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SWF (SHaynes23) vs. TCW (nimo34): Boom Goes the Dynamite!!!

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Last week was the first Total Wrestling of 2010 and it sure was explosive. This week looks to be the same. Some good in ring action is planned. A few matches that may have some baring on titles. Including a match that will decide who will be the #1 contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. Also, the battle between The Syndicate and the Freedom Fighters continue this week.


Bryan Vessey was defeated by Wolf Hawkins last week in the main event. This week Vessey will be teaming with the Freedom Fighters to take on The Syndicate and Eddie Peak. The war between The Syndicate and the Freedom Fighters still wages on, but so does the one between Vessey and Peak. This match is planned to be a huge one and will surely set a landscape for later this month at the pay-per-view.


Also, Sam Keith made it known that he still thinks he deserves Rocky Golden's TCW World Heavyweight Championship. This week he has to prove it as he goes up against his partner from last week, Rick Law. Law has been going at it Koshiro Ino for a while and it seems like some animosity is still left between them. Can Law put that anger aside for a shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Championship? This and more on the next Total Wrestling!

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SWF Supreme TV

Tuesday, Week 2, January 2010

Live from Virginia Park Fields (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 10,000 (SELLOUT!)


Supreme TV gets underway this week with a grand pyrotechnics show as the announcers welcome the fans to another great SWF show. They hype that the pay-per-view, When Hell Freezes Over is taking place in less than a week this Sunday, and it will be headlined by Eric Eisen putting his World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Jack Bruce. They then transition into talking about tonight’s main event, a tag team match where World Champion Eric Eisen will team with North American Champion Brandon James to face the number one contenders to their respective titles, Jack Bruce and Joe Sexy. Duane Fry is in mid sentence when he is cut off by the music of Eric Eisen. He, Brandon James and Emma Chase make their way down to the ring to address the fans.


Eric Eisen

Here before you stands the most dominant pairing in the history of SWF. There’s a lot of gold standing in this ring. I can’t speak for Brandon, but I’d just like to guarantee you all that next week when you tune in at this time, I’ll still be standing here with gold around my waist. I can also promise you tonight that I’ll give Jack Bruce what he has coming to him.


As soon as his name is mentioned, the music of the number one contender Jack Bruce plays and he heads straight out the entrance way with Joe Sexy following closely behind.


Jack Bruce

I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this all week Eisen. I want to know why you made the fatal mistake of taking out Rich Money to give me a title shot this weekend. You do realize that choice is going to lead to the loss of your coveted championship, don’t you?


Eric Eisen

It’s pretty simple Jack, I saw two competitors in the ring, and in all honesty I took out who I thought would be the bigger threat to my title. I’ve beaten you before Bruce, I’ll do it again on Sunday. People always say how Jack Bruce is their hero and their favorite. I’m going to march down that ramp into this ring at When Hell Freezes Over and show every single one of them that their hero is nothing but a big fat phony.


Jack Bruce

How about Joe and I come down there and show you what a couple of phonies can do then!?!?


With that Bruce and Sexy march down to the ring, not wanting to wait two hours to get their hands on the team of champions. As soon as they enter the ring though Emma Chase steps in front of her men, allowing them to exit out the back of the ring and get to safety before a confrontation. As Emma joins them as they back peddle up the ramp Bruce shouts out that Eisen can’t run from him forever, and tonight he will get what’s coming to him.




The camera goes backstage, where Frederique Antonio Garcia is standing by before he participates in a first round match in the Television Championship tournament.


Frederique Antonio Garcia

Tonight I face off a man that the people hail as a superhero, Captain Atomic. No wonder the crowds are filled with such losers nowadays. They follow some crazy eyed no class nut job like Captain Atomic. When a kid shows up to class wearing a Captain Atomic shirt, they should be greeted with nothing less than an Atomic Wedgie. That’s exactly what I’m going to do tonight, I’m going to give Captain Atomic an atomic wedgie straight out of this tournament. Then you all will see the error in your ways. You will follow a man with true class and style. A man like……Frederique Antonio Garcia!






First Round of the Television Championship Tournament

Captain Atomic vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia


Atomic’s Backstory: Captain Atomic stands for all things good in SWF, and if you perform a wrong doing upon the people of SWF, he will go atomic on you. And once he gets angry and starts fighting against the evil doers of SWF there are few men on the roster who can stand in his way.


Garcia’s Backstory: This flamboyant superstar lets it be known on a weekly basis that he thinks he is the best thing to ever happen to SWF. While he has been up and down in terms of success in recent years, his style has never dipped. It has stayed up week after week, rivaled only by his pure arrogance.


Finish: Captain Atomic started to go atomic on FAG, but he quickly slowed that train down with a low blow, then hit Romeo is Bleeding to move onto the second round of the tournament.


Result: Frederique Antonio Garcia d. Captain Atomic @ 5:48 via Pinfall






Christian Faith has a scheduled match against a mountain of a man, Everest that will give him a feel of what fighting a truly huge man is like before facing Marat Khoklov at the pay-per-view. He heads down to the ring and gets in Everest’s face with a microphone before the match though.


Christian Faith

Everybody says my career has seen better days. I’m going to prove that I’ve got tons left in the tank. This Sunday I face Marat Khoklov. He’s truly a giant. Tonight Everest, I will cut you down to size and prove that size is nothing for me. It’s all about heart, and I have more heart that anybody in SWF could ever….


Just as Faith is about to finish up his promo Everest rammed him into the corner with a huge Avalanche, and just like that the match is underway.






Christian Faith vs. Everest


Faith’s Backstory: Christian Faith has had his career questioned lately, not so much the accomplishments in it, but his ability to move forward and continue being a productive member at the top of the card at SWF. He faces the giant Khoklov in less than a week, but has to face the slightly smaller, but still huge Everest here.


Everest’s Backstory: Everest is a mountain of a man. He doesn’t move around too well, but if he catches you with any move you are going to feel it for days. He has tons of power, and will give Faith a challenge in this match. He doesn’t possess the same size or skills of Marat Khoklov though.


Finish: Faith was fighting back from the avalanche before the bell the entire match, then out of nowhere he locked in the Test of Faith and Everest couldn’t power out so he had to submit.


Result: Christian Faith d. Everest @ 5:16 via Submission








Robbie Retro vs. Angry Gilmore


Retro’s Backstory: Robbie Retro did nothing to earn the hatred of Angry Gilmore, but nonetheless, here he is fighting him. Retro was unsuccessful last week in the opening round of the Television Tournament as he lost to Enforcer Roberts, and he’s looking to get on track here with a win over the ever talented Angry Gilmore.


Gilmore’s Backstory: Angry Gilmore has been very upset that people like Lobster Warrior and Robbie Retro have been getting shots at championship gold, while he hasn’t. He claims he has more talent on his worse day than these men could ever imagine. He faces Lobster Warrior at the pay-per-view this weekend, but first he faces Robbie Retro.


Finish: Angry Gilmore slapped Retro around the whole match, and whenever Robbie looked to get some offense Gilmore stopped it with a violent counter. He finished it off with a keylock that left Retro screaming in agony.


Result: Angry Gilmore d. Robbie Retro @ 4:40 via Submission






Rich Money is backstage, and he looks understandably upset at what has been happening to him lately. He begins to talk, and sounds almost dejected.


Rich Money

It was one thing when Eric Eisen came back and caused me to not gain the World Heavyweight Championship. But finally I had a shot to get a legit title match from Eisen. I had Jack Bruce where I wanted him, then I got a cheap shot from our so called champion. Now I’m left without a championship match that I so rightly deserve. So tonight I move on from this and face Remo in a huge one-on-one match. I will win this match, I have to. Once I beat Remo, then I find out what my role is in the pay-per-view, I will be next in line to face whoever wins between Eric Eisen and Jack Bruce. Then I will defeat them, and finally become World Heavyweight Champion!






The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Pain Alliance


Bumfholes’ Backstory: Zimmy and Randy have been very successful in the past, but they got unlucky last week as they ran into a very determined Marat Khoklov. This week they get back into legit tag team competition as they face the number one contenders to the titles, The Pain Alliance.


Pain Alliance’s Backstory: Big Smack Scott and Kurt Laramee were able to beat the World Tag Team Champions Jack Giedroyc and Valiant last week and earn a title shot for this Sunday. They face the former tag team champions tonight as they look to gain momentum heading into their title shot at When Hell Freezes Over.


Finish: Zimmy Bumfhole tried an impressive move off the top rope, but he was unable to connect. Then he wandered right into the Ego Trip from Big Smack Scott to give the number one contenders another win.


Result: Pain Alliance d. The Amazing Bumfholes @ 8:10 via Pinfall






The camera goes backstage, where the number one contender to Brandon James’ North American Championship, Joe Sexy is standing by, looking very confident before he heads into tonight’s main event and a big title shot at this weekend’s pay-per-view.


Joe Sexy

Foreshadowing. That’s a very powerful word in our business. And tonight I, Joe Sexy will give our North American Champion Brandon James a serious example of it. Tonight I will be teaming with the great Jack Bruce to take on Eric Eisen and Brandon James. And Brandon, the foreshadowing will come when I pin you in the middle of the mat, because that’s exactly what I’m going to do to you at When Hell Freezes Over, I’m going to pin you in the middle of the mat and become the new North American Champion!






Steve Frehley vs. Squeeky McClean


Frehley’s Backstory: Steve Frehley has found great success in SWF action. Last week though he got involved with another very successful man in Vengeance. Vengeance was about to strike a downed opponent when Frehley came out to the ring and chased him off. Tonight he gets his own shot at in-ring action.


McClean’s Backstory: Squeeky McClean is drug and alcohol free, and he makes sure that you know he’s better than you because of it. He’s not half bad in the ring too, and he looks to use his no nonsense offense to gain the upper hand on Frehley in this one.


Finish: Squeeky McClean hit Frehley with a big DDT. He then began spouting insults at the fans for a little too long, and when he turned around he was met by Frehley’s Comet and was pinned for the three count.


Result: Steve Frehley d. Squeeky McClean @ 5:11 via Pinfall






After the match Frehley is celebrating his victory in the ring, then all of a sudden the lights went completely out and the face of Vengeance appeared on the screen.



Steve Frehley! So you want to stick your nose in my business? Well I’m about to stick mine in yours. This Sunday I get you in a match. The pay-per-view is called When Hell Freezes Over. Frehley, you will beat me when Hell freezes over. I’m going to destroy you this Sunday, and I’m taking you straight to Hell!






Rich Money vs. Remo


Money’s Backstory: Rich Money has had a very rough couple of months. He had the World Heavyweight Championship close to his grasp only to have it yanked away before he had a full shot at it. Then last week he had a chance to earn that shot, but Eric Eisen saw to it that he didn’t get it. Now he must prove he can get it done against Remo.


Remo’s Backstory: Remo is a very dangerous man. This match is a big opportunity for him to get back in the main event scene against somebody who has been there for several months now. He’s bringing his nasty attitude into this match and is ready to show Rich Money how mean he can be.


Finish: This was turning into a great match. Both men were hitting huge moves and it looked like an end was coming soon. They hit a double clothesline, and as they started to get up Runaway Train came barreling down the ramp and got into the ring, taking out both men. He stood over his victims with his arms raised as the ref stopped the match.


Result: No Contest due to Outside Interference @ 14:17






A video plays showing all that Jack Bruce has been through in the last year. It shows his lows, mixed with his massive highs on his road to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion and arguably the most popular superstar on the roster. It then hypes that at this Sunday’s pay-per-view, When Hell Freezes Over, Bruce gets a chance to win back the World Heavyweight Championship he feels was stolen from him.




The camera goes to the interview area where Emma Chase and North American Champion Brandon James are standing by.


Emma Chase

Tonight we heard Joe Sexy say he was going to pin the North American Champion in the middle of the ring. After years I’d have thought everybody would have figured out that Joe Sexy is nothing but a walking joke. The man is a complete failure. Sure he gets a shot at Brandon’s championship, but that doesn’t mean he’ll make good on it. Since Joe likes throwing out promises, I can promise you this Joe, Brandon James will not only beat you at the pay-per-view and retain his title, he WILL knock you out cold!






Jack Bruce and Joe Sexy vs. Eric Eisen and Brandon James


Bruce and Sexy’s Backstory: These two men are having a very big week. First they are teaming together to main event a very big Supreme TV, and then this Sunday they are each fighting for the two biggest singles titles in SWF. Jack Bruce will be going to regain his World Title, and Joe Sexy will be trying to take the North American Championship. This is a make or break week for both men.


Eisen and James’ Backstory: These two men hold the most power in SWF. They hold the two most prestigious titles in the promotion, and are widely regarded as two of the most dangerous men in all of professional wrestling. They will each be defending their titles at this weekend’s pay-per-view. They will do anything to win those matches, and tonight they have a huge advantage in their corner, Emma Chase.


Finish: The crowd was very into this match, and the champions controlled much of it, and when they didn’t Emma Chase turned things to her teams favor. After getting tagged in with a hot tag by Sexy, Jack Bruce came in and cleaned house. Eisen quickly tagged out to James, who staggered into the ring and was met by the New York Minute, giving he and Joe Sexy the victory.


Result: Jack Bruce and Joe Sexy d. Eric Eisen and Brandon James @ 16:10 via Pinfall






Final Rating



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Solid show man, although I'm a little surprised not only to see Sexy in the main event but to have him win? Worst of all he won but Robbie Retro lost...what gives =)


He was riding Bruce's coattails into the main event, I highly doubt you'd see him there by himself any time soon. And even though Robbie lost, we won because we got to see him do his thing. He just ran into a very upset buzzsaw.

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