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is the AI challenging ?

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It depens. If you've got moves that complement your skills, it's obscenely easy. When Calamari Kid can defeat the Lords of War in a handicap match with no database editing, somthing's wrong. One could argue that part of the game lies in choosing the right moves...but it can give you a huge adantage against the AI, which is stuck with what it's given.
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For me, it all depends on how you set yourself up. For me, as a naturally technically minded guy (I had technicians in e-wrestling for over 5 years before this), having a technical wrestler is easy. It's easy for me to think and fight as a technician, and my record with Lee "Starman" Clark is 3-0 for January. But when I tried to do a High-Flying wrestler, then I struggled, because it was harder for me to think in that way (being 6'2 and about fluctuating between 240 and 280 lbs), so the game was harder and I went 0-4. The real difficulty is done by youself.
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