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Close Combat: The Evolution of British Wrestling

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Welcome to Close Combat



Close Combat was established in June 2013 by former Ring of Fire Booker and Commentator, Richard Garlick. The sale of his video games company, Hard Line Games massed a small personal fortune of which Garlick invested a portion into the creation of Close Combat.


Despite Garlick's exploits and fan capture in The Midlands. Garlick, equipped with an excellent marketing team, managed to dual transfer the his perosnal popularity over The South and re-based his promotion in London.


Close Combat was to go almost head-to-head with Ring of Fire while mixing in alot of 21st Century Wrestling's product now that the former big british company had sunk into the oblivion.


6 months of development and Close Combat have formed a formidable roster of former 21CW members including former 21CW owner, Jeff Nova, as a member of the commentary team.


State of Play


At the turn of the year into 2014, the global state of the wrestling industry looks pretty good! Global phenomenon, TCW, top the promotion ladder while SWF has struggled to maintain its fanbase with lacklusture shows. Canada has thrown forward its own Global promotion in NOTBPW while Japan looks good with BHOTWG, PGHW and GCG all chasing down on the North American market dominance.


The UK lies deep in the abyss of wrestling amnesty. Close Combat is the UK's biggest promotion since the collapse of 21CW in February 2012, while Men of Steel Combat, the UK's Hardcore promotion up north suffered financial woes and went bust in March 2011.


Promtoion Rankings


#01 - TCW (USA #1)

#02 - SWF

#03 - NOTBPW (Canada #1)

#04 - USPW

#05 - BHOTWG (Japan #1)


#10 - SOTBPW (Mexico #1)


#13 - RAW (Australia #1)


#21 - CC (UK #1)


#24 - ROF


#29 - VWA (Europe #1)


#38 - HIW


Short History and Preview of Close Combat

Close Combat, as previously stated, is owned and run by Richard Garlick, the former ROF Colour Commentator from January 2010 to May 2013.




Garlick has become a charismatic Manager/Commentator from his time at ROF earning alot of popularity with The Midlands fans.


Close Combat has two main shows to start 2014, CC Arena and CC Blooodsport. The shows run monthly located in The Midlands and The South.




Close Combat chose to abandon a TV run with UKB Digital after one season for fears of a financial collapse. The war with ROF is isn't going well for CC as ROF push home their advantage in The Midlands with a well suited roster left behind by Garlick.


Coming Next... The Roster!

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The Close Combat Roster


The roster features two main groups, a number of tag-teams and a few individuals out for themselves.



The Real Deal, consisting of their leader, Joss Thompson, former Close Combat Ultimate Champion, Kevin Jones, CC newcomer, Jonathan Faust, Thompson's old 21CW partner, Leo Price, 'European Wonder' Byron and manager, Kathleen Lee.


The group are set on ousting Adam Matravers from his perch as CC Ultimate Champion. A team of highly talented indivisuals who are not short on success in their own ways.



The Dog Pound are The Real Deal's main opposition, they've set themselves the task of simply making life difficult for The Real Deal in their quest for the gold, glory and money! Leader, Pit Bull Brown, set about recruiting a group willing to stand up against cruelty, manipulation and greed. Brown has gone head-to-head with a number of The Real Deal's members already while his ramshackle bunch have held up their own ends well.


Their attempts to make Matravers a permenant member has failed as the current champion says he can handle his opponents on his own but Brown has ignored these humbled statements and continued to help in his own way.


Hardcore men, Andrew Lee and Bedlam have both stood firm with Bedlam tasting gold as the current CC Hardcore champion. Joe Simpson, the group's junior member is a up-and-coming wrestler whos piggy backing well on Brown's successes! The group is managed by Emma Evans.



Current CC Ultimate Champion, Adam Matravers, has finally got the prized strap around his waist following a 6 month battle with Kevin Jones. He's managed by his girlfriend, Phoebe Plumridge, and recently competed and won in CC's best ever match with Joss Thompson.



Yet really to find his feet in Close Combat, Apollo has had a mixed bag of results and hasn't really cemented a place as a contender for the CC Arena title.



While a popular figure in Europe, Jase Cole is still looking for a good run in CC as he aims for the CC Arena title.



McPeterson, son of MOSC's former owner, has set his eyes on the CC Hardcore title. He recently failed to clinch the title from Bedlam in a 1v1 Hardcore match.



Keith Adams is realtivly new in CC but recently came away with a win over Appollo Prince to cement a dominance over the other CC Arena title contenders.



Michael Gregory is the current CC Arena Champion. He has held it since a four-way ladder match for the title in July 2013. He has made 12 defences of the title to date thanks to the clinical management skills of Dunton Hall.



Was considered amongst the elite of CC when it first opened but has fallen down the ladder over the six months.



Red Dragon has found a home in CC after nearly four years on the independent circuit. He has showed he has potential by defating Byron in his opening bout.


Tag Teams



Pain United are Richard Garlick's own pet project, not happy with remaining behind a desk, the CC owner has chosen to take on the duo that make up CC's biggest two wrestlers shortly after they lost their CC Supreme-Duo titles to Kilt-X. Balder and Badberry made 7 defences of the titles before losing to Kilt-X on the last show of 2013.



The Scottish pairing of Davey Celtic and Micheal X make up Kilt-X. They are a duo of kilt wearing high flyers who look like a promise for the future. CC creative team have already lined up Davey Celtic as a future main eventer and challenger for the Ultimate Championship.



Close Combat's only really experienced team. Gob Narfi and Rhys Vali have taken on Tara Green as their manager as they look to be taken seriously in the tag-team division.



The Australian pair have yet to make a mark on the tag-division while it remains a two horse race. The young pairing have alot to learn but alot of time to do it in.


Up Next... Close Combat's first preview of 2014

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OOC: Thank You, spent a little while doing them but the way they're set-up allows me to re-use bits i've made before.





Jonathan Faust vs Pit Bull Brown
Matravers and Valentine vs Thompson and Jones
Price and Byron vs Lee and Bedlam
Pain United vs The Tribe

[u]CC Ultimate Championship[/u]
Jonathan Faust vs Adam Matravers (c)
Pit Bull Brown vs Joss Thompson

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Jonathan Faust vs Pit Bull Brown

Matravers and Valentine vs Thompson and Jones

Price and Byron vs Lee and Bedlam

Pain United vs The Tribe


CC Ultimate Championship

Jonathan Faust vs Adam Matravers ©

Pit Bull Brown vs Joss Thompson

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I made them myself. However, they are all made from templates, i added the clothes, hair, facial expressions etc. I think it may give my diary a unique look and I can also change gimmicks and looks of characters quickly to show off what I may write in the story.


I may try different poses eventually to show certain things but thats a long term idea.


If your looking for templates, google micro heroes. I got the idea from darkfire's mod.

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Red Dragon def. Lone Rider


Close Combat Bloodsport

@ Parliament Square, London

Attendance: 951


…The internet feed fires up to find Joss Thompson standing in the ring with Kathleen Lee. He has a microphone in his hand and looks ready to address the fans of Parliament Square with a short smirk on his face.


“Adam Matravers… a man who calls himself ‘Mile High’? I’m not surprised considering he thinks he can remain the CC Ultimate champion in two weeks time… cus after tonight he’s not gonna be anywhere near fit to compete against my man Faust! Whos gonna throw him from buckle to buckle til he’s bleeding from every orifice and begging for mercy as Faust wipes that silly little smile off his and his skanky girlfriend’s faces!”


… the comments don’t sit well with the crowd who start a ‘Mile High’ chant in Matravers’ honour.


“You can chant all you want cus I know for a fact that he’s not even in the building yet… now I suggest you all sit comfortable cus your gonna be sat there a while as we take your heroes apart tonight… one … by… one!”


…Thompson exits to his music leaving the hostile crowd in his wake…


…A cameraman catches an argument backstage between Apollo Prince and Keith Adams.


Apollo: “Get off my back man! I’m the Prince I can go where I want, when I want and I don’t need no lecture from your ugly mug!”

Adams: “Listen mate, I’m giving you a chance… don’t go pushing any boundaries, that’s Jeff Nova’s private lounge I don’t suggest…”


…the door flings open!


It’s Jeff Nova! He stands tall over Apollo who looks up at him like a determined little boy who can’t get his way!


Jeff: “Whats all this wee racket I hear C’ming from the hallway? … Its sounds like Bagpipes being played by a tone deaf sheep!”

Adams: “I was just telling Apollo this is your lounge and he can not go barging in at his will!”

Apollo: “You stay out of my way!”


Turns to Nova…


“I heard you had loadsa good **** up in there dude!”


Jeff: “Listen your wee bastard! That’s my stuff!”

Adams: “I told you!”

Jeff: “…and Keith why don’t you be a man and stop telling this little boy! And show him in that wee ring out there so all these fans can see how much of a little boy he is!”


Jeff storms off leaving Adams with a smile on his face and Apollo still edging to see what is in Jeff’s lounge before a security guard slams the door shut!




Jeff sits down next to Martin Bloydell as the The Tribe’s music plays over the arena.


Bloydell: “Glad you could join me Jeff as The Tribe are here to take on Pain United!”

Jeff: “AH! This wee match is gonna kick off CC’s 2014!”


Pain United join them in the ring and the match gets under way…


Pain United dominate the match, throwing Nafi and Vali from pillar to post, Vali managed a small moment of return momentum but Pain United were laughing!

You got the impression Richard Garlick was bored as his ordered Balder to finish the match. He did by powerslamming Nafi to the mat before covering for the three!


The Ring clears before the next match


Keith Adams’ music hits and this gets Nova excited!


Jeff: “ah! I just had to sort these two out! That punk Apollo was just trying to get in and have a go on my bagpipes!”Bloydell: “Yes I’m sure that’s what he was after Jeff…”




Prince seems to still be mouthing off and pointing fingers at Jeff Nova at ringside.


Jeff: “Whats he pointing at me for?! Get on with it you wee bugger!”


Adams pummels Prince from behind and gets the match underways. Adams controls most of the match, still lecturing his opponent…

…Adams is looking to seal this match when Apollo seems to irritate Nova at ringside… Nova makes a motion towards the ring forcing the referee to get Nova back under control. With the referee distracted Apollo pulls some brass knuckles from his tights and smashes Adams over the head. He grabs the ref before covering for the 3 count!


Jeff: “What happened?!”

Martin: “I think Apollo aint gna be learning no lessons today my friend!”

Jeff: “He aint getting my bagpipes!”


The Real Deal’s Byron and Price make their way to the ring read to face The Dog Pound’s Andrew Lee and Bedlam!




The Hardcore champion, Bedlam, took a pasting from Byron and Price, he looked uncomfortable unable to use weapons. Lee made a rousing reply but was thwarted by Price who hit the Price Drop to win the match.


Unable to contain themselves, The Dog Pound’s hardcore men decided they weren’t finished and rallied to punish The Real Deal members by placing them both through tables!!


Faust enters the ring while the carnage is still being cleaned up by the ring crew… he looks disgusted by The Dog Pound’s methods….


Faust: “Tables?!... The Dog Pound has to resort to tables to get one over on us?!... they disgust me… almost as much as all you non-believers!... The Real Deal needs not to resort to such methods as our bodies do the damage as such we really are… THE… REAL…DEAL…”


Theres a sense hatred from the fans as Faust gloats and soaks up the hostilities.


“And now I’m gna hand you over to my esteemed leader, Joss Thompson!”


Thompson’s music hits as he and Kevin Jones make their way to the ring in an elaborate fashion ahead of their match with Matravers and Valentine!




Thompson and Jones look to isolate Matravers as they seem to want to do as much damage as possible to the champion. They seem to attack his left knee with repeated shots. An eventual tag to Valentine brings momentum back to their team, a tag back to Matravers who comes out on fire looks like he could finish the match with a Mile High! However, his knee gives way and Thompson pounces with a Clean Cutter and claims the match!


Faust returns to the ring to celebrate before warming up the crowd with his offensive ways to grab the attention and limelight.


It takes the appearance of Pit Bull Brown to shut him up and gets the Main Event underway!




Brown looked to overpower his opponent at every opportunity but the weaselled man in the robe escaped any attempt at a put away move! Faust used his pace to skirt around Brown before grabbing an opportunity to execute the Devil’s Drop. This puts Brown out and allows Faust to cover for the 3 and give Faust valuable momentum going into his championship in just two weeks time!


Show Rating:

- 49 -



Pick Summary:

Jingo - 1/4 - 1/4 - 25%

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Pre Show


The Tribe def. Down Under


Close Combat Arena

@ Aston University Sports Hall, Birmingham

Attendance: 520


The show begins with Apollo Prince standing in the dead centre of ring, microphone in hand, looking very pleased with himself. A broad smile outlined by his trademark afro!


Apollo: “Look at me! LOOK AT ME!!”


The Nigerian has a real broad Cheshire Cat smile across his face as the crowd react angrily to Prince’s arrogance.


Apollo: “Adams demands I should respect him and the likes of Jeff Nova?! I say he respects me! You saw what I did to him two weeks ago… This is the time of Apollo… this is the time of the Prince!”




The giants of Pain United once again took the game to their opponents, dominating them with power over skill. Andrew Lee had a number of breakout attempts but the sheer power of Balder put him down and was eventually finished without much trouble.


Close Combat Hardcore Championship




Bedlam looks to defend his title for The Dog Pound. The Close Combat Hardcore title was up for grabs and Byron would prove a ‘hardcore’ opponent. Bedlam eventually one by placing a metal dustbin over the head of Byron before finding a cricketbat to pummel the trashcan while still attached to Byron. Bedlam then removed the bin to lock in the Mind Strangler and knocked Byron out.


Jeff Nova leaves the announcers desk and enters the ring, apparently with an announcement to make…


Jeff: “I’ve taken the liberty of responding to Mr. Prince’s arrogant speech from earlier tonight… I’ve had a chat with my fellow countryman, half of the Close Combat Supreme-Duo, Davey Celtic!... and he’s agreed to face Mr. Prince next month at Bloodsport!”


Jeff moves on to welcome Phoebe Plumridge and Adam Matravers to the ring…


Phoebe: “Thanks Jeff… Whats up Birmingham?!”


The crowd whistles in appreciation!


Phoebe: “Tonight my magnificent man here goes head to head with that creep of a ‘man’ Jonathan Faust… now I know that The Real Deal tried their damdest to cripple Adam to put him out of action for this match but Adam has been training hard all week and is fighting fit and ready to take on that joke of a challenger and is going to put him on that mat so we can all get ‘Mile High!’”


Close Combat Arena Championship




Michael Gregory has been outstanding in CC, he has notched up 12 defence before this match and only has two losses to his name in CC. One a DQ against Bedlam and the other in a Tag match alongside Byron against Kilt-X.


And so Gregory’s career was to go even further. He really took Valentine to town, cutting him out of contention for much of the match before completing his 13th title defence to date.


The Red Dragon comes down to the ring and offers an open challenge…


Dragon: “I find myself in the back there… I’m all geared up but then realise… I’m not booked in any matches for tonight?! SO! Since we have a little time how about someone from the back come down here so I can kick your butt so I can make it worthwhile… I don’t care if your English, Irish, Scottish, Fr…”


The sound of bagpipes plays over the PA system, it’s the into to Kilt-X’s music… Michael X appears and storms to the ring and lays into Red Dragon…


Jeff: “Ah trust a Scotsman to answer the call!”





The Scotsman really dives into Dragon head first until Dragon could get the match slowed down to his pace. He would control large portions of the match but the end came suddenly. Michael used quickness to out manoeuvre the Welshman and land the X-Driver.


Faust makes an unscheduled appearance ahead of the leader versus leader match between his stable mate, Joss Thompson, and The Dog Pound’s Pit Bull Brown.


Faust: “I was in the back when little Miss. Plumridge made her little rant about her little man…”


Faust cracks a smirk in favour of his own joke.


“…I found myself laughing… he needs his little girlfriend there to come out and make frankly awful speeches in an attempt to unsettle me but darling… I’m already unsettled because I’m not content with just being a challenger… I’m waiting to settle into the shoes of a champion!”


Joss Thompson makes his way down to the ring to join Faust who is followed shortly by Pit Bull Brown so the penultimate match of the night can get underway.




Brown looked very determined to make up for the loss he suffered two weeks previous. He brawled with the American, trying to force him into a slugfest but Thompson would slow down match and turn it into a technical based mat-fest. One last attempt from Brown saw him try and manouver for the Dog-House Piledriver but Thompson was equal to it and countered into a Clean Cutter, providing the win!


Matravers and Faust in turn make elaborate entrances lasting several minutes to get the crowd into a mass of suspense.


Close Combat Ultimate Championship




Expectations of this match were high and The Real Deal sensed a victory could be theirs following the attack on Matravers’ knee two weeks previous. Faust could smell blood and targeted the knee again and again. Faust went for a massive shoulder block on the champion’s knee but Matravers’ spotted it and counter with a huge kick to the face. Faust was bust open, blood poured from his nose and a look of fear was spread across the challenger’s face. Thompson came rushing to the ring. Kathleen Lee got the referee’s attention as Joss jumped in to attack Matravers. The champion was on the ball and dropkicked Thompson before ejecting him from the ring. Faust was back up covered in blood, Matravers sent the challenger to the floor before executing the Mile High! He covered as Thompson tried to jump into the ring but Plumridge floored him with a chair the referee was on hand and counted the pinfall! Adam Matravers remains the Close Combat Ultimate Champion!


Show Rating:

- 50 -



Pick Summary:

Jingo - 1/2 - 2/6 - 33%

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Pit Bull Brown & Adam Matravers vs Joss Thompson & Jonathan Faust
[u]CC Arena Championship[/u]
Michael Gregory vs Keith Adams
Davey Celtic vs Apollo Prince

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