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BHOTWG- Stepping into the Inferno

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada

Some kind of fall-out between the future opponents here leads to defeat


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru

More miscommunication or bickering from team-mates allows Masuko in


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM

VENOM ain't winning this one


KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae

I think Pathlow will be a challenger for this belt in the future. But for now I see the older hand taking it


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)

Although SOTF have the far better team credentials, I'm not sure you want your Junior champion losing in this kind of tag match


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)

Behemoths get back on the winning track as the crowd looks for something to get excited about


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi

Mullet Power for the win!


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther

Elemental is higher up the totem pole, Toshusai has some character and Onodera...well, you've got to give yourself the odd win to keep yourself relevant, haven't you?


American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama

Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki

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Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Tasuku Iesada


Tough one, but a) Kikkawa has creative control, and b) as hinted by others, there may be tension between Horri and Nakasawa


Junior Contenders Circle: Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru


I'll stick with Cobra, as the other two take each other out wanting the tag titles as much


KOF Tournament: Mike Watson vs VENOM




KOF Tournament: John Pathlow vs Miyamae


Pathlow needs some more build up before beating a bigger, more experienced Miyamae


Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs Size of the Fight (Kokan & Konda)


Far too good for SOTF (sorry TK - I know you love them)


The Behemoths (Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs Snow Lizzard (Shiraishi & Kawate)


Huge and awful v medium sized and awful (well Shiraishi isn't too bad)


Yasunobu Masuno, Yasuhiko Taira & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi


I kinda want to say squash here, but if the Rebellion aren't going after the main tag titles, then the Bulls will be the next challenger to Black Magic


Elemental III, Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Masataro Kataoaka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther




American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


Nearly a squash


Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki






TK - how are contract renewals going? Kaneko is a tight b*****d so be careful!

And on that note - are you looking to sign the 2 big name free agents in Japan any time soon? (hint - they are both on hiatus at game start)

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TK - how are contract renewals going? Kaneko is a tight b*****d so be careful!

And on that note - are you looking to sign the 2 big name free agents in Japan any time soon? (hint - they are both on hiatus at game start)


Thankfully I've not come across the really high priced one's yet. To be honest before I started the game, I made sure that those on big money, at least had two years on their contract, knowing the fact that in a few test games I ran that Kaneko could be very annoying when it came to contract negotiations. I know it is a little bit cheap, but for the sake of making sure the diary had legs it is a move I felt I needed to make as I did not want to get a few months in only to find I can't re-sign for example Nakasawa, because the owner is a tightwad. Losing people for those reasons as a regional fed is understandable losing them for those reasons as the biggest fed in Japan with a very healthy bank balance not so much.


Of course it will also result in a fair few big name contracts coming up for renewal about two years down the line but I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.


As for the big name free agents, I would love to sign Hoshino when he becomes available but I get the feeling he might price himself out of getting signed.

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Thankfully I've not come across the really high priced one's yet. To be honest before I started the game, I made sure that those on big money, at least had two years on their contract, knowing the fact that in a few test games I ran that Kaneko could be very annoying when it came to contract negotiations. I know it is a little bit cheap, but for the sake of making sure the diary had legs it is a move I felt I needed to make as I did not want to get a few months in only to find I can't re-sign for example Nakasawa, because the owner is a tightwad. Losing people for those reasons as a regional fed is understandable losing them for those reasons as the biggest fed in Japan with a very healthy bank balance not so much.


Of course it will also result in a fair few big name contracts coming up for renewal about two years down the line but I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.


As for the big name free agents, I would love to sign Hoshino when he becomes available but I get the feeling he might price himself out of getting signed.


Sounds like you got the Japanese Stomper! ;):p

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As for the big name free agents, I would love to sign Hoshino when he becomes available but I get the feeling he might price himself out of getting signed.


Fortunately Hoshino is a freelancer, so only does short term or touring contracts - and so this gets around Kaneko's tight fisted-ness.

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Fortunately Hoshino is a freelancer, so only does short term or touring contracts - and so this gets around Kaneko's tight fisted-ness.


I still have horrible dreams of "Half-work" Hoshino and his big money roll-over contract from Tigerkinney's first tour of duty with BHotWG.


I think I'd rather see almost any sort of name other than Hoshino.

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 8

(Monday 22nd March 2010)


Kunamoto Sports Field, Kyushu (Attendance 4,103)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Mitsuhide Muro & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Masaaki Okazaki vs Tiger Fuyuki


No surprise about the winner in this one, as Okazaki who put away resident jobber Tiger Fuyuki with relative ease in just over five minutes with the Century Crab Lift. Though Fuyuki is unlikely to ever really rise up the card, he is a solid hand and he did play in his helping the INSPIRE man look good in this extended squash.


Result: Masaaki Okazaki [w] bt Tiger Fuyuki in 5:23 via submission (Century Crab Lift)


Rating: C



Match B: American Optimus vs The Incredible Koyama


This was a pretty good match for what it was, a pre-show Junior Division contest between a midcarder pretty much treading water and a jobber, who could be more but due to his 'young lion status' is unable to rise the card. Koyama does in all honesty deserve better but until he shakes of the young lion tag, he won't be rising up the ranks anytime soon, however if he continues to put in solid performances like he did here he will lose that tag sooner than later.


As for the match itself, this was a fast paced back and forth affair, that ended when Optimus managed to block a kip up-rana from Koyama and counter into the Atomic O-Bomb to pick up the victory.


Result: American Optimus [w] bt The Incredible Koyama [L] in 6:51 via pinfall (Atomic O-Bomb)

Rating: C+



Main Show


As with all post PPV shows in BHOTWG the show begins with a recap video of what happened at Fire-Dream of the Immortals...a show that saw all the singles champions Hiroaki Nakasawa (World), Tadiyuki Kikkawa (King of Fighters) and Sensational Dragon (Junior) succesfully retain their titles, but both sets of Tag Titles change hands with Black Magic winning the World Tag Belts and Black Heart Flying Squadron (winning the Junior Tag Belts), whilst Kinnojo Horri secured himself a World Title shot in his contenders circle rematch with Masaaki Okazaki.


Rating: B


Match #1: King of Fighters Tournament:

John Pathlow vs Miyamae


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HellMonkey_alt2.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/Miyamae-1.jpg?t=1268429694


We kick things off here, in the first match in the eight man King of Fighters tournament that will be taking place over the next few weeks, with the hard hitting gaijin Junior Heavyweight John Pathlow taking on the experience Miyamae. Though Pathlow is considered a Junior and Miyamae a Heavyweight there really isn't much difference between them in terms of size, with Pathlow being right on the limit of being a 'Junior' and Miyamae being at the smaller end of the 'Heavyweights'.


This one didn't take long for both parties to really go for the juggular from the off, exchanging in a kick battle that saw neither man backing down. Miyamae however was the first one to switch things up, by taking Pathlow down with a single leg take-down, before immediately trying to manouevre into the Snake Charmer (over the shoulder single leg Boston Crab) but Pathlow was able to kick Miyamae off with his free leg before peppering the Dragon Feet 2K9 man with a precise and ferocious combination of kicks, that softened Miyamae up enough to be dumped with a German Suplex.


Pathlow then nailed Miyamae with a shoot kick and waited for referee Shinozaki to make thew count, but Miyamae managed to stagger up at nine and then blocked another shoot kick attempt from the hard hitting gaijin, reversing into a Dragon Screw Legwhip. Miyamae then continued to workover Pathlow's legs....knowing full well that not only could it set up a submission that he also took out a strong part of Pathlow's game.


With Pathlow weakened Miyamae went back to trying to apply the Snake Charmer, only for Pathlow to dig down and find some extra energy to drag himself and Miyamae over to the ropes.


Miyamae then tried to take Pathlow down with another Dragon screw, only for Pathlow to swing round with an Enziguri before slumping down to his knees. Miyamae was back up first and went to nail Pathlow with the Glittering Magician Knee, only for Pathlow to block and then drill Miyamae with a Lariat. Pathlow then tried to set up for the Kill Drill (Double Underhook Piledriver) but the former Tag Champion was able to block that and then fire back with a flurry of chops.


That lead to an intense strike battle then a mid ring collision as both looked to get some momentum off the ropes, that collision lead to Pathlow going for the Apocalypse Lariat (Rebound Pendulum Lariat) but Miyamae was able to duck out of the way and then plant Pathlow onto the mat with the MIYAMAE SPOILER (Swinging Reverse STO) before locking on the SNAKE POISON (Anaconda Vice).....Pathlow bravely tried to hold on and fight his way out of the hold but Miyamae had it locked on tight right in the middle of the ring and soon enough Shinozaki saw no other choice but to call for the bell.


Result: Miyamae [w] bt John Pathlow [L] in 10:49 via submission (Snake Poison)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Miyamae: I can truly say that John Pathlow hits hard, perhaps pound for pound the hardest hitter I've come across but he found out that I could take all that he had and strike back, because anyone knows that when you have a snake backed up, the snake will bite back with lethal consequences !


John Pathlow (in English): I'm getting a little tired of people saying that I put a great effort I step into the ring, truth is that effort ain't good enough, otherwise I'd be winning...I'm not here to win brownie points...I'm here to win and it's time I started doing just that.



Match #2: Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu vs

Size of the Fight (Hyosuke Kokan & Kansuke Konda)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_SensationalDragon-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HyosukeKokan-1.jpg?t=1268429112 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KansukeKonda-1.jpg?t=1268429129


This tag match was all out action right from the bell with neither team really able to gain much of a significant advantage to take complete control of the match. Just when it looked like one side would get one of the opponent's isolated, the man in trouble would be able to find a counter and either seize control back for their team or find a way to tag out and get the freshman back in. Size of the Fight of course are the regular team and show great teamwork as usual but Shimedzu and Dragon's teamwork is equally slick helped by the fact that the two have tagged together on a fairly regular basis since aligning themselves with one another in the Dragon Feet stable and the fact that the Junior champion is in with one of the best tag wrestlers of all time in BHOTWG.


The fluid teamwork gradually builds to a crescendo with both sides trying to up the tempo to the point where the other is unable to keep up. The match looked set to come to a finish when Sensational Dragon nailed Hyosuke Kokan with a superkick and then set up for the Dragon Slice but Kokan was able to block and counter into an Elemental Suplex for a two count. Kokan then signalled Konda into the ring, where the former Junior Tag champions then planted Dragon into the canvas with the Big Fight Ender (Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo), that looked set to give SOTF an 'upset' win over their more illustrious opponents only for Shimedzu to make a last ditch save.


Shimedzu then connected with a roundhouse kick on Konda but then got swept off his feet by Hyosuke Kokan who decided to head up top to set up for the Foreshock only to find a recovered Sensational Dragon to cut him off and send the 'Live Wire' crashing back into the ring with a hurrucanrana. That lead to Dragon officially tagging Shimedzu back into the match and with Dragon making sure that Konda would be unable to get back into the ring, Shimedzu seized control in the ring with Kokan with a combination of kicks delivered with pin point precision, before sealing the victory with an A-Ko Arrow (Slingshot Falcon Arrow)


Result: Sensational Dragon & Shimedzu [w] bt Hyosuke Kokan [L] & Kansuke Konda in 11:33 via pinfall (A-Ko Arrow)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: I will be watching very closely later just to see who emerges from the pack of pretenders to challenge me for the Junior Championship, there's only one CONTENDER for my belt and that's me !


Kansuke Konda: I could sit here, moan and analyze our loss until my head explodes but what would that achieve, fact is Shimedzu and Dragon were better than myself and Kokan-san today but we will pick ourselves back up and continue to fight on, it's what we always do.



Match #3: Takayuki Onodera, Tadakuni Toshusai & Elemental III vs

Masutaro Kataoka, Roku Sotomura & Red Panther








A solid six man tag match, that saw the unfancied trio of veterans Sotomura, Katoaka and Junior Division struggler Red Panther make their currently more illustrious opponents work a little harder for their victory than many may of expected. In fact it was Sotomura and Kataoaka's tactics of slowing the pace down, that saw the Burning Sekgiun trio make mistakes in the early going resulting in Elemental III becoming isolated. However once the third generation icon was able to maneouvre his way out of trouble the result was nevet hoinh to be in much doubt and victory was secured when Elemental III landed the Inferno Splash upon Kataoka.


Result: Takayuki Onodera, Tadakuni Toshusai & Elemental III [w] bt Masutaro Kataoka [L], Roku Sotomura & Red Panther in 10:02 via pinfall (Inferno Splash)

Rating: C+



Post Match Comments:


Elemental III: It always feels good to get back on the winning track, sure this won't make up for myself and Masuko-san losing the Junior Tag Titles at Fire Dream but a win's a win and it was an honor to stand alongside Onodera and Toshusai, two men that represent the very future of the heavyweight division here in Burning Hammer, just as I am the future of the Junior Division.


Tadakuni Toshusai: A GREAT triumph for EL-LEE- MEN-TAAALLL THE THIRRRRDDDDD, ONO-DARE-RAAAH and TOS-HU-SAAIIIII !! , A GREAT TRIUMPH !, that shall be one of MANY !



Match #4: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs

Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SanetomoShiraishi-1.jpg?t=1268428765 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/SessueKawate.jpg?t=1268428785


As expected this match wasn't very good at all by Burning Hammer's standards as the physically dominant but still very green Behemoths went up against the experienced but out of form and broken down Snow Lizzard. The veteran duo managed to use their experience to take control in the early going but ultimately the power of The Behemoths was too much for them, and in the end Kawate fell victim to a Samoan Sitting Squash curteousy of Kanishoki, as the former champions got a little bit of momentum back and keep themselves somewhat in the hunt to regain the belts they lost to Black Magic at Fire Dream.


Result: Nisso Yusha & Kanishoki [w] bt Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate [L] in 8:29 via pinfall (Samoan Sitting Squash)

Rating: C-


Post Match Comments:


Nisso Yuasha: Any fool who even dares to write off The Behemoth's will be sorely disappointed...Fire Dream was a mere stumble...me and Kanishoki-san are coming for OUR belts and once again the most dominant team in Burning Hammer history shall return to the summit.


Sanetomo Shiraishi: I'm going to find it hard to look myself in the mirror tonight, because where was the fire, where was the fire inside....when myself and Kawate-san were champs we found a way to out-smart, we found a way to out-manouevre the likes of The Behemoths. Perhaps we are shadows of our former selves.



Match #5: King of Fighters Tournament:

Mike Watson vs VENOM


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MikeWatson.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


The second KOF Rules match saw Team INSPIRE's Mike Watson go up against VENOM. The RAGE member was clearly coming into the match as a hug underdog, but the more heavily fancied Watson would soon find out that this would be no easy first round match for him in the tournament.


VENOM would use his speed and agility in the early going to keep the Canadian Assassin off balance, nailing Watson with a series of kicks and strikes from various angles. The 'hit and run' strategy appeared be working as Watson could not get near VENOM and eventually a missile drop-kick put the INSPIRE man down to his knees, where VENOM then followed in with his V-Stinger (Shining Wizard Enziguri)....


Watson managed to beat the count at six, and then for the first time in the match took control with a fore-arm smash that stunned VENOM long enough for him to ensnare the RAGE member into the Caribou Trap Suplex. Watson then followed in, instead of waiting for referee Omura Umeki to make the ten count, employing a 'ground and pound' strategy reminiscent of his days in MMA competion only for VENOM to suddenly have the Canadian Assassin trapped in a Triangle choke but Watson was able to power his way up and then drive VENOM into the corner to break free of the hold. Watson then went to land the One Stop Punch but VENOM was able to duck under and then take Watson off balance again with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip.


Watson then hobbled back up to his feet only for VENOM to send him crashing back to the mat with a pin point drop-kick to the knee's, a perfect set up for VENOM to apply his Sting In The Tail (Cross Kneelock) submission.


But ring positioning was in Watson's favour and VENOM was unable to keep the Canadian Assassin away from the ropes long enough to prevent Watson from saving himself. VENOM then stayed on the offensive with a series of strikes before lining up to nail Watson with the V-Stinger only for Watson to drill VENOM with the One Stop Punch as the RAGE man came rushing in.


Of course Kikkawa had managed to get up from Watson's great equalizer at Fire Dream, but VENOM is not Kikkawa and as everyone expected he was unable to beat the ten count.


Result: Mike Watson bt VENOM in 11:43 via Knockout (One Stop Punch)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Mike Watson (in English): Kikkawa-san, believe you me when I say I am determined to face you for the King of Fighters belt once again. Last time you beat me, you even damn well got up from the One Stop Punch, and you know what that shows you ARE the best but I truly believe I can beat you, I truly believe I am the ONLY man who could beat you to become the King of Fighters.



Match #6: Yasuhiko Taira, Yasunobu Masuno & Golden Scorpion vs Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi







The second Six Man Tag of the night is a similar story to the one earlier in the show, with the 'underdogs' giving a good account of themselves but ultimately not having enough in their locker to overcome their more in-form opponents. The fans were noticeably into this one a little one, given the fact the Raging Bulls remain amongst the most respected tag teams on the roster and the veteran duo alongside a plucky Yoshii Shiomi certainly give it a good go but in the way was a Black Heart Brethren trio all in superb form right now, especially in Tag Team scenarios and Golden Scorpion was able to merge his fluid high flying with the juggernaut like power of Masuno and Taira.


In the end the RAGE trio just couldn't handle the explosive ****tail in front of them and it was Yoshii Shiomi who ended up taking the fall via the Wrecking Ball (Muscle Buster) from Yasuhiko Taira just moments after both of the Raging Bulls were wiped out with a twisting plancha courteousy of a gold and black blur by the name of Golden Scorpion.


Result: Yasuhiko Taira [w], Yasunobu Masuno & Golden Scorpion bt Eiji Hamacho, Chuichi Sanda & Yoshii Shiomi [L] in 11:59 via pinfall (Wrecking Ball)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Yasuhiko Taira: Domination, that's what the Black Heart Brethren are...we hold the World Tag Titles, we hold the Junior Tag Titles and we WILL hold singles gold once again. In myself and Masuno-san two of the most dominating wrestlers to ever grace the Burning Hammer ring, in Scorpion, Kiyaru and Cobra a trio of the three most gifted Junior Heavyweights in Burning Hammer...you saw it first hand tonight the lethal c0cktail the BHB has at our disposal...nothing wil;l stop us, no one will get in our way !


Eiji Hamacho: Frustrated ? You bet I am....but the Raging Bulls are not going to back away...oh no... no not at all....Masuno-san, Taira-san you may have got the better of us this time, but we WILL be facing you for those tag belts and when we do, it's going to be a very different story.



Match #7: Junior Contenders Circle:

Black Cobra vs Marihito Masuko vs The Awesome Kiyaru






http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MarihitoMasuko-1.jpg ____ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TheAwesomeKiyaru-1.jpg


It was now time for the Junior Division three way match with a shot at Sensational Dragon's Junior Championship the prize on offer.


As many would have suspected the two Black Heart Brethren members Cobra and Kiyaru instantly decide to team up on Masuko and turn it into handicap match. Thus the opening stretch of the match much to the crowds and Masuko's frustration basically consists of the BHB pair taking turns at wearing down Masuko with strikes and kicks, reducing the 'painted wonder' to little more than a human pinball. Several times Masuko tries to fight back, but with two on one odds stacked against him any flurry is soon cut off.


However Kiyaru and Cobra's cosy alliance would soon shatter when Kiyaru decided to sneak a pin attempt on Masuko, Cobra wanting victory for himself, was far from impressed by that and broke up the pin. That lead to an argument and then a shoving match between the two BHB members that allowed for Masuko to make a recovery and then take both of his opponents down with a springboard drop-kick. However Masuko's flurry was only a brief one as it only seemed to re-awaken Kiyaru and Cobra to work as a team, as they picked themselves up off the canvas and then wiped Masuko out with a German Suplex (Cobra)/Leg Lariat (Kiyaru) combination.


Cobra then made a bridging pin on Masuko, only for Kiyaru this time to break it up. Cobra then gets in Kiyaru's face until something Kiyaru obviously said brings a smirk across Cobra's face. At that point Cobra plants a beaten and worn down Masuko with the Stoneplex before The Awesome Kiyaru then comes crashing down upon Masuko with the Springboard Shooting Star Press he dubs the Ethereal Killer. Kiyaru then decides not to go for the pin, as the BHB pair decide instead to just dump Masuko out of the ring, satisfied that they have done enough to 'eliminate' the 'Painted Wonder' from the match and sort out who should earn the Junior Title shot amongst themselves.


What follows for the next few minutues is a slick exhibition of chain wrestling that see's neither man really go for the kind of offence intended to do damage to their opponent, but at the same time both were looking to win the match through quick roll-ups...just when it looked like one would have his opponent pinned down the other would work their way free and reverse into a pin attempt of their own.


But it was only a matter of time before things would start to heat up between Kiyaru and Cobra, and it was Cobra who seemed to have the advantage when he nailed his stable mate with a roaring elbow, before doubling Kiyaru over into position for the Death By Cobra, only for Kiyaru to have that scouted and then counter into a legsweep DDT. That earned Kiyaru a two count, before the Junior Tag champion maintained the advantage with a series of arm-drags that left Cobra disorientated and gasping for air. That lead to Kiyaru following in with a basement drop-kick before heading up top....


Kiyaru then launched himself off with a moonsault only for Cobra to move out of the way and then get his knee's up when Kiyaru then tried to instantly land a standing moonsault, as Cobra had his Instant Wizard sequence fully scouted. With Kiyaru winded Cobra himself then decided to head up for the top-rope but suddenly found himself cut off by Marihito Masuko who sent Cobra crashing to the mat with his INTO THE WHITE ! (Springboard Bulldog).....








Just as it looked like the man the BHB pair thought they had taken out of the equation would suddenly steal the win, Kiyaru was able to break up the pin at the last split second. Kiyaru then tried for standing version of his Kiyaru Effect only for Masuko to block and then plant Kiyaru with the Masuko Cradle (Bridging Leg Hook Belly to Back Suplex).....








Kiyaru kicked out but then suddenly found himself entrapped in Masuko's Pink Dream (Triangle Choke) but thankfully for the 'Dark Enigma' he had Black Cobra to thank, as the mysterious gaijin managed to make the save by breaking up the submission with a flurry of kicks to Masuko's back.


Cobra then tried to turn Masuko over into a Stone Hold only for Masuko to counter with a monkey flip and then kip up to take Cobra over with a headscissors but the Black Heart Brethren man was able to block Masuko from transitioning into the Pink Dream, before lifting Masuko up with a double wrist clutch to then deliver the DEATH BY COBRA !








The Awesome Kiyaru delivered a swift kick to Cobra, to save the match and title shot for himself ! The Black Heart Brethren pair then got into another shoving match, that soon escalated into a strike battle until Kiyaru out-heeled his BHB cohort by delivering a suspect knee shot to Cobra's lower regions, that set up a standing KIYARU EFFECT ! (Forward Somersault Bulldog)........








Cobra managed to kick out at the last split second, but just as Kiyaru looked to be heading for the skies, Masuko suddenly popped back up to his feet and suddenly took Kiyaru by surprise with a MASUKO CRADLE SHOCK ! (Swinging Leg Hook Fireman's carry slam)......






Three !!


Against the odds Marihito Masuko had earned a shot at the Burning Junior Championship and another chance to renew his 'new generation' rivarly with Sensational Dragon. Things may have been very different had Cobra and Kiyaru stayed on the same page together throughout the entire match but in the end the lure of a title shot for either man was too much and ended up being their downfall.


Result: Marihito Masuko [w] bt The Awesome Kiyaru [L] + Black Cobra in 19:55 via pinfall (Masuko Cradle Shock)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Black Cobra (in English): Pretty damn pissed right now, I should be challenging Dragon for that belt again but certain people yet me down, really yet me down. Certain people should realise when it's beneficial to step aside and let others shine instead.


Marihito Masuko: The selfish shall always defeat themselves, a defeat that see's me shine once more and be handed an opportunity. An opportunity to forge conflict once again with the great nemesis, the Dragon himself...and once again I shall slay the Dragon...another chapter, another battle awaits.



Match #8: Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs

Tadayuki Kikkawa & Tesuku Iesada


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg?t=1268429324 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/KinnojoHorri-1.jpg?t=1268429344




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg?t=1268429634 & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/TasukuIesada.jpg?t=1268429656

It was now time for the main event as the World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa teamed up with the man who would be challenging him for the World Title at Test of Prophecies Kinnojo Horri to take on the Team INSPIRE pair of Tadiyuki Kikkawa and Tasuku Iesada.


The early portion of the match, began in usual slow burning style with neither side really gaining much of an advantage, with the biggest pop from the fans coming when the World Champion Nakasawa and the King of Fighters Kikkawa briefly exchanged blows in the ring, before either man unable to match much headway against their equally determined opponent tagged back out of their respective partners.


The Team INSPIRE pair soon began to grow frustrated at being matched strike by strike by Nakasawa and Horri and Kikkawa finally seized a significant advantage when he got a cheap shot in on Horri, leading to a stretch where Horri was worked over in the Team INSPIRE corner as Nakasawa looked on in frustration as Kikkawa and Iesada used their veteran wiles to get referee Terakado out of position to land plenty of cheap shots on Horri. This only seemed to add further to Nakasawa's frustration but as is so often the case, Nakasawa's protestations only seemed to worsen the situation for his partner.


But the Team INSPIRE's failure to truly put Horri away would come back to bite them, as 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' managed to power his way out of the Iesada Special, before dropping the 2010 Super 10 Cup winner with a backdrop suplex, Kikkawa then charged in to try and level Horri with a lariat only for Horri to side-step the attempt and then plant Kikkawa with a Horri Spinebuster before slumping to the mat !


Horri of course was just 'running on fumes' at this stage and had no energy left what so ever to even think of going for the cover...just at it looked like Horri would be prevented from making the tag to a fresh and fired up Nakasawa, he managed to kick off Iesada to finally get the World champion tagged into the match.....


The Kunamoto Sports Field erupted as Nakasawa hit the ring and literally became a human tornado, dropping the Team INSPIRE pair with a flurry of clotheslines, before dropping Iesada with a Nakasawa Neckbreaker, only for a recovered Kikkawa to level Nakasawa with a Kikkawa Lariat.....


But the World champion just sprung straight back to his feet to Kikkawa's shock..... an intense strike battle then followed as neither Nakasawa nor Kikkawa gave an inch to their opponent, until Kikkawa went to the eyes and then set Nakasawa up for the Kikkawa Driver only for the World Champion to fight his way off and then suddenly level the King of Fighters with the SUDDEN IMPACT LARIAT ! (Turning Short Range Lariat)








Tasuku Iesada dived in at the last split second to make the save, this then lured Kinnojo Horri into the ring and soon enough chaos descended and a two on two escalated into them taking the fight not only to the outside but also into the stands to give the fans an up close and personal view of the action. During the melee Horri was able to send Tasuku Iesada crashing upon a stack of chairs with a Fierce Spinebuster, but it wasn't all going well for the Burning Sekigun pair as Nakasawa was sent headfirst into a ringpost by Kikkawa, busting the World Champion open in the process.


With referee Terakado almost having to count everyone out, both Kikkawa and Horri who had emerged from the chaos on the outside the most unscathed both entered the ring with Terakado's count at a precarious nineteen.


Kikkawa and Horri then intensely glared at one another before wailing on one another with chops and fore-arms until both tried to land the Burning Lariat, only for the other to have the move scouted and block the feared move. Kikkawa then raked Horri's eyes to gain a dubious advantage before trying to set up for the Incendiary Tower only for Horri to fight his way out with elbows and suddenly plant Kikkawa onto the canvas with a HORRI SPINEBUSTER !








Tasuku Iesada dived in at the last split second, stomping away on Horri to break up the pin attempt. Horri however began to rise back to his feet and unleashed a flurry of fore-arms on the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner, before lifting Iesada up for the Destiny Bomb only for Iesada to suddenly counter into an IESADA SPECIAL III (Victory Roll transitioned into a Cross Arm Breaker)


But referee Terakado, correctly told Iesada to release the hold as he was not the legal man..... Kikkawa who was now recovering out on the apron then got the tag back into Iesada but Horri was back to his feet and he was able to plant Iesada onto the canvas with a Hurricane Spinebuster (Spinning Spinebuster) but 'One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' was too exhausted to follow up with a cover or stay on offence and looked to tag in Nakasawa instead, unfortunately for Horri....Kikkawa had sneaked round to the Burning Sekigun corner, to pull an already bloodied Nakasawa off the apron and send the World Champion crashing against the barricades.


Horri looked confused and then frustrated that his tag team partner was not there to make the tag.... and a now recovered Tasuku Iesada was able to take immediate advantage by chop blocking Horri from behind and then immediately applying the IESADA SPECIAL !


Kikkawa then did his best to try and hold back Nakasawa, but the World Champion managed to reverse an attempt to whip into the barricades before diving into the ring to break up the submission just as it looked like Horri would have nothing left to give. Nakasawa then lifted Iesada up before driving the 2009 Super 10 Cup into the canvas with a COMPRESSION POWERBOMB ! (Scoop Lift Powerbomb)......


Nakasawa realising he was not the legal man then waited out on the apron and it became a race to see who could tag out first between Horri and Iesada. But just when it looked like Horri would tag out to Nakasawa, the man who would challenge for the World Championship at Test of Prophecies suddenly changed his mind, waving off the World Champion and indicating that 'he can take it from here' leaving Nakasawa in a state of bemusement at his tag team partners choice.....


And that choice came back to bite Horri, as Iesada sneaked in a low blow on 'Mr One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' just as Horri was setting up for the Destiny Bomb. That then gave Iesada enough breathing space to tag in a fresh Tadiyuki Kikkawa who took immediate advantage by levelling Horri with a Kikkawa Lariat (Running Lariat).....






Horri showed great fighting spirit and then got up in Kikkawa's, daring the King of Fighters to bring it on...unfortunately for Horri Kikkawa did just that, peppering Horri with a relentless flurry of elbow strikes before drilling the number one contender to the World Championship with the BURNING LARIAT (Explosive Short Arm Lariat)......






Three !!


This time Team INSPIRE had come out on top, taking advantage of Kinnojo Horri's eagerness to perhaps try and prove himself to be better than his tag team partner, the World Champion Hiroaki Nakasawa. The crowd were hot for this match, and they did not disappoint, delivering a slow burn of a match that built to a dramatic climax. As well as the expected great action there was some really captivating in the ring storytelling here from everyone involved to really turn this contest into an early Burning Hammer MOTYC.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & Tasuku Iesada bt Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri [L] in 35:08 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: A


Post Match Comments:


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Horri-san, I don't know what the HELL you were trying to prove out there but you just cost us a victory there with the CRAP you pulled out there. Not only do you cost us a victory but you've only served to give more fuel to Team INSPIRE's fire that the 'new generation' as they call us don't have the integrity, don't have the intelligence to be in their league.......


Nakasawa then pauses, calming himself down a little in the procerss


Look I'm pretty angry right now and perhaps you just went a bit crazy in the heat of battle, hey we've all done it, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Horri-san that despite the fact you will be challenging me for the World Title at Test of Prophecies , we CAN still work together.


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Can the over-sized ego's of Horri and Nakasawa really co-exist ? On tonight's evidence I seriously doubt that, because unlike those young up-starts you see WE CAN work as a team....Team INSPIRE is a family, we have each other's backs for real....the same cannot be said for the likes of Nakasawa-san and Horri-san.


Tasuku Iesada: What Kikkawa-san said is spot on, I know that in the coming weeks I'm probably going to have to face off with our compatriot Okazaki-san to earn another shot at your belt Nakasawa-san and when we do face off we will leave it all in the ring but when all is said and done, we will still have each other's backs...it's clear for all to see Nakasawa-san that there is already cracks in your flimsy alliance with Horri-san.



Overall: B+


Onodera's Viewpoint: Maybe it's beginners luck but this show was seen as a real success...the main event certainly delivered, even Kikkawa-san came up to me after the show and said that he had to admit that we had put together a good show, is the man who was so set against me taking up the position..starting to thaw ?

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Predictions Contest:


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Predictions League Stage 2

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Marcel Fromage

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Phantom Stranger

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The first round of Stage Two of the Predictions contest is done and dusted, with Marcel Fromage scoring a perfect ten out of ten to take the early lead, though of course it's all very early at this stage and even those who had poor rounds (yeah I'm looking at you 4/10 brigade) or even those who did not take part this round, can rise the rankings.


The main event as expected split opinion, as did the three way for the Junior title shot. The King of Fighters matches had everyone unamiously picking Mike Watson, but the other contest had many feeling that Pathlow might cause the upset...out of the two this was the one I was more contemplating whether or not to have Pathlow go over. For the two tag matches..... quite a few tipped Snow Lizzard to go over The Behemoths, because The Behemoths 'suck', that they do but as D-Mack put it Snow Lizzards role these days is to put others over, no matter how much they may suck. Many also tipped Size of the Fight to win the (mostly) Junior Tag match up....I do really like SOTF as a team but right now they are Midcard, where as their opponents are upper mid...as loss to the Junior champ plus one of the most respected tag wrestlers on the roster isn't going to do damage to SOTF. As for the Six Man Tags I was surprised to see a few stump for the RAGE trio to go over the Black Heart Brethren trio, right now as a factions go RAGE are pretty much at the bottom (just a little more relevant than the 'unattached' brigade) where as BHB are enjoying a pretty strong push right now.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;">BHOTWGPuroresu.com</span></span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Burn, Don't Freeze Tour continues for BHOTWG, as they head to the Kagawa Sports Field in Shikoku Prefecture on Wednesday 24th March. The double main event see's Team INSPIRE doing battle with the Black Heart Brethren. King of Fighters Tadiyuki Kikkawa teams with Masaaki Okazaki to take on Yasuhiko Taira and Black Cobra, whilst Taira's regular Tag partner Yasunobu Masuno faces off with Tasuku Iesada in a Contenders Circle match.</p><p> </p><p> There will also be contenders circle action in the Junior Division with fellow BHB member Golden Scorpion taking on Elemental III. Can Scorpion continue his recent good form against the 'third generation icon' having unseated Elemental III and Masuko for the Junior Tag Titles alongside Kiyaru at Fire Dream.</p><p> </p><p> At Monday's show in Kyushu, Hiroaki Nakasawa and Kinnojo Horri fell to defeat at the hands of Team INSPIRE's Kikkawa and Iesada in a thrilling main event that saw cracks begin to appear in the working relationship between the World Champion and the man that will face him for the belt at Test of Prophecies. Here they will be teaming up again, to take on the former tag team champions The Behemoths. Nisso Yuasha and Kanishoki are determined to get back into title contention and a win over two of Burning Hammer's best would be a huge feather in their cap.</p><p> </p><p> There is further tag action with the Burning Sekigun pair of Tadakuni Toshusai and Takayuki Onodera taking on the RAGE duo of VENOM and Toshiki Shibanumo, whilst Six Man Tag action see's Dragon Feet 2K9's Sensational Dragon, Miyamae and American Optimus go up against Marihito Masuko and Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate). </p><p> </p><p> The first round of the King of Fighters contenders tournament will also be wrapped up with Dragon Feet 2K9's Shimedzu up against Roku Sotomura and RAGE's Eiji Hamacho facing off with Size of the Fight's Kansuke Konda.</p><p> </p><p> Rounding out the main show will be a 3-way Junior Division match featuring Barei Yasujiro, Hyosuke Kokan and Yoshii Shiomi. Further Junior Division action will also be seen on the pre-show with a 4-way featuring Haru Kurofuji, Red Panther, Stone Yoshikawa and White Samurai, whilst Chuichi Sanda will also be in action against Fukusubaru Inao. </p><p> </p><p> <em>Here is a full run-down of the card for Show #9 of the Burn, Don't Freeze Tour-</em></p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Burn Don't Freeze Tour- Show #9</strong></span></span></p><p> (Kagawa Sports Field, Shikoku, Wednesday 24th March 2010)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Special Greatness' Main Event Tag (45 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Team INSPIRE'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">King of Fighters-</span> Tadiyukki Kikkawa &</p><p> Masaaki Okazaki</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethren'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">World Tag Team Champion</span>- Yasuhiko Taira &</p><p> Black Cobra</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Contenders Circe (45 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Team INSPIRE'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">2009 Super 10 Cup Winner-</span> Tasuku Iesada</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethren'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">World Tag Team Champion-</span> Yasunobu Masuno</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Junior Contenders Circle (30 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Elemental III</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Black Heart Brethen'</span></p><p> Junior Tag Champion- Golden Scorpion</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Big Time Tag Team Challenge (30 Min Time Limit</strong>):</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">World Champion-</span> Hiroaki Nakasawa &</p><p> Kinnojo Horri </p><p> vs</p><p> The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>King of Fighters Tournament (30 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing RAGE'</span></p><p> Eiji Hamacho</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Kansuke Konda</p><p> </p><p> <strong>King of Fighters Tournament (30 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> Roku Sotomura</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'</span></p><p> Shimedzu</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Six Man Battle (20 Min Time Limit): </strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Dragon Feet 2K9'</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Junior Champion</span>- Sensational Dragon,</p><p> Miyamae & American Optimus</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Marihito Masuko &</p><p> Snow Lizzard (Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate)</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Tag Team Challenge (15 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Burning Sekigun'</span></p><p> Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</p><p> vs</p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing RAGE'</span></p><p> Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Junior 3-Way Fray (15 Min Time Limit):</strong></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">'Representing Universal Excellence'</span> </p><p> Barei Yasujiro</p><p> vs</p><p> 'Representing Burning Sekigun'</p><p> Hyosuke Kokan</p><p> vs</p><p> 'Representing RAGE'</p><p> Yoshii Shiomi</p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><strong>Pre-Show Matches (10 Min Time Limit):</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><strong> </strong></span><span style="font-size:8px;">Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusubaru Inao</span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"> 4-Way: Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</span></p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;">_______________________________________________________________________</span></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26978" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Predictions Form:</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Contenders Circle:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"> Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Junior Contenders Circle:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"> Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>KOF Tournament:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"> Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"><strong>KOF Tournament:</strong></span></span><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;"> Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao</span></span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="font-size:8px;"><span style="color:#800080;">Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-size:10px;"> </span></p>
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<p><strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki</strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada </strong>vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs <strong>Golden Scorpion</strong></p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p>

KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs <strong>Kansuke Konda</strong></p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus</strong> vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p>

Barei Yasujiro vs <strong>Hyosuke Kokan</strong> vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p>

<strong>Haru Kurofuji</strong> vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p><p> </p><p>

Tough calls at the top of the card - went easier as the card went down, for me. I foresee a good day at the office for the ex-INSPIRE guys. Kikkawa particularly looks pretty invincible right now. Nearly went with Masuno over Iesada to balance it, but decided the tag champ probably isn't heading right into the absolute Elite just now and decided to give Golden Scorpion a win for the Black Heart Brethren instead. Hamacho/Konda was also a tough call but I decided to go for both SOTF guys getting a lift after their loss on the last show. Masuko needs better partners to stand a chance in that 6-man.</p>

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<p><strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki</strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada</strong> vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: <strong>Elemental III</strong> vs Golden Scorpion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: <strong>Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus </strong>vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barei Yasujiro</strong> vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Haru Kurofuji</strong> vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p>

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<p>Predictions Form:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki</strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p>

<em>Team Inspire remains strong as they try and get back into contention for the Burning World title.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada </strong>vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p>

<em>I don't see the lesser mullet upending INSPIRE's #2 man.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs <strong>Golden Scorpion</strong></p><p>

<em>Elemental will live up to his namesake's legacy eventually, but for now Scorpion is moving up.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p>

<em>Monsters getting squashed</em></p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: <strong>Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p>

<em>Konda has a lot of fight, but not enough size for the raging bull one on one</em></p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p>

<em>squash</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus</strong> vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p>

<em>Masuko picked the wrong team</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p>

<em>TOSH....U.....SAI!!!!!!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barei Yasujiro</strong> vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Haru Kurofuji</strong> vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p><p>

<em>Sanda is a squash, the others see team WLW finally getting some momentum</em></p>

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<p>Predictions Form:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki</strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada </strong>vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs <strong>Golden Scorpion</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: <strong>Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus</strong> vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barei Yasujiro</strong> vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Haru Kurofuji</strong> vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p>

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<p><strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki </strong>vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada</strong> vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: <strong>Elemental III</strong> vs Golden Scorpion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: <strong>Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs<strong> Shimedzu</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus </strong>vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera </strong>vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p> </p><p>

Barei Yasujiro vs<strong> Hyosuke Kokan</strong> vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p> </p><p>

Haru Kurofuji vs <strong>Red Panther</strong> vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Most are fairly easy calls - only ones that should be really close are the Iesada / Masuno match, E3 v Scorpion, and then the two involving the WLW guys. Toss up between Yasujiro and Kokan, and low card multi matches like the last one are notorious for being hard to pick as it purely depends on where the booker is going - and since none will be harmed by a loss, it makes it tricky!</p>

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<p><strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki</strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle:<strong> Tasuku Iesada </strong>vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: <strong>Elemental III</strong> vs Golden Scorpion</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament:<strong> Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p>


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus </strong>vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p> </p><p>

Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs <strong>Yoshii Shiomi</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p> </p><p>

Haru Kurofuji vs <strong>Red Panther</strong> vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p>

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu

Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi

Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra

- Team INSPIRE continue to look dangerous and build momentum.


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno

- I can't in good conscience vote for Steve Flash's hair flunky


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)

- A rare reverse monster squash, the Behemoths may well lose by DQ to help keep their image intact.


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda

- I mark for Konda and he's a good 'little guy battling the big boys' type.


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu

- I'm not sure who Sotomura is so...


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate

- Masuko builds up some momentum to challenge Dragon.


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM

- VENOM due to the mask.


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi

- I think the WLW guys need to stop looking like overpaid jobbers to the other federations.


Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao

- Uh... because I think Inao might have an armbar finisher?


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai

- I played rock paper scissors... Kurofuji went with dynamite. He wins!

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi


Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi


Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi


Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai

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<p><strong>Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki </strong> vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra</p><p>

<em>Can't pick against Kikkawa</em></p><p> </p><p>

Contenders Circle: <strong>Tasuku Iesada</strong> vs Yasunobu Masuno</p><p>

<em>I honestly don't think Masuno has what it takes to be in the ME.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Junior Contenders Circle: <strong>Elemental III</strong> vs Golden Scorpion</p><p>

<em>Personally preference.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri</strong> vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)</p><p>

<em>Problems or no, it's still Nakasawa and Horri.</em></p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: <strong>Eiji Hamacho</strong> vs Kansuke Konda</p><p>

<em>I like Hamacho, though giving Konda a singles run could be good.</em></p><p> </p><p>

KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs <strong>Shimedzu</strong></p><p>

<em>Shimedzu is also capable of a very good singles run.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus</strong> vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate</p><p>

<em>I can't pick in favor of Snow Lizzard.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera</strong> vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM</p><p>

<em>Go go go, Toshusai!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Barei Yasujiro</strong> vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi</p><p>

<em>Because I like him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chuichi Sanda</strong> vs Fukusabaru Inao</p><p>

<em>Jobber!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Haru Kurofuji</strong> vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai</p><p>

<em>Haru vs. three jobbers.</em></p>

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Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs Yasuhiko Taira & Black Cobra


Contenders Circle: Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


Junior Contenders Circle: Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri vs The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki)


KOF Tournament: Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


KOF Tournament: Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu


Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate


Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi


Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusabaru Inao


Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai


Finally caught up and like what I have read so far, with the post match comments and the stables and contenders circle and KOF system its a good way of getting around the no angles problem. Hope to read more backstage stuff though as really liked the introduction.

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Burn, Don't Freeze Tour - Show 9

(Wednesday 24th March 2010)


Kagawa Sports Field. Shikoku (Attendance 2,000- Super No Vacancy)


Commentators for this show: Toru Minamoto, Hidetada Kozu & Katsuhiko Shunsen




Match A: Haru Kurofuji vs Red Panther vs Stone Yoshikawa vs White Samurai


About what you would expect from a 4-way Junior Division scramble featuring a collection of some of the more lower ranked members in the division with everyone working hard but ultimately the fans being all rather indifferent to the action on offer, with the fans having no real connection be it to cheer on, or to rail against any of the men in the ring.


In the end after a relatively chaotic seven minutes of non stop action, it was Red Panther who was able to strike at the right time, after he connected with his 'Red Mist' (Dropsault-Superkick combination) on White Samurai.


Result: Red Panther [w] bt Haru Kurofuji + Stone Yoshikawa + White Samurai [L] in 7:01 via pinfall (Red Mist)

Rating: C-



Match B: Chuichi Sanda vs Fukusubaru Inao


Not much to see here, this was just a workman like near squash for the RAGE member, with Inao getting in enough token offence to stop it from being completely one sided. An Explosion Kick was able to finish the job for Sanda.


Result: Chuichi Sanda [w] bt Fukusabaru Inao [L] in 4:52 via pinfall (Explosion Kick)

Rating: C-



Main Show


Match #1: King of Fighters Tournament:

Roku Sotomura vs Shimedzu


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_RokuSotomura.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Shimedzu-1.jpg


KOF Rules action kicked off the main show with struggling veteran 'outsider' Roku Sotomura looking to upset Burning Hammer mainstay Shimedzu to advance in the KOF tournament. Sotomura was a respected midcarder for the INSPIRE promotion but has thus far struggled to make his mark since coming over into BHOTWG.


The basic pattern of the match saw Shimedzu using his quick kick and strike combinations to keep Sotomura off balance and to also gradually wear the veteran down. Sotomura though was able to soak up the pressure and eventually began to block the Dragon Feet 2K9 man's offence even to the point that the managed to take Shimedzu down with a Dragon screw and then turn the former tag champion over for his Twisted Bow and Arrow submission....Shimedzu however managed to work his way out of that and then managed to drill Sotomura into the canvas with the Shimedzu Skull Drop, before slumping to the mat.


That lead to a double count spot, before both staggered back to their feet to then engage in a battle of strikes and wills...a fore-arm smash from Sotomura sent Shimedzu into the ropes, only for the Dragon Feet 2K9 man to rebound off and connect with the Life Flasher (Rebound Big Boot)...showing fighting spirit Sotomura shook it off but then stumbled right into a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors that Shimedzu was then able to immediately transition into his Insurrexion Device (Guillotine Choke) and that proved to be enough for Shimedzu to advance in the KOF contenders tournament.


Result: Shimedzu [w] bt Roku Sotomura [L] in 9:13 via submission (Insurrexion Device)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Shimedzu: Some may ask is The Rebellion coming to an end, as myself and Miyamae-san both pursue singles glory. Far from it, far from it indeed but I truly do wish to prove myself as a worthy singles competitor, it's something Miyamae-san craves too and winning the King of Fighters belt would show my true worth and if I have to go through my own tag partner to prove it, then I am prepared to do so, I am sure Miyamae-san feels the same way.



Match #2: Barei Yasujiro vs Hyosuke Kokan vs Yoshii Shiomi





http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HyosukeKokan-1.jpg ___ http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YoshiiShiomi-1.jpg


All three competitors in the match were accompanied to the ring by their regular tag team partners, something that reminded the fans that their respective teams were all in the hunt for the Junior Tag Titles.


As for the match itself, the action was set off at a quick pace from the beginning and things got a bit chaotic when after Yasujiro connected with a Arabian Press on his opponents, the tag partners on the outside then got involved leading to a three way melee on the outside between all three teams.


Once a degree of order was restored, Yasujiro was in control over Kokan and connected with a Yasujiro Suplex, but Kokan showed fighting spirit by kicking out...Yasujiro then decided to head up top only to be cut off by Yoshii Shiomi , who brought Yasujiro crashing in off the second turbuckle with his Jewel Breaker (Springboard cutter) only for Hyosuke Kokan to stagger over and break up the pin. Shiomi and Kokan then engaged in a strike battle, until Kokan was able to get the better of the exchange and then plant Kokan with the Electric Shocker Suplex (Double Chickenwing Suplex) only for Yasujro to break up the pin....


Yasujiro then sent Kokan out of the ring with a spinning heel kick...before turning his attention back to Shiomi, where he as able to drive the RAGE man into the canvas with the Mighty Mouse Driver (Half Nelson Lifted Wheelbarrow Driver) to pick up the victory, something that will forward Yasujiro's credentials in singles competion but also give a slight psychological boost to Universal Excellence over their rivals in their pursuit of the Junior Tag Titles.


Result: Barei Yasujiro bt Hyosuke Kokan + Yoshii Shiomi [L] in 10:03 via pinfall (Mighty Mouse Driver)

Rating: C


Post Match Comments:


Barei Yasujiro: Whether it is singles competion or tagging with Harfu Kurofuji, I did not come to Burning Hammer to make up the numbers, the Mighty Mouse has been a success wherever he has been and by the end of the year, I will prove that to be no different right here in BHOTWG.


Hyosuke Kokan: These multi-man matches we Juniors compete in, they are always a lottery and alot of the time it's a case of being in the right place at the right time, this time Yasujiro-san your timing was impeccable and for that I should commend you for it.



Match #3: Sensational Dragon, Miyamae & American Optimus vs

Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi & Sessue Kawate








The Dragon Feet 2K9 trio headed into this match as huge favourites, given the struggling form of late from Masuko's tag partners for this match the ageing veterans Snow Lizzard. The early going certainly seemed to show that to be the case as Dragon Feet 2K9 dominated with slick tandem offence but to their frustation Masuko and Snow Lizzard dug down and showed great fighting spirit, not only resiting the urge to give in but to also start firing back. Snow Lizzard themselves have been questioning if they have what it takes to still compete but here they showed they still have some fire left.


Gradually the tide of the match began to turn and soon enough American Optimus found himself isolated in the wrong part of town, where Snow Lizzard rolled back the years and put together some of their trademark tandem offence culminating in them almost putting away Optimus with their now too rarely seen tandem finisher the SL Snapper ( Russian Legsweep, Neckbreaker combo) only for Miyamae and Dragon to dive into make the save...


A chaotic melee followed as Masuko rejoined the fray with the Burning Sekigun trio staying in control as Snow Lizzard planted Miyamae with a double team suplex as Masuko headed up top only for a now recovered American Optimus to cut Masuko off.... Sensational Dragon then sent Snow Lizzard out of the floor with a double springdrop-kick, before Dragon and Miyamae continued to take the fight to the veteran duo out on the floor. Optimus then sent Masuko crashing to the ring with superplex for a two count, before heading up for the Ozone Sky Flier but Masuko was able to move out of the way at the last split second and then ensnare Optimus in the Pink Dream (Straight Jacket Triangle Choke) only for Miyamae to break up the submission with a Rebel Stomp (Diving Double Stomp) but then found himself on the end of a Lariat from Sessue Kawate who then nailed Miyamae with his Snow Slide (Sliding Forearm) but was denied victory with a superkick from Sensational Dragon, Dragon then set up for the Dragon Slice on Kawate only to get clubbed from behind by Shiraishi.


Snow Lizzard then set up for the SL Snapper on Dragon, only for Optimus to take Kawate out with a basement drop-kick, that intervention was enough for Dragon to then nail Shiraishi with a superkick and then plant 'the Lizard' with a Dragon Slice as Optimus sent entrapped Kawate in the Optimizer, whilst Miyamae managed to hold Masuko back from re-entering the ring, as the Dragon Feet 2K9 proved themselves to be just that bit stronger than their opponents.


Result: Sensational Dragon [W], Miyamae & American Optimus bt Marihito Masuko, Sanetomo Shiraishi [L] & Sessue Kawate in 13:19 via pinfall (Dragon Slice)

Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


Sensational Dragon: So soon, my great generational rival and I Masuko will do battle once again forn the Junior Title... and just like so many times before I will prove myself to be just far too Sensational for him to handle !


Marihito Masuko: Dragon, my nemesis forever, tonight the battle you won but you did not lay me defeated...when we step into war with one another, be prepared to face the end, the end of your days is coming Dragon, the end is coming !




Match #4: King of Fighters Tournament:

Eiji Hamacho vs Kansuke Konda


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_EijiHamacho-1.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KansukeKonda-1.jpg


The final match in the first round of the King of Fighters tournnament pitted the Raging Bull Eiji Hamacho against Size of the Fight's Kansuke Konda. Hamacho was of course the favourite but the 'Big Fight Player' has plenty of experience of taking on opponents larger than himself, having scored some notable 'upsets' in the past...one of which came against Hamacho's own tag partner Chuichi Sanda on the previous tour.


Konda wasted no time in taking the fight to the Raging Bull and his superior quickness kept Hamacho off balance as he connected with flying fore-arms and drop-kicks, with Hamacho eventually deciding to take refuge outside the ring, Konda however wasn't about to let up on the pressure and went for one of his trademark tope con hilo's only for Hamacho to move out of the way, resulting in the 'Big Fight Player' crashing and 'burning' into the barricade.


Hamacho then took charge of the match, slowing the pace down, targetting the back of Konda with hard whips into the turnbuckles and series of backbreakers, leading to Hamacho applying a backbreaker rack but Konda showed great fighting spirit by not only surviving the submission but also fighting his way out to then stun Hamacho with a Konda Kutter....only for Hamacho to spring right back up to his feet and then connect with a Lariat before slumping back to the canvas.


As both staggered up Hamacho re-took control peppering Konda with a flurry of forearms before setting up for Hamacho Sledge (Death Valley Driver) but Konda was again able to fight his way off and then connected with a basement drop-kick that sent Hamacho down to his knees, the Raging Bull however rose back to his feet only for Konda to connect with another Konda Kutter. The Big Fight Player then turned Hamacho over into the Konda Klutch (Dragon Clutch) and had it locked on right in the centre of the ring....and though Hamacho tried to struggle his way free, Konda was just as relentless in not giving up the hold and in the end referee Shinozaki saw no choice but to call for the bell, ensuring Konda would triumph in the 'upset' of the first round.


Result: Kansuke Konda [w] bt Eiji Hamacho [L] in 11:20 via submission (Konda Klutch)

Rating: C+


Post Match Comments:


Eiji Hamacho: Damn It ! , Bloody damn it.....Get out of way...do I look like I am in the mood to have your stupid microphones shoved in my face !


Hamacho just shoves the reporters out of the way, and heads towards the changing rooms a disconsolate figure.


Kansuke Konda: Tonight I show just why I am the Big Fight Player , Hamacho-san learned first hand that it is not always the size of the fighter but the size of the fight the fighter shall bring...tonight I brought the fight bigger than Hamacho-san, it's something he will have to learn to live with ! And whoever I face next in this King of Fighters tournament, they too will have to learn to live with falling to defeat to the BIG FIGHT PLAYER !



Match #5: Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera vs

Toshiki Shibanumo & VENOM


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadakuniToshusai-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TakayukiAvatar.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ToshikiShibanumo-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Venom-1.jpg


For a match that would probably would have been considered 'card filler' this turned out to be pretty solid, with both teams pressing for the ring right from the start, and with the action at a consistently quick pace it threw up some surprises with Toshusai, making a rare trip to the skies when he connected with a diving knee drop to break up a pin from VENOM who had just connected with the Infectious Spike (Tornado DDT) on Onodera.


In the end the match came down to Onodera and Shibanumo, with Onodera fighting his way out of being planted with the Hammerplex to the then drill 'Silent Rage' with the Call The Doctor (Inverted Facelock Lifted Scoop Slam Piledriver) to pick up a solid victory for the Burning Sekigun duo, who appear to have the makings of a blossoming full time tag team.


Result: Tadakuni Toshusai & Takayuki Onodera [w] bt Toshiki Shibanumo [L] & VENOM in 8:17 via pinfall (Call The Doctor)

Rating: C+.


Post Match Comments:


Tadakuni Toshusai: VICTORY ! one of MANY !, one of many AHEAD for WIIIILLLLDDD TIMESSSSS !!


Takayuki Onodera: Time to make things official, me and Toshusai have a good thing going here we feel, so tonight you saw the true debut of Wild Times ! Our team is going to be here for the long haul and we have the World Tag Team Championships in our sights !



Match #6: The Behemoths (Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki) vs

Hiroaki Nakasawa & Kinnojo Horri


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_NisshoYuasa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_Kanishoki.jpg



http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_HiroakiNakasawa-1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_KinnojoHorri-1.jpg


With tensions brewing between Nakasawa & Horri, probably the last team they would have wanted to be forced to face were the monsterous former tag champions, who appear to have a steely focus to get right back in the title picture.


Despite their difference on Monday, Burning Sekigun's 'big guns' took the fight right to The Behemoths only for miscommunication between Nakasawa and Horri to lead to The Behemoths seizing control, resulting in Kinnojo Horri being isolated in the corner of the former tag champions.


Horri then played 'Spencer Mark's' as Nakasawa had to look on in frustration but the challenger for the World Title showed great fighting spirit, connecting with a flurry of lariats on Yuasha and Kanishoki to battle his way out of trouble, only to find Nakasawa not there (the World Champion having been knocked off the apron by Kanishoki).


Kanishoki then planted Horri with a side-slam for two before dragging 'One Million Per Cent Burning Hammer' into position for the Samoan Sitting Squash only for Horri to move out of the way at the last split second. It then became a race to see who would tag out first...Horri won the race but briefly teased not tagging out, Nakasawa however was having none of it and decided to tag himself in regardless.


A fired up World Champion then peppered Nisso Yuasha with a series of fore-arm smashes, before planting 'The Baby Elephant' with the Nakasawa Neckbreaker only for Kanishoki to break up the pin, however Horri charged back into the ring, sending Kanishoki over the top-rope with a running lariat. Nisso Yuasha however then clubbed Nakasawa from behind and looked set to lift the World Champion up for the Thunder Drop but Nakasawa held firm and then nailed the former Tag Champion with the Sudden Impact Lariat to secure the victory for the Burning Sekigun duo.


After the match tensions between Nakasawa and Horri continued to flare up, there would be no 'celebratory post match posing' as Horri pointed to the World Championship belt, resulting in the pair engaging in a stare-down, that resulted in gaggle of jobbers having to come between the World Champion and his challenger at Test of Prophecies.


Result: Hiroaki Nakasawa [w] & Kinnojo Horri bt Nisso Yuasha & Kanishoki in 9:42 via pinfall (Sudden Impact Lariat)


Rating: B-


Post Match Comments:


The arguing between Nakasawa and Horri continues in the press-room !


Kinnojo Horri: Nakasawa-san, face it, you fear me, you fear that I WILL take that World Title away from you...


Hiroaki Nakasawa: In your dreams Horri, you are good but you will NOT beat me for this belt come Test of Prophecies....


Kinnojo Horri: I know, I have you worried...it's why you've been acting like a jerk since you've known that I will be the one challenging you for this belt....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Acting like a jerk ? I have a clear conscience of my actions....


Kinnojo Horri: Oh sure you do Nakasawa, sure you do....you fear me !


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Wishful thinking Horri-san, wishful thinking but one thing glaringly obvious is that you are jealous of me, jealous that you are not the World Champion and lets be honest Horri, that's always been the case.....


Kinnojo Horri: It's not jealousy Nakasawa-san, it's a competitive desire to be the best and I KNOW I am better than you !



Match #7: Junior Contenders Circle:

Elemental III vs Golden Scorpion


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_ElementalIII.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_GoldenScorpion-1.jpg


Elemental III was looking to gain a measure of revenge on Scorpion, with The Black Heart Flying Squadron having recently defeated Your New Heroes for the Junior Tag Titles, and it was Elemental III who fell to Scorpion's very own Aneurysm Brainbuster, Scorpion was looking to continue his recent good form and to help cement his spot in the Contender's Circle.


The match began tentively with an exchange of chain wrestling, before they kicked it up a notch and engaged in a strike battle. The match really began to move up a gear when Scorpion managed to duck under a spin kick from Elemental III and sweep the legs out from underneath the third generation icon. The Gold and Black Attack then waited for Elemental III to get up before connecting with a drop-kick that sent Elemental III into the corner, before the Black Heart Brethren man followed in with a spinning heel kick. Scorpion then set Elemental III up for a facewash only for the Burning Sekigun fan favourite to explode out of the corner and connect with a running kick, a back heel kick to the mid-section of Scorpion followed before he sent the Junior Tag champion out of the ring with a spin-kick.


Elemental III then set up for the Elemental Space Flying drop, only to see Scorpion side-step out of the way, the third generation icon then flipped back into the ring and then came hurtling through the ropes with a suicide dive, driving Scorpion against the barricade.


Elemental III then pitched Scorpion back into the ring, before deciding to head up top only for Scorpion to stagger back to his feet and 'conveniently' stumble against the top-rope causing the third generation icon to lose his balance. Scorpion then joined Elemental III on the top-rope and appeared to be setting up for the Aneurysm brainbuster only for Elemental III to shove Scorpion off but the BHB man sprung straight back to his feet and sent Elemental III crashing back into the ring with a superplex.


Scorpion was first to get back to his feet, connecting with a palm strike before drilling Elemental III into the canvas with a Brainbuster. That earned Scorpion a two count who then went out onto the apron, as he looked to connect with his Golden Shot (Slingshot legdrop) only to see Elemental III's knees driven into his mid-section.


Elemental III then connected with the Tri-Fecta Kick Series before planting Scorpion with an Elemental Suplex.....








Scorpion kicked out, but the third generation icon continued to apply the pressure and set up for the Earth Breaker, only for Scorpion to block the move and then drill Elemental III into the canvas with a Brainbuster.


But Elemental III showed tremendous fighting spirit as he rose straight back to his feet. A furious exhange of kicks and strikes, lead to both connecting with roundhouse kicks at the same time, leading to referee Umeki to apply a double count.


It was Scorpion who would seize the initiative, connecting with a rolling wheel kick as Elemental III dragged himself back up in the corner. Scorpion then lifted Elemental III up onto the top turnbuckle but the third generation icon managed to fight Scorpion off with a series of fore-arms before diving off to drill Scorpion into the canvas with a Tornado DDT.


That earned Elemental III a two count, before the Burning Sekigun man headed up top once again....INFERNO SPLASH !!


Scorpion moved out of the way at the last split second, as Elemental III crashed and burned......


Scorpion then connected with a boot to the mid-section before driving Elemental III into the canvas with the SCORPION STINGER (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb)






Three !!


Golden Scorpion continues his good form against Elemental III and in doing so cements his spot in the Junior Division contenders circle, with that loss however Elemental III's spot is once again under threat.


Result: Golden Scorpion [w] bt Elemental III [L] in 15:43 via pinfall (Scorpion Stinger)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Golden Scorpion: Once again Elemental III, I prove myself better than you, and though I am proud to be a Junior Tag champion alongside Kiyaru-san, I WILL prove myself worthy of challenging for the Junior Championship !


Elemental III: I cannot, and I shall not hide from the fact, that right now Elemental III is in something of a slump, a slump it seems caused at the hands of Golden Scorpion....but these are just setbacks, I will come back stronger and Scorpion you better watch out the next time we meet, because I will be more determined than ever to defeat you.



Match #8: Contenders Circle:

Tasuku Iesada vs Yasunobu Masuno


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TasukuIesada.jpg vs http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasunobuMasuno-1.jpg


It was now time for the heavyweights to engage in Contender's Circle action, Iesada looking to instantly get himself back in contention for the title after coming up short in his challenge at Fire-Dream, whilst Masuno one half of the newly crowned tag champions was looking to prove himself as dominant in singles competion.


In a seemingly foolish choice of tactics, Iesada decided to engage in a test of strength with Masuno, and it was no surprise when the 150 Kg powerhouse had too much size for the INSPIRE man to handle, Iesada then tried to charge down Masuno off the ropes but ended up running into an immovable wall. Iesada then went for one charge too many and ended up in the clutches of Masuno who forcefully hurled the 2009 Super 10 Cup Winner into the corner, before following in with a series of fore-arms and chops, Masuno then whipped Iesada into the other corner and then came charging in.


Iesada however moved out of the way and Masuno ended up bouncing off the turnbuckle, before the INSPIRE man caught Masuno with a basement drop kick that unbalanced the tag champion, however Masuno stayed on his feet and levelled Iesada with a clothesline to keep in control. Masuno then impressively lifted Iesada up for vertical suplex, keeping the INSPIRE man hanging in the air for over half a minute, before sending Iesada crashing back down to the mat. That earned Masuno a two count, but the BHB man was unable to keep the pressure on as Iesada bailed from the ring, begging for a 'time out'


Masuno was determined to stay of the offensive though and gave chase dragginga weary Iesada back to ringside, but when he went to connect with a clothesline, on the outside, Iesada moved out of the way and Masuno ended up clotheslining the ringpost. Immediately seizing the advantage Iesada pulled Masuno shoulder first into the ring post to do further damage.


Back inside the ring and Iesada continued to target the now injured right arm of Masuno with flurries of kicks, all delivered with pin point accuracy to the now glaring weak point of Masuno. Masuno then tried to regain the advantage with a running clothesline, but recoiled in agony as he levelled Iesada. A drop-kick to the injured arm then saw Masuno drop to his knees, as Iesada took immediate advantage by nailing Masuno with a running knee strike......






Masuno emphatically kicked out and then showing fighting spirit peppered Iesada with a series of fore-arm smashes, before lifting Iesada up for the Avalanche Powerbomb but Iesada was able to reverse into a victory roll that he immediately transitioned into his IESADA SPECIAL (Cross Arm Breaker)......


The agony was etched on Masuno's face as Iesada locked his feared submission on tighly, but Masuno was determined not to give in too easily and ended up using his height to his advantage, his long limbs helping him to reach the ropes and force a ropebreak.


Iesada then peppered Masuno with a combination of kicks and strikes, a relentless barrage that saw Masuno drop to his knees once again, but the BHB man managed to block a superkick, before explosively coming back to 'life' and nailing the 2009 Super 10 Cup winner with a Lariat.


After a double count was applied by referee Terakado, both urged the other to bring it 'on' leading to a tete-a-tete and then an exhange of slaps, soon turning into more ferocious strikes. Despite being a 'one armed' wrestler Masuno was winning the battle, his strikes carrying more weight behind them. With Iesada struggling to stay on his feet, Masuno nailed the 2009 Cup winner with the Magic K.O (Rolling Elbow).....








Iesada managed to kick out, but Masuno kept the pressure on lifting Iesafa across his shoulders, before stretching Iesada across his back with his Day of Rackening submission hold but Iesada proved resillient and then countered with a crucifix bomb and then immediatelt rotated through into the IESADA LOCKDOWN (Cross Legged Bridging Pin).......








Masuno powered his way out, and then as they rose back to their feet levelled Iesada with a running boot, the Tag champion then set up for the BLAST TEST (Vertical Suplex Side Slam)but was unable to lift Iesada up, still favouring the right arm Iesada had relentlessly targetted for much of the match. Iesada then took Masuno off balance with a basement drop-kick before delivering a flurry of kicks all aimed at Masuno's injured arm. The Black Heart Brethren man slumped to the mat and Iesada immediately locked on the IESADA SPECIAL !


Masuno tried his best to hang on but it was clear that he would have little choice to submit or have his arm ripped out of his socket, and in the end was forced to concede defeat, furiously tapping the mat, the agonizing Iesada Special just too much to bear.


Result: Tasuku Iesada [w] bt Yasunobu Masuno [L] in 18:30 via submission (Iesada Special)

Rating: B


Post Match Comments:


Tasuku Iesada: Black Heart Brethren loveto talk themselves up and sure they do hold both sets of Tag Titles right now, but when it comes to singles combat, Masuno-san has found out that I or anyone else in Team INSPIRE for that matter are far far superior. It's regrettable that the masses view us as arrogant outsiders but all we are here to do is reclaim what was ours in the first place and in the meantime fans and opponents alike will learn what REAL Burning Path style is all about.


Yasunobu Masuno: Aargh ! My arm, my arm....I'll admit it Iesada-san I am in agony right now, but this PAAAAIN I am feeling now, will only make me more determined to beat you when we next meet and when we next meet, I WILL.....BEAT YOU !



Match #9: Tadiyuki Kikkawa & Masaaki Okazaki vs

Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira


http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_TadiyukiKikkawa.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_MasaakiOkazaki.jpg




http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_DuaneStone_alt1.jpg & http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q236/Tigerkinney/th_YasuhikoTaira-1.jpg


It really says something about the dominance of the quartet known as Team INSPIRE since they made their return to Burning Hammer rings, that their opponents are considered under-dogs and despite being members of the hated Black Heart Brethren faction, the crowd is definitely split for this one, as many want to see the arrogant Team INSPIRE brought down from their lofty perches by someone, anyone...even if those someone's happen to be from the BHB.


Okazaki and Cobra kicked things off and had a nice hold for hold technical exchange, leading to Okazaki becoming frustrated that Cobra was able to keep up with him. When Okazaki tagged in Kikkawa, Taira also asked to be tagged in but Cobra said that he could take on Kikkawa himself.


Cobra peppered Kikkawa with kicks, strikes and rope rebound shoulder barges but he was unable to get the Team INSPIRE leader off his feet, before Kikkawa levelled Cobra with a simple fore-arm smash...Cobra scrambled back to his corned before tagging in Taira.


Taira and Kikkawa stared each other down, and then exploded into a striking battle, neither one of them willing to give even the slightest inch to the other, until a desperate Taira raked the eyes of Kikkawa, disorientating the King of Fighters enough to then plant Kikkawa with a side-slam.


That earned a two count, before Taira dragged Kikkawa back to the Black Heart Brethren corner. The Black Heart Brethren duo then worked quick tags to keep Kikkawa in their corner, as they gradually looked to wear down the Team INSPIRE leader, but when Taira decided to use Cobra as weapon, by powerbombing his tag partner onto Kikkawa it back-fired as Kikkawa got the knees up and then levelled Taira with a Kikkawa Lariat, the momentum of which sent both himself and Taira over the top-rope.


Okazaki then entered the ring, nailing the already downed Cobra with a knee strike before turning the Junior Heavyweight gaijin over into the Century Crab Lift, but referee Okura Umeki correctly told Okazaki to let go off the hold, as he was not the legal man, as he looked to restored order to the match before control was lost.


However when order was restored, Team INSPIRE had now gained control, being able to isolate the considerably smaller Cobra to their side of the ring. The Team INSPIRE duo then looked to put Cobra away but the Junior Heavyweight proved to be resillient, surviving an Exploder Suplex from Okazaki and then a Kikkawa Lariat. Kikkawa frustated at Team INSPIRE having yet been able to put Cobra away for the win, then set up for Kikkawa Driver only for Cobra to fight his way off and then nail Kikkawa with a drop-kick, staggering the Team INSPIRE leader.


Kikkawa however stayed on his feet and lunged back towards Cobra, only for the masked gaijin to take Kikkawa by surprise with the ALABASTER AGONY (Leg Hook Spinning Headsissors Arm Bar).....Okazaki then came into break up the submission before Cobra could really lock it in tight...Taira also hit the ring before clotheslining Okazaki to the outside and then continue their brawl out on the floor, Taira then hurled Okazaki over the guard-rail and into the crowd with a ferocious Irish Whip and when order was restored Cobra was able to get the tag out to Taira, whilst Okazaki was struggling to get back to ringside as Kikkawa looked to tag his partner back in.


Taira the fresher man then clubbed away on Kikkawa before whipping the King of Fighters into the corner and following in with THE FLATTENER (Running Corner Clothesline).....








Taira screamed in frustration at Kikkawa kicking out but stayed on the offensive and after a flurry of slaps to Kikkawa set up for the Typhoon Suplex only for Kikkawa to block and drill Taira into the mat with a brainbuster. Kikkawa then staggered back to his corner where Okazaki was now waiting to tag back in,who then flew in off the second turnbuckle nailing Taira with a flying knee strike before following in with the Okazaki Kick Barrage only for Taira to show incredible fighting spirit and shake the barrage off before levelling the 'Mercy Killer' with a Running Boot. Taira then tossed Okazaki overhead with the SAMSON SLAM (Pump Handle Fall Away Slam).....








Okazaki managed to get his feet on the ropes, but a relentless Taira stayed on the offensive and soon perched Okazaki onto the top turnbuckle but the Team INSPIRE man then went to the eyes, blocking Taira's attempt to set up for the Wrecking Ball, another flying knee strike from Okazaki followed, before taking a staggered Taira down with a drop toe hold and then turning 'The Bulldozer' over into the Century Crab Lift.....


Black Cobra seeing that the situation was desperate entered the ring and kicked away at Okazaki, forcing the 'Mercy Killer' to relinquish the submission before being intercepted by Kikkawa who then attempted to send Cobra out of the ring with a lariat, but the gaijin super junior ducked under and then nailed Kikkawa with a springboard Enziguri before Taira then sent Kikkawa out of the ring with a clothesline.


Taira then held Okazaki up into position as Black Cobra headed up top, but Okazaki was able to slip out as Cobra looked to nail the Team INSPIRE man with a missile drop-kick, nailing his own tag partner instead. Okazaki then took Cobra over with the OKAZAKI EXPLOSION (Wrist Clutch Exploder) before Taira then stumbled into jawbreaker. That was enough to keep Taira stunned long enough for Okazaki to get the tag back into Kikkawa.


Taira got up from a regular Kikkawa Lariat, but then Kikkawa nailed the Black Heart Brethen co-leader with the BURNING LARIAT !!








No matter how big, or how tough anyone is, no one ever beats a three count after being on the recieving end of the Burning Lariat.


Result: Tadiyuki Kikkawa [w] & Masaaki Okazaki bt Black Cobra & Yasuhiko Taira [L] in 27:55 via pinfall (Burning Lariat)

Rating: B+


Post Match Comments:


Masaaki Okazaki: It's time everyone accepted that Team INSPIRE is the superior group here in Burning Hammer, no one, absolutely no one is a match for us !


Tadiyuki Kikkawa: Burning Sekigun, Black Heart Brethren...anyone bring our best, bring your very best but the result will always be the same....a victorious Team INSPIRE.


Overall: B



Onodera's viewpoint: More midcard filler, resulted in this not being quite as good as Monday's show, I think I am learning that it is probably best to stick to eight matches, rather than nine. But still this was another solid show and certainly one good enough to run in our smallest viable market, the somewhat more remote Island of Shikoku.

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Kinnojo Horri: Nakasawa-san, face it, you fear me, you fear that I WILL take that World Title away from you...


Hiroaki Nakasawa: In your dreams Horri, you are good but you will NOT beat me for this belt come Test of Prophecies....


Kinnojo Horri: I know, I have you worried...it's why you've been acting like a jerk since you've known that I will be the one challenging you for this belt....


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Acting like a jerk ? I have a clear conscience of my actions....


Kinnojo Horri: Oh sure you do Nakasawa, sure you do....you fear me !


Hiroaki Nakasawa: Wishful thinking Horri-san, wishful thinking but one thing glaringly obvious is that you are jealous of me, jealous that you are not the World Champion and lets be honest Horri, that's always been the case.....


Kinnojo Horri: It's not jealousy Nakasawa-san, it's a competitive desire to be the best and I KNOW I am better than you !


I can turn a blind eye to just short post match comments but when they become this long it really should be an angle imho. For the rest excellent as always.

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