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Most Workers (Stat)

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Everything you said is obvious the reputation stat speaks for itself but the default is 100 until it is tarnished in one way or another


I'm sure Phil knows that; his point was, far more people in reality have a tarnished reputation than they do in the Cornellverse. There are NINE wrestlers in the Cornellverse that DON'T have an A* for Reputation. And one of those is dead.


Hardcore Henderson's done time in jail for assault and he's still only at B-.


Edit: See, he did know that. ¬_¬

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My rationale behind including popularity as a weight was because of the following example:


If you have 3 workers with 100% in a fictitious stat and 1 worker with 0% in that same stat who is unemployed and is the dregs of the earth and nobody ever employs him blah blah blah and just do a straight "average"


You'd think that the average stat should be 75% when that is not the case.


You need modes as well as medians to fully plot out the bell curve. Reputation is a good example of this. The majority of the c-verse have 100% reputation, but a few bad eggs drag down that average to something in the 90's.


If you just go by the average, you'd think "Oh, 95% is what a normal worker should have" without realizing that 95% of the workers have 100% reputation, but a few people have abysmally low reputation stats.

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