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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Contenders Circle: Yasuhiko Taira vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Yasunobu Masuno vs Shimedzu


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Size Of The Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs Sensational Dragon & Miyamae


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa


The Behemoths (Yuasah & Kanishoki) vs Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

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Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Contenders Circle: Yasuhiko Taira vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Yasunobu Masuno vs Shimedzu


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Size Of The Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs Sensational Dragon & Miyamae


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa


The Behemoths (Yuasah & Kanishoki) vs Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

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Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Contenders Circle: Yasuhiko Taira vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Yasunobu Masuno vs Shimedzu


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Size Of The Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs Sensational Dragon & Miyamae


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa


The Behemoths (Yuasah & Kanishoki) vs Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

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Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Horri gets the win, Iesada takes the loss, Nakasawa is furious!


Contenders Circle: Yasuhiko Taira vs Masaaki Okazaki


Mullets are the tag champs, and are therefore the main event gatekeepers. Okazaki therefore gets a win here.


CC Spot Challenge: Yasunobu Masuno vs Shimedzu


Same logic as above, plus if Shimedzu can't beat Masuno, what hope has he of threatening Kikkawa?


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Cobra wins and goes into the title match. Somewhat surprised that the same condition doesn't apply to E3, since he has 2 straight wins already, including last week v Kiyaru, and by your CC rules a win here should guarantee him a shot too surely?


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Size Of The Fight (Kokan & Konda)


I'll stick with the champs here but I am in two minds given your liking of SOTF


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Well you already said you are giving Wild Fire a push, and the Bulls have already had a tag title shot recently


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs Sensational Dragon & Miyamae


Dragon and Miyamae take their second straight loss here - a tough run of form for the champ going into his title defence


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa


I'm going for the surprise here, as Pathlow can dominate this match on his own. On the other hand, Yoshikawa might then get over excited at the thought of a rare W and cost them the win?


The Behemoths (Yuasah & Kanishoki) vs Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


Another match that could go either way. You have big and popular(ish) v more talented (but boring and old) - coin flip


American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai


Well if Plague doesn't win here, I think Sen Dragon will tear him a new..... :p



Very nice card - lots of much more even matches.

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Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Cobra wins and goes into the title match. Somewhat surprised that the same condition doesn't apply to E3, since he has 2 straight wins already, including last week v Kiyaru, and by your CC rules a win here should guarantee him a shot too surely?


You have a point there. Elemental III has put two wins together, but his first win was a CC Spot challenge match where he was able to defend his spot but as you said if he gets a second win here he should be in the title match also. Guess I'm not following my rules too closely am I ? To be honest I may adjust them slightly and have them as a more defined rankings system.

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You have a point there. Elemental III has put two wins together, but his first win was a CC Spot challenge match where he was able to defend his spot but as you said if he gets a second win here he should be in the title match also. Guess I'm not following my rules too closely am I ? To be honest I may adjust them slightly and have them as a more defined rankings system.


Hey it's not TNA with everyone nitpicking over every detail and declaring it going under because of them every time lolz.;)

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Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada


Contenders Circle: Yasuhiko Taira vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Yasunobu Masuno vs Shimedzu


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Elemental III


Junior Tag Team Championship: Black Heart Flying Squadron (Kiyaru & Scorpion) vs Size Of The Fight (Kokan & Konda)

Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Wild Fire (Toshusai & Onodera)


Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs Sensational Dragon & Miyamae


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa


The Behemoths (Yuasah & Kanishoki) vs Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 13

(Wednesday 14th April 2010)


Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto

(Attendance 10,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen


Match A: American Optimus vs Red Panther vs White Samurai


Out of anyone in this match, the only one who is over to any sort of degree is American Optimus, Red Panther is seen as being 'king of the jobbers' whilst White Samurai is the ultimate jobber when it comes to the Junior division. That being said despite the crowds obvious indifference to the match, they do put on a decent contest but it comes as no surprise when Optimus emerges with the victory after planting the hapless White Samurai with an O-Bomb.


Result: American Optimus [w] bt Red Panther + White Samurai [L] in 5:50 via pinfall (O-Bomb)

Rating: C



Match B: Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


Glorified squash to keep The Behemoths looking like a threat, that's if beating two veteran jobbers can justify those means. In fact, it doesn't really but the lumbering superheavyweights look at their most effective when they are steam-rolling over their opponents in short matches where their horrible stamina levels aren't exposed. After nearly five minutes of being pumelled, it is Kataoka who is unfortunate enough to be subjected to a Samoan Sitting Squash, courteousy of Kanoshoki


Result: Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki bt Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura in 4:55 via pinfall (Samoan Sitting Squash)

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa vs

Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg/http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


The three way Junior Division Tag match kicks off the show, as to be expected the match quickly broke down into a fast and furious blur of dives to the floor and nearfalls. Pathlow looks impressive throughout the match and almost wins the match for his thrown together team with Yoshikawa on a few occasions nailing VENOM with the Blunt Force Trauma and spiking Haru Kurofuji into the mat with the Kill Drill but each time the following pins were broken up and in the end the more fluid teamwork of both Little Fury and Universal Excellence swung things in their favour. A miscommunicaton between Pathlow and Yoshikawa lead to Yoshikawa accidently dropkicking Pathlow and then being planted into the mat by Little Fury curteousy of their tandem finisher the Engage The Rage (Reverse STO/Enziguri combination).


However just as Little Fury thought they had the win sown up, VENOM was sent flying with a spear by Haru Kurofuji, whilst Yoshii Shiomi was nailed with a springboard dropkick from Barei Yasujiro. Kurofuji then planted VENOM with the Tohoku Thunder Suplex only for Shiomi to break it up, but a Leg Lariat on Shiomi from Yasujiro kept things in control for Universal Excellence, who then debuted their new tandem finisher The Universal Studios (A Bridging German Suplex from Kurofuji, immediately followed by a standing star press from Kurofuji) on Shiomi to secure the victory, whilst Pathlow who could have broken up the pin to save the match for his team, simply decided not to.


Result: Barei Yasujiro [w] & Haru Kurofuji bt Yoshii Shiomi [L] & VENOM + John Pathlow & Stone Yoshikawa in 9:48 via pinfall (Universal Studios)


Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: Myself and Kurofuji-san are improving as a team all the time and I believe we can keep getting better. Universal Excellence WILL become a force in Tag Team wrestling, I can promise you that.


John Pathlow (in English): You know what I came here to prove myself and to win, but I won't be winning when I'm handicapped with a god damn liability like Yoshikawa-san. Sorry if that sounds disrespectful but sometimes you just need to hear.......


All of a sudden Pathlow's backstage interview is interrupted by Mike Watson of Team INSPIRE


Mike Watson (in English): Don't know why Pathlow but turns out the boss is kinda impressed by what you been doing here, want's a word with you.


And with that that Pathlow follows Mike Watson out of the press area.



Match #2: Junior Contenders Circle:

Black Cobra vs Elemental III


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg


The Junior Division action continues with this pivotal Contenders Circle match. If Black Cobra wins he is in the Junior Championship match at Test of Prophecies with Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko and whilst a win for Elemental III won't see him challenging for the title at Test of Prophecies it will see him go above Cobra in the rankings and move him closer to earning a title shot himself.


They kick thing off with some fast paced chain wrestling and to Cobra's frustation, Elemental III is able to match him hold for hold. That leads to the Black Heart Brethren man going for a powder but Elemental III wisely does not take the bait and simply waits for Cobra to get back into the ring. The third generation icon continues to stay on top and Cobra goes out for another powder, this time Elemental III winds up for the Elemental Space Flying Drop but puts the brakes on when he see's Cobra move out of the way, before nailing the gaijin veteran with a slingshot crossbody.


Elemental III then went to pitch Cobra back into the ring, but instead Cobra was able to sneak in a low blow and then send the third generation icon back first into the guard-rail. Cobra then dragged Elemental III out on the entrance ramp, before delivering a snap suplex and then casually rolling back into the ring and simply wait for referee Okura Umeki to make the twenty count.


Elemental III managed to beat that but got knocked off the apron with a basement drop-kick from Cobra, that sent the recent former Junior Tag champion crashing against the guard-rail once again. However Elemental III picked himself back up and this time managed to counter-act Black Cobra's attempts to keep him on the outside looking in, with a shoulder block into Cobra's mid-section followed by a sunset flip for a two count.


Black Cobra then seemed to regain the advantage with an elbow strike, to set up an attempt at th Stoneplex but Elemental III was able to block and after whipping Cobra across the ring connected with a drop-kick....Cobra stumbled out of the ring and Elemental III immediately went soaring over the top rope with the Elemental Space Flying Drop, wiping out Cobra in the process before impressively landing on his feet amongst the fans !


Elemental III then pitched Cobra back into the ring, before going for a pin attempt.....






Cobra kicked out fairly easily but Elemental III kept the pressure on peppering the Junior Division veteran with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series before planting Cobra with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX








Cobra managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat and Elemental III headed up top, however just as Elemental III was about to set up for the Inferno Splash, Cobra staggered back up to his feet and 'conveniently' stumbled against the ring-ropes causing Elemental III to lose his balance. Black Cobra followed up with a leaping palm strike to daze the Third Generation Icon and then send Elemental III crashing back into the ring with a Superplex.


Cobra followed up with a weak cover for a two count, but remained in control, grabbing hold of Elemental III's legs and then turning the Third Generation Icon over for the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter) but Elemental III managed to block and then kick Cobra off, but as he got back to his feet Cobra connected with a drop-kick. Elemental III managed to stay on his feet but staggered right into a STONEPLEX (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)......








To Cobra's immediate frustration Elemental III managed to kick out. After pacing around for a bit Cobra then decided to plant Elemental III with a scoop bodyslam and then head for the top-rope, before soaring off with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt)......


But he ended up eating the canvas as Elemental III moved out of the way at the last split second. Elemental III then connected with a spin-kick before setting up for the EARTH BREAKER, but Cobra was able to block and after a knee shot to Elemental III's mid-section looked to be setting up for the DEATH BY COBRA but Elemental III managed to block that and then take Black Cobra over with a Butterfly Suplex.......






Cobra managed to kick out but Elemental III kept the pressure on and then planted Cobra with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX........








Cobra managed to just about getting a shoulder up, Elemental III then tried to lift Cobra up for an Earth Breaker, but the gaijin veteran was proving to be a deadweight and the Third Generation Icon simply rolled Cobra over for a cover....








Cobra somehow managed to kick out, Elemental III then tried again but just as moments earlier Cobra just about got his shoulder up in time. Unable to pin Cobra's shoulders to the mat, Elemental III then decided it was time to take to the skies and come crashing down upon Cobra with the INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash)......


But Black Cobra got the knees up, and then as both staggered back up to their feet Cobra was able to peel off a spinning headscissors that he immediately transitioned into his Arm Bar based submission the ALABASTER AGONY.......


Elemental III tried to break free of the hold, but Cobra had it locked on right in the middle of the ring, and the more Elemental III struggled, the more relentlessly tightened his grip on the hold and despite his valiant efforts the pain became too much for Elemental III to bear any longer and he saw no other choice but to tap out.


Black Cobra had managed to earn another shot at the Junior Championship but had to do so by coming through a tough test against a resurgent Elemental III.


Result: Black Cobra [w] bt Elemental III [L] in 14:12 via submission (Alabaster Agony)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): Dragon-san, Masuko-san they put you on a pedestal as beacons of the new generation, hell they're already putting the loser I just beat on a third pedestal. But bad news for all you golden boys is that Black Cobra is no washed up force, that Black Cobra is not going to fade from the picture, come Test of Prophecies Black Cobra will prove himself to be THE man to beat in Burning Hammer's Junior Division.


Elemental III: There is no shame in losing to Black Cobra, his attitude may leave alot to be desired but he is a great talent, a talent who deserves to be called as one of the best Junior Heavyweights in the history of Burning Hammer but I also believe in my own ability and I will learn from this defeat and I will get better and it's my duty to get better as I have a legacy to build upon, because when your are an Elemental, failure is not an option.



Match #3: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/EijiHamacho-1.jpg?t=1268428711 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ChuichiSanda-1.jpg?t=1268428734



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


This would be a pivotal match for both teams in the pursuit of challenging for the Tag Team Titles, after failing to dethrone Black Magic, the Raging Bulls are looking to prove that they are worthy of another shot, whilst Wild Fire are keen to prove that they are the rising force in the Tag ranks.


The opening portion of the match see's both teams unable to seize much of an advantage, until the Raging Bulls Tag Experience starts to show, not so much in the fluidity of their teamwork but in their ability to manipulate the referee's positioning to get in cheap shots on their opponents and despite Wild Fire matching the more experienced team the Bulls are able to isolate Onodera.


The Bulls then methodically worked over Onodera in their corner, as all Toshusai could do was look on in frustration and with the Bull's working in plenty of cheap shots and sneaky phanthom tags, that frustration soon boiled over for 'Wild Charisma' but as is always the case Toshusai's protestations only served to be more of hinderence than a help to his partner.


With Onodera gradually becoming worn down Eiji Hamacho signalled that it was time to put the match to bed, and set Onodera up for the Hamacho Sledge but Onodera managed to fight his way off and then plant Hamacho with an STO before slumping to the mat, looking to get the tag into Toshusai but unfortunately for Onodera, Hamacho managed to tag in Sanda first.


Sanda then peppered Onodera with a flurry of fore-arms before lining up for an Explosion Kick but Onodera was able to duck under and then connect with a spear, before finally getting the hot tag into Toshusai. 'Wild Charisma' cleaned house on the Raging Bulls, with his flurry culminating in Sanda being planted firmly to the mat with a Spineshocker. However Hamacho managed to break up the pin and after knocking Onodera off the apron, the Raging Bulls soon had a two on one advantage over Toshusai. But Toshusai was able to break free of a double suplex attempt and nail both of the Bulls with a double clothesline. Toshusai then planted both of the Bulls onto the mat with bodyslams, before making the cover on Sanda.


After that things broke down a little as Hamacho broke up the pin and Onodera re-entered the ring. Hamacho and Toshusai took their brawl to the outside, as Sanda and Onodera duked it out in the ring, a roaring elbow saw Onodera seize the advantage and then plant Sanda with the O2 SUPLEX (Bridging German Suplex) for a close two count.


Onodera then set Sanda up for the 'Call The Doctor' but got nailed from behind by Hamacho who had managed to send send Toshusai crashing back first on the entrance ramp with a back body drop. Hamacho then connected with a Lariat on Onodera before, holding Onodera in place with a waistlock, urging Sanda to connect with a strike but Onodera managed to force a series of standing switches, which caused a dizzying amount of confusion for the Raging Bulls resulting in a miscommunication, as Sanda connected with an Explosion Kick (Running Boot) on Hamacho.


Onodera then got the tag back into Toshusai who then connected with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) on Sanda, only for Hamacho to break up the pin, Hamacho then clubbed away on Toshusai but 'Wild Charisma' stood firm and then drilled Hamacho with a SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Under Hook Backbreaker). With Hamacho neutralised, Toshusai turned his attention back to Sanda, where he called Onodera back into the ring, where they combined to plant Sanda into the canvas with an Aided Wheelbarrow Facebuster Toru Minamoto called on commentary as the 8 WAY SANTA.


Onodera then managed to keep Hamacho at bay, as Toshusai made the cover to earn Wild Fire a significant win over one of Burning Hammer's most respected Tag Teams and signal their intention as being ready for a shot at the World Tag Team Titles.


Result: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] & Takayuki Onodera bt Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda [L] in 13:17 via pinfall (8 Way Santa)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:




Takayuki Onodera: Everyone is finding out right now that Wild Fire ARE the new force in the Tag ranks here in Burning Hammer, the Raging Bulls just found that out for themselves first hand, and it'll be something that the current Tag champs included will also soon be learning for themselves.


Eiji Hamacho: Wild Fire enjoy your moment of glory, because when the tough times arrive and there will be tough times ahead will you be able to stick together like Sanda-san and me. One win, one measly win over us does not mean you are better than us, enjoy your time in the spotlight Wild Fire because we've seen upstart teams like you come and go, whilst we keep going !



Match #4: Contenders Circle Spot Challenge:

Shimedzu vs Yasunobu Masuno


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg


The match begins with Shimedzu peppering Masuno with kicks, but the Black Heart Brethren man just shrugs them off and simply knocks the much smaller Shimedzu down with a shoulder barge. Masuno then simply dominates and overpowers Shimedzu for the next few minutes and gets a two a couple of two counts off a Lariat and a Scoop Powerslam, followed by a legdrop.


Masuno thinking that he simply has too much size for Masuno, then begins to get c0cky taunting Shimedzu to get up. The Dragon Feet 2K9 does just that and fires back with a combination of strikes and kicks but they have little effect and Masuno simply shoves him down to the mat, before dropping an elbow and proceeding to make a cover.


But the cover is lax and Shimedzu easily kicks out. Masuno stays in control though with some clubbing blows and then lifts the pending challenger for the King of Fighters Title up for the Day of Rackening but Shimedzu fights out of the predicament before nailing Masuno with a drop-kick and then springing off the turnbuckle to drop the Tag Champion with a swinging DDT before nailing Masuno with a basement drop-kick.


Masuno powers his way out of the pin attempt and then regains the advantage with a clothesline, the Black Heart Brethren man then looked set to lift Shimedzu up into a vertical suplex, but Shimedzu was able to block and then unbalance Masuno with a legsweep. Masuno managed to just about stay on his feet after that but not after Shimedzu connected with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot)........


Masuno rose straight back up to his knees, only for Shimedzu to connect with a second consecutive LIFE FLASHER......








Masuno kicked out but remained rooted to the mat and Shimedzu decided to head up top before connecting with a diving elbow drop, but once again Masuno managed to kick out. Shimedzu then decided to go back up top again, but this time Masuno rose back to his feet and cut the Dragon Feet 2K9 man off before launching Shimedzu off the top turnbuckle with a huge biel throw that saw Shimedzu hurled all the way across the ring and as Shimedzu staggered back up to his feet Masuno connected with a clothesline, that sent Shimedzu stumbling into referee Koetsu Shinozaki.


Masuno then saw the opportunity to slip on a loaded elbow and nail Shimedzu with the MAGIC K.O (Roaring Elbow) but Shinozaki was still down and despite his devious attempts to sneak a victory by less than honorable means Masuno still had to revive Shinozaki from a slumbered state.


With Shinozaki revived, Masuno went for the cover, with Shimedzu still looking to be out for the count.......








To Masuno's shock and the crowd's delight Shimedzu managed to just about get a shoulder up off the mat. Despite that the match still looked to be in the bag for the Tag champion and Masuno lifted Shimedzu up for the Avalance Powerbomb but all of a sudden Shimedzu flipped backwards onto his feet and then stunned Masuno with a LIFE FLASHER. Masuno stayed on his feet but Shimedzu then headed up top and drilled the Black Heart Brethren man with a missile drop kick. Shimedzu then followed in with another LIFE FLASHER and then ensnared a groggy Masuno into the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).


Masuno then tried to power his way back up to his feet, but Shimedzu had his effective submission hold locked on tight and it was evident to everyone that Masuno despite his considerable size and power was beginning to fade away under the pressure........


And a determined Shimedzu wasn't going to let that pressure let up and with Masuno now literally gasping for air, Shinozaki saw no other choice but to call for the bell, as Shimedzu tuned up for his King of Fighter's title challenge with a hard fought victory over Masuno and one that also saw Shimedzu replace Masuno in the Contenders Circle for the World Championship.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Yasunobu Masuno in 12:34 via submission (Insurrexion Device)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: For years people kept saying I weren't big enough, I weren't strong enough to compete in the Heavyweight Division. Well perhaps I'm not big enough, perhaps I'm not strong enough but what I've become is smarter and when you step into the ring you can not only win with pure physicallity but you can also win in the mind and tonight I did just that against Masuno-san, just like I did against Mike Watson and I believe, I truly believe I can do the same to Kikkawa-san.


Yasunobu Masuno: You know what, If I didn't have a World Tag Team Championship to defend, I would have defeated Shimedzu-san. It's not like I gave up but sometimes It's like you need to look at what your priorites are and preserve yourself. I know many fools will say that Masuno-san does not have what it takes to be a true force as a singles wrestler but I will prove them wrong.



Match #5: Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Mike Watson vs

Miyamae & Sensational Dragon


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg


On paper the Team INSPIRE duo should have simply had too much size and power for the almost Super Junior sized team of Sensational Dragon and Miyamae, but is is evident from the outset that the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair are able to off-set this with their speed, agility and a superior standard of teamwork, whilst Kikkawa and Watson struggle to stay on the same page.


The problems between Kikkawa and Watson consistently see's either Dragon or Miyamae able to counter whatever the Team INSPIRE have in mind, and Kikkawa and Watson hesistancy see's the Dragon Feet 2K9 consistently take advantage with Miyamae going close with the Glittering Magician on Watson and Dragon going even closer with a Dragon Slice on Kikkawa, bringing a near three count that would have surely seen Dragon's considerable ego inflated to levels of biblical proportions.


Going so close to securing the upset win see's Dragon Feet 2K9 lose focus for a bit and Watson pitches Dragon out of the ring with a back body drop before nailing Miyamae with the One Stop Punch, well at least Watson thought he had sent the Junior Champion crashing to the outside, but Dragon had managed to land on the apron and before the Calgary Assassin could make the cover Sensational Dragon springboarded back in to take Watson by surprise with the SENSATION SHOCK (Diving Front Flip Hurrucanrana pin), that saw Dragon come close to securing victory once again was it not for a last ditch save from Kikkawa.


Kikkawa the lifted Dragon up for a vertical suplex, but that was countered into a stunner and Dragon went back out onto the apron, but as he went for the Sensation Shock for a second time, Kikkawa was able to block and counter into a powerbomb. Dragon kicked out but the King of Fighters lifted the Junior Champion upon his shoulders and then drove Dragon firmly into the mat with the KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver) and that proved to be the decisive moment of the match as Watson held off Miyamae from making the save.


Team INSPIRE had managed to pick up the win, but it was a victory that proved to be more difficult to earn than they would have been expecting.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & Mike Watson bt Sensational Dragon [L] & Miyamae in 12: 33 via pinfal (Kikkawa Driver)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


During the post match interview with Team INSPIRE Mike Watson has stormed off, leaving Kikkawa as the only one to face the press.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Team INSPIRE won, just as we should have but we did NOT win because we performed as a team and I don't mean to sound like a braggart we won because of me. Yes Team INSPIRE is a family, yes Team INSPIRE sticks together but right now Watson-san is not delivering, right now Watson-san is not pulling his weight as a Team Player.



~Heart Pumps Stronger~

Match #6: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HyosukeKokan-1.jpg?t=1268429112 &http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129


With a chance at regaining the Junior Tag Belts, there is an urgency to Size of the Fight in the early going, as they take the fight right to the champions. In fact SOTF's high tempo start leaves the BHFS somewhat shell shocked and the champions decide to take a time out on the outside. But there are no time outs in wrestling and before the BHFS can regroup the challengers launch themselves at the champions with twin dives.


It then breaks down into a brawl on the outside, but that is where SOTF's eagerness back fires on them and the champions manage to sneak in a few chair shots to swing the match in the favour. Things then settled down a little with the BHFS have now managed to isolate Kansuke Konda in their corner but before they can do any real damage Konda is able to avoid a leg lariat/legsweep attack from the champions and then deliver consecutive overhead belly to belly suplexes.


It's enough to buy the Big Fight Player some time to tag Kokan back into the match, and the Electric Live Wire nails Kiyaru with a missile drop-kick, before sending Scorpion into a Konda's knees with a running bulldog. That earns Size of the Fight a two count but more importingly sees them seize control of the match.


SOTF then reeled off some of their signature double teams, double Running shoulder block, double snap suplex and a combination that saw Konda hold Scorpion in a bearhug hold, as Kokan executed a flying body press that brought SOTF a two count. But as they appeared to be setting Scorpion up for the Big Fight Ender, Kiyaru sneaked round and tripped Konda up before pulling the Big Fight Player out of the ring, Kiyaru then wiped out Konda with an arabian press as Scorpion then sneaked in a low blow on Kokan, before following up with a Brainbuster.


The momentum had now swung back to the BHFS and now Kokan found himself in the position of being 'Spencer Marks'. Kiyaru and Scorpion seemed to be in more control than they did with Konda, keeping Kokan isolated with a combination of some admittedly impressive double teamwork and plenty of cheap shots, which predictably drew the ire of Konda, who's attemps to come in and save his partner were constantly cut off by referee Terakado. Amongst the champions repetoire is a German Suplex/Springboard Leg Lariat combination and spinning head-scissors from Kiyaru that is immediately followed by a basement drop-kick from Scorpion both of which bring close two counts.


However when Scorpion sets Kokan up upon his shoulders into the Electric Chair Position, as Kiyaru heads up top, the Electric Live Wire has what the BHFS have in mind scouted, managing to duck down as Kiyaru attempted to bring Kokan crashing down to the mat with a Kiyaru Effect, before planting Scorpion with a bulldog, before connecting with a drop-kick on Kiyaru.


Kokan then scrambled across to get Konda tagged back into the match, but got cut off by Kiyaru, but Kokan was able to force a standing switch on the enigmatic veteran and dump Kiyaru with an Elemental Suplex before diving across to get Konda back into the match.


Konda then connected with a flying shoulder block, before dumping Kiyaru with a Back Drop Suplex. Scorpion then stomped away on Konda to break up the pin, and then set up for a Brainbuster but Konda was able to block and then drill Scorpion with a KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver)......








This time Kiyaru dove across to make the save, and before the BHFS could begin to double team Konda, Kokan stepped back into the ring and it began to break down into a melee, where SOTF seized control of the match connecting with stereo drop-kicks to send the champions out of the ring and then wipe Kiyaru and Scorpion out with stereo tope con hilos. This time they wasted no time in getting one of the champions back into the ring, where Kokan was able to plant Kiyaru with an Elemental Suplex for a two count, before locking on the ELECTRIC SHOCKER CLUTCH (Sitting double Chickenwing)......


But Scorpion managed to dive back into the ring and break up the hold, however before Scorpion could swing the match back in the BHFS favour, he was immediately dumped to the outside with a running clothesline from Konda. SOTF then combined to plant Kiyaru into the canvas with a BIG FIGHT ENDER (Powerbomb/Neckbreaker Combination)......








But Scorpion impressivly breaks up the pin with a GOLDEN SHOT (Springboard Legdrop)....... However Konda manages to neutralise Scorpion yets again, as he nails the Gold and Black Attack with a running elbow strike and then dumps Scorpion with a back drop suplex.


Meanwhile Kokan has headed up top and looks set to come crashing down upon Kiyaru with the Foreshock (Flipping Senton Bomb), but Kiyaru gets back to his feet and attempts to bring Kokan back into the ring with a rana, but the Electric Live Wire manages to block and has Kiyaru set up in a powerbomb position, and Konda is now set up on the middle turnbuckle and it appears SOTF are setting up for a modified avalanche version of the Big Fight Ender, but that plan is scuppered as Scorpion nails Konda with a rolling wheel kick then Kiyaru does bring Kokan crashing back into the ring with a hurrucanrana.


Scorpion then drills Konda with a Brainbuster, as Kiyaru then plants Kokan with a Falcon Arrow. With Konda neutralised Kiyaru signals for Scorpion to put the equally dazed Kokan upon his shoulders, Scorpion does just that as Kiyaru heads up top and this time they are able to pull off the ULTRA EFFECT (Elevated Kiyaru Effect)........


And that proveds to be enough for the Black Heart Flying Squadron to retain the Junior Tag Team Championships, to leave Size of the Fight once again frustrated at failing to recapture the titles yet again.


Results: The Awesome Kiyaru [w] & Golden Scorpion [L] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] & Kansuke Konda in 17:09 via pinfall (Ultra Effect)


Black Heart Flying Squadron make V1 defence of Burning Junior Tag Team Championship.

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Question this, why is it so many see Size of the Fight as the very foundations of Junior Tag Team Wrestling, is it because individually they are weak ? Because the Black Heart Flying Squadron are destined for greatness both as seperate entities and as a whole. We are a different class, we are a class far above Size of the Fight and anyone else who dares to believe they are better than us.


Golden Scorpion: Size of the Fight you can keep dreaming about winning these belts again, because that's all it will ever be a dream !


Kansuke Konda: So close, but yet so far, yet again...and yeah it is becoming frustrating, it's becoming damn frustrating for myself and Kokan-san but we still believe in one another, we still believe we can win the Junior Tag Titles once again....it's been too long, it's been too far long but we will win them again.



Match #7: Contenders Circle:

Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg


This is the second time these two have met in contenders circle action thus far this year, last time out Okazaki won out another win here would help him cement his spot at the expense of the Tag champion who was looking to keep Black Magic's prescence alive in the contenders circle following Masuno's defeat to Shimedzu earlier in the night.


It's all Taira in the early going, as the Tag Team champion simply overpowers Okazaki , only for the INSPIRE man to bail out of the ring and attempt to regroup. Taira doesnt go after Okazaki and waits for the INSPIRE man to get up on the apron before levelling Okazaki with a clothesline, this time Taira does follow Okazaki to the outside, before bodyslamming the INSPIRE man on the entrance ramp.


Taira then breaks up Omura Umeki's floor count, and proceeds to send Okazaki back first into the ring-post before following in with a clothesline, but Okazaki somehow has enough wits left to move out of the way just in time.


Both then re-enter the ring a little worse for wear but it's Taira who continues to be in the drivers seat, levelling Okazaki with a clothesline before favouring his arm (due to the self inflicted damaged caused when he collided with the ring post). A weak cover follows before Taira attempts to set up for vertical suplex but he struggles to get Okazaki up and the INSPIRE man counters with a rake to the eyes, and then a chop block. The BHB man stays on his feet after the first chop block but is brought down to the mat with a second. Okazaki then peppers Taira with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE.....


But Taira immediately kicks out of the following cover, with a kick out so powerful it hurls Okazaki halfway across the ring. Taira then levels Okazaki with another clothesline before favouring the arm again. Okazaki then gets back up and comes charging at Taira but gets pitched high into the air with a huge back body drop, before 'The Bulldzozer' mows Okazaki down with a series of shoulder tackles, before lifting a dazed Okazaki up and flinging the INSPIRE MAN across the ring with a SAMSON SLAM (Pumphandle Fall Away Slam).....


Yet again Taira favours his arm as he goes to make the cover........








Taira failing to hook the leg on the pin attempt, effectively keeps this one alive. Taira then drags Okazaki over to the corner before setting the INSPIRE man upon the turnbuckle in place for the Wrecking Ball but Okazaki manages to block the attempt and then connects with a Flying Double Axe Handle, perfectly pin pointing Taira's injured arm. With Taira favouring his his arm again, the crafty Okazaki takes immediate advantage to stun Taira with a running elbow strike and then another chop block from behind.


Okazaki then nails Taira with a basement drop kick before slapping on the ANGULAR ARM BAR......


However ring positioning was in Taira's favour and the Tag Champion was able to use his long reach to force the rope break but Okazaki kept the pressure on taking Taira off his feet with another chop block and then following in with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE !


This time Okazaki made the cover on a worn down Yasuhiko Taira.......








Taira managed to dig down and find enough energy to keep fighting, but Okazaki was able to immediately cut Taira off from making a comeback and locked on the ANGULAR ARM BAR again.......


But Taira refused give in and this time powered his way out of the submission before barrelling Okazaki down with another series of shoulder tackles. Okazaki then stumbled into a corner but was then met by an on-rushing Taira who levelled Okazaki with THE FLATTENER (Running Clothesline into the corner)......


Yet again Taira favoured his arm as he made the cover








Okazaki managed to kick out and then raked the eyes before attempting to take 'The Bulldozer' off his feet with another chop block but this time Taira stood firm and then connected with a clothesline. This time Taira gritted his teeth and shook off the pain, to connect with a second consecutive clothesline, before lifting Okazaki up into the vertical suplex position where he sent the INSPIRE man crashing onto the mat with the TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating vertical suplex)...........








Okazaki kicked out but the INSPIRE man was now running on empty and Taira whipped Okazaki into the corner before attempting to set up for the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster), this time Okazaki was able to prevent Taira from executing the move......








This time round Yasuhiko Taira had emerged with the victory to help keep his spot in the contenders circle secure, whilst Okazaki's place was now the one in jeopardy.


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] bt Masaaki Okazaki [L] in 16:41 via pinfall (Wrecking Ball)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: My brother Masuno-san was simply unlucky earlier, but I proved that Black Magic are not just a force as a Tag Team but STILL a force in singles competition and you know what another belt on the opposite shoulder would look real nice next to the one I've got already.



~Ultra Combustion Burning Triangle~

Match #8: Non Title:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kinnojo Horri vs Tasuku Iesada





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg _______ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656


Despite Nakasawa's World Championship not being on the line, the match still has a big time feel to it and that whoever would emerge victorious would score a huge psychological boost. If Nakasawa wins he would increase the aura around him as champion, should Horri win he goes into his world title match against Nakasawa with the momentum on his side and should Iesada win he increases a psychological boost over the Burning Sekigun knowing that he has a title shot in his pocket against whoever comes out on top at Test of Prophecies.


It's a tense beginning and the communication and trust problems between Nakasawa and Horri over the past few weeks does not necessarily mean that the Burning Sekigun pair would be working together to take Iesada out of the picture. It's something that the Team INSPIRE man senses as he keeps deciding to bail out of the ring, forcing Nakasawa and Horri to lay into one another instead and with the all the frustration against one another building up within one another they do not hold back. Of course neither man backs down but Iesada decides to wisely/smugly sit back and let the Burning Sekigun pair go at it and the slugfest between Nakasawa and Horri results in them taking each other out in the middle of the ring with a mid-ring collision as both go for clothesline's.


Iesada then tries to steal victory with opportunistic pins on both Nakasawa and Horri, having barely broken a sweat in the match. Both kick out and Iesada tries to high tail it, but gets pulled by Horri who then tosses Iesada over head with a release belly to belly suplex. Nakasawa then gets back to his feet and appears to get in Horri's face again, but then points across to Iesada and they come to the conclusion that Iesada has been letting them lay into one another, so that he can literally steal victory.


Realising that the Burning Sekigun duo have cottoned on to his clever plan, Iesada scrambles out of the ring and begins to head up the entrance ramp but Nakasawa and Horri both go in pursuit of Iesada and work together to pitch Iesada back into the ring. Nakasawa and Horri then worked together to wear down Iesada, with simple but effective offence such as whipping Iesada into the corner and following in with corner splashes. However after Nakasawa planted Iesada with a powerslam and then went for a cover, the teamwork between Nakasawa and Horri began to break down once again.


After Horri pulled Nakasawa off Iesada it resulted in a shoving match between the Burning Sekigun duo and then quickly esculated into much stiffer strikes and with Horri and Nakasawa laying into one another once again, Iesada rolled out of the ring to take the recuperate. After more back and forth brawling it's Horri who seems to make the breakthrough, planting the World Champion with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster).....


But Nakasawa gets right back up and stuns Horri with a fore-arm smash before planting the number one contender onto the canvas with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker).... But he is simply too worn down to follow up with a cover and they both lay on the canvas as easy picking for Iesada to sneak in.


This time however Iesada waits for one of them to start getting back to their feet, it's Horri despite having being planted to the mat more recently that begins to rise first but then eats a running knee strike from Iesada. Iesada then went for a cover on Horri, but Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer was quick to kick out. However a possbile rally from Horri was quickly cut off with a kick to the face, Iesada then looked to slap on the Iesada Special but had momentarily forgotten about Nakasawa who stomped away on the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner.


Nakasawa then reeled Iesada in for a powerbomb, only for Iesada to rake the eyes and then somewhat foolishly attempt to take the much larger Nakasawa off his feet with a Northern Lights Suplex, unsurpisingly Nakasawa held firm before Horri clubbed Iesada from behind and then fling the INSPIRE man overhead into a bridging German Suplex right into a pin attempt.


Nakasawa quickly realised what had just happened and broke up the pin, before getting into another shoving match with Horri until both looked back over at Iesada again and then simultaneously stomped away on the INSPIRE man who being the smallest man in the match was clearly at a disadvantage with both opponents being much larger than himself.


Nakasawa and Horri then did the whip someone in the corner and take turns rushing at them spot...at least that's what Nakasawa has convinced Horri the plan would be before turning suddenly turning Horri inside out with a SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT !








This time Iesada was the saviour for Horri as he staggered out of the corner to break up what looked to be the match winning pinfall. Nakasawa however remained in control and soon reeled Iesada in to set up for a Compression Powerbomb but just as Nakasawa was about to plant Iesada to the mat, the INSPIRE man managed to counter into a victory roll before floating through into the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)......


But unfortuntely for Iesada, Nakasawa was too close to the ropes and he was able to force a rope break. However Iesada was able to keep the pressure on, as he unleashed a flurry of kicks and strikes that prevented the World Champion from rallying back, but before the INSPIRE man could bring Nakasawa back to the mat, Kinnojo Horri rose back to his feet and then clotheslined Iesada out of the ring. Suddenly Horri saw a worn down Nakasawa as ripe for the taking, drivng the World Champion into the corner with a shoulder tackle. Nakasawa then staggered out of the corner before being planted to the mat with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......








Nakasawa kicked out, before Horri 'taunted' the World Champion to get back to his feet, as the number one contender set up for a Lariat, only for Iesada to sneak back in and take Horri by surprise with a quick roll up......






Horri kicked out of that pin attempt but then suddenly found himself entrapped in the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin).......








Nakasawa managed to dive across to make the save. Nakasawa then connected with a Lariat on Iesada, only to eat one himself from Horri, who then turned his attention back to Iesada who was then able to counter an attempt to set up for the Destiny Bomb with a knee to the face......


Horri and Iesada then both slumped to the mat, and all three men were left laying in the ring. Iesada was first to rise back to his feet and came charging at Nakasawa with a running knee strike but the World Champion was able to block and then turrn Iesada inside out with a Lariat, only for Horri to send Nakasawa out of the ring with a Lariat of his own.


Horri then turned his attention to Iesada, connecting with another Lariat before planting the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner onto the canvas with a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster)........








Nakasawa dove back in to save the match, before going toe to toe once again with Horri. Nakasawa then seemed to gain the advantage and set up for vertical suplex only for Horri to block, Horri then tried to do the same to Nakasawa but the World Champion was able to stand firm before Horri looked to connect with the BURNING LARIAT but Nakasawa blocked and then planted his up-coming World Title Challenger into the canvas with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER !








Horri kicked out but Nakasawa quickly snuffed out a rally from Horri with a series of stomps, before deciding to head up top....it looked as though Nakasawa was about to unleash the rarely seen H-Sault, but Horri had other idea's rising back to his feet to bring Nakasawa crashing back into the ring with a Belly to Back Superplex.


But before Horri could pick himself back up and scramble across to make the cover Iesada connected with a running knee strike before placing 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' in the IESADA SPECIAL !


Iesada had his arm submission locked on right in the middle of the ring and Horri looked just about set to tap out, but thankfully for the World Championship number one contender, the man he would soon face for the title rose back to his feet to make the save.


Nakasawa then stomped away on Iesada to seize control of the match, before launching Iesada upon his shoulders to deliver the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb) but Iesada was able to slip off but before Iesada could follow up with a counter Nakasawa connected with a fore-arm smash to daze the Team INSPIRE man, before reeling Iesada in to deliver the COMPRESSION POWEROMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb).......








Iesada kicked out but only just and in truth the 2009 Super 10 Cup Winner was just about done and just seconds later Naksawa had planted Iesada onto the canvas with an H-BOMB


But just as Nakasawa was about to go for the pin, Kinnojo Horri had risen back to his feet before levelling the World Champion with a BURNING LARIAT !!






Three !!


And with the most feared Lariat in all of wrestling Kinnojo Horri had scored a huge victory over the World Champion, question is would he be able to do the same with the World Title on the line.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Hiroaki Nakasawa [L] & Tasuku Iesada in 29:50 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: A


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: Nakasawa-san you've seen, no actually you've just felt that it takes just one move, just one Burning Lariat and the World Championship will be back round my waist. And look I really respect you, I really do and it's a shame our desire to be the best is coming between us but I did not enter this sport to be in anyone's shadow at Test of Prophecies I step out of your shadow and become the number one once again.


Tasuku Iesada: I think anyone can see I was overmatched in this contest, it's like I was put in a damn handicap match, do the Burning Championship committee really think that's fair but really what should I care, it's not like anything important was on the line because really I should be thankful for the fact that I've been able to get into the ring and scout both of my potential opponents for when I take the World Championship from them !


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Horri-san you got me, you got me good but when it comes to the big day, when it comes to me putting their belt on the line against you it'll be a different story because when the World Championship is at stake, I become even stronger, I become even sharper, I become even more resillient, I become everything a World Champion is made of !



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: We always look to deliver a strong card back at our home arena, and we did just that here. The main event actually wasn't the best action wise and to be honest the Super Juniors are much more adaptable to coming up with new things outside of the normal parameters of a one on one match, but the crowd were really into it and what the match lacked in inventive action it made up for with bags of tension and an compelling story being told in the ring.


One other notable match was the excellent Junior Contenders Circle match between Black Cobra and Elemental III, these two have a really great understanding with one another in the ring and were they to be given a little more time, then there is no reason why the can't pull off something truly special.

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Predictions Contest:



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Predictions League

Stage 2

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Last Round

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Marcel Fromage

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Hyde Hill

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Phantom Stranger

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Raijin Samurai

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Tweek It

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Sudo Nym

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Michigan Hero

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BYU 14

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Rob4590 maintains his lead in the predictions contest and now looks favourite to win the second stage, however the chasing pack of Zergon, Dragonmack and Bigpapa42 are poised to take advantage should he put in a couple of poor rounds (three left for this stage, two more tour shows and Test of Prophecies), though disappointingly Marcel Fromage drops out of contention after failing to gets his predictions in for this round.


The three way main event saw backing for all three, though the majority felt that one of Nakasawa's challengers would pick up the win, with most backing Horri. Most leaned towards Okazaki to win the contenders circle match with Taira, though the mullet haired tag champion came out victorious in what many will see as a minor upset and everyone was smart enough to realise that I wanted to keep Shimedzu strong in the CC spot challenge against Masuno, Shimedzu's victory is also to freshen things up in the contenders circle and his recent success in the KOF contenders tournament put him in position to be the most legitimate member of the roster to step up to the main event level.


The Junior Contenders Circle match did see some backing for Elemental III, though most correctly backed Black Cobra to bag the win and force his way into the Junior Title match at Test of Prophecies. The Tag Team match between Wild Fire and Raging Bulls, saw most read into the fact that Wild Fire are in the midst of a push right now and their victory also gives me a fresher match up for the Tag Titles and to be honest Black Magic-Raging Bulls has hardly set the world on fire.


Perhaps one of the trickiest matches to call on the card was the three way Junior Tag, there was even backing for the makeshift duo of Pathlow and Yoshikawa and yes Pathlow's post match liasons with Team INSPIRE are going to be heading somewhere. The rest of the card was straighforward with Kikkawa-Watson simply being too over to job out to Dragon-Miyamae and both pre-show matches being Midcard over jobber squashes.

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Would love some more backstage stuff! Do not know if you have any planed. Just my 2 cents.


Thought I better answer your question on this one Hyde Hill. Right now things are pretty settled backstage, so there isn't really anything all that major to write about, perhaps I need to sign up a whole bunch of ego's to make for a more interesting backstage.


Besides the backstage stuff at the beginning of the diary was to set up an interesting back story. To be honest my strength as a writer is not with the backstage stuff, I'm not in someone like Eisenverse's league when it comes to that sort of thing, maybe I'm selling myself short but with many seeing my strength as a writer being the match write-ups it becomes a juggling act as to what should take priority.


Anyway minor backstage incidents and general thoughts from the minds of the booker are covered in the Onodera Diaries segments (which are always posted after the end of each week).

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Thought I better answer your question on this one Hyde Hill. Right now things are pretty settled backstage, so there isn't really anything all that major to write about, perhaps I need to sign up a whole bunch of ego's to make for a more interesting backstage.


Besides the backstage stuff at the beginning of the diary was to set up an interesting back story. To be honest my strength as a writer is not with the backstage stuff, I'm not in someone like Eisenverse's league when it comes to that sort of thing, maybe I'm selling myself short but with many seeing my strength as a writer being the match write-ups it becomes a juggling act as to what should take priority.


Anyway minor backstage incidents and general thoughts from the minds of the booker are covered in the Onodera Diaries segments (which are always posted after the end of each week).


Yeah no problems I am just really a fan of backstage stuff and the ilk and really liked the backstory here. Not complaining at all though as the matches are ace.

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The Onodera Diaries:


It has to be said that when Iesada-san shocked Kaneko-san and stood down as head booker it was because he didn't want to come across as booking himself too strong whilst in charge of the book. I know for sure that Iesada-san strongly resisted the decision to see him triumph in last years Super 10 Cup but his great friend Kikkawa-san was persistant in seeing him finally win a big one and shake off his tag as a nearly man. Iesada-san went along with this but ultimately felt he had to give up the book to avoid resentment from the locker room. I am sure the locker room would not have felt resentment towards Iesada-san for pushing himself strongly, as he is hugely respected amongst everyone in Burning Hammer even those whose own egos leave something to be desired.


So why am I talking about Iesada's own inner turmoil about pushing himself strong whilst in charge of the book. Well perhaps right now I am in the midst of my strongest 'push' in Burning Hammer and yes I am charge of the book. In just a few months my 'Wild Fire' team with Toshusai-san has quickly established itself as a new threat for the World Tag Team Championships and at Test of Prophecies we will be challenging Black Magic for the titles.


But in defence, this push isn't really about me, it's more about helping to re-establish Toshusai-san. Truth of the matter is when Toshusai's team with Koshiro Ino suddenly broke apart, due to Ino wanting to follow in the footsteps of his mentor Haruki Kudo and work in America, he struggled to establish himself as a singles performer. No offence to my current tag team partner, but Toshusai-san currently does not have what it takes to be pushed into the main event.


Right now Toshusai-san is still at the stage where he needs to be put alongside someone who can do the 'heavy lifting so to speak'. I don't think it would be too arrogant of me to say that I am the ideal person to put with him in this situation, as I am very solid in the ring but perhaps lack the charisma for fans to buy into. With Wild Fire Toshusi-san brings along his unique charisma and get fans invested into he team, whilst I bring alongside solid ring work to help hide the fact that Toshusai-san still has a long way to improve on that side of things.


Another reason for Wild Fire's creation and push is to simply shake up a Tag Team Division that needed shaking up. I suppose that before I was handed the book, The Behemoths were supposed to be what would help to shake up a stagnant division but truth is they were soon exposed as not being up to the task. And besides considering this whole issue about pushing yourself whilst in charge of the book, it's not like I am actually pushing myself towards a main event spot, now were I to be doing that then I am sure there would be plenty in the locker room who would be none too happy about that.


One thing I have learnt of late is that Masumi Fuchida (better known to wrestling fans as the legendary Elemental II) is a big fan of musicals. He kept asking everyone in the locker room if they wanted to go and see the latest musical from Alvin Lloyd Wibbett 'Paint Never Dries'. Unsurprisingly there were not many takers, except for Sessue Kawate who apparently has seen Mama Mia twenty times, why anyone would want to see such a travesty of a film once yet alone twenty times is something I cannot comprehend.


Continuing on with the Elemental themed news, Elemental III has signed an 18 month extension to his current contract for a slight rise in his pay. General consensus is that the man behind the third incarnation of the legendary Elemental character is at this stage not quite as good as his predecesors but with time he will get there. Truth is Elemental II wasn't the finished article right from the start and it was only the original Elemental who had supreme gifts at such a young age. If anything the current member of the Junior Division who closely resembles the original Elemental on that score, is the current Junior champion Sensational Dragon, not that I would want to fuel Dragon's already considerable ego.


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In your product, how rare is it for the heavys to be in triple threat matches? They seem like they would be more for the juniors IMO.


Very rare, rarer than Sushi. Don't expect too many multi man matches for the heavyweights and don't be surprised if that was the one and only heavyweight triple threat match all tour if not all year. They are most definitely a more natural fit for the Juniors (not that the game recognises that, but in terms of doing the match write ups, this is definitely the case !)

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Very rare, rarer than Sushi. Don't expect too many multi man matches for the heavyweights and don't be surprised if that was the one and only heavyweight triple threat match all tour if not all year. They are most definitely a more natural fit for the Juniors (not that the game recognises that, but in terms of doing the match write ups, this is definitely the case !)

I think my brain might explode if you do any puro title match triple threats.:) Enjoying the diary so far though. Alot of thought given to the booking, the match write ups are rock solid. Keep up the good work:)

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The Contenders Circle (W/C Monday 19th April 2010)


All the movement in the Heavyweight Contenders circle last week was at the bottom end, with Horri and Iesada already having World Championship title shots lined up. Yasuhiko Taira secured the number 3 ranking in the contenders circle by avenging last months loss to Masaaki Okazaki who drops to number 5. Meanwhile Yasunobu Masuno drops out of the contenders circle after losing to up-coming King of Fighters challenger Shimedzu.


In the Junior Division Black Cobra forced his way into the Junior Championship match at Test of Prophecies by defeating Elemental III. Despite the loss to Cobra Elemental III has seen his fortunes turn around, following up his succesful defence of his spot last week he managed to defeat The Awesome Kiyaru and now sits in the number 3 slot ahead of both halves of the Junior Tag Team Champions The Black Heart Flying Squadron.



Burning World Champion -Hiroaki Nakasawa- (Burning Sekigun)




Kinnojo Horri- Burning Sekigun (Title shot earned- to take place at Test of Prophecies).




- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE (Title shot earned- to face winner of Nakasawa-Horri after Test of Prophecies)




Yasuhiko Taira- Black Heart Brethren


Shimedzu- Dragon Feet 2K9



Masaaki Okazaki- Team INSPIRE





Burning Junior Champion -Sensational Dragon- (Dragon Feet 2K9)




- Marihito Masuko - Burning Sekigun (Title shot at Test of Prophecies as part of Three Way Match)



- Black Cobra - Black Heart Brethren (Title Shot at Test of Prophecies as Part of Three Way Match)




- Elemental III - Burning Sekigun




- The Awesome Kiyaru - Black Heart Brethren




-Golden Scorpion- Black Heart Brethren

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<p><strong>O.O.C Note:</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This diary is going to be on another hiatus period for about the next 10 days as I am going to be in Europe and away from a computer. After that no more hiatuses until some point next year !</p><p> </p><p>

In the meantime here's a picture of Sensational Dragon dressed for 'Business' <em>(credit to JHD1) </em></p><p> </p><p>



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  • 2 weeks later...

O.O.C Note:


Yes I am back from holiday in central Europe; Prague, Vienna and Budapest are all fantastic cities.


However the main reason for this post, is that I will be keeping this diary on hiatus for a little longer than I first intended. Right now as you may be aware the World Cup is on and during that time my interest in football does become somewhat more heightened. Basically it comes down to the fact that I don't think I can be as committed as I want to be to this diary during the next few weeks but it is NOT going to be put out to pasture and it will be back sometime during this year ! :p

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  • 4 weeks later...
Seconded. The World cup is over (way over for fans of England and US :p) so get back to it! BTW, will the 'green box' show its way into the BHOTWG anytime soon?


It's nice to know that I've been missed, hey as they say abscence makes the heart grow fonder.


To be honest it's been one thing after another that has lead to the 'long break', honestly a month ain't that long compared to some writer's break, but hey I guess it's long for me :) Firstly I went on holiday, then the World Cup was on, and it also didn't help that I lost internet access for a whole week last week and with that set back I will admit that I did lose momentum to get re-motivated into getting this up and running again. But I am gradually getting that motivation back again.


Realistically I'm looking to have the preview of the long anticipated next show in the Burn Don't Freeze Tour up next weekend.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;">BHOTWGPuroresu.com</span></span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> BHOTWG will be at the Matsue Sports Park in Chugoku prefecture to present the latest leg of their Burn, Don't Freeze Tour on Monday 19th April. </p><p> </p><p> The main event will be what promises to be a hugely competitive Special Attraction Tag match as King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa teams up with fellow Team INSPIRE member Masaaki Okazaki to take on former three time World Tag Team Champions, The Rebellion (Miyamae & Shimedzu) and Shimedzu would love nothing more than to a score a victory over the man he will challenge for the King of Fighters belt at Test of Prophecies.</p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile there will be Six Man Tag Team action as the Black Heart Brethren trio of World Tag Team Champions Yasuhiko Taira and Yasunobu Masuno team up with Junior Tag Champion The Awesome Kiyaru to take on Team INSPIRE's Tasuku Iesada and Mike Watson who will join forces with the hard hitting gaijin Junior John Pathlow. Apparently word from the Burning Hammer locker room is that Kikkawa specially invited Pathlow to represent Team INSPIRE in this match as he is looking for Team INSPIRE to have a prescence in ther Junior Division and see's Pathlow as the very Junior Heavyweight who can represent the Team INSPIRE ethos amongst the lighter weight division. </p><p> </p><p> Meanwhile there will be more Six man action as the number one contender to the World Championship Kinnojo Horri teams with Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) to take on the RAGE trio of Chuichi Sanda and Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM). </p><p> </p><p> And the Burning Sekigun- RAGE showdown for this show does not end there as Eiji Hamacho takes on the World Heavyweight Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa in non title action. It may only be pride on the line, but a non title win here for Hamacho would see his stock take a huge rise. </p><p> </p><p> There will be Junior Division action as Black Cobra takes on fellow Junior Division veteran Super Joshuya, as Cobra looks to maintain form heading into the three way Junior Title match with Sensational Dragon and Marihito Masuko at Test of Prophecies, whilst Dragon teams with American Optimus to take on the former Junior Tag Team Champions (Masuko & Elemental III). Rounding out the main show card will be a all heavyweight singles match between Tadakuni Toshusai and Nisso Yuasha and a mixed weight contest between RAGE's Toshiki Shibaumo and the Black Heart Flying Squadron's Golden Scorpion.</p><p> </p><p> Those who get to the show early will be treated to bonus action, that will include a Six Man Junior Division scramble featuring Barei Yasujiro, Haru Kurofuji, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, The Incredible Koyama and White Samurai plus a singles match between Fukusabaru Inao and Roku Sotomura. </p><p> </p><p> <em>Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #14 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #14</strong></span></span></p><p> (Matsue Sports Park, Chugoku, Monday 19th April 2010)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Legends Never Whisper Tag Team Showdown (45 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Team INSPIRE'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">King of Fighters-</span> Tadiyuki Kikkawa &</p><p> Masaaki Okazaki</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'</span></p><p> The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Six Man Battle 'Power and Speed' (30 Min Time Limit):</strong> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethren'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Junior Tag Team Champion-</span> The Awesome Kiyaru &</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">World Tag Team Champions-</span></p><p> Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)</p><p> vs</p><p> John Pathlow &</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Team INSPIRE'</span></p><p> Tasuku Iesada & Mike Watson</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Non Title Test (30 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">World Champion</span>-Hiroaki Nakasawa</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing RAGE'</span></p><p> Eiji Hamacho</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Junior Division Tag Team Showdown (30 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Junior Champion-</span> Sensational Dragon &</p><p> American Optimus</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Your New Heroes (Marihito Masuko & Elemental III)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Junior Division- Test of Pride (20 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethren'</span></p><p> Black Cobra</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Super Joshuya </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Six Man Battle (20 min Time Limit):</strong> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Kinnojo Horri &</p><p> Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing RAGE'</span></p><p> Chuichi Sanda &</p><p> Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Singles Match (15 Min Time Limit)</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Tadakuni Toshusai</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing The Behemoths'</span></p><p> Nisso Yuasha</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mixed Weight Singles Showdown (15 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethen'</span></p><p> Junior Tag Champion- Golden Scorpion</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing RAGE'</span></p><p> Toshiki Shibanumo</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):</strong></span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Six Man Junior Scramble:- Yasujiro vs Kurofuji vs Panther vs</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs Samurai.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;">Fukusabaru Inao vs Roku Sotomura</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">____________________________________________________________________</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26978" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Predictions Form:</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Kikkawa & Okazaki vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Kiyaru, Masuno & Taira vs Pathlow, Iesada & Watson</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#800080;"><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Non Title</strong></span></span><span style="color:#800080;"><span style="font-size:8px;">: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Eiji Hamacho</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs YNH (Masuko & Elemental III)</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Black Cobra vs Super Joshuya</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Horri, Kokan and Konda vs Sanda, Shiomi & VENOM</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Tadakuni Toshusai vs Nisso Yuasha</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Golden Scorpion vs Toshiki Shibanumo</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Yasujiro vs Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs White Samurai</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Fuku Inao vs Roku Sotomura</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>Kikkawa & Okazaki</strong> vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Kiyaru, Masuno</strong> & Taira vs Pathlow, Iesada & Watson</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Non Title: <strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa </strong>vs Eiji Hamacho</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon & American Optimus</strong> vs YNH (Masuko & Elemental III)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Cobra</strong> vs Super Joshuya</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Horri, Kokan and Konda vs <strong>Sanda, Shiomi & VENOM</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai </strong>vs Nisso Yuasha</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Golden Scorpion</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Yasujiro vs Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs <strong>White Samurai</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Fuku Inao vs <strong>Roku Sotomura </strong></p>

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Predictions Form:



Kikkawa & Okazaki vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)

The Rebellion are a top team, but Team Inspire are two of your top guys period. I don't see them losing here.



Kiyaru, Masuno & Taira vs Pathlow, Iesada & Watson

Conversely here, Taira and Masuno can afford to lose to strengthen a trio from which the next King of Fighters challenge may come from.



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Eiji Hamacho

no brainer



Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs YNH (Masuko & Elemental III)

I hope you came up with a better name than 'Your New Heroes' :p



Black Cobra vs Super Joshuya

Cobra is building up for another shot.



Horri, Kokan and Konda vs Sanda, Shiomi & VENOM

Horri is the deciding factor here.



Tadakuni Toshusai vs Nisso Yuasha

Only because you are giving your team a minor push, and you don't mind jobbing one of the towers of fat



Golden Scorpion vs Toshiki Shibanumo

One is a jobber, one isn't



Yasujiro vs Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs White Samurai

I see Kurofuji as the most likely to break out of this group



Fuku Inao vs Roku Sotomura

He has a cool mask... I think.

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Kikkawa & Okazaki vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)

Kikkawa for the win. I get Kikkawa


Kiyaru, Masuno & Taira vs Pathlow, Iesada & Watson

Pathlow being an addition to Team INSPIRE will prove to be quite valuable.



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Eiji Hamacho

As long as Hamacho has been in BHOTWG, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten a World Title shot. I hope he does one day but until then, Nakasawa gets it.


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs YNH (Masuko & Elemental III)

Your New Heroes...ALL THE WAY!!!



Black Cobra vs Super Joshuya

Joshuya still has it.



Horri, Kokan and Konda vs Sanda, Shiomi & VENOM

Horri is going to be picking up steam with this match as he heads into Test of Prophecies against Nakasawa for that title.


Tadakuni Toshusai vs Nisso Yuasha

TOSHUSAI!!!! Nobody messes with the TOSH!!!


Golden Scorpion vs Toshiki Shibanumo

Golden Scorpion takes it for me


Yasujiro vs Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs White Samurai

As wild as this match is going to be, my prediction is just as wild too



Fuku Inao vs Roku Sotomura

I see this one being physical and technical. Roku will win...by chinlock.

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