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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

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Predictions Form:


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera

Iesada has a title shot coming, so he isnt losing, and Kikkawa would never let you go over him.



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae

non title or not Nakasawa isnt losing to a tag wrestler


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira

After a strong run at the KoF title, I see Shimedzu being a player in the Burning title picture


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho

Not much of a challenge as Okazaki firms his spot in the cc group


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno

Mullet power gets the win over the smaller Super Junior


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Champions and Cobra ftw


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Strong title challenge gets them win here


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki

squash for the behemoths

Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

one team has a name other doesnt


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

Ordinarily this is an easy squash for Watson, but he's pissed, and pissed you off, so he gets buried till his contract is up.

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera

KoF champ and next world title contender are not doing the job here


Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae

Nor is the champ


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira

Shimedzu keeps the push going - plus the win here puts the Rebellion in a position to be next month's tag challengers


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho

He may be INSPIRE's no 3, but still has way too much game for Hamacho. RAGE need to bring in a new, quality leader...


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno

As good as E3 is, Mullet man is too big and strong


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Much as I'd like to see the faces win, there is too much star power in the BHFS


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Another one where a WLW win would be possible, but why job Dragon out on a meaningless tour match?


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki

Sanda is higher up the card, and Fugunaga is a prospect. The Behemoths are just fat :D


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

They need a win or two


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

You may not like him but Inao isn't the lower carder to get the rub.

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera


Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera

You need to keep Kikkawa happy which means that you won´t book yourself over him


Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae

Even though it´s non-title I doubt Miyamae changes to go over here


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira

Taira has enough work with those tag titles right now so Shimedzu picks up the win here


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho

I doubt Hamacho will get the spot here


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno

Tag champ takes the the win here


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion

Cobra gets some revenge over Masuko here


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

Dragon and Optimus seems like too big names here to lose this one but maybe I´m just underestimating Universal Excellence

Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki

You had made it clear that you don´t like Behemoths so I guess they job here


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

Named team that has VENOM must go over random jobber pairing


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

Watson might be going downhill and is probably leaving but he still isn´t losing this one

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Next show should be up Sunday (would have been tommorow but I'm out all day). Admittedly I should have got this one up earlier but sometimes real-life gets in the way of keeping things ticking over :p


So a little more time for people to place some predictions...OK I admit I'm just waiting for Beeker to show his hand, I'm a mark for his predictions :D

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera

interesting matchup here. Kikkawa will win this one for his team. I also see another Kikkawa and Horri feud, this time for the King of Fighters Championship.


Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae

H-Bomb...Nuff said


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira

For some reason, Taira will win this one.


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho

I'm behind Hamacho. Give that a man a singles title shot already


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno

Elemental III FTW


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion

(In Masuko's voice) The winds of victory will sweep past you,oh three deceitful warriors. For the time of change is still at hand for a dragon to be slain.


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)

I wanted Universal Excellence to win at Test of Prophecies...looks like they're not going to win this one either


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki

Sanda, Fugunaga, and Shibanumo should look to bring the intensity and step it up.


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa

Little Fury...Big win


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

I wouldn't want to be Inao facing down an angry Watson. One Stop Punch and it's over.

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Horri, Toshusai & Onodera



Non Title: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae


Contenders Circle: Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno


Masuko, Kokan & Konda vs Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion


Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji)


Sanda, Fuganaga & Shibanumo vs Kataoka, Yuasha & Kanishoki


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


Fukusubaru Inao vs Mike Watson

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 17

(Monday 26th April 2010)


Kunamoto, Sports Field, Kyushu

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen


Pre- Show


Match #1: Mike Watson vs Fukusabaru Inao


This was one was all over in a flash, Inao gets in a few shots on Watson but the Calgary Assassin just shakes them off, ONE STOP PUNCH, routine pin and it's all over. Watson then refuses to celebrate, flips off the fans and says that he quits.


Result: Mike Watson [w] bt Fukusabaru Inao [L] in 0:46 via pinfall (One Stop Punch)

Rating: C



Match #2: Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) vs

Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


These four put on a decent contest, but none of them are particularly over right now and the fans were still more interested in purchasing bowls of Ramen and Sashimi. Though the thrown together duo of Panther and Yoshikawa do go close on picking up the mild upset on a few occasions, notably when Yoshikawa gets a very close two count on Yoshii Shiomi after a Stoneplex, ultimately it's the more well honed teamwork of Little Fury that wins through and after Red Panther crashes and burns with a Tumbelweed Leg Drop, VENOM and Shiomi were able to isolate Yoshikawa, before putting the former House of Stone Trainee away with the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Enziguri/Reverse STO combination).


Result: Yoshii Shiomi [w] & VENOM bt Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa [L] in 8:25 via pinfall (Engage The Rage).

Rating: C



Main Show


The show kicks off with the usual post PPV recap video for Test of Prophecies, that is always played on the HAMMERTRON TM at the first show after each PPV. The video mainly concentrates on the Nakasawa-Horri match for the World Championship, putting over both as great competitors.


Rating: B


Match #1: Sensational Dragon & American Optimus vs

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325


Universal Excellence are coming off a tough loss against the Black Heart Flying Squadron where they were unlucky not to become the new Junior Tag champions and they would be keen to regain some momentum, however standing in their way tonight would be the Dragon Feet 2K9 duo of American Optimus and Sensational Dragon, the Junior Champion buzzing with confidence after a succesful defence against Marihito Masuko and Black Cobra.


The action was back and forth in the early going with neither side asserting themselves decisively over the other. Eventually the slightly more fluid tag team work of Universal Excellence began to pay dividends and they managed to isolate American Optimus. Kurofuji then went close with a Tohoku Thunder Suplex only for Sensational Dragon to break up the win. The match then broke down a little with Dragon sending both members of Universal Excellence to the floor with consecutive head scissor take downs before launching himself to the outside with a springboard splash.


American Optimus then planted Yasujiro with an O-Bomb only for Kurofuji to make the save at the last split second. Universal Excellence then put together the Universal Studios (German Suplex/Standing Shooting Star Press combo) on American Optimus only for Dragon to make the save. Dragon then took over nailing Kurofuji with a Tiger Feint Kick before planting Yasujiro with a Dragon Slice. Kurofuji then drop-kicked Dragon out of the ring and with American Optimus still laying on the canvas decided to head up top but that turned out be an error of judgement from Kurofuji as Optimus rose back to his feet before sending Kurofuji crashing back into the ring with an ATOMIC O-BOMB (Superbomb), as Universal Studio's were handed another tough defeat.


Result: Sensational Dragon & American Optimus [w] bt Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [L] in 11:04 via pinfall (Atomic O-Bomb)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Well what did you expect, of course we were going to win....yes American Optimus did great this time but his partner was me.


Barei Yasujiro: I really felt we could...no in fact we should have won that one. Perhaps we need to sharpen up, if we're going to become champions round here.



Match #2: Elemental III vs Yasunobu Masuno


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402


Elemental III employed a hit and run strategy for much of the match, peppering Masuno with kick combinations and then trying to get out of harms way. Whilst this kept Masuno off balance, the Third Generation icon's strategy was having little effect in wearing 'The Hammer' down and gradually the Tag Team champion began to asert this authority over the match, cutting off Elemental III's momentum with clotheslines and then planting the masked man with power-moves, body slams and spinebusters designed to add wear to the back of the Third Generation icon and to set up for the Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) but the Junior Heavyweight Wrestler did not give in and with a series of elbow strikes to Masuno's temple fought his way off.


Elemental III then slowed up Masuno with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series before going up top and drilling Masuno with a missile drop-kick. Elemental III went up again and as Masuno got to his feet, went for a Tornado DDT however Masuno was able to block and immediately countered into the BLAST TEST (Vertical Suplex Side Slam) and that was enough for Masuno to assure that an upset win for the Junior Division wrestler would not be happening to him.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno [w] bt Elemental III [L] in 12:17 via pinfall (Blast Test)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Note: This turned out to be a disappointment, due to the fact that these two just didn't seem to click....the transition between Elemental III's attempted Tornado DDT into Masuno's Blast Test finisher was particularly awkward and made for a clunky finish.


Post Match Comments:


Yasunobu Masuno: Are the Burning Hammer Officials, cruel sadists? Did they really expect a midget like Elemental Number Three to trouble someone as powerful as I? If they did then I find that a very funny joke.



Match #3: Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo vs Masataro Kataoka, Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki








The fans saw an opportunity to re-stock on some more Sashimi (I won't say Saki because it wasn't as if the Behemoths were fighting themselves) showing an air of total indifference to this rather throwaway six man tag match. Basic story of the match was that The Behemoths threw about their sizeable weight to dominate for the opening portion until after failing to put any of RAGE away they ran out of steam (literally) and in the end Masataro Kataoka was left isolated on the RAGE half of the ring, eventually falling victim to a Running Knee Drive/Triangle Choke sequence from the hands of Mitsunari Fuganaga.


Result: Chuichi Sanda [w], Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo bt Masataro Kataoka [L], Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki in 8:46 via submission (Triangle Choke)

Rating: C-


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: RAGE is a spent force, that's what we keep hearing but all the doubters spur us on to bounce back from our slump and the fightback begins now !


Mitsunari Fuganaga: It's good to get back into competition after my unjust suspension but look I took my punishment like the good little boy I am....but I'd like to be Serious.....and what I am serios about is that everyone should be taking Fuganaga and RAGE VERY SERIOUSLY !



Match #4: Contenders Circle:

Shimedzu vs Yasuhiko Taira


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg


The first half of the show is capped off with the contenders circle match between recent King of Fighters challenger Shimedzu and Tag Team Champion Yasuhiko Taira.


Taira managed to get an early jump on Shimedzu, levelling The Rebellion man with a clothesline right on the bell and though Shimedzu managed to kick out Taira continued to dominate during the early going. However 'The Bulldozer' got too confident and Shimedzu was able to side-step out of the way, as Taira went for The Flattener (Running Clothesline) into the corner before nailing Taira with a step up Enziguri. That was followed by a running cornerdrop-kick and then a facewash, before Shimedzu went to that well once too many and got levelled with a clothesline.


Taira then got a close two count off a Samson Slam (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam) as ring positioning came to Shimedzu's rescue. Taira then feeling in complete control pitched Shimedzu upon the top turnbuckle and set up for the Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster) but Shimedzu was able to block and then plant Taira with a Diving Bull Dog. Shimedzu then nailed Taira with a two consecutive Life Flasher's (Rebound Running Boots) only for 'The Bulldozer' to emphatically kick out at two.


Taira then levelled Shimedzu with a clothesline for a two count before setting Shimedzu into position for The Typhoon Suplex, but 'Kamikaze Spirit' was able to block and then stun 'The Bulldozer' with a jumping roundhouse kick, followed by a leg-sweep that saw Taira planted to the canvas.


Shimedzu then went up top and then launched himself off with a moonsault, and though Taira managed to get to his feet Shimedzu was still able to turn his original intentions into a moonsault press. Shimedzu then sent Taira back down to the canvas with another leg-sweep and after nailing the Tag Team Champion with a basement drop-kick locked on his increasinglt feared Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke submission) but Taira wasn't nearly worn down enough and after fighting his way back to his feet planted Shimedzu with a front suplex.


Taira then levelled Shimedzu with a running boot before whipping The Rebellion man into the corner and this time connecting with The Flattener but to Taira's frustration Shimedzu showed great resillience by kicking out at the last split second. Taira then set Shimedzu up once more for a Wrecking Ball but just as last time Shimedzu was able to block, before countering into an inverted DDT. Taira got back to his feet but ate a Life Flasher from Shimedzu, before 'Kamikaze Spirit' waited for Taira to get back to his feet before spiking the big man with an implant DDT. Shimedzu then once again applied the Insurrexion Device on Taira, and though 'The Bulldozer' tried his best to escape from the hold, in the end referee Umeki saw no other choice but to ring the bell, as Shimedzu bounced back from his tough loss to Tadiyuki Kikkawa at Test of Prophecies to truly cement his spot in the contenders circle.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira [L] in 20:25 via submission (Insurrexion Device)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: I know many felt I would not be in any state to face Taira-san after being knocked out at Test of Prophecies by Kikkawa-san but they do not call me Kamikaze Spirit for nothing. For I will face each challenge head on with wreckless abandon, for their is a thin line between glorious failure and glorious victory everytime you step into the ring and those who do not dare grab their chances only wither away forgotten. I am grabbing my chance right now and if I go down in a blaze of glory, then so be it !


Yasuhiko Taira: Look.....I.....am......standing, I.....still......can......fight.....on.....Oh....should....never.....have......rung.....bell.....


Taira then walks out of the press area weezing heavily.


Match #5: Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs

Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda








This all Junior Division six man tag began at a hectic pace, with Masuko and Size of the Fight pressing at the beginning.....culminating in the Burning Sekigun trio wiping out the Black Heart Brethren men with a trio of dives to the floor. That saw Size of the Fight set up early for the Big Fight Ender on The Awesome Kiyaru only to get clubbed from behind by both Scorpion and Cobra.


After what was a frantically paced opening the match settled down as Hyosuke Kokan had to fight tooth and nail to try and make it back to his corner and with the Black Heart Brethren trio eluding an air of over confidence, Kokan was able to do just that when Black Cobra crashed an burned with a From Canada With Love (Flying Headbutt) before the 'Electric Live Wire' neutralised the gaijin veteran further with an Elemental Suplex.


After getting the tag into Masuko, Cobra now wanting no part of the man who he feels cost him a chance at Junior Championship glory scrambled out to make the tag into The Awesome Kiyaru. Kiyaru initially taking down Masuko with a leg-lariat then planted Masuko with a Falcon Arrow for a two count, before Black Cobra noticing Masuko was in a weakend state decided to tag himself back in, to the slight annoyance of Kiyaru.


Cobra then set Masuko up for the Death By Cobra, but the Painted Wonder was able to block and then counter into a Masuko Cradle (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) which may have won the match had the Black Heart Flying Squadron not decided to intervene. That intervention lured Size of the Fight back into the ring and once again things broke down into a chaos referee Koetsu Shinozaki was struggling to keep a grip of. After a flurry of potential match ending moves from all six men in the ring, it came down to Black Cobra and Kansuke Konda. Cobra was able to block an attempt a Konda Kutter from the Big Fight Player before nailing the Size of the Fight man with a drop-kick and then taking Konda down to the mat with a spinning head-scissors, perfectly transitioning into the Alabaster Arm Bar and with both Kokan and Masuko kept occupied by the BHFS, Konda had no other choice but to tap.


Result: Black Cobra [w], The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion bt Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda [L] in 14:03 via submission (Alabaster Agony)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): Masuko you freak you may have ruined things for me at Test of Prophecies but I'm going to keep reminding you of that fact by sending you to defeat after defeat everytime you set inside of a wrestling ring with me. Tonight I should have been holding gold alongside my good colleagues Kiyaru and Scorpion but oh no you had to ruin that....but hey look who the winner was tonight....yeah the winner was me!


The Awesome Kiyaru: No one can handle the Black Heart Flying Squadron whether it be in singles competition, tag team competion or as a trio, we are the dominant force in Junior Heavyweight wrestling and those who oppose that fact will find out first hand just why we are superior.


Hyosuke Kokan: So once again Flying Squadron you get the better of us but your cheating ways will come back to bite you one day....Because Size of the Fight never give up and one day we will be back on top.


Marihito Masuko: The winds of destiny sense the anger of a masked man, consumed with a self righteous anger....a warning to this man should be adhered.... A man who accuses another for his failings will continue to fail.



Match #6: CC Spot Challenge:

Masaaki Okazaki vs Eiji Hamacho


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho-1.jpg


Just what Eiji Hamacho has done of late to warrant being in position to challenge for a spot in the contenders circle is anyone's guess as neither himself nor RAGE in general have been lighting up the win column. But the Raging Bull is a respected competitor amongst his peers and it as it also appears with the Burning Hammer fanbase, with even some sections suggesting that he should be competing for the World Title, despite his recent current lack of success. In fairness Hamacho did give World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa a competitive non title match recently, which probably goes a long way to explaining why he has been given the opportunity afforded to him here.


The match began with some basic grappling, that saw Hamacho maintain a vertical base and use his powerful frame to keep Okazaki on the backfoot. The Raging Bull then began to assert his style of straight up brawling and power move based style of wrestling on the match even more, as Okazaki struggled to get a foothold in the match, as Hamacho kept in control with Lariats and Body slams. With Okazaki wearing down Hamacho set up for the Hamacho sledge only for the Team INSPIRE man to block and then halt Hamacho's momentum with a series of elbow strikes. Okazaki then tried for the Okazaki Explosion, only for the RAGE man to block that and level Okazaki with another Lariat for yet another two count.


With Okazaki staggering back to his feet Hamacho went for the Bull Rush (Spear) but the INSPIRE man was in fact playing possum, and used Hamacho's momentum to take the Raging Bull down with a drop toe hold. Okazaki then managed to slow the pace of the match down as he worked over Hamacho's legs before applying the Century Crab Lift but Hamacho was able to kick Okazaki off, before tossing the INSPIRE man overhead with a Release Belly to Belly Suplex.


Hamacho then lined up for another Bull Rush as Okazaki pulled himself up in the corner but with his legs being worked over earlier by Okazaki he was slow enough for Okazaki to move out of the way. Okazaki then nailed Hamacho with an elbow shot to the back of the head, before the INSPIRE man was able to impressively dump Hamacho with a belly to back suplex.


Hamacho then kicked out of what was weak cover by Okazaki, but 'No Mercy' once again went back to the Century Crab Lift and when he saw Hamacho about to power out he ruthlessly switched to the Okazaki Kick Barrage to neutralise the Raging Bull further and with no further 'fight' coming from the Raging Bull as Okazaki re-applied the Century Crab Lift....referee Okura Umeki called for the bell. At the end of the day Hamacho kept this competitive and for a while dominated but right now it appears he is lacking that killer instinct to get the job done, something Okazaki or any member of Team INSPIRE is not lacking at all, as of right now.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Eiji Hamacho [L] in 16:08 via submission (Century Crab Lift)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Masaaki Okazaki: Look I'm not here to be anyone's Number Three and I'm sure Kikkawa-san understands that, even if you press boys don't. Sure I'll always have the rest of Team INSPIRE's back but I'm not here to play second fiddle to anybody and if I get a chance to challenge for a championship be it the World Championship or even the King of Fighters belt I will give it my all....no matter who the opponent may happen to be.


Eiji Hamacho: It's not difficult at all to question whether I have lost my edge, I'm questioning it myself....I am angry....but that anger is at myself...at my current failure to get the job done. There was time I could channel that anger and unleash fury upon my opponents...I still feel I am but everyone's getting tougher to beat and right now I'm just not finding that extra level.



Match #7: Non Title:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


Whilst it may appear that Nakasawa spends half of his time in non title match ups, title shots have to be earned in BHOTWG by reaching the contenders circle and then winning matches against other contenders circle members. However it should be noted, that should someone outside of the contenders circle defeat the champion in non title competiton then they are granted a re-match with the title on the line, so there is always a great deal of motivation for whoever Nakasawa faces in these match-ups and an impressive showing in a losing effort can at least put someone in position for a CC spot challenge (see Eiji Hamacho).


The early indications are that Miyamae, somewhat spurred on by Shimedzu's recent singles success is fired up for this, getting the better of the early exchanges against what appears to be a slightly lethargic Hiroaki Nakasawa still feeling the effects of his gruelling world title match with Kinnojo Horri. Miyamae's striking and kicking combinations begin to wear Nakasawa down and a missile drop-kick from the Dragon Feet 2K9 man puts Nakasawa on his back.


Nakasawa emphatically kicks out of the early cover and then began to find his feet in the match after he was able to level 'the viper' with a clothesline. A vertical suplex for a two count put the champion in further control before Nakasawa set Miyamae into position for a Powerbomb but the Rebellion man was able to apply the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) submission hold in mid move, forcing the World Champion down to the mat. Nakasawa got a second wind and powered his up to his feet before sending Miyamae crashing to the mat with a powerbomb, but the H-Bomb was too worn down to follow with an immediate cover.


Miyamae was the first back to his feet and he was able to strike before Nakasawa was able to get back to his, nailing the World Champion with a Glittering Magician Knee strike. But Nakasawa was able to kick out and before Miyamae could follow up, Nakasawa levelled The Rebellion man with a clothesline before planting 'the Viper' with Nakasawa Neckbreaker.


Miyamae showed that he wasn't about to give up so easily, kicking out at two but he looked vunerable as Nakasawa once again set up for a Powerbomb, but Miyamae was once again able to block this time rocking the World Champion with a jawbreaker before planting Nakasawa with a Reverse STO. That lead to a close two count for Miyamae, and had he been able to get in the swinging momentum to turn into a Miyamae Spoiler then the upset win may have happened for the Viper there and then.


But Miyamae remained undeterred and headed up top but as he came diving in off the top rope with a Rebel Stomp....Nakasawa was able to move out of the way and then level 'the Viper' with a lariat. Nakasawa then scooped Miyamae up and planted the Rebellion man onto the canvas with a COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb).........


Miyamae managed to kick out before three, and with one final defiant flurry, peppered the World Champion with strikes and kicks but unlike right at the start of the match Nakasawa was now back in 'the zone', shaking off Miyamae's final desperate flurry with a fore-arm smash and then this time driving 'the viper' into the mat with an H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb), and this time Miyamae had no fight left as Nakasawa picked up the victory expected of him. The competitor that he is Miyamae will still be frustrated by this loss but he can come away feeling proud of his efforts.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Miymae [L] in 15:06 via pinfall (H-Bomb)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Note: Unlike Masuno-Elemental III, there was a noticeably positive chemistry between Nakasawa and Miyamae, and though Miyamae isn't really knocking on the World Title scene right now or anytime soon, it's a match-up we would do wise to re-run down the road sometime.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: I know everytime I step into that ring, be it with the World Championship on the line or not, I am going to get a damn tough match, because whoever goes up against me, they'll want to prove themselves worthy of going toe to toe with the World Champion. Tonight was no different with Miyamae-san.....He's a great competitor and he hit me with everything he had and had it not been me, then I'm sure he would have come away with the victory but be it title match or non title match, I never take a night 'off'. Winning is a habit, I'd rather not break.



Match #8: Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow vs Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Ondodera








This is John Pathlow's first match as a fully fledged card carrying member of Team INSPIRE, on the opposite side Horri and Wild Fire are looking to bounce back from failed attempts to win the World and World Tag Team Championships respectively.


John Pathlow and Takayuki Onodera kicked the match off and engaged in an fluid and intense exchange of chain wrestling leading to a stand off, after that it was the usual feeling out exchanges between everyone with neither side really pressing home much of an advantage.


That was until Pathlow tripped up Toshusai from the apron just as 'Wild Charisma' was lining up to nail Iesada with a Shock Kick. Team INSPIRE were then able to isolate Toshusai in their corner, methodically working over 'Wild Charisma' as Onodera and Horri looked on in frustration with their protestations about cheap shots, as it so often the case doing more than harm than good as their inadvertant distractions of referee Terakado only allowed for Team INSPIRE to sneak in illegal manouvres such as choking Toshusai against the bottom rope.


Team INSPIRE thought they had Toshusai worn down, but 'Wild Charisma' was able to plant John Pathlow with a Spine Shocker but he was denied being able to tag out by Iesada...however Toshusai was able to block a roaring elbow shot from Iesada before flipping off the 2009 Super 10 Cup Winner with his customary double bird signal and then planting Iesada with yet another Spine Shocker before slumping to the mat.


Toshusai's 'Wild Fire' Tag Team partner Onodera was tagged in and the 'Iron Man' waited for Iesada to get back to his feet before planting Iesada with the O2 Suplex (Bridging German)...








Iesada managed to kick out but Onodera was sensing the opportunity to put Iesada away and he immediately set up for the Call The Doctor only for Kikkawa to illegally enter the ring and level Onodera with a Lariat. Terakado managed to maintain order but the damage had already been done and Kikkawa's intervention was able to swing the match back in Team INSPIRE's favour.


Kikkawa then arrogantly toyed with Onodera, paint-slapping the 'Iron Man' before setting up for a Kikkawa Driver but the 'Wild Fire' man managed to slip off and then nail the King of Fighters with an END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head).....


Kikkawa slumped to the mat and Onodera immediately went for the cover......








It was almost a famous victory for Onodera, had John Pathlow not broken it up with a double stomp. Pathlow now tagged in set up for the Kill Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver) on Onodera but the Iron Man was able to block and then pitch Pathlow over with a back body drop before stumbling across to get the tag into Kinnojo Horri.


Horri planted bowled Pathlow over with a series of Lariats before planting the hard hitting gaijin super junior with a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER......








Horri should have had the match won but once again Kikkawa intervened pulling Horri off Pathlow....


This time things to break down as Kikkawa and Horri brawled onto the floor and then into the crowd. Toshusai then planted Pathlow across his knee with the SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Underhook Backbreaker).......






But Iesada was able to break up the pin, Toshusai recovered and then set Iesada up for a powerbomb only for the 2010 Super 10 Cup winner to counter into a victory roll that he immediately transitioned into an IESADA SPECIAL......


But referee Terakado suddenly remembered that neither was the legal man (though he looked willing to count Toshusai's pin attempt on Pathlow) and he ordered Iesada to release the hold. Order was restored with Pathlow and Toshusai (actually Terakado has clearly forgotten that Toshusai didn't tag in) the 'legal men'. This time however Pathlow is quicker off the mark, and he nails 'Wild Charisma' with a BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Sidekick)......








To Pathlow's frustration Toshusai kicks out but the newest addition to TEAM INSPIRE remains undettered and he heads up before diving off with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop).....


But Wild Charisma manages to move out of the way and Pathlow ends up hitting nothing but canvas. It then becomes a race to see who can tag out first.......


It is to be honest a dead-heat as they both manage to tag out at the same time to Horri and Kikkawa........


The crowd errupts at the prospect of seeing these two go blow for blow in the ring and that the King of Fighters and Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer don't disappoint as they go blow for blow with neither one giving an inch. Eventually both go for the BURNING LARIAT at the same time and simultaneously appear to knock one another out..........


Referee Terakado applies a double ten count, as all the other members of each team can do is look on and hope that their man gets up first.......


They both just about beat the count but Kikkawa gets in a cheap-shot on Horri with an eye rake....before levelling Horri with another BURNING LARIAT !


Kikkawa then slumped across Horri......






Onodera dives into the ring but gets neutralised by Iesada and Pathlow manages to hold off Toshusai......


Three !


It took Kikkawa having to resort to a dirty trick but once it was TEAM INSPIRE standing victorious.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w], Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow bt Kinnojo Horri [L], Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Ondodera in 26:26 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


John Pathlow (in English): It was a real honor to line up with Kikkawa-san and Iesada-san as a fully fledged member of Team INSPIRE and I vow to repay the faith they have shown in me by capturing the Junior Championship.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Those who question my decision to bring in Pathlow, look we won...so my decision is vindicated...got that.




Takayuki Onodera: I know that Horri-san is going to be absolutely livid when he regains his senses.....I mean we took those Team INSPIRE guys to the limit and it took the 'great' Kikkawa-san to resort to an eye-rake and then a cheap shot Burning Lariat to fell Horri-san. Hey we could resort to that to get ahead but the Burning Sekigun have a little more dignity, a little more honour to be that desperate for success but maybe that's what it takes these days to make sure you're the one's sitting atop the proverbial mountain.



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: I was hoping for another B+ here, but it appears despite a very solid main/semi main to end the show, the undercard was a little too underwhelming in places. However it appears this was high B as we were still informed that this would help increase our pop in Kyushu.

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Predictions Contest:


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Rob4590 picks up where he left off in the first round of the Predictions contest, with a perfect 10/10, though he is joined in that achievement by the returing Zergon.


The main event and semi main were two of the more straight-forward matches to predict, as it is simply a case of keeping the champions looking strong. The contenders circle match between Shimedzu and Taira was a little more difficult to call but right now Shimedzu is the one getting more of a singles push. The CC spot challenge match between Masaaki Okazaki and Eiji Hamacho had a few people going for Hamacho (despite his somewhat shabby W-L record thus far in 2010) and there is part of me telling me that I should push the Raging Bull a little stronger. However Hamacho and RAGE's troubles in general are heading somewhere and it's not the right time to put him over someone like Okazaki.


Masuno- Elemental III was a just throwaway curiosity, that though I like Elemental III would have been ridiculous if the Junior Division man was able to defeat an established upper tier heavyweight in Masuno. I at least know now to avoid running that match again due to their bad chemistry. I want to keep the Black Heart Flying Squadron looking strong in tag action, especially add Black Cobra into the mix...so for me it's a no brainer they should have gone over in the Junior Six man. As for the other Junior Tag match, I was tempted to go with Universal Excelllence getting the win here, as I'm not presenting Sensational Dragon as an 'unbeatable' champ, more a champion that gets the job done when it matters. But in the end it was a case of protecting Dragon's overness and I also don't want American Optimus necessarily turning into a fall-guy for Dragon Feet2K9, even if he is the clear #4 in that faction.


The should have belonged on the pre-show six man tag, was simply a case of getting RAGE a win over jobbers....the RAGE faction is not lighting up the win column but I'm trying to present them as not being completely hopeless. Again with Little Fury's pre-show match it's a case of members of the clear Number 5 faction in BHOTWG going over directionless jobbers.


As for Watson, as a few said...I might not like him (one dimensional, slightly crappy attitude) but Inao is about jobberish as someone can get on the Burning Hammer roster.

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BHOTWG continue the Burn Don't Freeze Tour on Wednesday 28th April 2010 at the Osaka Athletic Stadium in Kinki Prefecture.


The main event will be a Six Man Battle that will pit Team INSPIRE's Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki agains the Burning Sekigun trio of World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa and 'Wild Fire' (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera). Wild Fire will be keen to avenge a recent loss in six man action to Team INSPIRE after they fell to defeat alongside Kinnojo Horri on Monday's show in Kyushu.


The semi main event see's a potentially pivotal Contenders Circle match as recent World Title challenger Horri takes on Dragon Feet 2K9's Shimedzu. Shimedzu bounce back from defeat in the King of Fighters Title match at Test of Prophecies with a strong win over Tag champion Yasuhiko Taira but Horri will be determined to maintain his position near the top of the contenders circle and earn another shot at the belt he came close to regaining at Test of Prophecies.


However the nights most note-worthy match looks set to take place amongst the Junior Division, with the 'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Gauntlet. The match begins with two competitors in the ring, with subsquent entrants entering the ring after a minute has past. Eliminations can occur by over the top-rope, pinfall or submission until the final five where Eliminations can only occur by pinfall or submission. The final five will make up the new Contenders Circle for the Junior Division, whilst the out-right winner will earn the Junior Championship title shot for the Sword of Destiny PPV (set to take place on Friday 21st May). Entrants for the match include Burning Sekigun's Elemental III, Marihito Masuko, Super Joshuya, Kansuke Konda & Hyosuke Kokan, The Black Heart Brethren's Black Cobra, Golden Scorpion & The Awesome Kiyaru, Team INSPIRE's John Pathlow, Dragon Feet 2K9's American Optimus, Universal Excellence of Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji plus Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama.


A series of Tag Team matches round out the main card with Junior Division Champion Sensational Dragon teaming with Miyamae to take on Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM), the World Tag Team Champions Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)taking on Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) in non title action, whilst The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) take on RAGE's Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo.


The pre-show see's the Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) take on Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #18 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #18

(Osaka Athletic Stadium, Osaka, Wednesday 28th April 2010)


~Running Wild~ Six Man Battle (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing The Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa,

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada &

Masaaki Okazaki


Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



~Battle of Osaka~

Junior Division 15 Man Contenders Circle Rankings Gauntlet

(No Time Limit- Match ends when all Eliminations have Occured)

* Winner Earns Shot at Junior Championship for Sword of Destiny PPV.


Featuring: American Optimus (Dragon Feet 2K9), Barei Yasujiro (Universal Excellence), Black Cobra (Black Heart Brethren), Elemental III (Burning Sekigun), Golden Scorpion (Black Heart Brethren), Haru Kurofuji (Universal Excellence), Hyosuke Kokan (Burning Sekigun), John Pathlow (Team INSPIRE), Kansuke Konda (Burning Sekigun), Marihito Masuko (Burning Sekigun), Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya (Burning Sekigun), The Awesome Kiyaru (Black Heart Brethren), The Incredible Koyama


Non Title Tag Team Test (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champions-

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &



'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Tag Team Challenge Match (15 Min Time Limit):

The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


Pre-Show Match (10 Min Time Limit):

The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotmura




Predictions Form:

Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Final Five will be: Pathlow, Elemental III, Cobra, Masuko, Super Joshuya


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera



Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu



'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Cobra wins. Behind him, Marihito Masuko, then John Pathlow, then Elemental III, then Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

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Predictions Form:


Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera

The #2 and #3 of Team Inspire far outweight WildFire, who cost the champion a match. I suspect Onodera gets pinned by Kikkawa.



Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu

Shimedzu has made a strong run, but Horri is a step above one of the Mullets



'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Pathlow to win and make a strong start for team inspire in Super Junior

Final Five: Pathlow, Cobra, Elemental III, Masuko and Scorpion

order first to fifth Pathlow, Cobra, Masuko, Elemental III and Scorpion.


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

squash for the Mullets


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

Little Fury may be a formal team, but the caliber of talent on the other side is too strong


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera

Toshusai & Onodera isn´t on the same level than everyone else here


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu

Shimetzu just got a big win but I´m not sure whatever he should get second big win here or not so I go with more familiar contender


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama

Black Cobra seems to be getting near the top of Junior Division and I think he´s getting one-on-one shot against the champ soon. Masuko, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion and John Pathlow are my other picks on last five on that order with Masuko being the last elimination, and Pathlow the first.


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

Even though it´s non-title there is no way for Snow Lizzard to win this one

Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

Even though I like Little Fury their opponents are simply so much higher on the ladders.


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

Named teams over random pairings

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera


Kikkawa and Nakasawa are about level, but Wild Fire can't match up with Iesada and Okazaki quite yet


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu


A win for either sees them earn a title shot - is that correct? Well I don't think you will allow Shimedzu a win over Horri yet (and Horri I'm sure would moan like hell at that result) but I also don't see you repeating the Nakasawa-Horri PPV main event immediately, so I have to go with the time limit draw here.


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Prediction Contest Pts for this match: 2 Prediction Pts for correcting the winner, a further 1/2 each for predicting each member of the final five (the new Junior Contenders circle), plus a bonus point for getting the final five in the correct order.


Winner will be John Pathlow (giving Sen Dragon a totally new opponent), while runner up is Masuko, who elimates Black Cobra in 3rd (much to Cobra's fury - setting up a grudge match between the pair probably at the PPV), while E3 is 4th and Joshuya is the surprise man to move into the CC ahead of the tag champs


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura



Four one sided matches to open up the show


And damn you TK - you're just trying to stop me getting 100% ;)

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Kikkawa, Iesada & Okazaki vs Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera

There's no stopping Kikkawa but Nakasawa should provide some sort of threat.


Contenders Circle: Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu

Go Horri!!!


'Battle of Osaka' 15 Man Junior Division Rankings Gauntlet:

American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama


Final Five will be: Masuko, Cobra, Pathlow, Elemental III, and Kiyaru


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

It'll take a miracle for Snow Lizzard to pull the win but until...Enjoy a Black Magic Show


Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

The Sensational Era is still going strong


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Fuganaga & Shibanumo

The big boys are coming


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

Raging Bulls are going to win. When will Hamacho and Sanda go for the tag team or singles titles?

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And damn you TK - you're just trying to stop me getting 100% ;)


Now why would I do that :D


Raging Bulls are going to win. When will Hamacho and Sanda go for the tag team or singles titles?


Raijin you are obviously a considerable Raging Bulls mark. The Bulls as a team have had a couple of Tag Team Title shots, just low profile ones. They took The Behemoths to a draw on a regular tour show and then challenged Black Magic when they won the belts, again on a regular tour show. Right now they aren't a main focus but they do remain relevant and their time may welll come again.


Anyway next show will be posted either tomorrow or more likely Saturday, Battle of Osaka is one of those matches that seems like a great idea to book but then become a bit of a bugbear to write. :p

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 18

(Wednesday 28th April 2010)


Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen


Pre- Show


Match A: Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda) vs Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


The more observant amongst the Burning Hammer fans may have noticed that Kataoka and Sotomura have been teaming together fairly regularly and with a decent understanding growing between them they simply don't just lay down for the Raging Bulls. In fact the unheralded duo control much of the match neutralising the Bulls with their superior mat game and at one point they simulateously had the Sunrise Hold (single leg Crab) and Ultimate Chinlock (Bridging Reverse Chinlock) synched in on Chuichi Sanda. Fortunately for Sanda, Hamacho was able to come to the rescue and that's as close as Kataoka & Sotomura got to pulling off the upset, as the Bulls then stepped it up a few gears before eventually putting away Kataoka with the Raging Impact (Spear/Running Boot combo).


Result: Eiji Hamacho [w] & Chuichi Sanda bt Masutaro Kataoka [L] & Roku Sotomura in 7:52 via pinfall (Raging Impact)


Rating: C+



Main Show


Match #1: Sensational Dragon & Miyamae vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


Given the pedigree of their opponents Little Fury came into this match as sizeable underdogs. However the RAGE duo managed to control a fair portion of the match, it may have been the case that the Dragon Feet 2K9 duo weren't on top of their game but Little Fury did their best to take advantage of that, coming close to pulling out the upset on several occassions with Shiomi coming close to forcing Dragon to tap out with a Sublime Crossface and Miyamae almost falling victim to Little Fury's tandem finish the Engage The Rage (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo).


Problem is each time Little Fury looked set to put one Dragon Feet 2K9 member away, they hadn't done quite enough to neutralise the other from making the save. Eventually this lead to frustation and Little Fury desperate to get back on the winning track began to make mistakes and in the end it was Sensational Dragon who was able to pull out the win for his team planting VENOM with a Dragon Slice (Shiranui), as Miyamae neutralised Shiomi with a Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice).


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] & Miyamae bt Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [L] in 12:03 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: I will certainly have my eye on who will emerge to challenge me for the Junior Championship later on, but all I would be doing is scouting the next person to fall to me, because as Little Fury witnessed right now I am simply Sensational !


Miyamae: For once it would be nice to get a little more credit round here but I suppose I'm going to have to do something about it.



Match #2: Non Title:

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SanetomoShiraishi-1.jpg?t=1268428765 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SessueKawate.jpg?t=1268428785


Snow Lizzard put up enough of a fight to ensure that this match wasn't a completely one sided affair in the favour of the Tag Team Champions but fact is the ageing and 'broken down' veterans simply cannot compete with the sheer brute force of Taira and Masuno and it was only a matter of when not if Snow Lizzard would have to face invevitable defeat. The inevitable came at just a shade under ten minutes in when Sessue Kawate was the one to fall victim to the Devastator (Flapjack/Cutter combo).


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno) bt Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] in 9:52 via pinfall (Devastator)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: You may as well have given us the night off, than make us waste our time with those has-beens.


Yasunobu Masuno: But to be honest Taira-san, I found that fun....it's always fun showing just how truly dominant we really are.


Yasuhiko Taira: (Cackling Laugh) Yes you're right there Masuno-san !


~Battle of Osaka~

Match #3: 15 Man Junior Contenders Circle Rankings Gauntlet


Featuring: American Optimus, Barei Yasujiro, Black Cobra, Elemental III, Golden Scorpion, Haru Kurofuji, Hyosuke Kokan, John Pathlow, Kansuke Konda, Marihito Masuko, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, Super Joshuya, The Awesome Kiyaru, The Incredible Koyama








* Credit to J-Silver for the re-render of Incredible Koyama...


The order of the entrants is seeded with the lowest ranked entrants according to the BHOTWG Championship commitee starting off the match, with those who made up the contenders circle prior to the Battle of Osaka match entering last. The first two entrants are Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama, and they will wrestle each other for the first two minutes after that someone will enter every minute after.


- Red Panther enters (2 min) and teams up with Yoshikawa in and effort to try and eliminate Koyama.


- Haru Kurofuji (3 Min) is next in and goes after Red Panther, whether intentional or not helping out his former WLW colleague. Kurofuji gets a two count on Panther with a German suplex.


- Hyosuke Kokan (4 Min) is in next and almost sends Red Panther out of the ring with a drop kick but the Canadian masked man manages to skin the cat.


Super Joshuya (5 Min) is next to enter bringing the amount of workers in the ring at the same time up to six. The Incredible Koyama tries to eliminate Stone Yoshikawa with the Top This (Corkscrew Standing Moonsault) but the former House of Stone trainee gets the knees up, before Red Panther nails Koyama with the Red Mist (Dropsault, immediatelt followed with a Superkick) the momentum of which sends Koyama tumbling out of the ring, thus making the former WLW man the first elimination.


Elimination #1: The Incredible Koyama in 5:54 via Top Rope Elimination after Red Mist by Red Panther.


- Barei Yasujiro (6 Min) is next in and immediately gets to work with Haru Kurofuji, as Universal Excellence looked to use their Tag Team experience with one another to gain an edge over their opponents. And they get immediate results when Stone Yoshikawa falls victim to the Universal Studios (German Suplex/Standing Shooting Star Press combo).


Elimination #2: Stone Yoshikawa in 6:28 via pinfall by Barei Yasujiro (Universal Studios)


- American Optimus (7 Min) is next into the match, and the other competitors have begun to cotton onto Universal Excellence working together, so everyone else starts to work together against the former WLW men. Super Joshuya comes close to eliminating Yasujiro after a J-Drop (Flip Over DDT) but the Universal Excellence man manages to kick out. Meanwhile Kurofuji is planted with an Elemental Suplex courteousy of Hyosuke Kokan, who then orders Red Panther to go up top. Panther seeing an opportunity to show off duly does and looks set to put away Kurofuji with the Tumbleweed Leg Drop.......


- But Kansuke Konda (8 Min) enters the ring and immediately stuns an unsuspecting Panther with a KONDA KUTTER,causing Panther to lose his footing and tumble to the floor.......


Elimination #3: Red Panther in 8:05 via Top Rope Elimination after Konda Kutter by Kansuke Konda.


Universal Excellence still find themselves the victims of the numbers game as American Optimus decides to side with the majority of Super Joshuya and Size of the Fight and Barei Yasujiro's fight comes to and end when Size of the Fight combine to eliminate 'the Mighty Mouse' with the BIG FIGHT ENDER (Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo)


Elimination #4: Barei Yasujiro in 8:44 via pinfall by Hyosuke Kokan (Big Fight Ender)


And Haru Kuroufji is not far behind as he planted into the mat with an O-Bomb (Running Powerbomb) by American Optimus.


Elimination #5: Haru Kurofuji in 8:55 via pinfall by American Optimus (O-Bomb)


- John Pathlow (9 Min) the top entrant outside of the contenders circle is next into the ring. The Team INSPIRE recruit is an instant victim of a four on one situation but he is able to battle against the odds ripping through the rest of the competion like a buzzsaw with his ultra stiff kicks and strikes.


- Golden Scorpion (10 Min) the first of the 'contenders circle' entrants in the next to enter, and he breaks down into Optimus and Joshuya working together against Scorpion and Size of the Fight taking on John Pathlow. Pathlow is able to avoid a high-low attack from Size of the Fight and then nails Kansuke Konda with the Blunt Force Trauma, with Konda out of the way, Pathlow turns his attentions to Kokan and turns the 'Electric Live Wire' inside out with the Apocalypse Lariat, the momentum eventually sending Kokan to take a tumble to the outside and thus become the next one to be eliminated.


Elimination #6: Hyosuke Kokan in 10:48 via Top Rope Elimination after Apocalypse Lariat by John Pathlow.


-Elemental III (11 Min) enters the fray with Pathlow now taking a breather and Joshuya, Konda and American Optimus working on eliminating Scorpion. The Third Generation icon goes right after Pathlow and the pair engage in a stiff exchange of kicks, meanwhile Scorpion manages to turn the tables on the rest with a springboard missile drop-kick.


-The Awesome Kiyaru (12 Min) Is the next to enter and it is no suprise to see him immediately team up with Golden Scorpion. However when they set up for the Ultra Effect on American Optimus, Super Joshuya saves Optimus from Elimination when he brings Kiyaru crashing back into the ring after a Postcard From Acapulco (Slingshot Hurrucanrana)....Optimus manages to slip off Golden Scorpion and the nails the Junior Tag champion with a drop-kick that sends Scorpion out of the ring and out of the match.


Elimination #7: Golden Scorpion in 12:51 via Top Rope Elimination after Drop-kick by American Optimus.


Black Cobra (13 Min) is the penultimate competitor to make their way into the match. Cobra helps Kiyaru from falling victim Elemental, who was setting up for an Elemental Driver. Cobra and Kiyaru then take out Elemental III with a high-low attack. Meanwhile John Pathlow is battling with Super Joshuya and Kansuke Konda with American Optimus.


-Marihito Masuko (14 Min) is the final entrant into the match and saves his regular tag partner Elemental III from elimination at the hands of the Black Heart Brethren pair. Super Joshuya plants John Pathlow into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow but the INSPIRE man manages to kick out. Konda then plants American Optimus with a K-Thunder Driver but the Dragon Feet 2K9 man is also able to kick out. Konda then calls over his fellow Burning Sekigun man Super Joshuya over to help eliminate Optimus but Joshuya instead takes Konda by surprise dropping the Size of the Fight man with a J-Drop (Flip Over DDT)....Joshuya then makes the cover......


Elimination #8: Kansuke Konda in 16:33 via pinfall by Super Joshuya (J-Drop)....


However Joshuya's celebration is short lived as he gets nailed with a Blunt Force Trauma from John Pathlow, however American Optimus returns the favour to Joshuya by nailing Pathlow with an Enziguri and then setting up for the O-Bomb only for Pathlow to counter into head-scissors take down and then roll through into a Kimura Lock. Out of the other side of the ring Cobra and Kiyaru are duking it out with Elemental III and Masuko with neither side really gaining the advantage......


Back to American Optimus predicament and the Dragon Feet 2K9 tries to struggle free but with what appears to be an ally (at least in this match) in Super Joshuya laid out courteousy of Pathlow, and with all others occupied...he is forced to tap out.


Elimination #9: American Optimus in 18:22 via submission by John Pathlow (Kimura Lock)......


Super Joshuya then comes charging at Pathlow but the INSPIRE man uses the momentum of the junior division veteran to pitch Joshuya up and out of the ring with a back body drop......


But Joshuya manages to land on the apron only to get knocked off by a charging Pathlow.


Elimination #10: Super Joshuya in 19:43 via Tope Rope Elimination by John Pathlow.


With that Joshuya was the final elimination that could occur via being sent over the top-rope, now all eliminations must occur via pinfall or submission as we were left with the Final Five, the Black Heart Brethren pair of Black Cobra and The Awesome Kiyaru, the Burning Sekigun duo and the crowd favourites Elemental III and Marihito Masuko and the man who had thus far been out there the longest of everyone left Team INSPIRE's John Pathlow.


Kiyaru & Cobra and Elemental III and Masuko are so focused on one another that Pathlow simply takes the opportunity to roll to the outside and take a breather ! Back in the ring and communication between the Black Heart Brethren pair of begins break down as Kiyaru accidently nails Black Cobra with a Leg Lariat. Kiyaru then gets planted with an Elemental Suplex before Masuko makes sure of his elimination with a Masuko Cradle Shock !


Elimination #11: The Awesome Kiyaru in 22:23 via pinfall by Marihito Masuko (Masuko Cradle Shock).


'Your New Heroes' now turn their attention to double teaming Black Cobra but Elemental III gets nailed from behind by John Pathlow (who probably realises that it would be facing a two one situation himself if he were to let the former Junior Tag champs have their way with Cobra). Pathlow then plants Elemental III with a German Suplex for a two count. Pathlow then unleashes a flurry of kicks on the Third Generation icon, before spiking E3 into the canvas with the Kill Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver)


Elimination #12: Elemental III in 24:44 via pinfall by John Pathlow (Kill Drill)


Pathlow and Cobra then appear to come to and understanding to team up on Marihito Masuko. Pathlow looks set to put Masuko away with another Kill Drill when Cobra stops him, indicating that they haven't put the boots to Masuko enough. Pathlow and Cobra then engage in a game of one upmanship that sees the 'Painted Wonder' essentially become a human pinfall for the gaijin pair. The crowd desperately urge Masuko to keep fightingm and though he has the occasional flurry, the numbers game is simply too much and it seems to be only a matter of time before he is put away. Black Cobra then sets up for the Death by Cobra (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb) but Pathlow turns on Cobra nailing the Black Heart Brethren man with a BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Sidekick).


Cobra gets back to his feet but then gets turned inside out with an APOCALYPSE LARIAT (Rebound Pendulum Lariat) from Pathlow and with Masuko unable/unwilling to make the save Black Cobra is the penultimate elimination from the match just as he was the penultimate entrant.


Elimination #13: Black Cobra in 31:08 via pinfall by John Pathlow (Apocalypse Lariat)


It was now down to the final two as John Pathlow, who had survived the longest out of anyone in the match was up against a significantly weakend Marihito Masuko. Pathlow moved in to finish Masuko off by then got taken surprise with a MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK.


However the Painted Wonder was too weakend to follow up immediately and had to take a breather, both staggered back up to their feet and Masuko was able to duck under a Lariat from Pathlow and then take the INSPIRE man down with a spinning headscissors before planting Pathlow with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).....








Pathlow kicks out, after pondering what to do next Masuko goes onto the apron and then launches himself in with a springboard as he tries for the INTO THE WHITE Bulldog but Pathlow knocks Masuko out of mid-air with a great defensive drop-kick. Pathlow then plants Masuko with a German Suplex for a two count, before heading up top......


But Masuko gets back to his feet and cuts Pathlow off, before attempting to bring Pathlow crashing back in with a Top Rope Cradle Shock...Pathlow however manages to fight off the attempt and then shoves Masuko back down to the canvas before nailing thr Painted Wonder with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop)......








John Pathlow had won the Battle of Osaka, earning himself a shot at the Junior Championship at Sword of Destiny and in doing so going a long way in proving his worth to Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Team INSPIRE. Marhito Masuko, Black Cobra, Elemental III and The Awesome Kiyaru as the rest of the Final Five will make up the new contenders circle.


Final Elimination: Marihito Masuko in 35:14 via pinfall by John Pathlow (Heart Compactor)


Result: John Pathlow [w] was the final survivor in a 15 Man Gauntlet match in 35:14

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Super Joshuya: You think something is going on between Optimus-san and I? I'll let you figure it out for yourselves.


Marihito Masuko: The path to the Zenith, is a difficult one to navigate, once again the roadblock stops heroic progress but heroic progress will meet it's breakthrough and one day I shall arrive upon ultimate victory.


Black Cobra (in English): Masuko already knows I count him responsible for denying me reaching the goal I DESERVE more than any other, but now Pathlow....you've crossed me too and you know what..you crossed the wrong man. You know what I'd love to see you take that belt off the waist of Dragon, because your moment in the spotlight will be short-lived when I beat you for it, and I truly do mean beat you for it.


John Pathlow (in English): I told everyone I would deliver, and I'm now one step away from truly delivering, because I will beat that egomaniac Sensational Dragon for the Burning Junior Championship and repay the faith the great Kikkawa-san has shown in me. And Cobra, if you though we were ever going to be in cahoots, then perhaps all you've done is shown the naiviety that has consistently cost you reaching the very top here in Burning Hammer, unlike you Cobra I'm not going to be some nearly man !



Match #4: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs

Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo-1.jpg


The term 'Sashimi Break' match could not be more apt than this plodding contest, which most of the fans saw as the perfect opportunity to pick up some Bento Boxes. For those who are at all interested The Behemoths managed to avenge defeat to RAGE in Monday's Six Man Tag, when Shibanumo was unfortunate enough to be on the end of a Samoan Sitting Squash courteosy of Kanishoki.


Result: Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki [w] bt Mitsunari Fuganaga & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 7:49 via pinfall (Samoan Sitting Squash).

Rating: D+


Post Match Comments:


Nisso Yuasha: All you fools in here, have begun to write The Behemoths off...write us off at your peril our return to dominance has begun....will make you eat your words !



Match #5: Contenders Circle:

Kinnojo Horri vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg


A win for either man would see them earn a shot at the World Championship, in Horri's case it would come quite soon after he came a fraction short of winning the belt for a second time at Test of Prophecies, whilst for Shimedzu it would be another opportunity to claim major gold after he was unable to dethrone Tadiyuki Kikkawa as the King of Fighters champion.


Shimedzu managed to keep the larger Horri at bay with kicking combinations, but keeping Horri at bay is all they were really effective for and Horri was able to absorb the barrages. Eventually Horri began to get in more offence and a series of fore-arm smashes then a clothesline put 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' in control.


Horri then continued to be in the drivers seat getting two counts off a bodyslam and a Release Belly to Belly Suplex. The Burning Sekigun man then decided to set up for the Destiny Bomb, but Shimedzu was able to block and then rock Horri with a jawbreaker before unleashing a kick combination that put Horri down to one knee, and in perfect position for Shimedzu to nail the Burning Sekigun man with a basement drop-kick.


Horri easily kicked out of the subsquent cover, but another series of stiff kicks from Shimedzu, saw the Dragon Feet 2K9 man maintain control, before he decided to head up top. 'Kamikaze Spirit' then nailed Horri with a missile drop-kick...Horri then got back to his feet but ate another drop-kick from Shimedzu.


Shimedzu then headed back up top again, as if he was going back to his Super Junior roots and with Horri still on the mat launched himself off with a moonsault.....


But Horri got the knees up and as both staggered back to their feet Horri levelled Shimedzu with a Lariat that sent the Dragon Feet 2K9 man out of the ring. Shimedzu got back up on the ring-apron only to be met by Horri, who sent the former Tag champion crashing back into the ring with a snap suplex.


Shimedzu then staggered back to his feet before being planted hard onto the canvas with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster)......








Shimedzu much to the frustation of Horri managed to kick out. Horri then lifted the dazed Shimedzu up into position once again for the DESTINY BOMB, only for Shimedzu to counter into a sunset flip mid move......


Horri kicked ou of the pin and then scooped Shimedzu upon his shoulders before dropping the Dragon Feet 2K9 man with a Samoan Drop and then levelled Shimedzu with a Lariat. Shimedzu managed to kick out before Horri unleashed a release Belly to Belly Suplex that flung Shimedzu into the corner.


Horri then charged into the corner, only for Shimedzu to get the boots up, Horri charged in again and once again Shimedzu was able to get the boots up, before hopping up onto the second turnbuckle, where he then attempted to drop Horri with a Tornado DDT but 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' was able to block and then crotch Shimedzu across the top turnbuckle with a front suplex.


Horri then made a rare trip up the turnbuckles and his unsteadyness revealed why he rarely decides to let his feet leave the ring canvas and as he set Shimedzu up for a superplex, the Dragon Feet 2K9 man was able to block and shove Horri back down to the canvas and with Horri taking a hefty bump, Shimedzu immediately followed up with a top-rope guillotine leg drop.....






Horri survived, but Shimedzu managed to stay on the offensive peppering Horri with a rapid fire kick combination, that sent 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' slumping against the turnbuckle. Shimedzu then followed up with a facewash but the Dragon Feet 2K9 man went to that well one too many times, as Horri exploded back up to his feet to turn Shimedzu inside out with a Lariat......


Horri made the cover, only for Shimedzu to save himself through ring positioning by getting a foot onto the bottom rope. Horri then lifted a dazed Shimedzu back up to his feet, before shootting Shimedzu off into the ropes but Shimedzu managed to put the brakes on as Horri set up for a spinebuster and then catch Horri by surprise with jawbreaker before rebounding back off the ropes to nail and off balance Horri with a LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot).....








Horri managed to kick out, but Shimedzu kept the pressure on peppering Horri with another kick combination, before attempting to get the larger Horri up for a Skull Drop ! But that proved to be too ambitious for Shimedzu as Horri was able to block and then counter into an Overhead Release Belly to Belly Suplex.


Horri then re-seized the initiative levelling Shimedzu with a Lariat, before planting 'Kamikaze Spirit' onto the canvas with a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster)....








To Horri's immediate frustration, Shimedzu manages to get a shoulder up just in time. Horri then tried for the Destiny Bomb once again, but this time Shimedzu was able to block and then counter with a DDT before applying the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke)....


However Horri managed to find a second wind rising back to his feet and then driving Shimedzu back first against the turnbuckle, forcing Shimedzu to release the hold. Shimedzu then staggered out of the corner and Horri planted the Dragon Feet 2K9 man with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster).....








Once again Shimedzu showed incredible fighting spirit by kicking out. Horri yet again tries to finish Shimedzu with the DESTINY BOMB but 'Kamikaze Spirit' manages to flip out in mid-move and then nail Horri with a drop-kick ! Shimedzu then rebounds back off the ropes and nails the Burning Sekigun man with a LIFE FLASHER !








Horri kicks out, but as he staggers back up to his feet Shimedzu drops Horri with a DDT and then applies the INSURREXION DEVICE !


This time Shimedzu has the hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Horri looks to be in major trouble....


Referee Terakado checks to see if Horri is still able to continue by raising the arm......


No response.....


Terakado takes another look....


Still no response from Horri.....


Terakado gives Horri once last chance.....


'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' suddenly finds some 'gas' from somewhere, as he powers back up to his feet and then plants Shimedzu hard into the canvas with a modified FIERCE SPINEBUSTER.....


It's enough to force Shimedzu to release the hold but Horri is too worn down to follow up with an immediate cover......


They then both stagger back to their feet and exchange some tired looking strikes....Horri then goes for the Burning Lariat but Shimedzu is able to block and then nails Horri with an Enziguri before trying for a Skull Drop but Horri is able to stand firm....


And that turns out to the final exchange of the match as the bell rings to declare that the match has ended in a Time Limit Draw....something that clearly leaves either competitor somewhat frustrated at being unable to pick up the win that would secure them a title shot.


Result: Kinnojo Horri drew with Shimedzu in 30:00 when the time limit expired.

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: Frustrating, Time Limit Draws always are, especially when you feel you can give more and I know I had more to give to put Shimedzu away. But this is ain't going to stop me reclaiming a shot at the World Championship, I will fight on and be it Nakasawa-san or Iesada-san holding that belt after next week, they better be ready to face me.


Shimedzu: I find it patronising that people would applaud me for taking Horri to the limit, I had him on the verge of defeat when that bell went....I'm not here to simply compete with the so called 'big boys' I'm going up against them to beat them. 'Kamikaze Spirits' time HAS come.



Match #6: Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Hiroaki Nakasawa, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera







This main event six man began with the usual opening exchanges that saw neither side really gain much of an advantage during the early portion of the match. That was until Kikkawa, got in a cheap shot on the apron on Takayuki Onodera, just as Onodera was lining up to nail Iesada with a roaring elbow.


Onodera was the recipient of a corner beatdown at the hands of Team INSPIRE and as per usual in these scenarios, they got in plenty of cheap shots that drew unintentionally unhelpful protestations from Onodera's Team mates, Toshusai and Nakasawa.


However Team INSPIRE were a little too confident in feeling that they had control of the match and when Okazaki set up for the Okazaki Explosion, Onodera was able to block and counter into a Uranage Backbreaker...before scrambling across to get the tag into Tadakuni Toshusai. 'Wild Charisma' cleaned house knocking both Iesada and Kikkawa off the apron before nailing Okazaki with a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)








Okazaki kicked out but Toshusai could sense the opportunity to secure a major scalp and set up Okazaki in the double underhook, however Okazaki managed to break free and after raking Toshusai's eyes, planted 'Wild Charisma' into the canvas with an STO.


Team INSPIRE then worked over Toshusai's arm, before Tasuko Iesada looked to place 'Wild Charisma' in the Iesada Special (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker) but before Iesada could truly lock it in Toshusai managed to power his way to the ring-ropes.


Team INSPIRE then tried to get in a series of cheap shots in after the rope break, but Toshusai suddenly finding a second wind shook them off, gave Team INSPIRE his customary double-bird signal and fired back, finishing with a SPINE SHOCKER to Iesada. But unsurprisingly that burst of energy was only enough to hold back the onslaught from Team INSPIRE and it became a race to see who could tag out first between Iesada and Toshusai.


They both tagged out simultaneously....Iesada tagging in Kikkawa and Toshusai tagging in Nakasawa.......the crowd errupted at the prospect of seeing the King of Fighters go toe to toe with the Burning World Champion.


There was a tense stare-down between the two, before both went to land a fore-arm smash and they kept coming but neither man was willing to back down. Eventually Kikkawa showed his dirty side, sneaking in a low knee shot to Nakasawa's lower extremities that caused the World Champion to double over and as Nakasawa rose back up to a vertical position he ate a KIKKAWA LARIAT.....








Nakasawa wasn't going to go down that easily, but Kikkawa remained in control and he looked to place Nakasawa in his KIKKAWA DEATH CHOKE (Straight Jacket Submission hold) but the World Champion managed to struggle free and then trap Kikkawa in the FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK. This exhange truly captivated the fans and demonstrated that these two highly regarded champions had a sometimes under-rated versatility to their respective arsenal's of attack.


Kikkawa like Nakasawa however managed to fight off the submission hold and managed to hobble across to his corner to get the tag into Okazaki, who managed to duck under a clothesline from Nakasawa before taking the World Champions legs out with a baseball slide. Okazaki then tried to turn over Nakasawa for the Century Crab Lift, but the H-Bomb managed to kick Okazaki off and then rock 'No Mercy' with a clothesline to then set up a Vertical Suplex for a two count before Nakasawa brought Okazaki into the Burning Sekigun corner.


The match then settled down a little as it was now the turn of Burning Sekigun to take control of the match and work over an opponent in their corner. A series of snap suplexes from Onodera bring a two count, before the Iron Man locks on the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface)....


Okazaki looks to be in real trouble, so both Kikkawa and Iesada break into the ring to make the save, breaking past both Nakasawa and Toshusai who try to stop them doing so. That then lead to the match breaking down into a chaotic brawl with referee Omura Umeki struggling to maintain control. And though the Burning Sekigun trio briefly had the man advantage with Okazaki still shaking off the effects of being in the LRC courteousy of Onodera....Team INSPIRE's willingness to take a cheap shot amongst the chaos soon turned the tables in their favour again.


After Toshusai was waffled with a chair shot from the recovered Okazaki he was rolled into the ring, where 'No Mercy' then followed up with the Okazaki Kick Barrage, only for Toshusai to suddenly become impervious to pain and give the Team INSPIRE man the double bird before nailing Okazaki with the SHOCK TREATMENT (Double Underhook Backbreaker)


But before Toshusai could follow up, he was turned Inside out with a KIKKAWA LARIAT, as the King of Fighters came in to make the save. Kikkawa then set Toshusai in position for the Kikkawa Driver, scooping Toshusai upon his shoulders only for Nakasawa to pull Toshusai off, and then nail Kikkawa with a SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT !


Nakasawa went for the cover, but referee Umeki recognised that he was not the legal man and regained some semblance of order to the match, ordering Nakasawa back to the corner. The match then restarted with both Kikkawa and Toshusai staggering back to their feet.....


They lay into each other with fore-arms, with Toshusai standing up to the King of Fighters until Kikkawa rakes the eyes of Toshusai, disorientating 'Wild Charisma'. Kikkawa then goes for the BURNING LARIAT but Toshusai blocks and then plants Kikkawa with a SPINE SHOCKER !








Kikkawa splits out at the last split second, denying Toshusai a historic pinfall victory over the King of Fighters. 'Wild Charisma' remains undeterred and can still sense victory and lines up for a SHOCK KICK .....


But Okazaki trips Toshusai up from the ring apron and he eats a KIKKAWA LARIAT, Kikkawa then scoops a dazed Toshusai up upon his shoulders......


KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver)......






Nakasawa and Onodera break into the ring to make the save but Okazaki and Iesada manage to hold them off....


Three !


Despite a valiant effort from the Burning Sekigun trio, and in particular Tadakuni Toshusai Team INSPIRE had found a way to come out on top once again.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w], Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki vs Hiroaki Nakasawa, Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera in 33:09 via pinfall (Kikkawa Driver).

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: What a brave from performance from Toshusai-san is all I have kept hearing since the end of the match, everyone wants to heap praise on a loser....I still BEAT him, only winners should be showered with praise....winners like Team INSPIRE !


Tasuku Iesada: Nakasawa-san we barely crossed paths tonight, and I'm sure I know why, you're afraid to give too much away, because you know I will find your weaknesses and exploit them...because I know you're worried....you're worried that I will have the beating of you. And the fact is I will have, when I challenge you for the Burning World Championship.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Iesada-san can make all the claims he wants about me avoiding him, fact is everyone knows it is the other way round, he knows I can beat him and he's too afraid to show his hand. As for tonights match, we lost but I'm proud of the effort Wild Fire put in against, three of the very best in Burning Hammer.


I don't like Team INSPIRE's attitudes, I don't think anyone who truly supports Burning Hammer of the Wrestling God's does but I do respect the fact that they are amongst this sports best and the fact that alongside myself Onodera-san and Toshusai-san stood toe to toe with those guys is an achievement they should be proud of.


Tadukuni Toshusai: KIKKAWA !!! This time you win, but one day you WILL FEEEEEL DEFEAT !! at the hands of WIIIIIILLLLLDDD CHARIIIIIISSSSMAAAAA !!!



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: This show broke away from the usual 8 match format, due to the Battle of Osaka match, resulting in a rather curious show with three long matches and three shorter somewhat throwaway ones. But sometimes it's good to break away from formula, as this show should be considered a success. Whilst the semi main event between Horri and Shimedzu could have been slightly better, perhaps the time limit finish was telegraphed a little too much to the fans...the main event excellent and did a fine job of topping off a fun show.

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Predictions Contest:



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Stage 3 Standings

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Last Round

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Phantom Stranger

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Raijin Samurai

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Rob4590 continues to lead the standings at this early stage, picking up 12 points this round, highlighted by the fact that he was the only one to call the time limit draw in the contenders circle match between Kinnojo Horri and Shimedzu, he also had a good showing in the absolute lottery of a match that is a 15 man battle royal, correctly calling the winner and 4 out of the final five. Dragonmack also had a good showing calling the correct winner in Pathlow and also getting 4 of the 5.


Both Raijin Samurai and Phantom Stranger were the only one's to get all of the final five but both did not back the right man to win, and thus did not get them in the correct order either.


All the other matches, the main event included shiould have been pretty easy to call the winners.

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The Onodera Diaries:


So my second month as head booker of BHOTWG has come to an end and it appears that Komine-san is relatively happy with my performance thus far, Kikkawa-san has had little to complain about my overall performance but is obviously disappointed over the situation that had developed wih Mike Watson.


Watson san pretty much 'shooted' on Inao-san, in the pre-show match on Monday, it could have been anybody to be honest who was the victim of Watson san's obvious frustration. I have decided it is best that we send Watson san on vacation for the next month, to help him cool off, because right now he is a negative prescence in the locker room that we can do without. Kikkawa san again showed his obvious disappointment in this development but to Kikkawa san's credit hei a professional and I doubt Watson san's situation will affect his performance within the ring for us.


At the moment we are still perceived as a National sized promotion, with a prestige of A and with a momentum of B+, with our position as the top promotion in Japan somewhat unchallenged right now. PGHW did put on an A Rated show earlier in the month, but have been unable to find the consistency to take them back to National level and become a true challenger to us once again. However I know it would be foolish to rest on our laurels because at some point PGHW will go on a hot-streak that will take them back to National, because dare I say it...they have a smaller but admittedly more talented roster than us in BHOTWG when it comes to the heavyweight division. What of course we do have that PGHW don't have is the addition of our superb Junior Heavyweight Division.

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April News and Notes from around the Wrestling World


21st Century Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: E+, Momentum: C+)


Worker Extensions: 21CW extend the contracts of popular babyface Adam Matravers and Jay B, currently one half of the Tag Team champions and one of the British promotion's fastest rising heel acts.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: 4C manage to extend the contract of star performer Jacob Jett, who has thus far managed to stay off the radar of larger promotions. Also re-signing is crowd favourite Jason 'Too Hot' Evans.


5 Star Supreme Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: 5SSW extend the contract of youngster Etsuhiko Ariyoshi. Though currently only a lower midcarder, many feel she will be a huge part of the Joshi promotions future.


Angel Athletic Association

(Size: Regional, Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: AAA extend the contracts of monster heel Gorgon and midcard mainstay Katherine Goodlooks.


All Canada Pro Wrestling

(Size: Local, Prestige: F, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: ACPW extend the contract of young high flyer Malik Cash.


Australian Pro Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C+)


Worker Signings: APW have poached The Warmonger one half of the Tag Team known as The Apocalypse. Whether or not they also have intentions to sign Warmonger's tag team partner The Hatemonger or if they feel Warmonger has the potential to be a singles star, remains to be seen.


Worker Extensions: APW resign Blake Belushi, one half of the relatively popular Melbourne Blondes Tag Team and young curtain jerker Jimmy Stratosphere


Worker Departures: APW decide against renewing the contract of Vance Sturt, who had lost momentum within the promotion after his ill advised and poorly executed face turn.


Babes of Sin City

(Size: Small, Prestige: F, Momentum: E-)


Worker Signings: Grace Harper the current AAA Femme Fatale champion expands her schedule by signing on with the T&A promotion. It's a curious move by Harper, who only last year departed from NOTBPW to reduce her schedule, but in truth a flight to Vegas once a month and working a BSC show would be less of a burden. Another AAA worker in Tracy Brendon has also decided to take the extra pay day on other to her from BSC.


Worker Extensions: BSC extend the contract of manager Annie Hitchc0ck.


Worker Departures: BSC failed to come to agreement over a new contract with Kathy Neptune, whilst Nurse Hope Daye is released after the promotion failed to find her a new direction, following the end of her feud with Nurse Darla Knight.


Canadian Golden Combat

(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: B-)


Worker Signings: CGC sign hardcore legend Larry Wood. A respected veteran within the business, Wood's 'wild man' character hides one of the smartest brains in the business and it is thought he is being brought in to not just be a in-ring talent but to also be part of the promotions creative team.


Worker Extensions: CGC extend the contract of Shooter Sean Deeley, who despite being booked as a heel is a fan favourite amongst certain sections of the CGC crowd, due to his outstanding wrestling talent, whilst Nate Johnson who has thus far been unable to really make his mark as a singles performer is also resigned.


Worker Departures: Unhappy at a lack of a focused push following the break up of Youth Energy, Lee 'Thrill Seeker' Rivera has decided to part company with CGC.


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling


(Size: Regional, Prestige: E, Momentum: C+)


General News: CZCW have put together a working agreement with East Coast independent PSW. Owner's Cliff Anderson and Mitch Naess have obviously recognised the opportunity to use one another's resources to help enhance their own promotion's relatively small rosters to help create some fresh match-ups for fans of either promotion to see.


Worker Extensions: CZCW manage to maintain the services of one of their biggest stars in 'Platinum' James Prudence. There have been rumours of Prudence being on the radar of larger promotions but thus far nothing have come of them.


Deep Impact Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: E)


Worker Extensions: DIW extend the contract of Tombstone. The promising youngster is already knocking on the door of the promotions main event and it is thought that the larger promotions in Australia, namely APW are closely monitoring his progress.


European Wrestling Association

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: EWA extend the contracts of heroic babyface White Knight, midcard heel Poppa Punnisher and Kalvin Addams one half of the Addams family tag team.


Freedom Caribbean Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: FCW extend the contract of roster mainstay of roster mainstay The Sensational Singh and referee Ryan Holland.


Golden Canvas Grappling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: C, Momentum: B-)


Nothing to report this month from GCG.


Hinote Dojo

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Nothing to report this month from Hinote Dojo.


Mid Atlantic Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: E-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Signings: MAW sign Boot Camp Graduate Syd Collier to a full time PPA contract.


Worker Departures: MAW decide against renewing the contract of Ace Youngblood.


Men of Steel Combat

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: E+)


Nothing to report this month from MOSC.


Mexican Premier Wrestling Federation

(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: C)


Worker Extensions: MPWF extend the contracts of midcard Tecnico's Atlantis Jr and Cique Jr, valet Gabriel Ortega and veteran announcer Mario Serrano.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: B+)


Nothing to report this month from NOTBPW.


New York City Wrestling

(Size: Small, Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Nothing to report this month from NYCW.


Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal

(Size: Regional, Prestige: C-, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extension: OLLIE extend the contract of the prodigiously talented Gino Montero and SWARM III (one third of the still relatively over heel stable The SWARM).


Worker Departures: OLLIE are rocked by the departure of former World Champion Marcos Flores. A long term mainstay and fan favourite of the OLLIE roster, it is thought at Flores wasn't happy with the terms of the contract offered to him. There is already talk of him eventually going to the ambitious SOTBPW.


Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: B-, Momentum: B)


Worker Extensions: PGHW retain the services of low card worker Washi Heat on a PPA contract.


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: E+, Momentum: D+)


General News: PSW set up a working agreement with CZCW, giving them the opportunity to trade workers with one another.


Worker Extensions: PSW extend the contract of midcard veteran The Punisher.


Worker Departures: PSW are rocked by the departure of Grandmaster Phunk, who signed has signed an SWF Developmental deal.


Revolution Australian Wrestling

(Size: Regional, Prestige: D, Momentum: D+)


Worker Extensions: RAW extend the contract of midcard heel Quiz Master.


Rhode Island Pro Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: E+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Signings: Grandmaster Phunk joins RIPW on an SWF Developmental contract. Phunk was dismissed for not having what it takes to be an in-ring performer in his initial run with the SWF (as Danny B Bling) but it looks like his hard work on the independent circuit has paid off.


Ring of Fire

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Nothing to report this month from ROF.


Pro Wrestling SAISHO

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: C-)


Worker Extensions: SAISHO retain ultra green young lion BRUTE Kikuchi on a PPA contract and alos extend the contract of announcer Teruihi Inoue.


South of the Border Pro Wrestling

(Size: Cult, Prestige: D, Momentum: C+)


Nothing to report this month from SOTBPW.


Supreme Wrestling Federation

(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B)


General News: The SWF confirm their position as the top promotion in the world by rising to Global Size.


Worker Signings: In something of a shock move SWF have resigned Jim Force (who will now get an opportunity to sell his merchandise on a much larger scale, whilst Giant Tana has defected from rival promotion TCW. SWF also call up Developmental talents Cheetah Boy and Giant Brody plus add Wilson Carlisle to their refeering team. Completing a busy month of additions for SWF, NYCW owner Derek 'The Stomper' Bradford has accepted a PPA deal to work as a road agent, which does bring questions about his dedication to his own promotion.


Worker Extensions: SWF extend the contract of Big Smack Scott, one of the most controversial workers in the wrestling industry. However his 'loose cannon' like aura has seen him grow a cult following amongst the SWF fanbase and he has recently been turned 'face'.


Worker Departures: SWF decide against renewing the contract of Jessie Gilmore. Even though it was never acknowledged on T.V (Jessie worked under her first name alone), it is well known amongst wrestling fans that she is married to Tom Gilmore and there are rumours that her departure is due to the fact that they could be expecting their first child together. On an additional note someone who has made it known that she will miss Jessie, is fellow valet B.J O'Neill. In a recent radio interview O'Neill said that she truly admired Jessie and has learnt alot from her since she graduated from the main SWF roster.


Total Championship Wrestling

(Size: National, Prestige: B-, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: TCW extend the contract of Eddie Peak , who has established himself near the upper reaches of the TCW roster since his arrival from DaVE.


Ultimate European Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D-)


Worker Extensions: UEW extend the contract of U.S born high flyer Geoff Borne.


United States Pro Wrestling

(Size: Global , Prestige: A*, Momentum: B)


Worker Extensions: USPW retain low card comedy wrestler Al The Hillbilly on a PPA basis.


Worker Departures: USPW are rocked by the departure of Jim Force, who has decided to take himself and his merchandise to the SWF and they also decide against renewing the contract of veteran Demon Anger. It is expected that the Tag Team legend, is expected to soon following his tag team partner Demon Spite in calling time on his in-ring career.


Victory Wrestling Association

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: D)


Worker Extensions: VWA extend the contract of Polish youngster Cub Balowicz.


Warrior Engine XXV

(Size: Small , Prestige: E-, Momentum: D+)


Worker Signings: WEXVV add manager Muneori Umari to their roster.


Worker Departures: Gaijin workers Eric 'Bull Wrecker' Sandretti and Travis Century depart from WEXVV after completing their latest tour with the Japanese 'Garbage' promotion. They also decide against renewing the contract of Taheji Konoe.


World Level Wrestling

(Size: Regional , Prestige: D, Momentum: B+)


Worker Extensions: WLW extend the contract of Tag Team champion Kazuma Narato, gaijin midcarder Insane Machine, low card prospect SPEED D and manager Akito 'Mr' Miwa.


Title Changes: Acid regains the World Level Show Stealer title from fellow gaijin Hell Monkey.


ZEN: Art of Wrestling

(Size: Small , Prestige: F+, Momentum: E+)


Nothing to report this month from ZEN.




New Talent


Syd Collier: A graduate of the MAW Boot Camp. The youngster from Boston is an old school mat technician, and has been drawing comparisons with SWF mainstay Phil 'Enforcer' Roberts.


Mustang Blanco Jr: His grandfather Henry Blanco was the original Mustang Blanco, a journeyman worker of the 1970's. Blanco Jr is a much more naturally gifted athlete and has the potential to become the 'star' his grandfather was never likely to become but at this stage is still very green.


Amazing Fire Fly: Protege of Axxis Jr is a flashy exciting prospect, who moves around the ring at lighnting speed. If he can improve on his general performance skills then there is no reason why he shouldn't reach the very top if given the right opportunities to showcase his gifted talents.



The Injured List


Mito Miwa: PGHW mainstay suffered a torn stomach muscle that will keep him out of action for a month until mid May.


Shiori Jippensha: 5SSW's highly touted prospect also suffers the same injury as Miwa and will be out of action for the same amount of time.



Worker Retirements


Alfredo Menendez: Mexican wrestling legend announced his full retirment from the wrestling business at the Age of 70. Worker under the El Barbaro mask for much of his career Menendez was originally a big star for OLLIE but was the leader in a defection that saw four key workers defect from the world's oldest wrestling promotion to set up the rival MPWF. Menendez was the promotion's original owner and held MPWF's Herencia Del Mundo title for a staggering three year run between 1980 and 1983. Menendez lost the El Barbero mask in 1985 and soon retired from in-ring competion after that to concentrate on running MPWF.


Just over a decade later Menendez handed over the reigns of the company to fellow wrestler Domino but remained part of the promotion he founded as 'honorary president' and also continued to work behind the scenes as a road agent until 2005. In recent years he has made occasional guest 'cheerleader' appearances but he has now announced his intention to fully leave behind the wrestling business to enjoy retirement.


Jean Pierre Bapitste: Canadian wrestling legend announced his full retirement from the Wrestling Business at the Age of 65. Baptiste is best known for his Tag Team with fellow French Canadian Frenchie Marchel, with whom he twice held the CWF Tag Team titles, he was however the CWF's first National Champion but saw his ranking within the promotion diminish after the arrival of Dan Stone etc and he re-invented himself as the one of the finest Tag Team wrestlers in Canadian wrestling history.


Seiko Nanami: Joshi veteran announced her retirement from in-ring competion at the Age of 41. A powerful wrestler, who was consistently booked as a 'monster' her career suffered from the fact that she arrived when Crusher Ichihara was still in her prime. Unable to truly establish herself when she worked for 5SSW (the mecca for all Joshi workers) between 1995 and 2004, she then became a mainstay working for local promotions but in recent years even that work began to dry up.


The Wizard of Ottawa: Veteran of the Canadian independent circuit announced his retirement from in-ring competion at the Age of 39. Never a great in-ring competitor he did have the 'entertainment' skills to remain relatively over with wrestling crowds and he is expected to transition those skills into continuing on his wrestling career in ringside manger roles.



Media Digest


<TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=12 width=708 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

TV Show Ratings -April 2010

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</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Showing at

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>

Avg Rating

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

SWF Supreme TV

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Tue- Primetime

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

TCW Presents Total Wrestling

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

GNN Total Sports

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

BHOTWG Lords of the Ring

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

PGHW The Kings Road

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Tue- Evening

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

NOTBPW Championship Wrestling

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

USPW American Wrestling

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

Sports America

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Wed- Evening

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

CGC Title Bout Wrestling

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

ML Sports

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

GCG Stars of the Golden Canvas

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

SWF Supreme TV

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

UKB Secondary

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

SOTBPW Lucha Libre

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

Los Deporte Hoy

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>


</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

21CW Best of British Wrestling

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

UKB Digital

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Thu- Evening

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

RAW Attitude!

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

The A.S.N

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Fri-Late Evening

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>


</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="44%" height=0>

WLW This Is War

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="20%" height=0>

All Japan TV

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="21%" height=0>

Tue- Early Evening

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="15%" height=0>




<TABLE dir=ltr cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=12 width=451 border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="69%" height=0>

PPV Buy Rates

</TD><TD vAlign=bottom width="31%" height=0>

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom width="69%" height=0>

SWF- The World Is Watching

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TCW- Where Angels Fear To Tread

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BHOTWG- Test of Prophecies

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USPW- Freedom Fight!

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NOTBPW-Super Slam

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CGC- DeColt Wrestle Festival Day 2

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The Contenders Circle (W/C Monday 3rd May 2010)


Kinnojo Horri and Shimedzu went to a Time Limit draw, and it's a result that see's both maintain their ranking but neither of them is able to secure a title shot. One man who will be challenging for the title is Tasuku Iesada who challenges Hiroaki Nakasawa in the up-coming tour show in Chubu.


The real shake up happened within the Junior Contenders Circle as John Pathlow won the 'Battle of Osaka' Elimination gauntlet match to not only rise to the top of the contenders circle but to also earn a shot at the Junioe Championship at the Sword of Destiny PPV. Marihito Masuko, Black Cobra, Elemental III and The Awesome Kiyaru also reached the final 5 to secure their spots in the newly aligned Junior Division contenders circle.




Burning World Champion -Hiroaki Nakasawa- (Burning Sekigun)




- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE (Title shot scheduled for up-coming show in Chubu).




Kinnojo Horri- Burning Sekigun





Shimedzu- Dragon Feet 2K9





Yasuhiko Taira- Black Heart Brethren





Masaaki Okazaki- Team INSPIRE





Burning Junior Champion -Sensational Dragon- (Dragon Feet 2K9)





- Tasuku Iesada- Team INSPIRE (Won Battle of Osaka to earn title shot at Sword of Destiny).




- Marihito Masuko - Burning Sekigun




- Black Cobra - Black Heart Brethren



- Elemental III - Burning Sekigun



- The Awesome Kiyaru - Black Heart Brethren



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BHOTWG visit the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu on Monday 3rd May as the Burn Don't Freeze Tour continues with a very special main event as Hiroaki Nakasawa puts the World Championship on the line against Team INSPIRE's Tasuku Iesada. Iesada defeated Nakasawa in the semi finals of last years Super 10 Cup en route to claiming that trophy but failed in his attempt to win the World Title from Nakasawa at Fire Dream of the Immortals, now after earning another shot at the title Iesada gets another chance to become World Champion. Can Iesada add yet more power to Team INSPIRE by claiming the World Championship or will Nakasawa come through the V8 defence of his title?


The semi main event will be a special attraction Tag Team matching pitting The Rebellion of Shimedzu and Miyamae against the Team INSPIRE pairing of Masaaki Okazaki and last years winner of the 'Battle of Osaka' John Pathlow. Will the Rebellions tag team experience be the difference or will the Team INSPIRE duo continue to be in winning form?


Tadakuni Toshusai has shown little fear in some recent six man Tag matches against Team INSPIRE and though he has come out on the losing end, he will relish the opportunity to take on the King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa, even if Kikkawa's belt won't be on the line in this contest.


There will be Junior Contenders Circle action as Marihito Masuko and Junior Tag Team champion The Awesome Kiyaru will both be looking to emerge with the victory to get themselves on track towards challenging for the Junior Championship. Speaking of the Junior Champion, Sensational Dragon will join American Optimus and a 'mystery partner' in Six Man Tag action to take on the trio of Elemental III and Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda). Given the interaction between American Optimus and a certain veteran Super Junior in the recent Battle of Osaka match the 'mystery man' on the Dragon Feet 2K9 team may not be all that much of a surprise.


There will be further six man action as the Black Heart Brethren trio of Yasunobu Masuno, Black Cobra and Golden Scorpion take on RAGE's Toshiki Shibanuno, Yoshii Shiomi and VENOM, the Raging Bulls and Snow Lizzard renew a classic tag team rivalry with the veteran duo's both looking to get back into the habit of winning regularly and Mitsunari Fuganaga and Takayuki Onodera go up against one another in singles action.


The bonus pre-show matches will see 4 Corner Junior Division action with Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa, The Incredible Koyama and White Samurai, whilst Tiger Fuyuki will be hoping he can pull of a major upset win over Kinnojo Horri a feat that would surely earn him future 'main show' bookings.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #19 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-



Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #19

(Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu, Monday 3rd May 2010)


~The Hounds of Glory~

Burning World Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Hiroaki Nakasawa


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner-

Tasuku Iesada


Special Collision Tag Team Match (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

John Pathlow & Masaaki Okazaki


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


Junior Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- The Awesome Kiyaru


Ultra Explosive Non Title Clash (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


Six Man Junior Tag Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III &

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon,

American Optimus & ????


Classic Tag Team Clash (20 Min Time Limit)

'Representing RAGE'

The Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho & Chuichi Sanda)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champion- Yasunobu Masuno,

Black Cobra &

Junior Tag Team Champion- Golden Scorpion


'Representing RAGE'

Toshiki Shibanumo &

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Singles Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Takayuki Onodera


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Junior 4 Way- Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs

The Incredible Koyama vs White Samurai


Kinnojo Horri vs Tiger Fuyuki




Predictions Form:


World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Tasuku Iesada


Okazaki & Pathlow vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


Junior CC: Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Elemental III, Kokan & Konda vs Sensationl Dragon, American Optimus & ????


Raging Bulls (Hamacho & Sanda) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Masuno, Cobra & Scorpion vs Shibanumo, Shiomi & VENOM


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Takayuki Onodera


Panther vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama vs Samurai


Kinnojo Horri vs Tiger Fuyuki


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