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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Combustion Tour#25


Akita Stadium, Tohoku (5,000 Super No Vacancy)


(Wednesday 17th November 2010)




Match A: Gareth Wayne vs Ryushi Sato


The young lion Ryushi Sato really took the fight to Wayne from the start and it looked as though his spirited effort would be rewarded, when he nailed the 'American Bastard' with the SATO HAMMER (Flying Chop)....


But Wayne managed to get his foot on the ropes at two, after that 'scare' Wayne managed to turn things round in his favour, and secured the win with the NU VEGAS BOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb).


Result: Gareth Wayne [w] bt Ryushi Sato [L] in 6:51 via pinfall (Nu Vegas Bomb)


Rating: C



Match B: Hyosuke Kokan vs Red Panther vs

Stone Yoshikawa vs Yoshii Shiomi


This was your typically fast paced effort from the Junior Divsion, leading to a chaotic finish where literally anyone could have legitimately come away with the victory...in the end Yoshii Shiomi was the man who nailed the decisive move at just right the time, as Red Panther was the unlucky recipient of the SHIOMI BOMB DROP (High Angle Senton Bomb)


Result: Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan + Red Panther [L] + Stone Yoshikawa in 7:13 via pinfall (Shiomi Bomb Drop)

Rating: C




Main Show


Match #1: Golden Scorpion vs Kansuke Konda


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


These two Juniors are more familiar with facing each other in tag competion, as one half each of the Black Heart Flying Squadron and Size of the Fight respectively but both would also like to consider themselves decent singles wrestlers and a win here could edge either closer to climbing the ranks towards a title shot.


Scorpion tries to attack before the bell, but Konda is ready for such tactics and levels the 'Gold and Black Attack' with a lariat and then nails the Brethren man with a drop-kick that sends Scorpion to the floor and then follows up with his trademark tope con hilo.


Konda pitches Scorpion back into the ring, and goes up top but Scorpion recovers and 'conveniently' shakes the ropes, causing Konda to be crotched on the top turnbuckle. Scorpion hits a corner drop-kick and then tries to bring Konda back in with a hurracanrana, but it is blocked and Konda re-adjusts to drill Scorpion with a Tornado DDT for a two count.


Konda then went to set up for the Konda Driver (Fisherman Driver) but Scorpion managed to block and then reverse into a Brainbuster for a two count. Scorpion then went out onto the apron to set up for the Golden Shot (Slingshot Leg-drop) but Konda recovered and knocked the 'Gold and Black Attack' off with a charging fore-arm....Konda then came soaring through the ropes once again with the tope con hilo, but this time Scorpion moved out of the way and Konda 'crashed and burned'. Scorpion then nailed Konda with a punt to the head, before drilling Konda with a Brainbuster on the floor.


Scorpion thought he would get the win through count-out but the 'Big Fight Player' bravely beat the count, and then surprised Scorpion with a sunset flip, when the 'Gold and Black Attack' tried to knock Konda back to the floor.


Konda then re-gained control properly with a lariat and then planted Scorpion with the K-THUNDER DRIVER (Spinning Sitout Powerbomb) for a close two count. Konda then decided to head up top again and came crashing down with the KONDA SPLASH (Frog Splash) but Scorpion managed to move out of the way just in time. Scorpion then nailed Konda with the head-punt/Brainbuster combo once again for a two count, before planting the 'Big Fight Player' with the SCORPION STINGER (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb) for the three count.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] via pinfall in 11:18 (Scorpion Stinger)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A solid opener and a decent effort from both of the wrestlers here as they did their best to get the crowd into tit, admittedly though thec crowd reaction was rather luke-warm. Truth is both Scorpion-san and Konda-san have been pushed stronger as tag wrestlers of late (that's even before I took over the book) and with no real build behind this match, it's probably about the best they could have expected from the fans.


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: Be it singles or alongside Kiyaru-san, I will end the year with Gold around my waist...that is not born out of hope, it is born out of knowledge...that such a scenario will happen.


Kansuke Konda: I can't pretend that this past year, hasn't been tough for myself and Size of the Fight as a whole....but we will never give up, and as long as we can keep on fighting...we will keep on fighting and eventually we will be rewarded once again.



Match #2: Shimedzu, Omezo Shikitei & Sensational Dragon vs

Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji w/ Erisabet Chan






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg w/http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/TKValet_jhd2.jpg


There's a brief moment at the start where the Dragon Feet 2K9 trio seem to be distracted by the super kawaii 'Neko Ears' outfit that Erisabet-Chan is wearing, but they quickly get serious and the momentum of the match then swung and back forth throughout between both sides, with the Junior Tag champs Universal Excellence almost gaining the win with their signature double team UNIVERSAL STUDIOS (German Suplex Hold/Standing SSP combo) upon the junior champ Sensational Dragon and Shimedzu perhaps going even closer for the DF2K9 team with a SKULL DROP (Sheer drop Brainbuster) on Kurofuji- with only a timely save from Macho saving the Junior Tag champ from being down for the three count.


In the end though, everything fell into place for Macho-Universe with Universal Excellence taking out Shimedzu and Dragon with some timely dives to the floor, leaving the inexperienced Shikitei isolated in the ring with Mister Macho- Macho levelled Shikitei with the MACHO LARIAT, which was enough for the three count as the Heavyweight Championship challenger goes into Everlasting Mission with momentum behind him.


Result: Mister Macho [w], Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji bt Shimedzu, Omezo Shikitei [L] & Sensational Dragon in 10:48 via pinfall (Macho Lariat)

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: A fun fast paced six man tag, that didn't outstay it's welcome with the fans. Perhaps even back as little as a month ago, the result probably would have gone the other way but Universal Excellence as Junior Tag champs and with Macho-san also on a decent roll...they have gotten close enough to Shimedzu-san and Dragon-san for it not to really do too much damage to the perception of the DF2K9 pair remaining strong and besides Shikitei-san as the young lion of that group is there to take the falls for now.


Post Match Comments:


Mister Macho: OOH YEAHHH, the Macho-Universe marches on....Universal Excellence got the little guy tag straps and I'm gonna be winning the big guy belt !!


Sensational Dragon: I blame the loss on the distractions...I mean come on who wouldn't be distracted by her....but, what the.....


Shimedzu: I couldn't care what Erisabet-Chan see's in that whacked out loony Macho, but fact is we shouldn't have been distracted by her....


Sensational Dragon: Oh come on, no harm done, it's only a throwaway six man we lost right....


Shimedzu: No harm done?- So you're quite happy to go into the defence of your Junior Championship with a losing effort behind you....


Sensational Dragon: I was saving my best for that match, you must know by now when it comes to matches that actually matter there is no one more Sensational than me......


Shimedzu: Over-confidence could come back to bite you someday Dragon-san.



Match #3: Black Magic (Yasuhiko Taira & Yasunobu Masuno) vs Merle O'Curle & Toshiki Shibanumo


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg




http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo-1.jpg


RAGE may have seen their stock rise of late with some solid victories (in particular against the Sekigun) but O'Curle and especially Shibanumo haven't really been central to their improvement and they weren't about to send a message that they were a new force in the tag ranks here, as Black Magic pretty much dominated the match from start to finish, with Shibanumo ending up on the end of THE DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo) in just under six minutes.


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt Merle O'Curle & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 5:56 via pinfall


Rating: C



Match #4: Glenn Trial Series (#11):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs VENOM


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


It's now in the second half of Glenn's Trial Series and despite some impressive performances he is still looking for his first win. The match begins in typical Junior Division style with some fast paced chain wrestling, Glenn thought he had the opportunity to nail VENOM with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Superkick) but the Little Fury man was ready for it and countered with a Dragon Screw Legwhip, that he quickly tried to transition into the STING IN THE TAIL (Cross Kneelock) but the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' was able to make it to the ropes before VENOM could truly lock in the hold.


VENOM however remained in control as he continued to work over Glenn's leg. The gaijin young lion bravely tried to rally several times but VENOM always seemed to be a step ahead with his leg-whips and basement drop-kicks. VENOM then went to nail Glenn with the V-STINGER (Shining Wizard/Enziguri) but Glenn was able to block and then levelled VENOM with a lariat, before flinging the Little Fury man over head with a release German Suplex. Glenn then nailed VENOM with a drop-kick, and then followed that up with a bridging German for a two count.


The Dixieland Wonderkid then headed up top, but still hobbled from earlier he took too long in doing so, and VENOM nailed Glenn with a jumping high knee. VENOM then looked to bring Glenn in with a superplex but the gaijin young lion was able to shrug it off and then drill VENOM with a Tornado DDT for a two count.


Glenn then lifted VENOM up for the LOUISIANA SPIRAL (Twisting Brainbuster) but the Little Fury man was able to hold his ground and then counter into the INFECTIOUS SPIKE (Spike DDT).......


Glenn kicks out at two, VENOM then tried to lock on the STING IN THE TAIL but Glenn managed to fend it off and then looked to nail VENOM with TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND, but once again VENOM was able to avoid it and countered with the Dragon Screw Leg-whip, before converting into the STING IN THE TAIL, this time VENOM had it locked on and despite a brave effort to try and make it to the ropes from Glenn, in the end he wasn't quite able to make it and was left with no other choice but to tap out in frustration.


Result: VENOM [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 11:22 via submission (Sting In The Tail)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: An average match in the Glenn Trial Series, I think the fans are coming settled into the fact that Glenn will put in a good effort but will ultimately come up short against whoever his opponent is.



Match #5: Tasuku Iesada, John Pathlow, Marihito Masuko & Super Joshuya vs

BURNING Cobra, Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera








The DISSONANCE team jump the Sekigun before the bell has even rung, but the Sekigun show their fighting spirit by firing right back- the opening is absolute chaos with referee Terakado struggling to keep control- and despite being the aggressors at the start DISSONANCE soon find themselves in trouble, with Super Joshuya planted onto a row of chairs with a SPINE SHOCKER from Toshusai and Elemental III wiping everyone else out with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop.


Back in the ring Masuko is nailed with a drop-kick from Cobra, and then planted with a series of snap suplexes from the 're-formed hero' for a two count. Cobra then turned things over to Onodera , who set up for the CALL THE DOCTOR on Masuko, but the Junior Champion managed to slip off and then stagger Onodera with an Enziguri. Onodera however got the tag out to Elemental III, who was eager to get his hands on Masuko, the 'Third Generation' Icon peppered Masuko with a series of kicks, before setting up for the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb) but a kendo stick wielding John Pathlow had distracted Terakado and Masuko was able to counter with a pink mist attack,before drilling his former tag partner turned rival with a DDT.


That put the DISSONANCE quartet in full control as they worked over Elemental III in their corner..taking a chance to 'cut corners' at every opportunity. Of course many of those opportunities were handed to them, through the Sekigun teams valid but naive protests, that only served to distract referee Terakado, from DISSONANCE'S phantom tags and cheap shot, with Masuko taking particular glee in verbally 'running down' his former tag partner as himself and the rest of the DISSONANCE team dished out methodical punishment to the 'Third Generation Icon'.


Elemental III however did not give in and kept trying to fight his way back to the Sekigun corner, it looked to be all over however when Masuko had Elemental III set up for the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex) but the BOSJ Cup holder managed to fight out of it and after a standing switch, dumped Masuko with the ELEMENTAL SUPLEX....


Pathlow however was able to prevent a worn down Elemental III from making the tag only to be shaken off with an Enziguri.....Elemental III then got the tag into a fired up Toshusai who cleaned house on the DISSONANCE team...who all tried to bail for a powder but Joshuya was unable to do so and was nailed with the SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......


Iesada dived back into make the save at the last split second, and once again DISSONANCE was able to take control from the impending chaos, with the tag team champions Iesada and Pathlow combining with a chop-block/drop-kick combo to take down Toshusai for a two count. DISSONANCE then tried to keep Toshusai isolated in their corner, but 'Wild Charisma' gave his customary double bird and then cleaned house once again before collapsing to the mat and getting the tag out to Onodera.


Onodera battled it out with Pathlow, taking control with a roaring elbow, before setting up for the CALL THE DOCTOR (Inverted Facelock Lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver) but Pathlow was able to slip out and then dump Onodera with a German Suplex for a two count. Pathlow then tagged in Joshuya who headed up top, to then come crashing down with the DUE SOUTH (Corkscrew Moonsault) but Onodera got the knees up, and then planted Joshuya with the 02 SUPLEX (Bridging German Suplex) only for Iesada to make the save.


Iesada then tagged in and took Onodera over with a Northern Lights Suplex, that he quickly transitioned into the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker) but just when it looked like Onodera would tap out Toshusai made the save......


That lead to another period of chaos with all eight men spilling into the ring once again to engage in a mass brawl, but this time it was the Sekigun who would take control, with ELEMENTAL III wiping out three quarters of DISSONANCE (with Wild Fire also brawling out on the floor) with the Elemental Space Flying Drop.


Left inside the ring were BURNING Cobra and Marihito Masuko. Cobra blocked an attempt at the Masuko Cradle Shock and then planted the 'Painted Wonder' with a STONEPLEX (Northern Lights Suplex) for a close two count. Cobra then decided to head up top but was rocked with a Kendo stick shot on the apron from John Pathlow....


DISSONANCE had re-taken control out on the floor with some foreign object usage, out of referee Terakado's sight.... and with a dazed Cobra now perched on top, Masuko sent the 'reformed hero' crashing back into the ring with a huracanrana before quickly transitioning into the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke) but Toshusai had managed to pick himself up off the floor and made the save.


Toshusai then drilled Masuko with the SHOCK DRILLER (Double Underhook Piledriver) but he was not the legal man, and he had to drag a drained Cobra over to this corner to officially tag back in. Toshusai then tried to nail Masuko with the SHOCK KICK, only for the 'Painted Wonder' to duck under and then for Pathlow who had made the tag on the apron, nail Toshusai with a springboard BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA (Leaping Side Kick).....


Toshusai managed to kick out at two, but was then on a receiving end of a flurry of kicks from Pathlow, that kept him firmly grounded to the mat....Pathlow then headed up top and then came crashing upon Toshusai with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop).....






Three !!!


The rest of the Sekigun team tried to get back in to make the save, but this time were held off.


Result: Tasuku Iesada, John Pathlow [w], Marihito Masuko & Super Joshuya vs BURNING Cobra, Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera in 21:25 via pinfall (Heart Compactor)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: This one was pretty slow going, until the final third...but it was slow going with a purpose with DISSONANCE in control for much of the match, and the Sekigun unit getting the crowd behind them as they tried (eventually in vain) to overcome the rule bending tactics of their opponents. From a pure wrestling stand point everyone involved has been in better matches, but this really had the crowd hooked...because as a dominant heel unit DISSONANCE are like a combination of Team INSPIRE and the early days of the Black Heart Brethren (when the BHB really were a threat).


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: People will ask, who can stop DISSONANCE, well I say no one can stop us....you see I thought Team INSPIRE was going to be the strongest unit, wrestling has ever seen but I was wrong, because we lead by a self centred egomaniac but DISSONANCE are united, and united we shall conquer!!


Marihito Masuko: Pink Skies, a Golden Hue.....domination be set up for one and all !!


BURNING Cobra: DISSONANCE you may be on top now, but you shall not dominate forever, as long as the Sekigun are here...we will keep fighting. Not to make excuses, but right now we still have the Black Heart Brethren to be rid off...and once we are rid of them, we shall be rid of you!!



Match #6: Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki) vs Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SanetomoShiraishi-1.jpg?t=1268428765 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SessueKawateALT21.jpg



Snow Lizzard came out with alot of fire, as they took the fight to Explosive Tension, but the ageing duo were soon running out of gas and once Explosive Tension took control the match was just one way traffic in favour of the number one contenders to the World Tag Team Championship. In the end it was an ANGULAR ARM BAR on Kawate that forced the tap out and a routine victory for Explosive Tension.


Result: Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] in 7:45 via submission (Angular Arm Bar)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Not quite a squash, but a pretty one-sided affair after the first couple of minutes...this was just there to have Explosive Tension go into Everlasting Mission with a solid win behind them.


Post Match Comments:


Masaaki Okazaki: Iesada-san, I understand you seeing sense in ditching Kikkawa-san, but once again you're playing second fiddle to someone else...with RAGE I am a leader, and alongside Sanda-san....Explosive Tension shall start to lead RAGE to the very top by taking those World Tag Team Championships away from you and Pathlow-san.



Match #7: Mystic Dragon vs Nisso Yuasha


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MysticDragon.jpg?t=1295655891 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg


Mystic Dragon tried to catch Yuasha off guard with a missile drop-kick but the 'Baby Elephant' just shook it off....Mystic then avoided a clothesline from the big man, and then unbalanced Yuasha a little with a basement drop-kick before heading up top, but his flying body press was somewhat foolish and it was quickly converted into a powerslam for a two count.


Yuasha then 'toyed' with Mystic for around a minute, flinging the Macho-Universe Junior member around the ring for about a minute, before squashing Mystic with the ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (Body Avalanche)...Mystic managed to get a foot on the ropes at two, but was unable to shake off being lifted high into the air and dropped hard to the canvas with the THUNDER DROP (Gorilla Press Powerslam)...Yuasha then arrogantly stuck his foot on Mystic's chest for the academic three count


Result: Nisso Yuasha [w] bt Mystic Dragon [L] in 2:57 via pinfall (Thunder Drop)

Rating: C


Onodera's Assessment: Nothing more than a pointless squash, but there is a reason why this match was booked....punishment for Mystic. Yet again this talented but idiotic 'boy' has disappointed me with his actions away from the ring. Just when we was coming out of his doing jobs on the pre-show period, he has to go and do something stupid again, but it's not so much that, which incensed me, rather his attitude towards the whole situation. I know he's the son of a legend this business, but is he really worth all the trouble?



~Paved of Gold~

Match #8: Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Final:

Mitsunari Fuganaga vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga_jhd-11.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


It was now time for the second of the Heavyweight Championship tournament semi finals with Miyamae and Mitsunari Fuganaga, bidding to face off against Mister Macho for the newly formed championship at the Everlasting Mission PPV.


A cagey start from both men, see's them quickly take things to the mat....where they exchanged and countered several holds...with neither man quite able to gain enough control over the other....leading to stale-mate... at that point a respectful nod is given between both combatants but it is clear that both are also frustrated that they were unable to seize the early initiative.


Of course with neither having much luck with winning the mat battle, both soon had the same idea to switch to striking...this seemed to play more into the hands of Miyamae's, who's swift kick combinations soon had 'Mr Serious' on the backfoot, but Fuganaga was able to soak up the pressure, and after ducking a rebounding leg lariat, winded Miyamae with a knee lift. Fuganaga then drilled Miyamae with a DDT for a two count...before lifting 'the Viper' up for a German Suplex, but Miyamae was able to fight out and force a standing switch...Miyamae then looked for the Dragon Suplex but Fuganaga was able to fight out of that and force a standing switch back into the German....only for Miyamae to battle out of that and then try to take Fuganaga by surprise with a victory roll......


Fuganaga kicked out of that but was then nailed with a drop-kick from Miyamae that sent 'Mr Serious to the floor' Miyamae then went for a slingshot cross body only for Fuganaga to move his position enough to end up winding Miyamae with a knee lift in mid flight.


Fuganaga then hot-shotted Miyamae onto the ring-apron, before pitching 'the 'iper' backing into the ring..... 'Mr Serious' then whipped Miyamae into the corner, before nailing the former three time tag champion with a climbing knee lift in the corner.....before taking the dazed Miyamae over with a snap suplex.........


That got a two count, before Fuganaga once again sent up for the German and this time with Miyamae in much more of a dazed state, dumped 'the Viper' with the GERMAN SUPLEX HOLD......








Miymae just got his shoulder up just in time....Fuganaga was clearly frustrated but remained focused and lined up for the RUNNING KNEE DRIVE, but Miyamae was able to block and then counter with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip.....Fuganaga hobbled back up to his feet but was taken down with another Dragon Screw before being placed in the SNAKE CHARMER (Over The Shoulder Single Leg Boston Crab)....


Fuganaga was able to fight his way out of the hold however,and somehow managed to get in position to ensnare Miyamae into the TRIANGLE CHOKE.....


Miyamae was in real trouble, as 'Mr Serious' tigtened his grip and it looked as though 'the Viper' was fading fast.....


Referee Okura Umeki checked on Miyamae's condition to continue.....


Miyamae's arm went down......


Umeki raised the arm again.....


Again it went down.....


Umeki raised it for the final time.....


This time Miyamae kept it up, finding a burst of energy within, before battling his way to the ropes, to Fuganaga's immediate frustration.....


'Mr Serious' then lifted the weary Miyamae back to his feet, before butterflying 'the Viper's arms to set up for the WHO'S LAUGHING NOW (Double Underhook Facebuster) but Miyamae managed to stand his ground and eventually took Miyamae over with a back body drop.


Miyamae then connected with an Enziguri before planting Fuganaga with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO).....








Fuganaga kicked out and then showed great fighting spirit by immediately rising back to his feet only for Miyamae to dump 'Mr Serious' with DRAGON SUPLEX.....








Fuganaga kicked out again, but remained rooted to the mat and Miyamae headed up top......


Fuganaga was again able to get back to his feet, but Miyamae was able to switch tactic and nail Fuganaga with missile drop-kick before following up with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN knee strike.....








Fuganaga kicked out again, but despite the building frustration of being unable to put Fuganaga away, Miymae stayed in control and soon had 'Mr Serious' trapped in the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) submission hold.....


Referee Umeki checked on Fuganaga's condition....


He raised Fuganaga's arm......


No response.....


Umeki raised it for a second time......


Still no response......


One last chance for Fuganaga to prove he still had something left......


Fuganaga was done !! Umeki called for the bell, as Miyamae advances to the finals of Heavyweight Championship tournament to face off against Mister Macho.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] in 17:17 via submission (Snake Poison)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: Even though he ended up on the losing end Fuganaga-san put in a great performance here, full of fighting spirit....and he was certainly able to hold up his end of a really great match with Miyamae-san, that was perhaps even better than many would have expected it to be. It's not quite a break-out performance for Fuganaga-san but if he continues with performances like this, then there is no reason why he can't rise out of the midcard and towards the upper tier, he's at that age (early 30's) where it's make or break time for him.


Post Match Comments:


Miyamae: Fuganaga-san gave me a tough battle out there, but I proved to be better and I will prove myself better than Macho-san and become the first Burning Hammer Heavyweight Champion.


Mitsunari Fuganaga: I never gave up out there and if Miyamae-san wins the title, I want an immediate re-match, I think I deserve it. In fact I think, whoever wins the title should consider me as their next challenger...I'm very serious about that!



~Betray Instinct, Feel The Fight!!~

Match #9: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Some Dude In A Mask


Kinnojo Horri & Tadiyuki Kikkawa


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg & http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri_jhd1.jpg


It was now time for the main event.....could long time rivals Horri and Kikkawa co-exist to take down the DISSONANCE pair of World Champion Nakasawa, and the enigmatic juggernaut that is Some Dude In A Mask?


The match quickly descends into a mass brawl, as soon as the bell is rung with referee Umeki struggling to keep control, as they take the fight out into the crowd, it's the unlikely alliance of Horri and Kikkawa, that gain the early advantage...especially after Kikkawa suplexes Some Dude In A Mask onto a row of chairs.


Back in the ring and Horri and Nakasawa are exchanging stiff fore-arms, when Kikkawa arrives to give the 'Unlikely Alliance' the advantage, leading to a double team suplex on the World Champion for a two count.


Horri and Kikkawa then continued to isolate Nakasawa in their corner, showing no signs of mis-communication at this stage, but they were keeping things simple with chops and fore-arm smashes in order to gradually wear down the resolve of the World Champion. A suplex from Horri, followed by a second rope knee drop from Kikkawa brought another two count. Before Horri then set up for a Lariat, only to be tripped up on the apron from the recovered Some Dude In A Mask.


Nakasawa then raked the eyes of Kikkawa in the corner, before Umeki was distracted by SDIAM for Nakasawa to sneak in a low blow and then a reverse DDT on Horri, that enabled Nakasawa to tag in the enigmatic masked man....who quickly targetted the legs of Horri, taking down the big man with a chop block and then combining with Nakasawa to make 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' endure the 'Make A Wish' double leg pull.


The DISSONANCE pair continued to work over Horri in their corner, who tried to fight his way out but everytime he tried to do so, he would become jelly-legged and collapse to the mat....that lead to a series of c0cky covers from the DISSONANCE pair, but everytime Horri would show great fighting spirit by kicking out.


Nakasawa then placed Horri in the FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK but Horri looked like he was going to battle his way to forcing the rope break, only for SDIAM to kick his hand away...that drew the ire of Kikkawa, who left his corner and then confronted SDIAM...that drew the attention of Umeki and Nakasawa saw the opportunity to pull out a steel chair from under the ring.....


The World Champion then went to smash the chair on the ankle of Horri, but 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' managed to roll out of the way, and then with a sudden burst of energy rose to his feet to plant Nakasawa with the FIERCE SPINEBUSTER (High Angle Spinebuster)......


Horri was too worn down to go for the cover, but as he crawled across to make the tag no-one was there...as Kikkawa and SDIAM were still brawling on the outside. Umeki managed to get things under control between Kikkawa and SDIAM but turned around to see both Nakasawa and Horri still down in the ring, so he started a double ten count.


Both beat the count, but Nakasawa managed to get the tag out first to SDIAM, who then prevented Horri from making the tag with a chop-block and pulling 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' back towards the centre of the ring.


SDIAM, then looked to apply a Tendon Hold, keeping the focus on the weakened legs of Horri. Horri's fighting spirit, was really beginning to wane at this point and looked like he could be set to tap out, Kikkawa sensed this and broke into the ring to force SDIAM to break the hold....but that only served to tie up the attention of referee Umeki.


Nakasawa re-entered the ring, in order to combine with SDIAM on a double team, but Horri yet again found another burst of 'fighting spirit' to level the DISSONANCE pair with a double clothesline.......Horri then stunned Nakasawa with an Atomic Drop before planting SDIAM with a HURRICANE SPINEBUSTER (Spinning Spinebuster) before collapsing to the mat once again, as he looked to get the tag to Kikkawa......


This time Kikkawa was on the apron, but there was a tense moment as it looked like Kikkawa wasn't going to accept the tag and leave Horri to try and fend off the DISSONANCE pair by himself...but the former TEAM INSPIRE leader DID accept the tag from the worn-down Kinnojo Horri.


Kikkawa then levelled SDIAM with a flurry of clotheslines, before hauling the enigmatic masked man upon his shoulders, to then plant SDIAM with a Death Valley Driver......






SDIAM kicked out, but Kikkawa remained in control...whipping the enigmatic masked man across the ring, before lining up for the KIKKAWA LARIAT, only for Nakasawa to sneak across the apron, and hault Kikkawa's momentum with a knee into the back. That enabled SDIAM to recover and knock Kikkawa to the floor with a leaping fore-arm......Nakasawa then put the boots to Kikkawa on the outside, before pitching the former Team INSPIRE leader back into the ring.


SDIAM then stomped away on Kikkawa inside the ring, before tagging Nakasawa in, the World Champion then planted the 'King of Fighers' with a NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker).....








Kikkawa kicked out, and then began to rally only for the rally to be cut off with a knee into the gut, Nakasawa then tried to get Kikkawa up for the COMPRESSION POWERBOMB, but Kikakwa stood firm and began to rally again with another flurry of fore-arms, before connecting with a KIKKAWA LARIAT (Running Lariat)......








SDIAM came into make the save, which drew out Horri....but Horri's was soon being ordered back to his corner by referee Umeki, enabling the DISSONANCE pair to take down Kikkawa, with a chop block/lariat combination......


SDIAM was now in the ring and taken for being the legal man, even though he had not officially tagged in.......








Kikkawa kicked out but suddenly found himself trapped in the BLACKOUT CHOKEHOLD (Choke Sleeper).....


It looked as though Kikkawa was about to fade away and referee Umeki was about to call for the bell....


But the 'King of Fighters' managed to find a burst of energy and rise to his feet, before forcing SDIAM to release the hold by ramming the mysterious masked man back first into the corner.....


But SDIAM maintained the advantage with an eye-rake before climbing up to the second turnbuckle and knocking Kikkawa down with a missile drop-kick. SDIAM then went for the AT STRIKE, the deadly knee strike to the face that had claimed so many victims in BHOTWG since his arrival....


But Kikkawa was able to block, and then levelled SDIAM with the BURNING LARIAT....


But the former INSPIRE leader was unable to follow up with a cover....collapsing to the mat short of being able to get across to SDIAM to do so.....


Both were able to just about beat the ten count and then got the tags out to their partners, both who were now refreshed and fired up.....


Horri and Nakasawa furiously exchanged fore-arms, but it was Horri who would gain the advantage, planting Nakasawa with the HORRI SPINEBUSTER (Sitout Spinebuster).....








Nakasawa kicked out, but Horri remained in control and was able to dump the World Champion with the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb).....








SDIAM dived in to make the save.........


SDIAM was quickly ordered back to his corner by Umeki.....Horri then lined up for the BURNING LARIAT but Nakasawa was able to fight out with elbows....


Horri then whipped Nakasawa into the ropes to build momentum, but was then tripped up by SDIAM. An incensed Kikkawa stepped into the ring, but all his protests ended up doing was distract Umeki from seeing SDIAM sneak into the ring....and nail Horri with the AT STRIKE !!!


Nakasawa then lifted up the already limp and dazed Horri, and planted 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' with the NAKASAWA NECKBREAKER......






Three !!!


Kikkawa was unable to get back into the ring to make the save, as the DISSONANCE team triumphed...ironically it was actually Kikkawa trying to help, rather than not helping at all (as some may have suspected might happen) that cost the 'Unlikely Alliance' victory against the seemingy unstoppable DISSONANCE.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Some Dude In A Mask bt Kinnojo Horri [L] & Tadiyuki Kikkawa in 28:15 via pinfall (Nakasawa Neckbreaker)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: No one really did anything out of their usual comfort zone and start busting out stuff fans haven't seen before, but they don't really need to in a regular show main event...this one was all about the drama and getting the fans invested into the storyline of the match, and everyone involved did a great job of doing that.


After the match Nakasawa gets on the microphone to taunt Kikkawa and Horri....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: What a joke, does everyone really believe that those two can work together to rid Burning Hammer of DISSONANCE. DISSONANCE are here to stay, and DISSONANCE are here to dominate.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: They say that my ego is insufferable, perhaps I am looking in a mirror right now, because since you beat me at Night of the Burning Hammer, you have become....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Oh please do not compare me to you Kikkawa-san, unlike you I actually respect those who fight with me...I just don't respect those who fight against me.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Well you know what Nakasawa-san, you have a point....but that's the me that lost to you at Night of the Burning Hammer, I have reflected and I realised who I was, was someone who deserved what was coming to him....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Oh Kikkawa-san is sorry....well too late now, don't you think....all you're showing now is just how weak you really are.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Weak?! Well if that's the way you want to see it, but I feel stronger for admitting my past mistakes. And just because I admit to having made mistakes, it does not change the fact that I still believe myself to be the very best and when I beat.....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: If, if, if....If you just get lucky enough to beat the Masked DISSONANCE, then you have to face me and we all know what happened last time.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Oh so your mysterious friend has a name now does he....well sort of....better than Some Dude In A Mask, I guess...


Hiroaki Nakasawa: And what's it to you?


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Nothing really but to prove just how confident I am, I'm going to up the stakes....if I lose to Silent Bob....then I will leave Burning Hammer for good....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: haha...you claim you have changed...but only someone with an ego the size of your's would come up with something as foolish as that....


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: I just call it having confidence in my self, but I wasn't finished.....If, Silent Bob loses...then he has to leave Burning Hammer. I couldn't really care, who he is....but if I can take him out, it weakens DISSONANCE and ulitmately it weakens you Nakasawa-san.


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Oh If you do get lucky at Everlasting Mission and defeat the man that stands beside me, you will never weaken DISSONANCE and you never be stronger than me!


Segment Rating: B+



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: This was a very good show to truly set up the Everlasting Mission PPV, with a strong main event and a surprisingly great semi-main. We also have some added spice to the Everlasting Mission main event between Tadiyuki Kikkawa and the now former Some Dude In a Mask (re-named Mr DISSONANCE) with the loser having to leave BHOTWG!.....

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Combustion Tour Predictions Contest

(Show #20-Show#26 (Everlasting Mission)


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Ian Carlisle

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Phantom Stranger

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David Corperial

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With just Everlasting Mission to go Zergon has tightened his grip on the lead with the best score of this round (10/11 correct). It's now really his to lose, but depending on how good or badly predict the PPV, anyone down to Phantom Stranger has a 'mathematical' chance of winning.


The main event split a few votes, with some even tipping it to go to a draw, whilst the 8 Man Sekigun-INSPIRE tag also split votes pretty evenly, whilst the pre-show 4-way was seen as a bit of a lottery.


Most felt that Miyamae and Scorpion would be a little strong for a respective opponents (though there were a few votes the other way). The Dragon Feet 2K9- Macho-Universe Six Man Tag is the one that seemed to prove a stumbling block for virtually everyone with most tipping the Dragon Feet unit (on the basis that Dragon and Shimedzu are the biggest names)-whilst that is true...I have now built both Mister Macho and Universal Excellence up enough for a loss to them not to do much damage to Dragon/Shimedzu...especially as Shikitei was there to take the fall.


The rest of the matches on the card were pretty much no-brainer pricks.

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Combustion Tour#25


Akita Stadium, Tohoku (5,000 Super No Vacancy)


Tohoku, where Snow Lizzard can somehow make it into the 6th match of the night.


Result: Yoshii Shiomi [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan + Red Panther [L] + Stone Yoshikawa in 7:13 via pinfall (Shiomi Bomb Drop)


I'm betting the computer decided this one.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] via pinfall in 11:18 (Scorpion Stinger)


I usually like Scorpion, he has an awesome mask. The SotF guys seem to be stuck in a slump though. Kondo reminds me a little of Otani with his fighting spirit, for some reason.


Match #2: Shimedzu, Omezo Shikitei & Sensational Dragon vs

Mister Macho, Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji w/ Erisabet Chan


A little surprised to see S.Diddy losing this one, though Shikitei lost the fall. But it was to heavyweights with a push so I can live with it. Short write up suitable for a throwaway match.


Dragon Feet 2K9 trio seem to be distracted by the super kawaii 'Neko Ears' outfit that Erisabet-Chan is wearing


And another Youtube clip outfit for Erisabet.


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w] & Yasunobu Masuno bt Merle O'Curle & Toshiki Shibanumo [L] in 5:56 via pinfall


I imagine 'Iron Man' playing while Black Magic run out and totally destroy their opponents. DOOMSDAY DEVICE! I mean...THE DEVASTATOR!


Result: VENOM [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 11:22 via submission (Sting In The Tail)


The result is no shock, but Glenn continues to get valuable write up space. His match has more lines than many veterans. No doubt part of long term plans for Glenn. In the back I can see Dragon "Onodera! My match got 7 lines, that rookie punk's match got 15 lines! Unacceptable!"


Result: Tasuku Iesada, John Pathlow [w], Marihito Masuko & Super Joshuya vs BURNING Cobra, Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai [L] & Takayuki Onodera in 21:25 via pinfall (Heart Compactor)


Good general write up. Nothing over the top, but we know who the bad guys and good guys are. Did you see what I did there? Bad guys first? You can see who is getting the push right now.


the early days of the Black Heart Brethren (when the BHB really were a threat).




Onodera's Assessment: Nothing more than a pointless squash, but there is a reason why this match was booked....punishment for Mystic. Yet again this talented but idiotic 'boy' has disappointed me with his actions away from the ring.


Mystic is a handful. So Nisso got to go all Baby Elephant on him while keeping his bully push going. Kinda late in the card for such a nothing match though.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt Mitsunari Fuganaga [L] in 17:17 via submission (Snake Poison)


Wow, nice. Surprisingly good in fact. Fuga has worked so hard for so long it's easy to root for him. Unlike some other chumps who have been given a push without putting in their dues. No names needed, cause he doesn't have one yet.;)


~Betray Instinct, Feel The Fight!!~

Match #9: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Some Dude In A Mask


Kinnojo Horri & Tadiyuki Kikkawa


So, let's see how far Horri has fallen.


Spends most of the match getting his butt kicked, has a brief come back, then gets pinned. Kikkawa is kept strong and based on the exchange after the match he's the main challenge to Nakasawa right now. And Mister Mistery finally has a name? Awesome. Right now his situation reminds me alot of Vader in New Japan. Vader got hot shotted to the top and it took a while for him to overcome fan resentment. But luckily he was one of the best big men of all time. We'll have to see if Mr. D can do the same, but his skills seem legit.


Good card. Alot of filler late in the card, but two outstanding matches to end on. And Horri dropping a big fall in Tohoku. How will he react? Is he more comfortable as a sidekick? Tune in next time!

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Everlasting Mission Press Conference:


BHOTWG held the press conference to promote the up-coming Everlasting Mission PPV, at the Conference Room of the Izumo Civil Stadium in Chugoku.


The first set of questions were put to BURNING Cobra and Yasuhiko Taira who will lead their teams in a ten man elimination match...the result of which could see the Black Heart Brethren forced to disband or Cobra forced to rejoin the BHB. Cobra promised that Everlasting Mission would see the end of the Brethren and that he can move on to other targets. Taira said Cobra should not make false promises and that he better get in line, when he rejoins the Brethren and realise the stupid mistake he has made in opposing the BHB.


Up next the questions were posed to the two teams vying for the Junior Tag Team Championship, defending champions Universal Excellence and the challengers Little Fury. Bareui Yasujiro said that Universal Excellence would not fail in their first Pay Per View title defence and that they would not crack under the pressure. VENOM said that Little Fury were back to their best, and would show that Universal Excellence are just flash in the pan champions.


Miyamae and Mister Macho will both look to become the inaugral BHOTWG Heavyweight Champion and both appeared confident in being the man to do so. Miyamae said that he had won singles gold before, but admitted that it was years ago and when he was part of the Junior Division and that this was different. But he has proven over these past few years he can compete with and better bigger men. Mister Macho said that Miyamae would provide a strong test, but that the gold was destined to be round his waist.....or near enough that is what he said. To be honest most of the room had their eyes on Erisabet-Chan, who was looking absolutely stunning in a Yukata....OOH YEAHHH!!!


During the questions regarding the World Tag Team Title match between Rapid Danger and Explosive Tension Masaaki Okazaki confronted his one time Team INSPIRE colleagues Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow on the fact that they have gone from being held down by one egomaniac in Kikkawa to another in Nakasawa. Iesada said that Okazaki knows absolutely nothing and that he should just concentrate on trying to beat them for the Tag Team Titles....not that being any more focused would make a jot of difference, because Explosive Tension simply aren't in their league. Chuichi Sanda said that E.T would be ready to take down the champions and were not fooled by the arrogant boasting.


Both the defending champion Sensational Dragon and the man that was betrayed by Marihito Masuko, Elemental III argued back and forth over who would dish out revenge on Masuko and emerge as the Junior Champion. Masuko himself said that Dragon shouldn't have anything to be bitter about, he's still the champion...at least for now and then he can be all bitter and twisted after Everlasting Mission after he has lost the Junior Championship to Masuko. Masuko then said that if Elemental III knew what was best for him, he would just let all this bitterness go and just move on. Elemental III said he would not move on, and vowed vengeance upon Masuko, and that they ultimate way to avenge his betrayal last month was to not only stop Masuko from winning the Junior Championship but to win the Junior Championship himself. The Junior Champion Sensational Dragon has the final word however, saying that his too inferior challengers can argue all they want, because at the end of the day his two challengers just aren't as Sensational as him to be champion.


Finally it was the turn of the two men who would be in the main event Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Mr DISSONANCE (the man who up and till now was just referred to as Some Dude In A Mask....a match where not only will Mr DISSONANCE'S World Title shot be on the line, but also the loser will be forced to leave Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods. Kikkawa said some might think it arrogant of him to put everything on the line, but said he was used to being perceived at arrogant and that he made no apologies for having confidence in his own ability. He said that he wasn't even contemplating what he would do if he lost and that having to fight like his 'life' depended on it would be the perfect way to warm up for a World Title showdown with Nakasawa. Kikkawa conceded that Nakasawa was the toughest opponent he has ever faced but pointed out that if it wasn't for what happened at Night of the Burning Hammer he would be World Champion.


Nakasawa scoffed at that remark, whilst Mr DISSONANCE continued to be virtually silent prescence. Just a few robotically monotone Yes's were all that the mysterious masked man would force himself to answer. World Champion Nakasawa was the one to truly confront Kikkawa...taunting the former Team INSPIRE leader that his career would come to an end and that once and for all Kikkawa's over-inflated ego would truly be burst.


Nakasawa wasn't done however, saying that Burning Hammer Officials are forcing him to put the World Championship on the line at Everlasting Mission or that he would be stripped of the title. Nakasawa said that as the man who unified the BHOTWG World Championship and the King of Fighters Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer he should be treated with more respect and then scoffed at the suggestion that he brought this on himself, due to the 'Chubu Incident'. Nakasawa then said that though no one was worthy of challenging for the belt, he would 'play ball' with the BHOTWG Office and said that someone on the roster would get an opportunity of their life time to be the latest man to challenge and gloriously fail to defeat 'The Greatest Champion Ever Seen ' ....He said that everyone on the roster...except Kikkawa and Mr Dissonance would be entered into the 'Greatest Jobber Ever Seen- World Championship- Bingo Ball Sweepstakes' Nakasawa ended the conference, saying that he hopes not to pull Kinnojo Horri's 'Ball' out at Everlasting Mission- not because he feared Horri, but because he was tired off beating Horri's ass.


Incensed by that comment, Horri confronted the World Champion- saying that he did not want to be in his stupid lottery and that he would rather earn another title shot...and that when he does earn that title shot, he would be the one to end Nakasawa's reign as World Champion. Tadiyuki Kikkawa however then piped up to say, that Horri shouldn't be worried about taking the World Championship from around Nakasawa's waist and that Horri should be concerned with defeating Kikkawa, because that it would be Kikkawa not Horri who would be the one to bring down Nakasawa. Nakasawa then said that Kikkawa was off in cloud cuckoo land and that all this talk of being the one to defeat him for the World Championship was the stuff of fantasy, when the reality is that his career would be coming to an end anyway...at the hands or more likely the Knee of Mr DISSONANCE!!

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Everlasting Mission Preview


The biggest show on the Puroresu calendar has arrived upon us once again as BHOTWG present the latest addition of Night of the Burning Hammer on Friday 19th November from the Izumo Civil Stadium in Chugoku and live on PPV with Emperor Sports. Here is what will be in store, in what promises to be a classic night of Puroresu action....


~Achieve or Die~

Burning World Championship Contenders/

Loser Must Leave BHOTWG (60 Min Time Limit):

Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg


Mr DISSONANCE (who up until recently was referred to as Some Dude In A Mask) has been tearing through the BHOTWG roster since his arrival in September and earned the right to become the number one contender to the World Championship when he defeated Mister Macho at Night of the Burning Hammer, at that same event Tadiyuki Kikkawa was defeated by Hiroaki Nakasawa in a unification match for the World and the King of Fighter's Championships, a match that saw his then Team INSPIRE stable mates, Tasuku Iesada and John Pathlow turn on him, as the DISSONANCE stable was born.


A few weeks later in one of the most controversial episodes in BHOTWG history, the enigmatic masked, then called 'Some Dude In A Mask' did not cash in his title shot as scheduled against Nakasawa and instead was revealed to be part of DISSONANCE. Kinnojo Horri tried to challenge the masked man for the title shot, there and then but came up short....as the enigmatic masked man survived with a time limit draw.


After a few weeks out, as he tried to come to terms with his loss to Nakasawa and the betrayal at the hands of Rapid Danger, Kikkawa made his return and immediately made it clear that he was coming for Nakasawa's championship. Of course Nakasawa said he would have to go through 'Mr DISSONANCE' first, but Kikkawa upped the stakes by putting both his and Mr DISSONANCE's BHOTWG careers on the line. This truly is a must win match, if Kikkawa wins he earns the chance to avenge his defeat to Nakasawa and at the same time weaken the seemingly unstoppable DISSONANCE stable by banishing their masked enforcer....however if Mr DISSONANCE wins then Nakasawa's position as World Champion becomes even more unpenatrable, with one of his strongest opponent's BHOTWG career brought to a shocking end.



~ Blatant Arrogance~

Open Lottery Challenge for the Burning World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????





Since his defeat of Tadiyuki Kikkawa in unifying the Burning World Championship with the King of Fighter's Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer, it is clear to see that Nakasawa's attitude has changed. Once a proud fighting champion that fans could look up to, the increasingly arrogant Nakasawa is now treating everyone and everything with contempt....with this coming to a head in the now infamous 'Chubu Incident'. BHOTWG officials have vowed, to not yet such a shameful episode happen again and that if Nakasawa refuses to defend the title in a scheduled defence he would be stripped of it.


At the recent press conference for Everlasting Mission, Nakasawa appeared turned the tables on the BHOTWG officials, by taking advantage of their not being an actual chosen challenger in place, with the announcement of the ' 'Greatest Jobber Ever Seen- World Championship- Bingo Ball Sweepstakes' - giving the chance to anyone on the roster to challenge for the World Title...of course this open challenge was done to mock the rest of the Burning Hammer roster and given his recent track record, one may suspect that this open challenge could be a further chance to aggravate the officials of BHOTWG. Kinnojo Horri the man who once fought alongside Nakasawa as the leaders of the Burning Sekigun, took offence to Nakasawa's open challenge and ruled himself out of the lottery...saying that he would earn his title shot.


Nakasawa's Previous Defences:


Defeated Yasuhiko Taira (Dark Feelings, Brighter Hopes Tour, Mon 8 June 2009, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki).


V1 Defence: Yasunobu Masuno (Inferno of Purity, Fri 26 June 2009; Nara Baseball Stadium, Kinki)


V2 Defence: Masaaki Okazaki (Quest of Heart, Fri 18 September 2009, Kagoshima Stadium, Kyushu)


V3 Defence: Eisaku Hoshino (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V4 Defence: Yasuhiko Taira (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V5 Defence: Mike Watson (Resistance Tour, Wed 9th December 2009, Tochigi Sports Stadium, Kanto).


V6 Defence: Tasuku Iesada (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V7 Defence: Kinnojo Horri (Test of Prophecies, Fri April 23rd 2010, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido)


V8 Defence: Tasuku Iesada (Burn, Don't Freeze Tour, Mon May 3rd 2010, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)


V9 Defence: Shimedzu (Sword of Destiny, Fri May 21st 2010, Nara Baseball Stadium, Kinki)


V10 Defence: Shimedzu (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Wed June 2nd 2010, Akita Stadium, Tohoku)


V11 Defence: Sensational Dragon (Inferno of Purity, Fri 26 June 2010, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V12 Defence: Kinnojo Horri (Quest of Heart, Fri 1st Oct 2010, Aomori Stadium, Tohoku)


V13 Defence: Yasuhiko Taira (Combustion Tour, Mon 11 Oct 2010, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki)


V14 Defence: Tadiyuki Kikkawa (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 26th Oct 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto) * This was also a unification match for Kikkawa's King of Fighters Championship




~ Slave For Arms ~

World Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


Rapid Danger defeated The Rebellion at Night of the Burning Hammer, for the World Tag Team Championship and then proceeded to become key members of the dominant new force in BHOTWG; DISSONANCE as they helped Hiroaki Nakasawa, defeat their former leader Tadiyuki Kikkawa. After a successful retention against The Rebellion, in the re-match in Kyushu...the former Team INSPIRE members face off with Explosive Tension...who secured their title shot by besting Wild Fire at NOTBH.


Explosive Tension have former Team INSPIRE members themselves in Masaaki Okazaki and Chuichi Sanda. Okazaki was kicked out of the group, whilst Sanda failed to secure a spot after he did not do enough to impress leader Kikkawa...following his defection from RAGE. Okazaki and Sanda picked themselves up from their ejection from INSPIRE and returned to lead a RAGE unit on it's last legs, and under their leadership the stable has perhaps never been stronger. Ironically Team INSPIRE is no more, and to add extra needle to the match-up Okazaki in particular has called out Iesada and Pathlow who stuck with Kikkawa till their betrayal of the King of Fighters, over the fact that they all they are doing now is following a different tyrant in the form of Nakasawa. Of course in the recent press conference Rapid Danger, dismissed Okazaki's suggestion that this was the case and mocked their challenger's as not being in their league. Can Explosive Tension, show that they can match if not better the men, they once fought alongside as part of Team INSPIRE, or will Rapid Danger continue the impressive form...that began from them winning the inaugral Ultimate Tag League.


Rapid Danger's Previous Defences:


Defeated The Rebellion (Shimedzu & Miyamae) for Tag Team Titles at Night of the Burning Hammer


V1 Defence: The Rebellion (Combustion Tour, Mon 8th November, Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu)




~ Betrayal is Pink, Vengeance is Blue~

Junior Championship (60 Min Time Limit):

Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko







http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg


At Night of the Burning Hammer the Best of the Super Juniors Cup winner Elemental III, challenged Sensational Dragon for the Burning Junior Championship...unfortunately for the 'Third Generation Icon' his bid to become champion for the second time was left in ruins, by the betrayal of Marihito Masuko, the man he once held the Junior Tag Team Championship alongside. Masuko's interference not only cost Elemental III victory, but also appeared to aggravate champion Sensational Dragon who was not happy with the fact that someone, least of all his great generational rival Masuko 'helped' him retain the title.


With Masuko's recent turn on Elemental III, his long term rivalry with Dragon and the fact that Elemental III feels he had the beating of Dragon were it not for Masuko's interference at NOTBH, this promised to be an intense battle between the top three Super Junior's of their generation....question is just who will their keep eye on the prize and emerge as the Burning Junior Champion, in what could be Sensational Dragon's toughest defence of his impressive 13 month long reign with the title.


Dragon's Previous Defences:


Defeated The Awesome Kiyaru (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 22 October 2009, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V1 Defence: Super Joshuya (Resistance Tour, Wed 11 November 2009, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)


V2 Defence: Elemental III (Everlasting Mission, Fri 20 November 2009, Ishikawa Stadium, Chubu)


V3 Defence: The Awesome Kiyaru (Final Collison, Fri 18 December 2009, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido).


V4 Defence: Black Cobra (Fire Dream of the Immortals, Fri 19 March 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto)


V5 Defence: Marihito Masuko (Burn Don't Freeze Tour, Wed 7 April 2010, Osaka Athletic Stadium, Kinki)


V6 Defence: Black Cobra + Marihito Masuko (Test of Prophecies, Fri April 23rd 2010, Sapporo Stadium, Hokkaido)


V7 Defence: John Pathlow (Sword of Destiny, Fri May 21st 2010, Nara Baseball Stadium, Kinki)


V8 Defence: Marihito Masuko (Burn,. Don't Freeze Tour, Mon May 24th 2010, Sapporo Sports Park, Hokkaido)


V9 Defence: Marihito Masuko (Quest of Heart, Fri 1st Oct 2010, Aomori Stadium, Tohoku)


V10 Defence: The Awesome Kiyaru (Combustion Tour, Wed 13 Oct 2010, Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu).


V11 Defence: Elemental III (Night of the Burning Hammer, Fri 26th Oct 2010, Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto


V12 Defence: BURNING Cobra (Combustion Tour, Wed 10th Nov 2010, Yamanashi Athletic Stadium, Chubu)



~ Step Out The Shadows~

Junior Tag Team Championship (45 Min Time Limit):

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


Universal Excellence emerged as the new Junior Tag Team Champions, when they bested previous champions the Black Heart Flying Squadron, Little Fury and Size of the Fight in a show stealing 30 minute falls sprint at Night of the Burning Hammer, and they followed that up to cement their spot as the new team to beat in the Junior Tag ranks by succesfully defending the belts against the previously dominant BHFS.


Little Fury get their chance and with the RAGE stable growing in confidence, and Little Fury themselves feeling that they are returning to the form that took them to championship glory....they will feel that they can have the beating of Universal Excellence, as they bid to win the belts for a third time.


Universal Excellence's Previous Defences:


Defeated Black Heart Flying Squadron (defending champions) + Little Fury + Size of the Fight in a 30 Minute Falls Sprint for Tag Team Titles at Night of the Burning Hammer


V1 Defence: Black Heart Flying Squadron (The Awesome Kiyaru & Golden Scorpion)- (Combustion Tour, Mon 1st Nov 2010, Akita Stadium, Tohoku).



~ Paved of Gold~

BHOTWG Heavyweight Championship Finals (45 Minute Time Limit):

Mister Macho vs Miyamae




* Credit to MJ Stark for the BHOTWG Heavyweight Championship belt


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716 vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


After the unification of the Burning World Championship with the King of Fighters Championship at Night of the Burning Hammer, and the former title subsequently taking on the openweight rules of the latter title; BHOTWG officials decided to create the Burning Heavyweight Championship. Ultimately the remit of the championship, is to provide a valuable stepping stone for those wrestlers over 100Kg, who have yet to win the World Championship.


To crown the first champion there was an 8 man single elimination tournament, with the deciding final match between Dragon Feet 2K9's Miyamae and Mister Macho. Neither are strangers to championship gold here in Burning Hammer, with both having multiple tag team championship reigns to their name, but both would like to prove that they have what it takes to be a singles champion in BHOTWG. Miyamae defeated Nisso Yuasha and Mitsunari Fuganaga on his way to the finals showdown with Mister Macho, whilst Macho saw off the challenges of former tag partner Chuichi Sanda and the Black Heart Brethren's Yasunobu Masuno.



~Dying Embers~

10 Man Stable Warfare Elimination* (Match Ends when one all members of one team are eliminated)

* If Burning Sekigun win, then Black Heart Brethren must disband/ If Black Heart Brethren win BURNING Cobra is forced to rejoin BHB.

Burning Sekigun: BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri,

Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda


Black Heart Brethren: Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno,

The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne












Ever since BURNING Cobra turned his back on his previous nefarious ways and defected from the Black Heart Brethren to the BURNING Sekigun it has not sat well with his former stable mates, who seem hell bent on showing Cobra the 'error of his ways', Cobra on the other hand seems just as determined to rid BHOTWG of the BHB once and for all....and things appear to have come a head with this stable warfare elimination match- with Cobra issuing the ultimatum that if the Sekigun squad he will lead into battle wins, then the BHB must disband but if the BHB were to win, he would concede defeat and rejoin the BHB. Can Horri, Wild Fire and Konda help Cobra bring an end to the Black Heart Brethren or will Cobra be forced to return to the Black Hearted ways he left behind.



~Earn Your Way~

Glenn Trial Series#12 (20 Min Time Limit):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


Kevin Christopher Glenn has looked impressive during his 20 Match Trial Series, but 11 matches gone, he is still to secure the victory that would guarantee him a spot on the BHOTWG roster and that challenge does not appear to be getting any easier, with his 12 opponent the former three time Burning World Tag Team Champion Shimedzu. Shimedzu has grown stronger in singles competition during the past year and this could be Glenn's toughest test in a Burning Hammer ring yet...can the gaijin youngster raise his game several levels to pull off a major upset and earn his first victory inside a BHOTWG ring.



Pre-Show Matches (15 Min Time Limit):


Tag Team Challenge: Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4 Corner Survival: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


Fans will get to see not just one, but two bonus matches if they tune into the pre show,in something of a re-match from the Night of the Burning Hammer PPV....Blended Whisky face off with Hidden Spark. The NOTBH was a three way though with Snow Lizzard, a match that Blended Whisky won but Hidden Spark did not lose...which of these still relatively novice teams will earn the victory. Plus there will be an Openweight 4 corner survival, that truly spans the full weight spectrum between a pair of Super Juniors in Red Panther and Super Joshuya to the heaviest man on the BHOTWG roster, Nisso Yuasha.




Predictions Form


#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


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Wrong pictures in tag team, you have wild fire instead of explosive tension.


#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji)vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa

That stipulation makes this one harder to call but I still go with Kikkawa winning as Mr DISSONANCE can always come back without the mask and besides it´s pretty clear that Kikkawa will clash with Nakasawa again pretty soon.


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????

With most of the top names already in match I don´t see see Nakasawa losing this one.


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)

Too early for a title change.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko

Elemental III and Masuko have lots of bad blood between each other´s so Dragon winning seems likely but I still think that Elemental would be the guy who would benefit most for winning the Junior Championship so I go with him regardless.


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)

Again too early for a title change.


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae

I would usually pick Miyamae without a second thought but you have clearly been building Macho lately and he would gain more from winning the belt than what Miyamae would so I go with Macho this time.


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne

Another match that is made harder because of the stipulations. I really don´t want to see Brethen disbanding but Cobra rejoining them doesn´t look good option either... Horri´s presense in this one makes the faces look slightly stronger unit but I still go with Brethen mainly because I just like the group.


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu

Yeah, no question on this one.

Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)

Fuganaga is the one getting the push here.


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

I think that this is between Nisso and Joshuya and knowing that you aren´t all that high on Nisso I pick Joshuya.

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


I'm taking the easy way out this round and seconding PS' picks.

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa

I am going off the wall here and think Kikkawa may be retiring


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)

This is the better team and Explosive Tension would serve better as the upper tier gatekeeper tag team.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko

Formula dictates the underdog triumphs


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae

This is the culmination of the Macho push


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne

While a reluctant Cobra in BHB has storyline possibilities, I have to think that BHB has pretty much run its course. Factions as a whole seem to be on their way out in BHOTWG right now.


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu

Glenn's about 5 years away from being able to take Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


Mr DISSONANCE just got his name, and it's just too easy to say 'the masked guy loses and comes back without the mask. TigerK won't make it that easy. Either Kikkawa is retiring or this is a chance for a swerve. Kikkawa loses, 'retires', but doesn't go away. Maybe he hooks up with a new anti-DISSONANCE faction, or through some means he'll be reinstated. Choshu retired how many times? In the mean time, Horri will need to step up his game and finally prove he can be the Sekigun ace.


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


Shameful to see a random challenger for an otherwise prestigious title.


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Good match but RD should keep the belts.


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


I'll go against the trend here. A Masuko win keeps DISSONANCE's momentum overpowering, and gives them almost all the belts, setting them up as the big force that must be stopped. It maintains E3's grudge. And I can see it being done in a way that turns Dragon face. With BHB going away and Dragon Feet fading to irrelevancy, this is a change for a new faction to form as tweeners or non Sekihun faces with a grudge against DISSONANCE.

Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


Miyamae is still in the world tag title picture. He doesn't need the title.


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Horri needs a boost. Cobra is better off outside BHB. And BHB has run it's course, time for something new.


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Still too soon.


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


The Spark is still Hidden.


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya


S-Jos. I watched guest booker with Gary Hart recently and he was booking a Freebird-Road Warriors feud. He gave Buddy Roberts a win in a decently big match with the rationale that Robert's role in the Freebirds was to be the one taking the fall, so he was only credible if you gave him back a win now and then. S-Jos's role in DISSONANCE is to be pinned, so this is a harmless way to give him a little boost.

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#1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa


World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????


World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji vs Little Fury (VENOM & Yoshii Shiomi)


Heavyweight Championship Tournament Finals: Mister Macho vs Miyamae


5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Kansuke Konda vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

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World Heavyweight Championship Open Lottery: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ????

Shameful to see a random challenger for an otherwise prestigious title.


Nakasawa's doing his job then as an irritating heel, since the turn :p. Anyway remember you have the Super 10 Cup (BHOTWG version of the G-1 Climax), coming up next month*...so that's at least one way a proper challenger could be found (then again Nakasawa could enter and win the tournament).


Just that right now, Nakasawa's taking advantage of there not really being a proper challenger in place and DISSONANCE are living up to their name.


* In the default data, the Super 10 Cup does not exist and the Autumn tour ends at this PPV. However I adjusted things slightly, to set the Super 10 Cup up as an annual tournament (I've even set up previous winners) and that the tour ends in December, where I have also set up an extra PPV 'Final Collision'- where the semi finals and finals of the Super 10 Cup take place.

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  • 2 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26978" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>O.O.C Note: </strong><p> </p><p> Just letting people know, that I aim to get Everlasting Mission up for next weekend (PPV's always take a little longer to write), so if people want to place any more predictions they have until then to get them in.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well that didn't happen in the end did it <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Anyway I've posted this in the DOTM thread, but for those waiting on the next show, I will also post it here.....</p><p> </p><p> Previous week I wasn't feeling 100% , so that put me 'off schedule', I had about half the show written up , but truth is i've been struggling to get back into the groove, though I'm over the man-flu that I had. Call it what you like, writers block, burn-out....truth is I've just not got the 'spark' in me at the moment and I'm not going to put a shoddy half baked effort, if I'm not 'feeling it'. </p><p> </p><p> I'm sure at some point, I'll get the urge to write back again and beyond the next show, I'm excited about what is ahead. But for now, until I get the 'spark' back, my diary is on hold.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><!-- controls --></p><span></span></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>Sorry that this has to wait awhile ( and waste my perfectly good nomination <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> ) but I understand all too well when its time to step back and take a break. I'm like you in that I can't stand to put in a half assed effort just to put a show up, and if I can't give it my full effort, I'd rather let it sit until I can or until its obviously time to put it to bed ( such as in my case.)</p><p> </p><p>

Hopefully a short break will recharge you, as I think you feel that there is more story to tell with this dynasty. So sit back, relax, play something else for awhile ( tons of good stuff either just came out or is coming out) and come back to this when you feel that it's right. We will still be here.</p><p> </p><p>

( just don't be a J Silver and do yearly updates <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> )</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...

O.O.C Note:


Just an update, nothing to get too excited about yet.


The good news is that, I've started working on the write up for Everlasting Mission again and I've come out of the other side of my writers block/burn out. Not promising anything but I hope to have Everlasting Mission, finally posted sometime next weekend.


One thing I will promise, is that I won't take as long as J-Silver to get the next show up!- So at least the wait won't be until next year :p

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Everlasting Mission


(Friday 19th November 2010)


Izumo Civil Stadium, Chugkoku ( 13'999 No Vacancy)


And Live on PPV with Emperor Sports.



Pre PPV Show


Commentators for the show:


Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro, Katsuhiko Shunsen

http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/ToruMinamoto.jpg http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/MitsuhideMuro.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KatsuhikoShunsen.jpg?t=1268006118


Match A: Blended Whisky (Mitsunari Fuganaga & Merle O'Curle) vs

Hidden Spark (Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MitsunariFugunaga_jhd-11.jpg & http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/MerleOCurle_jhd3.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_StoneYoshikawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_IncredibleKoyama1.jpg


A re-match of sorts from the Night of the Burning Hammer PPV (that also included Snow Lizzard). Hidden Spark did not actually fall to defeat in that match and will be looking to show that they can have the better of Blended Whisky.


Hidden Spark start the brighter of the two teams, using their superior speed to keep Blended Whisky off balance and that early advantage see's Koyama come close to securing victory with a TOP THIS (Standing Corkscrew Moonsault) upon O'Curle following an STO from Yoshikawa.


Hidden Spark then set up for the CODE G (Backbreaker Hold/Diving Leg-drop combo) but Koyama was nailed with a leaping knee into the corner by Fuganaga and O'Curle then caught Yoshikawa with the ST PATRICK'S CRADLE (Rolling Cradle transitionned into a crucifix pin) for a two count.


Yoshikawa was then however able to plant O'Curle with a STONEPLEX for a two count, before Koyama headed up top and came crashing down with AIR KOYAMA (Shooting Star Press) only for O'Curle to get the knees up. O'Curle then nailed Koyama with the GALWAY PLUNGE (Fireman's Carry Gutbuster) before Fuganaga followed up with a RUNNING KNEE DRIVE.....


Yoshikawa broke up the pin but was taken down with a double drop toe hold and then tied up by O'Curle...... Fuganaga then planted the still dazed Koyama with the GERMAN SUPLEX HOLD to pick up the win for the RAGE duo.


Result: Mitsunari Fuganaga [w] & Merle O'Curle bt Stone Yoshikawa & The Incredible Koyama [L] in 7:18 via pinfall (German Suplex Hold)

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: An enjoyable tag match, between two teams that are treading water right now (for different reasons). Hidden Spark are just waiting their turn, whilst Blended Whisky are in a holding pattern due to Fuganaga-san showing signs of being ready to rise the ranks.Fuganaga-san can probably think himself as being a bit unlucky not to make it onto the main card, given his rising popularity/status but we couldn't just shoe horn another match onto the main card.


Match B: Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs

Red Panther vs Super Joshuya








This four way saw all three of the lighter roster members working together to wear-down Nisso Yuasha, at least that seemed to the case until Super Joshuya planted Shikitei with the J-DROP (Flip Over DDT) and then bailed from the ring and walked up the ramp. Yuasha then took full advantage of that turn of events and proceeded to squash Red Panther with the ELEPHANT STAMPEDE (Body Avalanche) to pick up the win. After the match Joshuya and Yuasha celebrated together as if though this was the plan all along.


Result: Nisso Yuasha [w] bt Omezo Shikitei + Red Panther [L] + Super Joshuya in 5:41 via pinfall (Elephant Stampede)

Rating: C+


Onodera's Assessment: Not enough time to develop into anything great, and with Yuasha-san in the ring, you don't want this going too long before he blows up anyway (though to be fair his cardio is slowly improving). There was enough time though to get across the storyline that Joshuya-san and Yuasha-san were in on the same plan all along.




We get the usual PPV Hype video to kick off the show, this time the soundtrack is provided by Jinn with the song 'Kaidoku Funo' and the main theme of the video seems to be focused on the formation of the DISSONANCE stable and the chaos they have been causing in BHOTWG since their formation.


Rating: B


After the video has ended, we see World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa standing in the ring with a microphone in hand, with the rest of DISSONANCE and it looks like the 'Baby Elephant' Nisso Yuasha has also been added to the unstoppable heel group (which will make more sense if you had just watched the free to air pre-show).


Hiroaki Nakasawa: What you see before you is the strongest faction to ever grace not only the ring of BHOTWG but that of the entire wrestling world.....and we will only get stronger!


There's some disgruntled noises from the fans, who would rather see some action than have to listen to Nakasawa's arrogant boasting...Nakasawa however camly ignores the un-rest and carries on with his spiel.....


Not only will Rapid Danger retain the World Tag Team Championship, but Masuko will become the Junior Champion and best of all we will be rid of that egomaniacal old fool Kikkawa-san!!


And on this glorious night for DISSONANCE, I will kick things off in style by succesfully defending the World Title against whichever chump I happen to pull out of this box....


Nakasawa points to a cardboard box being held by Super Joshuya....


Now the biggest chump of all Horri-san felt being chosen this way was beneath him, if I was him I'd have taken any chance I had, especially as that choker has proven himself enough of a failure not to deserve another shot at this belt!


There's some Jeer's from the fans, interspersed with Horri and Sekigun chants, but Nakasawa remains coolly detached....


Now lets see who I pick out....drum roll please!!


The rest of DISSONANCE all do a mock drum-roll, except for Mr DISSONANCE who stands in his normal silent and stoic manner.


Nakasawa then pulls a yellow plastic ball out of the cardboard box.....


written on the yellow plastic ball is.....




Well, well it's the BIG FIGHT PLAYER, himself....now let's see just how Big of a Fight he can bring....if any, because lets be honest who the hell would take him seriously.....


Konda comes down to the ring, and grabs a microphone of his own.....


Kansuke Konda: It's not about the size of the fighter, but the size of the fight that they bring...and tonight I will bring my biggest fight ever.....


Hiroaki Nakasawa just laughs......


Laugh all you want, but you will see how serious I am.....putting that belt on the line is the biggest mistake you ever made!


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Well to be honest, I admire the enthusiasm...but do you really think you can beat me....if I was you I'd do this the easy way and just lie down for the one....two...three.


Kansuke Konda: You'd love that wouldn't you, you arrogant asshole.....


Konda then lays a strike on Nakasawa...DISSONANCE then look ready to deliver a beat-down, but the rest of the Burning Sekigun come out and chase DISSONANCE away....leaving just Nakasawa and Joshuya in the ring....referee Koetsu Shinozaki then calls for the bell to get the World Championship match under way....


~ Blatant Arrogance~

Match #1:

Open Lottery Challenge for the Burning World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kansuke Konda




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawaALT21.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg

Konda ducks a lariat from Nakasawa and then rocks the World Champion with a drop-kick, the 'Big Fight Player' then goes for a Lariat himself but Nakasawa shakes it off and stops Konda in his tracks with a back hand chop....Nakasawa then whips Konda against the ropes and this time levels Konda with a lariat. 'The Greatest Champion Ever Seen' then sets up for a vertical suplex but the 'Big Fight Player' counters into a stunner!


A wobbly Nakasawa then stumbles out to the floor, and Konda immediately follows up with a trademark 'Tope Con Hilo' that also wipes out several members of DISSONANCE standing by at ringside. Konda gets a couple more shorts in on Nakasawa and then pitches the World Champion into the ring, he goes for a quick cover and gets a two count...


Konda then decided to head up top, but took too long doing so, and Nakasawa tried to bring the 'Big Fight Player' crashing back into the ring with superplex but Konda fought it off with forearms and headbutts, before diving off to drill Nakasawa with a Tornado DDT......


That got a two count for the ' Big Fight Player'....who then headed up top again and this time crashing down upon Nakasawa with the KONDA SPLASH (Frog Splash)......








Nakasawa remained rooted to the mat, so Konda decided to head up top again but this time Super Joshuya hopped up on the apron to grab at Konda, but the 'Big Fight Player' was able to kick him off and take flight once again with another KONDA SPLASH......


But this time Nakasawa got the knees up to wind the 'Big Fight Player'......Nakasawa then levelled Konda with a clothesline, before reeling the 'Big Fight Player' in and planting Konda with a COMPRESSION POWERBOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb)......








Konda kicked out, Nakasawa now feeling in control however then slapped Konda around the face in a mocking manner, but that only seemed to fire up the 'Big Fight Player' who retallitated with a flurry of lefts and rights, only for that flurry to be halted with an eye rake and a boot to the mid-section.....


Nakasawa then set up for the H-BOMB (Crucifix Powerbomb) but Konda manages to slip off and then rock the 'Greatest Champion Ever Seen' with a drop-kick....Konda then followed that up with a basement drop-kick that sent Nakasawa down to his feet...


Nakasawa then began to return to his feet, only to be levelled with a Lariat that Konda immediately transitioned into a pin......








Nakasawa kicked out, but as he rose to his feet was immediately stunned with KONDA KUTTER !!!








Nakasawa barely got his shoulder up in time, as the crowd thought they were on the verge of seeing one of the greatest up-sets in Burning Hammer History.....


The World Champion remained firmly rooted to the mat, so Konda decided to head up top again.....


But before Konda could take flight, Nakasawa had managed to find a second wind to pick himself back up......


Konda then went for a Tornado DDT, but Nakasawa was able to block and then planted Konda stomach first onto the top-rope with a front suplex.......


Nakasawa then followed up with a knee lift, before bringing Konda crashing back into the ring with a rope hung DDT......


Nakasawa then perched the stunned Konda back onto the top turnbuckle, and then climbed up to the second himself before bringing the 'Big Fight Player' crashing back into the ring with a SUPER H-BOMB !!








Nakasawa wasn't done, he pulled Konda up ...as though he was angered by the 'Big Fight Player' having the nerve to put such a strong fight up against him......


Nakasawa then set up for a regular H-BOMB and the already dazed Konda wasn't able to fight his way out.....








Nakasawa cruelly pulled Konda back up again.........


And then levelled the 'Big Fight Player' with a SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT (Turnaround Short Range Lariat).....


Nakasawa then placed his foot upon Konda's chest for the now academic 1-2-3, as if though the match he just won was an easy squash, but the truth was for that most of the match Konda was the one on the offensive and Nakasawa was lucky not be on the wrong end of a huge upset. Konda looks to be completely out of it, will he be in any condition to be part of the Burning Sekigun team in the 5vs5 elimination match against the Black Heart Brethren that he was scheduled to be part of?


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] bt Kansuke Konda [L] in 10:40 via pinfall (Sudden Impact Lariat)


Hiroaki Nakasawa makes V15 Defence of the Burning World Championship

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: Konda-san's at his best in these sort of matches, being the never say die underdog, who keeps fighting and gets the fans believing that he might just be able to pull it off and take down the 'big bad'. This was a fast paced 'balls to the wall' sprint of a match and though no one would have said Konda-san was 'worthy' of a title shot before hand, no one can say that this match wasn't an explosive way to kick off the show.


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Konda-san brought all that pain on himself, he wanted to put up a fight...he wanted to test me! Well he found out just what happens when you push me!!! Oh my actions were completely justified.....I must show to everyone just how dominant I am!!!


Kansuke Konda appears to be in no condition to be part of the ten man Sekigun vs BHB match he was scheduled to be part of later in the show, and his regular tag partner Hyosuke Kokan is showing alot of concern for the condition of his partner.


Hyosuke Kokan: That bastard Nakasawa-san, he'll pay for this, I'll make him.....


Kansuke Konda: It can wa.....


Hyosuke Kokan: Look you're in no condition to talk, and speaking of which you're in no condition....


Kansuke Konda: I must fi.....


Hyosuke Kokan: Take it easy Konda-san, I will take your place in the elimination match....surely Cobra-san and the rest can trust me to pull through. Sekigun fight for each other, and if that's not the case...Size of the Fight will always fight for one another....I'm going to go out there and I'll fight not just for me, but for you, for Size of the Fight, for the Burning Sekigun!



~Step Out The Shadows~

Match #2: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_BaireiYasujiro-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HaruKurofuji.jpg


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


Universal Excellence won the title's last month in 30 minutes Falls Sprint but are still looking to prove that they are worthy champions, despite a strong first defence against the previous champions the BHFS... Little Fury are former two time champions themselves and are looking to match the BHFS record of three reigns with the Junior Tag belts.


After few minutes of a feeling out process, it's the champions who gained the early upper hand when Yasujiro sent Shiomi to the floor with a spinning head-scissors and then follows up with an Arabian Press, Kurofuji then lands a missile drop-kick on VENOM and follows up with a German Suplex for a two count.


Universal Excellence then manage to isolate VENOM for a bit, but 'Lethal Infection' is able to get out of another German Suplex attempt from Kurofuji with a foot stamp/jumping enziguri...before getting the tag to a recovered Shiomi.....


Shiomi takes down both Kurofuji and Yasujiro with a spinning facebuster/headscissors combination.Shiomi then exchanged a series of roll-up's with Yasujiro before looking to have the decisive one with a La Magistral Cradle until Kurofuji intervened.....


VENOM however sent Kurofuji to the floor with a drop-kick and then combined with Shiomi on a running bulldog/basement drop-kick combination on Yasujiro. VENOM then drilled the 'Mighty Mouse' with a snap DDT, before Shiomi headed up top, but the 'Sublime Fury' was cut off by Yasujiro.......


Both VENOM and Kurofuji then recovered resulting in a tower of doom spot......


VENOM then went to nail Yasujiro with the V-STINGER (Shining Wizard Enziguri) but the 'Mighty Mouse' was ready for it and countered with a Dragon Screw Leg-Whip, only to be planted with a JEWEL BREAKER (Springboard Cutter) from Shiomi.....








Kurofuji made the save and then tossed Shiomi over head with the TOHOKU THUNDER SUPLEX (Rolling Release Suplex).....


Both Shiomi somehow managed to flip onto his feet and then combined with VENOM with a drop-kick into a falling double knee backbreaker combination.....






Yasujiro made the save, but was quickly pitched back out to the floor...VENOM then went to the outside to hold off Yasujiro and Shiomi headed up top.......


'Sublime Fury' then came crashing down with the SHIOMI BOMB DROP (High Angle Senton Bomb)......


But Kurofuji got the knees up and then quickly caught Shiomi in a small package.....








VENOM deseperately broke into the ring to make the save......


Shiomi then sent himself crashing to the floor with a suicide dive to wipe out Yasujiro


VENOM then set Kurofuji up for the INFECTIOUS SPIKE (Spike DDT) but Kurofuji was able to fight his way out......and countered with a Uranage Slam, before following up with a German Suplex.....






VENOM kicked out but remained rooted to the mat, and Kurofuji then headed for the top....but in the opposite corner !


Shiomi tried to prevent Kurofuji from taking flight, but Yasujiro was able to hold Shiomi off from intervening and the 'TOHOKU WARRIOR' came crashing down upon VENOM with the KAMIKAZE HEADBUTT (Long Range Diving Headbutt).....


VENOM managed to move away at the last split second and then nailed Kurofuji with the V-STINGER (Shining Wizard Enziguri)........








Yasujiro dived in just in time to save the match and the titles, but was then pulled back out to the floor by Shiomi, before sliding back into the ring to help VENOM try and finish off Kurofuji


Little Fury then planted Kurofuji with the ENGAGE THE RAGE (Reverse STO/Enziguri combo) on Kurofuji.......








Yasujiro slid back in and made the save with a standing shooting star press....


The 'Mighty Mouse' then drilled Shiomi with a POISON RANA (Reverse 'rana), whilst Kurofuji then quickly took VENOM by surprise with a jacknife cradle......






Three !!!


Universal Excellence suddenly pulled the win out of nowhere, Little Fury will feel frustrated that they let such a great opportunity slip away.


Result: Barei Yasujro & Haru Kurofuji [w] bt Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM [L] in 12:04 (Jacknife Cradle)

Universal Excellence make V2 Defence of the Burning Junior Tag Team Championship.

Rating: B-


Onodera's Assessment: A solid match, but it didn't quite reach the levels perhaps it could have. Maybe the crowd were a little burned out from the dramatic opener, or maybe it was because the pacing of the match always kind of felt that this building towards a re-match and the roll-up style finish certainly confirmed that.


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: Little Fury you are a good team, but we are the better team and if we have to beat you again, to prove that to everyone then we will welcome another challenge from you.


Haru Kurofuji: And just because we didn't hit our finisher on you, doesn't mean that the victory we gained just now wasn't decisive... tonight we out-wrestled you, we can just an easily out-fight you!


Yoshii Shiomi: Universal Excellence, you were lucky tonight...we aren't going to complain that you didn't beat us fair and square, but you are NOT better than us, and you know that we are deserving of a re-match.


VENOM: Eventually luck runs out, and Universal Excellence your luck must be just about used up.#



~Paved of Gold~

Match #3: Burning Heavyweight Championship:

Mister Macho w/ Erisabet Chan vs Miyamae





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho_jhdMacho1.jpg?t=1294616716 w/ http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/TKValet_jhd2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


This match see's the culmination of the tournament to crown the inaugral Burning Heavyweight Champion, will Macho (Hamacho) claim his first singles gold in BHOTWG after years of trying or will Miyamae claim his first singles gold since he stepped up to the heavyweight division?


There's a bit of pomp and ceremony to start off, with the unveiling of the new belt, though admittedly it does have to compete for attention from some of the fans, who can't help but have their eyes fixed upon Erisabet-Chan, who is looking resplendent in a red, white and black Yukata.


They start things off with a test of strength, unsurprisingly Mister Macho wins that battle, but Miyamae doesn't let Macho rest on that and replies with a flurry of kicks to Macho's legs.....Macho however shakes that off and levels Miyamae with a MACHO LARIAT !!


Macho goes for the early cover, but the 'Viper' bails out for a powder. Macho calmly waited for Miyamae to get back into the ring and then got then continued to be on offence with a few clubbing blows to the back.....Macho then tried to set up for the OLD SKOOL PILEDRIVER, but Miyamae held firm and countered with a back body drop.


Miyamae then avoided a running clothesline from the Macho-Man and connected with a drop-kick, before planting Macho with a Reverse STO......






Macho kicked out but Miyamae tried to apply the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice) but Macho was able to power his way back up and plant Miyamae to the canvas with a powerslam.


Macho then decided to head up top, to set up for the Macho Elbow Drop but Miyamae was able to get back to his feet and stunned Macho with a running jumping knee strike into the corner.


'The Viper' then tried to bring Macho back in with a superplex but Macho held firm and sent Miyamae back down to the canvas with a series of clubbing fore-arms.....


Macho then took flight with the MACHO ELBOW DROP!


But Miyamae was able to move out of the way just in time, and then nailed Macho with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN.....








Macho managed to kick out, but was then placed in the SNAKE CHARMER (Over The Shoulder Single Leg Crab) by Miyamae......


Macho managed to dig down however and make it to the ropes, but he was clearly struggling when he got back to his feet and Miyamae took immediate advantage of that, by taking Macho back down with a basement drop-kick......Miyamae then went back to the GLITTERING MAGICIAN, but this time Macho was able to block with a Lariat from his knees.....


Macho then rose back to his feet and connected with a MACHO LARIAT .....But then collapsed to the mat clutching at his right leg..... The Macho-Man was still back to his feet first however and lined up for the BULL RUSH (Spear).....


But it had no momentum behind it and Miyamae was able to move out of the way, 'the Viper' then connnected with back spin-kick , and then followed up with a basement drop-kick to send Macho back down to the mat.......


Miyamae then dragged Macho into position and headed up top......


'The Viper' connected with the REBEL STOMP (Diving Double Foot Stomp)......








Macho managed to kick out just in time, much to Miyamae's frustration who pleaded with referee Umeki that he thought he had a three count. Miyamae turned his attention back to Macho and set up for the MIYAMAE SPOILER....


But Macho still had some fight left in him, fighting his way out with a series of elbows, before scooping Miyamae upon his shoulder to set up for the MACHO SLEDGE (Death Valley Driver).......


Miyamae however managed to fight his way out of that and then stunned Macho with an Enziguri, but the 'Macho Man' just shook it off and levelled Miyamae with the MACHO LARIAT.....


Macho then scooped the stunned Miyamae back upon his shoulders and planted 'the Viper' with the MACHO SLEDGE.....








Miyamae managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat, so the 'Macho Man' took the decision to head up top and set up for the Macho Elbow Drop.....


But still somewhat hobbled from earlier, he took too long doing so, and Miyamae was able to recover and cut Macho off...They exchanged strikes on the top turnbuckle, and it looked as though Miyamae had gained the advantage, to set up for an AVALANCHE MIYAMAE SPOILER, but Macho managed to shake off the attempt and regained the advantage to set up for an AVALANCHE MACHO SLEDGE...Miyamae tried to fight his way out but the 'Macho Man' hold firm and send Miyamae crashing hard to the canvas.....








Miyamae some how managed to kick out at two and three quarters....Erisabet- Chan could not believe that her man hadn't won and went to argue with referee Umeki....


Macho then pleaded with Erisabet-Chan to back down off the apron, telling her to just leave things to him.....


Miyamae however had now recovered his wits about him and scythed Macho down from behind with a chop block, before transitioning into a quick roll-up......








Macho managed to kick out, but then received a knee strike to the face, before being spun around and then planted with a DRAGON SUPLEX HOLD !!








Macho managed to kick out just in time, but the momentum was back with Miyamae and he dragged Macho back to his feet to once again set up for the MIYAMAE SPOILER.....


But Macho was again able to fight his way out with elbows....... Miyamae changed tactic and sent Macho back down to his knees again with a basement drop-kick, before following in with the GLITTERING MAGICIAN, but Macho was able to move out of the way and connected with a MACHO LARIAT, before tossing Miyamae overhead with a release Belly to Belly Suplex.....


Macho then connected with a MACHO LARIAT in the corner, before setting up for the MACHO SLEDGE 2K (Northern Lights Bomb).......Miyamae tried to fight his way out, but the 'Macho Man' held firm and succeeded in dusting off his old finisher, to drill 'the Viper' into the canvas......






Three !!!


Mister Macho becomes the inaugral Burning Heavyweight Champion, after coming through a hard fought battle with Miyamae in the finals. As expected the Macho-Man, invited his girl, 'Erisabet-Chan' into the ring to join in with the celebrations.


Result: Mister Macho [w] bt Miyamae [L] in 17:49 via pinfall (Macho Sledge 2K)

Mister Macho wins the Burning Heavyweight Champion (1st Champion!)

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: The tournament to crown the very first Burning Heavyweight Champion, ends on a strong note with a really good match between these two veteran's looking to shake off the stigma of being perceived as 'career tag guys'. In the end it is Macho who comes through to claim the title, but both performers came out looking strong. Erisbet-Chan's moments were also kept to an effective minimum, adding a little drama to the match without taking anything away.


Post Match Comments:


Mister Macho: OOH YEAHH!! The Macho-Man is on top of the world. And what makes this all the more sweeter, is that I get to go out and celebrate with my beautiful Erisbet-Chan.


Erisabet-Chan: Oh Eiji...you're making...erm...er...blush!!


Macho looks a bit taken a back at being referred to be his real name


Mister Macho: err.... Hey princess, it's the Macho-Man...it's Macho time, all the time!


Erisbet-Chan: (Giggling) Oh Eiji, you're so silly but that's why I love you.


Miyamae: I'm disapppointed I lost, of course I am...that was an opportunity gone, one I did not take. But I will bounce back from this defeat, and by the end of the year I will prove myself as a top single performer by winning gold.



~Slave For Arms~

Match #4: World Tag Team Championship:

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ChuichiSanda_jhd21.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg


Rapid Danger are making their second defence of the Tag Titles they won from The Rebellion at Night of the Burning Hammer, this is Explosive Tension's third attempt to win them since their formation, after two failed attempts to dethrone the previous holders, The Rebellion.


They go through the motions at the start, though there is a great sequence where Okazaki and Pathlow, basically have a snap-mare/stiff kick to the back exchange. The feeling out process continues until Rapid Danger gain the upper-hand when Pathlow gets in a cheap shot from the apron, after Sanda looked to gain some momentum off the ropes.


Rapid Danger follow with a drop toe hold/basment drop-kick combo for an early two count, before dragging Sanda into their corner. The champions immediately go to working over Sanda's arm, and this sequence of control includes an arm-twist/diving double stomp combination.


After several minutes of working over Sanda's arm, Iesada went to apply the IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker) but Sanda managed to slip out and then rocked Iesada with a EXPLOSION KICK II (Spin Kick)....


Sanda immediately went for the cover.....






Iesada kicked out, but was probably saved by the fact that Sanda hadn't quite recovered enough feeling in his arm, to get a tighter pin. Pathlow the tried to connect with a drop-kick on Sanda, but the 'Explosive One' was able to move out of the way and Pathlow ended up nailing Iesada instead....Sanda then connected with a clothesline to send 'Rapid Fire' out of the ring before dragging Iesada over to the Explosive Tension corner.......


It was now Explosive Tension's turn to be in control and the focus of their target was Iesada's back, with a neck-snap into a backbreaker and a big boot assisted back-drop suplex bringing two counts....before Okazaki went to place Iesada in the CENTURY CRAB LIFT.....


But Iesada had the move well scouted, turning onto his stomach before kicking away at Okazaki....Okazaki however changed tactic as he grabbed at the right arm of Iesada and went to lock on the ANGULAR ARM BAR.....


Seeing enough, Pathlow desperately sneaked into the ring, to deliver a series of stiff kicks to the back of Okazaki before referee Shinozaki tries to restore a degree of control by ordering Pathlow back to his corner.


With Pathlow tying up Shinozaki, Iesada sneaked in a low blow on Okazaki and went for a quick roll-up......


'No Mercy' managed to kick out but Iesada was able to trap Okazaki back over to the 'Rapid Danger' corner. The champions then looked to 'wear down' Okazaki in their corner....using plenty of phantom tags and cheap shots, much to the chagrin of Sanda who's protestations only served to further distract Shinozaki....


But Okazaki was able to avoid a BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA from Pathlow, and responded with an Exploder Suplex, before delivering second to the in-coming Iesada. Okazaki then collapsed to the mat, too worn down to go for a cover.


Just as it looked like 'No Mercy' would be prevented from tagging out to Sanda, he mustered up one last bit of energy to do just that.


Sanda came in all fired up, and cleaned house with some fire-plug brawling, before tossing Pathlow over the rope with a back body-drop, only for Pathlow to land on the apron and rock Sanda with an Enziguri.......


Iesada then planted Sanda with a snap suplex, before Pathlow headed up top, but as 'Rapid Fire' came crashing down with the HEART COMPACTOR (Diving Double Knee Drop), Sanda managed to move out of the way........


Sanda then nailed Pathlow with the EXPLOSION KICK (Running Boot) before delivering the same to Iesada and then turning his attention back to Iesada to make the cover......








Pathlow managed to kick out , but Sanda remained in control and then planted 'Rapid Fire' with an EXPLODER SUPLEX.....








Iesada dived in to make the save, but was soon pitched back out to the floor by Okazaki who then joined Pathlow in setting up for the EX-2 (Double Exploder).....


But Pathlow managed to hold firm, buying Iesada enough time to sneak back into the ring and make the 'save'.....before the champions countered into stereo brainbusters....before locking on the IESADA SPECIAL upon Okazaki and the KIMURA LOCK on Sanda respectively.......


Pathlow and Sanda were deemed the legal men by Shinozaki and Sanda was able to muster up enough will-power to make it to the ropes and force the rope-break....


Shinozaki managed to restore some order at that point, as Iesada and Okazaki were now just left in the ring....the former INSPIRE stable mates...exchanged a barrage of stiff strikes with one another........


Okazaki managed to gain the advantage, planting Iesada with a Uranage backbreaker, before peppering the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner with the OKAZAKI KICK BARRAGE.....


Okazaki went for the cover.......








Iesada managed to kick out but then found himself turned over into the CENTURY CRAB LIFT (Leglock Cloverleaf).....


Iesada looked to be in absolute agony as Okazaki sat back to increase the leverage, but just as it looked like Iesada would be forced to tap away the Tag Team titles, Pathlow was able to dive in to make a desperate save. Sanda then came into the ring to intercept Pathlow, and soon their brawl spilled out to the floor....


Back in the ring Okazaki, began to set up for the OKAZAKI (Wrist Clutch Exploder Suplex), but Iesada managed to fight his way out and then counter into the IESADA BRIDGE (Northern Lights Suplex)......








Okazaki managed to kick out, but was then planted with another IESADA BRIDGE, before Iesada floated into an IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)......


Sanda managed to break free of Pathlow's clutches and dive into the ring just in time......


Pathlow however then nailed Sanda with a springboard BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA, leaving Okazaki still at the mercy of the champions.....Iesada dragged Okazaki up to the top turbuckle, as Pathlow set himself in position on the apron.....


DANGEROUS LIASON (Jumping Apron Enziguri/Superplex combo).....


Iesada made the cover.....






Sanda tried to get back in, but was held off by Pathlow....


Three !!!


Rapid Danger had managed to see off the challenge of Explosive Tension, who come up short once again in their pursuit of the World Tag Team Championship.


Result: Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow bt Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki [L] in 17:24 (Dangerous Liasons)

Rapid Danger make V2 Defence of the Burning World Tag Team Championship

Rating: B


Onodera's Assessment: The match here was solid, but to be honest I was expecting better. Problem is that the match felt like a 'routine' defence for the champions, and the crowd never really believed that Explosive Tension was going to bring Rapid Danger's reign to an end.


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: We are the top tag team in the world, we've proven it against the so-called best 'The Rebellion' and we've proven it against these inferior chancers. Okazaki-san, you were never as good as me, and you never will be.


John Pathlow: These belts are staying round our waists for a very long time, and there's nothing anyone else can do about it, no matter how persistant they are.


Chuichi Sanda: Rapid Danger, you defeated us this time, that we cannot deny but we will not stop trying...we will not stop until those belts are round our waist's not yours.



~Earn Your Way~

Match #5: Glenn Trial Series (#12):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


http://s137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KCGlenn.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Shimedzu-1.jpg?t=1268429674


Match number 12 in the trial series for Kevin Christopher Glenn and the challenges don't get any easier, can he pull off a major upset?


The match kicks off with some slick chain wrestling, that see's the gaijin young lion actually setting the pace, rather than being the one trying to keep up.....Shimedzu gets frustrated about that and goes out for a powder....


Glenn goes for a slingshot press to the outside, but Shimedzu manages to move out of the way but Glenn manages to land on his feet and nails the former tag champion with a flying roundhouse kick off the apron.


The 'Dixieland Wonderkid' pitches Shimedzu back into the ring and sets up for a German suplex but Shimedzu manages to fight his way out only to be nailed with a drop-kick from Glenn. The 'Dixieland Wonderkid' then plants Shimedzu with a reverse STO for a two count before heading up top......


Shimedzu however gets back to his feet and attemtps to bring Glenn back in with a superplex.....only for Glenn to fight it off and then take Shimedzu down with a flying cross-body, immediately transitioning into a pin.....






Shimedzu kicks out rolls through and then suddenly traps Glenn in the INSURREXION DEVICE (Guillotine Choke)......


Shimedzu has the submission hold locked on right in the middle of the ring but Glenn manages to muster up enough energy to make it to the ropes and force the rope break.....


The 'Dixieland Wonderkids' early momentum however had been halted and Shimedzu was now the one in control...


Shimedzu then peppered Glenn with a combination of strikes and kicks, before flinging the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' overhead with a Dragon Suplex but Glenn managed to flip onto his feet and then went to nail Shimedzu with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND (Superkick) but Shimedzu managed to sidestep the attempt and then take Glenn down with a Dragon Screw Leg-whip.


Shimedzu followed up with another Dragon Screw, and then tied Glenn up into a Cloverleaf hold......


The 'Dixieland Wonderkid' once again showed that he wasn't about to quit however and once again mustered up the strength to make it to the ropes and force a rope break......


Shimedzu dragged Glenn nearer to the centre of the ring and looked to be setting up for the SKULL-DROP but the gaijin young lion was able to block the attempt and then reversed into the LOUISANA SPIRAL (Twisting Brainbuster)......








Shimedzu managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat, so Glenn decided to head up top but perhaps still hobbled from being placed in the Cloverlead hold he took too long doing so and Shimedzu was back to his feet.....But the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' was able to adjust driling 'Kamikaze Spirit' with a missile drop-kick and then as they rose back to their feet Shimedzu was nailed with the TUNE UP THE SUNSHINE BAND !!








And nine tenths!!......Shimedzu barely got a foot onto the bottom rope, had Glenn moved Shimedzu a fraction of an inch towards the centre of the ring, he would have pulled off a huge upset and gained his first win in BHOTWG.


Glenn paces around in frustration for a bit, before deciding to take to the air again......he then comes crashing down with the 450 DEGREE SPLASH......


But Shimedzu get's the knees up...........


'Kamikaze Spirit' then nails Glenn with the LIFE FLASHER (Rebound Big Boot), and then drills the plants the already dazed Glenn with the A-KO ARROW (Slingshot Falcon Arrow).....








Glenn kicks out but Shimedzu maintains control and drills the 'Dixieland Wonderkid' with the SKULL DROP (Spike Brainbuster)......






Three !!


Shimedzu got the decisive win at the end, but he had to survive an almighty scare and once again Kevin Christopher Glenn can be proud of his efforts, despite coming up short once again in securing the victory that he needs to prove himself worthy of being in BHOTWG.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Kevin Christopher Glenn [L] in 13:24 via pinfall (Shimedzu Skull Drop)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: The surprise hit of the night but then again perhaps I shouldn't be all that surprised as despite the fact that the result should never really been in doubt, two very talented wrestlers just went out there and put on a very entertaining show, so entertaining in fact that the crowd really got into this and were almost believing that Glenn-san could pull off a major upset. Their styles meshed really well together and despite having yet to win a match, Glenn-san continues to look like a star in the making.


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: That kid is going to be a star...thing is I knew how good he was, but I perhaps took him too lightly, and I nearty paid the price but I had the resolve to come through what he dished out at me, and I proved to be too strong...maybe one day Glenn-san will be stronger but that day will be a long way off.


K.C Glenn (in Dixie): Ah, know that Shee-Mah-Zoo is a fine competitaah, one of da best, and there ain't nah shame ta losin' ta 'im, but I still canna hide mah disaahpoin-ment, at losin' once againnn. I'm gettin' a lil' sick of everrrry one, tellin' me how talented I am but that's nah good, if I canna seal ta victoree.


~Dying Embers~

Match #6: 10 Man Stable Warfare Elimination*

* If Burning Sekigun win, then Black Heart Brethren must disband/ If Black Heart Brethren win BURNING Cobra is forced to rejoin BHB.

Burning Sekigun: BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri,

Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Hyosuke Kokan


Black Heart Brethren: Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno,

The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne











It was now time for the ten man elimination match, that would seal the fates of both BURNING Cobra and the Black Heart Brethren. During the entrances it is confirmed that Hyosuke Kokan will take the place of Kansuke Konda in the Sekigun team.


After a brief feeling out process, the match soon breaks down as the two unit's take their fight out into the crowd. The chaotic nature plays more into the hands of the BHB and when some sort of order was restored, they had managed to isolate Hyosuke Kokan in their corner.


However the BHB took too much time posturing with 'dishing out the punishment' and a failure to dispatch the 'Electric Livewire' quickly and efficiently saw Kokan find the opening he needed to turn things round, when after dumping Golden Scorpion with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX he was able to muster up enough energy to get the hot tag to Tadakuni Toshusai....


Toshusai cleaned house and planted Scorpion with the SPINE-SHOCKER only for Yasunobu Masuno to make the save. Toshusai then found himself placed in the MASUNO DEEP SLEEPER (Arm Trap Sleeper) but he dug down and fought his way out, before nailing Masuno with a desperation SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick)......


That lead to them tagging out to Cobra and Wayne respectively. Cobra nailed Wayne with a drop-kick, and then decided to head up top but was held back by Taira. That allowed for the 'American Bastard' to recover and bring Cobra crashing back into the ring with a NU VEGAS BOMB (Scoop Lift Powerbomb).....








Kokan made the save with a FORESHOCK (Flipping Senton Bomb). The Electric Live-wire then followed up with a dive to the floor.....


Wayne still managed to recover quicker than Cobra however and went to level the former Brethren man with the JACKPOT JOLT (Charging Forearm) but Cobra ducked under and then brought Wayne down with spinning head-scissors....he then pulled off another head-scissors that he quickly transitioned into the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning head scissors arm bar).....


The 'American Bastard' couldn't stand the pain any longer and was forced to tap out as the Sekigun gained the early advantage.....


Elimination #1: Gareth Wayne in 7:04 via submission (BURNING Cobra- Alabaster Agony)


Sekgun 5- Brethren 4


Despite being a man down however....it was the BHB who were able to seize back control by and after being levelled with a lariat from Masuno.....Cobra was dragged into the BHB corner.


The Brethren then worked over Cobra for a bit, but the 'reformed hero' was able to counter an attempt at the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster) from Taira into a Tornado DDT, and get the tag into Hyosuke Kokan, who drilled Taira with a missile drop-kick and then immediately headed up top.....


But the 'Electric Livewire' crashed and burned after he tried to nail Taira with the FORESHOCK (Flipping Senton Bomb), with the 'Bulldozer' moving out of the way. Taira then got the tag into The Awesome Kiyaru who then planted Kokan with the KIYARU EFFECT (Forward Somersault Stunner), to level up the sides once again.


Elimination #2: Hyosuke Kokan in 9:49 via pinfall (The Awesome Kiyaru- Kiyaru Effect)


Sekigun 4- Brethen 4


Both sides then traded the momentum back and forth for the next few minutes, with neither side really able to seize the advantage, until it looked like the Sekigun were about to have the man advantage when Golden Scorpion was planted with the 8 WAY SANTA (Wheelbarrow/Facebuster combo) from Wild Fire, but just as referee Terakado was about to make the three count, he was distracted by a chair wielding Masuno. Kiyaru then sneaked into the ring a blew his infamous Black Mist into the eyes of Tadakuni Toshusai, whilst Taira then planted Onodera with the TYPHOON SUPLEX (Rotating Vertical Suplex)......


Onodera managed to kick out at two, after Terakado turned around to see Golden Scorpion making the pin attempt, but a BRAINBUSTER from Scorpion, saw the BHB maintain control before the former Junior Tag Team Champions combined with the ULTRA EFFECT (Electric Chair Assisted Forward Somersault Stunner) to put Onodera away and put the BHB firmly in control of the match.


Elimination #3: Takayuki Onodera in 12:27 via pinfall (Golden Scorpion- Ultra Effect)


Sekigun 3- Brethren 4


Tadakuni Toshusai still reeling from the Black Mist and with a frustated Horri and Cobra's protestations falling on deaf ears, 'Wild Charisma' found himself quickly isolated in the BHB corner, and it only looked to be a matter of time before the Brethren could take a significant two man advantage.....


But the Brethren fail to grab the opportunity to truly put themselves in control, spending too much time taunting their opponents and the crowd, that inability to truly keep them focus on the task in hand, enables Toshusai to battle his way out of trouble, giving Masuno his customary double bird salute before nailing 'the Hammer' with a SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick), a pair of SPINE SHOCKERS then followed on Kiyaru and Scorpion but Wild Charisma was too exhausted to make the cover.....


Just when it looked like Scorpion would get the tag to the fresh Taira, before Toshusai could take out to either Cobra or Horri....Toshusai had one last ditch effort left in him to get the tag before the 'Gold and Black Attack'


A fired up Horri got the tag cleaning house, before turning Golden Scorpion inside out with a lariat......'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' then planted the 'Gold and Black Attack' with the DESTINY BOMB (Gutwrench Powerbomb) for the three count and level the playing field once again.


Elimination #4: Golden Scorpion in 15:08 via pinfall (Kinnojo Horri- Destiny Bomb)


Sekigun 3- Brethren 3


Horri however soon found himself isolated by the Brethren, levelled with a double clothesline from Black Magic (Masuno & Taira) and then planted with a double team suplex....Kiyaru then took down BURNING Cobra with his trademark Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Legsweep, before Black Magic combined again to plant Horri with the DEVASTATOR (Flapjack/Cutter combo)....


Just as that looked like that would keep Horri down and out for the three count, Tadakuni Toshusai was able to make the save before nailing Masuno and Taira with a pair of SHOCK KICKS (Bicycle Kicks), but he was not the legal man to make the cover.....


But it brought Horri enough time to get the tag to 'Wild Charisma'....Cobra meanwhile rushed out of the corner to intercept Kiyaru, taking the 'Dark Enigma' down with a leg lariat and then following up with a suicide dive.


Toshusai then set up for another SHOCK KICK (Bicycle Kick) on Taira, but had taken his eye off Masuno who nailed 'Wild Charisma' with the MAGIC K.O (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head).....


Toshusai showed his resillience by shaking it off, only to be levelled with a lariat from Taira......Black Magic, combined once again with their second DEVASTATOR of the match, and this time Taira was able to hold off Horri from returning the favour to Toshusai, to put the Brethren back in the drivers seat.


Elimination #5: Tadakuni Toshusai in 18:23 via pinfall (Yasunobu Masuno-Devastator)


Sekigun 2- Brethren 3


Horri seemed to be in trouble, double teamed by Black Magic, whilst Kiyaru holds Cobra back on the outside. But things took a sudden turn in Horri's favour, with Masuno errantly nailing Taira with the MAGIC K.O.....Horri then nailed Masuno with the BURING LARIAT......


Kiyaru was now being held back from Cobra, and all he could do was watch Masuno being pinned and the sides once again being evened up, with the Sekigun back in the ascendency.


Elimination #6: Yasunobu Masuno in 20:43 via pinfall (Kinnojo Horri- Burning Lariat)

Sekigun 2- Brethren 2


Taira is able to seize control in the ring however nailing Horri from behind, Taira showed great power by tossing Horri overhead with the SAMSON SLAM (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam) for a two count and then whipped 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer into the corner' before going for THE FLATTENER (Running Clothesline) in the corner but Horri moves out of the way and Taira ends up being nailed with a corner drop-kick from Cobra, and then levelled with a Lariat from Horri.....








Kiyaru made the save in spectacular fashion with the ETHEREAL KILLER (Springboard Shooting Star Press).....


The 'Dark Enigma' then neutralised Cobra with the Tilt-A-Whirl Russian Leg-Sweep......


A recovered Taira then planted Horri with a vertical suplex, before Kiyaru headed up top and came crashing down upon Horri with the MAGIC CLOUD (Imploding 450 Splash).....


Taira still the legal man then made the cover, as Kiyaru held Cobra off from making the save....






Three !


The BHB were back in the drivers seat, and with Horri gone, surely the odds were stacked against Cobra now and the BHB knew this taunting their former stable mate.


Elimination #7: Kinnojo Horri in 23:03 via pinfall (Yasuhiko Taira, following Magic Cloud from Kiyaru)


Sekigun 1- Brethren 2


The BHB pair work over Cobra in their corner, and it only seems a matter of time before they put Cobra away and force him to rejoin the BHB. The 'reformed hero' survives a vertical suplex from Taira, but looks to be in trouble when Kiyaru heads up top.....


But all of a sudden referee Koetsu Shinozaki is distracted by the prescence of DISSONANCE members John Pathlow, Tasuku Iesada and Super Joshuya. The fans are confused to, as to why they're suddenly involving themselves with this match......


Kiyaru looks confused too, as he hesitates before looking to deliver another MAGIC CLOUD.....


That hesitation allows for Cobra to move out of the way and then catch Kiyaru with a La Magistral Cradle....








Elimination #8: The Awesome Kiyaru in 25:19 via pinfall ( BURNING Cobra- La Magistral Cradle)

Sekigun1- Brethren 1


Taira remains focused however and shakes off Kiyaru's failure to maintain the advantage, by battering Cobra with a series of clubbing fore-arms and clotheslines. A vertical suplex follow for a two count, before he whips 'the reformed hero' into the corner and sets up for the WRECKING BALL (Muscle Buster).


A dazed Cobra tries to fight it off, but he is unable to do so and he is driven hard into the canvas, and it looks to be all over.....


But instead of going for the cover, Yasuhiko Taira notices that referee Shinozaki's attention is elsewhere, for some reason DISSONANCE members Nakasawa, Iesada, Pathlow and Joshuya have made their way down to the entrance ramp.....


'The Bulldozer' seems confused as to why they have a sudden interest in this match......with both his and Shinozaki's attentions diverted away from Cobra....Yasunobu Masuno sneaks back into the ring and the blasts Taira with the MAGIC K.O (Rolling Elbow to the Back of the Head).....


Taira crumples to the mat in a heap.....


Cobra regains his senses and then paces around for a bit wondering why Taira is lying in heap, before making the decision to head up top and then come crashing down upon 'The Bulldozer' with the FROM CANADA WITH LOVE (Swandive Headbutt).....






Three !!


The Black Heart Brethren are no more !! Though Cobra doesn't look happy about the victory, he knows that this victory is tainted by the very fact that Masuno turned on Taira.....


Final Elimination: Yasuhiko Taira in 27:44 via pinfall (From Canada with Love- BURNING Cobra)


Sekigun 1- Brethren 0


Result: BURNING Cobra [w], Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera and Hyosuke Kokan defeated Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion and Gareth Wayne in 27:44 in an elimination match.

Rating: B


Post match Masuno re-enters the ring and then levels the victorious Cobra with a Big Boot, clearly signalling that he did not turn on Taira, to help Cobra win.


Masuno is the joined in the ring by DISSONANCE, who then join Masuno in putting the boots to the fallen Taira.....it is clear to see now that Masuno has turned on Taira to bring an end to the Black Heart Brethren and join DISSONANCE....


It looks as though help is at hand however as Scorpion, Kiyaru and Wayne storm the ring, looking like they are going to come to the rescue of Taira.


But it is only Wayne who had those intentions, as the Black Heart Flying Squadron join in with Masuno and DISSONANCE to continue the beat-down on Taira and also turn on Gareth Wayne in the process.


At the end the four original DISSONANCE members and their new recruits of Masuno, Kiyaru and Scorpion stand over the fallen form of Yasuhiko Taira and Gareth Wayne as the Hiroaki Nakasawa lead group continues to grow ever stronger and more unstoppable. In both BURNING Cobra's and the Burning Sekgiun's case in general, the very outcome of this match and the post match fall out has become a case of 'being careful what you wish for'.


Rating: C


Onodera's Assessment: This was by all intents and purposes a match focused much more on the storyline and drama, than the in-ring action itself....not that there wasn't any exciting in-ring moments....but the match was not one for the 'purists'. In the end the match itself and the post match actions' set out what they needed to do, bring about and end to the Black Heart Brethren (which had run it's course) and make DISSONANCE look even more dangerous as the main heel force, and there is of course the intrigue of where Taira-san goes from here, after Masuno-san and the BHFS shockingly turned on him to join Nakasawa-san's chaotic revolution.


Post Match Comments:


BURNING Cobra: This should feel like closure...but it doesn't, a new battle has already begun. I have little sympathy with Taira-san, he put me and the rest of Burning Hammer through as much hell, as those who eventually turned on him but I know that my battle is no longer with him.


Kinnojo Horri: DISSONNANCE if you think you're going to run all over Burning Hammer, think again...along as the Sekigun are here to protect Burning Hammer's honour, we will ensure that your brand of chaos does not rule.


Yasunobu Masuno: The Brethren, was already dead.....I and the Flying Squadron saw that it was time to evolve and join and effective revolution, Taira-san you failed to see that and now you're on the outside looking in.


Yasuhiko Taira: The Black Heart Brethren, could have ruled once again, but others decided to take the easy way out and become yet more sycophants for Nakasawa-san...we once fought against him and yet they now join him. Masuno-san and I were going to rule together but he turns his back on all that, he turns his back on me....we were like brothers....that bond is now broken....I am sad that our bond is broken....why? Masuno-san why?



~Betryal is Pink, Vengeance is Blue~

Match #7: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg _____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko_jhd1.jpg


The Junior Championship was now on the line as Sensational Dragon would defend the belt against Elemental III who challenged him last month at Night of the Burning Hammer and the man who cost Elemental III victory...Marihito Masuko. This is perhaps Dragon's toughest defence yet, as he faces two challengers and as it's a one fall match, he does not even need to be pinned to lose the title.


After some tense circling, an alliance is quickly formed between the defending champion and Elemental III against Masuko, both of them obviously still feeling irritated about the DISSONANCE member's unwanted involvement in their match at NOTBH.


The 'Painted Wonder' however is smart enough to bail from the ring, before too much damage is done, and when Elemental III lined up for his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop...Dragon quickly turned on the 'Third Generation Icon' by nailing Elemental III with a leg-lariat.


The Sensational One, then snapped off a spinning head-scissors that took Elemental III out to the floor, but it seemed as though he had briefly forgotten about Masuko, and the 'Painted Wonder' took advantage of that lapse of concentration sneaking in behind to Dragon by surprise with a schoolboy roll-up.


Dragon managed to kick out but was then cut off with an eye rake and then drop-kicked into the corner. Masuko then peppered Dragon with a series of strikes in the corner before placing the champion onto the top turnbuckle. Masuko then sent Dragon crashing back into the ring with a hurracanrana, only to have his pin attempt broken up with a low kick from Elemental IIII......


The 'Third Generation Icon' then looked to set up for the ELEMENTAL SUPLEX, only for Masuko to counter with a sneaky low blow and force a standing switch, but before Masuko could set up for a suplex of his own....he was clubbed from behind by a recovered Dragon and dumped with a DRAGON SUPLEX !!








Elemental III was able to dive across just in time to make the save and keep his own title hopes alive. Dragon and Elemental III then engaged in a strike battle as Masuko once again took the decision to bail from the ring- whilst his opponents unleashed on one another. Elemental III seemed to gain the advantage, landing a roundhouse kick before setting up for the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb) but Dragon was able to hold off the attempt and fire back with a series of strikes and then a drop-kick that turned the momentum back in the 'Sensational One's favour, leading to Dragon catching Elemental III in the DRAGON'S CROSS (Multi Rotation Crucifix Arm Bar) but the submission hold was quickly broken up by a refreshed Masuko who nailed Dragon with a drop-kick, forcing the champion to release the hold.


Masuko then dumped Dragon with a Belly to Back suplex, before heading towards the turbuckle, and go for the PINK DUST (Double Jump Moonsault), only for Elemental III to cut him off....


'The Third Generation' Icon then tried to bring Masuko crashing back in with a superplex, but the 'Painted Wonder' was able to fight off the attempt with a series of elbows and then take down both Elemental III and a recovered Dragon with a moonsault press.


Masuko then continued to take complete control, crotching Elemental III with a sneaky kick into his former tag partner's low regions and then ensnaring Dragon in the PINK DREAM (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke).....


With Elemental III still writhing on the floor as he tried to shake off the low blow, Dragon was equally struggling as all the energy was being squeezed out of him by his long time nemesis......


Referee Umeki could see that the 'fight' from Dragon was draining away.....


Umeki raised the arm once.....


No response from Dragon.....


Umeki raised it again.....


Still no response.....


Umeki raised it a third time.......


This time Dragon suddenly found a second wind, showing a strong determination not to give up 'his' title. But Masuko was still fully in control and was able to plant Dragon with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's Carry Slam) .....


But Elemental III had been recovering on the outside, and before the 'Painted Wonder' could go for the cover he nailed Masuko with an Enziguri, before dumping his former tag partner with an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX....








Masuko managed to kick out but remained rooted to the mat.....the 'Third Generation Icon' then decided to head up top, and look to set up for the INFERNO SPLASH.....


But Dragon was back up, and cut Elemental III off before he could take flight...the BOSJ Cup holder however managed to shake Dragon off and force the champion back down to the mat before drilling the Sensational One with a Tornado DDT.


Masuko however then clubbed Elemental III from behind, and then set up for the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex), but Elemental III managed to fight his way out, and then stun Masuko with a gamengiri before planting the 'Painted Wonder' with a Reverse STO and immediately transitioning into the ELEMENTAL CLUTCH.


Dragon however quickly broke up the submission attempt with a low super-kick, and then began to set up for the DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui) but Elemental III was again able to fight his way out and countered with a belly to back suplex, before noticing Masuko's recovery to nail the DISSONANCE man with a roundhouse kick that sent Masuko to the floor....


With Dragon having also bailed from the ring, the 'Third Generation' icon then launched himself over the top-rope with his trademark Elemental Space Flying Drop (no hands somersault plancha) to wipe out both of his opponents.


Elemental III then pitched Masuko into the ring, and got a two count, before setting up for the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb).....


But Masuko had a dirty trick up his sleeve a blast of his Pink Mist !- Enough to disorientate his former tag partner to be open to being planted with the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK !!


But before Masuko could make the cover, Dragon springboarded back into the ring to take the 'Painted Wonder' by surprise with the SENSATION SHOCK (Diving Front Flip hurranrana).....








Masuko managed to barely kick out at the last split second, much to Dragon's immediate frustration.....


But with Elemental III also still down, it still looked to be in the Sensational One's hands.....


Dragon nailed Masuko with a super-kick, before planting the 'Painted Wonder' with a DRAGON SLICE (Shiranui)......








Elemental III dived across to break up the pin and keep his hopes of winning the championship alive. Dragon still looked to be in the stronger shape however, and after taking 'the Third Generation Icon' down with a leg-sweep...the 'Sensational One' went to nail the BOSJ Cup winner with a superkick, but Elemental III saw it coming sidestepping out the way, before sweeping out Dragon's standing leg and then applying the ANKLE HOLDO !


Dragon tried to get free, but Elemental III was able to grapevine the leg and the defending champion's only hope was to struggle his way over to the ropes and force the rope-break or hope that Masuko makes a recovery from the effects of being planted with a Dragon Slice....


Option two did not look as though it was going to happen anytime soon, but despite being in excrutiating agony, Dragon was determined not to see his year long reign with the Junior Championship come to and end by tapping out, as he used every last drop of energy to battle his way to the ropes and force the rope-break.


Only problem with that is that he looked spent, and Elemental III was able to remain in control after the rope-break, and place Dragon in position for the INFERNO SPLASH (Corkscrew 450 Splash).......








But Masuko had timed his recovery, to break up Elemental III's pin attempt at just the right moment......


Masuko then attempted the MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK, but the 'Third Generation Icon' was able to fight it off, and then set up for an ELEMENTAL SUPLEX, only for Masuko to sneak in a low blow and then force another standing switch to dump his former tag partner with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).......








Somehow Dragon was back to his feet, to break up the pin attempt with a low super-kick.....Dragon then nailed Masuko with a second super-kick and then headed up top......


The Sensational One, then came crashing down upon Elemental III with the DRAGON'S FIRE (Corkscrew 630 Senton).....


But Elemental III was able to get the knees-up and wind the champion in the process....


'The Third Generation Icon' then seized back control with the Tri-Fecta kick series (two regular kicks, followed by a high roundhouse) before reeling Dragon in and planting the champion with the EARTH BREAKER (Double Underhook Powerbomb).....


Only to then be planted into the canvas with the INTO THE WHITE (Springboard Bulldog) by Masuko.....








Elemental III managed to kick out, but Masuko retained the upperhand and planted the 'Third Generation Icon' with the MASUKO CRADLE (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex)......






Dragon had got back to his feet.....


But it was too late, Elemental III was unable to get his shoulder up before Umeki's hand slapped the mat for a third time.....


Marihito Masuko had done it! becoming a three time Burning Junior Champion, and in the process ended the year long reign of his bitter rival Sensational Dragon, whilst also getting one over on his former tag partner.


As Masuko received the belt, he celebrated wildly...and had no restraint in taunting his dejected opponents. One who came up short once again in trying to win the title for second time, in order to prove his first reign was not a flash in the pan and the other who will feel agrieved that his reign as champion was brought to an end in a match where he didn't 'lose'.


Result: Marihito Masuko[w] bt Sensational Dragon + Elemental III [L} in 22:22 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle)

Marihito Masuko wins the Burning Junior Championship

Rating: B+


Onodera's Assessment: So Sensational Dragon's reign comes to an end, in match that was solid but perhaps came up a little short of what these three are capable of. This seems to be the story of the night though, as most of the matches have perhaps come up a little short of expectations. It may sound like I'm a being little too down, as this was still a very good match, between three talented performers- but the potential was there to produce something truly fantastic and it's somewhat disappointing to see Dragon-san's year long reign end with a match that was solid, rather than spectacular.


Post Match Comments:


Marihito Masuko: Those who embrace chaos, shall rule above those who fight against it....for I embrace it and I rule, I shall rule forever more... a top the mountain of those who strive to fly high... I am the one who flys superior.


Sensational Dragon: I held that Junior Championship for over a year, and it all comes to an end, in a match where I wasn't even defeated....well I think that shows how Sensational I am, they had to stack the deck against me, in order to give someone else a chance. Masuko-san, enjoy your time borrowing MY belt whilst you can, because I will be taking it back and when I get it back, I won't be letting go of it for a very long time.


Elemental III: This is a set-back, but that's all it its.....I shall not give up in my pursuit of the Junior Championship. If I have to prove myself worthy of a shot once again, I will do just that.



~Achieve or Die~

Match #8: World Title Contenders/Loser Leaves BHOTWG:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Mr DISSONANCE


http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/Alts/Renders/SDITM_jhd.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg


There's alot on the line here as the winner will challenge for the World Title (though one has to wonder just how 'serious' that challenge will be if Kikkawa fails to win), whilst the loser will be forced to leave BHOTWG.


After a tense 'circling' period...they unleash a barrage of strikes one another. Kikkawa soon gains the early upper hand, whipping the enigmatic masked man into the corner before unleashing a machine gun like barrage of knife-edged chops....


Mr DISSONANCE stumbles out of the corner, but then suddenly regains his composure and nails Kikkawa with a discus fore-arm. Kikkawa shakes it off and goes for a lariat but the masked man ducks and staggers Kikkawa with another discus fore-arm before bringing Kikkawa off his vertical base with a basement drop-kick.


The former SDIAM, then looks for the AT-STRIKE early but Kikkawa is able to move out of the way, but is then stunned with a falling double knee backbreaker.


That gets an early two count for the masked man, who then got control of Kikkawa's right leg and attempted to apply a Tendon Hold. But Kikkawa was able to turn over onto this back and kick the former SDIAM away. Kikkawa then popped back up to his feet to intercept a charging Mr DISSONANCE and send the engimatic masked man across the ring, with an overhead belly to belly suplex.....


Kikkawa then went to level the former SDIAM with a KIKKAWA LARIAT only for the masked man to duck under and then bail out to the floor, in an attempt to halt the shifting momentum and regroup.


Kikkawa showed a calm veteran head however, by not giving chase and run the risk of falling into a trap. The momentum was lost, but the 'King of Fighters' was prepared to play a long game if he needed to and simply waited for the masked man to step back into the ring.


Mr DISSONANCE, then managed to convice Kikkawa into a test of strength, and used that to his advantage to sneak in an eye-rake, before taking the former INSPIRE leader off his feet with a double leg take-down. The former SDIAM then tried to apply a variery of submission holds, only to find that Kikkawa had a counter round every corner and even his face was hidden behind the mask, Kikkawa's ability to keep up with the Mr DISSONANCE on the mat, started to rattle the masked man.


The former SDIAM, decided to change things up and began to pepper Kikkawa with a series of strikes, but the 'King of Fighters' was able to withstand the barrage and stopped Mr DISSONNANCE right in his track with a shuddering knife-edged chop. Kikkawa then planted the masked man with a scoop powerslam, before landing an elbow drop right into the masked enigma's sternum for a two count.


Kikkawa then scooped the former SDIAM upon his shoulders, as he looked to set up for a KIKKAWA DRIVER, only for Mr DISSONANCE to suddenly apply a sleeper hold....Kikkawa managed to stand firm however and backed himself and the former SDIAM against the corner, before ramming the masked enigma repeatedly against the turnbuckle forcing the masked man to release the sleeper hold.


Both then collaped to the canvas, but it looked as though the former SDIAM had recovered quicker as he charged out of the corner only to then be levelled with lariat from the 'King of Fighters'. Kikkawa went for a series of quick covers, and though the former SDIAM kicked out everytime, Mr DISSONANCE was having to expend energy in order to do so.


Kikkawa then lifted the weary masked man back up to a vertical base and whipped the former SDIAM into the corner...before charging in but Mr DISSONANCE got his boots up, and then again for a second time, as Kikkawa foolishly went back to the same well for a second time. The 'masked enigma' was then able to hop up onto the second turnbuckle and un-cork a flying fore-arm smash, staggering Kikkawa backwards, before following up with a basement drop-kick, that took Kikkawa down to the mat.


But before the fomer SDIAM was unable to maintain the pressure, as Kikkawa bailed to the floor... knowing full well that he needed to break the masked man's momentum. Unlike Kikkawa earlier however the former SDIAM wasn't prepared to wait, and perhaps this took Kikkawa somewhat by surprise, as the masked man was able to succesfully nail the 'King of Fighters' with a flying knee strike off the apron. Mr DISSONANCE then planted Kikkawa into the ring-steps with a drop toe hold, before picking up a steel chair and bringing it down across Kikkawa's arm.


The former SDIAM, then trapped Kikkawa's arm in the chair and delivered a drop-kick to the arm, as he continued the vicious assault out on the floor, as referee Terakado pleaded for them to bring it back into the ring. Mr DISSONANCE eventually complied with that request, pitching Kikkawa back into the ring, before continuing to stomp away on the right arm of the 'King of the Fighters', before applying the HIGH ANGLE ARM BAR.....


Kikkawa looked to be in excrutiating pain, and looked to be on the verge of tapping out.....


But ring positioning was just about the former INSPIRE leader's favour, barely reachin a foot out onto the bottom rope with his hand literally inches away from slapping the mat. The masked hid the frustration on the former SDIAM's face but the body language could not fail to hide his disappointment.


The masked man tried to get in a cheap shot on the rope-break but Kikkawa was ready for it, and rocked Mr DISSONANCE with a series of fore-arm's with his left arm..... the former SDIAM soon shook them off however and stunned Kikkawa with a high knee lift to the face. That sent Kikkawa back-peddling, the momentum of which saw him tumble over the top rope, after then being nailed with a drop-kick from the former SDIAM.


The masked enigma then headed up top, as he came crashing down upon Kikkawa with a flying splash, only for the former INSPIRE leader, to knock the masked man out of mid air, with a clothesline into the mid section. Kikkawa then scooped the former SDIAM up, before dropping the masked man stomach first onto the top of the guard-rail, before bootingMr DISSONANCE into the crowd with a running boot. Kikkawa then went out into the crowd himself and set up for a vertical suplex, but he was unable to get the masked man up, as his right arm gave-way, leading to the former SDIAM countering with a DDT onto a chair.


The 'masked enigma' then staggered his way back into the ring and waited for referee Terakado to count Kikkawa out. Kikkawa was able to pick himself back up and head back toward the ring, only to then be drop-kicked back to the floor by the former SDIAM. Mr DISSONANCE then followed up with a baseball slide, that sent Kikkawa crashing into the guard-rail...before unleashing a flurry off stiff kicks against Kikawa's increasingly limp right arm.


Mr DISSONANCE broke up the twenty count, and then tried to whip Kikkawa into the ring-post but the 'King of Fighters' stood his ground and then suddenly unleashed a BURNING LARIAT....it was with his less favoured left arm, but it was still enough to suddenly put the masked man into heap on the floor. Kikkawa then staggered back into the ring, before slumping to the canvas, whilst Terakado began the twenty count on the former SDIAM......










Mr DISSONANCE managed to just about beat the count, much to Kikkawa's immediate frustration.


Kikkawa looked to level SDIAM with a KIKKAWA LARIAT (Running Lariat) but the masked man was able to duck the attempt, and then suddenly take control of Kikkawa's arm, before forcing the 'King of Fighter's down to the mat and once again applying the HIGH ANGLE ARM BAR.....


But Kikkawa fought his way out with a series of elbow shots to the masked man's head, as he gritted his way through the excrutiating pain. Kikkawa staggered his way back up to his feet, grabbing at his right arm, that was hanging by his side.....and that gave the former SDIAM, the opening once again to take Kikkawa back off his vertical base with a basement drop-kick.


The masked man then went for the AT STRIKE, but Kikkawa was able to block the attempt with a lariat from his knees....however in an automatic reaction he used his right arm and he collaped to the mat in agony himself.....


Referee Terakado, then applied a double ten count.....


Mr DISSONANCE staggered up to his feet first, beating thr count at eight...only to be levelled with a left sided KIKKAWA LARIAT from the King of Fighters.... the masked man popped right back up...but was quickly halted in his tracks with a stiff fore-arm and then scooped upon Kikkawa's shoulders, before the former INSPIRE leader planted the former SDIAM onto the mat with a Death Valley Driver.......








The masked enigma kicked out, but the suddenly found himself placed in the KIKKAWA DEATH CHOKE (Straight Jacket Hold).....


But Kikkawa was unable to maintain the hold, as his right arm once again gave way to maintain the hold....and the former SDIAM was able to get some respite......


Despite that little set-back however Kikkawa was still in control, and he once again scooped the weary masked man upon his shoulders.........


But Mr DISSONANCE was again able to counter an attempt at a KIKKAWA DRIVER, by applying a sleeper hold.....this time Kikkawa more exhausted collapsed to the mat and the former SDIAM had the BLACKOUT CHOKE HOLD (Choke Sleeper) locked on.....


It looked as though Kikkawa's final moments in a BHOTWG ring were about to fade away......


Referee Terakado raised the arm.....


No response.....


Terakado raised Kikkawa's arm for a second time......


Still no response......


Kikkawa's BHOTWG career appeared to be at an end.....


But all of a sudden he seemed to be find a burst of fighting spirit, and rise back to his feet......


A series of elbows into the former SDIAM's mid-section forced Mr DISSONANCE to completely release the choke hold. The masked enigma, retains control however winding Kikkawa with a knee into the mid-section, before drilling the former INSPIRE leader into the canvas with a DDT......


Mr DISSONANCE then backed away, before nailing Kikkawa with the AT STRIKE (Front Knee to the face)......








Kikkawa barely got his shoulder up, but he did just enough to kick out of the seemingly unbeatable AT STRIKE to the shock of both the crowd and the former SDIAM.


The masked enigma paced around for a bit, before deciding to head up to the top turnbuckle and wait.....he waited for Kikkawa to rise back to his feet, as he appeared to be lining up for a 'flying' version of the AT STRIKE....


But Kikkawa managed to 'conveniently' stumble into the ropes, as he rose back to his feet, causing the former SDIAM to lose his balance.....


Kikkawa then climbed up to the second turnbuckle, and placed Mr DISSONANCE upon his shoulders....the masked enigma tried to fight his way out with elbows but a determined Kikkawa stood firm and planted Mr DISSONANCE with an AVALANCHE KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).......








The former SDIAM managed to kick out, but Kikkawa appeared to still be in control, and the King of Fighters, appeared to be setting up for the INCENDIARY TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb)....


But the former SDIAM, counter into a victory roll, just as Kikkawa was transitoning into the powerbomb....and then suddenly applying a Cross Arm Breaker...


But the former INSPIRE man mustered up the power, to lift Mr DISSONANCE up and power bomb the masked enigma into the canvas......


Kikkawa grabbed at his right arm again however, and that gave the former SDIAM another opportunity to recover.....and the masked man responded with a basement drop-kick that once again brought Kikkawa back down to his knees......



The masked enigma, went for the AT STRIKE again, but Kikkawa saw it coming side-stepping out of the way, before rocking levelling the former SDIAM with a KIKKAWA LARIAT.....


Kikkawa then kept the momentum up, by planting the former SDIAM with a vertical suplex, and then a KIKKAWA DRIVER (Wrist Clutch Death Valley Driver).....









The former SDIAM kicked out, but the momentum was now formerly with Kikkawa, who then lifted Mr DISSONANCE back up to vertical base, to deliver a left armed BURNING LARIAT (explosive short-range lariat).....








The Masked DISSONANCE kicked out, but remained rooted to the mat......


Kikkawa lifted the former SDIAM back up again, and delivered another BURNING LARIAT.......


But instead of going for the cover, he instead ripped of the mask of his now dazed opponent....to reveal.....




Former PGHW gaijin superstar Buddy Garner!!


Kikkawa taunted Garner to get back to his feet, the former PGHW did just that, before defiantly flipping the bird and mouthing an obscenity at the 'King of Fighters' but he was a spent force...and Kikkawa just reeled the former mystery man in...to then plant Garner with the INCENDIARY TOWER (Vertical Suplex Powerbomb).....






Three !!!!


Tadiyuki Kikkawa would be getting his re-match with Nakasawa for the World Title and in the process appears to have banished the previously unbeatable Masked DISSONANCE from BHOTWG. Garner's defeat and imminent departure ends the night on a bad note for DISSONANCE, when things prior to the main event were going according to plan, with Nakasawa and Rapid Danger retaining their titles, Masuko capturing the Junior Title and their ranks growing stronger with the defections of Masuno and the BHFS to their ranks.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt The Masked DISSONANCE/Buddy Garner [L] in 31:26 by pinfall (Incendiary Tower)

Rating: A


Onodera's Assessment: After an undercard, that didn't quite deliver up to expectations...the main event itself absolutely delivers. They lured the crowd in with well thought our psychology, whilst the finish featuring the sudden un-masking, shows that Kikkawa-san has not completed abandoned his heelish ways. If he's going to be going up against DISSONANCE, it won't be as a pure babyface. Meanwhile the former Some Dude In A Mask's identity is finally revealed as former PGHW star Buddy Garner, as he is forced to make his exit from BHOTWG.


Post Match Comments:


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: What I achieved tonight, is already a thing of the past...I have my eyes set on one thing, and that's on avenging my defeat to Nakasawa-san and taking from him what cherishes most...the Burning World Championship.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: This was a good PPV, but there is the general feeling it could have been even better, and we have to strive to be better in order to stay atop the Puroresu mountain. All in all we delivered what was expected of us, but in order to create even more of a buzz, we need to deliver beyond that. Perhaps as well we tried to cram a little too much 'storyline' stuff into one show..with both the collapse of the BHB and the reveal of Buddy Garner as the masked-man. Expect the next PPV in December- Final Collision to go back to basics.

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Great show and definitely worth the wait :). I´m more of a sport entertainment guy myself so it´s probably no surprise that I enjoyed this one even though I´m little sad that my favorite group is no more. At least Flying Brethens are still functional tag team and with three Brethens jumping to DISSONANCE (and Rabid Danger already being there) it´s not hard for me to find my new favorite group. :D
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Combustion Tour Predictions Contest

(Show #20-Show#26 (Everlasting Mission)


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Ian Carlisle

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Phantom Stranger

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David Corperial

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Everyone got either 7 or 8 right out of 10, in this final round- which meant that Zergon did enough to stay at the top of the standings to win this round of the prediction's contest. He can now get to pose between 5 and 10 questions to a Burning Hammer star of his choice (though remember Masaaki Okazaki, Yasuhiko Taira and John Pathlow have already been interviewed).


Just as I did after Night of the Burning Hammer, I will do a seperate post to analyze peoples picks/booking decisions for the show. I'm looking forward to Infernalmiko's 'report' on the show first though.

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This BHOTWG is brought to you from Izumo Civil Stadium, Chugkoku ( 13'999 No Vacancy).


It would have been 14,000 but they stopped me from getting in. :mad:


The openinig matches are nothing much. Nisso keeps his mid level bully gimmick going, which is nice.


Open Lottery Challenge for the Burning World Championship:

Hiroaki Nakasawa vs Kansuke Konda


Nakasawa provices us with another low point in the history of the Burning Hammer World Championship. Not only is it the opening match (WTF?) But it's not even a worthy challenger, it's a lottery winner. If he makes a mistake will we see Nakasawa against Toru Minamoto next time? Very SE moment.


The match was pretty much as expected, Kondo had his moments but I was never buying he could win. Nakasawa plays the cruel bully prolonging the match after it's over so he can inflict more punishment. Classic heel stuff.


Match #2: Junior Tag Team Championship:

Universal Excellence (Barei Yasujiro & Haru Kurofuji) vs

Little Fury (Yoshii Shiomi & VENOM)


This match was higher up the card than the world championship.


JEWEL BREAKER (Springboard Cutter)


For some bizarre reason I first read this as Family Jewel Break, which gave me a very strange mental image of how the move would need to be performed.


Decent match, given a fairly large number of lines for a minor title match. BHOTWG really is emphasizing the tag and junior divisions.


~Paved of Gold~

Match #3: Burning Heavyweight Championship:

Mister Macho w/ Erisabet Chan vs Miyamae


New title time. Will Macho or Miyamae win the gold? I'm betting Macho.




The first wrestler to call this move a BURNING WITCH maybe be taking it a little too far.


Miyamae turned his attention back to Macho and set up for the MIYAMAE SPOILER....


Where Miyamae yells out "I don't win!" before the end of the match.


Result: Mister Macho [w] bt Miyamae [L] in 17:49 via pinfall (Macho Sledge 2K)


Pretty good match, worth the amount of screen time given. Relatively free of SE elements, bruising action and plenty of back and forth.


Erisabet-Chan: Oh Eiji...you're making...erm...er...blush!!


Macho looks a bit taken a back at being referred to be his real name


Mister Macho: err.... Hey princess, it's the Macho-Man...it's Macho time, all the time!


Erisbet-Chan: (Giggling) Oh Eiji, you're so silly but that's why I love you.


Later that night: Mister Macho sits in a bar, thinking. "She's right. My name is Eiji. How have I forgotten all this time. How did I become this cartoon called Mister Macho. From now on I will defend the title under my real name! From now on I will behave as a true pro wrestler!" *chugs down his beer* "Oohhhh yeah, that's good. More beer, Macho is here to party!"


Miyamae: I'm disapppointed I lost, of course I am...that was an opportunity gone, one I did not take. But I will bounce back from this defeat, and by the end of the year I will prove myself as a top single performer by winning gold.


Pretty clear the match meant more to Macho. Miyamae could be alot more upset by this defeat, but he's still in a top tag team and still in a top storyline.


~Slave For Arms~

Match #4: World Tag Team Championship:

Rapid Danger (Tasuku Iesada & John Pathlow) vs

Explosive Tension (Chuichi Sanda & Masaaki Okazaki)


Seems like all the big titles are in the early matches, which is strange.


Problem is that the match felt like a 'routine' defence for the champions, and the crowd never really believed that Explosive Tension was going to bring Rapid Danger's reign to an end.


Not much drama in the title matches so far. Doesn't feel like a a* night for Onodera unless the last two matches just explode.


~Earn Your Way~

Match #5: Glenn Trial Series (#12):

Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu


Really? This is higher up the card than three title matches?


Rating: A


And it got an A? Nice choice. I'd never have picked this to be so good.


~Dying Embers~

Match #6: 10 Man Stable Warfare Elimination*


So we can get BHB out of the way and move the members on to bigger storylines.


Good match, avoiding the SE pacing of the heels going way up then the faces having to battle back. Definite SE finish though. Masuno and BHFS join DISSONANCE. Both quality pick ups, this is not Mike Rotund joining the NWO level poor. S-JOS remains the main jobber.


~Betryal is Pink, Vengeance is Blue~

Match #7: Junior Championship:

Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko


Nice title. Good match with the expected wild action. Based on the write up I thought the grade would be higher. S-Drag loses none of his ego, just the title. DISSONANCE gets more gold. How long before Masuno goes after Macho, I wonder.


~Achieve or Die~

Match #8: World Title Contenders/Loser Leaves BHOTWG:

Tadiyuki Kikkawa vs Mr DISSONANCE


Could have sworn this was mask vs. leaving BHOTWG. Probably because I assumed if Mr. DISSONANCE lost he'd return out of the mask. Good hard hitting heavyweight match. Super tough Kikkawa just grinding down Mr.D over the course of the match before pinning him. But not before unmasking him so Garner can't return as his unmasked self. This was a very nice touch.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] bt The Masked DISSONANCE/Buddy Garner [L] in 31:26 by pinfall (Incendiary Tower)


No last words from Buddy? For some reason it feels like this is not over.

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Just as I did with Night of the Burning Hammer, I'm providing some more in-depth analysis for the PPV.


Everlasting Mission Predictions/Booking Analysis


Pre-show Match A: Blended Whisky vs Hidden Spark

(All 7 Predictors picked Blended Whisky to win)-


There was never any doubt Blended Whisky would pick up the win here, especially as Mitsunari Fuganaga has shown signs of getting a push. Originally the team was set up to help further establish Merle on the roster, but with Fuganaga showing signs of breaking out from his midcard spot, this looks like Whisky will be more of an occasional team, than a regular one.


Pre Show Match B: 4CS: Red Panther vs Nisso Yuasha vs Omezo Shikitei vs Super Joshuya

(2 for Nisso Yuasha, 1 for Omezo Shikitei, 4 for Super Joshuya)


This one was a little harder to predict, though unsurprisingly no one went for Red Panther- who basically seems to have taken over the designated Junior Division jobber role that was held by White Samurai. The most popular choice Joshuya, did not win but did somewhat help the actual winner of the match Nisso Yuasha with his actions. Yuasha joins DISSONANCE as a low level bully and in the process gets back some direction, even if his act hasn't really changed at all. There is also the consideration of giving Yuasha and Joshuya further direction together, by putting them together as little and large tag style tag team.


Match 1: Open Lottery for the World Championship: Hiroaki Nakasawa vs ???? (Kansuke Konda)

(All 7 Predictors picked Hiroaki Nakasawa to retain the title)


Well no one would have been surprised to see Nakasawa retain the title against the mystery challenger...especially given the open lottery stip, which you know a dick-heel (which is what Nakasawa has become) is going to abuse the hell out of. Nakasawa's disrepectful actions, will have quite a few of the fan-base up in arms about how he is tarnashing the legacy of the Burning World Championship but surely it's leading to him becoming one of the most despised heels in BHOTWG history... in that case, job done :D. Saying all that though, the faceless officials who run the championship comittee in BHOTWG will begin to 'grow a pair' in order to bring some respect back to the World Championship.


Match 2: Junior Tag Team Championship: Universal Excellence vs Little Fury

(All 7 Predictors picked Universal Excellence to retain the titles)


A pretty safe pick from everyone, who correctly summised that it was simply too early in Universal Excellence title reign for them to drop the belts to Little Fury, especially considering the 'journey' they had been on to climb to the top of the mountain, since their team was officially formed at the beginning of the year. However they only squeeked by with a flash pin, and Little Fury will feel that's enough of an excuse to demand another shot at the titles.


Match 3: Heavyweight Championship: Mister Macho vs Miyamae

(5 for Mister Macho, 2 for Miyamae)


Most correctly predicted that Macho would win the new belt here, though the fact that 2 went the other way meant that this match was not seen as being a fore-gone conclusion. Miko had this assessed exactly right, when she said that Macho needed the title more, and from when this belt was formed, he was always the one I had in mind to be the first champion. Miyamae was simply in the tournament to provide (a) strong opponent in the final and (b) a representative from the Dragon Feet 2K9 stable, and he will have his own sights set on bigger things after this.


Match 4: World Tag Team Championship: Rapid Danger vs Explosive Tension

(All 7 Predictors picked Rapid Danger to retain the titles)


Just as with the Junior Tag Title match, everyone correctly assessed that Rapid Danger would retain the belts, as it is simply too early in their run for them to drop the belts....especially as they key members of the 'hot' new heel stable. This had 'routine' defence written all over it and the solid but not great B grade, reflected that.


Match 5: Glenn Trial Series: Kevin Christopher Glenn vs Shimedzu

(All 7 Predictors picked Shimedzu to win)


So this was always going to be a no brainer, as Glenn simply isn't over enough or more importingly doesn't have the respect level to go over Shimedzu. What does come as a bit of a surprise however, is that this turned out to be the second best match (grade wise) on the show (I thought they might just pull a B+ but not an A). The thing with Glenn is that his overness level has risen to the point, where if he is in the ring with a performer with a decent pop such as Shimedzu, his matches now generate a solid amount of heat, but he frustratingly remains a young lion, and that looks like it could take a while for that to change.


Match 6: 5vs5 Elimination (BHB must disband or Cobra must rejoin BHB):

BURNING Cobra, Kinnojo Horri, Tadakuni Toshusai, Takayuki Onodera & Hyosuke Kokan (replaced Kansuke Konda)vs Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno, The Awesome Kiyaru, Golden Scorpion & Gareth Wayne


(6 for Burning Sekigun, 1 for Black Heart Brethren)


General feeling here is that the BHB had run their course, especially with the fact that DISSONANCE have muscled in on their turf as the anarchic heels. What may have come as shock more, is the fact that Masuno and the BHFS turned on Taira in order to bring the Brethen to and end and join the 'new revolution' and can the fans/babyfaces on the roster forgive Taira enough to help him gain revenge against his former Brethren. Oh yeah, Gareth Wayne got kicked to the kerb too, but he's an irrelevance, having served his purpose as the BHB's designated jobber.


Match 7: Junior Championship: Sensational Dragon vs Elemental III vs Marihito Masuko

(2 for Sensational Dragon, 4 for Elemental III, 1 for Marihito Masuko)


Miko was right to go agains the grain here, as the majority felt that a title change would happen but most felt that the heroic babyface (in this case Elemental III) would finally get his hands on the gold, after months of trying. I'll just quote this.....


'I'll go against the trend here. A Masuko win keeps DISSONANCE's momentum overpowering, and gives them almost all the belts, setting them up as the big force that must be stopped. It maintains E3's grudge.'


That part of Miko's reasonings behind her pick, is absolutely spot on and the reason why Masuko emerged with the belt. Dragon not getting pinned, as his long reign comes to a close...see's him remain firmly in the title picture and Elemental III's chase and grudge with Masuko continues.


Match 8: #1Contenders/Loser Must Leave BHOTWG: Mr DISSONANCE vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa

(Mr DISSONANCE 5, 2 for Tadiyuki Kikkawa)


I was actually surprised to see most of the predictors stump for Mr DISSONANCE, but that is a testament to the 'monster push' that the masked man had received in order to be seen as a genuine threat to 'retire' Kikkawa and Dragonmack felt that Kikkawa could genuinely be retiring, for real (thankfully he's not).......


So Mr DISSONANCE (the wrestler formerly known as Some Dude In A Mask) is revealed to be Buddy Garner....question is have we really seen the last of him?- I guess you will have to keep reading to find out.


Only regret I have with the Garner/SDIAM/Mr DISSONANCE angle is that I should have changed his name to Mr DISSONANCE, as soon as it was revealed that he was part of DISSONANCE, instead of having him continue on as Some Dude In A Mask- which worked at first but then became a bit of a silly name for someone pushed so high up the card.

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The Onodera Diaries:


So Everlasting Mission is now in the history books for another year. It was a good show, but there is a general feeling it could have been even better, had certain matches delivered to their full potential. Everlasting Mission has always been seen as something of a filler PPV with little in the way of build, stuck between Night of the Burning Hammer and Final Collision in December (which always features the finals of the Super 10 Cup Tournament), saying that it brought in the best buy-rate on Emperor Sports of any PPV outside of the big two (Fire Dream/'Night') with a 1.18 buy rate, so we must be doing something right and we are getting a solid momentum behind us.



Maybe I am being a little harsh on ourselves but we need to strive for standards that will have his secure as the top promotion in Japan.I'm not going to say the World, as I am aware that we do not have the International fanbase of an SWF or TCW over in America. Sure we would like to reach those goals and expand our fanbase beyond these shores but right now it would be foolhardy to chase those goals, remaining number one in Japan is our priority.



Mystic Dragon is proving to be a troublesome character to deal with, people told me that his Dragon namesake Sensational Dragon would be a difficult customer but I have had no trouble wit him, sure he's got an ego the size of Japan itself, but he's given me no trouble and he delivers the goods in the ring....Mystic on the other hand is giving me a headache I don't need.


The kid thinks because he is the son of the original Elemental, he can do what he likes, but I'm just about sick of his antics. As you can guess once again he failed a drug-test, with the results once again showing that he had been partaking in smoking a recreational drug. It's not so much that he's dabbling with that sort of sing, it's more the flippant attitude he has towards the fact that he has been caught again. I told him, that this would be his last warning and that he needs to remember that he is PROFESSIONAL wrestler, but he just laughed it off, as if my threat's were hollow.


He's lucky that I was that lenient, that I'm actually that understanding. Because had one of the older generation been in charge of the book, then his days with BHOTWG may be numbered already, no matter how 'potential' he has. This really is his last chance, I just hope for Mystic's sake he learns that the easy way by knuckling down and not the hard way by continuing to disrespect our authority.



Hachigoro Maeda is being called up to the main roster from Hinote Dojo. Even though we don't really need another Junior wrestler on the roster, it was felt that he wasn't really going to develop any further by staying down in development and that he should get a chance to show what he can do - though it's likely he will mostly be used as enhancement talent/working the pre-show.




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