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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 21

(Monday 10th May 2010)


Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto (Attendance 10,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) vs Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


A solid pre-show match here, as Little Fury's tag experience proved decisive in helping them to the victory over occasional Tag Team partners Red Panther and Stone Yoshikawa. After Panther saw no reward for going high risk by going for but not connecting with the Tumbleweed Legdrop, Little Fury were able to isolate Yoshikawa and VENOM forced the former NOTBPW trainee to tap out to the Sting In The Tail (Cross Kneelock).


Result: Yoshii Shiomu & VENOM [w] bt Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa [L] in 6:17 via submission (Sting In The Tail)



Match B: Masutaro Kataoka vs Fukusubaru Inao


They traded some holds, went for a few quick pins and then Kataoka found the opening to drill Inao with the Butterfly Backbreaker to pick up the win. This wasn't terrible, in fact what they did out there was pretty solid but it was very short and these are two workers the fans could care little about.


Result: Masutaro Kataoka [w] bt Fukusubaru Inao [L] in 4:58 via pinfall (Butterfly Backbreaker)


Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda) vs Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg


The opening contest was a fairly solid back and forth tag team contest, though unfortunately for both teams the crowd were still semi in the mode of feeding their faces with sushi. Basic story of the match was that the more experienced Size of the Fight looked to be the more well oiled unit, but they were far too focused on wanting to get 'revenge' on Super Joshuya defecting from the Burning Sekigun. The finish came when SOTF though they had the match won when they put away Joshuya with the Big Fight Ender but American Optimus was able to intervene with a double missile drop kick that sent Konda flailing out of the ring and then leave Kokan prone to be planted with the O-Bomb to earn Optimum Impact their first victory as a team.


Result: American Optimus [W] & Super Joshuya bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] 8 Kansuke Konda in 11:35 via pinfall (O-Bomb).

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Super Joshuya: It's not a matter of if, but when with me and American Optimus right here, because we will recreate the magic I had with the original Optimus and capture the Junior Tag Titles.


Kansuke Konda: This time Joshuya-san you and your new friend get the win, but we aren't going to give up, we are Size of the Fight and we will avenge this loss and we will show once again why we are the best Junior Heavyweight Tag Team in BHOTWG!



Match #2: Black Cobra vs Mitsunari Fuganaga


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga.jpg


This match must have felt like deja-vu for Fuganaga, just as he did last week in his match with Takayuki Onodera the RAGE man was able to go hold for hold with a more in-form opponent but was unable to truly seize the advantage in the match and once Cobra had grabbed hold of the initiative after close two count with a Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex) there was no turning back with Fuganaga eventually succumbing to the Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar)


Result: Black Cobra [w] bt Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] in 10:28 via submission (Alabaster Agony)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): I suppose the BHOTWG matchmakers thought by putting me up against a non Junior Division wrestler this would be a good test for me....well news for you, Fuganaga was easy pickings just as Masuko-san will be when I defeat him at Sword of Destiny and rightfully earn a shot at the Junior Championship.



Match #3: Masaaki Okazaki & Tasuku Iesada vs

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SanetomoShiraishi-1.jpg?t=1268428765 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SessueKawate.jpg?t=1268428785


The ageing and struggling Snow Lizzard did manage to survive past five minutes, but this a foregone conclusion from the sound of the first bell and it was a matter of when not if the Team INSPIRE duo would pick up the victory and that moment was confirmed when Shiraishi was forced to tap out to the Iesada Special.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki & Tasuku Iesada [w] bt Shiraishi [L] & Kawate in 6:44 via submission (Iesada Special).

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Is this the best BHOTWG can put in front of us? I was challenging for the World Title last week, was this some kind of joke?


Sanetomo Shiraishi: I've got to hand it to Iesada-san and Okazaki-san we just couldn't compete with those guys, I'm actually struggling to believe in who we can compete with, maybe it is time to call it a day.



Match #4: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Elemental III & Marihito Masuko vs

Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo.








The tensions between the Raging Bulls following their loss to Wild Fire last week, came to the fore a little more this week, as whenever Hamacho & Sanda looked to tag out they would always look to tag in Shibanumo. The RAGE trio did manage to put up a brave fight and at one point Shibanumo looked like he might pull out a rare win when he planted Elemental III with the Hammerplex for a two count. Ultimately though the Burning Sekigun trio had Teamwork and a winning mentality on their side and in the end Shibanumo fell victim to a Compression Powerbomb from the World Champion.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w], Elemental III & Marihito Masuko bt Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 9:23 via pinfall (Compression Powerbomb).

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: I know that RAGE may be having alot of problems of late, but they are still a tough bunch of wrestlers, and those guys ain't in BHOTWG because they don't have what it takes, we still needed to go out there and get the job done and that's what we did.


Meanwhile the members of RAGE are unable to carry out a post match interview as Eiji Hamacho and Chuichi Sanda get in a shoving match whilst Toshiki Shibanumo tries his best to act as peacemaker.



~ Point of Perseverance~

Match #5: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325

This a re-match of their Tag Title match at Test of Prophecies, on that occasion Universal Excellence put up a strong challenge but came up short of winning the belts.


At the Test of Prophecies PPV the champs jumped Universal Excellence from behind, this time the challengers were ready and turned the tables on the BHFS. As the bell officially sounded to start the match Universal Excellence were in control and had managed to isolate Kiyaru in their corner. However Golden Scorpion managed to distract referee Okura Umeki by threatening to bring a chair into the match enabling Kiyaru to sneak in a low blow on Kurofuji, just as Kurofuji was setting up for a German Suplex.


Kiyaru then planted Kurofuji with a Falcon Arrow before tagging Scorpion in. Scorpion then got a two count off a Brainbuster on Kurofuji that placed the BHFS firmly in control of the match. The champions then worked over Kurofuji with some fluid double team work, most of which saw a tag never actually be made, something that drew the ire of Yasujiro that only served as a distraction for Umeki. However as the BHFS set up for the Ultra Effect (Elevated Kiyaru Effect)...Kurofuji was able to slip of Scorpion's shoulders and then plant the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a release German Suplex. Kiyaru then launched himself off with a diving cross body by Kurofuji managed to move out the way and then get the tag into Yasujiro.


The Mighty Mouse cleaned house with a series of lucha style arm-drags and head-scissors before a disorientated BHFS bailed out of the ring for a powder. However a fired up UE launched themselves to the outside with Yasujiro taking out Scorpion with a corkscrew crossbody tope and Kurfofuji wiping out Kiyaru with a suicide dive.


Yasujiro then pitched Scorpion back into the ring to spike the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a POISON RANA (Reverse Frankensteiner)....Scorpion managed to just about kick out at two, before Yasujiro headed up top to set up for a Sky Twister Press only to get cut off by Kiyaru who then attempted brought Yasujiro crashing back into the ring with a hurrucanrana. However Kurofuji then planted Kiyaru with a TOHOKU THUNDER SUPLEX (Rolling Release Suplex), only for Scorpion to make the save and then plant Kurofuji with a Brainbuster leading to all four men being down.


Universal Excellence then managed to take control, sending their BHFS opponents into the corner and scoring with a pair of corner drop-kicks, before sending Kiyaru out of the ring to leave Scorpion isolated. That then saw the challengers pull out the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS (Bridging German Suplex followed by a standing Shooting Star Press)......


That looked to have won the challengers the Junior Tag Belts but Kiyaru spectacularly broke up the pin with an ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press)..... Kurofuji then sent Kiyaru out of the ring and then stood guard as Yasujiro remained in control against Scorpion and set up for the Mighty Mouse Driver but Scorpion was able to block and then counter into the SCORPION STINGER (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)......








Kurofuji managed to dive into make the save but then got sent back out of the ring with a leg lariat from Kiyaru. That saw Yasujiro still in trouble and Kurofuji was unable to prevent his already dazed partner from falling victim to an ULTRA EFFECT (Elevated Kiyaru Effect)......


And that proved to be enough for the BHFS to get the better of Universal Excellence yet again despite another valiant effort from the challengers.


Result: The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Universal Excellence Barei Yasujiro [L] & Haru Kurofuji in 19:49 via pinfall (Ultra Effect)

Black Heart Flying Squadron make V3 Defence of Burning Junior Tag Team Championship.

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Give it up Universal Excellence, it is clear you are not in our league of superiority. The gods looked down upon me and Scorpion and blessed us with the powers to create the most dominant, the most awe inspiring Junior Heavyweight Tag Team of all time, those who challenge us can only bow down to us !


Golden Scorpion: We dare anyone, absolutely anyone to try and take these Junior Tag belts away from us, because we are a whole different level, we are the Black Heart Flying Squadron, we are gods amongst men !


Barei Yasujiro: No excuses, we tried our best, we came close, we came ever so close but in the end our best wasn't good enough. But we aren't going to give up, our best wasn't good enough this time....we believe we can beat the BHFS and anyone else in Burning Hammer's Junior Tag division. We will become Burning Junior Tag Team Champions, we just need to raise our game even more.



~Wild Justice~

Match #6: World Tag Team Championship:

Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) vs

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg


The second Tag Team Title match is another re-match from Test of Prophecies, last time out Yasunobu Masuno resorted to using a loaded elbow pad to knock out Takayuki Onodera and Wild Fire are hell bent on revenge as well as looking to become Tag Team Champions for the first time.


Wild Fire's eagerness to avenge that loss plays right into Black Magic's hands at the start of the match as it quickly breaks down into a brawl that spills to the floor and with referee Koetsu Shinozaki struggling to keep control that only serves to play into the champions hands and when order is restored Black Magic are able to isolate the much smaller Takayuki Onodera.


Black Magic then worked over Onodera in their corner but spent a little too much time arrogantly posteuring and when Taira went for the Flattener, Onodera was able to sidestep out of the way and then dive across the get the tag into a fired up Tadakuni Toshusai.


Wild Charisma then nailed Taira with a Shock Kick in the corner before planting the Bulldozer with a SPINE SHOCKER......


Toshusai thought he had the match won there but Masuno made the save and then blasted Toshusai with a Rolling Elbow. Toshusai however shock it off and after giving Masuno his customary double bird signal, nailed Masuno with a SHOCK KICK only to be clobbered from behind by the still legal Taira. Taira then flung Toshusai overhead with the SAMSON SLAM (Pump Handle Fall Away Slam).......


Toshusai kicked out but remained in trouble and Taira then planted 'Wild Charisma' with a TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating Vertical Suplex)......








Wild Fire's challenge looked to be over, but Onodera dived across to make the save only to be pitched back out of the ring by Taira. Black Magic then set the still dazed Toshusai up for the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter Combo) but Toshusai was able to block the attempt and then stun both Masuno and Taira with a pair of Shock Kicks before staggering back to get the tag into a fresh Takayuki Onodera, who drilled both members of Black Magic with a missile drop-kick. Masuno stumbled out of the ring and Taira then lunged at Onodera with a clothesline but the 'Iron Man' was able to duck and then nail Taira with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head), Taira stayed on his feet but was unbalanced and Onodera took him down to the mat with a basement drop-kick before placing Taira in the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface)......


Onodera had the hold locked on right in the middle of the ring and Taira looked set to tap but Masuno was able to dive in at the last split second and make the save, that lead to Toshusai then entering the ring and the match degenerated into a mass brawl that spilit to the outside. Black Magic then feeling as though their reign as champions were in jeopardy then blatantly prevented Wild Fire from bringing the action back into the ring and in the end Shinozaki saw no choice but to declare the match a double countout much to the frustration of everyone except Masuno and Taira.


Result: Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) drew with Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera following a double countout.


Black Magic make V3 Defence of the Burning World Tag Team Championship.

Rating: B-


After the match the two teams had to be pulled apart by security as they attempted to continue their brawl in the press-room.



Match #7: KOF Rules: Kinnojo Horri vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


There is motivation for both Horri and Miyamae in going after the King of Fighters title. Despite not challenging for the World Title this month Horri still wants to prove himself amongst the best and what better way to do that than to challenge and dethrone the seemingly unstoppable Kikkawa. Meanwhile Miyamae's tag partner Shimedzu is challenging for the World Title and he will be keen not to be seen as the weak link of the team.


Horri simply overpowers Miyamae at the start of the match, and looked to get an early victory by planting the Dragon Feet 2K9 man with a Horri Spinebuster. Miyamae beat's Terakado's count at ten and then bails to the floor much to the frustration of Horri who is keen to end the match quickly. Horri somewhat foolishly then goes out to the floor and gets lured into clotheslining the ringpost before Miyamae follows up with a series of stiff kicks.


Miyamae then continues to target Horri's weakened arm with kicks, but he goes to that well once too often and Horri captures the leg before levelling Miyamae with a Lariat with the unweakened but less favoured arm.


Miyamae survives that but staggers into a series of fore-arm smashes, that see Horri set up for the Destiny Bomb but he struggles to get Miyamae up and 'the viper' is able to counter into a Reverse STO. That's enough to plant Horri to the mat for Miyamae to head up top and the Dragon Feet 2K9 man waited patiently for Horri to rise to his feet before delivering a Rebel Stomp (Diving Double Stomp).


Horri beat the count but then got nailed with a Shining Wizard and had to face another ten count. Horri just about beat that one but was in such a weakened state that Miyamae was immediately able to place Horri in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice)


But one thing 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' is, and that's resillient and he managed to fight through the pain and power his way out of the hold, before planting Miyamae with a desperation Hurricane Spinebuster (Spinning Spinebuster).....


As they both staggered back upt the feet, Horri could feel the momentum turning back in his favour and he reeled off a series of Lariats that gradually began to wear down Miyamae and despite the Rebelllion man's own fighting spirit he was now running on an empty and when Horri levelled Miyamae with a BURNING LARIAT, despite it being with Horri's unfavoured arm...it looked to be all over.....








Miyamae had begun to stir but it was too late and he was unable to get himself up off the canvas in time as Horri moved one step closer to challenging for the King of Fighters belt at Sword of Destiny.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Miyamae [L] in 18:08 via Knockout (Burning Lariat).

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: I'll admit it was disappointing not to get another opportunity to challenge for the Burning World Championship again this month, because in my mind that is still THE belt that means the most to me in this business. But I'm actually pleased to get the opportunity to take down Kikkawa-san and take that 'vanity' belt away from him. Yeah I know I have to go through someone else after this, and I know it will be tough, but I will get through them and then it'll be me and Kikkawa-san and he knows I CAN beat him.



Match #8: Tadiyuki Kikkawa & John Pathlow vs

Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg



Pathlow and Dragon kicked things off for their respective team, with the INSPIRE man keeping up with the Junior champion as they engaged in some slick chain wrestling, this eventually lead to the inevitable standoff with them tagging in their respective partners.


Shimedzu then kept Kikkawa at bay with some pin point kick combinations but they weren't enough to put the King of Fighters down and eventually Kikkawa was able to level Shimedzu with a Lariat. Kikkawa then set up Shimedzu for a Kikkawa Driver, but was in all honesty trying for that too early in the match and Shimedzu was able to slip off and stun Kikkawa with an Enziguri, before nailing the Team INSPIRE leader with a LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot) , at this stage in the match it was enough to put Kikkawa down but not enough to put the King of Fighters away.


Shimedzu then turned things over to Sensational Dragon who tried to instantly take Kikkawa by surprise with a Sensation Shock but that backfired as Kikkawa was able to block mid move and plant Dragon onto the canvas with a powerbomb for a two count.


Kikkawa then turned things back over to Pathlow, who laid into Dragon with some stiff kicks. That softened up the Junior Champion enough for Pathlow to plant Dragon with a Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Pathlow then turned things back over to Kikkawa who simply overpowered Dragon and got an instant two with a Lariat before the King of Fighters lifted Dragon up for a vertical suplex, however the Junior Champion still had enough of his wits about him to counter into a stunner, managing to stagger Kikkawa back before getting the tag into a fired up Shimedzu who nailed Kikkawa with a drop-kick but the momentum took Kikkawa into the Team INSPIRE corner where he was able to tag John Pathlow into the match.


Pathlow and Shimedzu then engaged in a stiff kick and strike battle with neither man backing down, in the end Pathlow sneaked in a kick to Shimedzu's lower extremeties before spiking Shimedzu into the canvas with a DDT, that lead to Shimedzu being isolated in the Team INSPIRE corner and the pace of the match slowed down as Kikkawa and Pathlow methodically looked to wear down 'Kamikaze Spirit' in their corner. It all leads up to Kikkawa driving Shimedzu into the canvas with an over the shoulder belly to back piledriver.........


That gets a two count as Sensational Dragon dives in to make th save but is immediately pitched to the outside. Kikkawa then sets up the already dazed Shimedzu into the Electric Chair position as Pathlow heads up top but Dragon gets himself back up onto the apron and the Junior Champion brings Pathlow crashing back in with a springboard hurrucanrana at the same time Shimedzu suddenly takes Kikkawa by surprise with a Victory Roll....


Kikkawa kicks out and then sets Shimedzu up for a Kikkawa Driver but Shimedzu quickly counters into a DDT and then locks Kikkawa into the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke).......


Kikkawa however is able to power his way back up to his feet and forces Shimedzu to release the hold with a powerbomb. Pathlow and Dragon are then brought back into the match and Dragon ducks under as lariat from Pathlow before snapping off a head-scissors take down that sets into motion Dragon snaring Pathlow into the Dragon's Cross (Tiger Feint Crucifix Arm Bar).....Pathlow however manages to work his way out of the submission and then gets Dragon caught in the KIMURA LOCK !


Just as it looked like Dragon was set to tap, Shimedzu came into make the save..... Kikkawa then shoved Shimedzu to the outside and they brawled on the floor as Pathlow lifted Dragon up with a double underhook as he looked to set up for the Kill-Drill but Dragon was able to slip out and then nail his up-coming Junior Title challenge with a superkick that left Pathlow dazed enough to fall victim to the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui).......








Kikkawa broke past Shimedzu to make the save and then plant Dragon with a KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley) but he was not the legal man and it became a race to see who could tag our first between Dragon and Pathlow. Dragon managed to get to Shimedzu first who was then able to prevent Pathlow from tagging Kikkawa back into the match.


Shimedzu then planted Pathlow with the A-KO ARROW (Slingshot Falcon Arrow)......








Pathlow showed great fighting spirit by kicking out but remained isolated on the wrong half of the ring and Shimedzu told Dragon to go up top as they set up for The Rebellion's signature finisher the Spiked Skull Drop but Pathlow managed to rake the eyes of Shimedzu and counter into a KILL-DRILL (Double Underhook Piledriver)....Dragon thinking quickly then instantly broke up the pin with a Frogsplash.......


But Kikkawa then sent Dragon out of the ring with a clothesline before Pathlow was able to legally tag the King of Fighters back into the match. Kikkawa then levelled Shimedzu with a Lariat, but was unable to follow up with a immediate pin as Sensational Dragon took the King of Fighters down with a springboard drop-kick. Dragon and Shimedzu then both nailed Kikkawa with double superkicks before Shimedzu went for the pin as Dragon stood guard.


The King of Fighters kicked out, but remained rooted to the mat and Shimedzu turned things back over to Dragon who then headed up top to set up for the Dragon's Fire but the Junior Champion had probably become a little too over-confident and Pathlow burst back into the ring to nail the Junior Champion with a BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (running Leaping side kick)


That enabled Kikkawa to rise back up of the canvas and scoop the dazed Dragon upon his shoulders to then plant the Junior Champion onto the canvas with a KIKKAWA DRIVER !!








Shimedzu and Dragon had contributed to an excellent competitive match but in the end the Team INSPIRE duo of Kikkawa and Pathlow were able to come out on top.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & John Pathlow bt Shimedzu & Sensational Dragon [L] in 30:09 via pinfall (Kikkawa Driver)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Once again Team INSPIRE show our superiority, and at Sword of Destiny Pathlow-san here will defeat Sensational Dragon for the Junior Championship.


John Pathlow: Yes Kikkawa-san !


Shimedzu: I'm proud of the effort myself and Dragon-san put out there but i'm also disappointed because I know we can beat those Inspire guys, because I believe we have the makings of true champions because when it really matters, Dragon is going to show why he is the best Junior Heavyweight in the world, I will complete my dream to become World Champion.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Whilst this didn't surpass expectation, this was a good solid show from top to bottom and strong enough to go down well with the always demanding fans in our home of Kanto prefecture.

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Predictions Contest:







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Raijin Samurai

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Rob4590 continues to lead Stage 3 of the Predictions contest, but it is early days and the chasing pack can still reel him in. NoNeck is a new entrant and scored a very respectable 8/10.


The main event I was tempted to go with the Dragon Feet 2K9 guys or even the draw but in the end Kikkawa is just too over and besides his creative control would have got in the way. Everyone went for Kinnojo Horri winning the KOF Rules match, I don't think that's a knock on Miyamae but Horri is the established main event guy.


The two Tag Title matches everyone apart from Raijin (who is a mark for Universal Excellence and why not? they're a good team) went for the champion BHFS to retain. Though I like UE and do see them potentially haivng what it takes to be champions, the Black Heart Flying Squadron still have plenty of mileage left in their run. As for the World Tag Title between Black Magic and Wild Fire that was a match that divided opinion more and though no one predicted it, that was reflected in the no contest draw...this is a feud that is far from over.


The other Junior Tag match between Size of the Fight and Optimum Impact was also a splitter of opinion, but though SOTF are still very much lynchpins of the Junior Tag division, I felt it was important to give the new team that first win and to make Joshuya's defection to Dragon Feet 2K9 somewhat worthwhile.


The Nakasawa lead Burning Sekigun win over the RAGE trio was rightly seen as a no brainer....one it's the World Champion on one side and as Zergon pointed out the Raging Bulls are showing signs of having problems, that should have been even more evident after the post match argument in the press-room.


Okazaki-Iesada over Snow Lizzard and Little Fury over Panther-Yoshikawa were squashes and in the jobber match between Kataoka and Inao, Kataoka is a little higher on the jobber pole and is actually better. Rob4590 did make the point about Inao being slightly younger, but he's not a guy I see great potential in and is to be honest a likely cut after this tour, especially as he is only on a PPA deal.

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BHOTWG continue the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour at the Akita Stadium in Tohoku Prefecture on Wednesday 12th May 2010. Headlining the show will be a Six Man Battle that see's the Burning Sekigun go up against Team INSPIRE. As World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and Takayuki Onodera go up against the King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow. Showdowns between these two factions are always explosive affair, especially when Nakasawa and Kikkawa are involved and this promises to be no different.


Kinnojo Horri will also learn his opponent for next week in his bid to challenge Kikkawa for the King of Fighters title as Kikkawa's Team INSPIRE stable mate Masaaki Okazaki takes on Size of the Fight's Kansuke Konda. The BHOTWG Championship comitee clearly remember Konda's upset win over Hamacho last month in KOF Rules action but a win here for the Big Fight Player would be an even bigger upset as he looks to set up what could be an intriguing showdown with his Burning Sekigun stable mate.


Miyamae, Tadakuni Toshusai, Chuichi Sanda and Eiji Hamacho will all be involved in a 4 Corner Survival match with the victor putting themselves in position to challenge for a spot in the Contenders Circle and whilst it would normally seem that the complete tag team in the form of the Raging Bulls with Hamacho and Sanda would normally have a noticeable advantage, it has to be noted that their alliance has become some what strained of late.



There is a glut of Junior Divsion Tag Team action the most anticipated of which will be a six man affair that pit the Black Heart Brethren trio of Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion against the Burning Sekigun trio of Marihito Masuko, Elemental III and Hyosuke Kokan. Meanwhile Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya) will be looking to follow up their victory over division stalwarts Size of the Fight, when they take on Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) who will be equally keen to prove that they should not be dismissed as 'also-rans', whilst Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) look to get back on the winning track as they take on the pairing of Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa.


Rounding out the show Junior Champion Sensational Dragon will be in non title action against The Incredible Koyama, the World Tag Team Champions Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) will also be in non title action against the pairing of Masataro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura, whilst the No.1 contender to the World Championship Shimedzu takes on Snow Lizzard's Sanetomo Shiraishi.


For those who can get to the Akita Stadium early their will be bonus matches with RAGE's Toshiki Shibanumo taking on Tiger Fuyuki and Shibanumo's stable mate Mitsunari Fuganaga going up against White Samurai.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #22 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #21

(Akita Stadium, Tohoku, Wednesday 12th May 2010)


Six Man Battle BLAST!!! (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa,

Kinnojo Horri & Takyuki Onodera


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa,

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow


KOF Rules (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kansuke Konda


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki


Reach For The Top

Four Corner Survival (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda


'Representing RAGE'

Eiji Hamacho


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


Six Man Junior Division Battle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra &

Junior Tag Team Champions-

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental II, Marihito Masuko & Hyosuke Kokan


Singles Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Sanetomo Shiraishi


Junior Tag Team Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Junior Tag Team Challenge Match (15 Min Time Limit):

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


Non Title Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon


The Incredible Koyama


Non Title Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champions- Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira)


Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai




Predictions Form:

Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda

4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan

Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi

Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa

Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama

Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai


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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

While Onodera and Pathlow provide fall guys, I think this is more likely a draw


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda

Konda doesn't have enough size for this fight.


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

I could see Toshusai stealing it, but Miyamae is the most over in this group


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan

Kokan is the odd man out, and thus the loser.


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi



Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa

building momentum wins


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

only reason these two are non title is because their opponents aren't worth wasting a title shot on.


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

sushi break matches

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

Close one, but with Pathlow being challenger for Dragon´s title, Onodera seems most likely cantitate for eating the pin here so I go with Kikkawa´s group.


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda

I don´t see Konda going over Okazaki here espesially after Size of the Fight lost to Optimum Impact on last show


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Miyamae have been solid so far though I don´t see any of these guys actually getting a spot on contender circle right now.


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan

Could go either way but though I like Cobra and friends more, for some reason my instings say that Masuko & friends will take the win so I go with them.


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi

Squash or at least close to squash match


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

Sadly Little Fury is an also-run


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa

Named team over jobber pairing


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama



Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

I doubt I need to explain this one


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

Toshiki is in a group and that makes him more important


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

I think that White Samurai is still young lion so I doubt he get any wins

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

Gotta go with a draw here as really no-one (except Onodera) can really afford a loss right now.


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda


A win over one of the Bulls is one thing, a win over an INSPIRE man is too far for Konda at this point.


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Miyamae gets a semi singles push while Sanda and Hamacho further fall out setting up a grudge match at the PPV between them, Toshusai - well he provides the comedy!

Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan


Kokan is the fall guy here


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi




Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Building a streak


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa


Back on track


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Quick squash


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


Even quicker squash


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai


Let's be honest - who cares?

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

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Allegedly I missed the last show (or two.) I doubt it would have changed my placement.




Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow

- Let's pretend Pathlow is relevant. Let's pretend Iesada still has a shot. Let's pretend Kikkawa is still King of the Fighters. Oh, wait, he is. Well that explains why they win. As if KoF is gonna let that bookerman upstage him~


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda

- No idea. I mark for Konda though.


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai

- Oops, if it was the other half of the Rebellion I know who I'd be voting for, instead I'll for Toshusai. I understand he has Wild... Charisma!


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan

- Because apparently E3 is Cobra's job boy. Which is as it should be!


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi

- Bestest Japanese Vanilla Midget ever!


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)

- I flipped a coin. It said nothing. I played Paper, Rock, Scissors. VENOM with then Spock. So Screw HIM~


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa

- They have a name and very nearly won the Super Junior Underage belts.


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama

- Title or not, I think something Sensational edges out something Incredible.


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura

- Use some of that voodoo, they can't fall this far, this fast. Can they?


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki

- Kale, a Japanese Version of squash.


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

- Okay, fine, Kale is a seaweed. Still more interesting than these dark matches. I'll be at the sashimi shack.

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow


KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

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Nakasawa, Horri & Onodera vs Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow



KOF Rules: Masaaki Okazaki vs Kansuke Konda


4CS: Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


Cobra, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Elemental III, Masuko & Kokan


Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi


Optimum Impact (Optimus & Joshuya) vs Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM)


Universal Excellence (Yasujiro & Kurofuji) vs Panther & Yoshikawa


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


Non Title: Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) vs Kataoka & Sotomura


Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 22

(Wednesday 12th May 2010)


Akita Stadium, Tohoku

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Mitsuhide Muro, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Toshiki Shibanumo vs Tiger Fuyuki


The Ramen chef was doing a roaring trade, for those who couldn't be bothered to stand in the queue for some noodles for ages got to see Toshiki Shibanumo make Tiger Fuyuki tap out to his Sleeping Camel submission, a real collectors item there!


Result: Toshiki Shibanumo [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki [L] in 4:19 via submission (Sleeping Camel)

Rating: D+



Match B: Mitsunari Fuganaga vs White Samurai


The queues for the Ramen stand still hadn't died down whilst this match was on but Fugananga and Samurai did combine to put on a slightly more engaging match with the finish seeing White Samurai mistime his Art of War Diving Double Knee Drop to then be planted into the match with Fuganaga's 'Who's Laughing Now' Double Underhook Facebuster.


Result: Mitsunari Fugananga [w] bt White Samurai [L] in 5:19 via pinfall (Who's Laughing Now)

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs The Incredible Koyama


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IncredibleKoyama1.jpg


Sensational Dragon headed to the ring confident that he would have an easy day at the office againt an opponent who has thus far struggled to make their mark in BHOTWG. But Koyama was fired up for this, and the former WLW caught Dragon off guard and was on the offensive for much of the match going close to getting a flash pin with a La Magistral Cradle andl also getting a two count with his Belly to Back Piledriver the Incredible Death Strike, with ring positioning being the saviour of Dragon being on the end of an incredible upset.


Growing in confidence, Koyama then headed up top and went for his spectacular Shooting Star Press, the Air Koyama but that proved to be a mistake as Dragon moved out of the way leading to the match's decisive turning point and just a few moments later the young lion found himself on the end of superkick and then planted with a Dragon Suplex which was enough for the Junior Champion to secure the victory.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt The Incredible Koyama [L] in 7:51 via pinfall (Dragon Suplex)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: I know I'll have harder days at the office than this, but what everyone needs to remember, is that I am Sensational Dragon and at Sword of Destiny I will remain the Burning Junior Champion !



Match #2: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Red Panther & Stone Yoshikawa


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PhenomenalE_alt1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg


This was as expected pretty much just an extended squash for Universal Excellence to get them back on the winning track and to showcase their increasingly impressive teamwork. The finish saw Barei Yasujiro take out Stone Yoshikawa with a Mighty Mouse Air Attack (Sky Twister Press) before Haru Kurofuji placed Panther in the Kurofuji Crab (Elevated Boston Crab) to secure the victory for the former WLW pair.


Result: Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [w] bt Red Panther [L] & Stone Yoshikawa in 7:28 via submission (Kurofuji Crab)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: OK this wasn't for the belts and it wasn't against a high profile team, but it was good for me and Kurofuji-san to get back on the winning track, winning breeds confidence and we're confident we do have what it takes to be the best Junior Heavyweight Tag Team in the world.


Stone Yoshikawa: I'm real grateful to have received the opportunity to compete within BHOTWG but I need to start picking up some wins, to prove that I can really can compete whether that be in singles competion or in Tag Team situations like tonight.



Match #3: Shimedzu vs Sanetomo Shiraishi


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SanetomoShiraishi-1.jpg?t=1268428765


Another squash here but the crowd were pretty into this, with Shimedzu beginning to establish himself as a legit main eventer and whilst his win-loss record has been far from impressive of late Sanetomo Shiraishi still commands a great deal of respect from the fans who see him as a loyal veteran to BHOTWG.


This was all Shimedzu but to Shiraishi's credit, 'the Lizard' showed some determined resilliency as he kicked out after a Life Flasher (Rebound Running Boot) and a Revolution Drop (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster) but it was only a matter of when, rather than if Shimedzu would pick up the win, and that victory was secured with an A-Ko Arrow (Slingshot Falcon Arrow).


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Sanetomo Shiraishi [L] in 8:11 via pinfall (A-Ko Arrow)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: You can say all you want about Shiraishi-san being over the hill and all that but he's a veteran that I respect, and all the Tag Team battles I have had against him as part of The Rebellion against Snow Lizzard make you earn that respect. He may very well be past his best but he showed a lot of heart against me tonight, something I'll admit he's always shown whilst here in Burning Hammer.



Match #4: Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) vs

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg


Optimum Impact came into this buzzing with confidence after their victory over Size of the Fight on Monday's show but Little Fury were determined to show they should not be dismissed as also rans amongst the Junior Tag ranks. What ensued was a back and forth affair with Optimum seemingly being one step ahead but that lead to over confidence and VENOM was able to get his knees up when American Optimus went for the Ozone Sky Flyer, VENOM then turned Optimus over into the Sting in the Tail (Cross Kneelock) and with Shiomi neutralising Joshuya with a running bulldog Optimus was forced to tap out as Little Fury picked up what could be seen as wild upset given their recent form.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [w] bt American Optimus [L] & Super Joshuya in 9:54 via submission (Sting In The Tail)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Yoshii Shiomi: Everyone has written Little Fury off, well tonight proves that we do still matter. Hamacho-san and Sanda-san may not have it together right now, but myself and VENOM-san are still tight as a unit and we feel better than ever.


VENOM: Anyone who dared to write us off, got a huge wake up call tonight....we've proven people wrong before by winning the Junior Tag Team titles, it's like everyone bangs on about Size of the Fight being the ultimate under-dogs but things is their wrong, Little Fury are the ultimate underdogs because no one gives us a chance and we prove them wrong, wrong, wrong !


Super Joshuya: Myself and Optimus-san are angry right now, and the only people we are angry with are ourselves, we should have kept the momentum going but perhaps we did get carried away with own fledgling success and underestimated our opponents. What Little Fury reminded us of tonight is that when it comes to this Junior Tag Team division in BHOTWG, there will be no easy days at the office and that we need to be on top of our game at all times.



Match #5: Black Cobra, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs Elemental III, Marihito Masuko & Hyosuke Kokan








Six Man Junior action here and it started off pretty evenly with everyone on both teams showcasing their talent, that was until the Black Heart Brethren trio tired of playing fairly and gained the advantage by falling back on the sneaky rule bending that they are noted for.


The match then saw firstly Hyosuke Kokan and Elemental III playing 'Spencer Marks' with a combination of their sheer determination and the arrogance of the BHB trio seeing them fight out of their seemingly hopeless predicament...and when Elemental III tagged in a fired up Marihito Masuko, the 'painted wonder' cleaned house, as Masuko Cradle (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) on The Awesome Kiyaru almost brought victory, had it not been for the timely intervention of Golden Scorpion.


Things then broke down completely with bodies flying to the floor resulting in Elemental III wiping out everyone allies included with his signature Elemental Space Flying Drop. Inevitably this soon transitioned as it so often does when Tag matches break down into a game of 'top trumps' except with wrestling finishers and not with a pack of cards.


In the end it came down to Hyosuke Kokan making the save for Marihito Masuko, as Cobra planted Masuko with the Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex) but the Size of the Fight Man was the first intervener unable to seize an immediate advantage and Cobra caught the Electric Livewire in the Alabaster Agony (Leg Hook Spinning Headscissors Arm Bar) and with everyone else recovering on the outside Kokan was forced to tap.


Result: Black Cobra [w], The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion bt Elemental III, Marihito Masuko & Hyosuke Kokan [L] in 18:13 via submission (Alabaster Agony)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


The Awesome Kiyaru: Put together the best Junior Tag Team ever, that be yours truly and Golden Scorpion with Black Cobra and what you have is the best trio of Junior Heavyweights to grace Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, well lets say in history period. We are the almighty gods of aerial warfare and no one can stop of us, least of all the three so called heroes of the masses that we dispatched with tonight !


Marihito Masuko: The great winds of pain swept across us tonight, we stand before you wounded in battle but time will heel those wounds and the Burning Sekigun shall march into battle once more and when the test arises to climb the higher mountains we shall rise to the occasion.



Match #6: Non Title: Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) vs

Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasutaroKataoka.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RokuSotomura.jpg

Sotomura and Kataoka have been tagging together a fair bit on this tour and if they were up against the ageing Snow Lizzard or a currently out of sorts Raging Bulls one might feel they may have a chance of victory to really go some way to cementing their alliance, unfortunately of them they were up against the dominating Tag Team Champions and Black Magic simply overpowered the low card veterans, ensuring this was little more than an extended squash with Kataoka being the one to fall victim to The Devastator (Flapjack/Cutter combo)/


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt Masutaro Kataoka [L] & Roku Sotomura in 6:15 via pinfall (Devastator)

Rating: C-


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: Did those idiots in charge really have nothing better for us to do, I must admit though beating down these jobbers beats sitting at home.


Yasunobu Masuno: Hahaha Taira-san always finding a positive in the most pointless of situations !!



Match #7: 4 Corner Survival:

Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho vs

Miyamae vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ChuichiSanda-1.jpg?t=1268428734___ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/EijiHamacho-1.jpg?t=1268428711




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694 ___ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg



Even though this wasn't officially a Tag Team match it did look as though the Raging Bulls had managed to patch things up enough to use their experience as a Tag Team to control the match as they managed to isolate Miyamae and leave Toshusai a frustrated figure looking on from the apron. However when Hamacho went for the pin on Miyamae off the back of a Hamacho Sledge (Death Valley Driver), Sanda broke up the pin and this lead to the Bulls engaging in a shoving match with one another.


That enabled an exhausted Miyamae to get the tag in to Toshusai, and all fired up 'Wild Charisma' cleaned house before nailing Hamacho with the Shock Kick (Bicycle Kick) this time Sanda made the save for his partner and the Raging Bulls got back on the same page as they looked to eliminate Toshusai, and they did eventually combine to take out Toshusai with the Raging Impact (Running Boot, Spear Sequence) but as Hamacho went for the pin, Sanda's jealously reared it's head again and he broke the pin up again.


This saw the Raging Bulls explode into a strike battle with one another, but neither of them noticed Miyamae perched on the top turnbuckle ready to take them out with a missile drop-kick. Miyamae then planted Hamacho with the Miyamae Spoiler (Swinging Reverse STO) before nailing Sanda with the Glittering Magician Knee for a two count.


Miyamae then placed Sanda in the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice) but a submission victory for the Rebellion man was denied by Toshusai who then planted Miyamae with the Spineshocker....Hamacho then got back up but ate a Shock Kick and then Sanda staggered into a SHOCK DRILLER (Double Underhook Piledriver) with all three of his opponents layed out in the ring, Toshusai made the pin on Sanda, earning himself an opportunity to challenge for a spot in the contenders circle and setting up a likely singles match with Yasuhiko Taira, a man he has had plenty of encounters with lately in Wild Fire's pursuit of Black Magic's Tag Team Gold.


Result: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt Chuichi Sanda [L] + Eiji Hamacho + Miyamae in 15:31 via pinfall (Shock Driller)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: TOSHUSAAAIIII !!! WIN !! WIN !! WIN !!! TOSHUSAIII !!!! heading for the TOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!, TAIIIIRRRAAAAHHHH!! I am coming for YOUUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!


Miyamae: Damn it, if it wasn't for that loon Toshusai, I would have won that. Whilst I'm pleased for Shimedzu-san's success in singles competition but it's getting frustrating that I'm ending up somewhat in his shadow.....but you know what I'm not one to wallow in self pity and come up with excuse after excuse for failing to get the job done.


Just as with Monday's shown The Raging Bulls are unable to give the press any post match comments as they just end up arguing with another, with some faceless security types coming between them before their argument turns into a backstage brawl.



Match #8: KOF Rules:

Kansuke Konda vs Masaaki Okazaki


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


The winner of this match goes on to face Kinnojo Horri to earn a shot at the King of Fighters belt. Konda is seen as a huge underdog in this match, but he showed the battling qualities he is noted for right from the start, as he went toe to toe with Okazaki in a strike battle, admirable as that was though Okazaki did begin to take control as his stiff strikes and kicks began to wear down Konda.


Okazaki then arrogantly asked referee Okura Umeki to count Konda out, but Konda got right back up before ducking a kick from the INSPIRE man and then rocking Okazaki with a KONDA KUTTER. This time it was Okazaki's turn to face the count, but he wasn't really worn down enough beating the count at 5.


Konda however was determined to keep the pressure on and thinking a step ahead, went up top before nailing Okazaki with a missile drop-kick, Okazaki staggered back up to his feet and right into another KONDA KUTTER !






Konda thought he had the match won right there, but Okazaki managed to rise back to his feet and beat the ten count. Konda then somewhat ambitiously tried for the Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver) but Okazaki was able to block and then disorientate the Big Fight Player with a poke to the eyes, before taking Konda over with an Exploder Suplex.


That brought Okazaki some breathing room, as both men competitors laid on the mat looking to get their breath back. Back up and Konda took the fight right to Okazaki again, but a combination of stiff kicks put the Big Fight Player back down before a running kick to a seated Konda seemed to knock him out cold.


Konda however got right back up to his feet beating the count at eight, but he still looked in a dazed state and Okazaki looked to set Konda up for the Okazaki Explosion, but Konda blocked and then countered into the KONDA DRIVER (Fisherman Driver) !!


Konda collapsed to the mat himself though, nullifying the ten count, however he was back up to his feet first and headed for the top turnbuckle as Okazaki still lay on the canvas before launching himself onto Okazaki with a KONDA SPLASH (Frog Splash) but Okazaki got the knees up just in time, before turning Konda over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf).....


Konda tried to make it to the ropes but Okazaki was equally relentless in preventing the Big Fight Player from doing so, and in the end the pain for Konda was too much to bear leaving him no choice but to tap out.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] in 14:27 via submission (Century Crab Lift)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Masaaki Okazaki: So Horri-san now allies in wait, well I will do everything between now and Sword of Destiny to ensure that the King of Fighters belt stays with Team INSPIRE, whether I become champion or it stays with Kikkawa-san !


Kansuke Konda: I came into this match a huge underdog, no one gave me a chance to beat Okazaki-san , and to beat him in his own domain and yes I did lose in the end but I came mighty close to up-setting the form book and win or lose every time I go into that ring, I show that it's not always about the size of the fighter but the size of the fight that they will bring.



Match #9: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Takayuki Onodera vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow








Onto our main event, a star studded six man tag...it begins in the usual fashion with everyone getting a bit of time to showcase their skills in the middle of the ring, of course as is always the case the two main players in Nakasawa and Kikkawa are kept apart. In the end all this eveness is eventually broken up by Team INSPIRE's ability to bend the rules as Onodera is tripped up from the apron by Pathlow just as he is setting up for the End Of You on Iesada. This inevitably leads to Onodera doing a shift as Spencer Marks-san.


Of course Team INSPIRE get a little overconfident in being able to dispatch of Onodera and pick up the win and the 'Iron Man' is able to reverse a German Suplex attempt from Pathlow into an O2 Suplex (Bridging German)....Onodera too worn down is unable to hold onto the bridge but it buys him enough breathing space to look to get Horri or Nakasawa tagged into the match.


Thing is Pathlow gets there first, to Kikkawa but Onodera manages to fend Kikkawa off to get the tag into Kinnojo Horri ! Horri lays right into the man who he could be facing for the King of Fighters title at Sword of Desting, rocking the Team INSPIRE leader with a flurry of fore-arms, Kikkawa shakes them off though and comes right back but that just seems to make Horri more determined and 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' levels Kikkawa with a Lariat.


Kikkawa kicks out but then gets planted with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster).....








John Pathlow comes in to make the save stomping away on Horri......that then draws in Nakasawa and Onodera into the ring and the match breaks down as referee Terakado struggles to keep the lead on the explosive situation and the action spills to the outside until all the chaos is brought to a screeching halt as John Pathlow becomes a human missile launching himself through the ropes to wipe out everyone with a suicide dive. Onodera feels it the most though and Pathlow bring him back into the ring, whipping the 'Iron Man' into the corner and then nailing Onodera with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Running Leaping Side Kick) ......








Onodera saves himself with a foot on the ropes , and Pathow heads up top but the number one contender for the Junior Championship is cut off by Nakasawa who launches Pathlow back into the ring with a military press slam. Nakasawa though is ordered back to the corner by Terakado, as the referee tries to re establish some order back into the match. When order is restored both Onodera and Pathlow tag back out to Nakasawa and Iesada respectively.


Nakasawa uses is size and power advantage to seize the momentum against the man he has succesfully defended the World Title against twice on this current tour, but Iesada is able to reverse a Compression Powerbomb into a Victory Roll that he immediately transitions into an IESADA SPECIAL......


Nakasawa powers his way out of the submission but Iesada manages to maintain control with a series of stomps and kicks to Nakasawa, before turning it over to Kikkawa. Kikkawa lays right into Nakasawa, before levelling the World Champion with a Lariat......






Nakasawa easily kicks out but gets slapped right down by Kikkawa, and the King of Fighters starts disrespectfully paintbrushing the World Champion. Kikkawa's arrogance only seems to fire up Nakasawa though, and the H-Bomb explodes with a furious flurry of fore-arms, until his momentum is halted by Iesada tripping him up from the apron, that lures in both Horri and Onodera to protest but all that does is occupy referee Terakado....which allows for the Team INSPIRE trio to get in a series of cheap shots in on Nakasawa. When Terakado's attention is turned back to the Team INSPIRE corner, Kikkawa has turned things back over to Iesada who then reapplies the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Armed Breaker) on a considerably more worn down Nakasawa.


Just as it looked like Nakasawa might be forced to tap out, he found a second wind to dig down and reach the ropes to force the rope break. Iesada then tried to get in a cheap shot on Nakasawa, but the World Champion was able to block that and then plant the Super 10 Cup holder with a NAKSAWA NECKBREAKER, before collapsing to the mat himsef too exhausted to follow up.


It then became a race to see who would tag out first, and it was Nakasawa who got there first, tagging in Horri who rushed out of the corner knocking both Kikkawa and Pathlow off the apron but that left 'Mr One Million One Percent Burning Hammer' open to an attack from behind from Iesada, who proceeded to take Horri down with a chop-block before rolling Horri up into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin).....








Horri powered out of Iesada's usually impossible to break pinning move though, the commentators noting that he probably wasn't worn down enough by Iesada. Horri then levelled Iesada with a Lariat before planting the Super 10 Cup holder with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......








Pathlow dove back in to make the save, but then got sent out of the ring with a clothesline from Horri. Horri then looked to turn his attention back to Iesada, but then got levelled with a BURNING LARIAT from Kikkawa before Nakasawa then nails Kikkawa with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT, John Pathlow then nails Nakasawa with a springboard missile drop-kick before Onodera then nails Pathlow with the END OF YOU (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head), Iesada then staggers back up to his feet and plants Onodera with the IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)......


Iesada then goes for the pin but Terakado somehow able to keep track of all the chaos rightfully points out that Onodera is not the legal man. When the ring does clear of the bodies strewn across the ring Iesada and Nakasawa are established as the legal men. Nakasawa sets Iesada up for the H-Bomb but Iesada is able to slip off and then get the tag into John Pathlow, who nails Nakasawa with the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA.....


Nakasawa goes down like an Asa tree being felled with samurai sword and Pathlow heads up top, but he gets cut off by Onodera who brings the hard hitting gaijin super Junior back into the ring with a SUPERPLEX !


Onodera gets himself officially tagged back into the match, and he lifts Pathlow up with an inverted facelock for the Call the Doctor, but Pathlow blocks and then gets a standing switch to plant Onodera with a German Suplex......








Onodera kicks out......


They then collide in the middle of the ring......APOCALYPSE LARIAT (Rebound Pendulum Lariat).......


Pathlow almost took Onodera's head off !


Iesada and Kikkawa stand guard as Pathlow goes for the pin






Three !


Pathlow picks up the win for Team INSPIRE and continues to build yet more momentum for his Junior Title match with Sensational Dragon.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow [w] bt Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri & Takayuki Onodera [L] in 34:48 via pinfall (Apocalypse Lariat)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Once again we prove our domination, Team INSPIRE are the dominant force in BHOTWG and at Sword of Destiny not only will I retain the King of Fighters title, John Pathlow will become the Junior Champion !


Kinnojo Horri: Kikkawa-san your gang may have won tonight but at Sword of Destiny, I am ready to take you down and rip that vanity belt of yours away from you and prove that I am the present of this company and that your time has passed !



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: A reasonably strong main event somewhat saved this, but admittedly on paper it wasn't the strongest card. But Tohoku is a 'B' market and this was very much a chance to go with someone 'experimental' match ups and give some of the lower tier workers an opportunity to test themselves on the main show card against upper tier opposition and whilst it wasn't a blow away show we didn't hurt our rep here in Tohoku either as we brought it home with a very good main event.

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Predictions Contest:


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Almost everyone that entered this time round got 8 pts, except for Beeker who edged out everyone this show with a 9 point haul. Because of the general parity of how everyone did this week, nothing much has changed as Rob4590 continues to lead the way.


Much of the card this time round was filled with squash matches and thus no brainer picks. In terms of non squashes, Okazaki-Konda was a no brainer despite Konda putting in his usual 'brave underdog' effort to give the illusion of possibly causing an upset and the six man Junior Tag match, with most correctly predicting that Kokan would be the weak link for the Burning Sekigun trio in that match.


As for the other six man match on the show, the main event...many called for the draw. But to be honest with a 45 min time limit draws rarely happen in the main event. The 4CS match saw many go for Miyamae, but in the end it was Toshusai who came through....though Miyamae is probably the most skilled wrestler in that match I just liked the idea of Toshusai evolving his rivarly with Black Magic into facing one of them for a spot in the contenders circle.


The real shock result on the show though was Little Fury going over Optimum Impact...basically this was one of those booking decisions to remind everyone that Little Fury are a good team and Optimum Impact weren't so far ahead of Little Fury in terms of overness for the loss to Joshuya and Optimus. I'm not giving Optimum Impact the god-push right out of the gate, and are portaying them as a team that has great potential but are far from the finished article.

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The Onodera Diaries


We sat down with my current Tag Team partner Tadakuni Toshusai to secure him to a new contract this week. It was something of a surprise to me that Toshusai-san was working with a PPA deal. I asked the boss Komine-san why this was, and it appeared to be no real reason to it and that Toshusai seemed happy enough to go along with the arrangement, it seemed that after his time in Hinote Dojo, Burning Hammer wanted him to pick up experience working for other promotions, including a stint working for WEXVV. Strangely enough the fact they didn't tie him down to a written deal just to job his way up the ladder, showed that the promotion had more faith in him to breakout, than those who may have secured a written deal after developing in Hinote Dojo.


Thing is for the last few years now Toshusai-san has been working exclusively for Burning Hammer and it was clearly time to secure him to a more concrete contract than the one he was on. When he was offered a full time written deal with us, he was very grateful and was pleased to see were now fully committed to him and I think with him secured to a written contract he may be even more motivated to become the future main event star he could be capable of becoming.


I do emphasise the word could though, because at the moment he has admittedly not the best in ring performer and if he wants to reach the very top he will need to improve those skills but he does make up for that with a natural charisma perhaps unmatched by his peers and the more he works alongside top line workers, the more he should be able to learn from the best and improve his in-ring abilities.


Of the 4th generation, Hiroaki Nakasawa, Kinnojo Horri and Yasuhiko Taira have broken through, whilst Yasunobu Masuno has quite reached their heights but has established himself in the upper echelons. It may now just be time for Toshusai to begin his own rise towards the top of Burning Hammer.

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O.O.C Note:


Not that I think it was a major highlight of the diary anyway, but as a time saving exercise, I am now only going to post the contenders circle standings after each PPV.


Not a "highlight" per se - its hard to top the consistently great match write-ups for that - but the Contender Circle is an interesting approach. I think having it after each PPV is fine, but its cool to add a degree of realism like that. Like its a real competitive sport and not just a work.

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O.O.C Note:


Not that I think it was a major highlight of the diary anyway, but as a time saving exercise, I am now only going to post the contenders circle standings after each PPV.


Really, I don't pay any attention to the standings. They're fine I suppose but there is no interest, you could easily fold them into the monthly update. Just a quick list, note any movement. I don't think you even need photos.

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Really, I don't pay any attention to the standings. They're fine I suppose but there is no interest, you could easily fold them into the monthly update. Just a quick list, note any movement. I don't think you even need photos.


I thought as much, though I still want to give the standings a proper post, as they are a strong part of how title shots are handed out in BHOTWG.

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The Burning Hammer Move-set of the week:


Click on the links to check out the most feared moves in the arsenal of the man known for his Wild Charisma:


Tadakuni Toshusai




Shock Driller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD3VI4ijV-0


A devastating Double Underhook Piledriver, that really needs Toshusai opponent to be in an already weakened state for 'Wild Charisma' to pull it off, however if Toshusai is able to connect with the move it usually means that his opponent is no longer in a fit enough state to continue.


Shock Treatment:


Toshusai also has a second move that he can transition out of the double underhook, a backbreaker called the Shock Treatment. It's immediate effect is less than that of the Shock Driller but it is a somewhat effective move in being able to truly weardown opponents either as a set up move or as an outright finisher.


Shock Kick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzfVLWldAUo&feature=related


Toshusai's most effective move against larger opponents, this Bicycle Kick isn't necessarily a knockout blow when delivered just the once but several of these delivered in succession can become very effective against even the toughest and biggest of Toshusai's adversaries.


Spine Shocker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pi9pPOJcyM


Much like the Shock Treatment Back Breaker, this is another move that see's Toshusai target the Back of his opponents. Against larger/tougher opponents it doesn't always result in instant victory but against even then it is an effective wear down move and combined with any of his other signature moves it can be the basis of an unstoppable combination to secure victory.

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BHOTWG continue their Burn, Don't Freeze Tour as they head to the Matsue Sports Park in Chugoku Prefecture. The main event see's Hiroaki Nakasawa team up with Takayuki Onodera in Tag Team action to take on the Black Heart Brethren duo of Yasunobu Masuno and Black Cobra.


Set for the semi main event slot is the #1 contenders match for the King of Fighters title as Kinnojo Horri takes on Team INSPIRE's Masaaki Okazaki. Okazaki will be keen to ensure the KOF title match at Sword of Destiny remains an all Team INSPIRE affair but Kinnojo Horri seems to be on a mission to win the title and end Kikkawa's reign with the belt.


Fresh of his win in the 4 Corner Survival at the recent show in Tohoku, Tadakuni Toshusai challenges Yasuhiko Taira for a spot in the Contenders Circle. These two are no strangers to one another of late, due to their recent battles over the World Tag Team Titles as part of the Wild Fire and the champions Black Magic.


There will be contenders circle action in the Junior Division as The Awesome Kiyaru takes on Elemental III, a win for either man would help secure their placing in the contenders circle, where as the loser would be vunerable to a spot challenge.


The Junior Division is also represented with Six Man action that see's the champion Sensational Dragon team up with his Dragon Feet 2K9 stable mates of Optimum Impact to take on Marihito Masuko and Size of the Fight, whilst Little Fury will look to continue their recent turn around in form following their surprise win over Optimum Impact when take on recent Junior Tag Title challengers Universal Excellence, whilst a singles match between Junior Tag champion Golden Scorpion and exciting youngster The Incredible Koyama rounds out the Junior Division action.


Rounding out the show there is more Six action as an increasingly fractured Raging Bulls team up with fellow RAGE member Mitsunari Fuganaga to take on Team INSPIRE's Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow and there is tag team action as recent former World Tag Team champions The Behemoths take on multi time champs The Rebellion.


The bonus pre-show action see's Tag Team action with Snow Lizzard taking on the duo of Roku Sotomura and Masutaro Kataoka , whilst Toshiki Shibanumo goes up against Fukusabaru Inao.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #23 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-


Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #23

(Matsue Sports Park , Chugoku , Monday 17th May 2010)


Power and Pace Tag Team Showdown (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion-Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Takayuki Onodera


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra &

World Tag Team Champion- Yasunobu Masuno


King of Fighters #1 Contenders Match (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

Masaaki Okazaki


Contenders Circle Spot Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuni Toshusai


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

World Tag Team Champion- Yasuhiko Taira


Junior Contenders Circle (30 min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Elemental III


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- The Awesome Kiyaru


Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa,

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada &

John Pathlow


'Representing RAGE'

Raging Bulls (Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda)

& Mitsunari Fuganaga


Junior Division Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon &

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Marihito Masuko &

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Tag Team Showdown (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


Junior Tag Team Showcase (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Universl Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Junior Division Singles Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Junior Tag Team Champion- Golden Scorpion


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Snow Lizzard vs Roku Sotomura & Masutaro Kataoka

Fukusabaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo


Predictions Form:


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno

KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira

Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga

Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight

The Rebellion vs The Behemoths

Little Fury vs Universal Excellence

Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka

Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno

I just can't see Nakasawa losing two in a row, even with you there to take the fall.


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

Horri needs to be kept busy, and a showdown with Kikkawa is a big draw


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira

Taira takes this win to balance out Masuno losing earlier


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Elemental III still seems to have a ways to go to even begin filling the shoes of his predecessors


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga



Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight

With Optimum not blowing people away, this is a good way for Masuko to build momentum for a run at Sensational Dragon.


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths

You hate the behemoths, the Rebellion is arguably the best team on your rosters, and Shimedzu has a major match coming up.


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence

UE needs to put a streak together.


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

The only thing incredible about Koyama is his epic jobbing streak.


Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka

Snow Lizzard get their monthly win to remain credible.


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

coin flip

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo


I approve

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno

- I"m not sure, mostly because I think Nakasawa needs to keep his momentum up.


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

- Yes, Horri is going to 'focus' on 'ending the reign' of Kikkawa because he wants the KoF belt, not because he's been trounced and dismissed by Nakasawa. Suuuure Kinnojo.


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira

- Taira can go work his Black Magic in the tag division instead of cluttering up the CC uselessly.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

- Coz he's Awesome with an Awesome mask and Awesome moves! And because I find EIII bland as white rice.


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga

- Not even my wacky picks could choose against Team INSPIRE here.


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight

- Simply put, I enjoy all of Masuko and SotF, whereas I enjoy SD on the other side. American Optimus is growing on me.


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths

- Nearly a squash but the Behemoths get some fat-men-moves in.


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence

-UE seem to have more upside currently. I'll happily be wrong here, as I like both teams.


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

- GScorp had a moveset post about him. He wins.


Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka

- Holy Snowy day in Hell! Snow Lizzard sighting. Snow Lizzard no jobbing! Sake all around.


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Huh what? Uh, I guess I'll go with a subaru.

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