted yet, but its ready to go. His run here is done.


I have my doubts that American Buffalo will ever understand or acknowledge how he created this situation himself.


I try to avoid dealing in rumor and conjecture. Unfortunately, in this situation, I have naught else. So that's all I can give. According to the rumors and conjecture, the beginning of American Buffalo's end in Total Championship Wrestling was about the summer of 2009. It was when TCW was having some obvious money problems and around the time that Baine was allowed to leave to join USPW on a better deal than Cornell could offer. Buffalo was having the best run of his career, taking up a role as a lacky enforcer in The Syndicate while Sam Keith was injured. Some stories circulated through the backstage around that point that Buffalo was talking up how he was going to get a big offer from the Supreme Wrestling Federation when his current deal came up. Was there anything to that rumor? Tough to say. It was right when Peter Michaels was encouraging them to snap enough every big hoss they could, so it would make sense. Whether the stories about an SWF actually came from Buffalo himself, I do know they eventually got to The Boss and Bryant, and neither were impressed. If they indeed came from Buffalo, this is where his path toward an eventual departure began.


When Buffalo's deal came up, I hear that Cornell did make him an offer. But he apparently asked for the kind of money that would put him on level of guys like Sam Keith and Bryan Vessey. Money might not be as much of an issue as it was six months ago, but Buffalo is not about to get that much more than he deserves. Another big step to his own demise.


Given that he's working out his TCW contract, I don't imagine the SWF deal materialized. Perhaps down the road....


The story of American Buffalo in Total Championship Wrestling is one of unfulfilled potential. When Tyson Baine talked Cornell into signing Buffalo in 2006, it was not hard to figure out why. The guy is huge and looks as menacing as almost anyone else in this business. He was a green, though, and already over 30 years old. The reality in this business is that a big man doesn't need to be a great worker, as his size can cover for a lot. Being just an adequate worker is usually enough for someone the is size of Buffalo. No one expected him to develop into a Sam Keith clone. The problem is that Buffalo never really improved much at all.


Its not to say that Buffalo was terrible. He wasn't. But he was never quite as good overall as the likes of Baine or Rahn. And when Eddie Peak arrived, well, he was a further step behind. Buffalo was decent enough compared to most big men. Even without improving, he would have done well enough in USPW or the SWF – Runway Train was not much better in his prime and he's a two time SWF World champion. But Buffalo was in TCW, where work-rate and skill matter more. While he could be carried to a pretty decent match, he was incapable of putting together anything more than mediocre on his own.


The question becomes why Buffalo never improved. Was he simply incapable? Was he too lazy to put the work in? Too old? He worked with some of the best talent in the business, so the opportunity to develop into a better worker was ever-present. When one looks at the career of American Buffalo in Total Championship Wrestling, that failure to improve is really where his fall began.


Where does Buffalo go from here? I would not be surprised to see him land in either the SWF or USPW. He could do okay. He is 36 years old and he doesn't come in with the name value or talent that the like of Tyson Baine did. So I also wouldn't be shocked to see him float around the business for awhile, working independent shows, maybe hooking up with small promotion like FCW or NYCW. Get a few more years and make a few more dollars before fading away into whatever the rest of his life holds, to look back on the glory days of his run with Total Championship Wrestling, where he had the honor of being in several angles with the legendary Tommy Cornell.


When his career is long past and done, how will Buffalo look back on his time in TCW? Will he be bitter about what could have been, or enjoy what he did manage? Will he see where his fall began and his own hand in that?


The Total Mark

Wednesday, Week 3 April 2010

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NO! The Buffalo is being put out to pasture. He will be greatly missed. However, the word 'fall' was used a lot, so I'm gonna hold out hope that Sammy Bach will bring him back. I know The Mark segments are non-kayfabe backstage diary entries and not used to foreshadow on-air events in this way, but a Hump can dream.


I again enjoyed the last Total Wresting. I like the unique dynamic between Law and Tornado...I picture Law seeing the lineup, sighing, and being like, "I have to team with him again?" Tornado would of course be oblivious to this sentiment.

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NO! The Buffalo is being put out to pasture. He will be greatly missed. However, the word 'fall' was used a lot, so I'm gonna hold out hope that Sammy Bach will bring him back. I know The Mark segments are non-kayfabe backstage diary entries and not used to foreshadow on-air events in this way, but a Hump can dream.


I again enjoyed the last Total Wresting. I like the unique dynamic between Law and Tornado...I picture Law seeing the lineup, sighing, and being like, "I have to team with him again?" Tornado would of course be oblivious to this sentiment.


I knew someone wouldn't be happy to see Buffalo go, and I figured it would be you.


I honestly would have run with the Buffalo Humps thing if he was sticking around. But by the point you brought that little gem up, it was already too far along in his departure. He may return but he is out of contract so it won't be for awhile. The repeated use of the "fall" idea from the Total Mark segment is just a theme I'm using throughout, and it does connect to Sammy Bach's character... but not that directly.


It was actually a tough decision on Buffalo, and I ended up seeking some advice before I made a decision. TigerKinney summed it up best for me when he said that if you are keeping him for no other reason than hoarding his talent, then let him go. And that's what it came down to. He's not terrible by any means, and I could have found some "use' for him, but I wouldn't be keeping him because I had specific plans... It would have been because I was hoarding the talent and that is quite simply what got me into some problems witih Generation Supreme, in terms of a massively bloated roster.


He never improved at all in the ring, even though I put him in matches with a few talented guys in hopes of that. He's 36 years old. He's not a positive influence backstage. Even though I had already decided to let him walk, I actually accidentally requested negotiations, and he asked for what I considered a pretty significant amount of money for a guy with C+ overness, so I backed out and that was that. I actually expected Supreme to snap him up and I'm a bit surprised they haven't yet.


Looking at American Buffalo's role in the Hellfire Club, there were a few things I could have done. One would have been focusing on his team with Texas Pete... I have used that tandem in many pre-2010 TCW games. But with so many other talented teams already, they wouldn't have received any sort of push. Another option would have been putting Buffalo with Peak instead of Rahn, but I like the Peak-Rahn pairing as two wild, crazy brawlers and Buffalo just doesn't fit as well in that regard (in my mind, at least). A Buffalo-Rahn team also would have been an option, but they would be no more talented than Buffalo-Pete and without the experience already there.


Another role I considered for Buffalo was an enforcer/bodyguard. Basically a nothing role, similar to what Charlie Thatcher is doing for the Canadian Animals. There were some options in that regard, and I particularly liked the thought of having him back up The Machines... but that too "Syndicate" like. Plus, the money he was asking for was just too much for that role. So that squashed that thought.


I am sure that somewhere down the road, I will think of an awesome role for American Buffalo and I will utterly regret letting him walk. Certain of it. But as letting him walk keeps me away from the path of excess I took with the SWF, I am happy with it for the moment.


Hey, just finished playing catch-up, and I am loving it! Can't wait to see what happens next.


Thanks! Glad to have you reading.

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I am sure that somewhere down the road, I will think of an awesome role for American Buffalo and I will utterly regret letting him walk.






Oh sh*t, you said awesome role, didn't you?


My apologies. Carry on. ;):D

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Oh sh*t, you said awesome role, didn't you?


My apologies. Carry on. ;):D


That role did get consider,ed actually. Having him basically take on a demonic cult leader role not too different from Baine's old BLZ Bubb role would be a nice little circle, given Buffalo was brought into TCW by Baine. That type of character just felt too.... sports entertainment for my vision of TCW, though.

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TCW Uprising TV

Friday, Week 3, April 2010

War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West)



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Sammy Bach Promo

More hype from "The Fallen" Sammy Bach, as he talks up his International championship match against Joshua Taylor, his "pupil" Acid, and the "Fall Children" yet to be introduced. He promises that they will make an impact... then adds that Acid will prove himself by competing for the All-Action title at the pay per view.

Grade: B+



Clark Alexander vs Eddie Peak

A fairly typical Peak match, where he fairly much dominates and toys with his opponent before finishing him off.

Eddie Peak Wins at 9:14 via Pinfall

Grade: B-



The Canadian Animals Promo

"Bad Boy" Edd Stone does most of the talking, as he talks up his All Action title defense at Where Angels Fear to Tread, a match which is now a four-way. He tells the fans it will be a ladder match, which gets a pop. He then tells his partner Freddy Huggins that he's happy Huggins lost to James Prudence, as facing him in the ring would be awkward. Huggins just nods, but he doesn't look happy about having lost.

Grade: B-



Triple Double vs The Cali Dragons


Sara Silver's new team gets an actual name, and they put in a good fight against against the Dragons. The experience of Perez and James shines through and carries them to a win.

The Cali Dragons Win at 8:55 via Pinfall

Grade: C



Sara Silver Promo

After the match, Silver talks up her stable, despite the loss. She explains how Samoan Violence Unlimited are going to be the new TCW World Tag Team champions after the pay per view.

Grade: B-



The Tag Team Specialists vs Burning Pride


A solid tag team match where the heels do everything can to slow down the more popular faces. The fans never really buy the veterans as a true threat and it drags the match down a touch, but only a touch.

Burning Pride Win at 15:03 via Pinfall

Grade: C+



Sam Keith Promo

A video promo of Keith talking about all his long list of accomplishments, then talking about how his twins sons will far exceed what he has managed in his amazing career.

Grade: B+



Law & Tornado vs The L.A. Connection


A closer match than the fans expect, as Tornado spends a bit too much time posing and playing, getting himself in trouble with the more experienced pair of Andrews and Fortune, who show off some solid team work. Rick Law is clearly not impressed, as he does what is needed to secure his team the win.

Law & Tornado Win at 14:03 via Pinfall

Grade: B-



Overall Grade: B

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Preview of TCW Presents Total Wrestling

Tuesday, Week 4, April 2010


Where Angels Fear to Tread 2010 is almost here. But first, one more big Total Wrestling.


Rocky Golden. Rick Law. Sam Keith. Bryan Vessey. Troy Tornado. Ricky Dale Johnson. Six of the biggest names, not just in Total Championship Wrestling, but in this business. All six will not only be in action, but in one match. A six man tag you don't want to miss.


With the The New Wave now facing three teams at the pay per view for their TCW World Tag Team championships, we will be given a bit of a preview. Scout, John Anderson, Genghis Rahn, and Rav Umaga will face off in a four-corner survival match. This one could be explosive.


Also in will be Wolf Hawkins, Joey Minnesota, Benny Benson, and the Burning Pride duo of Koshiro Ino and Joshua Taylor. We will also see special announcements from Ricky Dale Johnson and The New Wave.


The very best wrestling action is on Total Championship Wrestling! Only on GNN Total Sports.


The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)

Burning Pride feel higher on the pecking order.


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match

Only because Rahn is the hardcore specialist among these


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson

The veteran putting over the young talent


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins

chubby takes a fall


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota

Stupid Joey gets the win


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

Draw disqualifications for everybody when Tommy Cornell goes on a chair swinging rampage

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

Schmozzed to hell when Cornell lays out everyone.

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)

Burning Pride is higher on pecking order right now


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match

I feel like the Machines could use the win here


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson

Oxford must be close to retairment and he is a tag guy anyway


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins

Tana is jobber at best until he proves otherwise


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota

Minnesota picks a win over tag team spesialist


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

I like Dragonmack´s idea about draw here mainly bacause it´s too hard for me to pick a winner here

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)

Burning Pride are the better team, with the better push. Plus, you just DO NOT predict against Koshiro Ino in this dynasty.

Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match

Samoans got the rub last week with Bali's win. This week The Machines get to look legit with the singles victory. If it were Peak instead of Rahn I would say Peak was getting the win.

Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson

Benson goes into the PPV looking like an All Action title threat.

Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins

No way Tana can win this.

Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota

With Anderson getting the win in the other match, The Machine member can lose here and the team still looks strong. Plus, Minnesota needs the win to look credible against Wolf at the PPV.

Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

I'm tempted to go schmoz finish too since it's a tough one to pick, but that doesn't seem your style. Golden pins Tornado.

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

Four Corner Survival Match


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

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The Canadian Animals (Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins) vs Burning Pride (Koshiro Ino & Joshua Taylor)

I feel scummy basing my prediction on card position but I have to give it to Burning Pride. My patriotism just died a little.


Scout vs Rav Umaga vs John Anderson vs Genghis Rahn

I was leaning towards giving it to Umaga but I think the Hellfire club still feel a little shoved in. Give them the win here and they will definitely come off as far more of a threat.


Robert Oxford vs Benny Benson

Oxford's a warhorse but Bensons speed, skill and youth overpower the veteran.


Giant Tana vs Wolf Hawkins

Wolf really needs to get a nice push in Cornells absence. Killing a giant is a good way to go. After his win, Wolf decides to sit amongst the fans and scout out his match at the PPV.


Brent Hill vs Joey Minnesota

Brent takes it after Joey gets distracted by Wolf Hawkins.


Bryan Vessey, Rocky Golden & Ricky Dale Johnson vs Sam Keith, Rick Law & Troy Tornado

You've done a great job here in leaving me at a loss for words. Every single person in this match deserves a win and at the same time nobody should lose. In a total act of cowardice I'll copy Dragonmack and say schmozz.

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