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Diary of Despair Vol. II: Life In The Land Of Supreme

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Welcome back!


Ladies and gentlemen, I am Matt Aiden Lazzara, but I am more commonly known as Matt Despair. The last time you saw me, it was very briefly when I booked for Total Championship Wrestling back in early 2008. Before that, though, you would've known me through tape trading, through independant shows and through me generally being one of the premier wrestlers in North America. You may also know me for being insanely modest. In TCW, I had many plans, and many aspirations for how it would turn out, my first shot in a true, large promotion and, back in 2008, one that looked to be gaining ground fast. Those plans, however, were cut short in part to one man. The "greatest wrestler that ever lived in the world. Ever." Tommy Cornell. While as a fellow wrestler I cannot diminish his skills nor his achievements, the man is ...difficult to work with, sometimes. It all came to a head on an episode of TCW presents Total Wrestling, in which I booked the main event between Cornell and a moron by the name of Genghis Rahn. Rather than tell me he and Rahn didn't work well together, as I had only been working there for about a month, he let me book ahead.


The show bombed. My next interaction with Mr. Cornell was "You embarrassed us all. Pack your things." I took the morale high road and refrained from punching him square in the jaw, instead I shook his hand, and I actually
him for the opportunity. Ain't I just the sweetest guy?


So, within a month my dreams were over. I returned to the independants, still managing to get work despite the fact I was never used on-screen in TCW, and I wrestled against a who's-who of the best currently plying their trade in the minor leagues. I still play the brooding emo-kid or the sociopathic wrestling machine, just as good as I ever did. Now, being just shy of 25, I wasn't sure if the years would keep ticking by and before long, my shot at the big time, one that most had always assumed would come considering m reputation, would be gone.


Lucky for me, wrestling is a fickle, emotional and strange business. And before long, I was flew out from my home in Manhattan, New York, and arrived comfortably in Conneticut, meeting with the most powerful man in the history of wrestling;




Richard Eisen. A man that had a grand dream for a small business, and made it a reality, destroying all tradition and becoming a legend in it's wake. A literal billionaire businessman, who took a profession nobody said could make it in the mainstream like the NBA or football, and at some points, made it even more popular than those. I was shown in by his (HOT) secretary, and took a seat. He looked agitated, his hands fidgeting, but I assume a man with that much money must often find it hard to sit still. I extended my hand.


"It's an honor, Mr. Eisen, I'm Matt Lazzara."


"I could give a sh*t what your name is kid,"
"Listen, I'm many things. Businessman, CEO, billionaire. I got a whole sh*tstorm on my plate right now, so I'm gonna cut right to the chase. Do you want the book or not?"
He said it so bluntly, it took me a few seconds of awkward silence to actually realise what was just said.


"Excuse me what?"


"Jesus, are you a retard? C'mon kid, head in the game! I want you to book for me, want you to be on creative and want you on-screen. I've seen tapes, I like you and I like your work, kid. That's why I flew you out here, which wasn't cheap let me tell you."
So pretty much, his creative team like me and my work, and I better not waste this guys money. Got it.


"If you don't mind me asking, why is it you want me to book for you?"


"I saw you when you were booking Cornell's circus over there. I'm a very well connected man, Mr. Lazzara. I know people within that organisation who were telling me you could've made a difference. Hell, I even had some people telling me you could be the reason Cornell
He laughed.
"While I don't know about that, that by itself is damn impressive to a guy like me, a man that hasn't been seriously challenged in over 30 years. Well now I got TCW and even Sam Strong nipping at my heels, and I want to stay ahead of the competition. I know that match wasn't your fault, so I'm willing to overlook that."


"But, what about Peter Michaels? The Jack Bruce story last year really hit off didn't it?"
Wait, why am I not taking this job already? What did curiosity kill? Where's the beef?


"Undoubtedly, one of the best we've ever run."
he said entirely deadpan serious. I raised my eyebrows as if to usher him into saying something further on the matter ...
"It was a great storyline no doubt. The problem is, Peter ...he's a one trick pony. At the last creative meeting, he suggested we run the next storyline with Bruce and my son's roles reversed in exactly the same fashion. Michaels is good at what he does, but I need something exciting for the direction this company is going in. Less comedy, less over-the-top, more action, more attitude. I think you know a little something about that."
His tone lightened, and I felt more at home before realising I was sat in the greatest office I've ever seen. Way better than my old call center office, and for a roach infested hole, that was nice.


"Will I get an office this nice?"
Oh, did I say that out loud?


"Excuse me?"
Aaaaaand the aggressive tone in his voice was back.


"I meant to say ...this is all happening a bit fast."


"Dammit, I'm offering you a job here, not propositioning you for a dirty night of motel sex. First of all, I like the ladies, and second, Mrs. Eisen would be extremely annoyed. Hell, if she didn't love money so much I'm pretty sure she would've already left me when I slept with that secretary."
Niceeeee. If I wasn't so afraid, I'd go for a high-five.


"And you don't want to hear a pitch of ideas or anything like that?"


"Time is money, and the longer we sit here the more money of mine you waste, as long as you're making me money I don't give a sh*t, because I really f*cking love money. Not only that, but I know as well as you do you'd love to bury Tommy even further."
The glint in his eye was a 50/50 split between sheer evil and total genius.
"Are we clear?"


"Crystal, Mr. Eisen."
Well that sounded cooler in my head.


"Bet that sounded cooler in your head, huh kid?"
Again, total genius.
"So I assume you'll be taking my offer?"
he exclaimed as he cracked a rare, maybe genuine smile and stood from his desk, outstretching a hand to me.


"It would be a pleasure, Mr. Eisen."
I firmly took his hand and we shook.
"I look forward to what I can do with the company and make us even stronger."


"As long as that means even more money too, then I'm sold on you, kid. Welcome to the Supreme Wrestling Federation."


I liked the sound of that. Before we departed though, I just had to ask;
"So, did Peter Michaels actually pitch 'Man Under Pressure' again?"


Eisen looked at me, perplexed.
"What? No, he just really p*sses me off."


And so begins Life In The Land Of Supreme.



OOC: Well, my TCW diary fell apart in the early stages due to some bad booking and whatnot back in 08 (which for some backstory you could go and check out), but I've always felt more at home with SWF and I think it does provide some interesting challenges this year. Hopefully (and in my mind definitely) this will be the first diary I manage to stick too long term and join the ranks near guys like James Casey, BigPapa42, Self, Phantom Stranger, FIN, Eisen-Verse, J-Silver, and some of the others that have really inspired me. Joining in early with the 2010 crowd is something I didn't do with 08, but hopefully this becomes my 'signature', if you will.


Although it may seem safer to play out a few game months and then begin the diary, I thought it more fun for you to join me at my first show, so you can live all my successes and failures out with me as I crash and burn through the SWF. Hopefully, I can avoid it looking too much like Papa's epic, although that I won't promise!

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Meet The Eisens


A few days later, I found myself back where I'd started, in the offices of Richard Eisen. He was nowhere to be seen, however, I was just told to sit and wait in his lavish workplace. I was also told not to touch anything, but when somebody has so many of those crazy desk toys ...well, without saying anything to get myself in too much trouble, things get broken. As I rushed to hide the evidence, the large doors opened and in walked Richard. Looking as sincerely irritated as always, I stood up in order to show the man some respect.




"C'mon, Dad! Just a couple thousand, that's all I need! You gave Eric the World Heavyweight Title!"
cried a whiny voice from behind my boss.


"No, Michaels gave Eric the World Heavyweight Title, and we all know that's because he's a pathetic kiss ass. Besides, a limo and a hundred thousand dollar meal still won't make Ana Garcia sleep with you. Got it, Jerry?"




In behind Richard, with his tail tucked between his legs, ran Jerry Eisen, playing lapdog to his father as I had always heard. Whatever happened to him being mentally retarded? That was a lot more fun. Nevertheless, he simply loosened his tie and decided to sulk.


"Jerry my boy, I want you to meet the new most important man in this company. This is Mr. Matthew Lazzara."


"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Eisen."
I extended my hand.


Nice kid. Despite what everybody says, a 33 year old man crying like a toddler who's Mom won't buy him a damn lollipop isn't the most attractive personality trait.


"Mr. Eisen? Jeez Matt, call him Jerry. He's worthless. I'm the only Mr. Eisen around here, so don't worry about it.
Must've been great growing up with a father like that. No wonder Jerry is such an insufferable ass.
My other son, he's Eric to you ...wait, where the hell is Eric?!"
Richard's head comically panned from side to side and then up and down, as if expecting Eric to descend from the ceiling like an angel surrounded by hoes in bikinis.


"Probably partying with all the money you give him, huh Pa?"


"Are you even mine?"


"Uh, excuse me Mr. Eisen?"
I intervened. Richard's head span around on its axis like the possessed chick from the Exorcist.
"What did you call me here for exactly?"


"Oh. I just wanted the boys to meet you and to hear a few of your plans. Let them in on the new head bookers idea of things. After all, they are the future of this company."


"And God help us all when that day comes."


Jerry exploded.


" ...Shut up Jerry."
And I swear his face turned more purple than Barney the dinosaur or that drink all the afro-Americans are into these days.


"AHAHAHAHA! I told ya, son! This kid is a riot! He's already fitting right in. Hell, it normally takes most a few days at least to be not scared of making you feel inferior. Which you are."


"Aaaaaaanyways. The first thing I wanted to talk about was my position as head booker being kept a secret from the public. As I'm going to be on-screen I want the fans to be able to accept my character for that, and not for the fact I'm behind the scenes."


"Done and done."


Jerry decided to snidely sneak in with
"Don't you think our fans are smarter than that?"


" ...Shut up Jerry."
I told you he was a genius.
"Anything else?"


"Well I'll be keeping my cards pretty close to my chest. However, Mr. Eisen, I just wondered what your position was on returning to an on-screen role?"


"On screen, eh?"


"It just seems like, at the moment, there's no strong authority figure on TV for the SWF. It almost looks like these workers are running around and doing whatever the hell they please with nobody in power to make matches or decisions. I wanted to bring you back onto the scene, play you as a corrupt official type of guy. What do you think?"


He pondered deeply.
"Hmm ...I like this, kid. You know, I'm getting on a bit, and I even though I still sleep with women at least 30 years younger than myself,"
Note: Jerry's expressions of disgust are priceless,
"I still feel like I need to leave more of a legacy to the actual viewer, the one who made the SWF what it is. Besides myself, obviously. Besides, I haven't been on television regularly since 2004 when I managed The Supremacists."


"So is that a 'yes', then?"


"What the hell, sounds like fun."


I smiled, letting know Richard I was happy with his choice. Richard just continued to silently mock Jerry, who in turn did nothing to come out of his corner crying, wishing Daddy loved him a little more. And I'm not just a d*ck. You saw me greet him earlier, I tried to be nice. Some people are just beyond reasoning with. The meeting began to wind up, when a smash of probably some expensive vase outside shocked the three of us in the room. Bursting in was none other than -




Eric Eisen, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion and most certainly not the fortunate recipient of nepotism, who had this pearl of wisdom to offer:


"Hey Dad, where the hoes at?!"


Being the son of a billionaire must be fun. Unless you're Jerry, of course.




SOON: Actual Shows! (possibly)

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An OOC Post;


Hello to everybody who has read or commented thus far, I do appreciate that as I get this project off the ground. I just wanted to adress a few things Out Of Character, do some explanation and whatnot.


First of all, I can understand if people are viewing this and thinking it's some sort of poor attempt at a comedy diary along the lines of J Silver. Whilst I do want to have comedic elements and hopefully, with the past two posts, make hopefully anybody laugh, the booking and overall feel of this diary will not be a straight comedy diary. A little tongue-in-cheek at points, maybe, but the storylines and character developments I hope to put into practice are not nessecerily designed to make people laugh. Although if you do, great. The opening posts were written purely off the top of my head when I got inspired to finally start up a diary after a few, short test runs with 2010. I hope they entertained a few of you!


Secondly, I have implemented some changes. Firstly, putting Supreme TV on for 2 hours rather than the standard 1 and a half. I have made all PPVs, except The Supreme Challenge, 3 hours, and will hopefully be implementing SWF Elite and SWF Uprising as a second A show and B show, respectively. (On a side note, isn't it cool I requested those logos for 08 and they're in the default database now? I thought so.) I will be firing people that suck (such as Everest, who playing ahead about 3 shows I have fired.), but I will also be keeping the fun challenges (the infamous Smacker anybody?)


On an entirely different, non-game note, I understand looking back at my track record that my diaries have hardly been odessy's or sweeping epics. In fact, I either seem to burn out too quickly or lose ideas. The TCW one I started in 2008 seemed to gain some sort of following, and I really enjoyed the writing style I developed, so that type of style may carry over, although I am going to try and distinguish it slightly in tone. The point is, although I haven't got the greatest track record, I hope that I can pull people in and hope they stick around for the journey.


In regards to the question "how do I play the game", I'm gonna say badly. Literally, I'm still pretty terrible at lengths (by the way, how do you not get penalised for length?), road agent notes, card positioning and am generally finding my feet. Although I destroyed the SWF in 2007 and, to a lesser extent 08, I find 2010 a more distinct challenge due to an abundance of monster heels, guys becoming less talented and chemistry issues. To be honest, I like that though. Like I said, I'm starting this right at the beginning, so you can go on the journey with me of hopefully becoming a competant SWF booker (and getting "B" ratings straight away for the SWF isn't the hardest thing, so don't tell me I don't suck! :p)


To wrap this up, thanks to Rathen (who I have enjoyed his APW dynastys, especially the presentation, in pretty much silence up to this point) and my old neoseeker buddy Shape, whose SWF diary looks to kick my ass, but a diary that looks like it has amazing potential, and I reccomend for anybody to get on board with, for their comments thus far. Hopefully I'll have the first Supreme TV card up by later tonight or tomorrow, if I'm feeling particularly lazy.


And now I've rambled.


Thanks all!

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Supreme TV Preview


Supreme Wrestling Federation fans, welcome to a new decade! 2010 begins with a bang on Tuesday night, as the reprecussions from the last exciting year in SWF history continue to take effect! With Eric Eisen now sitting atop the Supreme pile after months of intense build-up, which of his nemesis', former champion Jack Bruce or spurned pawn Rich Money, will be looking for immediate revenge?


Speaking of Jack Bruce, the former champion and the 'Man Under Pressure' will be in-ring, fighting Paul Huntingdon. The snobbish blue-blood may seem overmatched here, but considering he's a former Tag Team Champion and has a variety of tricks up his sleeve, you can't count him out. Also taking into account Jack Bruce's exhaustion from Christmas Clash, he may not have an easy time of it!


The SWF North American title will be on the line as "Big Money" Brandon James looks to continue his tear through the roster, with the lovely Emma Chase at his side, as he defends against one of the most unorthodox superstars in the Land of Supreme today, Jungle Lord.


In undercard action, we're sure to see an entertaining match between Frederique Antonio Garcia and Robbie Retro. With two of the most flamboyant personalities on the roster, there's no way this contest can't be fun.


The SWF Tag Team Championships will also be on the line, as Akima Brave and Kid Toma, the Samoan Wildboyz, attempt to put their recent change of heart into action. After winning a number one contendership on the last episode of Supreme TV for 2009, they get their shot against Jack Giedroyc and Valiant. These two men have only been the champions for a month, and this is their first challenge. Will they be able to hold onto the belts, or will the new attitudes of the Wildboyz help them to victory?


Enforcer Roberts will fight Steve Frehley, as the badass looks to continue his push back to the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. However, the Enforcer has never been an easy obstacle to overcome and will look to clamp on his infamous RCT. Still, aside his match, will Frehley have something to address about the man he's been having issues with since November, Vengeance?


Finally, in Main Event action, the SWF's very own "Iron Man" will step into the ring, mere weeks after feeling the wrath of Marat Khoklov. Saving Gregory Black from an undoubted death sentence, it was instead Faith who recieved a choke bomb through the announcers table from the Russian Giant. Still, on Tuesday Faith will prove why he's one of the most legendary figures in the sport as he steps into the ring with the always pretentious Squeeky McClean. Squeeky had a great 2009, and is one of the backbones of Supreme. Will he be able to capitilise on Faith's fragile state? Tune in on C.A.N.N on Tuesday to watch Supreme TV live


Supreme TV Card


Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce


SWF North American Championship - Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Robbie Retro


SWF World Tag Team Championship - Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Enforcer Roberts vs. Steve Frehley


Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean


Predictions are of course welcome!

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Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce

Squash, plus Jack Bruce is just so awesome!


SWF North American Championship - Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord

Brandon James should have no problem retaining


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Robbie Retro

this match is kind of a tough call, I am not a huge fan of F.A.G. so that is why I have decided to vote against him


SWF World Tag Team Championship - Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz

The Champs will retain as I don't see any titles changing hands on your first show


Enforcer Roberts vs. Steve Frehley

Could go either way but for prediction sake will go with Steve Frehley


Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean

This match I would say would probably end up more like the Jack Bruce and Paul Huntington match. However I am willing to give Squeeky more of a chance than Huntington.

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Thanks to both of you for your predictions, if anyone else has got any, feel free or just any feedback in general.


Normally I wouldn't do this shameless bumping type o' thing, but I just also wanted to say a huge thankyou to whoever deemed this worthy of a five star rating! Hopefully that means I'm making a good impression and whilst I don't feel worthy of the 5*, I will do my best to one day live up to it!

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Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce


The upset will be teased due to Bruce coming in to the match 'exhausted' but in the end you aren't going to job out one of your biggest stars to a lower end midcarder.


SWF North American Championship - Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord


Routine defence for the former Big Cat.


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Robbie Retro


F.A.G is actually one of the most under-rated people in the Cornellverse, and has some pretty solid stats, especially for someone in a Pop based fed like SWF. I've not really ever seen anyone turn him into a star but to me he has more potential to 'break out' than Retro.


SWF World Tag Team Championship - Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Don't see any of the titles changing hands on the first show either


Enforcer Roberts vs. Steve Frehley


Roberts has more than likely settled into the gatekeeper (from midcard to main event) role and Frehley has already worked his way past Roberts in the SWF pecking order.


Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean


Faith may be getting on, but I still see him being treated as a big deal in the SWF and thus I see him pulling out the win here against Squeeky McLean.

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Paul Huntingdon vs. Jack Bruce


SWF North American Championship - Brandon James © vs. Jungle Lord


Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Robbie Retro


SWF World Tag Team Championship - Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


Enforcer Roberts vs. Steve Frehley


Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean

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SWF Supreme TV - Tuesday Week 1, January 2010



Live from Mayor Street Arena; 15,000 sell out in attendance!


Announce Team:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU52JpE7E68&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><paramname="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU52JpE7E68&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="310" height="25"></embed></object>


BOOM! BOOM! KAAAABOOM! Within seconds Mayor Street Arena is lit up to the rafters with pyro as the first Supreme TV of the calendar year is underway! All the Supreme loyalists are in the crowd, holding signs supporting their favourites and condemning their hated, but everyone is going nuts! We settle on the three man announce team of Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Jerry Eisen.


Peter Michaels: Happy new year everybody! Even though we're coming to you one day late, this is the new years celebration for 2010 from the Supreme Wrestling Federation! I'm so happy you could join us, with me as always I've got Duane Fry -

Duane Fry: A pleasure as always, Peter.

PM: And our newest addition to the table, Jerry Eisen.

Jerry Eisen: Great to be here!

DF: And it's great for all our fans to be here, for a night that's sure to lead us to some revelations considering the shocking events of the past months!

PM: Events that climaxed with your brother, Jerry, defeating Jack Bruce for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship only two weeks ago!


As is the norm with professional wrestling, the announcers don't have much time to finish their discussion, as the Supreme Screen jumps to life, blaring out the theme music of the one and only -




- Jack Bruce! The former World Heavyweight Champion comes out from the Crippler Position, and the entire crowd goes into a frenzy as officially North America's biggest babyface takes on an entirely different look. Normally a vibrant, care free rock star, Bruce now looks entirely serious as he walks to the ring, but still finds time to slap the hands of a few lucky fans (I'm a poet, huh?). Ana Garcia hands him a microphone as he waits for the noise to die down.


Jack Bruce: Ladies and gentlemen, normally I would come out here, and I would ask if you're ready. I would come out here and I would play air guitar, and I would show off my shiny, coveted World championship. Now what's the problem with this picture?


Bruce glances down at his waist, disappointed, as the fans know what he's trying to say.


Bruce: Because you see, two weeks ago at Christmas Clash, after near nine months of constant pressure, my quest against Rich Money was proven to be not quite the case, as then 'King Nepotism' reared his ugly head. EISEN!! You screwed me over, and you made me take it out on an innocent man. Just so you know, from tonight onwards ...I'm gunning for you. But right now, that's not what it's about. Oh no, dear viewer, I'm here to make amends. Rich ...I want you to come down here.


There's a few moments of awkward silence, as the fans wait. Bruce seems to accept that nobody is coming, but then Rich Money, to a huge response does push his way through the curtain! As he makes his way to the ring, he doesn't give away for a second how he feels.




Bruce: Look, Rich ...I know I was wrong to assume that you were behind all the bad things that happened to me like now. You've gotta admit, with a name like 'Rich Money', it was hard to suspect anyone else.


The joke doesn't go down well with Money, who continues to scowl at Bruce.


Bruce: But you've got to know, it only went that way because that's the way Eric played it. Eisen used both of us as pawns, playing us off each other so he could swoop in and take my -


Rich Money: Save it, Bruce. Because of your assumptions, you cost me winning the one thing in my life I've wanted more than anything else. I've had the money, I've had the women, I've had it all ...except the World Heavyweight Championship. Sure, Eisen planned on it ...but he also planned on you being stupid enough to believe it.


Bruce: I know, and I made a mistake. He fooled me, and I'm gonna come out and say it. But I'm also gonna come out here and say that I apologise, and I hope we can put it behind us and work together to get Eisen back ...


Bruce reaches out his hand towards Money as the fans pop for it. Money only takes a split second to look down at Bruce's hand before looking back.


Money: It's going to take a lot more than that to make me think I can trust you. You want your belt back? Do it by yourself, and then I'll take it from you.


Money drops his microphone and walks straight from the ring, leaving Bruce dejected in the ring.




PM: Our former champion tried to make amends with Rich Money right then, his nemesis for the majority of last year, but to no avail it seems?

JE: When you have a war that intense, it's going to take more than a handshake to solve.

DF: That may be one of the most logical things you've ever said, Jerry.





SWF North American Championship

Brandon James © w/Emma Chase vs. Jungle Lord


Solid action here to open the wrestling proceedings of the night, although not as good as perhaps hoped from these two hard hitters. Strangely, Pat Deacon seemed to mention "Big Money" and his manager Emma Chase have poor chemistry; despite the fact they've been together since 2008. Still, it's a tough contest with both men throwing insanely hard shots at each other, and finesse is a word these two can't even spell. Jungle Lord actually looks to have the dominant Big Money on the ropes for a brief few seconds, even measuring up for the Call Of The Wild (a flying knee strike off the second rope), but the sultry Ms. Chase manages to intervene herself long enough from Big Money to throw the wild man half way across the ring. Lord gets back to his feet, and gets drilled with the Big Money Move.


Winner: Brandon James in 8.40 to retain the North American title.






After that, we cut directly backstage where the self proclaimed 'Can't Miss Prospect' Marc DuBois is standing by, and still apparently wondering what a razor is.


Marc DuBois: My name is one that, by now, should be synonymous with not only the Supreme Wrestling Federation ...but with wrestling itself. Why that hasn't happened, I couldn't tell you. I am the 'Can't Miss Prospect', and my day is coming. Alas, the hierarchy of this company obviously don't want me to come to the attention of the world. Maybe they're afraid Hollywood will come calling - in more ways than one. Politics or no politics, I'm here to tell you this: 2010 is a new year, and a year you will always remember as the year Marc DuBois rose to prominence.




DF: Is it just me or does that kid get more annoying each time he opens his mouth?

JE: I must say I disagree with his accusations that the company is holding him down.

PM: You would say that, Jerry. Your last name is the reason why, before you ask.



Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. Robbie Retro


You would think putting a guy in a pink feather boa who practically plays a homosexual in a comedy based match with a white guy with an afro who dances around to 'Disco Inferno' would be a good idea. It was not. The audience hated it, and it was horrific. I know both of these guys can do better, and the match itself wasn't bad ...but it was an education on what the SWF fans in these new days expect. At least I know I won't make the same mistake again. The less said about it the better, except that FAG pinned Robbie with his feet on the ropes.


Winner: Frederique Antonio Garcia via pinfall in 6.39






Angry Gilmore is all ready to go, and despite his namesake, is looking quite docile. He stands somewhere backstage.


Angry Gilmore: For all of the things in this world, it really takes something special to make me angry. I mean truly, deeply angry. I'm going to share one of those things with you: LOBSTER WARRIOR!!!


Suddenly, Gilmore practically turns on his axis, snarling and almost foaming at the mouth.


Angry Gilmore: I won the Burning Junior title in Japan. I've won accolades around the world. I came to the SWF years ago, hearing that this is where the best were, this was where the elite professional wrestlers would test themselves. And what do I find?! I find some JOKE, dressing up like a crustacean!! I find the fans actually supporting this, then supporting WRESTLING!! Well I -


Before Gilmore can continue, he turns and his eyes meet that of




The Warrior himself, kitted out head to toe in his big claws and his mask/helmet/thing. The fans pop as Lobby smiles at Gilmore, which only serves to anger him further.


Lobster Warrior: Oh evil doer, when will you learn? Your anger only serves to drive people away from your purpose! I am a noble warrior of the ocean, this is why the people rally around me!




Warrior: I may be half man half lobster, but if you think I can't fight, you're sorely mistaken. Why, I was the personal appointed bodyguard for King Neptune's daughter. Ariel, redhead ...she was pretty hot.


Gilmore: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Listen to me, Lobster Man ...next Thursday, When Hell Freezes Over? I want you in the ring, and I want to embarrass you live on Pay Per View. You man or lobster or whatever enough to take on that?


Warrior: I am both man AND lobster enough! Only you're the one that'll be embarrassed, but for now - LOBSTER WARRIOR AWAYYYYYY!


With that, he's gone. And with that, Angry Gilmore looks like his nice bald head is about to implode. There was no way this angle was going to be anything except pure awesome with a healthy side of win.




PM: That was ...odd.

DF: How long have we been working here, Pete? You should expect this by now!

JE: I've only been on the Supreme TV team for few weeks and even I know we're only a week away from a rageaholic and a lobster having a brawl.




The World Tag Team Champions stand backstage, and cut a promo on their match tonight and on being the Tag Team Champions. Meanwhile, Dawn The Cheerleader and Hannah stand behind them looking hot. That's it, honestly.







SWF World Tag Team Championship

Jack Giedroyc & Valiant © vs. The Samoan Wildboyz


With both their managers at ringside, Giedroyc, newly gruff and beardy, which must be what Dawn likes, and the clean-cut as ever Valiant look confident and happy to be walking out as SWF Tag Team Champs. The Samoan Wildboyz on the other hand ham up their new ****y personas. Akima uses some high impact offence to start wearing Valiant down, and the high flying tactics of Toma keep them off guard, but it's when Giedroyc gets into the match things start to take shape. He dropkicks Toma out of the air mid cross body block, and slides out of a Samoan Drop. As Akima turns, Giedroyc comes Crashing On for the three count.


Winners: Giedroyc & Valiant in 8.05 to retain the Tag Team Titles.




DF: And a great first defence for our Tag champs there!

JE: I thought the Wildboyz' new attitude might have given them the edge here.

PM: Well it seems it actually harmed them. Bit too arrogant, a few too many chances taken perhaps?




Backstage, Joe Sexy (who has a name that looks increasingly ironic each year) slueths the corridors, looking dapper as ever. Suddenly, his eyes brighten as he sees his target -




Emma Chase, the super-agent. She grabs a coffee and goes back to crunching some numbers as Joe approaches.


Joe Sexy: Evening, missy. Looks like that's a whole bunch of fun.


Emma looks up, sees it is Sexy, scoffs, and puts her head back down. Deterred not, Sexy pulls up another chair.


Sexy: Emma, you know and I know this isn't your idea of a good time. Personally, I think we both have the same idea if you know what I mean ...




"Big Money" walks into shot, freshly showered from his earlier title defence and staring Sexy down. Sexy bolts upright so he isn't potentially caught by an assault unable to defend himself.


Brandon James: What the hell are you doing here?


Sexy: I don't understand what you're game is, having a lady like that doing your finances. There's a little "crunching" of our own we should be doing.


Big slapstick wink. Emma rolls her eyes.


Emma Chase: Brandon, forget this clown. We've got more important things to deal with, like getting you to the top of the SWF.


James: No, this over-the-hill punk wants to go, he wants to hit on you? She'd only break your heart, Joe. She's too good for you.


Sexy: I never met a woman who was too good for me yet, "Money". Besides, I've broken my fair share of hearts.


Chase: I am right here, y'know.


James: I suggest you get out of here, right now.


Sexy: That ain't happenin'.


The two are at a Mexican stand off, when overhearing this is none other than -




The Boss, Richard Eisen!


PM: Eisen is on TV?! What's he doing here?!

DF: I have a feeling we're about to find out!


Richard Eisen: Hello Brandon, Joe, Emma.


All three don't know quite what to make of this.


Richard Eisen: What? The creator of The Land Of Supreme isn't allowed to walk around? Well here's a wake up call, I'm in charge here. And seeing as it's a new year, I plan on setting a new authority in this place. It's out of control, and I won't see a bunch of testosterone filled b*tches run it into the ground! That's why next week at When Hell Freezes Over, if you two have been having such problems, Brandon, you'll defend your title against Joe Sexy!


The fans pop as both Brandon and Emma look irritated, but don't want to say so as, after all, Richard Eisen is back and he looks to be on the warpath. Richard just smiles.


Richard Eisen: Ahhh it's good to be the boss.




JE: My father just laying down the law, Mr. Eisen to you!

PM: Well we haven't seen the boss on regular TV since he led the Supremacists all the way back in 2004.

DF: Since then the Land of Supreme has got a little crazy, maybe Eisen wants to restore some order?

PM: It's never that simple with Richard Eisen.



Jack Bruce vs. Paul Huntingdon


This time in front of the fans Bruce is a little more livewire, but you can see the fatigue on his face. Despite his new shock of blue hair, he's still clearly feeling the effects of the massive pressure he suffered at the hands of a sneaky Eric Eisen. Huntingdon meanwhile, while not looking threatening, does look fresh. There look to be points in the match where the Blue Blood looks to take advantage, but Bruce relies on his superior fighting instinct to get him through tough situations. Paul does nail a nasty DDT and actually gets a two count on the former champion, and freaks out at referee Ric Young. Karma comes round to bite him in the ass as the "Man Under Pressure" is back on his feet. One New York Minute later, and the victory is swift. Both men impressed in this match, with facing one of the best obviously raising his game.




It's not over yet though, as Jack Bruce asks for a microphone. Still breathing heavily and clutching at his side, Bruce gasps into the microphone:


Bruce: Now, I've been through a whole lot of crap this past year. Tonight you saw that Rich won't even forgive me. That's one thing, and that's his choice ...but I have to be able to forgive myself, and to do that ...I think I need my title back.




Bruce: Eric! I want my shot next Thursday, I want it one-on-one and I want it fair! No more of your in-the-shadows, no more pawns, just one-on-one, you getting your ass beat!




It doesn't take long for Eric Eisen to answer the call, a smart black dress shirt on and dress pants to compliment his new, bulkier physique. Eric wears a scowl on his face, but more importantly, the SWF World title over his shoulder, which he subtly, but clearly, flaunts in Bruce's direction.


Eric Eisen: So you want a shot? Next Thursday, When Hell Freezes Over?


Bruce: You got that right.


Eric Eisen: Interesting ...why would I want to give you one, again?


Bruce: Scared I'll take it all away so soon?


Eric Eisen: I'm scared I'll hurt you with the state your in. Look at you ...you couldn't even work it out, all the clues I dropped last year, and you were still strutting around the SWF, blaming Rich Money. It's your fault you lost this title, I was lucky enough to be the mastermind behind it all.


Bruce: Eisen - stop dancing around it, stop ducking me. Give me my shot.


Eric Eisen: Psh, if you're that desperate Bruce, fine. You've got it, but you're a shell right now. Just don't be disappointed when I walk out of When Hell Freezes Over with this belt still around my waist. Bruce, you could be a multi-platinum selling rock star, or a hundred time champion but there's one thing you've forgot: You're not an Eisen. I am.




DF: Woah, that's going to be a barn-stormer! Eisen vs. Bruce, next Thursday at When Hell Freezes Over!!

PM: You've got to think, Duane, where does that leave Rich Money?

JE: That leaves him not in the title match?

DF: That's right Jerry.

JE: I did it!




Remo, newly looking all 'Franchise Player', cuts a promo where he says he'll put out an open challenge for When Hell Freezes Over, because everybody who gets a direct challenge says no due to fear. Remo scowls and readjusts his sweet shades as he says whoever is brave enough is still stupid, because they're going to get destroyed.





Enforcer Roberts vs. Steve Frehley


Frehely comes to the ring looking intense as always, as the crowd bop along with his theme music. Enforcer Roberts as always looks in focus behind his porn star mustache. What follows is some extremely solid but not spectacular action, with both men trading shots, with Frehley's explosive offense countered by the vast experience Roberts has. Roberts tries to lock in the RCT a few times, but Frehley always powers out of it. Roberts clocks Frehley with a devestating looking right, but it just looks like it pisses Frehley off. Frehley explodes with clotheslines and a powerslam, before gutting the Enforcer with the Dark Destroyer Spear for a 3.


Winner: Steve Frehley in 13.14 via pinfall.




Frehley isn't done in the ring, though. Putting his shades back on, the Dark Destroyer is hulking. He manages to find a microphone and looks up all around the arena.


Steve Frehley: So ...2010? The more things change, the more they stay the same? It's true, yo. Because even though we're here in this new year, I still can't shake some crap that's been going down since last year. Vengeance -


Jeers, but yet some cheers for the SWF's resident Vigilante.


Frehley: I'll lay it out like this for all of ya. I like kicking ass, and I like doing it straight forward. Vengeance, that big scary punk ass, decides that since November he'll play some mind games with me. I got no time for mind games, I only got time to beat down and take names! So Vengeance, either you face me like a man, or you leave me the hell alone and let me focus on regaining the World Heavyweight Championship! So what's it gonna be vigilante?! Huh?!




Frehley: I'll take that as you'll leave me alone. Shame. Would've liked to Spear you to hell, but -


Lights out! The fans scream in anticipation as the lights in the New Mayor Arena stay completely obsolete! The cameras manage to pick up Frehley, still stood in the ring, fists clenched, when a spotlight clicks on out of nowhere, pointing towards the rafters of the building where, lo and behold -




VENGEANCE!! The man that has terrorised the roster of the SWF for two years with his 'unique' brand of justice stands up in the rafters of the building, simply looking down on Frehley. Frehley yells for Vengeance to come down and fight, but Vengeance simply grins, the gears in his head turning. Slowly he nods from side to side 'No', smiles once more, the lights cut out again.


When they come up again, Vengeance is gone.




JE: Does Vengeance get creepier by the week, or is that just me?

PM: The man is certainly enigmatic and even more than that, dangerous. The main question being -

DF: What exactly does he have in store for Steve Frehley?




Christian Faith: Supreme fans, I'm going to tell you something you already know about me tonight; I am a simple man, of simple tastes. I like my motorbikes fast, I like my beers cheap and I like my fights fair. No two ways about it, that's how it's always been. Still, seems everytime I turn around there's somebody threatening my way of life and, in fact, my life in general. I understand why: I've been headlining this company for decades now, I'm the icon that can still go. I'm the "Iron Man".


The fans pop huge for Faith, still the undoubted face of Supreme. Faith smiles to himself slightly, acknowledging the fans love for him and, in return, his for them.


Faith: Marat Khoklov. All I did when I stopped you from decimating Gregory Black last month was standing up for the Supreme Wrestling Federation and its fans. I was defending our very way of life. You seem to want to take that personally, not that I speak Russian. If you feel that way, so be it, it's personal. You may be the biggest, the most threatening superstar that's ever been here in Supreme. I would know, I've seen 'em all. But each one of them, they've come and gone. If you look back in the history books, Khoklov, you'll see a list of giants in this company. And nearly every last one of these Goliaths met a David in me. The bigger they are, Khoklov, the harder I make them fall. All I, and these fans need is a little -







Christian Faith vs. Squeeky McClean


This one gets underway at a speedy pace, with Faith, despite being 43 years old, wrestling with the vigor of a 33 year old. Squeeky though remains characteristically solid and doesn't give Faith that much space to move. Squeeky actually manages to lock in the Stain Removal early, but Faith fights out of it before any serious damage can be done. Squeeky continues to wear down Faith with holds, as Faith's legendary resilience comes into play to keep him alive.


Faith eventually manages to fight back and lights up the crowd with his classic Faith Hammers, and drills Squeeky with a tornado punch, dropping him to the ground! McClean is right back up on his feet and ducks another punch, taking Faith to the ground and trying to lock in the Stain Removal once more, but the Iron Man kicks Squeeky off, who colides with the turnbuckle! Squeeky turns around - right into a LEAP OF FAITH! Squeeky drops to the ground as Faith drops down and hooks the leg - 1 ...2 ...3! All in all, solid - but kind of expected more out of these two.


Winner: Christian Faith at 18.27




Faith gets to his feet and has his hand raised by Darren Smith, but doesn't get much time to celebrate.


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PM: Oh jesus no!

DF: Faith is tired, but we know he won't back down! Get out of there Christian!




But the Russian Goliath is already on his way down to the ring, as Faith looks over half-defiant and half-defeated. Still, he clenches his hands and raises them in fists! Marat steps over the top, and Faith immediatly starts firing off punches as hard as he can, but they do nothing to effect Khoklov, who simply keeps walking towards Faith. Faith stops punching for a second, giving Khoklov a split second to grab Faith and throw up backwards, over the top rope! Faith hits the ringside mats hard, but knows he's not safe on the ground, so stands up, but he stands right into the boot of the Giant! Faith is reeling as Marat then lifts Faith to his feet, before brutally headbutting him! SWF's biggest icon stumbles backwards, a slight trickle of blood running down his face.


JE: This is horrible!

PM: Just one headbutt from that animal Marat Khoklov and Faith has been busted open ...the man is a beast!

DF: That he is, 7 feet tall, near 500 pounds - he's practically unstoppable ...


And Marat proves Duane Fry's point, as he tosses Faith head first into the steel ring post. Faith flops to the ground, almost unmoving now, but Khoklov isn't done. Grabbing Faith by the neck, he hoists him from the ground straight up into the air, choking the life out of him! Faith tries to fight for a brief few seconds, before starting to go slowly more limp. The fans jeer and try and will their hero on, but Khoklov is too strong a force. To cap it off, still with Faith held 7 feet in the air, Khoklov slowly but purposefully walks over to the announce table ...


PM: Oh God no! NO!!


Unfortunately yes, Khoklov snaps his hands down, choke bombing Christian Faith onto and through the announce table! The table, still with TV monitors and all the other items attached, implodes as Faith hits the floor below with a sickening thud. The announcers stand back in horror as Marat simply looks down at the broken body of Christian Faith, towering over him as the credits for this episode of Supreme TV roll.






Overall Rating:




C.A.N.N Rating: 7.72

UK Broadcasting Secondary Rating: 0.19

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First of all, and I hate to focus on the pictures, but they're just so pretty...digging Eisen's new suit. And I haven't seen that Brandon alt before...it looks amazing. Really suits the character. There's still remnants of crazy in his current pic.


Anyway, onto the text. Finding it interesting that we've started at the same time and yet are nine months apart, gonna be great to see where you go with everything. I've done exact Frehley/Vengeance segments like that before lol, good way to keep them apart. And I enjoyed your Lobby promo, the Gilmore angle could be another similarity between us.


Can't believe that FAG/Retro rating, did you book it as a comedy match and the fans really not take to it? As a normal affair without bad chemistry it'd have to get something at least in the D range (was going to say higher then remembered Retro's overness starts a lot lower than I'm presently used to having it, haha).


lol at the boss just being like "yeah sup."


And lol at Khoklov's theme, very interesting, not going for the menacing loud rock type song, the idea of him coming out to that is brilliant.

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First of all, and I hate to focus on the pictures, but they're just so pretty...digging Eisen's new suit. And I haven't seen that Brandon alt before...it looks amazing. Really suits the character. There's still remnants of crazy in his current pic.


Ahaha, they are pretty huh? Any pic that is done for me and my diary specifically, like the Richard Eisen alt and more to come, is pure jhd1. It's been said by numerous people, but the man is a genius with alts and his selflessness is admirable, really. The Brandon alt I believe was a J Silver invention, and it is God damn fantastic.


Anyway, onto the text. Finding it interesting that we've started at the same time and yet are nine months apart, gonna be great to see where you go with everything.


And I with you, good sir. Obviously you've got more characters already established in your head and are probably more organised than I am, because I'm terrible at that. So for a while I'll probably be flying blind, but I have ideas of where I want to end up.


Can't believe that FAG/Retro rating, did you book it as a comedy match and the fans really not take to it?


Exactly. I remembered they put in comedy matches, and I was like HEY, that sounds like something the SWF would do! It said it didn't live up to fans expectation of the product or something ...I can't really remember. All I know is that I live and learn, and won't be booking a "Sports Entertainment" match for a good while.


lol at the boss just being like "yeah sup."


Haha, wasn't sure how that would go over. In my head though, the way I envision Richard Eisen is practically, he does whatever he wants. I'm glad you (I assume?) liked that.


And lol at Khoklov's theme, very interesting, not going for the menacing loud rock type song, the idea of him coming out to that is brilliant.


Again, I'm glad you picked up on that. Ironically, I was looking around for some slow, screamo rock song to sell menacing, and I couldn't find anything. Then I watched an episode of American Dad where a Soviet guy moves across the street, and the Soviet National Anthem was used in it, and all I could think was how awesome would it be seeing a 7 foot Russian march out to that? Thanks for your feedback Shape, I really appreciate it.


Holy crap, that Khoklov alt is awesome.


Loving the slant you've put on things here, the presentation stands out from others really well.


Keep it up.


Thanks Rathen! The Khoklov alt is awesome, but I'm afraid I can't take any credit as the fantastic jtlant, who I believe did it for our other alt Godfather jhd1.


As for your feedback, thankyou kindly. I like to think I'm establishing my own spin on SWF as we've already had epic opus from Papa, NoNeck and we've got other promising works from Shape and in the near future I believe Casey, so I hope I can seperate mine from the pack, not as better but as ...different.


Thanks to you both!

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Our alt makers really do kick arse.


Also, I missed out on the predictions and that sucks. I don't have a huge amount of time to read diaries here- if there's any chance you could PM me when you put up predictions for people to do I'd be uber grateful!

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Supreme TV Preview


2010 began in style last week, with several huge moments in the Land of Supreme already taking place! The show closed with a worn down Christian Faith being brutally assaulted and slammed through the announce table by the Russian behemoth Marat Khoklov! Will Faith be healthy enough to appear on Supreme TV? Will Marat have anything (in Russian) to say?


In the ring, we have the radioactive hero Captain Atomic taking on Remo. Last week 'The Destroyer' issued an open challenge to the roster for When Hell Freezes Over, and this week looks to warm up two days before the first Pay Per View event of the year! Captain Atomic however has been making waves in the lower reaches of the card, and maybe sees this as his opportunity to break up the ranks!


In tag team action, the North American Champion "Big Money" Brandon James will align with the SWF's legendary monster Runaway Train in a move organised by his agent Emma Chase, to take on James' title challenger Joe Sexy and the man he defeated last week, Jungle Lord. Sexy has been on a roll lately, and the fan support he's now receiving could will him and his wild partner to victory, but Runaway Train can never be counted out, and with momentum as high as the Champ has got right now, can anybody stop him?


Two of the brightest young stars in the Supreme Wrestling Federation go head to head on Supreme TV this week, as one half of the former Tag Team Champions The Amazing Bumfholes, Zimmy, takes on the 'Can't Miss Prospect' Marc DuBois. Zimmy, the fun loving, care free youngster from Florida takes on the ****y Canadian superstar who last week claimed 2010 would be the "Year of DuBois". Can he start living up to that large claim, or will Zimmy prove that 2010 might be a year of singles success for the tag star?


Rich Money, the 'Lone Wolf', will no doubt cement his new status as fan favourite on Supreme TV when he fights maybe the biggest egomaniac the Land of Supreme has ever seen, Big Smack Scott! Scott, while loathed by near everyone, has managed to achieve and sustain a large measure of success over the past year, but a scorned Rich Money looks to be aiming his sights right at the top of the SWF, and even the Big Smacker may regret getting in his way.


In main event action of the evening, Jack Bruce may get more than a 'warm up' for When Hell Freezes Over, as he faces of against one of the most rounded, and agressive, superstars in the SWF, nevermind the world. Angry Gilmore launched a tirade at jokes in "his" wrestling business last week, and he and Lobster Warrior are now set to go one on one at When Hell Freezes Over. Jack Bruce has a chance on Thursday to win back the World Heavyweight Title from sworn enemy Eric Eisen, but would be foolish to look past the Angry one, who is one of the best in the world. The only way to see this sure fire classic is to tune in to C.A.N.N, live on Tuesday night for Supreme TV!


Supreme TV Card


Captain Atomic vs. Remo


Brandon James & Runaway Train vs. Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord


Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois


Big Smack Scott vs. Rich Money


Angry Gilmore vs. Jack Bruce

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Captain Atomic vs. Remo - I don't know - you may want to push Atomic and have no plans for Remo - but with that new alt...


Brandon James & Runaway Train vs. Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord


Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois - Not a fan of Dubois.


Big Smack Scott vs. Rich Money - You're not crazy enough to push BSS are you?


Angry Gilmore vs. Jack Bruce - This will be awesome.

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Ahaha, they are pretty huh? Any pic that is done for me and my diary specifically, like the Richard Eisen alt and more to come, is pure jhd1. It's been said by numerous people, but the man is a genius with alts and his selflessness is admirable, really.


Thanks very much Shmoe, I appreciate the kind words.


Right, so I'm caught up and I enjoyed it very much. The Lobster Warrior-Gilmore skit was funny but how did you get an E+! I've never tried a comedy match and with that as a warning, I don't think I'll bother! :D


Captain Atomic vs. Remo

Atomic may be one to watch but for the moment Remo is the star.

Brandon James & Runaway Train vs. Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord

I would normally go with the challenger for the momentum but I don't think Jungle Lord winning will do anybody any favours. For that reason I expect Emma Chase to distract Joe in order to lessen the blow.

Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois

Personally, I'd push Zimmy but I don't think that, for the moment at least, you are going to have DuBois lose and potentially look an idiot.

Big Smack Scott vs. Rich Money

Money? Scott? Erm...easy.

Angry Gilmore vs. Jack Bruce

Bruce needs the win most if he is going to challenge Eisen at the PPV.

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Captain Atomic vs. Remo


Remo is the established main eventer here


Brandon James & Runaway Train vs. Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord


Even though Train is on his way down, Brandon James is being tipped as a future World Champion and I think they will have too much for Sexy and Jungle Lord, especially with the distracting charms of Emma Chase at ringside.


Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois


Dubois is a little higher on the SWF ladder right now and I think at this stage, the status quo remains.


Big Smack Scott vs. Rich Money


I'd actually love it if you did push Big Smack Scott :p But Rich Money is....Money !


Angry Gilmore vs. Jack Bruce


Can't help thinking that Gilmore will always end up as one of those never was able to get a run with the World Title guys in the default data, despite being one of SWF's best wrestlers. I hope at some point he get's the push his talents deserve, as for the here and now Jack Bruce is a recent former World Champion and has already been booked to face Eisen in a re-match at the next PPV, so for momentum purposes he will clearly benefit from the win more here.

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Many thanks to everyone that's done predictions, this, for me at least, is a really great turnout and I appreciate it! The show will probably be done and up in the next two days, I'm about 6/8ths through writing it, although to avoid oversaturating the diary the pace may slow up slightly after that. :p


Anyone else that has predictions or just feedback for the diary, that too would be most welcome!

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SWF Supreme TV - Tuesday Week 2, January 2010



Live from Isaak Road Arena; 15,000 sell out in attendance!


Announce Team:


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Settled firmly in Carolina this week, the Supreme Wrestling Federation is back in your living room as hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of pyrotechnics explode from the stage, creating a thick haze as the fans go nuts!


PM: Supreme fans, you're in for a treat tonight! The SWF has got some explosive action ready for Supreme TV, I'm Peter Michaels -

DF: I'm Duane Fry -

JE: And I'm Jerry Eisen!

DF: And Peter, you're right, only two days away from the first Pay Per View event of 2010, SWF presents When Hell Freezes Over, but you can't look past tonight!

JE: I can't wait! When Hell Freezes Over, Thursday night! If you haven't ordered yet, make sure you do because you won't want to miss it!


But now it's time for Supreme TV, as a heavy, familiar riff kicks into the sound system and the fans rise to their feet to show their disdain ...


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

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DF: And here he comes, the World Heavyweight Champion!

JE: Eric? I wonder what he wants?

PM: I'm sure we're about to find out, Jerry!




The fans show Eric Eisen what they think of him, with the boss' son receiving many middle fingers from the 15,000 in attendance. Eric just sneers as them as evil as possible as he shrugs the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, looking all nice and shiny, over his shoulder repeatedly, as if to remind people this isn't a bad dream: he really is the champ.


Eric Eisen: On Thursday, all you miserable cretins will get to watch me, heir to the greatest dynasty in professional wrestling history, Eric Eisen, defeat the man you call 'hero'. Bruce, you think your pathetic attitude you showed last week will help you beat me? You've gotta be kidding. Apologising and crying about Money not wanting to be your friend, that's not the attitude of a champion. I have that killer instinct, Jackie Boy, the instinct that allowed me to dismantle you so very easily last year -


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

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DF: Eisen better watch what he says!




The fans go insane as the rock star himself, New York's finest, Jack Bruce pushes his way through the curtain and takes no time in whipping the crowd into a frenzy with his wicked cool air guitar skills! Eisen leans over the top rope, staring at Bruce in absolute disgust. Bruce looks like he's having a great time, until his eyes meet those of Eric - and then it drops completely. The smile disappears as Eisen stares Bruce in the face, smiles and then lifts the World Heavyweight belt to his mouth, planting a long kiss on the golden plate.


JE: Eric is taunting Jack Bruce right now!

DF: I don't know if that's the best idea ...

PM: Oh, watch out! Here comes the King of Manhattan!


Bruce only takes a second before sprinting full pace to the ring! Eric backs up and drops the belt to the mat, readying himself, but he can't prepare well enough as Bruce double leg tackles Eric to the canvas! Eric covers up as Bruce swings wildly, when Eisen catches an opening and manages to roll over, landing some hard shots of his own! Bruce kicks Eisen off and gets to his feet, the two men lock up with one hand and just rain punches at each other with their free hands! Before anything can get too violent, a swarm of staff and security flood the ring, and separate the two men! Both are practically clambering over the likes of Pat Deacon or Shane Stones trying to get at each other but are subdued. Bruce gets a microphone from somewhere, and stares Eisen directly in the face -


Jack Bruce: Eric ...on Thursday, you're going to see what happens when you F*CK WITH ME!! Keep that title nice and warm, because at When Hell Freezes Over, IT'S COMING HOME BABY!!!




PM: A huge start to the show this week!

JE: I gotta say, I know my brother better than anybody and I think that he'll beat Bruce on Thursday.

DF: Bruce is undoubtedly still worn out from your brothers scheme that took most of last year, but he's also well known to overcome some serious odds.


Cutting to backstage, the area is almost completely black, only slight gaps highlighting sections of the backstage. There's some sort of noise behind the camera, which turns around to meet Vengeance!




The Vigilante is right up in the camera, his face taking up the majority of the screen, illuminated only by an eerie white light, his eyes widened.


Vengeance: Steve Frehley ...for years, I have known this would come. I have known that our fates, they have been intertwined Frehley. You're heralded arrival was only the first of many epiphanies. I've seen you, Frehley, make something of nothing. And to an extent, I've been impressed. But to an extent, you, the 'Dark Destroyer' ...you must be brought to justice. Now ...now is not the time for that justice to be exacted, for there is a time and place for everything. The day is coming, make no mistake about that - but for now, I will continue to watch Frehley. I hope that feeling hovers over you, shadows your every move, your every thought. Vengeance is coming, Frehley. Vengeance is coming.


With that, Vengeance disappears back into the endless black.




DF: Can anybody decipher that?

PM: Vengeance has never been known to get straight to the point with his words, Duane, he does that in the ring.

JE: Very cryptic - Frehley's day of reckoning may be near.



Captain Atomic vs. Remo


The first match of the evening and the Supreme fans are hyped, especially to see Remo, who looks ice box. Captain Atomic though proves more popular that I may have believed, and actually manages to land some good shots and a scoop slam on Remo early on. Remo shrugs it off like it was a pin prick though, running through the Captain and shaking the ring with a Destroyer to pick up the victory.


Winner: Remo via pinfall in 5.58




After Remo clears the ring, the energetic Biggz Boyz come out to the ring, with the beautiful Jessie in tow!




Jessie takes up a microphone and says the Boyz are looking to reclaim their title as the Supreme Wrestling Federation's premier tag team this year, as the fans whoop and holler, but not for the Biggz, just because Jessie is so hot. Jessie continues talking about how in 2010 the Biggz will be back on top of the tag team division, she turns to the ramp - and her eyes widen in horror.


PM: Oh ...my ...God.




DF: Not again!


Marat Khoklov, fresh from destroying Christian Faith last week, walks to the ring. It would be slowly, but the giant has such large legs that it carries him down the ramp at a huge pace. The Biggz’ usher Jessie under the bottom rope, and go to bail themselves, but the Giant is already in the ring, and grabs both of them by the back of the neck! He slams Brett face first into the top turnbuckle with such force it sends a hush over the crowd. Bart looks up at the monster in complete fear. Marat smiles back at him, and head butts Bart so hard, Bart simply crumples to the mat. Brett is struggling back to his feet, clutching his head, but Marat sees him and throws the biggest overhand right you've ever seen straight into Brett's head. Jessie screams on the outside, begging for something or someone to help, but it's clear nobody is coming. Khoklov picks up the brothers, with Bart the only one slightly conscious, and picks them both up simultaneously, choke slamming them hard into the mat. Both men hit and lay where they were thrown. Marat simply walks over the ropes, looks into the hard camera and yells, in the deepest voice imaginable -






JE: That was horrible. My families history with Christian Faith isn't the greatest but even I hope he can find someway of stopping Khoklov.

DF: After seeing that, even for 'The Iron Man' - well, I just don't know if it's possible to beat this monster.




Marc DuBois is backstage, ready to cut another promo. The arrogant young Canadian says tonight he'll make good on his promise to start his ascent through the ranks of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, starting with, as he puts, 'the man who's name is so stupid he must have mentally retarded parents or something' Zimmy Bumfhole. It's not as catchy as 'The Iron Man', 'The Supremacist' or 'The Long Island Angel', by DuBois might've just given us Zimmy's new nickname. Then again, maybe not.





Zimmy Bumfhole vs. Marc DuBois


A fun little match from two of our brightest prospects for the future of Supreme. The Florida-born Zimmy comes out and gets the fans riled up with his energetic entrance, whereas DuBois strolls out, arrogance practically a perfume reeking off him. This match is a nice change of pace, being primarily aerial warfare, with missile dropkicks, springboards, and dives aplenty. Zimmy nearly gets a three count with a 180-degree leg drop from the second rope, but DuBois puts his foot on the ropes. DuBois uses his superior technical skills to ground Zimmy B, and measures up for the Marc of Excellence, but Zimmy ducks under it and hooks DuBois up for a butterfly suplex, but DuBois flips out to his feet and goes for the Model Solution (Codebreaker), but Zimmy blocks it and remains standing. Thinking fast, DuBois hooks Zimmy and pulls him into an inside cradle, grabbing a handful of tights for the fall!


Winner: Marc DuBois in 9.49 via pinfall.






Giedroyc & Valiant, the World Tag Team Champions stand backstage, only with Dawn The Cheerleader. They announce that Hannah will no longer be in the corner of the team as they amicably and mutually decided to part ways, and that Dawn will now also be in Valiant's corner as well as Jack Giedroyc's. They also hype the fact they'll be defending their tag championship on Thursday against The Amazing Bumfholes and The Pain Alliance, but they're focussed and ready. A stronger promo than perhaps I was expecting, despite my huge marking for Giedroyc. Seriously, that second name = badass.




PM: The champions reign is only young, yet they have a huge challenge at When Hell Freezes Over when they take on not only The Amazing Bumfholes, but the brute force of Kurt Laramee and Big Smack Scott as well!

DF: Well, now with just one manager, for them maybe it means they'll have a better focus.

JE: I just don't see how they'll manage to retain the belts, personally.




We continue our run of solid segments, as Joe Sexy talks about Brandon James, about how he wants to take his North American title and about, before all is said and done, his manager Emma might just be switching her loyalties, because Joe has never met a target he hasn't hit, followed by a big, cheesy wink.





Brandon James & Runaway Train vs. Joe Sexy & Jungle Lord


A partner set up by manager extrodanaire Emma Chase, Runaway Train, despite his years, is still an imposing figure after all these years, as Brandon continues to wear a smug look on his face as the North American Championship is unstrapped from his waist. Sexy and Jungle Lord are a proverbial odd couple, but look to be on the same page. What follows is yet another solid (and boy am I getting tired of that word) contest, with Runaway Train muscling over Sexy for the opening section. Brandon tags in and Sexy seems rejuvinated, going shot for shot with the NA title holder. James tags back out at the advice of Chase, and Sexy finally gets the chance to tag in Jungle Lord. To the surprise of everyone, Jungle goes straight to the top rope and lands a double axe handle on the former two time SWF World Heavyweight Champion! Train looks rocked as Jungle Lord fires off some huge punches, hits the ropes, but runs right into a big boot. Outside, Joe Sexy is distracted by some rather suggestive body language from Ms. Chase - meaning he misses James tagging into the ring and nailing the Big Money Move on Jungle Lord, pinning him for the second time in two weeks.


Winners: Brandon James & Runaway Train in 11.31 when James pinned Jungle Lord.




JE: Brandon James picks up another win!

PM: Yes - but part of me wonders if he'd be as successful without the lovely and devious Emma Chase in his corner?


After the previous match has been all cleared out, the fans don't seem too happy to have a certain FAG strutting out to the ring ...




Frederique Antonio Garcia, pink feather boa and Elton John-esque glasses intact, saunters to the ring, blowing kisses out at the fans who return absolute hatred towards the man who has been officially rated as Camp As Christmas. Which I always thought was pretty fun, but apparently now is gay. Oh well.


FAG: Ladies and gentlemen ...I am Frederique ...Antonio ...GARRRRCIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


It doesn't go down well.


FAG: Now my pets, recently I've been thinking. The SWF, it needs a touch of class. We've got brutes like Bruce and Vengeance running around at the top, when really what we need is a little bit of FAG at the top. We need to fabulous up that SWF championship, don't you think?


Hell no is the popular reaction.


FAG: I'm glad you agree with me sweeties! But first, I need to face one of those big, strong men at the top. Earlier tonight, I heard that disgusting face painted freak tell you people he would not fight Steve Frehley, that handsome chocolate soldier. So here I am to a make a challenge to Frehley for When Hell Freezes Over. A brutish title for an event I know, I'd much prefer the super happy love day, but nevermind! What do you have to say Steve, honey?


FAG stares at the stage for what must be a minute or two, with no sign on Frehley as he starts to look agitated that there's no reply. The fans sigh in dissapointment, but the crowd in one section starts popping, as more and more turn their heads to see -




Steve Frehley himself, vaulting the fan barricade from the crowd! FAG is still staring at the stage, oblivious, as the fans go nuts as Frehley slides under the bottom rope, as quietly as possible, and crouches in the corner and waits patiently ...


FAG: What's the matter, Frehley? Don't want a challenge from a real man?


PM: Whatever he does, it's probably better he doesn't turn around!

DF: It looks like you might be too late, Pete.


FAG continues to talk some crap about Frehley as he spins around to face back into the centre of the ring and BOOM! Frehley came sprinting full speed out of the corner and DECIMATES Garcia with a Dark Destroyer Spear! The fans go insane as Frehley pops back up to his feet, and holds one hand in the air! He grabs the microphone from the downed body of FAG, who is clutching his stomach and writhing on the mat in pain.


Steve Frehley: Vengeance doesn't want to face me? Fine, you'll have to do. Two days time, I'll see you in the ring. And Vengeance, I hope you watch what I do to this f*cking faggot.






The fans are excited now to see the 'Lone Wolf' Rich Money appear on the big screen. Money looks almost uncomfortable with the reaction.


Rich Money: So, Thursday night, Eric Eisen, the board master of this Supreme Wrestling chess game, defends his title against Jack Bruce. Jack Bruce, the man who falsely accused me of making his life a living hell. Part of me wishes I had, Jack. Nevertheless, you're the one who lost the title, so you're entitled to your rematch, there's no doubt about it.


Money, to himself, seemingly, laughs.


Rich Money: Both of you, though. I want you to listen to this. The humiliation, and the embarrassment that you both caused me? I'm not letting that go. No, you see Eric ...I'm going to take that SWF World Heavyweight Championship from you, unless Jack does it first. I'm going to humiliate you, and play you as a God damn pawn!! And Jack, oh Jack ...you, for your idiocy? You'll be the very first man on my list. Now though, pray for Big Smack Scott, because he's in my way - right now, I wouldn't wish that on anybody.




JE: Money means business tonight!

PM: Still, the Big Smacker is a pretty intense opponent.

DF: And with the opportunity to be two time tag team champion this Thursday, I wonder how eager he'll be to pick up some momentum?



Big Smack Scott vs. Rich Money


The Smack-Man looks pretty content with himself behind those tiny round spectacles as the fans shower him with absolute sh*t. He doesn't care. Rich Money comes out, and the once hated superstar finds himself meeting thunderous applause. The two men circle each other cautiously as even BSS seems to realise Money is a dangerous opponent. It's still BSS who makes the first move, swinging a wild punch that Money ducks and dropkicks the knees out from under the egomaniacal star! Money takes control, whipping Smacker from pillar to post, Smack stumbles out of the corner from a vicious Irish Whip and straight into a Snapmare, followed by another dropkick to the back of the head! Money covers for a two, but Scott kicks out. Scott uses his superior power to take control, even managing to hit a stall suplex without breaking Rich's neck. Everybody is suitably impressed for a few seconds before they remember BSS is a giant douche. Eventually, Money just shows he's of a higher class than his opponent, outlasting him and cashing in with the Money In The Bank!


Winner: Rich Money in 11.07 via pinfall.




Cutting to the backstage area, we find ourselves in a nicely organised office with random stage hands making sure everything is prime condition. A big leather chair is seated behind a nice, polished oak desk. The chair swivels around, revealing the one and only Richard Eisen, on the telephone.




Richard Eisen: No listen, Jim ...Jim? Jim? Jim? Jim, listen to me for a second. Jim? Jim? JIM!!! Oh, are you done now? Yeah? Well let me tell you, you are the most idiotic dumbass I have ever had the privilege of talking too. Literally, your parents must have been missing a hell of a lot of chromosomes, because you're certifiably mentally retarded.


A door shuts, Eisen looks over. A look of curiosity spreads over his face as he leans into the telephone more suddenly.


Richard Eisen: Jim, I've got something to deal with, hold on. Or don't. I'm not coming back.


He hangs up the phone.


Richard Eisen: What the hell do you want?


The camera pans around, and standing very gingerly, arm in a sling stands -




Christian Faith! You can hear the fans explode at the sight of the battered 4 time SWF World champion, one week removed from the hellacious assault he suffered at the hands of Marat Khoklov.


Richard Eisen: Christian, you should still be in the hospital. I know we've had our share of problems in the past and my GOD do I find myself hating you more often than not. But you're no good to me if you're not out in that ring, so go home. Rest up.


Christian Faith: No, Richard. I can't do that. Did you see what Khoklov did earlier? How can I take a day off?


Richard Eisen: What, to those flippity floppity homo's? Who cares?


Christian Faith: I CARE!! Last week it's me, this week it's the Biggz Boyz ...Khoklov is doing this to send a message to me, Richard. Next week, who'll it be? Giedroyc? Frehley? Jack Bruce?


Eisen ****s an eyebrow and finally starts paying attention.


RE: I see. Well, to be honest Christian I can't speak Russian. I may be the boss, but I certainly can't fire Khoklov, and there's no way I can control him. Looks like you're outta luck.


CF: Useless as always, Eisen. Some things never change. You may not be able to do anything about it ...but I'm sure as hell gonna try. Eisen, I want you to give me Khoklov on Thursday.


Eisen stares blankly back at the Iron Man, who continues to look deadly serious.


RE: You ...want to fight ...Khoklov? The man who did this to you? I mean, your arm is in a sling for God's sake! I don't care about you, Faith ...but I do care about money. You're not making any money dead, Faith. I suppose I could sell a memorial DVD, I think that'd do quite well ...


CF: You care about money, huh? Well think about if Khoklov does start attacking your big draws, the ones aside from me. You'll be losing a hell of a lot more business than if he just fights me. As for my arm, it'll be right as rain, I'm just wearing it because it's doctors orders to keep it on for up to a week. Thursday night, for better or worse, I want to fight him.


Eisen looks on reluctantly, but slightly optimisitcally as a man that has been his nemesis for so long might actually wind up being taken out permanently.


RE: You've never been the brightest one, have you Christian. Fine, you sign a waiver that says the Supreme Wrestling Federation isn't responsible for anything that happens to you in that ring at When Hell Freezes Over, and I'll sanction the match.


CF: I'll sign it right now.


The Boss slides the contract over to Faith, who takes no delay in using his good arm to put his signature on the dotted line, and sliding it back over.


RE: Alright, you've got him. Hell, Faith ...even I'll be praying for you.


Faith looks on at Eisen, the years of their conflict burning in his eyes, but swiftly turns and exits the room as Eisen shakes his head in disbelief.




JE: I think Christian Faith might be losing his mind in old age.

DF: That's your father talking, Jerry.

PM: But Duane ...he might be right. I mean, I've shown my support for the "Supreme Archangel" countless times over the years but, the state he's in ...who in their right mind would challenge Khoklov?




Angry Gilmore has promo time next, standing by just short of his main event match with Jack Bruce. Angry states that he may not be the most beloved, popular or iconic "superstar" in the SWF, but he is the greatest wrestler alive today, and he'll prove wrestling reigns supreme over entertainment at When Hell Freezes Over, but first he'll take out this pretentious rock star Jack Bruce. An incredible promo from an incredible dynamo of a performer.





Angry Gilmore vs. Jack Bruce


The fans are extremely excited for this one, as is apparent when Gilmore walks out, and still gets cheered. He doesn't look impressed though. Jack Bruce's arrival prompts the Isaak Road Arena to start looking for a new roof, because it gets blown off. The two circle each other and lock up, Gilmore takes the advantage with an arm wringer, slipping under for a hammerlock, but Bruce reverses into a hammerlock of his own, but Gilmore fires off an elbow into the face! Bruce reels as Gilmore hits the ropes with a frightening pace and comes back with a flying big boot to the face, turning Bruce inside out! Gilmore covers for a two, but Bruce kicks out. It's clear Bruce is still feeling the effects of the massive ordeal of last year as at points it looks like he's dragging, but his famous fighting instinct kicks in as he avoids a flying crossbody from the Angry One, and baseball slides the former 2 time North American Champion out of the ring! The "Long Island Angel" sucks all the energy in from the fans, before he hits the ropes and flies over the top with a plancha! Bruce rolls Gilmore back into the ring and covers, but Gilmore kicks out at two.


The match continues to rage as the fans love every minute of the action. Around the 14 minute mark, Gilmore sets Bruce up for a superplex from the top, but Bruce fights it with everything in him and shoves Gilmore to the mat! Bruce, obviously worse for wear, goes to position himself for some top rope move, but as he steadies himself he doesn't realise Gilmore is already back up, running up the turnbuckles and hooking Bruce up, launching both himself and the former World champion into the centre of the ring with a double underhook suplex! After about six seconds of complete stillness, Gilmore stirs and crawls over, hooking Bruce's leg, 1 ...2 ...KICK-OUT! Gilmore can't believe it as he puts his head in his hands. Not wasting anytime, he picks Bruce back to his feet, trying for a snap suplex but Bruce blocks it, twists out and decapitates Gilmore with a short-arm clothesline! Gilmore uses the ropes to get back to his feet as Bruce charges in, but Angry lifts Jack up and over, but Bruce lands on the apron! Gilmore turns around, and Bruce shoulders Gilmore right in the gut, before launching into a sunset flip! Gilmore kicks out at two, and goes right back on the assault, wearing Bruce down with a front face lock. Bruce eventually fights to his feet, and plants Gilmore with a Northern Lights Suplex, and bridges for the pin, again getting a two count.


The more Bruce spends trying to put Gilmore away, the closer he is to spent himself as Gilmore stays on the front foot, battering the ribs and kidney area of Bruce with some stiff forearm shots, before he drills Bruce with a reverse DDT onto his outstretched knee! Bruce writhes on the mat as Gilmore goes up top, sailing through the air and PLANTING Bruce with the Sky High Elbow! He covers, 1 ...2 ...NO!!! Bruce kicks out at the last second! Gilmore can't believe it and grabs Ric Young's garments, begging him to reconsider, but he reinforces it was just a two count! Gilmore goes to turn his attention back to Bruce, but the fans explode as Bruce leaps into life, drilling Gilmore with the New York Minute out of nowhere! 1 ...2 ...3! Just like that, Bruce sends himself to When Hell Freezes Over with a tonne of momentum!


Winner: Jack Bruce in 20.45 via pinfall.




PM: Bruce wins! What a contest!

DF: After a match like that, will he be in any shape to fight Eric Eisen on Thursday?

JE: Well, he might've lost tonight but fighting Gilmore is always going to leave you worse off!

PM: You've been watching SWF Supreme TV, good night!




Overall Rating:




C.A.N.N Rating: 7.87

UKBS Rating: 0.19

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Firstly, swearing :eek: lol


Secondly, LOL at Marat crushing the biggz boyz, such an appealing segment to book. At the risk of cross-promotion I myself have a planned follow up to it :D


Liking the drawing out of Vengence/Frehley. And FAG's promo, lol.


"Even I'll be praying for you," very good line.


And I liked Money's apparent unease at the audience's reception. It's the little things, eh.


Another good show man ;)

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