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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno

Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

no extra commentary as I am short on time but wanted to get predictions in

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O.O.C Note:


Even though I don't actually have to put this up here, I'm going to do so out of courteousy for my readers who are waiting on the next show...


I haven't really got that far into writing it up yet, so I don't forsee it being up and until middle of next week at the earliest. That's because it's being hectic at work at the moment (I work at a college and it's during our enrolment period) and I've just not had the energy to work on the diary at this moment in time. It's not that I'm losing interest...far from it! but I thought I just better explain why things are a bit slow right now.


Hey at least Dragonmack has time to add comments to those predictions he rushed in ;)

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Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada

Miyamae vs John Pathlow


Elemental III & Tadakuni Toshusai vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko


Mister Macho & BURNING Cobra vs Some Dude In A Mask & Yasunobu Masuno


Horri, Onodera, Kokan & Konda vs Sanda, Okazaki, Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


Wayne, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Sato, Yasujiro & Kurofuji


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira


Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo

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Combustion Tour #21


(Wednesday 3rd November 2010)


Osaka Athletic Stadium , Kinki

( 5'000 Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Joshuya set the tempo of the match at the start, keeping Shikitei off balance with his lucha influenced style, but crashed and burned on a slingshot press to the floor. The Dragon Feet young lion then took control and got a close two count with a German Suplex Hold. However an attempt to set up for the OS Combination was countered into a crucifix bomb by Joshuya. A Tornado DDT then put the junior division veteran further in control before pulling out the DUE SOUTH (Corkscrew Moonsault) to secure the victory.


Result: Super Joshuya [w] bt Omezo Shikitei [L] via pinfall (Due South)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: These two had noticeably good chemistry with one another, in fact this is the second Junior Division member (the other being Masuko), Shikitei has gelled really well with in the ring.



Match B: Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate) vs Roku Sotomura & Toshiki Shibanumo


Sotomura and Shibanumo just could not get on the same page with one another, and though Snow Lizzard have been struggling during this past year, their experience and superior team work saw them to perhaps their most comfortable victory in a long time, with Shiraishi forcing Sotomura to tap out to the LIZARD CLUTCH (Seated Cobra Clutch)


Result: Sanetomo Shiraishi [w] & Sessue Kawate bt Roku Sotomura [L] & Toshiki Shibanumo in 5:48 via submission (Lizard Clutch)

Rating: C



Main Show


Match #1: Glenn Trial Series (#7):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Sensational Dragon


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg


Glenn took the fight right to the Junior Champion at the start of the match by matching Dragon hold for hold, counter for counter during a scintilating exchange of fast paced chain wrestling. Dragon got so frustrated about this that he went out for a powder to re-group but Glenn was keen to keep up the pressure and the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' looked to wipe out Dragon with a slinghshot press, only for the Sensational One to move out of the way but Glenn landed on his feet and then nailed Dragon with a drop-kick.


Glenn then pitched Dragon back into the ring and got a two count off a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, before setting up for a Brainbuster but that was countered into a stunner by Dragon, who then planted the gaijin young lion with a DRAGON SUPLEX for a close two count.


Dragon then decided to head up top, but saw Glenn getting to his feet and went for the SENSATION SHOCK (Front Flip hurracanrana) but it was well scouted by Glenn who countered into a powerbomb!


That got Glenn a two count, who then set up for another Brainbuster....Dragon was able to block again and tried to counter into the DRAGON SLICE but Glenn was able to counter back, overpowering the Junior Champion before drilling the 'Sensational One' with a LOUISIANA SPIRAL (Twisting Brainbuster).....








Dragon managed to kick out, but still found himself in trouble as Glenn applied the DEEP SOUTH DREAM (Fron Chancery) submission hold, but the Junior Champion showed his strong fighting spirit by holding on and eventually making it to the ropes to force the rope break.


Glenn remained in control however and again tried to set up for a Brainbuster, but Dragon was proving to be a bit of a dead-weight to lift up, so Glenn just planted Dragon back onto the canvas with a front suplex and then went for a series of pin attempts, but to the 'Dixieland Wonderkids' frustration Dragon kept kicking out. Dragon however remained rooted to the mat and Glenn decided to head up top, but as the gaijin young lion came crashing down with the 450 SPLASH, Dragon moved out of the way just in time.....


The Sensational One then nailed Glenn with superkick before planting Glenn with the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui)






Dragon's cover was a weak one, but Glenn still made a strong kick out to the shock of the Junior Champion, who was then planted with a leg-sweep from the 'Dixieland Wonderkid'.......Glenn then lined up for the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Superkick) but Dragon was able to side-step at the last split second and then take Glenn off his feet with a basement drop-kick, before following up with the DRAGON'S CROSS (Multi Rotation Crucifix Arm Bar)......


Glenn bravely battled his way to the ropes, before Dragon could force the tap-out....but with his right arm now dangling by his side and his mind very much on trying to shake out the pain of the arm bar, Dragon was able to nail Glenn with a Superkick. The Sensational One then headed up top, waited for Glenn to bravely stagger back to his feet and this time was able to pull off the SENSATION SHOCK (Front Flip Rana Pin).....






Three !!!


Glenn had put up a valiant effort agains the Junior Champion and at times looked like he could pull of a major upset but Dragon pulled through in the end and showed his championship winning quality to negate what would have been for him an embarrasing defeat.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 14:28 via pinfall (Sensation Shock)

Rating: B


Onodera's Viewpoint: A very solid opening contest, the whole point of the Glenn Trial Series, is to showcase him as an exciting talent and have gradually get over with the fans by showcasing that talent. Right now fans aren't expecting Glenn-san to come in and be a world beater straight away, but hopefully by the end of these initial 20 matches, he will be fully accepted by the fans and ready to make the next step and I think we are on target to succeed with doing that.


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: Chance of me being on the end of an upset, yeah right?!! I'm far too Sensational for that.


Kevin Christopher Glenn(in southern drawl): Ah can feel meself gettin' a lil' closer each time to pullin' out that win, Dragon-san will say he ain't had nothin' ta worry 'bout but ah know deep daawn I gav 'im a real scare.



Match #2: Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda vs

Chuichi Sanda, Masaaki Okazaki, VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi








The early exchanges in this eight man tag were evenly contested, until Sanda nailed Konda with the EXPLOSION KICK (Running Boot) and though that didn't put get a three count, it did put RAGE in control. Konda then found himseld isolated in the RAGE corner but turned things round after a pair of KONDA KUTTERS on Sanda and VENOM.


That brought in Onodera who was able to plant Sanda with a Uranage Backbreaker and then apply the LRC (Arm Trap Crossface) but Shiomi made the save- things then broke down with all eight men entering the ring and the fight spilling to the floor, leading up to the Size of the Fight pair of Kokan and Konda pulling out their trademark suicide dives to the outside.


Back in the ring and Kokan got a two count with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX on VENOM before heading up top, but the ELECTRIC LIVEWIRE was cut off by Shiomi who then brought Kokan crashing back in with a hurracanrana, before VENOM followed up with a V-STINGER (Shining Wizard Enziguri)....Horri made the save to ensure that Kokan wouldn't be pinned for the three count and then cleaned house with a series of lariats before planting VENOM with the FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster) but his pin attempt was waved off as he was not the legal man....Horri protested about this and out of referee Shinozaki's view, Onodera was blind sided from behind by Sanda.


Okazaki then intercepted a charging Konda with the OKAZAKI EXPLOSION (Wrist Clutch Exploder Suplex), Okazaki was then nailed with a drop-kick from a recovered Kokan, but the 'Electric Livewire' was then planted with a bulldog from Shiomi, Okazaki then placed Kokan in the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf).....the rest of RAGE were able to hold off Onodera and Horri from coming in to make the save, as Kokan was left with no other choice but to tap out as RAGE posted a notable win against a Sekigun unit featuring it's new leader Kinnojo Horri.


Result: Chuichi Sanda, Masaaki Okazaki [w], Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM bt Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera, Hyosuke Kokan [L] & Kansuke Konda in 16:49 via submission (Century Crab Lift).

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: A very solid eight man tag, the pitched this just right in the fact that they worked hard to make this look really competitive but didn't do anything to try and steal the show. You could say this a mild upset, as a Sekigun unit featuring Horri-san, would be considered favourites even if the rest of the quartet wasn't made up of the Sekigun's top men. But Horri doesn't lose anything from this sort of 'loss' and it helps to raise RAGE's stock, and help shake the perception of them being a 'jobber to the stars' faction.


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: RAGE are not here to play fourth fiddle, third fiddle or even second fiddle to no-one be it the Sekigun, Dragon Feet, Brethren or even those new punks Dissonance....this is going to be our time, OUR TIME to shine.


Masaaki Okazaki: What Sanda-san, says is so very true...we're not going to be taking a back seat to no one.


Kinnojo Horri: I will admit things haven't been good of late for the Sekigun, I'd be lying if the defections did not rock us but we must dust ourselves off and get back on track or we risk the very place we fight for being brought crumbling down around us. We cannot let the Sekigun become weak, we must stand up to be counted!



Match #3: BURNING Cobra & Mister Macho w/ Erisbet Chan vs

Yasunobu Masuno & Some Dude In A Mask


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716 w/http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/TKValet_jhd2.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg & http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg


Macho and Cobra were accompanied to the ring by Macho's new ladyfriend known as Erisabet-Chan. After a fairly even start the heels gain the advantage and manage to isolate Cobra, both Erisbet-Chan and Macho protested about this but it only served to put Cobra in more trouble. Equally though Masuno seemed to be distracted by Macho's kawaii companion- as he constantly felt the need to mouth off to Erisabet-chan as he dished out methodical punishment on Cobra, something that the ultra focused SDIAM could not be accused of.


Some Dude In A Mask, then tried to step it up a gear, as he looked to place Cobra in the Tendon Hold and force a tap out, but the reformed hero managed to counter and reverse into the STONE HOLD, but SDIAM was saved by Masuno- the masked man actually took offence to that and the two began to argue, giving Cobra the opportunity to take the heels by surprise with a drop-kick.....Cobra then avodided a clothesline from Masuno before snapping off a spinning head-scissors that he immediately transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning headscissors Arm Bar)....Masuno was able to power his way to the ropes and force the rope-break but Cobra was able to get a fired up Mister Macho back into the match.


Masuno however managed to get in a suspect knee to Macho's groin, before planting the Macho-Universe leader with a vertical suplex. Masuno then tagged out to SDIAM, who then worked over Macho and then looked to be lining up for the AT Strike only for Masuno to make a blind tag.


Masuno then set up for another vertical suplex, but Macho was able to put the brakes on and counter into a snap suplex, before rocking 'the hammer' with a MACHO LARIAT. It then became a race to see who could tag out first......and despite just being on the receiving end of the Macho Lariat, Masuno was going to get there before Macho....but SDIAM had hopped off the apron....Masuno was then nailed with a running drop-kick into the corner by Cobra, before Macho followed in with a running fore-arm smash. Cobra then headed up top and came crashing down with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt)....


But Some Dude, who looked to have abandoned the match earlier, then nailed Cobra with the AT STRIKE (Front Knee Strike to the Face)....the enigmatic masked man then lined up again and did the exact same to his own tag partner Masuno !! Before heading back up the entrance ramp.....


A bewildered referee Umeki then applied a double ten count, somehow both Cobra and Masuno managed to stagger back up to their feet before the count reached ten, and Masuno was able to prevent Cobra from tagging out and lifted the 'reformed hero' upon his shoulders to set up for the DAY OF RACKENING (Argentine Backbreaker Rack) but Cobra was able to counter into a crucifix bomb and then get the tag out to Macho....who then nailed Masuno with the BULL RUSH (Spear)...the BHB man showed fighting spirit by staggering back up to his feet, but was then immediately nailed with a MACHO LARIAT and with no one to make the save for him and with nothing left to kick out, Masuno once again fell to defeat at the hands of Mister Macho.


Result: BURNING Cobra & Mister Macho [w] bt Yasunobu Masuno [L] & Some Dude In A Mask in 15:06 via pinfall (Macho Lariat)

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: That ended up as a pretty fun way, to really bring home the message that SDIAM is not a team player. Erisabet-Chan also did some effective work at ringside and her prescence will add to, rather than subtract from Macho's matches.


Post Match Comments:


BURNING Cobra: The difference tonight is that I had a partner I could trust...Macho may not be Sekigun but we have no beef with Macho-Universe, you could even call those guys our allies...just that well they just want their own identity and I know I'm cool with that.


Mister Macho: OOH YEAAAHHH!!! that's right brother the Macho-Universe and the Sekigun can fight off the evil dudes and be like Megapowers brother!!


Erisabet Chan: Ummm..... I don't really know what to say....


Mister Macho: Well there's no need to really say anything Erisabet-Chan....


Erisabet Chan: Umm...really?


Mister Macho: OOH YEAAHH!! I do all the talkin' sister, all you gotta do is be all cute and cheer me onto victory!


Erisabet Chan: Umm........errr....OKAY!!!


Meanwhile Masuno is cheese off after the loss and gets in the face of Some Dude In A Mask


Yasunobu Masuno: I don't know what the hell your problem is, but we should had those losers beaten.....


SDIAM gives no response....


Answer me freak, damn it......it's clear you have a problem, you need your damn head examining....


Masuno continues the rant, but to his building frustration the enigmatic mask man just continues to ignore him...to the point that Masuno goes to hit him, but SDIAM is able to mvoe out of the way and the Black Magic man just ends up punching a locker instead.



~Can't Do If You Dead-Act One~

Match #4: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


The first of the Rapid Danger vs Rebellion singles challenge series, 'headlines' the first half of the show....it should be rememberd that BOTH matches are a must win for The Rebellion if they are to get their rematch for the tag titles.


As soon as the bell rings they don't hold anything back, going right after each other as they trade strikes and kicks. Pathlow however soon gains the advantage with a sneaky kick into Miyamae's groin, that double's over 'the Viper' Pathlow then scythed Miyamae down with a basement drop-kick, before following in with a running knee strike for a two count.


Pathlow then decided to head up top, but Miyamae was soon back to his feet, and cut Pathlow off on the top-rope but an attempt to bring Pathlow crashing back in with a superplex was met with an eye-rake, before 'Rapid Fire' followed up with a missile drop-kick, that was followed by a bridging German Suplex for another two count, before the DISSONANCE man looked to synch in the KIMURA LOCK but Miyamae was able to position himself out of the attempt and then suddenly snare Pathlow in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) only for Pathlow to quickly reach the ropes.


Pathlow then got in another cheap shot after the rope-break, before hot-shotting Miyamae throat first onto the top-rope, that was followed by a spin-kick that sent the stunned Miyamae into the corner, before 'Rapid Fire' then followed up with a drop-kick that sent 'the Viper' slumping into the corner. Pathlow then dished out a face-wash, but as he lined up for the final running knee strike, Miyamae suddenly exploded into life and took Pathlow down with a clothesline....that sent Pathlow tumbling into the opposite corner. The Rebellion man then responded with a facewash of his own before nailing Pathlow with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN knee strike.......








Miyamae had made the cover too near the ropes, but Pathlow remained rooted to the mat and 'the Viper' decided to head up top. But as Miyamae went for the REBEL STOMP (Diving Double Foot Stomp).. Pathlow managed to roll out of the way and onto the floor.....


Miyamae managed to land on his feet and then went out onto the apron, before launching himself off with a diving shoulder block but Pathlow managed to move out of the way and 'the Viper' went crashing into the barricade, before Pathlow then followed up with a flurry of stiff kicks.


Pathlow then pitched Miyamae back into the ring and got a series of two counts, after some quick pin attempts, only for Miyamae to frustrate the Tag Champion with his persistant kick outs but Pathlow did remain focused and soon changed tactic by placing Miyamae into the KIMURA LOCK, targetting the already worn shoulder of 'the Viper'


But Miyamae showed great fighting spirit again and dug down to reach the ropes.....Pathlow showed his frustration by pacing around, something that Miyamae soon capitlised on a quick flurry of strikes, before setting up for a DRAGON SUPLEX but he wasn't quite able to lock in the Full Nelson and that allowed for Pathlow to slip out, force a standing switch and dump Miyamae with a Bridging German Suplex for a two count.


Pathlow then headed up top and placed Miyamae in position for the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop) but 'the Viper' was able to move out of the way at the last split second and Pathlow ended up driving his knees into the canvas instead. Both then staggered back up to their feet and exchanged strikes and kicks...a mid ring collision then sent Pathlow into the ropes, before he rebounded off with the APOCALYSPE LARIAT but Miyamae ducked and then caught Pathlow with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO).....






Three !!!


Pathlow kicked out a split second after, but it was too late and the Miyamae Spoiler was enough to earn the former three time Tag Champion a three count and keep alive The Rebellion's chances of a re-match with Rapid Danger.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt John Pathlow [L] in 17:34 via pinfall (Miyamae Spoiler)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: A thrilling fast paced match, these two went for it right from the start and it and though Pathlow-san is officially a Junior and Miyamae-san is a heavy. Their not too dissimilar in size or style for that matter, and whilst being too similar can sometimes lead to poor chemistry, this pairing seem to gel pretty well with each other as opponents.


Post Match Comments:


Miyamae: One down, one to go and have every faith in Shimedzu-san doing the business. We deserve our shot at the belts but if we have to earn that shot, by proving ourselves then we will do that.


John Pathlow: Miyamae-san you caught me good, and hey Shimedzu-san could even luck out too, but think of it as this...I have put you through a war just to earn a shot at those belts you crave so much and Iesada-san will do the same to your beloved tag team partner. You know what if I was an outside observer, on the relationship between yourself and Shimedzu-san, I would say it was a Yaoi threesome between yourselves and the Tag Belts we hold....oh well at least you still have each other!



Match #5: Ryushi Sato, Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs

Gareth Wayne, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion







The 'Macho-Universe' trio started much the brighter in this six man tag and it looked as though the young lion Ryushi Sato would pull of a massive upset when he dumped Kiyaru with the ZEN DRILLER (Backdrop Driver), with only Scorpion's timely save preventing the three count.


Macho-Universe still remained in control though as the Brethren trio just could not seem to find a foothold in the match and it looked all over again when Scorpion fell victim to the UNIVERSAL STUDIO'S (Bridging German Suplex/Standing SSP combo) but just Kurofuji was making the pin, a metal chain wielding Gareth Wayne diverted the attention of referee Koetsu Shinozaki, enabling Kiyaru to sneak in and dish out a trio of Black Mist attacks to the Macho-Universe trio, before sneaking out of the ring.


Sato was then left isolated in the BHB corner and though he showed fighting spirit by kicking out of Gareth Wayne's SURE BET (Neckbreaker Slam), Scorpion was able to secure victory for the BHB trio courteosuy of the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Legdrop)


Result: Gareth Wayne, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion [w] bt Ryushi Sato [L], Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji in 9:53 via pinfall (Golden Shot)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Decent enough filler six man tag and a solid rebound win for the BHB, who have been struggling for victories of late.



Match #6: Nisso Yuasha & Yasuhiko Taira vs

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IncredibleKoyama1.jpg


Hidden Spark's speed agility and speed gives the super heavyweight pairing of Taira and Yuasha a little bit of trouble in the early going, but the Junior Division duo for all their endeavour are unable to get either Yuasha or Taira off their feet and in the end the big men prove too much of a mountain to climb and it is the Baby Elephant who secures victory with a QUAKE BOMB (Elevated Powerbomb) on Koyama.


Result: Nisso Yuasha [w] & Yasuhiko Taira bt Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama [L] in 5:46 via pinfall (Quake Bomb)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Not a great match, but OK for the six minute filler that it was. This wasn't about making Hidden Spark look weak by having them being on the end of the squash, it was there to remind the fans that powerhouses like Yuasha-san and Taira-san should be considered a threat, even if results have not gone either of their way much of late.




Match #7: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko vs

Tadakuni Toshusai & Elemental III


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai_USPW1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg


The Dissonance pair of Nakasawa and Masuko tried to get an early jump on their former stable mates, but Toshusai and Elemental III were ready for the sneak attack and gained the early advantage, culminating in Elemental III pulling off the 'Elemental Space Flying Drop'.


Back in the ring and Elemental III set up for the Elemental Suplex but Masuko was able to sneak in a low blow and then dump the 'Third Generation Icon' with a Belly to Back Suplex to take control of the match and bring the World Champion back in.


The Dissonance pair then methodically worked over Elemental III in their corner, though half the time was also spent taunting the fans and an increasingly frustrated Tadakuni Toshusai, and when Nakasawa did look to put Elemental III away with the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb), the 'Third Generation Icon' slipped of and then stunned Nakasawa with an Enziguri before following up with a drop-kick- Nakasawa staggered back to his corner where Masuko made the tag and immediately went for INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog) only to be roundhoused kicked out of mid-air by Elemental III who then slumped to the mat.....


But just as it looked like Masuko would prevent Elemental III from making the tag to Toshusai, the 'Third Generation Icon' made one last ditch effort and managed to bring a fired-up Toshusai back into the match. 'Wild Charisma' caught Masuko with the SPINESHOCKER but the pin was broken up by Nakasawa. Toshusai immediately went toe to toe with the World Champion, giving Nakasawa his customary double bird signal and putting the World Champion on the backfoot, but Masuko took advantage of Toshusai's diverted attention clipping 'Wild Charisma' from behind and then rolling Toshusai up.


Toshusai emphatically kicked out but was then levelled with a lariat from Nakasawa. Elemental III protested about the illegal double teaming, but that only enabled Masuko to get in a pink mist attack on Toshusai, before Nakasawa followed up with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker).......








Toshusai kicked out and then ducked a lariat from Nakasawa before nailing the World Champion with a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......Toshusai then decided to tag in Elemental III who then headed up top, but the 'Third Generation Icon' was sent crashing in by Masuko with a hurracanrana.....That enabled Nakasawa to leave the ring, and Masuko looked to be setting up for the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) but Elemental III had it well scouted slipping off before planting Masuko with the ELEMENTAL SUPLEX....








Masuko kicked out but was immediately ensnared in the ANKLE HOLDO....Masuko tried to get free but the 'Third Generation Icon' managed to grapevine the legs.....


The 'Painted Wonder' looked to be on the verge of tapping out but Nakasawa was able to make the last ditch save.


That brought Toshusai back into the ring and things began to break down again, and the fight soon spilt to the floor with Toshusai and Nakasawa brawling at ringside, but when Elemental III looked to take flight with the Elemental Space Flying Drop, he was nailed form behind by Masuko and this time was planted with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK !!






Three !!!!


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko [w] bt Tadakunii Toshusai & Elemental III [L] in 14:44 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: In terms of in-ring action, at least three of the four involved can bring it to a higher level in terms of invention, but this relatively quick paced tag saw them feed off the energy of the crowd to provide a well put together 'greatest hits package'. The Sekigun pair brought alot of energy, whilst DISSONANCE get to look like smart heels.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Sekigun you continue to fight the brave fight, but it's a battle you wage in vain, if anyone of you had any smarts you would accept DISSONANCE to be the dominant force now. Oh I'd be lying if I didn't welcome the competition but it's so much more fun destroying it.


Marihito Masuko: To find meaning from your loss would only serve to make you more foolish, those who do not follow such order are on a higher level, do not fight it..embrace it!





~Can't Do If You Dead-Act Two~

Match #8: Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg


Despite Miyamae's victory earlier, this is still a must win for Shimedzu, if The Rebellion will get the re-match they feel they deserve but Iesada will be equally determined to avenge Pathlow's loss from earlier in the night and following on from Nakasawa and Masuko's victory in the semi main event, help secure DISSONANCE place as the new dominant force in BHOTWG.


The start of the match is a rather cagey affair, with them feeling each other out and quickly taking things to the mat.....Iesada feels in his element there but Shimedzu is no slouch either when it comes to trading holds and the fact that the Rebellion man was keeping up with him began to frustrate Iesada, and it was the tag champion who was the first to become flustered enough to move away from the original game plan, when he went for a knee strike on a seated Shimedzu but 'Kamikaze Spirit' saw it coming and caught Iesada with a quick roll-up for a two count.


Iesada then rolled to the outside to re-group but Shimedzu was keen to keep the upper hand and looked to launch himself over the ropes but put the brakes on when he saw Iesada move out of harms way. Iesada gingerly got back into the ring only to be peppered with a rapid fire succession of kicks from Shimedzu. That lead to Iesada taking another powder- this sequence of Iesada bailing from the ring just as Shimedzu was building momentum continued a few more times much to the frustration of The Rebellion man on the fans.....Shimedzu of course eventually snapped and gave chase but inevitably that lead to Iesada blind-siding 'Kamikaze Spirit' with a rolling elbow out on the floor, before the Rapid Danger man whipped Shimedzu into the ring-steps and followed up with a running knee.


Iesada pitched Shimedzu back into the ring for a two count, before looking to methodically work over the arm of his opponent. Iesada then looked to lock on the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker) but Shimedzu able to claps his hands together and prevent the Rapid Danger man from truly locking it on. Iesada then changed tactic, as he looked to take Shimedzu over with a snap suplex, but 'Kamikaze Spirit' was able to block the attempt and tried to counter into a brainbuster, but he was unable to do so and Iesada gained the upper hand again with a DDT for a two count.


Iesada then looked for the IESADA SPECIAL again, this time getting it locked on but Shimedzu showed tremendous fighting spirit by battling his way to the ropes, despite being in considerable agony. Iesada then got in a cheap shot after the rope-break and tied Shimedzu up in the ropes, before lining up a kick to Shimedzu's increasingly injured right arm, but 'Kamikaze Spirit' was able to untie himself and then rock Iesada with a roundhouse kick.


Shimedzu then followed with a drop-kick that sent Iesada to the floor, before putting his body on the line, when he launched himself at the Super 10 Cup holder with a slingshot press. Shimedzu then pitched Iesada back into the ring, and set up for Brainbuster, but once again Shimedzu's injured arm gave way, Iesada then looked to set up for ther IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex) but Kamikaze Spirit battled his way out with a series of stiff fore-arms with his good arm, a spin kick then put Iesada further on the back foot, before Shimedzu then nailed the DISSONANCE man with the LIFE FLASHER !! (Rebound Running Boot)....








Iesada kicked out and then rose back to his feet, only to be nailed with a drop-kick that sent him slumping into the corner, Shimedzu feeling the momentum turning in his favour then dished out a face-wash to Iesada before dragging the Super 10 Cup holder nearer to the centre of the ring, before heading up top and then pulling off a moonsault.






Iesada kicked out and then tried to get the IESADA SPECIAL locked again, only for Shimedzu to instead trap the Tag Champion with his own submission the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke) but Shimedzu's grip was too weak, for the hold to be truly effective and Iesada managed to battle his way out.


However when they got back to their feet, Shimedzu was still able to maintain control peppering Iesada with another rapid fire delivery of kicks, before reeling in the Super 10 Cup holder, in position to drill Iesada witht the REVOLUTION DROP (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster)......


Shimedzu once again clutched at his injured arm, before dropping down to make the cover.....








The slight hesitation before making the cover, had probably saved Iesada from the three count. Iesada still remained rooted to the mat, and Shimedzu once again headed up top but just as 'Kamikaze Spirit' was setting himself up Iesada was back to his feet only for Shimedzu to launch himself off with a diving cross body but Iesada rolled through into a pin.....


They then exchanged various pinning combinations for various two and three counts, until Iesada suddenly had Shimedzu trapped in the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin)......








Shimedzu somehow managed to barely reach an arm onto the bottom rope and keep his hopes of winning the match and ensuring The Rebellion get a World Tag Team title shot alive....


A frustrated Iesada then tried to get in a cheap shot on the rope break but Shimedzu saw it coming and was able to get a flurry of chops in instead, before attempting to set up for the SKULL DROP (Spike Brainbuster) but Iesada was able to block and countered into the IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex).......








Shimedzu managed to kick out but Iesada rolled through into the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker) again, only for ring positioning to once again come to Shimedzu's rescue just in time......


Iesada was becoming visibly frustrated at not being able to put Shimedzu away, and as 'Kamikaze Spirit' fell to his knees clutching his arm in agony- Iesada decided to go to the outside, where he then picked up a steel chair but his sudden loss of focus, bit him hard as Shimedzu suddenly sprang to his feet and then roundhoused kicked the chair into Iesada's face, knocking 'Dangerous' off the apron and to the floor.....


Referee Umeki then started a twenty count......


Iesada staggered back in at seventeen, but was met with another roundhouse kick before being planted with the A-KO ARROW (Slingshot Falcon Arrow).....








Iesada kicked out, but Shimedzu wasn't go to the momentum slip and despite the pain still shooting up his arm, Shimedzu was able to muster up enough strength to then drill Iesada with the SKULL DROP (Spike Brainbuster)......






Three !!!


Shimedzu had to really dig down deep to pull out the victory, but he was able to do so and ensure that The Rebellion do get a chance to reclaim the belts they lost to Rapid Danger, and perhaps it also serves as a reminder that he should also still be considered for another shot at the World Championship.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Tasuku Iesada [L] in 29:31 via pinfall (Skull Drop).

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Not quite a classic (the first third dragged a little, and the selling throughout could have been a little better) but all in all this was a good main event, to cap off a very solid show.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Everyone's focus always seems to be on the Sekigun or whoever is directly opposed to them at the time, but what people need to remember is that though Dragon Feet are small in number, we make up for in quality. Dragon-san IS the top Junior in Burning Hammer, and Miyamae-san and I ARE the top tag team in Burning Hammer, and Rapid Danger only have those belts on loan- they got lucky last time, next time we step into the ring with them for OUR belts, we will fully demonstrate that class is permanent.


Tasuku Iesada: I let myself and the rest of DISSONANCE down tonight, I lost my cool, and if I hadn't done...I would have had that match won but you know what I thrive on a challenge and I actually look forward to showing The Rebellion that they WERE the best tag team in BHOTWG.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Nothing here would be considered Match of the Year material, but from top to bottom this was a consistently enjoyable show. DISSONANCE already don't have everything all their own way, but it's not the Sekigun putting up the initial resistance, it's Dragon Feet 2K9, whilst RAGE also saw their stock rise, with a notable eight man tag victory over a Sekigun unit lead by Kinnojo Horri.

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Waiting...waiting...hitting refresh...waiting...:)


There are so few puroresu diaries, I can basically camp out in this one and Yuu's.


Thanks for the support as always Miko!- And sorry this one has taken so long to get posted up- but real life (work) was sapping the life from me last week- anyway it's here now and hopefully next installment of the Combustion Tour won't take so long to make it's way onto here.


Edit: Responding to Miko's message, has caused a new page to be started- latest show is up as last post on previous Page (Page 72)

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Combustion Tour Predictions Contest (Show #20-Show#26 (Everlasting Mission)

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Only Smurphy1014 really finds himself lagging behind, after missing this round, with only two points seperating everyone else. This one proved to be a slightly trickier card with only Dragonmack correctly predicting that The Rebellion would come out on top of both of the singles matches against Rapid Danger.

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BHOTWG head to the Kunamoto Sports Field in Kyushu on Monday 8th November, as the Combustion Tour continues it's build towards the Everlasting Mission PPV.


Shimedzu and Miyamae both emerged victorious in singles victories against Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow in Osaka last Wednesday, and in doing so have secured their re-match for the World Tag Team Championship against Rapid Danger. The Rebellion get their shot right here in the main event and they will be determined to ensure that the DISSONANCE pair's run on top of the Tag Division is a short one, as they look to win the belts for a fourth time.


After the roaring success of the 'Falls Sprint' format in the Junior Tag Division, where Universal Excellence triumphant victory stole the show- it now comes to singles competition, with four of the very best Super Juniors vying for the next shot at Sensational Dragon's title....these will be the man who came up just short of winning the title at Night of the Burning Hammer- Elemental III, former two time champion and the man many say cost Elemental III the title at NOTBH Marihito Masuko, former three time champion The Awesome Kiyaru and BURNING Cobra- who despite being one of the most respected members of the Junior roster for a number of years, has never quite been able to get his hands on the Championship- just who of these great Junior Heavyweights will emerge with the most falls within the 30 minute time limit and become a step closer to becoming Junior champion?


Junior Division action will be further represented with a non title champion vs champion match as Sensational Dragon takes on one half of the Junior Tag champions Barei Yasujiro. The Universal Excellence man was noted more for being a singles wrestler during his career until the success of his recent team with Haru Kurofuji, and Dragon will have to be at his best to avoid being on the end of an upset. Meanwhile Kevin Christopher Glenn's 20 match trial series reaches match #8 and it does not appear to be getting any easier for the gaijin young lion as he faces off against former three time Junior Tag Champion Golden Scorpion.


In an intriguing tag match the Burning Sekigun pair of Kinnojo Horri and Kansuke Konda will face off against World Champion and a yet to be named partner of his choice. With Rapid Danger defending their tag titles and Masuko involved in the Falls Sprint just who will be teaming up with the DISSONANCE leader?


There is further regular tag action as Black Magic look to get things back on track, against the veteran/young lion pairing of Mister Macho and Ryushi Sato. This is the second match in a row where Sato has teamed with members of Macho-Universe, so has the stocky powerhouse quietly been inducted into Macho's faction?


Six Man tag action involving two unit's from RAGE round out the main show. Buzzing from their victory over the Burning Sekigun in a 8 man tag in Osaka, we get a RAGE-Sekigun re-match in a six man contest with Chuichi Sanda teaming with Merle O'Curle and Mitsunari Fuganaga to take on the Sekigun trio of Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera and Hysouke Kokan- will RAGE gain another victory over the Sekigun or can the Kokan-Wild Fire combination go someway to avenging last Wednesday's loss?...Meanwhile the other RAGE trio of Masaaki Okazaki, Yoshii Shiomi and VENOM will surely start as favourites against the combination of Roku Sotomura and Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama).


Bonus pre show see's a pair of openweight singles matches with the BHB's gaijin enforcer Gareth Wayne up against Red Panther, and Haru Kurofuji taking on veteran Toshiki Shibanumo.



Combustion Tour- Show #22

(Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu, Monday 8th November 2010)


~Engage Reset Button~

World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

'Representing DISSONANCE'

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow)


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


~Emergence Vitality~

Junior Championship Contenders 30 Min Falls Sprint:

*The winner with the most falls within the 30 minute time limit is the winner, if there is a tie- those sharing the most falls will decide the winner in sudden death overtime.

'Representing Burning Sekigun'



'Representing Burning Sekigun'

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner-

Elemental III


'Representing DISSONANCE'

Marihito Masuko


'Representing Black Heart Brethen'

The Awesome Kiyaru



Champ vs Champ Non Title Showdown (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Junior Champion-

Sensational Dragon


'Representing Macho-Universe'

Junior Tag Team Champion-

Barei Yasujiro


Mysterique Trap ?- Intense Tag Match (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda


'Representing DISSONANCE'

World Champion-

Hiroaki Nakasawa &

A Mystery Partner.


Six Man Proving Ground Battle (30 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Hyosuke Kokan &

Wild Fire (Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera)


'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda &

Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle)


Glenn Trial Series #7 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Golden Scorpion


Contuining Grudge Tag Team Battle (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno)


Ryushi Sato &

'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mister Macho


Six Man Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Masaaki Okazaki &

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


Roku Sotomura &

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther

Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo




Predictions Form


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM

Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato


Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo


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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato

Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama

Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther

Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Result: Super Joshuya [w] bt Omezo Shikitei [L] via pinfall (Due South)


Shikitei has always done well for me in my games so I have to cheer for him. Due South was a cool TV show as well.


Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Sensational Dragon




When Glenn finally wins a match it'll be with the Southern Fried Powerbomb or Creole Crossface.


Match #2: Kinnojo Horri, Takayuki Onodera, Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda vs

Chuichi Sanda, Masaaki Okazaki, VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi


A solid match to follow the gang match of the opener. They got the same ratings, but look at the length and number of near three counts in the write up and we know which was the big match. 4v4 so plenty of of fast action. Very surprised to see Horri lose though.


Match #3: BURNING Cobra & Mister Macho w/ Erisbet Chan vs

Yasunobu Masuno & Some Dude In A Mask


Now that Erisbet-chan has shown up, I'm loving Macho more and more. Masuno continues to job, no shock. But I don't think some dude is joining BHB anytime soon. And meanwhile, in the BHOTWG forums some wotas are cheering for Erisbet-chan and some puro otaku are QQing about the sports entertainment taking over BHOTWG and ruining it forever!


Mister Macho: OOH YEAAHH!! I do all the talkin' sister, all you gotta do is be all cute and cheer me onto victory!


Erisabet Chan: Umm........errr....OKAY!!!


While the J-pop idol brought in for this role wonders what her agent has gotten her into.


Masuno continues the rant, but to his building frustration the enigmatic mask man just continues to ignore him...to the point that Masuno goes to hit him, but SDIAM is able to move out of the way and the Black Magic man just ends up punching a locker instead.


Masano continues to be a loser.


Match #4: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

Good write up, I got into the match. Pathlow and Miyamae seem like the types to blend well in matches. I prefer to think of Pathlow as a heavy, much like Nishimura was always treated as a heavy while weighing maybe 200 lbs. I think is style is better suited for fighting heavies than getting into the junior heavy scene.


Result: Nisso Yuasha [w]


Taira was along for the ride with the Baby Elephant getting the push.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Marihito Masuko [w] bt Tadakunii Toshusai & Elemental III [L] in 14:44 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)


No shock here, aside from Masuko's cradle. Nakasawa needs to keep winning to keep him over as champion and the new top heel.


Match #8: Shimedzu vs Tasuku Iesada


I like how you get over the difference in styles with this match and the previous singles between these teams. This is much more technical, with submissions and cradles as much as power moves. Enjoyable series and card.

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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


They just lost a singles series to Rebellion and Miyamae may be worth a singles title shot. I think Rapid Danger wins this one.


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


30 minutes is a sprint?


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Time for some sake and sushi.


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


With a mysterious masked man we've seen before being the one to join Nakasawa.


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


It's time! It's time! It's KC Glenn time!


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato


But I won't be shocked if Black Magic lose this one. They are one step above jobbers in my eyes right now.


Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)

Way too early for Rapid Danger do lose their titles.


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Anyone could win here and they would all make a good challengers for Dragon... I go with Elemental III as I believe him to be the guy who get the title next since Cobra has score to settle with Brethens first


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro

Even though it´s non-title I just don´t see Dragon losing to tag guy.


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????

This might also be a good spot to give Horri a win over Nakasawa but I just don´t see Nakasawa picking a weak partner and Konda, though decent, isn´t that great so I go with Nakasawa. It will be Interesting to see who Nakasawa´s partner is. SDIAM maybe?


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM

This one is pretty close and could go either way but I still see Toshusai as the top guy here.


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion

Glenn will again fight well but the result will stay the same.


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato

Surely Black Magic won´t lose to Sato

Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama

Okazaki is the top guy here.


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther

Wayne is part of the Black Heart Brethens and that makes him more important than Panther on my eyes.


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

Kurofuji is more important

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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion

Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato

Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama

Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther

Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato


Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)

predicting time limit draw as I dont think the titles will change on a tour show


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

Cobra lines up for his next run


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro

even non title I dont see Yasujiro beating SD


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????

Konda takes the loss


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM

Booker gets a win


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion

Glenn still paying dues


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato

Mullets win as Sato takes the loss


Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama

Okazaki is the most over


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Thanks for doing this diary, it's been fun catching up on this. You also never did any analysis of Ryushi Sato.


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


30 Min Junior Contenders Falls Sprint: BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


Non Title: Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda vs Hiroaki Nakasawa & ????


Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Chuichi Sanda, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM


Glenn Trial Series: K.C Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato


Masaaki Okazaki, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle vs Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama


Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo

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Combustion Tour #22


(Monday 8th November 2010)


Kunamoto Sports Field , Kyushu ( 5'000 Super No Vacancy)




Match A: Gareth Wayne vs Red Panther


Panther was able to use his speed to put Wayne on the backfoot for much of the match, but he crashed and burned after he failed to connect with the TUMBLEWEED LEGDROP and the gaijin Brethren member took immediate advantage with the SURE BET (Neckbreaker Slam).


Result: Gareth Wayne [w] bt Red Panther [L] in 4:31 via pinfall (Sure Bet)


Rating: C



Match B: Haru Kurofuji vs Toshiki Shibanumo


In a match that never really found it's rhythm, Kurofuji was able to stay one step ahead of the veteran Shibanumo throughout, with the Junior Tag champion forcing 'Silent Rage' to tap out of the KUROFUJI CRAB (Elevated Boston Crab)


Rating: C-




Main Show


Match #1: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon_jhd21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg


Champion vs champion action to kick off the show, with one half of the Junior Tag champs in non title action against the Junior Champion.


Typical of a Junior Division match, they began with some chain wrestling that end up with a series of stand-offs, followed by a cagey slower paced period, as if neither one wanted to be the first to make the mistake that would give their opponent a chance to build momentum...that was broken up when Dragon tried to nail Yasujiro with a superkick, but the 'Mighty Mouse' was able to duck and take down Dragon with a leg-sweep before following up with a quebrada for a two count.


Yasujiro then snapped off a head-scissors that sent Dragon to the floor, before keeping the momentum in his favour by wiping out the Junior Champion with a springboard flying fore-arm that sent both sprawling into the crowd....Yasujiro then pitched Dragon back into the ring, before deciding to head up top but that proved to be a mistake as the Junior Champion rose back to his feet and cut Yasujiro off, before sending the 'Mighty Mouse' crashing back in with a hurracanrana.


Dragon was then able to nail Yasujiro with a super-kick...that lead to a two count for the Junior Champion, before he attempted to set up for the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui) but Yasujiro was able to put the brakes on that, slip out and then plant Dragon with an inverted DDT.


The Junior Tag Champion, then placed Dragon upon his shouldes in the Electric Chair position, only for the Sensational One to counter into a victory roll for a two count. Yasujiro however was able to re-take control moments later with a standing drop-kick, before snapping off a head-scissors take-down and then following up with a standing shooting star press....


But Dragon got the knees up and then quickly rolled the 'Mighty Mouse' up into a small package.....






Yasujiro kicked out, but was then nailed with a superkick from Dragon, who then planted the Junior Tag Champion with a DRAGON SUPLEX.....








Yasujiro managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat and Dragon decided to head up top.....the 'Mighty Mouse' staggered back up to his feet however only for Dragon to launch off and attempt to catch Yasujiro with the SENSATION SHOCK but Yasujiro managed to side -step out of the way and then nail Dragon with a leg-lariat before scooping the Junior Champion upon his shoulders and then planting the Sensational One with the YASUJIRO SUPLEX (Electric Chair Dropped into a Bridging German).....








Frustratingly for Yasujiro, Dragon managed to his shoulder up at the last split second...Yasujiro then went to lift Dragon up for the MIGHTY MOUSE DRIVER (Half Nelson lifted, wheelbarrow facebuster) but the Sensational One countered into a victory roll.....






Yasujiro kicked out and then nailed Dragon with a drop-kick before heading up top.......Yasujiro then took flight with the MIGHTY MOUSE AIR ATTACK (Sky Twister Press) but Dragon managed to move out of the way just in time and Yasujiro crashed and burned....


Then as they staggered back up to their feet , Dragon then nailed Yasujiro with a superkick before following up with the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui).....








Yasujiro showed great fighting spirit by kicking out, but was unable to prevent being nailed with the same Superkick/DRAGON SLICE combo only moments later......






Three !!!


Yasujiro was able to survive that combo once, but he was unable to do so for a second time.


Result: Sensational Dragon [w] bt Barei Yasujiro in 13:12 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: Few bought into Yasujiro-san being able to pull off the upset here, even if he is far from job fodder, but apart from that it made for a pretty entertaining opener.


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: The so called Mighty Mouse might be good enough to hold the tag belt, but unlike him I am so Sensational I do not need any help to hold the championship I hold!!


Barei Yasujiro: Maybe tagging so much of late, perhaps I have lost a step a little as a singles performer and I'm sure had I been at the top of my game, I could have beaten Dragon...that's to take nothing away from him, he is where he is right now because he is talented but I also saw someone very beatable and if I were to step into the ring again with Dragon, I know I can beat him.



Match #2: Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs

Mister Ryushi Sato & Mister Macho w/Erisabet Chan.


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg?t=1268429453 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg?t=1268429402




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RyushiSato.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716 w/http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/TKValet_jhd2.jpg


Macho and Sato started the match with more verve and energy than Black Magic and when Sato connected with the SATO HAMMER (Flying Chop) on Taira it looked as though we could have a huge upset on our hands. But Black Magic survived the scare and by a mix of bullying strength and their favourite tactic of blatant cheating they turned their tables on their opponents. The real decisive turning point came, when Erisabet-Chan incensed by the tactics of her teams opponents, got in harms way and when Masuno tried to put a move on her at ringside, Macho couldn't just stand and watch, that however saw him nailed from behind by Taira.


With Macho down and being consoled by a hysterical Erisabet-Chan at ringside, Sato was left in the ring all on his own and the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo) sealed the victory for Black Magic


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt Mister Macho & Ryushi Sato in 9:13 via pinfall (Devastator)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Yeah this one split the crowd, some were entertained by the ringside shenanigans involving Erisabet-Chan but on the other side I admit this is one that will have the purists tearing their hair out....not that is something I am trying to achieve by any means but I see little wrong with having something a little more in want of a better word 'fun' on the undercard.


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: It's time to get Black Magic and the whole of the Brethren for that matter back on track, lets forget about all the crap we've been dealt lately and move forward.


Yasunobu Masuno: Agreed...it's no good fighting amongst ourselves, it will only serve to destroy the Brethren...when the Brethren should be destroying all that steps before it!


Mister Macho: Erisabet-chan I thought I told you to just stand around lookin' all pretty, but you got yourself in some real danger....had to look out for you......


Erisabet-Chan: Ummm..I'm sorry, I'm sorry.....r-really, really sorry Macho-san.


Mister Macho: Look I forgive you, but the distraction did kind of cost us the match.


Erisabet-Chan: Umm..I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry....


Mister Macho: Well Erisabet-chan, I totally forgive you sister but remember just do what I say, and everything will work out fine....OOH YEAAAHHH!!


Erisabet-Chan: Ummm....OK....well I guess you kn-know best- Macho-san.


Mister Macho: Of course I know best, just stick to the plan sister!



Match #3: Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga_jhd-11.jpghttp://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpg


This Six Man Tag started off pretty evenly, until the RAGE trio were able to isolate the smallest man in the match Kokan. The 'Electric Livewire' however bravely fought his way out of trouble, with a Tornado DDT on Sanda being the key to getting in the tag to a fired up Toshusai, who cleaned house and got a close three count after drilling Fuganaga with the SHOCK DRILLER (Double Underhook Piledriver).....


Sanda's last ditch save at that point, lead to the match 'breaking down' and an everyone in brawl soon spilling to the floor. The Sekigun looked to had gained the advantage when Onodera drilled O'Curle with the CALL THE DOCTOR (Inverted Facelock Lifted Scoop Slam Pilediver), but Sanda again made the save and then planted Onodera with an EXPLODER suplex, only for Toshusai to then nail Sanda with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) but Fuganaga then nailed 'Wild Charisma' with a Running Knee just as referee Shinozaki's hand was about to slap the mat for three.


Fuganaga then applied a TRIANGLE CHOKE to the dazed Toshusai, as O'Curle managed to tie up Kokan...Toshusai tried bravely to fight his way out of the submission hold but the more he tried, the more determined Fuganaga was to keep the submission hold locked on and in the end Shinozaki's conclusion was that Toshusai had nothing left and called for the bell.


Result: Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga [w] & Merle O'Curle bt Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: Despite RAGE going over Sekigun last week, this will be still be seen as a bit of an upset, especially with Toshusai-san being the one taking the loss and Fuganaga-san being the victor. The thing with Fuganaga-san however is that despite not really pushing him at all during my time as booker here at Burning Hammer, he manages to maintain a reasonable level of popularity with the fans and with that in mind maybe I should consider raising 'Mr Serious' profile a little more.


Post Match Comments:


Chuichi Sanda: Two in a row over you Sekigun Golden Boys...no longer shall RAGE will be brushed aside as the poor relations for Burning Hammer, it is our time to shine...DISSONANCE think they need to worry about the Sekigun, who they need to be wary of is RAGE!!!


Mitsunari Fuganaga: For years I was a clown like Toshusai-san, and then I put that crap behind me...but still no one took me seriously, now will you take me seriously, now that I made that jabbering idiot pass out!


Tadakuni Toshusai: I AM STIIIILLL ALIVE!!!! I AM NOT BEAAATENNN!! I AM NOT BEA..........


Toshusai then collapsed from exhaustion.....


Takayuki Onodera: I do have to admit that I do worry for Toshusai-san, he uses up so much energy in anything he does...and perhaps he did run out steam in this match....perhaps the Sekigun are running out of steam.....no we can't allow that to happen, we just can't....we are the men who show true loyalty to Burning Hammer, we must keep fighting.



Match #4: Glenn Trial Series (#8):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


They begin in similar fashion to the Dragon-Yasujiro match with some high speed chain wrestling- Glenn is the one setting the pace however and after he connects with a drop-kick, an increasingly frustrated Scorpion takes a powder. That leads to Glenn going for a slingshot press only for Scorpion to move out of the way....Glenn lands on his feet but gets taken off them with a basement drop-kick from Scorpion.


Scorpion then drilled Glenn on the outside with a Brainbuster before rolling back into the ring but Glenn avoids being counted out only to be drop-kicked off the apron by the 'Gold and Black Attack'....This time Scorpion goes back out to the floor and pitches Glenn back into the ring. Scorpion goes for the GOLDEN SHOT (Slingshot Legdrop) but Glenn manages to move out of the way and then gets a quick cradle on Scorpion for a two count. Glenn then avoids a head punt attempt from Scorpion and gets another two count from a roll-up.


Back on their feet and Glenn builds more momentum his way when he connects with a leg-lariat and then takes Scorpion over with a snap suplex before transitioning into the DEEP SOUTH DREAM (Front Chancery).......


Scorpion however manages to battle his way to the ropes, but a Reverse STO from Glenn plants Scorpion for another two count, before the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' heads back up top.....


Glenn sets for the 450 Splash but Scorpion rises back up to his feet and conveniently staggers into the ropes to cause Glenn to lose his balance.......Scorpion climbs up himself and then tries for the ANEURYSM BRAINBUSTER but Glenn manages to fight off the attempt before shoving Scorpion down to the mat.....450 SPLASH !!


But Scorpion gets the knees up......


Glenn kicks out of the small package, but is then drilled with a BRAINBUSTER !!








Glenn kicks out staggers up to his feet but then receives a boot into the mid-section and is then planted with the SCORPION STINGER (Leg Hook Sunset Flip Powerbomb).....








Glenn put up another brave effort but yet again found himself on the end of a tough loss.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 12:18 via pinfall (Scorpion Stinger)


Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: They tried their best to have a good match here, but for some reason they just couldn't quite get on the same page, meaning that their timing with one another was a little off....that's a shame as if the timing was there it could have lifted it to be a good match, rather than just a passably decent one.


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: There wasn't ever going to be any chance, that gaijin loser would fluke victory over me, absolutely no way at all....


Kevin Christopher Glenn (in 'English'): Tha competiaaannn in this plaa-ace ain' gettin' any eas-yer, but I ain' gunna give up, I still believe I am good enough to earn ma place on this roster, and I will get thaat victory, an when I do....it won't be a fluke.



Match #5: Hiroaki Nakasawa & ???? vs

Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhd1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


Horri and Konda come out first and then Nakasawa...the fans wait in anticipation as to just who Nakasawa is tagging with, perhaps he would be so arrogant not to tag with anyone at all?


Then to confused silence, out steps.......




Super Joshuya. The Junior Division veteran and former Sekigun and Dragon Feet man is probably not the name fans had in mind to be Nakasawa's partner for the night.


What is immediately apparent however is that the Joshuya that appears to have aligned himself with Nakasawa, is much more ruthless and vicious one than the crowd have come acustomed to and a blatant kick in the nuts of Konda, gets a firm warning from referee Koetsu Shinozaki but puts the 'DISSONANCE pair firmly in control.


Nakasawa and Joshuya then worked over Konda in their corner, as Horri could only look on in frustration, but the 'Big Fight Player' did manage to find the opening he needed after blocking a J-DROP (Front Flip DDT) from Joshuya and then countering with a KONDA KUTTER, before drop-kicking Nakasawa off the apron and getting the tag to Horri.


Horri cleaned house and looked to have the match won with a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinebuster) on Joshuya, only for Nakasawa to make a last ditch intervention. Nakasawa and Horri then went toe to toe in a heated brawling exchange, until Joshuya was able to sneak in a cheap shot from the apron, that saw Horri stagger into a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER......


Horri kicked out at two and then levelled Nakasawa with a lariat, before planting the World Champon with a FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......








Joshuya made the save, but was then sent to the floor by Konda who followed up with one of his trademark tope con hilos......


But Joshuya had managed to move out of the way, and the Nippon Luchadore managed to distract referee Shinozaki for Nakasawa to sneak in a low blow on Horri. Nakasawa then nailed 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT....








Nakasawa had once again got the better of Horri, but the new Sekigun leader will feel that he was 'cheated' out of victory and that if it wasn't for Nakasawa and his new ally in Joshuya resorting to rule bending then the outcome would have been different.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Super Joshuya bt Kinnojo Horri [L] & Kansuke Konda in 10:49 via pinfall (Sudden Impact Lariat)


Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: An average match, but Nakasawa-san and Horri-san will always generate a decent amount of heat from the fans. I was just trying to find the right moment where to take Joshuya-san next after the American Optimus feud had ended, this was the idea I had in my mind just as that feud was coming to the end...for Joshuya to take a 'if you can't beat them,join them attitude-which was actually aluded to with the way Joshuya-san sent A.O packing from Burning Hammer. Though Joshuya-san will admittedly be the low man for DISSONANCE it does freshen him up as a performer as he hasn't been a heel for a number of years.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Horri-san accept it, just accept the fact I am so much better than you, I beat you again and every time you step into that ring with me, be it singles or tag...I will continue to beat your inferior self over and over and over again!!


Super Joshuya: So yeah I've joined DISSONANCE, and apparently I've turned my back on the fans...so what! They turned their back on me a long time ago, they see me as a washed up has-been who is several years past his prime.. well sorry to disappoint everyone I don't plan to take it easy and settle for being a gate-keeper. One thing that charlatan American Optimus did teach me, is that you shouldn't care about the fans and trying to live up to a false idealism, the sort of false idealism that Nakasawa-san has seen through, that's why I'm proud to join DISSONANCE....i've joined the WINNING team.


Kansuke Konda: Joshuya-san, as a veteran of this sport, I respected you and I always thought you would always be someone who would try to get along, by doing things the right way...so it pains me to see youbecome pulled in by Nakasawa's BS... in time you will come to regret your decision, Joshuya-san, you truly will.



Match #6: Masaaki Okazaki, Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM vs

Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama








Even though the trio of Sotomura and Hidden Spark did get in some offence (the highlight being Koyama's INCREDIBLE DEATH SPIKE (Belly to Back Piledriver)) upon VENOM for a two count, the RAGE trio looked alot more cohesive throughout this relatively short match, and though Yoshikawa was able to survive Little Fury's ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo) neither of Hidden Spark were able to prevent their partner in this trios match Sotomura tapping out to Ozazaki's ANGULAR ARM BAR submission, as the RAGE faction completed an strong night by winning both six man tags that they were involved in.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki [w], Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM bt Roku Sotomura, Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama in 7:49 via submission (Angular Arm Bar)


Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Decent enough for what it was, which was a semi-squash filler that gave the crowd a chance to cool down a little before the anticipated high intense drama and action of the main event match ups. Even though Yoshikawa-san and Koyama-san have a little more direction since joining together as Hidden Spark, they are still having to bide their time, as I have too much respect for the established teams such as Size of the Fight and Little Fury, in order to suddenly push Hidden Spark above them. Yes admittedly I did do that for Universal Excellence, but it was immediately apparent that they had a special chemistry and Yasujiro-san and Kurofuji-san are respected veterans, even if they're previous legacies were built outside of BHOTWG.



~Emergence Vitality~

Match #7: Junior Contenders 30 Min Falls Sprint:

BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs

Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg



Kiyaru and Elemental III kicked this falls sprint off, and after a minute of fast paced chain wrestling Kiyaru managed to sneak in a low blow and then plant the 'third generation icon' with a standing KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner).....








Masuko makes the save and then catches Kiyaru with a roll-up, only for Cobra to then intervene with a stiff kick before placing Masuko in the STONE HOLD......


Elemental III is up first but decides against making the save, but Kiyaru realising that the Sekigun pair may be sticking together, dives across to make the save instead.....


Kiyaru then blows Black Mist into the face of Cobra, and then lets Masuko take advantage by planting Cobra with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK!!






Elemental III comes across to make the save but gets taken down with a drop toe hold and then placed in a single leg crab by Kiyaru.....


Three !!!


Fall #1: Marihito Masuko over BURNING Cobra in 5:44 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)......


Cobra-0, Elemental-0, Masuko-1, Kiyaru-0


Elemental III manages to reach battle his way out of the submission hold that Kiyaru had placed him in however and then countered into the ANKLE HOLDO, but caught up in the moment he had forgotten that Masuko was still very fresh, and the DISSONANCE man broke up the submission hold, before planting Elemental III with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).....








But Kiyaru feeling somewhat agrieved that Masuko wasn't about to return the favour then broke up the pin, before planting the 'PAINTED WONDER' with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep.....only to then be nailed with a drop-kick from a recovered Cobra, the 'reformed hero' then planted a stunned Kiyaru with the STONEPLEX (Northern Lights Suplex)......








Fall #2: BURNING Cobra over The Awesome Kiyaru in 8:21 via pinfall (Stoneplex)....


Cobra-1, Elemental-0, Masuko-1, Kiyaru-0


Elemental III could have broken up the pin, but decided not to.......Cobra then stepped aside and allowed for Elemental III to then nail the still dazed Kiyaru with a roundhouse kick, before drilling 'the dark enigma' with the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb).....






Masuko was about to intervene but was intercepted by Cobra, who then placed the 'Painted Wonder' in the STONE HOLD (Sharpshooter).....








Fall #3: Elemental III over The Awesome Kiyaru in 10:07 via pinfall (Earth Breaker)


Cobra-1, Elemental-1, Masuko-1, Kiyaru-0


Cobra however still had Masuko placed in the STONE HOLD, and it looked as though the 'reformed hero' was about to earn his second fall, but this time Elemental III did intervene, clearly wanting to be the one to take the lead out of the Sekigun pair.


In the heat of battle Cobra immediately responded to this and engaged in a stiff striking battle, but they became so focused on one another for the next minute or so, they had forgotten about Kiyaru and Masuko, with the former sneaking in to take Elemental III down with a legsweep and Masuko then planting Cobra with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog)

but before Masuko could go for the pin on Cobra- Kiyaru then nailed Masuko with a roundhouse kick. Elemental III then tried to do the same to Kiyaru, but the 'Dark Enigma' ducked under and Masuko was once again on the receiving end instead......Kiyaru then planted Elemental III into the canvas with a Falcon Arrow, for a two count, before heading up top.....


But the 'Dark Enigma' was cut off by Cobra.....Cobra however was soon joined by Masuko as the 'reformed hero' tried to bring Kiyaru crashing back into the ring with a superplex.....eventually Elemental III placed himself underneath all of them, and with a powerbomb sent everyone crashing back into the ring 'Tower of Doom' style before exhaustively collapsing to the canvas.....


Elemental III was up first and took down Masuko with a reverse STO that he transitioned into the ELEMENTAL CLUTCH (Koji Clutch).....


Before either Cobra or Kiyaru could intervene, and with the Painted Wonder looking to conserve energy, Elemental forced the tap out to take the lead.....


Fall #4: Elemental III over Marihito Masuko in 14:11 via submission (Elemental Clutch)


Cobra-1, Elemental-2, Masuko-1, Kiyaru-0


But a split moment later Kiyaru did intervene as he came crashing down upon 'the third generation icon' with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press)


Fall #5: The Awesome Kiyaru over Elemental III in 14:38 via pinfall (Ethereal Killer)


Cobra-1, Elemental-2, Masuko-1, Kiyaru-1


Cobra then nailed Kiyaru with a leg-lariat, before planting the 'Dark Enigma' with STONEPLEX (Northern Lights Suplex)......








This time however Kiyaru managed to kick out, rather than fall to the same move he had done earlier, with Masuko and Elemental III still down Cobra decided to head up top, but just as it looked like Cobra was about to take flight Masuko blocked the 'reformed hero' before blowing pink mist into Cobra's eyes.....the 'Painted Wonder' then sent Cobra crashing to the mat with an avalanche MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam).....






Elemental III looked to intervene but was then intercepted by Kiyaru, who the planted the 'third generation icon' with his trademark tilt-a-whirl russian leg-sweep.....


Three !!!


Kiyaru obviously felt it better to protect Masuko winning a second fall, rather than Elemental have the possiblity of taking a third and go two falls up over everyone else.


Fall #6: Marihito Masuko over BURNING Cobra in 18:09 via pinfall (Avalanche Masuko Cradle Shock)


Cobra-1, Elemental-2, Masuko-2, Kiyaru-1


Kiyaru however then immediately planted Masuko with the tilt-a-whirl russian leg-sweep before heading up top...but he was then cut off by Elemental III....who then appeared to be setting up for a top-rope ELEMENTAL SUPLEX but Kiyaru managed to fight off with elbows and then come crashing down upon Elemental III with the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 Splash).....








Masuko decided to prevent Kiyaru from earning a second fall and began to set up for the Masuko Cradle Shock, but Kiyaru slipped off and then plant Masuko with a standing KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner)......








Kiyaru had now joined Masuko and Elemental III on two falls a piece, whilst Cobra still feeling the effects of the avalanche Cradle Shock was now trailing behind with just the one......


Fall #7: The Awesome Kiyaru over Marihito Masuko in 21:24 (Kiyaru Effect)


Cobra-1, Elemental-2, Masuko-2, Kiyaru-2


Elemental III was soon to take control once again nailing Kiyaru with a roundhouse kick, before placing the 'Dark Enigma' into the ANKLE HOLDO.....


The 'Third Generation Icon' had the hold synched right in and the 'Dark Enigma' looked set to tap out.....but Cobra then came crashing down upon the both of them with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt).....


Elemental III managed to stagger back up to his feet but was then met with a boot into the mid-section by Cobra who then drilled his Sekigun ally with a DEATH BY COBRA (Double Wrist Clutch Powerbomb)......






Three !!


Cobra had sent a clear message that whilst himself and Elemental III may be on the same side, this match was every man for himself and that he wanted the title shot, as everyone was now tied on two falls a piece.


Fall #8: BURNING Cobra over Elemental III in 24:24 (Death By Cobra)


Cobra-2, Elemental-2, Masuko-2, Kiyaru-2


Masuko then sneaked in and then took Cobra by surprise once again with another MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK, the same move that had already earned the 'Painted Wonder' his two falls in the match, both against Cobra.......


But this time Cobra slipped off and then planted Masuko with the STONEPLEX (Northern Lights Suplex).....








Kiyaru broke up the pin, and then planted Cobra with a Falcon Arrow before heading out onto the apron.....Kiyaru the went out onto the apron but was then dropkicked to the floor by Elemental III.....


The Third Generation icon noticing that Cobra was still down then headed up top.....










Masuko broke up the pin attempt.....


And then planted Elemental III with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)........








But Kiyaru had managed to pick himself up off the floor to come crashing down upon Masuko with the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 Splash)........








Cobra made the save, and then promptly drilled Kiyaru with DEATH BY COBRA !!








Elemental III intervened with a low roundhouse kick and then looked to drill Cobra with the EARTH BREAKER, only for Masuko to intervene with a Pink Mist attack, Masuko then dried to do the same to Cobra, but the 'reformed hero' managed to sidestep out of the way.....and then take nail Masuko with a leg lariat, a spinning headscissors followed, immediately transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning headscissors arm bar).....


Cobra had the agonizing hold locked right in, and Masuko's only hope of not being forced to tap out as for either Kiyaru or Elemental III to have recovered enough to intervene....


But neither was able to, and Cobra down at point in the match had now taken the lead.....


Fall #9: BURNING Cobra over Marihito Masuko in 28:55 (Alabaster Agony )


Cobra-3, Elemental-2, Masuko-2, Kiyaru-2


There was only just over a minute left in the match, but as Cobra staggered back up to his feet, he was immediately drilled into the canvas with a LORD OF THE RING !!! (Twisting Springboard Tornado DDT)......








But Elemental III made the save, and then placed Kiyaru in the ANKLE HOLDO, deciding that if someone was going to take the match into an overtime period it would be him......


But Masuko had the same idea, forcing Elemental III to release the hold before planting the 'Third Generation Icon' with a MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK !!!








Cobra dived across at the last split second to make the save.....


And then just moments later the bell rung to signal that the 30 minute time limit had come and end.....despite the match being everyman for himself, in the end it came down to Cobra saving his Sekigun ally from being pinned to ensure that he would be the one to earn the next shot at trying to prise away the Junior Championship from Sensational Dragon.


Result: BURNING Cobra bt Elemental III + Marihito Masuko + The Awesome Kiyaru in 30:00 after scoring the most falls.


Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: The falls sprint delivers again, but of course we will have to be careful not to over-use the format, as too much of a good thing can become stale....but just like the Junior Tag Title match, this was full of fast paced action, with dramatic twists and turns right to the very end of the match. This match was such an adrenalin ride, that from bell to bell it had the fans on the edge of their seats throughout.


Post Match Comments:


BURNING Cobra: Despite everything else, and my convictions in standing for what is right in this sport....my main goal is still to win the Burning Junior Championship...tonight I go one step closer to achieving that goal once again.


Elemental III: I do not begrudge Cobra-san, doing what he had to do out-there, yes at times we were forced to turn on one another but just as I have earned his respect, he will continue to have mine, as long as he continues to stand by his current convictions and not resort back to the man he was, the man unfortunately Masuko-san has become.


Marihito Masuko: The Cobra's strike finds a lucky cat, but the cat's waving hand shall stop and the luck shall only end with a darkened heart and the summit shall turn pink.


The Awesome Kiyaru: This time it was not meant to be, but I will not stay defeated in my quest to hold Burning Hammer gold once again.



~Engage Reset Button~

Match #8: World Tag Team Championship:

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


Main event time, and it's the World Tag Team Championship on the line, would Rapid Danger make a succesful first defence of the titles over the team they won them from at Night of the Burning Hammer or would The Rebellion follow up their singles victories by immediately taking back the belts?


The match begins in cagey fashion, with neither side really able to cut off the ring enough to gain an advantage. It's John Pathlow who decides to get a little more aggressive, peppering Miyamae with some stiff kicks, but 'the viper' weathers the onslaught and ducks under a springboard roundhouse to then plant the hard hitting gaijin with an STO. Miyamae tags in Shimedzu and the former three time champs are able to isolate Pathlow in their corner, a double slingshot suplex brings a two count, before Miyamae then heads up top but Pathlow manages to roll out of the way of the REBEL STOMP (Diving Double Stomp) and stuns Miyamae with a gamengiri.


Shimedzu however manages to prevent Pathlow from tagging out, levelling 'Rapid Fire' with a spinning heel kick, before lining up for the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot) but Shimedzu is tripped up from the apron by Iesada and then whipped hard into the ring-steps.


Miyamae however manages to recover and takes down Pathlow with a dragon screw leg whip before placing the gaijin junior into the SNAKE CHARMER (Over the Shoulder Single Leg Crab)- but before 'the viper' can truly synch in the move...Iesada delivers a flurry of stiff kicks to Miyamae's back, forcing 'the viper' to release the hold. Iesada is sent back to his corner by referee Terakado but makes enough of an awkward protest for Pathlow to sneak in a low blow on Miyamae and roll 'the viper' up with a small package.....


Miyamae kicks out but Pathlow manages to get the tag to Iesada and 'the viper' now found himself on the wrong side of the ring....frustratingly just as Shimedzu had managed to return himself to The Rebellion's corner and make himself ready to receive the tag.


Rapid Danger then worked over Miyamae in their corner, with their main focus being the right arm of the 'viper'.... one such combination seeing Iesada yank Miyamaes arm across the top-rope and Pathlow to then come crashing down upon it with a double stomp off the top turnbuckle.


A high low chop block/roundhouse kick combo then brought a two count for the champions before Iesada then looked to synch in the IESADA SPECIAL but despite the beating he had been taking for the past five or so minutes, Miyamae still had enough of his wits about him to fight against Iesada looking to lock the submission in. Iesada became frustrated and decided to change tactic and set up for the IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex) but Miyamae managed to slip out and then take Iesada by surprise with a rolling cutter, but was too worn down to go for any kind of cover.


Iesada was able to tag into Pathlow, who then drop-kicked Shimedzu off the apron just as Miyamae was about to make the tag, but Miyamae ducked under the Blunt Force Trauma (Running Leaping Side Kick) and then nailed Pathlow with a leaping knee strike into the corner, Miyamae seeing that Shimedzu was still down on the outside decided to head up top, but had his feet swept out from underneath by Iesada who had managed to sneak across on the apron. Pathlow took advantage of that by placing Miyamae in the 'tree of woe' position before nailing the 'viper' with a running basement drop-kick.....


'Rapid Fire' then re-placed Miyamae into the tree of woe and then headed up top- HEART COMPACTOR!! (Diving Double Knee Drop)....


But Miyamae managed to escape at the last split second and then instinctively nailed Pathlow with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN KNEE STRIKE.....


But 'the viper' was completely out of gas at this point and the only thing on his mind was to get out of the ring and get Shimedzu back into the match.....


This time he managed to succeed in doing just that, and 'Kamikaze Spirit' came in with a whirlwind of energy but frustratingly for Shimedzu , just as he was about to set Pathlow up in position for a brainbuster...'Rapid Fire' managed to wriggle free and then bail to the floor. Shimedzu then decided to go for a suicide dive, only to be nailed in midflight by a knee strike on the apron from Iesada !!


The DISSONANCE pair then stomped away on Shimedzu on the floor before pitching 'Kamikaze Spirit' back into the ring. Pathlow then planted Shimedzu with a bridging German for a two count, before tagging Iesada back in.


Iesada then set Shimedzu up into position as Pathlow went out onto the apron..setting up for the DANGEROUS LIASON II (Springboard Drop-kick/Suplex combo) but before they could pull it off....Shimedzu suddenly found a burst of energy and countered into the A-KO ARROW (Slingshot Falcon Arrow) on Iesada....Pathlow then lost his balance on the top-rope, crashing to the apron, as Miyamae then raced out of the corner and then sent Pathlow crashing to the floor with a baseball slide.....


Shimedzu then went for the cover on Iesada.....









Iesada managed to kick out and then as they staggered their way back up to their feet, regained control with a knee strike into Shimedzu's gut, before setting up for the IESADA BRIDGE (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex)......








Shimedzu kicked out but was then taken over with another Northern Lights Suplex and then transitioned into the IESADA SPECIAL (Bridging Cross Arm Breaker)......


Iesada wrenched back on the painful submission hold and it looked as though Shimedzu would be forced to tap out but Miyamae was able to intervene and force Iesada to release the hold. Miyamae was then sent back to his corner by referee Terakado, and Iesada looked to re-apply the IESADA SPECIAL on Shimedzu but...'Kamikaze Spirit' was able to block and then take Iesada by surprise with a quick roll-up.......






Iesada kicked out and then managed roll through again into the IESADA SPECIAL only for positioning to be in Shimedzu's favour, as 'Kamikaze Spirit' quickly grabbed the ropes.....


A frustrated Iesada then tagged Pathlow back in, and the hard hitting gaijin junior peppered Shimedzu with a flurry of stiff kicks, only for 'Kamikaze Spirit' to find a burst of fighting spirit and then nail Pathlow with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Running Boot).....








Pathlow kicks out and then manages to prevent Shimedzu from getting the tag out to Miyamae......before trying to set up for the KILL DRILL (Double Underhook Piledriver), but Shimedzu manages to block and then sends Pathlow over with a back body drop....


Miyamae gets tagged back into the match and takes down Pathlow with a basement drop-kick, and then tosses 'Rapid Fire' into the corner, to then deliver a Facewash, but just as 'the viper' lines up for the final running knee strike he is held back by Iesada....a recovered Pathlow then goes for the BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA only for Miyamae to duck under and Iesada to feel the full force of Pathlows leaping kick instead.....


Miyamae then nails Pathlow with a spin-kick and then plants 'Rapid Fire' with a DRAGON SUPLEX.......








Pathlow manages to kick out but Miyamae then applies the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice).......


Miyamae's grip however is weak and Pathlow manages to wriggle free and after a stiff kick, is able to tag Iesada back in, Pathlow then looked to be heading up top but is cut off by Shimedzu who races out of the corner and a suplex attempt from Iesada is blocked by Miyamae who then counters into the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO).......








Pathlow manages to wriggle free of the grasp of Shimedzu and breaks up the pin before being drop-kicked to the floor by Miyamae......


Shimedzu is tagged back in and the Rebellion looked to be setting up for the SPIKED SKULL DROP on Iesada, as Miyamae headed up top.....


But Shimedzu was having problems lifting Iesada up into position, and the hesitation was enough for Pathlow to pick himself up off the floor and then rock Miyamae with an apron Enziguri.......


Despite that, Shimedzu managed to then plant Iesada with the REVOLUTION DROP (Twisting Inverted Brainbuster).......








Only for Pathlow then then break up the pin with a HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop) into the back of Shimedzu......


Iesada then took immediatedly advantage to roll Shimedzu up into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin).....






Three !!!


Just as at Night of the Burning Hammer, Iesada managed to pull out the win courteousy of the Iesada Lockdown....this time Shimedzu was the victim but the result unfortuantely for the Rebellion was exactly the same, as Rapid Danger once again squeeked out the win over the team seen by many as the measuring stick of the Tag Division.


Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] & John Pathlow bt Shimedzu [L] & Miyamae in 26:41 via pinfall (Iesada Lockdown)


Rapid Danger Make V1 defence of the Burning World Tag Team Championship


Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: It was going to be a difficult task to follow such a thrilling match as the falls sprint that went before it, but the two best tag teams currently in BHOTWG, managed to pull off a main event capable of following that match, with one just as captivating. This match did a really great job of building upon the familarity these two teams have with one another.


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Rebellion just face facts we are the number one team here in Burning Hammer now, you've had your shot...now it's time to wait in line.


John Pathlow: You may not like us, but you better respect us....DISSONANCE are here to stay.


Shimedzu: You got us again, Iesada-san, you got us again with that damn Lockdown ......it's an impressive pin and I should have never got myself into the position to fall to it, I'm more angry with myself..than I am with you...because yeah you beat us fair and square...sure Pathlow intervened....but we would have done the same thing...we ain't no angels either but if you think this is the end of us...think again...because we will be coming for those belts again, even if we have to battle our way through every other team to get to you.


Miyamae: To be honest I still want to achieve singles gold, so perhaps......


Shimedzu: Miyamae-san what are you talking about....


Miyamae: I think we should perhaps concentrate on our singles goals again, sure we want those tag belts back but maybe......


Shimedzu: No need to put one above the other, we can achieve both.....


Miyamae: Really?




Overall: A


Onodera's Viewpoint: With a solid but low key undercard this show was hinging on the main event matches delivering.....and deliver a whole plateful of goodness is exactly what they did.

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Combustion Tour Predictions Contest

(Show #20-Show#26 (Everlasting Mission)


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Ian Carlisle






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Phantom Stranger






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Bigpapa42 had the best score this round with 9/10 matches correctly predicted. Whilst 8/10's from Zergon and Ian Carlisle put them into the joint lead, as they take advantage of previous leader Lo-Drew missing a round. Newcomer David Corperial also had a solid first showing by also scoring 8/10.


This was a relatively easy card to predict, with everyone thinking that the World Tag Team title belts wouldn't change hands- with only Dragonmack incorrectly predictiong a draw as opposed to a win for Rapid Danger- his gamble to try and think outside of the obvious answer unfortunately for paying off for him that time.


The Junior Contenders Falls Sprint- split votes though only between Cobra and Elemental III.


* I was going to say that the Sekigun-RAGE six man tag is what caught everyone out, but that being said I screwed up the prediction form for the RAGE six man tags , Sanda was tagging with Blended Whisky not Little Fury- so everyone who did predict- all earns a bonus point to make up for my error.

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Um, TK, you might want to take another look at the predictions, including mine. I think I got too many points.


Yeah you're right- I think I must have glanced over the fact that you actually backed Horri/Konda over Nakasawa/??? (Joshuya) unlike everyone else.


And I will get round to posting up the profile for Ryushi Sato- keep meaning to do it soon. The roster page has now been updated, go to Page 49.

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BHOTWG Heavyweight Title Tournament



BHOTWG will crown the inaugral BHOTWG Heavyweight Champion at the Everlasting Mission PPV on Friday 19th November2010. The title will be decided in a 8 man- single elimination tournament and the road to becoming champion begins at the next show on Wednesday 10th.


Today the 8 men vying to be the first man to hold the title were announced......


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga_jhd-11.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg


Chuichi Sanda (RAGE), Mitsunari Fuganaga (RAGE), Mister Macho (Macho-Universe), Nisso Yuasha (Unaffiliated)




Miyamae (Dragon Feet 2K9), Tadakuni Toshusai (Burning Sekigun), Takayuki Onodera (Burning Sekigun), Yasunobu Masuno (Black Heart Brethren)


Here is what each of the 8 competitors had to say regarding their participation in the tournament


Chuichi Sanda: I still of course aim to win the Tag Titles alongside Okazaki-san but I see this as a great opportunity to shake off being labelled as a career tag guy...it's why I initially split some Hamacho-san...because I wanted to better myself...I wanted to prove that I can stand on my own.


Mitsunari Fuganaga: I was the final Openweight Champion but that belt got discarded because no one took it seriously and for that matter no one took me seriously. I'm going to prove to everyone that they should take me seriously...when I tear through the competition for this title and establish myself as a rising force in this sport. It's about time everyone took notice that I am no longer a curtain jerking joke.


Mister Macho: OOH YEAAHHH!!- The heavyweight champion...sounds real good...gonna have a shiny gold belt on one arm and a beautiful lady on the other..... The Macho Life, is getting nice!


Nisso Yuasha: The Baby Elephant has been held down for too long, I will come to dominate once again...and it begins by crushing everyone who stands in front of me, becoming Heavyweight Champion.


Miyamae: Shimedzu-san thinks trying to win this title is a waste of time and energy, he is entitled to his opinion and I will always respect what he says, as he is more than a tag partner to me, he is like a brother. However I feel differently to him, yes ultimately I want to become World Champion but winning this belt can only be a good thing and should I dominate as champion,then surely an opportunity at the big prize will not be far away either.




Takayuki Onodera: I suggested to Toshusai-san, that it may be an idea to put Wild Fire on hold for a bit, as I feel that we need time away to improve as singles performers to help us become stronger as a team. This heavyweight title tournament, could not come at a more perfect time for us and whoever stands in my way of becoming champion, even should it be Toshusai-san...I will not hold anything back to achieve victory.


Yasunobu Masuno: I will admit that I have failed to establish myself as a world title contenders, and yes that frustrates me.....however I see an opportunity here to re-establish both myself and the Black Heart Brethren as a dominant force. I will become the first Heavyweight Champion and I will be more dominant than any other champion who sets foot inside a wrestling ring.

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Yep, I still suck at predictions. ^_^


Match #1: Non Title:

Sensational Dragon vs Barei Yasujiro


Dragon is required to use names with Dragon in it, like the Dragon Suplex. It's like Tiger Mask, if he doesn't use a Tiger Suplex there is something wrong.


Good fighting spirit match, like young Otani against Liger. Barei was not going to win, but he showed his fighting spirit and gave it a great shot.


Match #2: Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs

Mister Ryushi Sato & Mister Macho w/Erisabet Chan.


How much does Tiger dislike Black Magic? Let's see! Not enough for Sato be on a winning team against them, evidently. Though Macho was a little protected by his going to save Erisabet, so Sato could be double teamed.


Mister Macho: Erisabet-chan I thought I told you to just stand around lookin' all pretty


Yep, sounds like the Macho man, oh yeah!


Match #3: Hyosuke Kokan, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Chuichi Sanda, Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle


SaFuCu all have pics that face to the right, no wonder they are on the same team. Giving Rage a little much needed boost.


Match #4: Glenn Trial Series (#8):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Golden Scorpion


I'm cheering for Glenn to get one win in this series, but not today. Probably wise, his overness still has to be pretty low. I just love to push the underdogs.


Match #5: Hiroaki Nakasawa & ???? vs

Kinnojo Horri & Kansuke Konda


And the mystery partner is.....


Then to confused silence, out steps.......Super Joshuya.


Crickets chirp as the arena goes nearly silent. Maybe he took a wrong turn? Masked wrestlers chanbging room is to the right but he took a left? Maybe Some Dude is going to ambush him and destroy him?


Nope. Every elite faction needs an X-Pac to do the jobbing. Super Joshua will do this for DISSONANCE. Just call him S-Jos.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Horri-san accept it, just accept the fact I am so much better than you


I beat you with S-Jos on my team, that proves it!


Short match write up, but it got across what was needed. DISSONANCE has a new member.



~Emergence Vitality~

Match #7: Junior Contenders 30 Min Falls Sprint:

BURNING Cobra vs Elemental III vs

Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


And now we get to the big last two matches. The best of the best. And Tiger does love those 1v1v1v1 style matches. This was total chaos, just like these matches should be. Elemental and Masuno got the early leads to keep them strong. Cobra lags behind when Kiyaru gets a pin. Then Burning Cobra comes from behind for the big win. Well worth the big write up.


~Engage Reset Button~

Match #8: World Tag Team Championship:

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae)


Rebellion won the singles matches, but can Rapid Danger keep the titles? Yes! But it was still a great match in a great rivalry. I love the heavyweight tag title matches and the only danger I see here is Nakasawa and Horri getting left behind by the outstanding tag teams and juniors.

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Yep, I still suck at predictions. ^_^

Rebellion won the singles matches, but can Rapid Danger keep the titles? Yes! But it was still a great match in a great rivalry. I love the heavyweight tag title matches and the only danger I see here is Nakasawa and Horri getting left behind by the outstanding tag teams and juniors.


Awesome analysis again, Miko :)


Turning around the heavyweight Tag Division is one of my proudest achievements as booker.....


We started out with The Behemoths as champions :o, Raging Bulls, Black Magic, Snow Lizzard and an underpushed Rebellion.


We now have Rapid Danger as champions, Explosive Tension, Wild Fire, Black Magic and The Rebellion getting the push their talents deserve. Whilst Snow Lizzard as veteran jobbers and Blended Whisky as the new team finding their feet, add further depth to the division.

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BHOTWG's Combustion Tour continues to the Yamanashi Athletic Stadium in Chubu on Wednesday 10th November, in what could be a truly pivotal event as Some Dude In A Mask will be cashing in his World Title shot against Hiroaki Nakasawa. Can the enigmatic masked man continue his unbeaten run and end Nakasawa's seemingly unstoppable 16 month long reign or will the World Champion be the end of the road for Some Dude In A Mask?


And the World Championship being on the line is not the only title match action on this show, as BURNING Cobra will look to carry-over the momentum of emerging victorious in the Junior Contenders Falls Sprint by finally being crowned Junior Champion- however that won't be easy as Sensational Dragon, like Nakasawa has also enjoyed a lengthy run as champion and it seems that whenever his belt is on the line he becomes more determined than ever to hold onto it.


The tournament to crown the first BHOTWG Heavyweight Champion also gets under way, with all four of the first round matches taking place on the show. The Wild Fire- Black Magic rivarly gets renewed with the match-up between Takayuki Onodera and Yasunobu Masuno, meanwhile Onodera's Wild Fire Tag partner Tadakuni Toshusai will be looking to avenge his recent submission loss to Mitsunari Fuganaga in recent six man tag action- when the two meet again, Miyamae will be looking to prove that size doesn't matter when he takes on the biggest competitor in the tournament Nisso Yuasha and former tag partners collide when Chuichi Sanda goes up against Mister Macho.


In a show stacked with singles action, Kevin Christopher Glenn's Trial Series also continues, but the task to earn his first victory in BHOTWG does not get any easier as he takes on the 2010 BOSJ Cup winner Elemental III.


Rounding out the show, Size of the Fight and Little Fury meet in Junior Division Tag Team action, with both tandems looking to forge ahead of the other in positioning themselves in challenging Universal Excellence for the Junior Tag Titles, and there will be six man tag action with the Black Heart Brethren trio of Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru and Golden Scorpion up against the RAGE team of Masaaki Okazaki, Merle O'Curle and Toshiki Shibanumo.


The bonus pre-show action see's a pair of tag matches with the Dragon Feet 2K9 pair of Shimedzu and Omezo Shikitei taking on veterans Snow Lizzard, whilst Hidden Spark are up against the young lion pairing of Ryushi Sato and Mystic Dragon.


Here is a full rundown of the card for Combustion Tour #23


Combustion Tour- Show #23-

(Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu, Wednesday 10th November 2010)



World Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

'Representing DISSONANCE'

Hiroaki Nakasawa


Some Dude In A Mask


~Sensational Dreams, Burning Realities~

Junior Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'

Sensational Dragon


'Representing Burning Sekigun'



~Paved of Gold~

First Round of the BHOTWG Heavyweight Title Tournament

(All matches No Time Limit- Must Be A Winner):


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Takayuki Onodera


'Representing Black Heart Brethren'

Yasunobu Masuno


'Representing RAGE'

Mitsunari Fuganaga


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Tadakuno Toshusai


'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'



Nisso Yuasha


'Representing RAGE'

Chuichi Sanda


'Representing Macho-Universe'

Mister Macho


Glenn Trial Series #9 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

2010 BOSJ Cup Winner-

Elemental III


Junior Tag Team Contenders (20 Min Time Limit):

Representing RAGE'

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


'Representing Burning Sekigun'

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


Six Man Challenge (20 Min Time Limit):

'Representing RAGE'

Masaaki Okazaki , Merle O'Curle & Toshiki Shibanumo


'Representing Black Heart Brethren

Yasuhiko Taira, The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion


Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):

Shimedzu & Omezo Shikitei vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Ryushi Sato & Mystic Dragon.




Predictions Form


World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Some Dude In A Mask


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs BURNING Cobra


Heavyweight Championship Tournament:

Takayuki Onodera vs Yasunobu Masuno

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Tadakuni Toshusai

Miyamae vs Nisso Yuasha

Chuichi Sanda vs Mister Macho


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Elemental III


Little Fury (Shiomi & VENOM) vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Taira, Kiyaru & Scorpion vs Okazaki, O'Curle & Shibanumo


Shimedzu & Shikitei vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Hidden Spark (Yoshikawa & Koyama) vs Ryushi Sato & Mystic Dragon)


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