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NYCW – Red, White and Bruised – Week 2 July 2010




10 Man Battle Royal

We start things off with a special event for the first 100 fans to buy tickets as they are treated to a wild Battle Royal with some of our veterans and a handful of young guys. Whistler looked doomed being outnumbered at the end by three heels, but a clothesline of Cornell over the top, followed by a back drop of the charging Samoan left him and Honest Frank…..who wanted no part of Whistler. Both men ended up going over the top rope together, but Whistler hooked a leg on the bottom rope, slowing his descent just enough that he hit the floor after Frank to get the win.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler won a battle royal in 10:01. The final four competitors also included Honest Frank, Samoan Machine and Edward Cornell, with Honest Frank being the final elimination.

Rating: D+


After the Battle Royal; Black Hat Bailey, Handsome Stranger, Honest Frank, Whistler, Edward Cornell, Kentucky Bill, The New York Doll and Rayne Man hung out to interact with the lucky 100 fans, signing autographs, chatting and poking fun at some of the regulars.

Rating: E+



Main Show




Whistler and American Patriot are shown chatting in the back on our ghetto video screen as the show starts. “Listen Patriot, you know tonight the Gas House Gang will be coming for me when I face Flash next…I need you to have my back brother, just like when the Marines hit Iwo Jima, I would take a bullet for you….Will you take it for me?”

Patriot: “True to the Red, White and Blue Whistler….True to the Red, White and Blue!!” The two men salute each other, embrace and then Whistler heads to the ring.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg

Whistler vs Steve Flash – Dog Collar Match

Flash takes his time getting strapped into the Dog Collar, but once he does there is no hesitation using it as a weapon and Whistler is busted open early. Spurred by chants of USA, Whistler fights back and drops Flash with a wicked clothesline, using the Chain instead of his arm. The hatred shared by these two is apparent, as there is literally no technical wrestling and Flash soon joins Whistler in wearing the crimson mask. Whistler gains the upper hand and motions to the crowd for the Rebel Yell, when Honest Frank makes the scene, again using Whistlers flag pole against him, this time with a hard shot to the groin. Flash quickly hits the Flash Bang and once again Whistler comes up short!

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Steve Flash defeated Whistler in 14:27 by pinfall with a Flash Bang following interference from Honest Frank.

Rating: D




American Patriot saw what was about to happen to Whistler as Honest Frank appeared and raced out to intervene, but was caught by a clothesline from Lee Wright, who had been crouching just outside the backstage entrance. After a series of boots, Wright lifts Patriot and power bombs him off of the entrance ramp and onto the hard cement floor below. Patriot is left motionless and needs to be stretchered out.

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SamoanMachine.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/KentuckyBill.jpg

Samoan Machine vs Kentucky Bill

Samoan Machine dominates the rookie, who has heart and is tough as nails, but can’t get much of anything going against the Samoan monster. Dazzling Dave Diamond appears to spur his new friend on, whooping and hollering at ringside, clapping his hands and stomping his foot as he tries to motivate Bill. The crowd responds which angers Samoan Machine, who picks Bill up from a sure pin, slaps him several times, then walks to the ropes to scream at Triple D. With Samoan Machine completely thrown off by Diamonds impromptu one man square dance, Kentucky Bill sneaks up behind him and gets a School Boy rollup…..1, 2, 3…..It’s over!!! Diamond jumps into the ring and he and Bill do-si-do as Machine looks on in shock.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Kentucky Bill defeated Samoan Machine in 9:28 by pinfall after a distraction from Dazzling Dave Diamond.

Rating: D (One philosophy I share with Stomper, is that few will ever leave NYCW on anything but their back)




Honest Frank appears again and grabs Rock Downpours microphone, pie facing our announcer as he does so. “Time once again New York City, for a dose of the honest truth! You see as part and parcel of the grand scheme of the Gas House Gang, I….the cerebral one have a multitude of reasons for proclaiming myself the soon to be new Empire Champion. Fact: I am smarter than Donnie J and the only proof you need here is that he can’t even spell his last name, so he has to use an initial!.......Fact: I am a legend on the east coast, I have seen it all, done it all and been it all, while Donnie J is merely a legend in his own mind…….Fact: I have the strength of the Gas House Gang behind me, the greatest force in wrestling today and you Donnie J, have cool sunglasses and legion of pre-pubescent school girls who are glad you only use J for your last name so they can spell it too. That my friend is the truth and tonight you are going to find out………..THE TRUTH HURTS!”

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/MarvStatler.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DeanWaldorf.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Spike.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/EdwardCornell.jpg

The Ring Generals © vs The Young Moguls – NYCW Tag Team Championship

Waldorf is still angered at Streetz after the Moguls Manager cost him his match with Samoan Machine last month, and spends way too much time jawing at him early on, which allows the Moguls to gain the early advantage by double teaming Statler. Waldorf finally regains his focus and goes on a tear, clobbering the New York Doll and nailing Cornell with a beautiful drop kick / rolling splash combination. Firmly in control the Champions give the brash upstarts a wrestling lesson. Poised to retain the belts as Waldorf sets up for the Salad Toss, Streetz jumps on the ring apron and Waldorf lets the New York Doll to go after him. Left along with both Moguls, Statler holds his own until Roger Cage appears from out of the crowd and nails him with the Cage Rage. The New York Doll follows this up with the Stock Ticker and to the amazement of all in attendance…..We have new NYCW Tag Team Champions!!!

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Young Moguls defeated The Ring Generals in 10:52 when The New York Doll defeated Marv Statler by pinfall with The Stock Ticker following interference from Roger Cage. The Young Moguls win the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: E+




Streetz enters the ring, where Roger Cage is watching the new Champions celebrate.

Streetz: “Waz up my man….At last you be seeing the future my nizzle, welcome top da…”


Cage: “Whoa, whoa, whoa….Hold up Streetz! That was not an RSVP to join crack head future. That was returning a favor and now that I have done that…..As you would so eloquently put it….We be even! You see, while you and the Back Street boys over there are content to reach the pinnacle of mediocrity here in NYCW, I belong on a bigger stage. SWF and TCW are my pinnacle and that is where I will be, rolling with the big boys, among my peers….Taking my seat at the big table. So enjoy your little Rookie League batting title, I will soon be taking my turn at bat in the big leagues. So please, quit trying to bring me down to your level and enjoy your small pond without me. Now hit the bricks, I have a show to put on.”

Rating: E+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JaredJohnson.jpg

Roger Cage © vs Jared Johnson – NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship

Cage comes out hard early and works the much greener Johnson over, being sure to congratulate himself with every successful move and also managing to find time to call those in the crowd hacks and bush league groupies. His arrogance nearly costs him his title as Johnson counters a back drop with a sunset flip and gets a 2 and a half count on the Champion. This only serves to anger Cage however and seal Johnson’s fate as the Champion gets serious and delivers a brutal Cage Rage after a kick to the groin to brush aside Johnson’s game, but futile challenge.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage defeated Jared Johnson in 13:40 by pinfall with a Cage Rage. Roger Cage makes defense number 3 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: D-




Roger Cage is celebrating his win and walks up to a couple of female fans at ringside who are holding out his picture for an autograph. He starts to sign, then rips up the picture and throws it at the girls, turning away laughing……Just in time to catch a flying elbow from Sammy the Shark! Sammy has been laying low, but is now back to exact vengeance on his former partner as he finishes Cage’s beat down by nailing him with an Ace in the Hole as the crowd cheers him on.

Rating: E




Black Hat Bailey has entered the arena and quickly grabs a microphone. “You know, I feel like I am in a glass case that has a sign over it that says ‘Break only in case a young punk needs his tail kicked’. Once again, I have to come out here tonight and face a young buck, an up and comer, a blue chipper…..blah, blah blah!” Bailey spits in disgust and continues, “Did Al Capone empty his own trash? How about this, did John Dillinger iron his own shirts? Oh wait, here’s one for you….Did Rudy Giuliani sleep with his own wife? The answer to all these questions is NO!!! So why is it that I, the leader of the most feared organization in wrestling have to do demean myself and wrestle these young punks? I guess at the end of the day, mine is not the reason why, mine is just to kick your ass Rayne Man, now get out here and let the beating commence!”

Rating: D+



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/BlackHatBailey.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg

Black Hat Bailey vs Rayne Man – Bowery Street Fight

Rayne Man sprints to the ring and after a series of arm drag takedowns has Bailey scrambling to the floor to regroup, as Rock Downpour reminds the crowd that the only way a Bowery Street Fight can end is by one wrestling taking a 10 count. Bailey as usual, soon goes to the foreign objects and clocks Rayne Man with a Black Jack getting a count of 9…..Furious Bailey chastises Bull for a slow count and resumes the mugging. Going for a chair next, Bailey misses a wild swing, spinning himself around in the process and taking an atomic drop from Rayne Man as a result. Frustrated Bailey again rolls to the floor as Lee Wright appears and hands him some Brass Knuckles. Confident he now has the win; Bailey waves Wright away and climbs back in the ring after delivering a Shoulder block to Rayne Man, who met him at the ropes. Bailey Winds up with the knucks, but Rayne Man blocks the punch, then nails a Rayne Drop out of nowhere onto the Steel Chair Bailey dropped earlier. Before the rest of the Gas House Gang can come to his rescue, Michael Bull has counted Bailey out and Rayne Man has taken down the head of the ‘Organization.’

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Rayne Man defeated Black Hat Bailey in 12:58 when Black Hat Bailey could not beat a ten count after a Rayne Drop onto a Steel Chair.

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg

Donnie J © vs Honest Frank – NYCW Empire Championship

This one gets ugly quick as Honest Frank cheap shots the Champ before the bell. Donnie J uses his speed advantage and is soon wrestling circles around the honest one, who promptly resorts to brawling to even the playing field. Donnie J does not back down and stands toe to toe with Big Frank, as they trade blows, before an Eye gouge puts Frank back in control. Donnie J ducks a clothesline and counters with a nice tilt-a-whirl Back Breaker and regains the upper hand, which brings Handsome Stranger to ringside. It is not long before Stranger interjects himself into the match and as referee Michael Bull and Donnie J are both pre-occupied with him, Honest Frank removes his shoe and loads up the heel. As Frank stands poised for Donnie J to turn back around, Whistler runs in, grabs the shoe and whacks Frank across the head with it, busting him open. After a hard right knocks Handsome Stranger to the floor, Donnie J turns his attention back to Frank, who has staggered to his feet, but is still woozy. Seizing the moment, Donnie J nails Frank with ‘A Death on Miami Beach’ to retain his Empire Title as Whistler cheers him on. After the bell Donnie gets in Honest Frank’s face as he lies prone in the ring and screams “Donnie J, that’s spelled J!”

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Donnie J defeated Honest Frank in 21:29 by pinfall with a Death on Miami Beach. During the match we also saw Handsome Stranger run in and attack Donnie J, and Whistler also attack Frank. Donnie J makes defense number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.

Rating: D+



Overall Rating: D Attendance: 863 Gate: $6,041



We match attendance exactly from last month’s show, but the overall feedback is better and I am thinking we have to be getting close to busting out a bit on the east coast to the point we can start travelling to other States. Uncle Derek pulls me aside and I instinctively cover my mouth, until I see he has nothing in his hand.


Stomper: “I have to tell, this show was a step up from last month for sure and almost on par with Rumble in the Bronx. You do know you are going to catch some gruff from folks in the industry and the wrestling rags for putting the Tag straps on the Young Moguls don’t you?”


Me: “I expect it Uncle Derek, but as technically sound as the Ring Generals are, they are just not capturing anybodies imagination. I know the Moguls are not the immediate answer, but a short run now should help them later and it also helps set up a key moment in another storyline, which I think we discussed.”


Stomper: “Yes and I have to commend you on that idea, it will definitely catch the fans off guard, you do have moments when you are not pissing me off that I see a glimmer of hope in for your in the business you little Bastard!”


Me: “Thanks I guess, hey Merchandise sales were not looking good earlier, but I did get us a little extra sponsor money this month, so I don’t think we will lose money again. Oh, I hope you are OK with my jobbing out Samoan Machine after that big push.”


Stomper: “Screw him, besides, I actually thought that was an entertaining match, Kentucky Bill has a future, though I don’t know if I can tolerate two friggin country bumpkins around here with him and Diamond! And you are at least following one credo I have around here…”


Me and Stomper together: “Nobody leaves NYCW on their feet!”


Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 4 / 27

Chriskid – 4 / 26

BgBuff – 4 / 23

BHK1978 – 4 / 19

Maxxhexx – 3 / 17

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8

TakerNGN74 – 0 / 6

Smurhpy1014 – 3 / 6

Critical-23 4 / 4

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Another month another $190.00 profit, which constitutes breaking even, but then as long as we are not losing money, <strong>Uncle Derek</strong> is happy. I was putting together the final segments for the upcoming <strong>‘Thunder in the East’</strong> show and Uncle Derek was reading the Wrestling news.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/TheStomper.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“I have to say if we can make it to regional status by September I will be happy, since it doesn’t really look like Wrestling is booming anywhere but in Japan right now.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“What else is going on Uncle Derek?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Aw hell, what isn’t….Like I said, Japan is booming and WEXXV is now regional, nothing much else in the way of companies, except it says here that PSW and 4C now have a working agreement, both garbage promotions if you ask me, especially PSW with all that damn barbed wire and light bulbs and crap. Hey they mentioned Duncan Kendall coming on board to do road agent work </span><span style="color:#8B0000;"><em>‘because Stomper feels his own company should take a back seat to the mighty TCW’</em></span><span style="color:#8B0000;">…..Who writes this BS, I have a good mind to shove this rag down there throat, sonofabitch!!”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“You sure like shoving things in people’s mouths Uncle D, I wouldn’t worry about it, though I do wish you were here doing the agent work. Hey do they mention the wrestler I am bringing in too?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Yeah, I thought that was hush, hush, you can’t keep a damn thing from these friggin leeches! Hey, look at this, says Pat Deacon and Henry Lee are both retiring! I crossed paths with ‘Perfect Pat’ a couple of times back in the day. He was a helluva hand, I’ll tell you that.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“Wow, too bad Henry is going, I really did consider going after him a couple of times. Anything else newsworthy?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Thought we had enough old bodies in your eyes, you just can’t make up your damn mind! Nothing else really going on, a bunch of ass kissing again over in RIPW with David Poker talking about how great Steel is, I wonder about that fella sometimes, he is pretty damn friendly to everyone.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Just then there was a knock on the door and in walked <strong>Roger Cage</strong>….</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/Posters/Thunder2010Correct.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“You tell me you’re quitting I’ll whip your ass right here Cage.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cage:</strong> <span style="color:#006400;">“Not quitting, but I did sign a pay per appearance deal with RIPW, just wanted you to know.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Great, Eisen’s damn minor league, how long before you ass kiss your way to SWF and right out the door here then Roger?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cage:</strong> <span style="color:#006400;">“Derek, I am not leaving, I just need to look at future opportunities, I think we can all agree that I do have potential beyond NYCW</span>.”</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Who the hell do you think you are, first, it’s Mr. Bradford to you and I think you are taking your character a little too seriously? You have a lot to learn before you can even think of carrying the jock strap of guys like Flash and Honest Frank....Mr. Big Leaguer.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Cage:</strong> <span style="color:#006400;">“What the hell, I am a model employee backstage, but you paint me as a bad guy because I have dreams beyond NYCW? Should I just be happy to wrestle once a month in the same building in front of the same building for my whole career?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“OK, let’s step back here. Uncle Derek, I don’t think Roger meant any disrespect, in fact I think the fact that he is staying here and only signed a pay per appearance deal with Rhode Island says that. Roger, I would not want a young wrestler that didn’t have goals, we have them too. I want NYCW to be on TV sometime next year and go to other states. Hell, my goal is to put on Super Slam in California some day. I want you and everyone else here to be part of that. I appreciate you letting us know and I am glad you will be sticking around here too.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Roger:</strong> <span style="color:#006400;">“Hey, I like it here; I just have to look out for my future…..That’s all.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Well look over there then….That’s the door and your future will be through it for good if you screw up our bookings because of RIPW.”</span></p><p> </p><p> Cage shot Uncle Derek a sideways look and headed out of the office, I waited until I heard the final echo of his steps on the stairs.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“That was a bit much Uncle Derek, you can’t rip every kid that gets an opportunity, nobody will want to work here.”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Screw Cage, arrogant little prick, he thinks he is ready for the big time….He has no clue, hell he hasn’t even had the best match on any of the cards he has been on here, but he is going to take RIPW by storm and get the call up to SWF?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“I didn’t take it that way; he is just looking for exposure…”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">“Guys in raincoats down in Central Park are looking for exposure too, but what good does that do me?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“None……..Unless you want to see something like that?”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Stomper:</strong> <span style="color:#8B0000;">"You go to hell!!! Now hand me one of the posters and booking notes for the August show!”</span></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Me:</strong> <span style="color:#000080;">“Here you go…We are in the final stretch of a couple of feuds and as you can see we are launching a couple of new ones.”[/</span></p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/Posters/Thunder2010.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26753" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Quick Picks and Fan signs</strong><p> Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p> Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues</p><p> </p><p> Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p> </p><p> Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals</p><p> </p><p> Rayne Man vs Lee Wright</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bonus</strong> 2 points for guessing the surprise - He is a man of Steel who hails from the great white north.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ChrisKid" data-cite="ChrisKid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26753" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just one point off the top <img alt=":mad:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/mad.png.69834f23b9a8bf290d98375f56f1c794.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> Great show</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks Chris and you get the chance for bonus points this show <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p><strong>Donnie J ©</strong> vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - The war continues</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage ©</strong> vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill)</strong> vs Old School Principals</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Lee Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 2 points - Our special surprise is a man of Steel who haisl from the great white north.</p><p>

Who else but the Tower Of London, Danny Patterson?</p>

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<p>Quick Picks and Fan signs</p><p>

Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p>

Draw to extend the feud</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - The war continues</p><p>

usually winning a dog collar match ends a fight.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage ©</strong> vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p>

deja vu match, deja vu result.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill)</strong> vs Old School Principals</p><p>

if you gave them a name, you plan to give them a push.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Lee Wright</p><p>

The continue to put over the new guy tour continues.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm guessing Gargantuan.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

BTW, your big banner lists Honest Frank with Handsome Strangers picture.</p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J ©</strong> vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - The war continues</p><p> </p><p>

Roger Cage © vs <strong>Sammy the Shark</strong> - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill)</strong> vs Old School Principals</p><p>


Rayne Man</strong> vs Lee Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 2 points for guessing the surprise - He is a man of Steel who hails from the great white north. </p><p>

I am going to guess Gargantuan (if i'm wrong give me another pick:p)</p>

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Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues


Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship


Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals


Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

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<p><strong>Donnie J ©</strong> vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs Whistler - The war continues</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage ©</strong> vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill)</strong> vs Old School Principals</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rayne Man</strong> vs Lee Wright</p><p> </p><p>

Bonus 2 points for guessing the surprise - He is a man of Steel who hails from the great white north. <strong>Gargantuan</strong></p>

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<p><strong>Donnie J</strong> © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash vs <strong>Whistler</strong> - The war continues</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Roger Cage </strong>© vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship</p><p> </p><p>

Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs <strong>Old School Principals</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rayne Man vs <strong>Lee Wright</strong></p>

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Lotta love for Gargantuan, but let me give you one more clue. The man of "Steel" is from Canada, but he does not currently work there. :)


Show will be up tomorrow if you want to change your guess or there are any last minute predictions.

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Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship

Ace of NYCW ain't losing yet.


Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues

Gotta love a heel Steve Flash no matter what.


Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship

Like the storyline with Cage not joining up with the heel group right away.


Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals

Bill is going to get along of training as OSP will stretch him out.


Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

Seems to fit in fine with NYCW so far and should continue to do so.

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Lotta love for Gargantuan, but let me give you one more clue. The man of "Steel" is from Canada, but he does not currently work there. :)


Show will be up tomorrow if you want to change your guess or there are any last minute predictions.


Can we guess again then (i thought worked in Canada)

If so Bear Bekowlski

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Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues


Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship


Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals


Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

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Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship

- Handsome should win.. hopefully


Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues

- long live the canadian mullet!


Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship

- Cage keeps momentum, stomps shark.


Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals

- Old School to your face!


Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

- its a wash... not a fan of either but I will take Lee based on experience.

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Been meaning to catch up with this. I find it strange that some of 2010's most consistent diaries are NYCW, but I guess people just can't get away from the awesomeness of Land Mass. Nice to see Donnie J getting some love, since he seems to be the most slept on of the CZCW crew.


Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger - NYCW Empire Championship


Steve Flash vs Whistler - The war continues


Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark - NYCW Tri-State Championship


Southern Comfort (Triple D and Kentucky Bill) vs Old School Principals


Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

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NYCW – Thunder in the East – Week 2 August 2010





10 Man Battle Royal

Another pre-show reward for the first 100 ticket buyers, this is a see-saw affair that sees Whistler knocked out early by the Gas House gang, who have two members left in the final four. Frank and Remus team up on Sammy and get him over the top by hoisting him into the air. As they prepare to launch him onto the floor, Sammy wraps his legs around Frank and takes him with him with a brilliant Hurricanrana. Flash then sneaks up behind Remus and flips him out on top of the other two to win the $1000.00 prize.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Steve Flash won a battle royal in 10:22. The final four competitors also included Roderick Remus, Sammy the Shark and Honest Frank, with Roderick Remus being the final elimination.

Rating: D+


We follow this with our usual meet and greet, that includes Honest Frank, Donnie J, Rayne Man, Whistler, Edward Cornell, The New York Doll, Kentucky Bill and Jared Johnson. It gets a good reaction from those in attendance and sets a good mood as we open the doors for the rest of the fans.

Rating: D+



Main Show




Lee Wright appears to start the show. “I stand before you tonight, deeply upset at what I have done. American Patriot, they say you may not be able to wrestle for some time. I feel ashamed……” Wright is barely able to stifle a laugh….regaining his composure he continues. “It is a tragedy, that I could so recklessly endanger the livelihood of a fine man………” Wright breaks into full laughter…”Actually the only thing I am sorry about is he didn’t have farther to fall…..American Patriot should actually thank me, because he can finally breath now that his head is not stuck up Whistlers keister!! You’re welcome, the pleasure was all……………….mine. Next victim please!”

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RayneMan.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/LeeWright.jpg

Rayne Man vs Lee Wright

Wright looks to immediately injure the promising newcomer, hurling him to the floor, and then driving his back into the ring post. Wright is relentless, but Rayne Man is able to bounce back, sending Wright crashing to the floor with a drop toe hold. Back in the ring the men trade moves, with Wright looking to isolate Rayne Man’s back, while Rayne Man fights back with a series of drop kicks and a brutal enziguiri. Staggered, Wright misses a wild right hand spinning completely around. Rayne Men grabs Wright from behind and hoists him up on his shoulders…..Pausing to wink at the crowd he then drives Wright into the mat with the Rayne Drop to get the pin.

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Rayne Man defeated Lee Wright in 14:28 by pinfall with a Rayne Drop.

Rating: D+





Steven Parker strolls casually to the ring, mounts the steps and grabs a Microphone. “I had heard you were pretty impressive and I have to say, you put on a good show…….But, can you steal a show?” Rayne Man throws his arms up in the air looking perplexed. Parker smiles and drives a boot into Rayne Mans mid section, hoists him over his head and power bombs through a ringside table. Smiling, Parker answers his own question. “Now that…..is how you steal a show.” Parker bows grandly to the crowd, who responds with anything but love, leaving the ring with one final salutation. “Thank you, I will be here all week.”


Rock Downpour: “What the hell, he wrestles for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, what is he doing here.”


Herb Stately: “Well Rock, not to overstate the obvious, but it appears he is here to teach Rayne Man a lesson about gravity and tables.”

Rating: D-



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/JaredJohnson.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RoderickRemus.jpg

Jared Johnson vs Roderick Remus

Two of the rosters young bucks make the most of their opportunity, treating the fans to a high paced spot fest that includes an assortment of wild aerial moves, but some solid mat work as well, with several near falls. The end comes when Johnson counters a spinning DDT and turns it into the dreaded Carolina Crossface, forcing Remus to tap as he fails to make the ropes before being overcome by the pain.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jared Johnson defeated Roderick Remus in 8:52 by submission with a Carolina Crossface.

Rating: D




Our ghetto Video screen comes to life and low and behold, Handsome Stranger is rifling through the bag of Donnie J. He produces the Empire Title Belt, rubbing it against his body in an almost sexual manner, before bolting from the locker room and vanishing around a dark corner.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/KentuckyBill.jpg & http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DazzlingDaveDiamond.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/TheMaskedMauler.jpg &


Southern Comfort vs Old School Principals

The newly formed Southern Comfort hit the ring as Wild Eyed Southern Boys blares over the speakers with Triple D leading playing to the crowd as only he can. This soon wore thin on OSP as they attacked Southern Comfort before Michael Bull was able to officially start the match. It was complete domination by OSP early as Mauler and Sanders got Kentucky Bill in the ring and isolated him, pummeling with forearms, stomps and illegal holds away from the prying eyes of the referee. With the arena rocking, Bill finally makes the hot tag and Dazzling Dave cleans house to the delight of the fans. Things get out of control as soon all four men are in the ring, engaged in a pier six brawl. Sanders grabs Kentucky Bill from behind, but as Masked Mauler gets set to launch a right hand, Bill nails him with a kick to the jaw. Mauler staggers backward right into a ring shaking Dazzle Driver to give the Southern Comfort the win!

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Southern Comfort defeated Old School Principals in 12:15 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver.

Rating: D-




Honest Frank joins the announcers as Southern Comfort celebrates and grabs a microphone. “Once again, it is time for a dose of the truth. Well howdy there pardners, looks like you got yerselves a win there by golly. Y’all gonna celebrate with some Possum stew, some moonshine and a roll in the hay with yer cousins? Well yee haw!!! You see, as ridiculous as all that sounds that is exactly what you inbred rejects from deliverance will be doing later and don’t tell me I’m wrong, because Honest Frank does not lie. Fact is you two just don’t fit here in the big city. In fact, you really don’t fit anywhere but on the set of Brokeback Mountain II complimenting each other on how you fill out those skin tight blue jeans. So here’s the scoop….pardners. Myself and a couple of other interested parties are fixing to send the two of you back to Barnsville, because quite frankly, you’re making it stink here in NYCW and that’s the truth………And, as we all know……THE TRUTH HURTS!”

Rating: E+





Rock Downpour: “Well that kind of came out of left field”


Herb Stately: “I don’t care where it came from, it’s about time somebody sent those Hayseeds packing and I’m all for it.”


Rock: “I don’t know about that Herb, but one thing I know we have all been waiting for is the matchups for next month’s Liberty Cup Tag Team Tournament and I have just been handed the results of the draw for the first two matchups.”


Herb: “Oh please Rock, look, I am a quiver in anticipation, please don’t torture me anymore.”


Rock: “Your sarcasm aside, I will remind the fans that the Liberty cup consistis of eight tag teams, and to qualify the two wrestlers must have teamed up in a match at least once over the last 12 months. The draw is random and the tournament winner will be decided in one night, with the new holders of the coveted Liberty Cup for the next twelve months needing to win three matches.”


Herb: “Listen Mr. Ambien, there are still about 14 people awake, how about the first four teams drawn?”


Rock: “Very well, in the first bout of the tournament, we will have Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash, taking on Whistler and Rayne Man. And, in what is sure to be an interesting matchup, the current NYCW Tag Team Champions, The Young Moguls will be taking on Shark Cage!”


Herb: “What in blue hell? Cage and Sammy can’t stand each other anymore and they have to team up? Now that is the first interesting thing you have said since……ah…..Hmmmm, let me get back to you on that Rock. And as fate would have it, the reunited Shark Cage is in the ring right now.”

Rating: E



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RogerCage.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SammyTheShark.jpg

Roger Cage © vs Sammy the Shark – NYCW Tri-State Championship

Cage and Sammy both heard the announcement that they would be forced to team at the Liberty Cup and neither seemed pleased at the prospect, so instead of discussion, they took that displeasure on each other in the ring. Cage swarmed Sammy and looked to end it early with the Cage Rage, but Shark escaped, landing three solid punches and a flying head scissors, then hit the Ace in the Hole, with Cage escaping the pin by putting his foot on the ropes. As Sammy picked Cage up, Edward Cornell and New York Doll hit the ring. Sammy is backed into a corner as Cage regains his feet. Cornell and Doll then turn and drop Cage with a double clothesline and lay the boots to him as Sammy the Shark looks on in shock. Michael Bull has no choice but to disqualify Sammy and award the match to Cage.

In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage defeated Sammy The Shark in 14:45 when Sammy The Shark was disqualified when The New York Doll ran in and attacked Roger Cage. During the match we also had Edward Cornell run in and attack Cage. Roger Cage makes defense number 4 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional

Rating: D-




Handsome Stranger is in the ring, carrying the Empire Title Belt he stole from Donnie J. He grabs a microphone, but before he can utter a word Donnie J is on him, leveling Stranger with a spear, scooping up his Title belt and slapping the handsome one before leaving the ring.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/Whistler.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/SteveFlash_alt1.jpg

Whistler vs Steve Flash

It is apparent nothing has been settled as these two tear into each other with a vengeance and it is not long before Whistler is bleeding once again, courtesy of being slammed head first into the guard rail that surrounds the ring side area. Whistler shows his resiliency, rallying with the crowd behind him and controlling Flash on the mat after hitting a big suplex. With Whistler calling for the Rebel Yell, Flash throws him off, straight into referee Michael Bull, who goes down hard. Lee Wright hits the ring sets up a chair between the turnbuckles. Flash prepares to whip Whistler into the chair, but Whistler reverses the move and it is Flash that crashes into the hard steel. As Flash staggers out of the corner, Whistler nails the Rebel Yell as Michael Bull raises his head and makes the count.

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler defeated Steve Flash in 14:43 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell following botched interference by Lee Wright.

Rating: D



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/DonnieJ.jpg vs http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HandsomeStranger.jpg

Donnie J © vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

The two combatants circle each other and exchange taunts as Donnie J shows his belt to the crowd. After some stalling, they engage in a collar and elbow tie up and go through a series of Arm Wringers, headlocks and takedowns, with neither man gaining the advantage. Too much of a technical thing will never last with these two and Handsome Stranger is the first to cross the line with a poke to the Eyes. Donnie J fires back with some vicious chops and beal toss that propels Handsome Stranger halfway across the ring. Before long the action has spilled to the floor as they exchange heavy right hands and tomahawk chops to the delight of the crowd. The brawl continues up the aisle and half of the entrance way set is destroyed as they continue to go at it, oblivious to the 10 count as Michael Bull calls for the bell and declares the bout a draw.

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Donnie J drew with Handsome Stranger in 21:49 following a double count out.

Rating: C- (Our first C match!)



Overall Rating: D+ Attendance: 828 Gate: $5,796



Donnie J and Handsome Stranger walk back after the match and the boys give them a standing ovation with Dazzling Dave Diamond giving both men noogies.


Triple D: “Woooooeeee, y’all tore that arena down, that was a heckuva match fellas, I was back here marking out like one of them there Catholic school girls in a plaid dress shop. Hey speaking of that, y’all see that Philly sitting on the west side of the ring when you were out trading blows around ringside? I tell you what, that girl’s bra held more Hooters than a cave full of Owls!! Man, once time when I was…..”


I listened to Triple D trail off as he followed both men into the locker area and could only imagine the glee they both felt being barraged with Triple D’s road stories after such a grueling match.


Black Hat: (Laughing) “They broke the mold when they made old Dave there, probably on purpose. Hey great show tonight son, your Uncle will be happy when he watches the footage.”


Me: “Well, I have to say your road agent work is just as responsible as my booking.”


Black Hat: “Don’t cheat yourself kid, you did a helluva job. I’m just glad your Uncle will be back in the gorilla seat next month.”


Me: “What about TCW?”


Black Hat: “He didn’t tell you? He quit, today was his last show, he is going to help Eisen now at SWF and leaving TCW was part of the deal.”


You could have knocked me over with a feather……Uncle Derek was signing on to help the evil empire? I put the radio on backstage and turned straight to the weather channel…..I am sure if they do give a temperature for Hell it will be below 32 degrees.


Quick Picks (This Show / Overall)

Dragonmack – 4 / 31

Chriskid – 2 / 28

BgBuff – 3 / 26

BHK1978 – 3 / 22

Maxxhexx – 2 / 19

Smurhpy1014 – 3 / 9

Angeldelayette – 0 / 9

Wrestling Century – 0 / 8

TakerNGN74 – 0 / 6

Critical-23 – 2 / 6

John Lions – 4 / 4

Regis – 3 / 3

DiablomanConQueso – 1 / 1


10 predictions this time, first time in double digits, thanks to all who picked winners! And good job on getting the draw Dragon, you seem to have a knack for nailing those. Also, congratulations to first time selector John Lions going 4 for 5. I will end this round of picks after our December show and the winner will be written into the diary as a character for 2011.


Nobody got Parker as the surprise, though my clues were kind of vague, with man of steel referring to PSW. I'll give some better clues next time :)

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“What the hell is this….another $1,200 plus down?” Uncle Derek was not happy about the finances for August. “It does no good to make $100, then drop $1,200 the next month. At that rate we’ll be broke in no time!”


Me: “Actually, that’s a bit dramatic; losing $1,200 a month it would take over six and a half years to actually go broke.”


Stomper: "You little sonofabitch, don’t you think I have that figured out?”


Me: “Actually, no, I don’t think you did figure that out. Look Uncle Derek, it will be like this for another month or two, we aren’t putting on shows with $500 to $700 per shot guys anymore, once we get to the next level things will get better. You know, I realize you are a bottom line guy Uncle Derek, but we still haven’t talked about you signing on with SWF to help with road agent work. I mean you hate all they stand for.”


Stomper: ‘Well, like it is any of your business, but what you don’t know is that Jay Chord is taking ownership of MAW and that has gotten to me a little bit. That kid is a spoiled little punk and they are the only promotion we have a working relationship with and if he looks at me cross eyeed just once it is over….Just got me out of sorts, that's all.”


Me: “Okaaaaaay, what does that have to do with SWF?”


Stomper: “For hells sake, can’t you figure anything out? I was pissed about that and Eisen has been on me for a while. Well, I am talking to Cornell about some upcoming things for TCW and I tell him I want to take the Saturdays off when we are having shows. He says no, I say screw you, he says we have a deal, I say Eisen wants me and will give me Saturday off, he says kiss my ass, go work for Eisen, I say go fu….”


Me: “Sorry I asked, ok, I get it………..In other words Eisen is paying you more and won’t let you work for Cornell.”


Stomper: “Keep pushing it Terry, that’s not what I said!! Why don’t you not worry about me and go make the Liberty Cup into a money maker!”


Me: “You know it won’t be, our worker costs will be high and you never know how Merchandise will go. It will probably dip again after a good month in August.”


Luckily I was spared further discourse as the Radio promotion I had scammed from Crazy Cabbie for the usual 6 tickets came on. I needed this one to announce the other 4 teams for the Liberty Cup and of course get some hype out there….



“Wow, nothing like a shot of Motorhead to get the musical libido going people, Viagra’s got nothing on ‘Ace of Spades’ baby! Now speaking of Viagra, if you have a hard on for wrestling September is going to be a big month for you as those crazies from NYCW return with the annual Liberty Cup Tag Team Tournament. That’s right we already know that Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash, The Young Moguls, Whistler and Rayne Man and Shark Cage, who can’t even stand each other are entered. Well, my good buddy Terry Flash has given me, the Cabmeister, the inside scoop on the other four teams folks. Southern Comfort, former Champions The Ring Generals, Old School Principals and Honest Frank and Lee Wright from the Gas House Gang are also entered and they are going to tear the friggin roof off the Ministry folks, so grab your tickets, cause you know I got mine!!”


Stomper: “Great, nothing like being compared to Viagra and how many tickets did that cost you?”


Me: “Only 6 again, well worth it I think.”


Stomper: “Oh suuuure, well worth it. Hey, let’s change the name of our February show to ‘My Bloody Valentine’ and that marble mouthed radio friend of yours can compare us to a friggin brand of Tampons, how is that?”


I watch as Uncle Derek storms out again, somehow believing that at least once in the previous 61 years of his life he had laughed at something……But then again he was 61……Maybe the Viagra comparison had hit home. I thought about leaving a note to ask, but the thought of having to eat a piece of paper again quickly changed my mind.




Quick Picks

Liberty Cup round 1

Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2

Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Liberty Cup Finals

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2

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Just finished reading fully through this diary. I really like what you've done with Stomper, and I chuckled at him throwing you off the couch just to yell owner goals at you, but I find Bailey giggling pretty scary. Maybe that's why he's so intimidating.


Liberty Cup round 1

Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

The bottom two of the Gas House Gang go down to the team I see you building up to be the next contenders for the Young Moguls


Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

Former champions may have little personality, but they are both good in the ring and have beaten Old School Principals on numerous occasions


The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

I don't see the champs going out in the first round, and, even though both share a hatred for Streetz' crew, they won't be able to work together


Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey

I really want to say Flash and Bailey, but I don't see a Face/Face AND a Heel/Heel team match up in the semi-finals. This should be another feather to Rayne Man's cap, since he's been the only man the Gas House Gang can't take out


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Southern Comfort vs Ring Generals

Future of your division take out the past


The Young Moguls vs Whistler and Rayne Man

Flash and his gang won't be too pleased with getting knocked out of the Liberty Cup early, so they make sure their mortal enemies don't go any farther


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Don't see Stranger's win going anywhere storyline-wise, since I don't see him as a potential Gas House Ganger and Donnie J could always team up with Whistler and co after he finishes off with his mortal enemy


Liberty Cup Finals

Southern Comfort vs The Young Moguls

I hope you don't plan on having this as your main event. If you were, I could see a Gas House Gang - Whister Team face off taking it, but since they are facing off in Round 1 I had to go with my gut and give it to the top of your tag division rather than the top of your singles division. This is really a toss up, but, since I assume the titles aren't on the line, I see Southern Comfort getting a surprising upset, potentially with help from Sammy and Cage


Really difficult show to predict. Keep up the good work, I'll be reading.

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Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2

Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Liberty Cup Finals

Southern Comfort vs Flash and Bailey

Some outside distraction...

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Liberty Cup round 1

Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

They are more over.


Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

Giving the younger team some rub as they make the semi finals


The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

Sammy and Cage have been enemies for the past few months, dont see them making nice here.


Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey

With Frank and Wright winning round one, and Bailey almost certain to retire soon Whistler and Rayne will be your other finalists to go against Frank and Wright


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2- Frank & Wright

Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4 Whistler & Rayne Man


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship

Donnie is the horse you are riding to regional.


Liberty Cup Finals

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2 Frank & Wright, with some interference from Flash & Bailey

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Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2

Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Liberty Cup Finals

Southern Comfort vs Flash and Bailey

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Just finished reading fully through this diary. I really like what you've done with Stomper, and I chuckled at him throwing you off the couch just to yell owner goals at you, but I find Bailey giggling pretty scary. Maybe that's why he's so intimidating.


Really difficult show to predict. Keep up the good work, I'll be reading.


Thanks John, it just seems so right for Stomper to be a curmudgeonly sort...He has a soft spot somewhere, which I will probably see when we start making some money :)

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Quick Picks

Liberty Cup round 1

Frank and Wright vs Southern Comfort

Ring Generals vs Old School Principals

The Young Moguls vs Shark Cage

Whistler and Rayne Man vs Flash and Bailey


Liberty Cup Semi-Finals

Winner of 1 vs Winner of 2

Winner of 3 vs Winner of 4


Donnie J vs Handsome Stranger – NYCW Empire Championship


Liberty Cup Finals

Winner of Semi-Final 1 vs Winner of Semi-Final 2

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