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Can someone give me a rundown of these including a real life example if possible?


I've been playing with the database but I don't exactly get what a floating title would be. Would it be like WCW's TV title that floated between Saturday Night Scrubs and upper mid-carders? The IC title 90s when it was held by mid-carders to main eventers? Tag titles?


Thanks in advance!

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I always make my Tag titles floating, and my singles titles either Main Event or Midcard. Never found a use for jobber titles as you can't have jobber vs jobber matches.


They're mostly for Lower Midcarders, who can face each other. Even so, it limits the number of folks who can actually win it, though they CAN have a use.

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This may be a stupid question; however, does a championship labeled as "Floating" carry a sense of prestige like the other card-level-allocated championships? Like, will it start at a D- but possibly move up to as high of a prestige as a Main Event title if the right people carry it?


The reason I ask is because I'm toying around with the idea of setting the next title to debut in the DOA to being a "Floating" title based upon the fact that it's more of a concept championship. Less about how over you are and more about your ability in a certain area.


Thank you!



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This may be a stupid question; however, does a championship labeled as "Floating" carry a sense of prestige like the other card-level-allocated championships? Like, will it start at a D- but possibly move up to as high of a prestige as a Main Event title if the right people carry it?


The reason I ask is because I'm toying around with the idea of setting the next title to debut in the DOA to being a "Floating" title based upon the fact that it's more of a concept championship. Less about how over you are and more about your ability in a certain area.


Thank you!




Yeah, they gain and lose prestige just like any other title, without caps. Following on from that, their current prestige level is considered to be their card level in terms of worker promises (so if you promise a guy a Main Event level title but he wins a floating belt when it's only D+ prestige, it won't count. But at B+ it will).

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