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TNA! Now that's Sports Entertainment!

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Back story:


After the last Impact! episode, which went live head to head with RAW, Hogan and Dixie Carter were a little frustrated about the ratings. They didn't expect anything huge but they expected a bit better... The show had amazing reviews, and people even said it was better then RAW was that night. Hogan told Dixie not to pay too much attention right now, as the WWE is heading into Wrestlemania, and this is their time to shine.


Dixie asked then why did we start at this time, why not wait till after Wrestlemania? Hogan looked at her, took off his headband, and said he is about to talk to everyone about why as she isn't the first to raise this question. He explained that today is a good day to explain it, and he wanted to do so before the show goes live (which was in about 3 hours).


Then Dixie finally noticed me standing around waiting on Hogan. She asks who I am, and Hogan tells her that will be explained at the meeting. I don't think I recognize his face she tells him, he's another new member of the roster?


Patience Hogan says as he walks her to the door. He really struck me as being fatherly to her throughout all of this. Especially after taking off the headband, and his heavy eyebrows and balding head really enhanced this effect. I couldn't help wondering to myself if this is actually a good idea or not. I've never been a TNA fan, yet I know there's no way I could have this chance at the one promotion I do know.


Hogan turns to me after closing the door, and says to me that she is always that sweet. I just kind of nod and say cool.


I hope everyone is as nice as she is I say.


For the most part, these guys are really nice. Some of them can get out of hand sometimes, but you'll find out who you have to be a little more stern with in no time. Don't worry about tonights show, it's already to go. All we need to do is get these guys together and let them know who you are and why your here.


With that last remark he walked out of the office. I felt good and nervous at the same time. I don't mind talking in front of people, but talking in front of people and telling them I'm going to be their boss is a different matter. I was seriously considering just leaving, and never coming back.

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Sitting in the office and looking over the roster, I started thinking about how I ended up here.


It wasn't that long ago, about a year or so, when I had a gig for a Hotel near where I lived. I don't normally do these things, but a friend of mine had gave them my name and number, and they were willing to pay really well, and I didn't have to move my gear till the following Monday. So I played some music in the club area of the Hotel that Thursday till Sunday.


The first night, I get in early, and people were at the bar watching TNA. I was getting my gear all ready to go, and started watching as well. We all started talking about it, and I couldn't help voicing my opinion of how TNA has always left a bad taste in my mouth. Some of the people laughed, and other's were upset. There were a couple that talked to me a little more about it, and so I just said what I always say. They have just as big of stars as WWE, they probably have more talent, and yet because it always feels clustered it comes off as amatuer night at the Appollo, instead of an actual show.


The crowd starts getting lively and I noticed a few of them were giving out autographs. After a while playing some music, I get a good feel for what the people want to here, and I actually did better then I thought I would. They were singing along to all the older music, dancing and clapping with the new. Pretty good night.


Friday night comes around, and I get there early enough to watch Wrestling with alot of the same people that were their before. We are all drinking and talking, and people that were there the night before talk about how boring it is, predictable, etc. These are not things I haven't heard before, but I've never had conversations like this face to face with anyone. Ussually over the internet. I voice a few opinions of my own, and as people start coming in, I start the music up.


Again, the night was even better (crowd wise) then the night before, and I get a good feel for the people, and they really get into the music... Line dancing to songs that you don't normally line dance to, I play the Electric Slide to balance that out (I hate Line Dancing). I play some Old School, I mix in the new school, I mix country over some booty music, just because it was funny to do, think "Hey Good Looking" mixed with "Boot the Booty" instrumental, and you get the idea. It was a really great night.


As I was winding it down with some slow songs, as I always do for the last part of the night, some of the guys I was talking with earlier come up to the booth. They tell me it was a blast, but they were leaving tomorrow. They tell me if they are ever in town again, they want to here me play. I say thanks alot, it is always great to here things like that. I give them my card, then the discussion changed to wrestling again.


I go on and on about things I would do different, comparing it to what I was doing that night music wise. I talked as I was putting up my equipment, and even after I was ready to head out, I talked to them in the lobby for probably two hours, as they seemed really interested in what I was saying.


That's how I ended up here. Bubba the Love Sponge was one of the guys, and he told Hogan some of the things I said, and I recieve a phone call, and I talk his ear's off (more about what a fan I am more then what he was trying to talk about... ). He offer's me this job, and I say yes before I even realised it, just because I was so excited that I was talking to HULK HOGAN.

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After the "meeting" in which after I was introduced, I found myself for a loss of words.. I don't even remember what I said. I'm just glad it's over.


I click on the monitor to watch the show from the office.









The show opens with a very lively crowd cheering "TNA, TNA"



The camera goes backstage with Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus talking about how easy this next match will be for them as they head out to the arena. Shannon Moore and The Amazing Red are in the ring as the camera cuts back to the ring.





The pace is fast, and although Shannon Moore seemed to have one or the other pinned more then once, Doug Williams pulls out the win with a pin on The Amazing Red. Shannon Moore tries to tell the Ref that he had his feet on the ropes, but the Ref didn't see it.


As The British Invasion walks off to celebrate their Victory Shannon Moor grabs a mic in the ring.


"You might feel real good about yourself right now, but your not going to be so happy at DESTINATION X!"



Shannon Moore's music comes on as the camera fades to commercial.









Winner: British Invasion: C-














We see Traci Brooks talking to of all people Daffney.



So you want to come out there with me?




Daffney just smiles as they head out to the ring to Traci's music.


This is quickly followed by Angelina Love and Tara coming out to face them in the ring. This is going to be a match.








Now... See, this is what I was talking about when I say "Make Sense". Why are these two teaming up? What's the story there? I understand a little bit why Angelina and Tara are, but what does Daffney and Miss Brooks have to do with each other? This hasn't been explained, yet here we have a match with them as a team. It's just "Sloppy" to me. This is what I'm supposed to help with somehow. The show goes on...




The match starts, and both Tara and Angelina seem like they are going to dominate this match. Daffney gets a few good hits in here and there, of course while she is not the "legal" person in the ring. Angelina and Traci Brooks are the legal people in the ring, when Tara finally has enough and attacks Daffney outside of the ring.


The Beautiful people's music hits, and we see all three run down the ramp. The Ref tries to keep his attention in the ring, while Tara turns to face them. All the commotion makes the ref look at what's going on outside the ring, when Daffney gets a good hit on Angeline, who is looking at Lacey Von Erich. The Ref turns around to see Traci pinning Angelina and counts 1, 2, 3!









Traci Brooks and Daffney defeated Angelina Love and Tara: C-









Hernandez and Matt Morgan are seen backstage. Matt is a bit frustrated with Hernandez for offering Beer Money INC a chance at their tag titles.


Matt Morgan: I would like to hold on to these things for as long as we can. I know they DESERVE a chance, but don't you think we deserve to keep the titles?


Hernandez: Of course I do. I think we can beat them though, don't you?


Matt Morgan: That's not the point, look. I'm just saying there are other's, like the Motorcity Machine Guns, and we could have gave them a shot, and saved Beer Money for later.


Hernandez: Why didn't you say that before? That makes sense.


Matt Morgan: Whatever, look, what's done is done. Good luck with your match, I'll be watching.


Hernandez: Thanks, good luck with yours too.






Hernandez music hits as he makes his way down the ramp, as the crowd cheers. The cheers get even bigger as his opponant comes down.

Although the match wasn't very exciting, the crowd was still into it, as they cheered for both.


Morgan was watching backstage, as he was getting ready for his match. Maybe he should have been at ringside.


Chris Sabin defeated Hernandez: C-



cut to commercial






We are back in the Arena with Ric Flair standing in the ring with AJ Styles.





Abyss!! Your not worthy of that ring. You should take it off and give it to...








Take it off right now and give it to him and you don't have to face him tonight!


The music of Hulk Hogan hits as Abyss comes down the ramp.





Flair, you want this ring for AJ?


Flair, smiling says yes without a microphone, nodding his head in approval.


Well he isn't getting it!








and you won't have to go through with this match.




and you won't get embarressed by












Abyss throws Flair out of the ring, and AJ reacts with a dropkick to the back of the head of Abyss, the referee signals for the bell to ring and it's on.


Abyss dominates this match, although AJ gets his licks in. Flair at ringside gives the ref a headache having to watch the match and Flair at the same time.


Everytime it looks like it's going to chang up in AJ's favor, Abyss starts shaking and nothing seems to phase him. Finally he blocks a punch from AJ and points in his face.


....at the same time the ref is looking outside the ring at something Flair had thrown to distract the ref, just a moment before


....at the same time Flair gets in the ring and low blows Abyss from behind


AJ takes complete advantage of this and rolls Abyss up for the pin. The ref turns around in time to give the three count.



Winner AJ Styles w/Ric Flair: C




More to come





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I watched the whole first half of the show from the office, now going into the second hour with Abyss and AJ Styles. WOW, Flair is doing an awesome promo "WOO" I thought. "Give AJ the ring, and you won't get embarresed, he was saying.


I knew from the script that a beatdown on Abyss was coming, and I wanted to go out there but I couldn't stop watching, afraid to miss something. I said to myself as soon as the next commercial come, I was going to run out to the arena to see if I could "feel" that magic I felt during Wrestlemania I. I remember feeling like static electricity was in the air during that, when Hogan come to the ring, and I didn't even like him.


All in all I had to admit the show seemed to be making sense, and it wasn't that hard to watch as it seemed a while back. In fact, I thought it was going along nicely. To bad I can't take credit for this... and I suddenly thought to myself, how in the world am I going to be able top shows like these? If this is normal now, I might fail. Suddenly I'm worried, perhaps even a little afraid.


No matter, Hulkamania is about to go to the stage, and I MUST get out there before that happens.




OOC: This is the first show I ever put together for a diary I believe. It's much harder then I thought to make it look halfway decent, and I want to just say to all the writers that might read this, I have even MORE respect for you then before (and I had ALOT)!! Just writing the show itself deserves respect, but there is an unexpected "art" to making it look decent that I have alot more respect for after doing the first half of this one. It's not like you can do a direct copy/paste from wordpad as I thought I could.


EDIT: Hmm... I have a five star rating already? Someone going by and just throwing them out for free now?

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Ric Flair gets in the ring with AJ while the Ref is still holding AJ's hand up in victory, and proceeds to start stomping on Abyss. AJ turns to see this, and picks Abyss up for Flair to low blow him... again.

They beat on Abyss and the crowd is going nuts, booing the "Nature Boys", yet they don't seem to have any intentions on stopping, as they continue. Flair gets a couple chairs from outside the ring, and throws one under the head of Abyss. AJ Holds Abyss still while Flair gets ready to slam Abyss with the other chair, but looks up toward the ramp as......






The music of Hulk Hogan roars through the arena, as the Hulkster himself hurries down the ramp to the ring!

Flair throws the chair away, and throws up his hands and gesture's to Hogan "COME ON"!

AJ doesn't seem to notice Hogan, and is trying to get Flair to pick the chair back up to hit Abyss with it!

Hogan gets to the ring, and catches a wild punch by Flair and knocks him backward, falling over AJ. AJ, still not looking toward Hogan, gets up looking confused, going to help his fallen friend, when Hogan clobbers him in his back, sending AJ Tumbling on top of Flair.

AJ seems to be alright as he gets up to face the Hulkster, while Abyss looking dazed, rolls out of the ring to escape. He doesn't seem to notice that Hogan is in the ring as he makes his way up the ramp, wobbling.

Hogan and AJ face each other in the ring, when AJ suddenly backs into the ropes to build speed to hit Hogan with.... BIG BOOT by Hogan as AJ comes off the ropes, only to fall back on them. Hogan hits him with a forearm and sends him to the other side of the ring, bouncing off the ropes. On Styles return, Hogan hits him with another big boot, but doesn't see Flair behind him with a chair.

Flair hits Hogan in the back with the chair sending Hogan to the mat. AJ and Flair then start giving him a beat down as security comes to the ring. Both having a chair now, take turns swatting away security and beating Hogan down in the middle of the ring.

Security, although seemingly unable to get a hold of AJ or Flair, manages to roll Hogan out of the ring, and carry him backstage. Flair and AJ clear the ring of any of the remaining security, and then Flair gets a mic.





Hogan, I've never liked you. I might have respected you, but I've NEVER liked you. You know that Abyss don't deserve that ring! You might be a Legend like me. You might be thought of as a wrestling GOD in this business! But your nothing to me Hogan! NOTHING!! You have NEVER been THE MAN Hogan! NEVER!!



The Music hits and we fade to commercial.




We are back live on TNA Impact! and what a show it's been.


Definitely, I can't believe what I just heard though, did I hear that right?


I'm not sure what your talking about TAZ?


Did I just hear Flair issue a challenge to Hogan? He knows he promised Brook, his daughter, that last week would be the last time he set foot in the ring. I'm not sure what's going on here.


Now that you point it out, it did sound like it.


Well yeah, I think he's been a little nuts lately, but this, this was pretty much a taunt meant for Hogan, not Abyss.


Well right now we have more to deal with, you hear that?


Yeah, that's Beer Money's music, and can only mean one thing!


That's right, Robert Roode is making his way down the ramp right now.


That was interesting last week, where Jarret demanded to know how they could team up against him after all he did for them.


Jeff named quite a few things he done for them...


True, but the response to that was "What have you done for me lately?" and I have to agree with Beer Money, we haven't see much from Jeff in the way of help in a while.


Here comes his opponent now.


This is the match he was getting ready for, I know it's obvious but I was wondering myself.


We'll be right back, as the Blueprint makes his way to the ring now.


cut to commercial






This match, although not as exciting as the last, was definitely interesting. The crowds was really in it, as Matt Morgan pulls off the victory.


Winner: Matt Morgan: C




As we come back from commercial (sure is allot of them). Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are already in the ring. The bell rings and the match begins.







Nash dominates at the beginning, but Sean Waltman shows up and trips him up a couple times. Scott Hall pulls out the victory with a flash pinfall.


They both leave before Nash has time to react.

Nash gets up rubbing the back of his head, shaking it with a disappointed look on his face.



Winner Scott Hall: D




Stings music comes on and he makes his way to the ring. He grabs a Microphone, circling around the ring as he's talking.




Dixie, I don't care if you put me in a match every week, I owe you NOTHING! Who is it this time? Rob Van Dam again? I don't even care, I'm ready. It doesn't matter who....





The music of Jeff Hardy interrupts Sting, and he looks up to the ramp. Hardy comes from the crowd and jumps in the ring behind him and the ref calls for the bell.


Sting turns around to see Jeff Hardy but it's too late, as Jeff kicks him in the midsection,


Twist of Fate.


1, 2, 3.



Winner Jeff Hardy: C+


Hardy starts to leave, but sting trips him by grabbing his foot.

Before Hardy can react, Sting has his bat and proceeds to beat on Hardy... As last week, Sting looks like he has had enough, and starts to leave, but he goes back and proceeds to beat up on him some more.

Security comes out, and Sting is able to keep them at bay with his bat, and continues to beat on Jeff. Jeff is bloody and the crowd is going nuts, boo!! BOO!!!



Sting continues to beat on hardy as Impact! fades to black.



Monday Week 2, March 2010 with 6,095 in attendance


Impact! Receives a C+ Rating.



OOC: All advice on how to make this more entertaining is more then welcome. Thanks in advance.

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Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore


Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson


Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe


Tara vs. Traci Brooks


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner


The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita


Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

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nice show hope traci get pushed



Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore

Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson

Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe


Tara vs. Traci Brooks

Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner

The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita


Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

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Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore


Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson


Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe


Tara vs. Traci Brooks


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner


The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita


Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

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Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore


Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson


Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe


Tara vs. Traci Brooks


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner


The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita


Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

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Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore


I have never been a fan of Shannon


Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson


Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe


Tara vs. Traci Brooks


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner


The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita

Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

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Nicely done, DJ. I especially liked the bit during the female tag match, and the break between hours, where we glimpsed into your (character's) mind. So not so much "advice" as, hey, that was cool, if you could do more than that, then yay! lol




Doug Williams vs Shannon Moore

Shannon Moore will put up a good showing, but the British Invasion numbers tilt this match in Dougie's favor. The Mohawked Marauder falls to the Chaos Theory and Williams gets the W.


Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting

So many high profile guys, this match could go either way, but I have a sense that Sting will gain some redemption from his loss last week. That and he's teaming with the dirtiest player in the game! Woo!


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson, one day, will be a main event player, but it's not his time just yet. Angle locks in the ankle lock, and forces the former Mr. Kennedy to submit.


Matt Morgan and Hernandez vs. Beer Money INC. vs. Motor City Machineguns

Miscommunication does in our tag champs, and Beer Money capitalizes on the mistake. Supermex and the Blueprint may not scrap by the conclusion of this night ... but they'll jaw enough to leave us salivating for their eventual implosion.


Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Jarrett

Let's see ... J+J = Double J ... R+V+D = Mr. PPV! Can't argue math.


Desmond Wolfe vs. D'Angelo Dinero

Dinero's on the cusp of greatness. Ready to reach that next tier, to leave his mark, to be given the ball and see how far he can go. That and he's flippin' awesome! Pope ... has ... spoken!


Kevin Nash and Eric Young vs. Sean Waltman and Scott Hall

3 members of the band in the same ring, at the same time? Hard to imagine this going down any way but cleanly. Question is, who screws who? By the end of the match, I think it's gonna be a 3 on 1 ... with Big Sexy being abused mercilessly.


Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe

Holy Jimminy, Joe's back! Should be some good back and forth, and a few spots where people scrunch their face, and go "Oooh!" In the end, though, the NoV member wins with a violent Muscle Buster.


Tara vs. Traci Brooks

Can my analysis for this match be hubba-hubba? If this match is for the title, I don't see Tara losing it just yet, with crazy Daffney lurking in the shadows.


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner

I like Foley better. Without speculating randomly, I can't truly justify this pick one way or another, so I just went with the guy I like. lol


The Beautiful People vs. Taylor Wilde and Sarita

TBP are a collective unit with a numbers advantage, a pink ugly stick, and momentum. And the third is the reason they pick up the victory.


Raven, Dr. Stevie and Rhino vs. Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Shark Boy

Team ECW! Three very dangerous men individually, and when you put them together, they're a force to reckon with. And as good as Lethal may be, even the power of the Madness can't save him from an Evenflow DDT.

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Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to TNA!




Destination X Baby!


That's right, and what a show we have for you tonight.



Kevin Nash's music hits, with Kevin and Eric Young coming out to the ring.



Here we go right now, I mean look at those two, they mean bussiness.


Very stern looks from both of them.



We are shown a video of the problems between Hall, Waltman, Young and Nash as they get in the ring.






Nash and Young both are in the ring when Hulk Hogan's music hits. He comes down the ramp with lots of "HOGAN" chants coming from the crowd. He continues shaking hands on the way down.



Looks like the Hulkster has something to say.


Maybe, looks like he's coming this way.


Your right he's almost here. Hey Hulk, you want a mic?



Hulk motions for a headset.


I think he wants join us Tazz.


I think your right, here you go Hulkster.


Thanks brother. You know, I get tired of hanging around in the back all the time. I want to be out here where the action is Brother, you get what I'm saying?


Definately uh, Hulkster. I dont' blame you either. I definately feel privilaged.


I have to admit I feel pretty privatedged as well, for having Hulk Hogan joining us.


Well yah, that to.


Thanks bother's, but the priviledge is mine. I mean, working for a hot woman like Dixie Carter. Being a part of TNA. It's like a dream brother!






The music of Hall and Waltman come on, and they head for the ring, taking there time. They seem to be trying to talk to Nash but we can't make out what is being said. It's obvious that Kevin doesn't seem to want any part of it though.


So, what's the deal here Hulk. I guess if Scott and Sean win here they get high paying contracts?


Let me tell you something brother. No matter how I feel about it, if they can pull out a win here they deserve it.


No complaints here Hulkster. I don't know, I kind of like them.


The match is about to begin now.


Looks like Young and Waltman start things off here, huh?




Sean Waltman and Scott Hall vs. Eric Young and Kevin Nash



The match starts off with Sean Waltman and Eric Young, and at a surprisingly fast pace. The crowd gets lively when Hall and Nash end up in the ring together, and take a good while teasing the crowd, just to have Hall tag in Waltman. Back and forth action, till Young gets a little to close to the wrong corner, and gets hit in the back of the head by Hall, allowing the X-Factor to take over, and Eric to get pinned. Nash gets in the ring, and for a second it almost looks as if he's going to join them in celebrating, till Waltman gets the big boot. Hall jumps out of the way, and out of the ring, grabbing Waltman out swiftly. They make their way out through the crowd leaving Nash to attent to Eric Young who looks out of it.



Wow! So I guess that means that they get that contract now eh?


You know brother, I really wish that this didn't happen this way, but I can't go back on my word.


A dissapointing match for Eric Young..


Kevin don't look to happy either there.


That's the breaks, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Ain't that right Hulkster?


Tazz brother! This show has just started, and I know not everything isn't going to go how The Hulkster wants it to go. But you know what brother? It's going to be a great show! I mean, TNA Mania is rocking the world Brother. And I can't wait to see the rest of the show!


I here that!




Winner: Sean Waltman and Scott Hall: C-




I have some great news for you. Your going to like this.




What now?


I talked to the Motor City Machineguns, and guess what?




I got them in man. You know.. You said you wanted to give them a shot, remember?


Yeah, great man! I don't know how you pulled that off, but that's great news!


Yeah, and it's going to be a great match too. Title's on the line, three tag tea....




Yeah man, you know. US, Them, and Beer Money man.


What? Oh DUDE!


Yeah, You like it don't you.


Dude!! You know we don't even have to lose to lose the belts now!


Yeah, whoever get's the pin wins man.


NO!! That triples are chances at losing. You really need to start talking to me before doing anything.


But you said...


Forget what I said! This is getting ridiculous. Don't you have any common sense?




Forget it man... Just make sure you don't screw up when time for our match.


Hey look. I'm getting really tired of this crap man!




Yeah. If I didn't know better I'd think you don't think we can win!


You just made our chances worse!!?


IF you don't think we're good enough man, then maybe...


I didn't say that.... look, just... forget about it man. I'll see you in the ring.


You sure?





As Hernandez walks off, Morgan hits his hand on his forehead, takes a deep breath, and then puts his hands on his hips and breaths out heavily. He is obviously frustrated over Hernandez.


Rhino is walking with Dr. Stevie




So you think you can help me?



I know I can help you. Just takes a little work is all. We'll get through that, I promise.




In Eric Bischoff's office we see The Beautiful People in conversation with Bischoff.




Look, that's my decision ladies. If your going to be a part of Destination X, your title's are going to be on the line.




We just got the title's, it shouldn't be a title match.




Yeah, I mean come on Mr. Bischoff, isn't there some way we can work this out?



She looks to where Eric's eyes are, and winks at....






Lacey Von Erich leaning over showing much cleavage.



Sorry Ladies, I've made up my mind.



They leave the office unhappy.



Then Traci Brooks steps from somewhere unseen before.



Yes, you have your match


Traci smiles and leaves Bischoff to attent to his bussiness.






Somewhere backstage we see Shark Boy, Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal talking, seemingly getting along. Dr. Stevie walks by and Shark Boy grabs hold of his arm.


What do you want, I have to get going.


Look Dr. Doolittle, I've been trying to figure you out. What the heck kind of doctor are you anyway?


I'm a psychiatrist.


A looney doc, that what you are?


The other's laugh at Sharkboys comments, Dr. Stevie doesn't look humored.


Your one strange Quack, that's for sure.


Look, do you have anything intelligent to say here? Or just moronic...



Hey man, that's not cool. Sharkboy here was just being friendly man.



Dr. Stevie starts to smile looking down behind them. They all back up and take a look at what he is looking at, and Raven is revealed sitting there, right behind them. He gets up laughing.





You know it's funny to me, how so many can be making fun of a psychiatrist when they obviously need one so dessperately.


Oh, look at yourselves standing there.


Man that Rocky Balboa hits hard, don't he?




I've been watching your act for a while chicken of the sea.




Guess what?




Your not Steve Austin.




And that's the bottum line.....




Because Stone Cold Raven said so!



Raven turns his attention to Jay Lethal



OH YEAH! Macho Madness!


Space is the place!


Bite into a Slim Jim!


Mental telepathy! Oh Yeah!


Can you not see how rediculous you three look? No wonder your getting along so well. I doubt the "REAL" people your so fond of emulating would get along so well. You REALLY should make an appointment to see the Dr. Really... All three of you.

So it is written, so it shall come to pass, quote the Raven, nevermore.




Look here Raven. You might have been on space mountain, but I been over the bridge, oh yeah.

You think so, but I know so, oh yeah.

Can you dig it?




If it's one thing I can't stand, it's a bad Fish Joke.


What's wrong with you?


What?....What?....What, what?


You want to come out here and make fun of lil' Sharky?


You want to stand lil' Sharky up, and knock lil' Sharky back down?


Look at me when I'm talking to you boy!




Whatever the hell you think you are!


I've been through alot!


You want to talk about last week?


Let's talk about today.


I'm excited!


I'm flying!


I'm ready to go!


Then I got nervous


I got worried


a little scared






You know why?


No Clam Juice!


You think thats funny?




My liver was all twisted up!


It devasted me!


So you know what little Sharky did?


He went out of town and loaded up.


On Clam Juice.


On beer!


On whisky!


On more clam juice!


More Beer!


More Whiskey!


More Clam Juice!


You know why?


Because Little Sharky wasn't going to come here dry and thirsty eh EHH!!


Because little Sharky come here to open up a can of whup ass!!


And little Sharky don't care who it is!


If its Kaz!


If its Shannon Moore!


If its Doug Williams!


The Amazing Red!






One of the Jacksons!




Up in the air!




Who could it be?


A Plane!?


A bird?!


Oh, I know what it is!


Its A






Shark Boy kicks Raven in the gut and Stuns him. Dr. Stevie tries to help but Black Charisma grabs hold of him.

Out of the Blue Consequences Creed gets GORED!





by Rhino.



However, Sharkboy, Consequences Creed, and Jay Lethal are getting the best of them, as security shows up.

We cut to the ring to see Hogan standing with a Microphone, and the big screen showing the action backstage.


Alright guys calm down.


They all seem to settle a bit, of course security is there to help with that.



If you guys can't get along, you need to settle your difference's right here, in the ring. That's how things get done on TNA brother! You don't like that, you know where the door is!






In Eric Bischoffs office, Jarrett is demanding a Match.






I have just the opponant for you, tonight Jeff, I hope that makes you happy.







Bischoff puts his thumbs in the air, and starts pointing down at himself with them. Jarrett turns away frustrated...


Samoa Joe bursts in. Jeff Jarrett is still in there, but just one look at Joe and he decides now is a good time to leave. Joe slams the door.


Back in the arena:

The music of The Beautiful People hits as they come down the ramp. Hogan makes his way back to Tenay and Tazz, as they enter the ring. Sarita and Taylor Wilde come down soon afterwards.


http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/MadisonRayne3.jpghttp://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/VelvetSky09.jpg with http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/laceyvonerich2.jpg





This match was a let down for anyone wanting some skill, but the commentary didn't seem as interested in the wrestling as they were hoping for a wardrobe malfunction that never happened.... Well, at least Tazz seemed to be hoping for that. Of course Lacey was on the outside, and had a fair number of licks in when the ref couldn't see, but when the ref did see, she would keep his attention allowing her partner's to double team on Taylor Wilde. By the time the ref turned around there was a pin going on, and nothing he could do but count 1, 2, 3!



Winners The Beautiful People: D+








So the Beatiful People pull off the win.





That they are, beautiful. I can't stop looking at them. I can't believe the Hulkster decided to ditch us in the middle of all that!


Moments before Hogan told The Mental Ward and Lethal Consequences to settle their differences in the ring.


And Sharkboy, don't forget that. You know he was on a roll there, that lil' sharky, I'll tell ya.


Lets take a look at what happened.



A video clip is played showing what transpired, then the Mental Wards music hits.







The Mental Ward with Rhino



Lethal Consequences with Sharkboy



The match was all over the place. The ref couldn't keep any order, as everytime he looked in one corner, a guy from the other would join in illegally. There was clam juice, corner sitting, rope-a-dopes, and even a gore or two... Probably only would have took one of those though.



Winners The Mental Ward with Rhino: B-




The camera shows us Tara and Traci Brooks getting ready for a match in seperate dressing rooms.



We are then treated to a highlight video of the last Impact with Eric Bischoff's announcement of Doug Williams vs. Shannon Moore.



Back in Tara's dressing room we see Angelina Love talking to Tara.


So who's your opponant tonight?


I wasn't told. It doesn't really matter though, I'm ready.


They both laugh as we go back to the ring.






Back in the ring we see Doug Williams awaiting his opponant, when Shannon Moore's music hits.




http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/DougWilliams09.jpg vs. http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/ShannonMoore11.jpg



Needless to say the match was full of The British Invasion running in and out of the ring. Shannon Moore had his work cut out for him for sure, but the turning point was when Jeff Hardy showed up out of no where and delivered a twist of fate to Doug Williams, while Shannon was trying to recover from the last attack. This match did what it was supposed to do.... Grab the audience attention


Winner and new X-Division Champion Shannon Moore: C+






Big Poppa Pump is seen backstage talking to Kristal, well.... Holding her arm and keeping her there against her will.




Look, Leave me alone!




Come on now, you know you can't take your eyes off the guns.



Steiner flex's his free arm.



Oh my god, you make me sick.


You know you want to be with me. Your going to change your mind, I guarrentee it!


yuck, Whatever.



Mick Foley walks up and gets between them, knocking Kristals arm loose from Steiner's grip. Kristal don't hesitate to make a hasty escape.



What are you doing Foley, you know she wants me. All of them do.


She don't want you Scott. Why don't you leave her alone already?


It's none of your bussiness Foley, besides... her mind will change after tonight.


Why do you say that, what did you do?


Let's just say, I don't think she is going to be interested in her husband after the "gift" I gave him.


You know what Steiner, people say I'm gutter trash, but your garbage.


Watch if Foley


I mean it. Your garbage.



With that Foley walks away from Steiner. Steiner just smiles and nods his head in anticipation. Anticipation for what?








Tara vs. Traci



It was obvious straight away that Traci was mismatcher here. I hate to be smarky here, but "Tara really helped Traci out there". But the match was more then just wrestling, as Traci showed alot of cleavage, Tara however showed more of the other side.



Winner Tara: C+






Mick Foley knocks on Bischoffs office, then decides to just walk in. Inside he see's Kristal and Lashley fussing at Bischoff.





I'm sorry but no, that's not possible. Besides your in a match already.




Look, I really need you to make...


I can't, I'm sorry. You'll have to settle this on a different night.


I want Steiner! Who am I fighting anyways? I didn't know..


You'll find out.




Give me that match then.


Mick, no.. You don't want to get in the ring do you?


If your not going to let Bobby, let me. I'm sick of this guy. I can't stand it when women get mistreated.


Alright, that should settle it




No, your in a match already, sorry. Foley I can work with though.






Desmond Wolf's music hits as he comes out to the ring. We however are treated to all the bad things Desmond has done to POPE, via Video footage.


http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/DesmondWolfe.jpg vs. http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l49/djthefunkychris/TNA/DangeloDinero4.jpg



When the match begins, it's obvious that POPE's not walking to well. By about halfway through the match, it's obvious he was faking. By the end of the match, Wolfe figured out he had been played, you know... after the ref was raising his opponants hand.



Winner POPE: B-







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  • 3 weeks later...



I really had high hopes for this first part telling the story as to why people were in match's... I shouldn't have been this bold, and I'm starting to panick, as this is not the show I was wanting to show on this night.


OF course people like Hogan were really happy with it, it let them shine/stand out quite a bit, but I was not very happy at all. I had so much more planned, and I had to think fast, all this talk/talk stuff has to stop. Thank god POPE and Wolf's match was doing great. I had to have a quick meeting to change up our second half before it was too late.


Hogan told me he thought it was great the way it was planned... I thought to myself, of course he did... He was going to be in almost every segment. All the sudden I find myself thinking that alot of the stories about him were correct.... All but one anyways. Hulk is about Hulk, but he is also about whatever company he happens to be in as well, and right now that is TNA. I find it comforting that he is willing to do something I think might help turn this around a little bit, although I had to really emphasize that it was to help TNA, help the talent, not hurt him. He knows I am a huge fan of his, and I think that might have influenced him to go along with it as well, but....


I just hope I don't hurt him. That wouldn't help TNA at all.


We'll see I guess.

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Part II














We are in the ring with The Motor City Machineguns as Beer Money INC. music hits, followed closely by Matt Morgan and Hernandez. Neither Hernandez nor Morgan look happy with each other as they come down to the ring.


This match starts off well, with all the teams having their own moments. The tension between Hernandez and Morgan is obvious in this match. Each time one of them gets tagged in, they try to outdo what the other has done, and every time they really should tag, they try not to... Purposely trying to keep the other out of the match... This is good for the other teams, who seem to enjoy ganging up on them. The problem that Beer Money and MCMG's have is that although they seem to get either Morgan or Hernandez in a pin position, neither of them are willing to let the other do the pinning. This goes so far as a rivalry seems to be going on between the two teams.

Hernandez and Morgan do seem to see the light, as they start working together more and more, as the other two teams start paying attention to each other. Once a piece, they end up tapping themselves in to try to get the pin that the other had set up to no avail. To wards the end of this match though, Morgan taps in Hernandez after getting the better of the other two in the ring. Hernandez hits the Border Toss on Alex Shelley, and Morgan prevents the other's from reaching him before the ref counts 3.


Winners Matt Morgan and Hernandez B-


Mick Foley is next to the ring. He grabs a Microphone.




You know, I might not like some people around here, but I always feel a man should be a gentlemen in the presence of a Lady. It is my honor, to do this, no matter who the lady is I'm doing it for. Garbage like this...

He is interrupted by Big Poppa Pumps Music, who doesn't take long to get into the ring. He grabs the microphone from Foley.




I told you Foley, you need to learn when to shut your mouth. You see what happened to Bobby didn't you?

Steiner throws the Mic outside the ring and motions to the ref to sound the bell.


Mick Foley vs. Scott Steiner


The ref turns around and signals for the bell to be sound, as Steiner clobbers Mick with brass knuckle's. By the time the referee turns around, Steiner is in complete control and the knuckles are out of sight. An inverted DDT, and poor Mick who was already basically knocked out, is counted out.


Winner Scott Steiner: C



Jeff Jarrett walks out to the ring, without any music playing, or pyro. Jeff kind of throws his hands up in the air as if to say "I give up" as he just makes a straight shot for the ring. There is plenty of Pyro and music when RVD comes out to join him.




Jeff Jarrett vs. RVD


This match was fast paced, more so because Jarrett was unable to ground RVD for any amount of time. A good solid match, but Jarrett was just too frustrated to get any momentum up for this one. After RVD slams him into the turnbuckle, a monkey flip off the corner, and Five-Star Frog Splash that hits, and RVD walks out of the ring the winner.


Winner Rob Van Dam: B-





Matt Morgan and Hernandez pull out the win, what a match there!

Next up we have Bobby Lashley




Yeah, but we don't know who he's fighting yet, I mean Bischoff didn't tell him.


Were about to find out though.






After Bobby Lashley gets in the ring he looks at the entrance ramp, as if he couldn't wait to get this over with.


Then it happens




The music comes on.






It is








OH MY! Where has he been?


I Almost forgot about him


This is going to be really interested


Yeah, because Joe don't look none to happy either.


Both men look like they can't see anything but red


No doubt, I mean, they look like they could kill someone right now, look at their eyes. I can't help to wonder, you know, if Joe thinks Lashley had something to do with whatever happened to him?


I don't think..


Yeah, well, I'm just saying. Joe went into Bischoff's office fuming at the ears.




They do look like they could kill someone.




Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe



The bell rings, and Lashley, obviously furious, goes for the Spear right off the bat. Joe, who also looks furious, but obviously thinking on his feet still, moves and uses Lashley's own momentum against him, as Lashley flys into the corner post. This match goes on for a while, with Lashley and Joe both looking impressive. Ultimately though, Joe was the only guy really thinking in the ring, and Lashley hits another corner. Joe hits him with a forearm smash followed by a Coquina Clutch, and Lashley has to tap.



Winner Samoa Joe C




A video is played highlighting the feud of Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson.

Kurt Angle is first to the ring, and grabs a microphone.






I've been looking forward to this for a long time, Let's get this over with!


When Mr. Anderson's music hits, Mr. Anderson just stands there at the top of the ramp, looking at Kurt. His head is lowered, squinting at Angle in the ring. His back is hunched over. His legs are bowed, and his arms are stretched out to his sides. He kind of looks like he is imitating a cross between spider man and a caveman. Kurt looks up in the air as if to say, what now.





This goes on for a few minutes.


And on.


Finally, all of a sudden Mr. Anderson stands straight up, one arm reaching for the sky. A Microphone comes down.


Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls. People all over the world, just look. Look in the ring.


Angle just smirks.


Look in the ring and tell me what you see there.

What you see Ladies and Gentleman.


Boys and Girls.


People all over the world.


What you see there is a broken man.


What you see there is a man who's spirit is crushed.

What you see is a man who is about to have all his dreams shattered.

What you see there is...





Angle throws his Mic down, gets out of the ring, and runs up the ramp.


Mr. Anderson stands there gesturing, as if to say "who me?"


Just as Angle gets close to Anderson, Anderson belts him with the microphone seemingly right between the eyes.


Angle is obviously stunned, angry, and uncontrollable.


Anderson kicks him in the gut, and again hits him right between the eyes with the microphone.


Angle looks as if he's about to fall, as his arms kind of flail back.


Anderson takes full advantage of that, and hits him yet again, right between the eyes with the microphone. Angle falls.


Anderson jumps on top of him, and starts wailing him right in the for head, over and over with the microphone until we all see blood. Angle is bleeding.


Then Anderson grabs Kurt by the feet and drags him to the ring. Angle finally is able to get out of his grip and stand up, but Mr. Anderson hits him with the microphone again, in the head. Then he throws Angle into the ring.

He stands over top of Kurt Angle and speaks.


What you see here is the face of TNA








Angle has a hold of Kennedy's ankle about to apply the ankle lock, but Anderson crawls desperately to the ropes and somehow manages to get outside of the ring. A bloody Kurt follows right behind but Anderson doesn't seem to be aware of that. To bad for him, as Angle pushes him into the metal stairs, then throws him back in the ring. As soon as Angle gets in the ring, the ref signals for the bell.



It's on!!


Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson


Kurt still bleeding, is looking like he is about to pass out already, and Anderson takes complete advantage of that fact. He immediately kicks Angle's legs out from under him, and proceeds an onslaught of blows to the exact spot that Angle is bleeding from.


Angle is groggy, but does manage to grab hold of Anderson enough to get back up. Angle and Anderson exchange blows, with Anderson seeming like he is getting the better of Angle.


Anderson throws Angle into the ropes and prepares to drop kick Angle on his return, only to fall flat on his back as Angle held onto the ropes.


Angle grabs hold of Anderson's ankle, and Anderson desperately tries to make his way to the ropes.


The crowd are really behind Angle, and you cannot hardly hear yourself in here right now.


Angle appears to be in very weak condition, with all the blood loss, and Anderson is able to get to the ropes. The referee breaks Angle loose, but Angle don't want to let go.


As Angle starts to argue with the Ref, Anderson nails him with a low blow, into a Mic Check, and ultimately, getting one over on Angle yet again.



Winner Mr. Anderson: B




As we await the Main Event, a highlight video is played of the last few weeks, showing all that has happened.

First to the ring is Ric Flair and AJ Styles, followed by Sting.




Then Abyss and Hulk Hogan come to the ring.




They point to the entrance ramp in unison!

Jeff Hardy's music hits, and he does his entrance to the ring.





Abyss, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting.


In the ring, AJ Styles and Abyss start things out. AJ acts confident, but Abyss gets ahold of him and slams him. AJ rolls out of the ring, much to the crowds disappointment. Abyss waves for him to come back in, and AJ calls for the ref to back Abyss up, as he re-enters the ring.


Abyss controls the first few minutes, and keeps AJ grounded, and the pace slow. However, he gets a little to close to the wrong corner, and receives a Low Blow from Flair for his efforts. The ref gives Flair a warning, as Abyss lay on the Matt holding his...


AJ taps in Flair, who proceeds to put Abyss in different holds, meant to wear down the monster. This seems to be working, till Flair goes for the figure four. Abyss was able to throw Flair to the side, and roll over to tap in Hulk Hogan.


We have Hogan and Flair in the ring. Flair is signaling for Hogan to bring it on. Hogan walks slowly toward Flair, well aware that Flair is unpredictable, to say the least. Flair and Hogan circle each other, looking for a way in. Flair obviously the more agile of the two, as he tries a couple unsuccessfully grabs at Hogan, who immediately was ready to jab at Flair if he gets close enough.


Flair backs into his own corner, when all the sudden he kicks one of Hogan's legs out from under him. Hogan immediately starts to get up, grabbing ahold of Flair for support before Flair could get out of his reach. However, Flair might not of been out of Hogan's reach, but he was also well within' the reach of......


Flair, with Hogan holding one of his legs, holds his hand up to tag in his partner. He does this deliberately slow, building a bit of drama as the crowd starts to get into this match fully.


Hogan does not see the tag, and proceeds to pull Flair back into the middle of the ring. He hits flair with a clothesline as he pulls him into him. Flair is down on the canvas, as Hogan, with Flair's leg still in his grip, proceeds to do Flair's signature move, the Figure Four.


The crowd is into this match, although it was obvious they didn't want to be at first.


Sting circle's around behind Hogan, just as Hogan is about to apply the hold, and does a belly to back suplex on Hogan. Flair and Sting pick him up, throw him into the ropes, and double body slam Hogan. Flair leaves the ring.


Sting puts Hogan in the Scorpion Death-lock. Hogan is in pain. He is in allot of pain. Unbelievably, he is able to move toward the ropes, but Sting pulls him back. Hogan looks bad, he seems as though he is about to pass out. The crowd is going crazy.


Hardy and Abyss get the crowd going, they start cheering louder and louder. They start chanting "Hogan, Hogan", and miraculously, Hogan starts to move again. He starts to shake. His head is defiantly shaking NO. He screams out in pain, in agony, and presses his body up into the air with his arms. He screams out again straightening his legs, and Sting goes flying back-wards toward the ropes. Hogan, in agony, starts crawling toward his corner.


Sting, fully recovered, grabs Hogan's leg. Hogan however was able to get the tag.


Hardy jumps off the rope, stiff arming Sting off of Hogan. Hogan rolls out of the ring, Abyss helping him. Hardy kicks Sting in the gut, and hits a Twist of Fate! Hardy heads for the corner, goes for the Swanton Bomb!!!!!......


Flair pushes him at the right moment, making Hardy miss Sting, and land incredibly bad.


The crowd "BOOO"! They don't like Flair tonight.


Sting grabs Hardy, and tags in AJ Styles.


Styles has his way with Hardy, then tags in Flair.


Flair is bouncing around, almost giddy. He does his Flair strut, and goes for the Figure Four.


Hardy flips forward, knocking Flair clean out the ring, but Hardy is definitely hurting still. He makes it to the corner, where he tags in Abyss.


Abyss gets in the ring, as does Flair. Abyss gives Flair a big boot, grabs him off the floor, and proceeds to do a choke slam. AJ dropkicks Abyss, and rolls out of the ring, before he is able to slam Flair. Flair rolls over to Sting and taps him in, as Abyss gets up. Sting hits him with a calf kick, and Abyss goes back down.


Sting, Flair, and AJ work on Abyss for the next several minutes. Hardy jumps in on one occasion, but the other two get him outside of the ring, and work him over. Hogan has been barely able to stand during all of this, still in obvious pain over what had happened earlier.


Then it had to happen. You knew it did. Hogan seems energized, and starts getting the crowd going, they start chanting Abyss. Abyss starts Hulking up. It's simply no matter who is in the ring with him now, as nothing seems to effect him. He points at AJ!


"YOU!" the crowd yells.


He blocks a punch from AJ, and counters. He throws AJ into the ropes, and gives him the big boot. He runs to the ropes, you know it's coming... he's going to give AJ the Hogan Leg drop....


Flair connects with a boot of his own, right in the back of Abyss as Abyss hits the ropes. Abyss falls forward, AJ tags in Sting, and Abyss is in trouble.


Abyss is back where he started, but barely makes it to the corner, where only one man is able to be tagged in.


Hogan is tagged in, and face's Sting. Hogan and Sting, this should be good. Hogan blocks a blow by Sting, and hits Sting. Hogan Grabs Sting and throws him into the ropes, Hogan is looking good. He runs back to the ropes on the other side of the ring, and is met with a foot by AJ this time. Hogan manages to not fall, and get in a rather weak clothesline on Sting, and then falls to the mat. AJ is yelling for Sting to tag him in, and Sting does so.


AJ hits Hogan with a dropkick, and goes up for a 450 Splash. Hogan is down, hurting, and it doesn't look good for him at all, as both Hardy and Abyss are attacked by Sting and Flair outside of the ring.


AJ puts Hogan into a Figure Four Leg lock, much to Flair's approval. Hogan is screaming in agony, trying to reach a rope.


The crowd is going nuts.


He gets up on his hands, pushing upward, and makes a move to the ropes, but AJ pulls him back to the center of the ring.


This goes on for minutes, and Hogan looks like he is about to pass out. AJ applies more pressure bringing Hogan back, screaming.....and ultimately Tapping out.


Winners: AJ Styles, Ric Flair, and Sting : B


Desination X


Held Sunday, Week 2, March 2010

At Nassau Coliseum (Tri-State)

13,280 people in attendance


Show Rating:B-


Goodnight Everyone, and thank you for joining us for DESTINATION X


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  • 2 weeks later...

The next day after the show, there is myself, Dixie and Hogan in what is supposed to be MY office. I have to make sure they are behind me. The only way I know how to do that is to bounce a few idea's off them, see if they are going to take me seriously or not. I know Hogan wanted to change the ending of the show at the last minute.... The hype was getting to him, and he was looking like he was 10 years younger. He truely looked 10 years younger in that ring out there, but for what he wanted... I would've wanted him to be 20 years younger. I'll keep that to myself though.


Hogan: I think that show went over well. The polls say it was alot better then to be expected.


Me: I know about that.


Dixie: It was one of my favorite shows ever.


Hogan: Dixie, I told you this kid knew what he was doing!


Dixie: There is something else though.


Me: Yeah, and it's a doozy.


Hogan: Did you hear the crowd when AJ had me in the figure four? They wanted me to bust free, I could feel it! TNA has alot of Hulkamania fans, and AJ is getting over big time, but I don't know if that match ended the way it should have, after hearing that crowd!


Me: It ended in a believable way, and it ended in a way no one expected... at least on the internet. No one thinks your willing to lose.


Hogan: You know what kid, they are right. I don't like to lose without reason. Over the years I've lost plenty, and there is alot of people that overlook all my loss's, and only look at the match's they are familiar with. It took alot of work to get where I am.


Me: Was?


Hogan: Did you hear that crowd? It's like I never left!


Me: I know, and I am counting on that more then you know. However, people aren't ever going to take this roster serious if people like AJ or Joe always lose to newly aquired talent, just because they are not as popular.


Look at you and Flair right now. Each one of you trying to make the other guy's... guy a star.


Hogan: You know what kid, I didn't know you caught that?


Me: I know you want Styles to be huge. I know Flair has picked Abyss as a favorite.


Hogan: AJ has what it takes, and loads of talent!


Dixie: There is something else..... I


Me: Look, we are about to lose our PPV contracts. TNA has nothing but warnings after this PPV. The numbers are not good enough for them, or at least not good enough for them anymore. I dont' understand it either, but we are going to have to try and get this thing moving alot faster if we want to keep the PPV's going.


Dixie: Yes, the numbers weren't bad, but for some reason they aren't happy. They want bigger events.


Hogan: You have to be kidding me! This was a good PPV!


Me: It was ok, come on Hulk. You know the only way this is going to work is if we get all of these guys more popular. There are people that haven't had hardly any time on TV, yet showed up for the PPV.


We can't only concentrate on AJ and Abyss the whole show. We are going to have to get other things going outside of the obvious stuff we already have.


Hogan: We have the Nasty boys to help with the Tag tea...


Me: We have them, but we need to move more then the Dudley


Dixie: Team 3D...


Me: Team 3D in that tag situation. I have some ideas, and it's taken right out of your old feuds.


Hogan: A superteam?


Me: Yeah, a "Super" team. We need a tag team no one would expect, and get these tag belts moving.



So the idea's started bouncing. Now I know that the X-Division is going to get more creative ideas if I get Bischoff into this, but Bischoff hasn't been no where near as supportive as Hogan has been. Fact is, no one has been as supportive as Hogan has been. I can't figure it out, is he really that happy right now? Or is he just trying to be the locker room leader that everyone has been hoping for?


It's also hard to tell how other's feel about all the changes. Bischoff is due any minute now, and I've been looking at the time and the door for the last hour as Dixie listened, Hogan talked, and I shook my head yeah or nay. I am honestly surprised of Hogan's actual knowledge of the new guys. He must have been watching for years. The problem is I'm not familiar with them, and watching old shows is boring to me. Watching youtube clips of the best parts is much more interesting. I know that's not the best way to figure out what to do too, but I really have no idea what most of these guys are capable of till I see them in action.


Finally, Bischoff comes in...


Bischoff: That was a good show! Chris is it?


Me: Yes, glad to see you Mr. Bischoff.


Bischoff: I've heard nothing but good things about you Chris. Just don't know exactly what it is your hear for and why we need you?


I've been waiting... actually I've been fearing someone saying that for a good while now. What do I have to offer? I've thought it over, and I think I have a good responce.


Hogan: Are you kidding... Eric, you know that was a good show...


Bischoff: It was, but I know we could have done just as well, without Chris.


Dixie: And the PPV carrier's want to drop us...


Me: Look, you could have done just as well, maybe even better.


Bischoff: Yes we could, so tell...


Me: Your in the storylines though, and...


Bischoff: And that's a good thing, because we can help the roster get...


Me: Over? Better? Yes. But you have to concentrate on your characters. I am going to concentrate on getting people over with your characters.


Bischoff: We can...


Me: Mr. Bischoff, I asked you hear because I KNOW your able to do this. I'm not here saying I'm better then anyone. The short story is, I was asked, and I couldn't pass it up. If you look at where I'm coming from, I can't see how you would blame me.


Bischoff: I don't BLAME you, I ..


Me: I just want to get this out, let me finish here. I am not here to "take over" and I'm not here to ignore anyone. I'm here to make everyone look as good as I possibly can, using all the information and knowledge available to me, which includes all of you here.


Mr. Bischoff, I wanted to talk to you specifically about the X-Division. I don't think that I can make them shine without your wisdom, and frankly, I don't want a competition between us. I want to learn from the best, and use it to the fullest.


Hogan: Eric, you need to back off brother. I asked Chris here, and you said you thought it was a good idea.


Bischoff: It is a good idea. I have my own reasons for feeling that way.


Me: I'm glad to hear that. You don't know how much.


Bischoff: It's a good idea Chris, you make sure it doesn't become a bad idea.


Me: I'll do my best.


So the meeting really starts. The bottum line is that the PPV carrier's have gave us warnings. The internet is talking about "Doom for TNA". The word is out that we aren't doing well, although the numbers show different. The die-hard TNA fans are doing their best to support us, but TNA has changed for them, and they have began to question their support as well.


Not to mention how many old timers we have on the roster. Flair isn't in this meeting.... for example, and I know he wants to help, but he's 61. Kevin Nash has been saying he's too old for this stuff, and I know he's looking to retire soon. People like the Nasty boyz shouldn't even be in front of the camera at this stage, at least not in the capacity they were being used. Steiner has about had it. He is still energetic on the mic, but even there he goes off script so much, that sometimes the whole thing gets confusing...


The biggest blow I feel is going to be Jeff Jarrett. He has been the inspiration, love him or hate him, to this company. What is going to happen when he leaves? These things I didn't address at this meeting however. My concern is with this overblown roster, and what we can do to make it better.


I turn the conversation down another lane. I don't want to lose any of the talent that is signed to TNA, at least not just yet. So I ask questions that brings out the answer I was hoping for. Hogan and Bischoff both explain that the best place for young nobodies is in a wrestling school. The idea of a development promotion comes up. This is for my benefit of being able to sign people I want in the company, without overblowing the roster even more. I need people, or more specifically, characters... that I know how to utilize better. IF I'm to help them succeed.


Dixie: Do it then.


Bischoff: Are you serious? I mean, great idea, but the cost is...


Hogan: Boy, that's going to be great!


Dixie: I'm sold on the idea, I'll get it backed. I've actually thought about it before. Chris, I know what you did there.


Me: So, now we need to schedule another meeting in the future. I would really like to have Flair, Nash, Russo, Taz, Sting, Foley and Jarrett in the meeting as well.


Hogan: Why? I don't see...


Me: I want to here their idea's from a booking standpoint.


Bischoff: I don't know if thats....


Me: I have reasons for the selection of every one of them. Do you know how many people they have worked with, or know about?

It doesn't take me long to get them to see where I was heading. Fact is, I think this last part of the meeting went the best. The threat of losing our PPV's is a bigger problem. I don't know where we will be without them.

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