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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno

Nakasawa is the difference maker here as I don´t see a reason why he should lose to eother one of his opponents.


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

With Kikkawa as a KOF champ Horri makes more sense as a challenger.


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira

Toshusai seems to be getting a push and win over Taira would be quite logical step if Toshusai is making a splash on CC Circle, but i still go with Taira.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

I go with younger guy here.

Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga

Even if Raging Bulls wouldn´t have their inner problems there would be no way for them to win this one.


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight

For some reason I´m starting to like SoF more and more and it´s really costed me some prediction points lately:p. Still Masuko going over Dragon here might set up a match between those two.


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths

Behemoths haven´t really been seen much lately and they definitely aren´t going over Rebellion here


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence

ok little Fury did surprise me on last show, now let´s see if lightning can hit twice.


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

No question here


Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka

What Snow Lizard are favorites here? Well it´s named team over random pairing thing so I guess so.


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

I just copy everyone else since I again forgot who either of these guys are:o

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The only thing incredible about Koyama is his epic jobbing streak.


If Koyama wasn't inexplicably a young lion at the start of the game, despite having won championships in WLW and not really being that young (Dragon, Masuko, Elemental III are all younger), he would be higher up the card as his skills are good enough to warrant a stronger push than he is currently getting.


- GScorp had a moveset post about him. He wins.


The moveset profiles won't have any bearing on if someone is getting a push or not, they are completely random. They're just there to add a bit extra depth in profiling the workers on the roster. They're partly inspired by the worker profiles Eisenverse has put into his diaries. Obviously being a performance based fed, profiles on their character wouldn't work so well, so the move-set profiles are there to give a further insight into their wrestling style.


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

I just copy everyone else since I again forgot who either of these guys are:o


Fuku Inao is an unattached faceless jobber on a PPA contract, Toshiki Shibanumo is a charisma free veteran who is part of the RAGE stable. Admittedly he is the lowest ranked member in what is probably the lowest ranked stable in BHOTWG.

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno


Can't job Naka twice in a week!


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


Sets up a better PPV match


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira


Given that Onodera is in the winning team over Masuno, Taira levels the 'tag' rivalry here and retains his CC spot.


Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Kiyaru may win in tag matches, but E3 deserves the chance to shine in singles


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga


Had to think really long and hard to decide this result....


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight


Dragon has taken too many losses this month to take another one here, while OI do need a win too


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths


Another tricky pick...


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


whereas this one could go both ways. Going with LF to back up their shock win over OI last time and earn themselves a junior tag title shot


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama


Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo


I can't believe I'm picking the Lizzards to win a match!

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs Black Cobra & Yasunobu Masuno

Nakasaw For The Win


KOF #1 Contenders: Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki

I would love to see Horri and Kikkawa battle each other one more time.


CC Spot Challenge: Tadakuni Toshusai vs Yasuhiko Taira



Junior CC: Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Elemental III


Kikkawa, Iesada & Pathlow vs Hamacho, Sanda & Fuganaga

The Raging Bulls aren't going to succeed in this match and even against Kikkawa...Forget it


Sensational Dragon & Optimum Impact vs Marihito Masuko & Size of the Fight

In Masuko's voice: oh great Dragon though you seem to have some impact on the junior kingdom, your reign of sensations will abruptly end at the hands of justice.


The Rebellion vs The Behemoths

Shimedzu and Miyamae should easily beat these guys


Little Fury vs Universal Excellence

Did somebody say Universal Studios


Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama

Golden Scorpion all the way


Snow Lizzard vs Sotomura & Kataoka

Rob4590, you're not alone...The Lizzards should get a win and a new gimmick too.


Fukusubaru Inao vs Toshiki Shibanumo

This seems like a sleeper but random at best..."Where's Mike Watson"

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Where's Mike Watson"


Mike Watson was sent away on 'holiday' because his negative attitude wasn't worth keeping round the dressing room. Looking back on the decision, I probably should have jobbed his ass for a few more matches and then sent him packing on 'holiday', as his contract does come up this tour and I'm not sure it's even worth renewing. You can tell I'm a real fan can't you :D



Probably on schedule right now to get the next show up Tuesday.

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 23

(Monday 17th May 2010)


Matsue Sports Park, Chugoku

(Attendance 4'507 No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen


Pre- Show


Match A: Toshiki Shibanumo vs Fukusabaru Inao


I first tried yellowtail sashimi as a young boy, and it has always been one I come back to time and time again. As for this match it wasn't a bad match but no one cared, as they all at the sushi/sashimi/Ramen stands. Shibanumo was able to pick up a rare victory courteousy of the Hammerplex (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).


Result: Toshiki Shibanumo [w] bt Fukusabaru Inao [L] in 4:36 (Hammerplex)

Rating: C-



Match B: Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) vs Masutaro Kataoka & Roku Sotomura


Snow Lizzard pick up a rare win here, as there Tag Team experience is the difference maker against the pairing of Kataoka & Sotomura. Shiraishi gets the pin on Kataoka after the former three time World Tag Team champions pull off their signature tandem move the SL Snapper (Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combination).


Result: Sanetomo Shiraishi [w] & Sessue Kawate bt Masutaro Kataoka [L] & Roku Sotomura in 6:16 via pinfall (SL Snapper)

Rating: C



Main Show


Match #1: Sensational Dragon, American Optimus & Super Joshuya vs Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


There's a sense of deja-vu about this match, as it runs a very similar pattern to the Black Heart Brethren- Burning Sekigun Junior's Six man match on the previous show, except for the fact that Dragon Feet 2K9 trio are in place of the BHB crew and Kansuke Konda is in place of Elemental III. There's less blatant corner cutting on the part of the Dragon Feet trio, but they definitely control more of the match with both Masuko and Kokan finding themselves at points of trouble under Kokan is able to tag in Konda who turns things around for the Burning Sekigun, as he almost gets the win with a Konda Kutter on Super Joshuya.


Things broke down after that as American Optimus made the save, before Konda sent Optimus out of the ring, leading to Size of the Fight pulling out there trademark twin suicide dives to the floor. That left Dragon and Masuko in the ring, and the painted wonder was able to block a Dragon Slice attempt and counter into a Masuko Cradle Shock. Unfortunately for Masuko, Super Joshuya was able to make the save and that was the closest the Burning Sekigun trio got to victory, as the Dragon Feet 2K9 unit managed to stay a step ahead, as a recovered Sensational Dragon was eventually able to secure the victory for his team when he downed Hyosuke Kokan with a Dragon Slice (Shiranui)


Result: Sensational Dragon [w], American Optimus & Super Joshuya bt Marihito Masuko, Hyosuke Kokan [L] & Kansuke Konda in 15:15 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: What you saw out there is a display of just why I am the best Junior Heavweight in the world, as I once again secure victory !


Super Joshuya: Dragon-san does indeed deserve much credit for securing the win but I feel myself and Optimus-san played our part too and it was good to bounce back last week from defeat to Little Fury.


Marihito Masuko: Dragon-san the winds of destiny determine our paths shall cross again, for now Lady Luck lets your ride upon her saddle, but her horse will one day throw you off and I will be the one to rise the horse to victory.


Kansuke Konda: Some long standing teams round here, having started to question their partnerships due to loss of form, and perhaps myself and Kokan-san should be doing some soul searching, as our own form of late has been a little down but we have always through thick and thin stuck together and the Size of the Fight isn't always about when you are on top, it is how you battle through times that are tough.



Match #2: Golden Scorpion vs The Incredible Koyama


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IncredibleKoyama1.jpg


There's a chance that Golden Scorpion may well have underestimated his young opponent in this one, as Koyama was on the front foot for much of the match, and after a tilt a whirl headscissors almost secured victory with his 'Top This' Standing Corkscrew Moonsault, with seven minutes of frantic action (mostly on the part of Koyama) gone the former WLW man headed up top and went for the even more spectacular Air Koyama (Shooting Star Press), that however proved to be a mistake as he crashed and burned before Scorpion then ruthlessly put Koyama away with a Brainbuster.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt The Incredible Koyama [L] in 7:51 via pinfall.

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: Koyama-san has much talent, much talent for someone who should be running in a high school gym !



Match #3: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


Both teams seemed fired up for this one, as Universal Excellence are looking to get themselves back on track, and Little Fury are keen to continue to turn aroun their fortunes after their mild upset over Optimum Impact. There was a furious pace set from bell to bell and very little in the way of a 'feeling out' process as the momentum swung back and forth.


The finish came when Little Fury looked like they were about to put away Kurofuji with the Engage the Rage (Revers STO/ Enziguri combo) but Kurofuju managed to duck Shiomi's Enziguri and put a block on the reverse STO from VENOM, Yasujiro then sent Shiomi out of the ring with a leg lariat, as Kurofuji then planted VENOM with a Bridging German Suplex, Yasujiro then followed that up with the Standing Shooting Star Press, as Universal Studios was put together for Universal Excellence to secure the win.


Result: Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [w] vs VENOM [L] & Yoshii Shiomi in 8:32 via pinfall (Universal Studios)

Rating: C+



Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: We know we've got to prove more once again to earn another shot at the Junior Tag Titles but we're back on the winning track, and one days Universal Excellence will be seen as the best Junior Heavyweight Tag Team in the world.


Yoshii Shiomi: Very frustrated right now, we know we can do better, we proved it last week against Optimum Impact. If we cannot find consistency then we do not move into position to challenge for titles, we need to find it...and find it fast.



Match #4: Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Mitsunari Fuganaga








The Raging Bulls problems come to a head here, as they get in each other faces before Fuganaga can even tag either one of them into the match. Sanda then takes a shot at Hamacho, who then fires back and they end up brawling up the entrance ramp. Fuganaga is then left the victim of a cruel 3 on 1 handicap at the hands of Team INSPIRE.


They arrogantly try to put away with Fuganaga with basic offence, but 'Mr Serious' bravely fights on and even manages to take Pathlow by surprise by snaring the Junior Title hopeful in the Triangle Choke but Iesada makes the save and Team INSPIRE then step it up a gear. A minute or so later Fuganaga gets turned inside out by a Kikkawa lariat, before Pathlow then puts the RAGE man out of his increasing misery with the Kill Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver).


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa, Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow [w] vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] in 8:41 via pinfall (Kill Drill)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: That was no real fight put in front of us there, but we are Team INSPIRE and whatever is put in front of us we get the job done !


Mitsunari Fuganaga: I couldn't care less right now about the Raging Bulls, they think they've got problems, well I've got a problem too...with the way they just left me out there to a pack of wolves, their selfish argument is ripping not only them apart but it's going to rip RAGE apart.



Match #5: Contenders Circle Spot Challenge:

Yasuhiko Taira vs Tadakuni Toshusai


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg


These two have been at each other as part of a Tag team rivarly over the last few months, as Wild Fire are in pursuit of Black Magic's World Tag Team Championship, but thats not on the line here, Taira's spot in the Contenders Circle is what is being contended for.


Hold for hold technical wrestling certainly wasn't on the menu here, as they pretty much launched into a brawl right from the sound of the bell. That back and forth brawl soon spilt out to the floor and referee Koetsu Shinozaki almost declared the match a double count-out but Taira managed to break up the count after he won control of the brawl when he sent Toshusai into the ring-steps.


Taira then bodyslammed 'Wild Charisma' onto a row of chairs, before rolling back into the ring where he waited for Shinozaki to count Toshusai out. Toshusai however managed to get to his feet but was knocked off the apron by Taira and had to face another floor count. Toshusai wasn't going to give in though and got back up on the apron and doubled over Taira with a shoulder block into the mid-section. Toshusai then for some insane reason tried to send Taira to the floor with a vertical suplex but the larger Taira put a block on that and instead brought Toshusai crashing back into the ring with a vertical suplex of his own.


That brought a two count for Taira who then taunted Toshusai with some derogatory low level offence, that only seemed to fire up 'Wild Charisma' though, and Toshusai came back with a brief flurry before eating a clothesline from Taira.


Taira then planted Toshusai with a Samson Slam (Pumphandle Fall Away Slam) for a two count, that saw Toshusai emphatically kick out of the cover and then give Taira his customary double bird signal. A fired up Toshusai then fired away on Taira with lefts and rights, but once again the Bulldozer halted the comeback with a simple clothesline. After Taira arrogantly went for a cover, he then whipped Toshusai into the corner and lined up to deliver The Flattener, but Toshusai managed to move out of the way at the last split second and then nail Taira with a Shock Kick in the corner, before planting a staggering Taira with a SPINE SHOCKER !


Toshusai then slumped his exhausted body over Taira.......








Taira still had some life left as he managed to kick out. The Bulldozer then re-took control with a series of heavy fore-arm shots before he tried to set Toshusai up for the Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster) but Toshusai managed to block and then nail Taira with a Shock Kick to the back of the head......Taira stayed on his feet but Toshusai then delivered s second Shock Kick that saw Taira then slump down to one knee, the World Tag Team champion then rose back up to his feet, only to eat another SHOCK KICK, this time the impact of Toshusai's boot sending him slumping to the mat.......








Toshusai had defeated Taira for a spot in the contenders circle, as well as earning a psychological blow for Wild Fire in their on going battle with the World Tag Team Champions Black Magic.


Result: Tadakuni Toshusai [w] bt Yasuhiko Taira [L] in 14:18 via pinfall (Shock Kick)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: TAIIIIIRAAAAHHH !!! You just tasted defeat, at the hands of TOSHUSAAAAIIII !!! I prove myself to be the CONTENDAAAHHHH !!!


Yasuhiko Taira: That didn't just happen, that idiot Toshusai did not just beat me.......No that did not happen, that just did not happen!


Onodera's Note: I really should be paying more attention to past history, these two had a not too good match earlier on the tour in singles competion, due to the fact that they don't quite click in the ring with one another. I put it down to their styles being too similar, it doesn't get highlighted quite so much in a Tag Team scenario, as the technical style I bring to the table as part of my teaming with Toshusai, hides his weaknesses.



Match #6: Junior Contenders Circle:

Elemental III vs The Awesome Kiyaru


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg


This match began with some lightning quick chain wrestling, that saw both Elemental III and Kiyaru try to take the other by surprise with a variety of pinning combinations but neither man was really worn down enough for any of these to work. Elemental III then sent Kiyaru out of the ring with a drop-kick, that lead to the Third Generation icon launching himself over the top with the Elemental Space Flying Drop. Kiyaru however moved out of the way, despite this Elemental III landed on his feet but was soon wiped out with an Arabian Press from Kiyaru.


Kiyaru then planted Elemental III with a Falcon Arrow for a two count, before heading up top....Elemental III however was back up to cut Kiyaru off but his attempts to bring Kiyaru crashing back into the ring with a superplex was cut off with a low blow from the Junior Tag Team Champion. Kiyaru then sent Elemental III crashing back into the ring with a KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner) but that only earned a two count as ring positioning was in Elemental III's favour.


Kiyaru then dragged Elemental III into position before heading out onto the apron where he launched himself back into the ring with his spectacular springboard Shooting Star Press, the Ethereal Killer but he had taken too long setting things up and the Third Generation icon managed to get the knees up.


Elemental III then planted Kiyaru with a Reverse STO that he immediately transitioned into an ELEMENTAL CLUTCH...... Kiyaru at one point did look set to tap out but managed to dig down and fight his way over to the ropes. Elemental III then peppered Kiyaru with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series and then set up for the Earth Breaker (Double Underhook Powerbomb) but Kiyaru managed to block the attempt and then stagger the Third Generation icon with a jawbreaker before taking Elemental III down with a legsweep. Kiyaru then headed up top and went for a moonsault, that saw Elemental III roll out of the way but Kiyaru turned that into an INSTANT WIZARD, connecting with a standing moonsault....that still only earned the Black Heart Brethren man a two count.


Kiyaru then stomped away on Elemental III and once again dragged the Third Generation icon into position, before heading up top again but once again Kiyaru's show-off tendencies once again came back to bite him hard and Elemental III rose back to his feet to cut Kiyaru off and bring the Junior Tag Champion crashing back into the ring with an AVALANCHE ELEMENTAL SUPLEX !!


Kiyaru somehow had enough energy left after that to kick out before referee Omura Umeki's hand slapped the canvas for three, but Kiyaru did remain rooted to the mat and this time Elemental III headed for the top turnbuckle, where he was then able to connect with the INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash) and that proved to be enough for Elemental III to secure a vital victory.


Result: Elemental III [w] bt The Awesome Kiyaru [L] in 16:27 via pinfall (Inferno Splash)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: I am not here to be put into the shade by others, be it enemy or friend, I am an Elemental.....that's something people seem to be forgetting and it's time I reminded everyone of that, and the way I remind people of that is by living up to the legacy of the mask by winning not only matches but championships. My predecessors always let their actions do the majority of their talking and my actions will indeed speak louder once again.



Match #7: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

The Behemoths (Kanishoki & Nisso Yuasha)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg


The Behemoths actually dominate much of the match, using their considerable size to their advantage as they get in plenty of 'fat man offence'. However The Rebellion weather the storm and The Behemoths soon run out of steam. Kanishoki misses the Samoan Sitting Squash on Shimedzu and then gets a mouthful of boots with a double face-wash.


Nisso Yuasha then failed to connect with an Elephant Stampdede on Miyamae, and then receives the same double face wash treatment as his partner. Shimedzu then places Kanishoki in the Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke). and Miyamae puts Nisso Yuasha in the Snake Poison (Anaconda Vice), both of the exhausted Behemoths start to fade rapidly and referee Terakado sees no other choice but to call for the bell. It's hard to say what the official result is here and who ended up being the legal men, but what is clear is that The Rebellion earn a decisive victory over The Behemoths.


Result: Shimedzu [w] & Miyamae [w] bt Kanishoki [L] & Nisso Yuasha [L] via submission in 7:51 (Simultaneous submissions).

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Black Magic may be holding the Tag Titles right now and to be honest my focus is elsewhere....but we showed that we still are the best Tag Team in Burning Hammer and were we to go after Tag Team glory again, I'm sure we could reign once more as champions.


Miyamae: I'd love another Tag Team Title reign but for now the pursuit of singles glory has consumed us, and as much as I am pleased for my good friends recent success, I do not want to get left behind.



Match #8: King of Fighters #1 Contenders Match:

Kinnojo Horri vs Masaaki Okazaki


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


A chance to face Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters belt at Sword of Destiny is the prize on the line here. The beginning of the match saw Okazaki control the pace, as the INSPIRE man kept the larger Horri at bay with a flurry of kicks. Okazaki's strategy gradually seemed to wear down Horri, who was struggling to get a foothold in the match. But as Okazaki went for a running knee, Horri was able to block and then level Okazaki with a clothesline.


Horri then set Okazaki up for a Destiny Bomb, but the INSPIRE man was able to slip out and then 'chop down' Horri with another flurry of kicks before peppering the Burning Sekigun man with the Okazaki Kick Barrage. That lead to the first attempted ten count of the match........


Horri rose back to his feet at eight but Okazaki remained in control taking 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer's' legs out with a baseball slide before trying to turn Horri over into the Century Crab Lift, but Horri was able to block the attempt and then kick Okazaki into the turnbuckle.


Horri then dug down and found a new burst of energy peppering Okazaki with some heavy lefts and rights, before whipping then INSPIRE man across the ring and using the momentum to plant Okazaki with a Fierce Spinebuster (High Angle Spinebuster).......


Horri slumped back into the corner, but managed to rise back to his feet and asked referee Umeki to make the count, as Okazaki remained planted to the mat. Okazaki however managed to get up at seven and was then able to duck under a Lariat from a charging Horri before taking Horri's legs out once again with a chop block. Okazaki then turned Horri over for the Century Crab Lift and this time managed to get the hold locked in.


Horri was in a world of trouble, as Okazaki relentlessy kept a tight grip on his signature submission but just as it looked like Horri was about to tap away his chance of facing Tadiyuki Kikkawa he showed the heart of a champion and found another reserve of energy to drag himself and Okazaki to the ring ropes.


Okazaki then tried to maintain the momentum by trying to pepper Horri with some more kicks after the rope break, but a fired-up Horri managed to block the kicks and then stagger Okazaki with some heavy fore-arms before planting Okazaki onto the canvas with a Horri Spinebuster (Sitout Spinebuster)......Horri however did not ask for referee Umeki to make a ten count at that point and instead lifted Okazaki up, before planting the INSPIRE man hard into the canvas with a DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) and this time the ten count was made......










To Horri's frustration, Okazaki had managed to stagger back up to his feet. Horri then reeled Okazaki in to attempt another Destiny Bomb, but the INSPIRE man managed to put a block on before sneaking in a well placed knee shot to Horri's lower regions. Okazaki then attempted to take Horri over with an Exploder Suplex, but 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' managed to hold firm, before turning Okazaki inside out with a BURNING LARIAT !


Okazaki layed motionless in the middle of the ring and the ten count after that was a foregone conclusion. Kinnojo Horri had not only taken out Kikkawa's Team INSPIRE stable mate to earn the shot at Kikkawa's King of Fighters belt he had done it with the Lariat variation Kikkawa had made famous and in doing so Horri was clearly sending a message.


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Masaaki Okazaki [L] in 15:53 via Knockout (Burning Lariat)


Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: The Burning Lariat...it may well come down to that very move when I face Kikkawa-san for the King of Fighters belt...he may of innovated it, but I am the one who has perfected and I have every intention of knocking him out, just as I did to his INSPIRE running mate Okazako-san right now. At Sword of Destiny, I put an end to Kikkawa-san's vanity championship !



Match #9: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera vs

Yasunobu Masuno & Black Cobra


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg


There's little more than a bit of stable bragging rights on the line in this main event but anytime the Burning Sekigun and Black Heart Brethren clash in the ring, it is always an intense affair.


Onodera and Cobra kicked things off, engaging each other in a spot of hold for hold chain wrestling, that inevitably leads to a stand off and them tagging in Nakasawa and Masuno, and the two 'big men' in the match waste no time in laying into one another, of course neither one gives an inch during the back and forth brawling, until Nakasawa coming of the ring-ropes with a clothesline gets tripped up from the apron by Cobra. The BHB pair then try to wear down Nakasawa in their corner, but the World Champion weathers the storm and gets the tag into Onodera.


Onodera prevents Cobra from tagging out and plants the gaijin super junior with a snap suplex for a two count, before turning Cobra over into the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface)....Masuno however quickly spots the danger and breaks into the ring to stomp away on Onodera. Referee Terakado then ordered Masuno back to his corner, but the Tag Team champion made sure not to take his orders quietely and his distracting behaviour was enough for Cobra to sneak in a low blow on Onodera and spike the 'iron man' into the mat with a DDT.


That only earned a two count but put the Black Heart Brethren pair firmly in control of the match, as they were able to isolate Onodera in their corner. The BHB then worked over Onodera, often using illegal tactics such as choking him under the bottom rope, this of course drew the ire of Nakasawa, but the world champions protestations only served as a distraction for Terakado, allowing for the BHB pair to get away with more blatant cheating.


But Onodera was determined not to give in and every time either Cobra and Masuno tried to nab a quick cover, the Wild Fire man kicked out with fiery determination. Masuno in Terakado that each time he went for a cover, that is should be for a three count. Finally realising that he needed to actually pull out something big from his arsenal to put Onodera away, Masuno lifted the Iron Man upon his shoulders to set up for his Day of Rackening submission but his constant jawing with the ref and fans allowed for Onodera to grab a second wind and the Wild Fire man slipped off before nailing Masuno with a standing drop-kick. Masuno then lunged forward with a rolling elbow but Onodera ducked under and took the legs out from Masuno with a basement drop kick before slumping to the mat.


It then became a race to see who could tag out first, and it was Masuno who was able to use his long reach to win the race and get the tag into Black Cobra, who was able to cut Onodera off from getting the tag into Nakasawa.


Cobra then tried to turn Onodera over into the Stone Hold but the 'Iron Man' managed to kick Cobra off and the roll to the safety of the Burning Sekigun where he finally got the hot tag into Nakasawa.


Nakasawa bowled Cobra over with a series of clotheslines before planting the gaijin super junior into the canvas with COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb)....








Masuno saw the situation was desperate enough to come in and make the save, and 'the Hammer' literally hammered away on Nakasawa, which drew out Onodera but the 'iron mans'' protests only served to distract referee Terakado and Masuno who was not the legal man nailed Naksawa with a Rolling Elbow before placing Cobra upon the World Champion....








Nakasawa kicked out much to the Black Heart Brethren's frustation. Cobra then managed to turn Nakasawa over into the Stone Hold but the World Champion managed to dig down and force the rope break.


But Nakasawa appeared to have used up his last ounce of energy and was struggling to get back to his feet, and 'Canadian Darkness' saw an opportunity to head up top but Naksawa was luring Cobra into a false sense of security as the Canadian masked man crashed and burned as he went for the From Canada with Love Swandive Headbutt.


Nakasawa then got the tag back into Onodera, who then planted Cobra with the O2 SUPLEX (Bridging German Suplex)








Masuno made the save and then unleashed a flurry of fore-arm smashed on the Wild Fire man, before going for a Rolling Elbow and this time he had noticeably slipped on his loaded elbow pad, but as he set up to knock Onodera out, Nakasawa was able to trip 'the Hammer' up from the ring apron and pull him to the floor, before nailing Masuno with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT out on the floor)....


Cobra however was back up to his feet and snapped off a spinning headscissors that he soon transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY ( Leg Hook Spinning headscissors arm bar).......


Just as it looked like Onodera was set to tap out, Nakasawa was able to dive back into the ring to make the save, as Masuno still felt the effects of the World Champions' Sudden Impact Lariat ringside. Nakasawa then planted Cobra with an H-Bomb (Crucifix Powerbomb) but he was not the legal man, and he placed Onodera upon Cobra to make the pin as he stood guard against Masuno.....








Masuno somehow managed to break past Naksawa to make the save, but the two big men soon took their fight back out onto the floor leaving Cobra and Onodera once again to settle things inside the ring.


Cobra re-gained the advantage with a boot to Onodera's mid-section before appearing to set up for a Stoneplex but Onodera was able to block the attempt and then twist Cobra round into an inverted facelock.......CALL THE DOCTOR !!! (Inverted Facelock lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver)....








The Burning Sekigun had emerged victorious and Onodera's winning pin on Black Cobra completeted a great night individually for both halves of the Wild Fire Tag Team.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Takayuki Onodera [w] bt Yasunobu Masuno & Black Cobra [L] in 27:40 via pinfall (Call The Doctor)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Team INSPIRE, Black Heart Brethren, even Dragon Feet 2K9 we welcome the challenge from all of them but the Burning Sekigun stands stronger than ever.


Takayuki Onodera: Black Magic yet tonight be a warning to you, Wild Fire are coming for your Tag Titles and when we do get to face you again, this time we know we can defeat you !


Yasunobu Masuno: You got lucky tonight Onodera just like your idiot of a Tag Team partner, if you happen to earn yourself a shot at our Tag Titles again, the outcome will be the same as ever !



Overall: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: This was a pretty solid show all round but there was nothing that particularly blow away and admittedly the main event was the sort you get on something of a placeholder show in a smaller market region, which is exactly what this show was.

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Predictions Contest:


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Stage 3 Standings

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Rob 4590 continues to lead the standings and with just the next tour show and Sword of Destiny to go, he now looks a strong favourite to win his second Stage in a row.


The main event and semi main event were actually very easy to call, everyone rightly figured that I wasn't going to 'job' the World Champion two shows in a row and that Horri winning the KOF contenders match would set up a better match up, especially from a storyline standpoint with Kikkawa.


The Contenders Circle spot challenge between Toshusai and Taira split opinion more, I gave Toshusai the win here as it helps freshen up the contenders circle plus gives him a psychological boost in Wild Fire's Tag team battle with Black Magic, I just wish now I remembered he had poor chemistry with Taira and that his breakthrough into the contenders circle would have been in a better match.


The Junior Contenders Circle match between Elemental III and Kiyaru also split opinion, I gave Elemental the nod here to keep him relevant, especially as Kiyaru has the Junior Tag belts to fall back as part of the Black Heart Flying Squadron.


I was hoping that Little Fury's win on the previous show would make people perhaps tip them to go over Universal Excellence but that win was always intended more as an upsets can happen type of booking decision and it was also the intenton to get UE back on track after their failed attempts to win the titles from the BHFS.


The Junior Six man saw most go for the Burning Sekigun trio of Masuko and Size of the Fight, Rob 4590 was the only one to realise that Dragon had honestly taken too many losses this month and that another would begin to make him look a little weak as a champion, even if he I am not booking him as unbeatable.


The Inspire-Rage six man was just a glorified squash and just more angle advancement for the implosion of the Raging Bulls. Scorpion- Koyama was another no brainer and everyone correctly backed Snow Lizzard to actually win a match, due to the fact they were facing a pair of jobbers. As for the other jobber pre-show match most incorrectly tipped Fuku Inao over Shibanumo, even though Shibanumo is higher up the jobber ladder !

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The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour continues for BHOTWG at the Sapporo Sports Stadium in Hokkaido on Wednesday 19th May 2010, as former two time World Tag Team Champions The Rebellion go up against the INSPIRE duo of Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki in the main event.


In the semi main event match World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa teams up with Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera) to take on Black Cobra and the World Tag Team Champions Black Magic (Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira) as the intense rivalry between the Burning Sekigun and Black Heart Brethren continues.


Tag Team action is all over this show, and heavyweight representation sees too matches involving the troubled RAGE faction, though it appears that the Raging Bulls could well be done for, as Eiji Hamacho teams with Mitsunari Fuganaga and Chuichi Sanda is with Toshiki Shibanumo. It has to be said that the Hamacho lead duo have drawn what looks to be the tougher match as they take on the INSPIRE duo of Tadiyuki Kikkawa and John Pathlow, whilst Sanda's team goes up against the duo of Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka.


Junior Tag Team action see's a conventional match up between division mainstays Size of the Fight and recent title hopefuls Universal Excellence, whilst there will be a 4-Way Tag match between the Junior Tag champions Black Heart Flying Squadron, former champions Your New Heroes, Little Fury and Optimum Impact. The Squadron's belts are not the line in this match but a win for any of the other teams would help further their claims for a shot at the belts.


Rounding out the main show is a pair of singles matches, Kinnojo Horri will warm up for his King of Fighters title challenge at Sword of Destiny when he takes on former Tag Team Champion and one half of The Behemoths Nisso Yuasha and Junior Champion Sensational Dragon will be in non title action against Red Panther.


For those who can get to the Sapporo Sports Stadium earlier there will be bonus matches with Sanetomo Shiraishi meeting Tiger Fuyuki and a four way match with Sessue Kawate, Fukusabaru Inao, Stone Yoshikawa and The Incredible Koyama.


Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #23 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-

Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #24

(Matsue Sports Park , Chugoku , Wednesday 19th May 2010)


House Burning Tag Team Showdown (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


'Representing Team INSPIRE'

2009 Super 10 Cup Winner- Tasuku Iesada &

Masaaki Okazaki


High Intensity Six Man Battle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

World Champion- Hiroaki Nakasawa &

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Cobra &

World Tag Team Champions- Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


Non Title Four Way Junior Division Tornado Tag (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)


'Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Optinum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Your New Heroes (Marihito Masuko & Elemental III)


Tag Team Test (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Team INSPIRE'

King of Fighters- Tadiyuki Kikkawa &

John Pathlow


'Representing RAGE'

Eiji Hamacho & Mitsunari Fuganaga


Junior Tag Team Showdown (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)


Tag Team Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo


Roku Sotomura & Masataro Kataoka


Singles Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri


'Representing The Behemoths'

Nisso Yuasha


Non Title Match (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion- Sensational Dragon


Red Panther


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

Fukusabaru Inao vs Sessue Kawate vs Stone Yoshikawa vs The Incredible Koyama




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Predictions Form:


The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno

Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha

Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther #

Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.





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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther #


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

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Predictions Form:


The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

I am going with draw here, as Shimedzu has a big match coming up, yet the #2 and #3 of INSPIRE are both probably more over than either Rebellion member


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno

Nakasawa pins Cobra to further the tag feud, and no one on the opposing side is big enough for Nakasawa to lose a match to.


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

Non title sets up Masuko and Elemental to win and get momentum for their individual challenges


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga



Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

Could go either way, but UE I believe can be your next big junior tag team.


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

Token Raging win


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther #



Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki



Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

going to buck the trend and see how Incredible Koyama can be.

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

Though one but Shimetzu is the guy who needs to be strongest right now so Rebellion´s tag team experience helps them to win here.


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno

I would like to go with Cobra and Black Magic here but Nakasawa seems like the difference maker here so he´s team wins.


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

Non-title and win over champs will likely get a title shot for other teams so champs don´t need to win this one and heroes are the best team here so they take the win.


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

Kikkawa would win this one even without a partner


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

I have predicted SoF to win their matches for some time and they usually lost so lets try something different this time:p


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

SAnda is the biggest name here so RAGE gets a rare win


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha

I doubt I need to explain this pick


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther

Non-title but only because Panther hasn´t done enough to earn a title shot.


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

Snow Lizard´s get another win over even bigger jobber.


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

Suprisingly I actually know who most of these guys are but that didn´t make this one any easier:p. Pretty close to random pick as non of these guys haven´t really done anything to get me thinking that they are above the rest of this group.

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

Though one but Shimetzu is the guy who needs to be strongest right now so Rebellion´s tag team experience helps them to win here.


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno

I would like to go with Cobra and Black Magic here but Nakasawa seems like the difference maker here so he´s team wins.


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

Non-title and win over champs will likely get a title shot for other teams so champs don´t need to win this one and heroes are the best team here so they take the win.


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

Kikkawa would win this one even without a partner


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

I have predicted SoF to win their matches for some time and they usually lost so lets try something different this time:p


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

SAnda is the biggest name here so RAGE gets a rare win


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha

I doubt I need to explain this pick


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther

Non-title but only because Panther hasn´t done enough to earn a title shot.


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

Snow Lizard´s get another win over even bigger jobber.


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

Suprisingly I actually know who most of these guys are but that didn´t make this one any easier:p. Pretty close to random pick as non of these guys haven´t really done anything to get me thinking that they are above the rest of this group.


I'm feeling lazy so given that I agree with all Zergon's picks, I am just going to write this one sentence :)

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

This should be an interesting and intense tag team match but The Rebellion should take this one.


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno



Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

In Masuko's voice: The valiant efforts from Elemental III and I will guide us into the winds of victory but as for the dragon that holds the gold, that dragon will be slained by the sword of integrity


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

Kikkawa all the way...Too bad the Raging Bulls haven't been seeing eye to eye


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

You must be this tall to step foot at Universal Studios *no pun intended*


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

This one seems random but Sanda and Shibanumo should win this match


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha

Horri's Lariat will knock out the Baby Elephant to sleep


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther

The Sensational Era continues and the dragon will continue that reign by beating Red Panther


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

Shiraishi should win this one even though this one seem like an opener


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama.

Snow Lizzard is going to go 1 for 2 here as Koyama is going to win the match over these three guys.

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

- The Rebellion seems to have ground to a halt.


Nakasawa, Toshusai & Onodera vs Cobra, Taira & Masuno

- Onodera dropped the match last time, so I'll give his team the win, especially since Wildfire toppled Masuno recently.


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

- I can't quite remember who is in YNH, but I think Elemental is one of them maybe? I do know that BHFS will not win this one.


Kikkawa & Pathlow vs Hamacho & Fuganaga

- Poor Macho Hamacho.


Size of the Fight vs Universal Excellence

- Despite being a hug SofF mark, I think UE solidifies themselves in the Junior Tag division here.


Sanda & Shibanumo vs Sotomura & Kataoaka

- Because it amuses me to think that RAGE should both lose, since they are a fairly inept stable.


Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha

- Mmmm Elephant Squash Sushi.


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther

- I don't think rEd Panther is ready to conquer the Dragon of Sensationality.


Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki

- Tiger Squash Sushi too? Delightful!


Kawate vs Inao vs Yoshikawa vs Koyama

- Coz he's still Incredible... in the dark.

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The Rebellion vs Iesada & Okazaki

- The Rebellion seems to have ground to a halt.


Shimedzu is challenging for the World Title at Sword of Destiny, Miyamae admittedly hasn't been booked as strong of late, but that is usually what happens when you take a Tag Team and have them focusing on individual pursuits....I would hardly say they have ground to a halt though.


Non Title: Black Heart Flying Squadron vs Little Fury vs Optimum Impact vs Your New Heroes

- I can't quite remember who is in YNH, but I think Elemental is one of them maybe? I do know that BHFS will not win this one.


Your New Heroes comprise of Elemental III and Marihito Masuko. They're a semi-regular Junior Heavyweight Tag Team that were the Junior Tag champions at the start of the tour. They are called Your New Heroes, as they are basically the 'chosen ones' by BHOTWG management to represent the next generation of Burning Hammer's Junior Division.

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 24

(Wednesday 19th May 2010)


Sapporo Sports Stadium, Hokkaido

(Attendance 5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen


Pre- Show


Match A: Sanetomo Shiraishi vs Tiger Fuyuki


Shiraishi keeps his winning streak going albeit on the low key backwater of the pre-show, in a rare singles outing for the Snow Lizzard man. Fuyuki gives it a good go and he does briefly get Shiraishi in the Flying Tiger Arm Bar but he is more adept at losing right now than Shiraishi and in the end 'the Lizard' picks up the win with a Lizard Suplex (Leg Hook Half Nelson Suplex)


Result: Sanetomo Shiraishi [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki [L] in 6:30 via pinfall (Lizard Suplex)


Rating: C-



Match B: Fukusabaru Inao vs Sessue Kawate vs Stone Yoshikawa vs The Incredible Koyama


Shiraishi's tag partner Sessue Kawate has less luck in this four way match and it's the two young Junior heavyweights that impress the most, especially Koyama who comes close to victory on a few occasions. However when he landed the Air Koyama (Shooting Star Press) on Fukusabaru Inao, Stone Yoshikawa came flying off the opposite turnbuckle to break up the pin with a Superman Elbow (Long Range Flying Elbow Drop) with Koyama stunned, Yoshikawa then rolled up the already winded Inao to steal the win.


Result: Stone Yoshikawa [w] bt Fukusabaru Inao [L] + Sessue Kawate + The Incredible Koyama in 8:09 via pinfall (Roll Up, following Superman Elbow on Koyama).

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs Red Panther


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_PhenomenalE_alt1.jpg


Panther got in some token offence but this was near enough a squash for the Junior Champion and the ever confident Dragon sealed the win with his trademark Dragon Slice (Shiranui).


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Red Panther [L] in 5:55 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: I know at Sword of Destiny John Pathlow will give me a much tougher test than what I have just faced now but when he challenges me for the Junior Championship he will fail like all the others, because I am not just good, nor am I just excellent...I am Sensational !!



Match #2: Non Title Tornado Tag:

Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion) vs

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya) vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM) vs

Your New Heroes (Elemental III & Marihito Masuko)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg/http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg/ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg


The reason this four way match is non title is that neither Optimum Impact or Little Fury have really built up enough momentum to challenge for the belts and whilst Your New Heroes as former champions have the pedigree, their focus has not been on the Junior Tag Belts since they lost them to the BHFS, however victory for any of the teams other than the champions themselves could go a long way to earning them a future title shot.


After a five minute feeling out period, the match itself soon becomes a blisterning whirlwind of non stop action as all four teams hit signature spots and come close to winning the match. Little Fury think they have the match won when they nail Elemental III with the Engage The Rage (Reverse STO/Enziguri Combo), the champions themselves go close when they level Yoshii Shiomi with an Ultra Effect (the assited Kiyaru Effect).


However the finish of the match doesn't come to a double team manoeuvre, after Super Joshuya pulls out the Due South (Corkscrew Moonsault) on Golden Scorpion, to earn what would be a huge victory and directly put Optimum Impact into title contention, Marihito Masuko breaks up the pin and then plants Joshuya with the Masuko Cradle Shock and with everyone else 'wiped out' in and around the ring, the former Junior Tag champs Your New Heroes are the one to pick up a non title victory (albeit an indirect one) over the Team that dethroned them months earlier.


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] & Elemental III bt The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion + Optimum Impact American Optimus & Super Joshuya [L] + Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM in 19:42 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Marihito Masuko: The Battle was fought, the battle shall be fought again, for we shall rise to the challenge, for we are the heroes you shall believe in, for the destiny is ours, it is our time, a time for heroes.


Elemental III: A time for heroes it is, and tonight we have shown we can rise to the challenge, be it in singles competion or together, Your New Heroes are a force that is going nowhere !!


The Awesome Kiyaru: Enjoy your empty victory 'Heroes', for when it truly matters you shall only be met with failure.


Super Joshuya: I place our failure on my shoulders, I was the one who got pinned out there and we know just how tough it is going to be if we want to make it to the very top of the Junior Tag Team rankings.


VENOM: We felt last week we had turned a corner with our victory over Optimum Impact, perhaps we got a little carried away with our success.



Match #3: Chuichi Sanda & Toshiki Shibanumo vs

Roku Sotomura & Masutaro Kataoka


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ChuichiSanda-1.jpg?t=1268428734 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RokuSotomura.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasutaroKataoka.jpg


Sotomura & Katoaka have been teaming up fairly regularly albeit with not much success and they came into this match as the more cohesive unit. Sanda however seemed focused and determined to prove a point to what appears to be his now former Tag Team partner Eiji Hamacho and Shibanumo is little more than a passenger in this match but Sanda's 'superman' act almost blows up in his face when Kataoka is able to entrap the former Tag Champion in the Sunrise Hold and he needs Shibanumo to make the save.


'Silent Rage' then cleaned house but a recovered Sanda then made a blind tag to steal the glory for himself, nailing Sotomura with the Explosion Kick (Running Boot) to secure the win.


Result: Chuichi Sanda [w] & Toshiki Shibanumo vs Roku Sotomura [L] & Masutaro Kataoka via pinfall in 7:50 (Explosion Kick)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: Once again I show I am the strongest member of the Raging Bulls ! Lets see what you can do Hamacho-san !



Match #4: Tadiyuki Kikkawa & John Pathlow vs

Eiji Hamacho & Mitsunari Fuganaga


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/EijiHamacho-1.jpg?t=1268428711 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga.jpg


This isn't quite a squash match as the RAGE pair do in fact get plenty of offence in, but there is never any doubt that Kikkawa & Pathlow would pick up the win. The only reason Hamacho & Fuganaga stay in this, is because the INSPIRE duo saw this as any easy day at the office and their laissez faire attitude towards the match does see them on the end of a possible end of an upset on a few occasions, especially when Hamacho planted Pathlow with the Hamacho Sledge 2K (Northern Lights Bomb).


But that was as close as the RAGE pair got to pulling off the upset and Kikkawa especially stepped it up a few gears to ensure that INSPIRE would not be dealt such an embarrassment and in the end victory was secured with a Kikkawa Driver (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver) on Fuganaga.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & John Pathlow vs Eiji Hamacho & Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] in 11:48 via pinfall (Kikkawa Driver)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: RAGE's problems are not my problem, I'm here to win matches not to show pity and since when have Team INSPIRE shown any mercy and I guarantee that no mercy will be shown when I destroy Kinnojo Horri to retain my King of Fighters title at Sword of Destiny and Pathlow-san does the same to that egomaniac Sensational Dragon.


John Pathlow: Dragon ! at Destiny..... I....BREAK.......YOU !!


Eiji Hamacho: I hear Sanda-san has been bragging about his victory....a victory over inferior opposition, I and Fuganaga-san were in there with the best, the very best in this promotion and we never gave in. Sanda-san at Sword of Destiny we need to settle this, we need to find out who IS the strongest between us....are you up for that challenge?!!!



Match #5: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


This was a a pretty good back and forth match between two accomplished Junior Heavyweight Tag Teams, so it's a bit of a shame that a portion of the crowd see this match as an opportunity to hit the Sushi stands.


After a string of near falls for both sides, Universal Excellence appeared to had the match in the bag when they set up for their Universal Studios finisher on Kansuke Konda, however Konda managed to have enough left in the tank to get the knees up just as Barei Yasujiro went for the standing shooting star press portion of the combination. Kokan then joined Konda in the ring to then catch Kurofuji with the Big Fight Ender (Powerbomb/Neckbreaker) combo and with Yasujiro still winded it was enough for Size of the Fight to pick up a victory that perhaps reminds everyone that they are still a considerable force amongst the Junior Tag ranks.


Result: Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda [w] bt Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji [L] in 13:05 via pinfall (Big Fight Ender)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Kansuke Konda: Many of late had begun to write Size of the Fight off, that we had no fight left, well we are still fighting, and our fight is as strong as it has ever been.


Hyosuke Kokan: Size of the Fight were never out out of the title hunt but maybe this victory will make every one take notice once again.


Barei Yasujiro: Size of the Fight are a good team, in fact a great team but we needed to beat them to truly secure another shot at the belts and we failed to do that, we know the competition is tough but we need to rise above that competition.



Match #6: Kinnojo Horri vs Nisso Yuasha


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg


It's not often that Horri is overmatched in terms of size, but he goes into this match with one half of The Behemoths as the smaller wrestler, rather considerably so and he does in fact struggle to deal with Yuasha's unwielding size in the early going.


But as is so often the case with Yuasha he goes for the big finish too early, probably in fear of running out of steam and he misses his intended target when he is unable to connect with the Elephant Stampede (Body Avalance) that provides the opening for Horri to seize control of the match and 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' simply wears down Yuasha with fore-arm smashes and lariats, eventually he connects with the Burning Lariat and the Baby Elephant crumpled to the mat and Horri secured what was in the end a rather routine victory


Result: Kinnojo Horri [w] bt Nisso Yuasha [L] in 6:01 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: C+



Post Match Comments:


Kinnojo Horri: The time for talking is over, at Sword of Destiny...I do all my talking in the ring !



Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Black Cobra, Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira







Similar to the Nakasawa/Onodera, Masuno/Cobra match from Monday's show this one kicks off with a display of chain wrestling from Onodera and Cobra it inevitably leads to a stand off that flows into the usual feeling out process between both teams, until the Black Heart Brethren illegally break up a pin attempt from Horri on Cobra following a Horri Spinebuster. The Burning Sekigun then pour into the ring and the match spills to the outside, and with the match descending into chaos that clearly favours the Black Heart Brethren who manage to bend the rulebook to level their fan favourite opponents.


When referee Shinozaki has restored order the BHB are in full control with the smallest man on the Burning Sekigun team Onodera the one isolated from his larger, more powerful team mates. The BHB trio then methodically worked over Onodera, often using illegal tactics that drew protestations from Nakasawa and Toshusai. The BHB however aren't particularly economical with putting Onodera away and when Black Cobra goes up for the From Canada With Love Flying Headbutt, he crashes and burns as Onodera rolls out the way. Onodera getting a second wind then knocks the Tag Team Champions off the apron with a pair of standing drop-kicks before planting Cobra with a Uranage backbreaker, unable to go for the cover he slumps to the mat and it becomes a race to see who can tag out first.


Cobra gets there first, tagging in Taira but a millisecond later Onodera gets the tag into Toshusai. A slugfest follows, but despite Tosusai's best efforts to go toe to toe with Taira, the Bulldozer's bigger size begins to wear down 'Wild Charisma' and after a series of heavy fore-arms Taira whips Toshusai hard into the corner but he fails to connect with The Flattener as Toshusai moves out of the way and then gives Taira his customary double bird signal before peppering the Tag Champion with a series of lefts and rights. The Bulldozer stays on his feet but then eats a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) from Toshusai and he slumps to the mat.......


However Toshusai's subsequent pin attempt was broken up by Masuno, the fact it was done illegally drew complaints from Nakasawa & Onodera but all that did was help the Black Heart Brethren trio to triple team and choke out Toshusai with a chain behind Shinozaki's back. When Shinozaki's attention was turned back to the match the chain was discarded and Taira was making the cover.....


But Toshusai bravely kicked out, much to the impending frustration of the Black Heart Brethren. The BHB then paced around for bit jawing with the crowd and that brief pause allowed for Toshusai to fire back on Taira but the attempted comeback was cut off with a cheap shot from the apron by Masuno. All three BHB members then took turns to stomp away on Toshusai before Cobra then turned 'Wild Charisma' over into the Stone Hold.


Cobra had the hold locked in tight but Toshusai dug down and showed great fighting spirit by edging his way over to the ropes to force a rope break. Toshusai was still in a whole lot of trouble however, and Cobra was able to tag in a fresh Yasunobu Masuno who then lifted Toshusai who's back was already weakened from being in the Stone Hold into the Day of Rackening (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) but a determined and fired up 'Wild Charisma' found one last ounce of energy to fight his way out of the hold and then stun Masuno with a SHOCK KICK !, Masuno stayed on his feet but Toshusai then flipped the double bird and nailed Masuno with a second Shock Kick before slumping to the canvas himself.


With both Toshusai and Masuno slumped out on the mat, the match almost ended in a double count out but with the count at nine both managed to crawl their way over to the corner and tag out. Toshusai tagging out to a very fresh and very fired up Hiroaki Nakasawa.......


The World Champion literally cleaned house......dropping Taira with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER , Black Cobra then nailed Nakasawa with a missile drop-kick before he could make the cover but Nakasawa shook it off and then dropped the gaijin masked man with a Lariat before lifting a dazed Cobra up for the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb) .....






Masuno dived in to make the save but Onodera was able to take 'the Hammer' down with a drop toe hold before neutralising Masuno with the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface)........


With Masuno unable to make the save and Taira stil feeling the effects of the Nakasawa Neckbreaker, Shinzoaki's hand slapped the mat a third time before Cobra could his shoulders up , as Nakasawa once again lead the Burning Sekigun to victory over the Black Heart Brethren.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w], Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera bt Black Cobra [L], Yasunobu Masuno & Yasuhiko Taira in 24:51 via pinfall (H-Bomb)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:




Hiroaki Nakasawa: Once again Black Heart Brethren we show we are the better unit than you, and we will continue to be better than everyone else too !


Yasunobu Masuno: Toshusai, Onodera your recent victories over us mean nothing because you did not beat us as a team, so these belts we hold right here do NOT get put on the line at Sword of Destiny.


Yasuhiko Taira: Prove you can actually beat us without the help of Nakasawa-san and then will give you another shot !



Match #8: The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) vs

Tasuku Iesada & Masaaki Okazaki


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


Even though Iesada and Okazaki don't have quite the same tag team understanding as The Rebellion, the fact they have been fighting alongside one another as part of Team INSPIRE means that they aren't just a random pair of talents thrown together, so The Rebellion don't really have much of an advantage in that sense, a victory for The Rebellion helps to maintain Shimedzu's momentum heading into his World Title challenge with Nakasawa, whilst a mean for the INSPIRE pair once again makes everyone take notice that beyond Kikkawa the rest of the stable is still a force in themselves.


The match begins somewhat slowly with a 'feeling out' process between both both teams, there's some nice displays of chain/mat wrestling from all four men, but there's no zip to the action and at the early stage it's very much a game of cat and mouse. Things pick up a little men Okazaki tries to get Miyamae turned over for ther Century Crab Lift but 'the viper' rolls up Okazaki into a small package. Iesada quickly breaks it up and that brings Shimedzu out of the corner, it's the spark that brings the match to life and we soon see all four men brawling in the ring.


Referee Terakado tries to restore control but amidst the chaos Okazaki sneaks in a lowblow on Miyamae. 'The Viper' kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt but with order now restored Team INSPIRE are now fully in control of the match. With Miyamae isolated in their corner Okazaki and Iesada methodically work over 'The Viper', in particular targetting the arms with kicks and stomps, it's a strategy that should come as no surprise seeing as both Team INSPIRE members have arm targetting submissions amongst their arsenal.


The fact that Team INSPIRE often find a way to keep a second man in the ring for that is legally aloud does often draw the ire of Shimedzu, but as is so often the case in these situations the protestations of the complaintant just seem to serve only as a distraction to the referee and thus allowing the team in control to get away with more 'shortcuts'.



Okazaki then slapped on the ANGULAR ARM BAR (Grounded Arm Bar) but before he could really synch in the submission, Shimedzu broke out of the corner to break it up. Shimedzu was quickly ordered back to his corner by referee Terakado, allowing for the INSPIRE pair to get in more stomps to Miyame behind Terakado's back. Okazaki & Iesada then lifted Miyamae up for a double suplex but the Rebellion man managed to stand his ground and counter into a double DDT !


Miyamae then looked to make it back over to the safety of his corner to get a fresh Shimedzu tagged into the match, Iesada crawled over to prevent Miyamae from doing so, grabbing an ankle but 'the Viper' managed to kick him off and finally get the tag to a fired up Shimedzu.


'Kamikaze Spirit' then cleaned the proverbial house, connecting with a flurry of kicks on both Iesada and Okazaki, before planting Iesada with a REVOLUTION DROP (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster).......






Okazaki came into break it up, but was quickly sent out of the ring with a drop-kick from Shimedzu. Iesada then tried to fire back but his flurry was soon cut off and Shimedzu was able to tag back in Miyamae. The Rebellion then showcased the slick teamwork they have become known for, as they came close to putting away Iesada with the Russian Legsweep/Neckbreaker combo and then the Rope Hung Front Suplex followed by a double stomp from Miyamae, but both times Iesada showed great fighting spirit by kicking out.


Iesada remained in trouble though, and The Rebellion were soon setting up the 2009 Super 10 Cup Winner for the Spiked Skull Drop, however fellow Team INSPIRE member John Pathlow who was at ringside to 'support' his team climbed up on the apron and tripped up Miyamae on the top turnbuckle. Pathlow was thrown out from ringside by Terakado but his intervention allowed for Iesada to slip out of the Skull Drop attempt and then plant Shimedzu to the mat with a Belly to Back Suplex.....Okazaki then raced out of the corner to bring the stranded Miyamae crashing back into the ring with a top rope Exploder Suplex !


Iesada still the legal man then placed the stunned Shimedzu into the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker)........


Shimedzu was in trouble, with Miyamae having sent been crashing hard to the mat with Okazaki's top rope Exploder.......


The World Title hopeful was beginning to fade......


Referee Terakado took a look to see if he was still able to carry on......


No response.....


Terakado raises the arm a second time......


Still no response from Shimedzu........


Miyamae has now recovered and dives in to break up the submission, however Okazaki takes down Miyamae with a drop toe hold and neutralises the Viper by putting Miyame into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT !


Iesada and Shimedzu are still the legal men however, and Iesada goes to re-apply the IESADA SPECIAL but Shimedzu clasps his hands together preventing Iesada from behind able to hyper-extend the armbar. 'Kamikaze Spirit' then suddenly finds another wind and lifts Iesada up to plant the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner with an A-KO ARROW (Slingshot Falcon Arrow).......








Okazaki realises what is just happening and lets go of the Century Crab Lift on Miyamae and lets go of the submission to break up the pin attempt on Iesada with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE !!


However Okazaki is not the legal man and he is ordered back to his corner by Terakado.....Iesada then makes the cover on a dazed Shimedzu.......








Shimedzu kicks out !


Iesada then lifts Shimedzu back up to a vertical base, he sets up for a Northern Lights Suplex but Shimedzu is able to block, Shimedzu gets Iesada into an inverted facelock, Revolution Drop attempt....Iesada blocks that and sends Shimedzu into the ropes.......Shimedzu rebounds back with a LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot)..........








Okazaki comes in to break it up but is then dropped with a MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO)......Shimedzu lifts Iesada up for the Skull Drop and Miyamae heads up top once again.....SPIKED SKULL DROP ! !






Three !!!


The Rebellion remind everyone just why they are one of the best Tag Teams in Burning Hammer history and Shimedzu heads into his World Title challenge with some real momentum behind him.


Result: Shimedzu [w] & Miyamae bt Tasuku Iesada [L] & Masaaki Okazaki via pinfall (Spiked Skull Drop) in 31:16

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Be it in tag team competition like we showcased out there just now or as singles, The Rebellion are a force that are heading straight for the top in Burning Hammer. At Sword of Destiny I know I am facing one of the best, if not the very best in this company but I am ready to rise to the challenge.


Miyamae: There must be plenty out there waiting for me to get all jealous over Shimedzu-san's recent singles success but WE are a team, and we always will be. Do I strive for the same sucess as Shimedzu-san ? Of course I do, everyone strives to be the best but it won't be at the expense of my friendship with Shimedzu-san.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: A very good show, and the last one before the Sword of Destiny PPV. I do realise that much of the card for that event is going to be put together somewhat last minute and to be honest that's not ideal but the additional matches we will announce should make for a strong undercard to support our double main event of Nakasawa-Shimedzu and Kikkawa-Horri which is what we are selling Sword of Destiny on.

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Predictions Contest:


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Phantom Stranger

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Raijin Samurai

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Rob4590 continues to lead the way, after copying and pasting Zergon's picks :p A risky strategy but if your rival predictor puts up a good score, it can pay off :D


The main event split opinion, as I was hoping it would, The Rebellion got the win here as Shimedzu is the one heading into Sword of Destiny with a World Title shot. Just for the record Shimedzu and Iesada pop was both at B+ for this match and Okazaki was at B-, Miyamae was C+.


The semi main six man Tag, everyone rightfully saw Nakasawa as the difference maker, as it is basically booking 101 (especially in TEW terms) to keep the champ looking strong.


The non title 4-way Tornado Junior Tag, saw everyone tip Your New Heroes, the non title stip was a big signpost that the champs were going to lose and YNH are most over pairing of all the other teams.


In the other Junior match Size of the Fight going over Universal Excellence could be seen as a mild upset given recent form...basically going with the division is so competitive all the teams are beating each other type angle at the moment.


Everything else on the main show card and Shiraishi over Fuyuki on the pre-show were just no brainers really. Beeker did have one of his funny turns and tipped Nisso Yuasha (a guy who has been doing nothing of note) to go over Kinnojo Horri who will be challenging Kikkawa for the King of Fighters belt. The pre-show 4-way was just random really and Yoshikawa was the one who emerged with the victory, think I even let the 'road agent' decide that one.

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Sword of Destiny Press Conference:









The Headline acts for Sword of Destiny and BHOTWG president Tetsuzan Kaneko pose for the official Test of Prophecies Press Conference photo


Ahead of their tour show at the Nara Baseball Stadium in Kinki, BHOTWG held a press conference promoting their up-coming Supercard 'Sword of Destiny in conjunction with Emperor Sports (due to take place on Friday 21st May ).


In attendance were BHOTWG President Tetsuzan Kaneko, World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa, the man that will challenge him for that Shimedzu, King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa and his challenger Kinnojo Horri plus Junior Champion Sensational Dragon and his challenger John Pathlow


The two men competing over the Burning Junior Championship faced the first set of questions, The Challenger John Pathlow said that he would prove his worth to Team INSPIRE and repay the faith that Kikkawa-san had shown him by defeating that egotistical ******* Sensational Dragon for the Junior Championship and in doing so the belt would be round the waist of someone of true fighting spirit and honour. Dragon scoffed back that he does not care if Pathlow or anyone thinks he is an *******, at the end of the day he's the champion and he's going to stay the champion, because he is is Sensational!


Next set of questions were put to the King of Fighters participants. Kinnojo Horri said he was going to bring Kikkawa down and said that he was going to knock the INSPIRE leader spark out, Kikkawa answered back that how the hell does Horri think he can beat him when he could not get the job done against Hiroaki Nakasawa last month. Horri responded to Kikkawa that Nakasawa is twice the wrestler you are and that he would prove he was better than Kikkawa at Sword of Destiny and that it was the new generation's time and that Kikkawa's time had past.


Kikkawa then said that Horri was a 'foolish boy' and that he would teach the 'foolish boy' a lesson at Sword of Destiny. Horri took great offence at being called a foolish boy and then got in Kikkawa's face, resulting in some security guards having to get between the pair. After the situation had been defused, Tetsuzan Kaneko put this over that this is the passionate competition you get to see every week in BHOTWG and that the rivalry was non more intense here.


Finally the press put questions towards the World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa and his challenger Shimedzu. They asked Shimedzu, if he feels confident of defeating Nakasawa when he failed to defeat Kikkawa last month of the King of Fighters title. Shimedzu said that even though he lost to Kikkawa last month, he learned from that defeat.....The press then asked how Shimedzu could learn from that defeat, when he was facing Nakasawa and not Kikkawa again. Shimedzu responded that he would learn how to handle the big match pressure and admitted that perhaps last month he wasn't quite ready and was perhaps a little too pumped up last month. He said that this time he was well and truly focused on exploiting Nakasawa's weaknesses and to take advantage on them.


Nakasawa responded back that he respects Shimedzu, and that he admires the fact that he is now proving himself to be a great singles competitor, but warned Shimedzu that he would not be able to find any weakness. Shimedzu said that nobody is undefeatable and at Sword of Destiny he would be the one to defeat Nakasawa for the World Title. Nakasawa said he admired Shimedzu's fighting spirit but that his challenger was clutching at at a dream if he truly believed he could defeat him for the Burning World Championship. Shimedzu told Nakasawa not to patrionize him and that becoming World Champion was no pipe-dream and at Sword of Destiny it would become a reality Nakasawa would have to deal with.


As a passionate press conference came to it's conclusion Sword of Destiny promises to be a night of top class Puroresu action not to be missed !



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The Onodera Diaries


If you have not been able to cotton on already the Raging Bulls are breaking up as a Tag Team. Whenever it comes to the decision of splitting a team and having them go their seperate ways it is always a difficult one especially when it comes to a team with as much value and experience as the Bulls.


On the upside we feel this could revitalize the careers of a couple of workers who have to be honest become a little bit stale over the past year and I have every confidence in my own ability as a booker and there own abilities as wrestling talents to make this work and for both of them to get over by themselves. If it fails we can always fall back on them re-uniting.

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I actually meant to pick Horri over le petit elephante I just made a mistake. Not that it matters for the Burning Hammer Pick'em Prize.

When I said the Rebellion had ground to a halt, I meant as a tag team. Shimedzu does indeed have an impending date with Nakasawa.


Finally, I do hope you give Hamacho a make over and make him a Japanese Macho (Man) Hamacho with big sunglasses. I know I'd enjoy the transformation.

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Sword of Destiny Preview


Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods present the 2010 edition of their annual Sword of Destiny Supershow on Friday 21st May 2010 from the Nara Baseball Stadium, in Kinki Prefecture and on PPV across Japan with PPV in conjunction with Emperor Sports.


Here we present a full preview of what promises to be a night of thrilling action, from the greatest Puroresu promotion in the world Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods !


~ The Sword and the Dragon~

Burning World Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


Shimedzu one half of the greatest Tag Teams in Burning Hammer history (The Rebellion) continues on his quest to prove himself to be one of the greatest wrestlers in Burning Hammer History. Last month he came up short of dethroning Tadiyuki Kikkawa for the King of Fighters Championship but bounced back from that tough defeat to claim the number one contenders spot after contenders circle victoriers over Yasuhiko Taira and Masaaki Okazaki to go alongside a very credible Time Limit Draw with Kinnojo Horri. The Dragon Feet 2K9 man has said that he will be able to handle the pressure of another big time match and truly believes that he can make history by winning the first major singles championship of his career.


Hiroaki Nakasawa however has looked impressive as ever in his second reign as World Champion and will be determined to ensure that Shimedzu's dreams do not become a reality, as he begins to close in on holding the title for a full calendar year.


Nakasawa's Previous Defences:


V1 Defence: Yasunobu Masuno (Inferno of Purity, Fri 26 June 2009; Nara Baseball Stadium, Kinki)


V2 Defence: Masaaki Okazaki (Quest of Heart, Fri 18 September 2009, Kagoshima Stadium, Kyushu)


V3 Defence: Eisaku Hoshino (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V4 Defence: Yasuhiko Taira (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V5 Defence: Mike Watson (Resistance Tour, Wed 9th December 2009, Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto).


V6 Defence: Tasuku Iesada (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V7 Defence: Kinnojo Horri (Test of Prophecies, Fri April 23rd 2010, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido)


V8 Defence: Tasuku Iesada (Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, Mon May 3rd 2010, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)



~ A Burning Destiny~

King of Fighters Championship (30 Min Time Limit):

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Kinnojo Horri


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhdTiger11.jpg


After missing out on earning another shot at the Burning World Championship, Kinnojo Horri quickly turned his attentions towards winning the King of Fighters Championship. The Burning Hammer loyalist has made it no secret however that he views the title as little more than a vanity belt for the Team INSPIRE leader Tadiyuki Kikkawa and that his challenge is more about 'bringing down' the self proclaimed King of Fighters.


However 'vanity belt' or not Kikkawa has defended the title with undoubted pride and has arguably looked even more unstoppable than Hiroaki Nakasawa, the man Horri failed to beat for the Burning World Championship at Sword of Destiny. But despite the tension that grew between Nakasawa and Horri last month leading to a heated competitive rivalry between the Burning Sekigun stalwarts, there is true bitterness from Horri towards Kikkawa and he could be prepared to go that extra mile to emerge with the victory and at the same time leave Kikkawa's aura of invicibility in tatters.


Kikkawa's Previous Defences (BHOTWG only):


V1 Defence: Eiji Hamacho (Quest of Heart, Fri 18 September 2009, Kagoshima Stadium, Kyushu)


V2 Defence: Kinnojo Horri (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V3 Defence: Miyamae (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V4 Defence: Yasunobu Masuno (Final Collison, Fri 18 December 2009, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido).


V5 Defence: Mike Watson (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V6 Defence: Shimedzu (Test of Prophecies, Fri April 23rd 2010, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido)



~ Sensational Inspiration~

Burning Junior Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


John Pathlow seems determined to repay the faith shown in him by Tadiyuki Kikkawa as the latest addition of Team INSPIRE and his mission is to bring 'home' the Burning Junior Championship. Pathlow earned his shot by out-lasting 14 other top Junior Heavyweights to wn the 'Battle of Osaka' gauntlet match and he has followed up that success by defeating Sensational Dragon twice in Tag Team action, once seeing Pathlow defeat the champion himself after connecting with the Apocalypse Lariat.


Sensational Dragon therefore has already learnt first hand just the kind of threat that the hard hitting Pathlow poses; however the perma-confident champion has often looked vunerable heading into each title defence but when it comes to defending his title he always seems to raise his game and Pathlow may just need to raise his to bring Dragon's reign to an end.


Dragon's Previous Defences:


V1 Defence: Super Joshuya (Resistance Tour, Wed 11 November 2009, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)


V2 Defence: Elemental III (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V3 Defence: The Awesome Kiyaru (Final Collison, Fri 18 December 2009, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido).


V4 Defence: Black Cobra (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V5 Defence: Marihito Masuko (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Wed 7 April 2010, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki)


V6 Defence: Black Cobra + Marihito Masuko (Test of Prophecies, Fri April 23rd 2010, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido)



~Obstacle Detonation~

Contenders Circle Spot Challenge (30 Min Time Limit):

Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Miyamae-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


Miyamae has in recent months somewhat been over shadowed by the success of his Tag Team partner Shimedzu but following The Rebellion's recent victory over the INSPIRE pair of Tasuku Iesada and Masaaki Okazaki, Miyamae has been presented with the opportunity to challenge Okazaki for his spot in the Contenders Circle for the World Championship. Miyamae will be desperate to change the perception that he is the weaker half of The Rebellion but Okazaki is not known as 'No Mercy' for nothing and Miyamae will have to overcome one of BHOTWG's most ruthless wrestlers to earn a spot in the Contenders Circle yet alone compete for the World Championship itself.



~ Proving Point~

Eight Man War (30 Min Time Limit):

Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion vs

Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda








The rivalry between Black Magic and Wild Fire is becoming more and more heated and with Tadakuni Toshusai's victory over Yasuhiko Taira to earn a spot in the contenders circle Wild Fire clearly have the belief they can dethrone Black Magic for the World Tag Team Championship. However the champions believe Wild Fire's recent victories over them count for nothing, as they were with the help of other members of the Burning Sekigun, notably in a Six Man Tag that involved World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa and have thus refused to put the belts on the line against Wild Fire and as they have not breached the 30 Day Mandatory Defence rule they are in their right to do so.


Meanwhile no one has truly risen from the pack to find a challenger for the Junior Tag Team Championship held by Black Magic's stable mates the Black Heart Flying Squadron, there was the non title victory for former champs Your New Heroes but Marihito Masuko already has commitments elsewhere on this show. So the two sets of Tag Team Champions representing the Black Heart Brethren will join forces to take on two Wild Fire and fellow Burning Sekigun representatives Size of the Fight. Should the BHB quartet emerge victorious then they would have driven a very large nail in the title hopes of their Burning Sekigun counterparts, should victory be on the other foot however then both Wild Fire and Size of the Fight would have put forward very strong cases in challenging for the World Tag Team and Junior Tag Team titles respectively.



~The Glorious Path~

Junior Contenders Circle: (45 Min Time Limit):

Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg


At last months Test of Prophecies PPV both Black Cobra and Marihito Masuko challenged Sensational Dragon for the Burning Junior Championship in a three way elimination match. Cobra for the first to be eliminated by Masuko just as it looked like he was set to force Dragon to tap out to the Stone Hold, something that has ignited an already explosive Junior Division rivalry.


In the past month both then reached the final five of the Battle of Osaka to re cement their spot in the Junior Division Contenders circle and subsequent victories since have lead them to the point once again where both of them are on the cusp of challenging for the Junior Championship once again. For the victor another chance at glory, for the loser another day of frustration.



~ All The Rage~

Singles 'Grudge' Match (20 Min Time Limit):

Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho-1.jpg


It's a very real possibility that one of the most succesful Tag Teams in BHOTWG history, three time champions The Raging Bulls could be consigned to history. Tensions over continued poor form in recent months has boiled over to the point where they can no longer work together.


After Sanda bragged about being the stronger member of the Bulls after recording a Tag Team victory alongside Toshiki Shibanumo over the lowly ranked team of Sotomura & Kataoka, Hamacho after a brave loss alongside Fuganaga to Team INSPIRE's Kikkawa & Pathlow called out his partner and insisted they settled their differences. BHOTWG obviously listened and have placed them in a match against one another, a chance to vent their frustrations one another could see the Bulls come out stronger or could it very well tear them apart to the point of no return.



~ Enter the Master Class~

Special Singles Challenge Match (20 Min Time Limit):

Elemental III vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


As part of the Elemental legacy, Elemental III is keen to live up to the famous mask's tradtion of excellence and both the original Elemental and in particular Elemental II were never afraid of testing themselves outside of their bread and butter of the Junior Heavyweight Division. The Third Generation icon gets a chance to truly add to his own legacy when he takes on recent World Championship challenger and 2009 Super 10 Cup winner Tasuku Iesada, and with the Team INSPIRE man's recent success in BHOTWG, the pressure is on him to avoid the upset, despite the weight of legacy upon Elemental III's shoulders.



~Rise Above~

Three Way Junior Tag Team Match (20 Min Time Limit)

Optimum Impact (American Optimus & Super Joshuya) vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi) vs Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BlackEagle_alt5.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SuperJoshuya-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg/ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg?t=1268428305 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HaruKurofuji.jpg?t=1268428325


All three of these Junior Division Tag Teams have scored victories over one of the other teams during the past month, can one rise from the pack and put themselves into contention for a title shot ?



The free to air pre-show see's a 'David vs Goliath' encounter between Red Panther and Kanishoki and there will be a Six Man Tag as RAGE's Mitsunari Fuganaga and Toshiki Shibanumo team with The Incredible Koyama to take on Masutaro Kataoka, Roku Sotomura & Stone Yoshikawa.



Predictions Form:


World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Shimedzu


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Kinnojo Horri


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae


Taira, Masuno, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Toshusai, Onodera, Kokan & Konda


Junior CC: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Tasuku Iesada


Optimum Impact vs Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


Kanishoki vs Red Panther


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & Koyama vs Kataoka, Sotomura & Yoshikawa


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World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Shimedzu


King of Fighters: Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Kinnojo Horri


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs John Pathlow


CC Spot Challenge: Masaaki Okazaki vs Miyamae


Taira, Masuno, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Toshusai, Onodera, Kokan & Konda


Junior CC: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko


Chuichi Sanda vs Eiji Hamacho


Elemental III vs Tasuku Iesada


Optimum Impact vs Little Fury vs Universal Excellence


Kanishoki vs Red Panther


Fuganaga, Shibanumo & Koyama vs Kataoka, Sotomura & Yoshikawa

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