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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

Curious as to what you chose for the Blast From The Past as I don't believe it is in WreSpi2. I chose a Piledriver since it's an old school finisher.


The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Feel The Force!


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Not sure if you're playing with Owner Goals or not. But Datsun is a tag champ so Valentine gets the singles duke.


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Belle pins Raven to show that she can indeed beat the Champ but it's by nefarious means.


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

Enygma is the Champ and Jumbo is a Shrimp!

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

Jones will not lose the title to one half of the Savage Fury.


The Force vs. Giant Redwood

I can always dream can't I :p


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Valentine should get the win by dirty tactics


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

The challenger need some momentum


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

If it wouldn't be Jumbo then I probably would have gone a different way.

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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Getting caught up..


Excellent first show. The roster is really coming alive for me. And of course..love the alts


USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

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Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

Carbon copy of last week, I expect the same out come


The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Being a massive Redwood mark this is a tough decision. But I went with my head and not my heart this time


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Valentine is a bigger name, which is all I'm basing this off


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Another tough choice; either you want to keep Strong strong (...) after her loss last week or want to prove Bryden can beat the champion. I'll go with the latter


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Being non-title makes me wonder, but I'll go with the champ.

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When Gordon Wright arrived in the USPW locker-room with four new title belts he knew he was on to a winner. Designed by the company that had made championship gold for the top companies of the world, ReapeR Inc., these new designs were classic, simple, yet eye-catching. Having told neither the locker-room, nor Sam Strong, and paying for them with StallCorp money, Wright had managed to keep their arrival a complete secret.


So when the roster were informed that the mysterious Gordon Wright wanted to meet with them, amid the grumbles of the majority were fears amongst the few that someone was going to be in the firing line. When they got there however, Wright's affable nature immediately put the crew at ease and his unveiling of the new titles went down better than even he could have expected.


Stallings had long known that Wright was a master at connecting with people and that getting people to do what he wants was the single most important skill in getting Wright to where he is today. Even at 64, Wright was a hard worker with a driven and often infectious enthusiasm for success. He was the type of individual that could do more with a five minute pitch than most could do in a hour.


Most importantly he was intuitive. Simply by seeing the reaction of his presentation, the old man knew that things were starting to go his way...


...the Wright way.


<hr color="black">

Thanks to everyone who has predicted so far! If you'd like to predict but haven't had chance to, USPW's second ever live show will be up early tomorrow (GMT).

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I love the Gordon Wright post. Very interesting read. You're doing a great job thus far, jhd1! Keep it up! (As I know you will)



USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

He defeated Java last week, so, my guess is that he'll do the same with the other partner this week.


The Force vs. Giant Redwood

Call it personal choice; however, The Force seems like the more interesting character to follow. Redwood may complain if he loses though, so, I guess this one is up in the air. Would be cool to see Redwood's character fleshed out though. Even if he is a waste of space. ha.


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)

Even with it being a non-title match, Valentine has a relationship with Sam Strong, so, He could def. walk away with the win for that reason. That being said, with JK coming on board, maybe Valentine is one of the first victims (along with Commish Doom) to suffer from no longer having Strong as the sole owner.


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

Belle won last week. This is probably Alicia's chance to make it "even" without it being the same match from last week.


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)

While Jumbo could be a great "home-grown talent", Enygma still has that SWF-smell coming off of him. That, along with the fact that I love Enygma despite most delegating him to 'job work', It'd be great to see the USPW necomer keep his momentum high.

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior


The other half of Savage Fury didn't even look particularly strong in defeat, so I don't see the situation being any different for Tribal Warrior.


The Force vs. Giant Redwood


Welcome to Jobsville Redwood


Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun (Non-Title Match)


I see Datsun winning to perhaps set himself up for a shot at Valentine's belt. I know he has his team with Davids but to me he can still have plenty of offer as an upper mid singles talent.


Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb


The division's top faces win the match, the heels may get some heat back with a post match beatdown that will leave Strong and Raven lying.


Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson (Non-Title Match)


This may be non title but the World Champion stays strong. I kind of agree with Eisen-verse's assessment of Enygma. He is far from a bad worker and his performance skills are actually very good, he is just someone who got over-pushed in the SWF and once that push wore off, he ended up getting very lost in the shuffle.

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It's Tuesday January Week 2

and we are live from the sold out Huntsville Fairgrounds!

UNITED STATES PRO WRESTLING PRESENTS...http://i754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/jhdTEW/USPW/USPWAmericanWrestling.jpg


[Our latest instalment of USPW American Wrestling begins in its regular manner with a grand camera sweep around the once again packed-out Huntsville Fairgrounds Theatre. We glimpse the huge USPW banners run almost ceiling to floor against the east wall of the arena before the camera settles beside the ring with our distinguished hosts...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr

Danny Jillefski: As always, a warm welcome from myself, Danny Jillefski, and my broadcast partner 'Mighty' Micky Starr.

Micky Starr: If last week's show was only the beginning of the new 'wild' USPW then I'm going to be holding onto my seat for this one Danny!


[With the introductions over, Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr recap last week's brutal attack on Chris Caulfield at the hands of Bruce the Giant. As well as a video replay of the attack the audience also sees a clip Chris Caulfield leaving the ring on a stretcher.


With the video over, Sam Strong's music begins to the play as the sold out arena jumps to its feet...]


Sam Strong: You know, last week I said that we were going on a wild ride here at USPW. So, I'll ask you folks out there in Huntsville, Alabama...did you have a wild ride?


[The entire crowd cheers in agreement before beginning a U-S-P-W chant...]

Sam Strong: Good, well remember, this ride's only just started! You may remember that I also said that there were going to be some changes. Last week Chris Caulfield was the victim of an unprovoked attack after his successful victory over Jumbo Jackson. Now, this may have been okay a few weeks ago but times have changed...


[The crowd cheers and the chants change, this time aimed at Sam...]

Strong: So Bruce, while Chris is lying in his hospital bed he's going to get the pleasure of watching you in a handicap match against The Hillbillys! Oh and Bruce, interfere in tonight's main event and you will be stripped of your joint contendership.

Segment Rating: B+


Jillefski: As much as I admire the sentiment behind Sam's decision, I'm not sure that the Hillbillys are going to put up much of a challenge for Bruce.

Starr: I don't think eighteen Hillbillys would be a handicap for Bruce!


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones © vs. Tribal Warrior

Having despatched Java on last week's show, Andre Jones knew just what to expect when defending his Television title against his previous opponent's partner Tribal Warrior. Knowing the two giant savages employ similar techniques Jones was prepared and successfully kept out of the way of Warrior's powerhouse manoeuvres. Aiming to exhaust his larger opponent, Jones used a series of jab-and-run attacks to great effect. With his opponent tied in knots, Jones wasted no time in connecting with the Blast from the Past.

Andre Jones wins in 6:21 via pinfall

Andre Jones retains the USPW Television in his 5th Defence.

Match Rating: D-


Starr: It takes a lot to beat one half of Savage Fury Danny, but to beat both of them in two weeks? I might not like the man, but that takes something special.



The Force vs. Giant Redwood

The Force looked set to go right from the beginning of this match, sprinting to the ring and sliding under the ring ropes. Unfortunately, this was about as good as the action got and the match was by no means a classic, the crowd thankful it only lasted five minutes. Despite Giant Redwood's best attempts he couldn't really get into the match and after The Force nearly broke in half trying to lift Redwood for the Full Force it seemed he wouldn't have to. Slamming Force down onto the mat, Redwood went for a Standing Splash...and missed! Utterly worn out, Giant Redwood couldn't kick out of the subsequent pin in time, instead flinging The Force across the ring just seconds after the bell had rung.

The Force wins in 6:46 via pinfall


[With The Force getting to his feet in victory, a figure dashes towards the ring...it's Peter Valentine! Valentine grabs the unsuspecting Force and throws him down hard onto the canvas. Focusing on the lower back, Valentine continues the assault until Shane Sneer pulls him away seemingly satisfied with the destruction.]

Match Rating: D, Segment Rating: D+


Jillefski: Peter Valentine clearly didn't like something Jim Force, sorry The Force, said to Davis last week.

Starr: Valentine seems to be sorting things out his 'unique' way as usual Danny, just beat up whoever he is angry with!


2-on-1 Handicap Match


Bruce the Giant vs. The Hillbillys

Despite being outnumbered Bruce the Giant never looked in any danger as the two blundering farmhands looked terrified at the prospect of being in the ring for any longer than a few seconds with the 'Giant from Down Under'. Having had to put up with the two Hillbillys constantly tag each other in and out it didn't take long for Bruce to anger and grabbing legal man Al he delivered a lethal Giant Headbutt that sent his opponent crashing to the ground. With Al now out cold, Bruce headed towards the Hillbillys' corner where Pete was stood frozen in terror. Reaching over the top rope, Bruce clutched Pete by the neck, dragged him over the ropes and into the ring and chokeslammed the Hillbilly on top of his partner. Placing a giant boot on top of the mound that is the former tag champions, Bruce gets the win.

Bruce the Giant wins in 4:36 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Micky, do you know what worries me most? Bruce looked like he enjoyed that!

Starr: You know, I think you're right there Danny.



Peter Valentine vs. Freddie Datsun

Non-Title Match

Two champions met in this match with one half of the tag team champions, Freddie Datsun, squaring off against USPW National champion Peter Valentine. Datsun began the strongest with 'The Everyman' using a series of transition moves to disrupt Valentine's flow, the National Champion's mind appearing to be on other matters. However, when Valentine managed to reverse a clothesline attempt into a back body drop the tables turned. After a couple of minutes on the attack Valentine dragged his opponent towards the corner and savagely rammed Datsun's head into the turnbuckle before being pulled away by referee Robbie Sanchez. When a clearly dazed Datsun was finally allowed to leave the corner he stumbled straight into the Heart Breaker, a reverse STO. Valentine had just enough time to gloat at the crowd before pinning for the three-count.

Peter Valentine wins in 5:57 via pinfall

Match Rating: D


Jillefski: Valentine's little confrontation earlier on looked to be playing on his mind a little there...

Starr: You know, that's right Danny, but boy is Freddie Datsun's head going to be sore in the morning!


[Once again the action cuts backstage to the newsroom-esque area that is fast becoming familiar to fans as the USPW Event Centre. As usual, standing by the video wall is Davis Ditterich...]



Davis Ditterich: Folks, welcome to the USPW Event Centre. As always I'm Davis Ditterich. If you didn't catch last week's show then you missed The Titans get a surprise victory over James Justice and USPW Champion Enygma. Earlier on today I had a chance to meet with the two monsters of USPW...

[As he spins around the classic video montage playing behind Ditterich fades away to reveal the USPW interview area and the two Titans and their manager, Sheik Mustafa...]



Tyson Baine: Enygma, James Justice, we are the Titans...we are the biggest, and most powerful things to have ever walked this planet! Enygma, come Star, Stripes and Slams! your title is mine...

T-Rex: ...and Justice?...your neck is mine!

[With Sheik Mustafa smirking silently in the centre, a furious roar erupts from both men as the camera moves away from the video wall to reveal a bemused Davis Ditterich turning back towards the camera...]



Davis Ditterich: Yes, well, an example of why say more than you, er, need to there from The Titans. Lets hear what James Justice had to say about the matter...

[Once again Ditterich turns as the screen fades away to James Justice standing in the well-lit USPW interview area...[]/I]



James Justice: DUDE! Well you know DD, last week T and T only beat JJ and E with a little help from SM if you know what I'm saying brother. And after our match last week, that prehistoric hulk is just asking for a second helping from Double J. I've beaten him once and I'll beat him again...any time he likes brother! Oh! Yeah!

[Justice pumps his arms and then aims a peace sign right at the centre of the camera before coolly heading off screen...


As we once again focus on Davis Ditterich he signs off quickly, clearly trying to avoid breaking out into laughter.]

Segment Rating: B



Alicia Strong & Raven Robinson vs. Belle Bryden & Cherry Bomb

A great match from a technical point of view that again affirms the USPW women's division as one of the greatest in the country. However, despite the action on show the crowd were a little flat throughout. Match official Baby Jamie had his work cut out from the beginning with the enmity between both sets of women clear to all.


Cleverly, Belle and Cherry did their utmost to keep the Raven in their corner as far away from her partner as possible. When Alicia was finally allowed to tag in both Belle and Cherry continued to double-team, using every opportunity to gang up on their opponent.


A fight back from Alicia led Cherry to exit the ring, standing alongside Belle as the two tried to psyche each other up. A glance and a grin from Raven to Alicia was all these two needed...double suicide dive!

Catching both Belle and Cherry unawares the diving bodies of Raven and Alicia completely floored them. With all four on the outside and no one interested in getting back into the ring, Jamie had no option but to count all four women out before attempting to pull them apart.

No contest after 11:28

Match Rating: C


[The ringside camera swings up towards the videotron as we begin one last backstage segment before our main event...]


[An unfamiliar sight greets the audience as the USPW camera runs across a room akin to a University lecture area. Row upon row of empty desks fill the room, the walls covered in posters of the human body. As the camera continues on it's journey a model skeleton stands next to a large chalkboard and the newest member of the USPW roster. Dressed in a white lab coat and round spectacles, the unknown man is the embodiment of the mad professor stereotype, made complete by the shock of white amidst his untamed brown hair. On his left is a large television screen paused on what appears to be a match between Chris Caulfield and Jumbo Jackson. The sound of the crowd is still audible...]


Unknown Man: Welcome class...SHUT UP WHILST I AM TALKING! It is your time you are wasting...

Right, tonight's lesson will be a study of last week's USPW match between Chris Caulfield and Jumbo Jackson. Let's take a look at the highlights...


[The man presses a button on the nearby TV set and a selection of clips are played. The highlights are obviously biased towards Jackson's offensives during the match, even leaving out Caulfield's victory pin...]


Unknown Man: As you see from that clip Jumbo Jackson is by far the superior wrestler of the two. His tactical awareness and focus on these areas of the body...


[...the man points towards the ribs and knees of the model skeleton...]


Unknown Man:...as well as the excellent use of nearby environmental advantages show an astute knowledge of the sport. Focusing on a specific area is a useful tool for several reasons, the most obvious being that continual strikes on one area of the body weakens it more rapidly thus creating a further disadvantage for the opponent.


Chris Caulfield on the other hand appears to know nothing of this skill, choosing only to strike at random, failing to direct his attacks and thus lessening his overall strategy.


[...a voice off-camera is heard, but the words are muffled...]


Unknown Man: I know he won! Did I ask for your input!? No!

Chris Caulfield clearly did not follow the rules of the game...no, a true professional would not have used such an obviously illegal move against his opponent. Danger Drop? No, it is clear to me that the best man lost last week. And after all...


...I am the expert.

Segment Rating: B


Jillefski: What on earth was that about? In fact Micky - who on earth was that?

Starr: Beats me!



Jumbo Jackson (w/Shane Sneer) vs. Enygma

Non-Title Match

The crowd were on their feet for tonight's main event between USPW World Champion Enygma and Sneer Corporation muscle Jumbo Jackson. This bout was classic wrestling all the way with a slap of hands kicking off the match. With Jackson offering a hand for the test of strength, Enygma tentatively went towards him only to be kicked in the gut for his troubles, a tactic Jackson used last week against Caulfield! Things quickly became more even with each man trading suplex after suplex whilst a noisy crowd backed Enygma and Shane Sneer barked his orders at Jackson from ringside.


Things slowly began to go Enygma's and seeing his chance way he headed to the top rope...flying dropkick!


With his opponent down on the ground Enygma pointed to the crowd...Enygma Variation! As the submission manoeuvre locked in, a win for Enygma looked certain until Jackson began edging towards the ropes. The crowd held its collective breath with Jackson's fingertips almost brushing against the rope. Seeing how close he was to victory Enygma summoned his energy and dragged his opponent back into the centre of the ring. Realising his only chance had gone, Jackson tapped rapidly on the mat as the crowd erupted for their champion.

Enygma wins a 15:34 via submission

Match Rating: C


Jillefski: I know what you're going to say Micky - what a match, what...a...match!

Starr: Hey that's pretty good. How'd you know?

Jillefski: Sorry folks, I'm going to have to keep you all guessing – that's all we've got time for! See you all next Tuesday for another round of American Wrestling!




Sports America Rating: 0.35


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Excellent show jhd1, loved it, especially the expert segment, that was pure genius. Is that actually Henry Lee, our favourite ex-DAVE psycho, playing a lecturer, or is that just me?


Love what you're doing with the woman's division, and with the Titans too. In summary, great work thus far.

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Thanks to everyone who has predicted over the last two shows, I'm honoured that so many of you are enjoying and taking part.


No-one managed 5/5 this week with the women's match fooling all of you. :D


Five people managed to get four correct predictions so congratulations to Eisen-verse, smurphy1014, angeldelayette, SWF Fan and Liamo. Also, thanks to Liamo, benjacko, -laz-, Peter, Lexa and Dragonmack for making their first predictions, it's great to have you on board!


So, here is how things look after show #2...


1st. angeldelayette, SWF Fan...9

2nd. Eisen-verse, smurphy1014, xopher316, Phantom Stranger, Tigerkinney and BHK1978...8

3rd. jingo, SeanMcFly, The Mystery and Bigpapa42...7


I'm keeping everyone's scores - thing's are tight and no-one is too far behind, and in a show or two everything could change so keep predicting!


Alts, and post-show thoughts will be up later today.

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Five people managed to get four correct predictions so congratulations to Eisen-verse, smurphy1014, angeldelayette, SWF Fan and Liamo. Also, thanks to SWF Fan, Liamo, benjacko, -laz-, Peter, and Dragonmack for making their first predictions, it's great to have you on board!


So, here is how things look after show #2...


1st. angeldelayette...9

2nd. Eisen-verse, smurphy1014, xopher316, Phantom Stranger and BHK1978...8

3rd. jingo, SeanMcFly, The Mystery, Bigpapa42, and The Mystery...7


Ahem....page 3...half way down ;) Not my first week predicting buddy, I actually think I may be on the same score as Angel if I counted right ;)


But great show yet again buddy, loved it and loved The Professor too :p

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Ahem....page 3...half way down ;) Not my first week predicting buddy, I actually think I may be on the same score as Angel if I counted right ;)


But great show yet again buddy, loved it and loved The Professor too :p


Sorry about that SWF Fan, I knew that I was going to get something wrong even as I posted it! It's now fixed - I rewrote out everyone's name in full in the spreadsheet and in the first show you were only under 'SWF' hence the confusion. But I'm glad you liked the show more than my scoring :D


Excellent show jhd1, loved it, especially the expert segment, that was pure genius. Is that actually Henry Lee, our favourite ex-DAVE psycho, playing a lecturer, or is that just me?


Love what you're doing with the woman's division, and with the Titans too. In summary, great work thus far.


Thanks Shmoe, much appreciated. And yes, that really is Henry Lee!


I love the Gordon Wright post. Very interesting read. You're doing a great job thus far, jhd1! Keep it up! (As I know you will)


Thanks Eisen, your help has been invaluable so it's good to see you like how things are going. Hope you like the show too!

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I love the attention to detail. This FEELS like what I imagine USPW to be: the shouts out to the live crowd, the backstage news area as a place to run promos, the over the top promos.


They're a traditional company with some mainstream success, but also fun and nowhere near as 'slick' as the SWF.


Good show.


The only thing I'm not buying into is Enygma and that's more the character than anything you're doing. I know it's crazy but I keep hoping someone uses those unmasked Enygma alts from the the TEW08 thread. Just to liven him up.

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Okay, here are show #2's alts...


Henry Lee as ???




Sheik Mustafa



Obviously, the Henry Lee alt is one of the big character changes I mentioned in the second post - please contact me first if you wish to use it in a mod or diary.


I love the attention to detail. This FEELS like what I imagine USPW to be: the shouts out to the live crowd, the backstage news area as a place to run promos, the over the top promos.


They're a traditional company with some mainstream success, but also fun and nowhere near as 'slick' as the SWF.


Good show.


The only thing I'm not buying into is Enygma and that's more the character than anything you're doing. I know it's crazy but I keep hoping someone uses those unmasked Enygma alts from the the TEW08 thread. Just to liven him up.


Thanks Peter, that's definitely something I've been aiming for and I'm glad you enjoyed the show. As for Enygma, hopefully I may be able to change your mind over the coming weeks :cool::D

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