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QAW Forever: The revolution WILL be televised

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Meet the Queens



Amazing Lass


Finisher: Lass-O (Burning Lariat)


Manager: Bethany Hurst



Amber Allen


Finisher: Amber Alert (Cross Arm Breaker), Amber Wave (Northern Lights Suplex)

Theme: Prince - Vanessa Carlton

Manager: BJ O'Neill



Amber Greenway


Finisher: Natural Cutter (Cyber Cutter)


Manager: Blonde Bombshell



Brooke Dunn


Finisher: Well Dunn (Yoshi Tonic)


Manager: Aurora



Canadian Angel




Manager: Marianne



Jana Marie Bowen


Finisher: Bowen Technique (



Manager: Julie Forletta



Keisha Murrell


Finisher: Fame Dropper (Legdrop Bulldog)

Theme: Double Up - R. Kelly

Manager: Heather B



Kinuye Mushashibo


Finisher: Blue Dream (Dragonrana)


Manager: Chloe Dean



Olivia Diamond


Finisher: Diamond Cutter


Manager: Willow





Finisher: Creeper Vine (Scissored armbar)


Manager: Rachel Dearheart





Finisher: Secession Sweep (Ranhei)


Manager: Marianne



Saffron Greenway


Finisher: Natural Stunner (Dragon Stunner)

Theme: Luv - Janet Jackson

Manager: Blonde Bombshell

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Meet the Queens



Gina Heaton

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Roue the Day (Shining Wizard)

Theme: Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard

Manager: Heather B



Lady Caramel

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Cosmopolitan Driver (



Manager: Jasmine Perlot



Martina Baker

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Candle in the Wind (Springboard bulldog)


Manager: Monique



Megumi Nakajima

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Nakajima Straight Jacket


Manager: Monique



Pixie Pinwheel

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Pixie Press (Sky Twister Press)




Power Girl

Lower Midcarder

Finisher: Power Surge (Sitout Electric Chair facebuster)

Theme: Hero - Nas

Manager: Bethany Hurst




Jeri Behr


Finisher: Behr Essential (Handspring somersault senton)



Jessie McVeigh


Finisher: Kiwi Krunch (Double knee facebreaker)

Theme: New Sensation - INXS

Manager: Ceri Dordevich



Kuniko Matsura


Finisher: Firestorm (Shooting Star DDT)



Lexi Hawks


Finisher: Swooping Hawk (


Theme: New Sensation - INXS

Manager: Ceri Dordevich




Huntress Makiko

Enhancement Talent

Finisher: Makiko Clutch, Tokyo Express

Manager: Krystyna



Ikuko Temko

Enhancement Talent

Finisher: Temko Pendulum

Manager: Krystyna



Sakura Sada

Enhancement Talent

Finisher: Sada-nara (










Stacy Simmons




Melanie Florence

Color Commentator



Thunder Hike

Color Commentator



Rebecca Richey

Color Commentator (LiveWire)



Eric Tyler

Color Commentator (LiveWire)

Note: Leader of The House of Tradition, Manager of The Icons of Tradition



Sensational Ogiwara

Road Agent


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Twinstar Division





Finisher: Click-Click-Boom (KO Kick-KO Kick-Good Lookin' Suplex (High angle German Suplex) combination)


Manager: Persephone


Assault & Battery


Finisher: GBI (



Manager: Clare South


Call of Duty


Finisher: Shock & Awe (Brainbuster DDT (Outrider)-Senton (Docent) combination, with theatrics)


Manager: Rachel Dearheart


Electric Youth


Finisher: Lightning Arrestor (Golden Shower)


/ (



Girls Gone Wrestling


Finisher: Poetry in Motion (often followed by Amber Wave or Princess Drop)


Manager: BJ O'Neill


Recipe for Success


Finisher: Cookin' With Gas (Total Elimination)


Manager: Heather B


Seek & Destroy


Finisher: Made in Japan (KRS One)

Theme: Natural Born Killaz - Dr. Dre & Ice Cube

Manager: Krystyna


The Canadiennes


Finisher: Canadian Crash (Made in Detroit)

Theme: O Canada - Celine Dion

Manager: Marianne


The Commonwealth


Finisher: Message from the Queen (More Bang for your Buck)

Theme: New Sensation - INXS

Manager: Ceri Dordevich


The Crush Gals


Finisher: Broken Heart Attack (Hart Attack)


Manager: Monique


The Icons of Tradition


Finisher: Weight of Tradition (


Theme: She's Gone - Eric Clapton

Manager: Eric Tyler


The Natural Blondes


Finisher: Natural Selection (Northern Lights Backbreaker)

Theme: Trust A Try - Janet Jackson

Manager: Blonde Bombshell


The Super Powers


Finisher: Justice Drop (


Theme: Hero - Nas

Manager: Bethany Hurst


Other Teams


The Coven


Finisher: Gift of Prophecy (



Manager: Sienna deVille


The Dream Team II




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Y'know, people often ask me why I've done certain things. Even people in my inner circle question certain moves I've made. Case in point:


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BJONeill.jpg & http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HannahPotter.jpg

BJ O'Neill & Hannah Potter


I've had several members of my staff question signing them. When they left Supreme under bad terms, they were largely granted persona non grata status within the industry. No one wanted to run the risk of infuriating or inciting the ire of Dick Eisen. Given the legal action filed shortly after, their points of view seemed validated.


I think that's bull****.


I'm looking for talent. I don't care what other people say about you (go ask Olivia....or Christina), I don't care what you've done in the past (isn't that right, Emma?), what I care about is what you can do for us and how committed you are to succeeding in this business. So yeah, I signed BJ and Hannah, because they're beautiful, intelligent, talented, and strong. You have to be strong to stand up to the industry behemoth and demand respect. You have to be strong when you know doing so will cost you your livelihood. And yes, I'm offsetting the costs of their legal fees in addition to paying them extremely well for their services. Look all you want, you won't find anything in writing. Handshake deals still exist in this business, after all.


But one thing many people don't understand (including my advisors, until I pointed it out to them) is there are some things you can't put a price on. I have a roster full of teen and early 20s aged workers. I have a ton more in development, all over the world. Many of these girls have never worked professionally (or if they have, it was on the undercard of a hastily thrown together "indy" show in the parking lot of a shopping mall) and I'm expecting them to learn and be professionals in front of millions of people. I'm expecting them to deal with the travel and schedule demands that come with being a large promotion. It is invaluable to me to have a good number of consummate pros who have been in the business for years. It's even more valuable to have young workers who have done that as teenagers and who have weathered the hectic, nonstop schedule that an SWF tends to run. Yes, our facilities and methods are probably superior to those of Supreme (who don't own their own arena and don't provide the myriad of services we offer to our workers) but I need workers who can clue these young girls in to the fact that the way QAW does things is NOT how things are done in the industry as a whole (not by a long shot).


You can't put a price on that.


My point of view is validated by the events that occurred in the weeks leading up to our first foray into television. As I entered the training room, I see BJ & Hannah holding court, giving pointers to several of our workers on everything from ringside presence to backstage manners....to how to handle yourself when Mother Nature's Monthly Gift arrives when you're far from home. That last one gave me the heebie jeebies, though the info would be good to implement safeguards for.


Now, about that TV show......




Christina Charisma vs Ashley Grover

Olivia Diamond vs Jana Marie Bowen

Girls Gone Wrestling vs Assault & Battery

Nina & Golden Delicious vs Affliction

The Dream Team II vs The Coven

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Monday Week 1 January 2010

<object height="25" width="27"><embed src="

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Stacy Simmons Melanie Florence Thunder Hike

The show opens, following an immense pyrotechnic display, with a video on the Queenscreen depicting the various goings on, primarily from Genesis. With Showcase's theme accompanying it, various sequences are featured: Kinuye Mushashibo's Dragonrana, Natural Selection by the Natural Blondes, Eric Tyler standing at the top of the ramp flanked by the Icons of Tradition, and finally a set of flashes of the Miracle Connection, the J-Rocker, J.Ro grimacing in the Salvation Sweep, the Melbourne Surprise on Vixxen, and finally, the Nina Hammer followed by a zooming, tight shot of Nina's crazed, maniacal facial expression quickly turning to one of confusion then contentment. The video fades to find a single person standing in the middle of the ring.



"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Showcase. I'm only here to introduce you to someone. Appointed by QAW management for her keen eye for business and impartiality and named General Manager of the promotion's onscreen product, she is...CHEYENNE!"


Miss Independent floods the arena with synthesizer chords as a stunning, exotic looking young woman comes out, to a loud reaction. As she strides confidently down to the ring, slapping hands with the fans, she gets into the ring...and is immediately interrupted as Fed Up hits.


"Good! Now that there's someone in charge, I have a grievance. I would like to know exactly why, after beating the snot out of Ashley Grover in front of the world on pay per view, I'm forced to do the exact same thing, all over again, tonight. Is this groundhog day or what?"

"You know, when I took this job, people warned me that I'd have to deal with people like you."

"People like me? Whatever. Answer the question. Or is that above your modest pay grade?"

"Ooooo. My pay grade, eh? I'm sorry, I forgot that I was talking to a multi-time champion. Oh wait, no I'm not. Look, Ashley asked for a rematch. She said you beat her only because she was nervous. I can understand that because I was at Genesis and I was nervous as hell and I wasn't competing. So if you beat her so easily, there's no reason why you couldn't do it again, feel me?"

"And when I do, I expect you to treat me with some respect, hear me? And next week, I want that cheap imitation of a Shockwave champion."

"Look, come and see me when you've actually earned that respect. And I hope you're ready to back up your claims because your match? It starts...right.....NOW."


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AshleyGrover.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChristinaCharisma_Clarity.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyMelissa.jpg

Ashley Grover vs Christina Charisma w/Lady Melissa


Ashley hits the ring in a sprint and goes right at Christina with a vengeance until Christina bails from the ring to catch a breather. But she gets no relief as Ashley hits the ropes and lands a somersault plancha, putting both women down. Slowly getting to her feet, Ashley grabs her opponent and after slamming her head on the apron twice, tosses her back into the ring and covers for a two count. Christina took control of the match following a thumb to the eye followed by a double leg takedown and a variety of leglocks, designed to ground the high flyer. Exercising some intelligence, Ashley rolled over while in an STS and got a 2 count before Christina rolled her back into position. Thinking her opponent out, Christina got up and played to the crowd before turning around, right into a dropsault for a 2 count. Angered now, she irish whipped Ashley to the ropes and dropped her with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. Signaling to the crowd for the end, she grabbed Ashley by the hair to set her up for the C-Cutter.....but was rolled into a cradle for the pinfall!

Winner: Ashley Grover



MAJOR win for Ashley!

Looks like they're even now.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JanaMarieBowen.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JulieForletta.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/OliviaDiamond_alt1.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Willow_Clarity.jpg

Jana Marie Bowen w/Julie Forletta vs Olivia Diamond w/Willow


Back and forth affair between two surprisingly evenly matched talents that showcased their varied but developing skillsets. The match looked decided after JMB hit the Bowen Technique on Olivia but found no ref to count the pinfall as Willow was up on the apron arguing with Isis. The ref returned to the action just long enough to count the pinfall as Olivia dropped JMB with the Diamond Cutter.

Winner: Olivia Diamond



The camera cuts backstage as three women stand by with Remianen, obviously agitated.


Tayla starts out, "This is the age of tradition. As such, Brooke and I, the Icons of Tradition, should be the faces of the Twinstar division. Right now, that's not the case. Thus, we respectfully request an opportunity to rectify that."

Brooke adds, "Tay, who are you foolin'? We're not 'respectfully requesting' anything. You're the personification of the American Dream and I'm The Franchise. We don't have to request anything. The fact that we're not the very first Twinstar champions is ridiculous! We deserve to be the champions because of who we are, who we will be, and where we come from. So there's no choice in the matter. Every day we don't hold the gold is another day this company moves away from legitimacy!"

The crowd pops as another person steps into the frame.


"So, let me make sure I have this right. You two lose at Genesis, hell, "The Franchise" tapped out..."

The crowd can be heard chanting 'YOU TAPPED OUT'.

"...and you think that means you deserve a shot at the Twinstar titles? What is it with people here? You think you LOSE your way to the top? I have a question though. There is someone obviously missing from your little crew. Could it be the great Eric Tyler doesn't agree with people who have done NOTHING OF NOTE but lose, getting title shots?"

As Brooke and Tayla fume, Cheyenne looks at Brooke Dunn and asks, "And you? I know you're not here with them, are you?"

Visibly blanching, Brooke Dunn says, "Uh, no. I was just going to ask for a shot at the Shockwave title. I didn't actually lose at..."

"Fine, on LiveWire, you versus Kinuye Mushashibo, for the Shockwave title. Anything else?"

"Um, no. Thanks!"

"Now, you two will get a chance tonight to earn a possible shot at the Twinstar titles. Get down to the ring."

Seething, the Icons of Tradition make their way down to the ring, bristling at the 'YOU TAPPED OUT' chants as they await their opponents. They're not waiting very long before Hero hits and their opponents become known.


It looks like our new general manager means business!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmazingLass.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PowerGirl.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BethanyHurst_alt2.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BrookeTyler.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/TaylaMartin.jpg

The Super Powers w/Bethany Hurst vs The Icons of Tradition

Given the level of teamwork on display in this match, on both sides, the result was never a foregone conclusion as many may have thought, given the gap in respective skill levels. But after a hard fought match bound to impress many, the Icons walk away victorious after Brooke gets the Brooke Breaker locked in on Power Girl, forcing the submission.

Winner: The Icons of Tradition



"I like that Brooke Breaker. It is...very painful looking."

"Is it something that you could escape from?"

*snorts* "Of course!"


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmberAllen.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Principessa.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BJONeill.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/EmmaBitch.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/VivJacobs.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ClareSouth.jpg

Girls Gone Wrestling w/BJ O'Neill vs Assault & Battery w/Clare South


Wary while dealing with the pair of powerhouses, Principessa and Amber tried hit & run tactics and wear down holds to tire their opponents. Just as the fruits of their collective labor began becoming apparent, the match descended into chaos as Recipe for Success hit the ring with Heather B and tee'd off on their Genesis opponents. Referee Isis threw the match out shortly after.

Winner: No one



The camera cuts to the backstage interview area as Remianen raises the mic to his lips and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you, your QAW Twinstar champions, the Canadiennes!"

A pause and then a voice offscreen whispers, "Do it again!"

"Again? Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you, your QAW Twinstar champions, the Canadiennes!"

Two faces lean into the shot with mischievous grins spread across their features.


Canadian Angel leans in to the mic and says, "I'd like to correct Remianen on something. He forgot to add 'first ever' Twinstar champions. Because we are the alpha and the omega of the division. We are the best tag team this promotion has to offer and these shiny belts confirm that."

On the opposite side, Québécoise says, "Ouï, and no team, not call of doody, not anyone, will ever change zat."


Marianne chimes in with, "So I guess you could say that the Canadiennes are the first, last, and ONLY Twinstar champions, ouï?"

In unison, the two women say, "Ouï".


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/NinaTheBallerina.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GoldenDelicious.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AutumnGleeson.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MichelleCox.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JaimeQuine_alt1.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Persephonealt2.jpg

Nina the Psycho Ballerina & Golden Delicious w/Autumn Gleeson vs Affliction w/Persephone


Very chaotic match that saw one team operating like two halves of a whole while the other team seemed to annoy each other at every turn. Or rather, one member annoyed the other at every turn while the offensive member remained blissfully unaware of her annoying behavior. Every time Golden Delicious gained control of the momentum of the match, Nina blind tagged herself in and gave it right back. The final time it occurred, the look of rage on Golden Delicious's face made the next event somewhat predictable as she dropped Nina with a Melbourne Surprise before leaving the ring in disgust, Autumn in tow. As Michelle and Shooter looked on and shrugged, the Click-Click-Boom lead to the pinfall on Nina.

Winners: Affliction



Our main event is next as the Dream Team of Suzanne Brazzle and Joanne Rodriguez take on The Coven team of Vixxen and QAW World champion Saving Grace!


hits and after a minute, Suzanne Brazzle and Joanne Rodriguez (with Hannah and Mercedes Gimenez in tow) emerge to a thunderous ovation.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HannahPotter.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JoanneRodriguez_Clarity.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MercedesGimenez.jpg

Posing at the top of the ramp, several pyro explosions go off before they head down to and around the ring, greeting the fans, before entering the ring and climbing adjacent turnbuckles to await their opponents.


After a few minutes, the arena goes dark as a sedate organ intro plays before launching into

, as the stage is engulfed in fog as the Queenscreen fills with an image


credit: mjdgoldeneye

A single spotlight shines on the center of the stage and as the fog clears, three women stand in the midst of the haze, seemingly oblivious to it.


As the fog clears, the sides of the stage emit gouts of flame as the three women proceed slowly down the ramp, regarding the fans with thinly veiled contempt (Saving Grace), revulsion (Sienna), and outright malice (Vixxen). Wearing the world title like a bandoleer across her chest, Grace makes sure the lights hit it just so, setting the diamonds in it off in a brilliant display, before handing it over to the ref.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JoanneRodriguez_Clarity.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HannahPotter.jpg&http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MercedesGimenez.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GraceHarper_jhd2.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Vixxen.jpg w/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SiennaDeVille_Fin2.jpg

The Dream Team w/Hannah & Mercedes Gimenez vs The Coven w/Sienna DeVille


Very even match between the best performers QAW has to offer. With quick tags and magnificent in-ring work encompassing ground work, flying, and straight up brawling, the match seemed on the verge of losing control as all four women brawled in the ring. As Vixxen and Suzanne spilled outside, Vixxen reversed a whip into the steel ring steps, sending Suzanne crashing into the unforgiving steel. Meanwhile, in the ring, as referee Isis continued to count, Grace sent J.Ro into the ropes where she was clobbered in the back by the world title belt, held by Sienna DeVille. As Hannah tried to get the ref to look, Mercedes took off after Sienna, chasing her up the ramp, while Grace set J.Ro up for Redemption. When she did, she realized after the referee refused to count, that she was not the legal person in the ring. Running to the corner, she yelled at Vixxen for the tag, re-entering the ring once it was made and making the cover on the semi-conscious J.Ro, pulling her tights to make sure.

Winners: The Coven



And The Coven steal another win.

Steal? I don't understand.

Did you not see Saving Grace with enough tights in her hands to fill a sock drawer?

I must have missed that.

Thank you everyone for joining us for QAW Showcase. Next week, we're sure to have another thrilling episode of women's wrestling action on tap for you! For Melanie Florence and Thunder Hike, I am Stacy Simmons. Good night!


Final rating: 78

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Houston, TX - Queens of American Wrestling and YWAA USA have announced an agreement in principle for a two year sponsorship and site use partnership. The deal, which ensures that YWAA facilities will be the primary home for the production and broadcast of QAW's 'LiveWire' television program, will provide up to 150 free and discounted tickets for YWAA members in addition to heavily discounted site fees.


“More than any other entertainment vehicle, QAW has the potential to provide positive role models for today's young women” said Norma Janssen, PhD, YWAA USA CEO. “This agreement allows for us to ally ourselves with a force of positive reinforcement for young women not only in America, but the world over.”


In addition to the announced details, there are also personal appearances by various members of the QAW roster, primarily to speak to young girls at each visited center. There is also the hope that a successful venture in the US might lead to an extension that would encompass the World YWAA organization.


A statement released by the promotion states, "We are ecstatic to have reached an agreement to add to our burgeoning list of sponsors. More than that, we are beyond happy and extremely gratified that an organization so steeped in principles we hold so dear would be amenable to a partnership. Empowering women is what we do every day and we are very happy to have a home for LiveWire, the signature program for our developing young talent."



Queens of American Wrestling (QAW) is the premier women's wrestling promotion in the world, headquartered in Houston, TX. Established in 2009, the promotion is committed to developing women's wrestling and entertainment talent. With its believable characters and easy to understand plotlines, the promotion offers what has never been attempted before: a women's entertainment product centered around athletic competition with a decidedly female bent that does not pander to the lowest common denominator: objectifying its very subjects.


Young Womens Athletic Association (YWAA) is a national not-for-profit membership organization that provides social services, advocacy, education and leadership development. It is dedicated to eliminating sexism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Established in the United States in 1858, the YWAA is the oldest and largest national women’s organization, and celebrating its 152nd anniversary. Through its nearly 300 affiliated local YWAAs and its headquarters in Washington, D.C., the YWAA serves 4.5 million women and girls each year. It is a member of World YWAA, which is comprised of YWAAs in 102 countries around the globe.

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Great show this week! It was more bite sized and of the manageable, no? Of course 'The Coven' is pure of all the greatness needed. They are like pirates... but only much better in important ways.


It was indeed more bite sized. And the Coven is ripe for growth including some additions Yuu might be familiar with. ;)



QAW LiveWire

Emanating LIVE from the YWAA Center in Waikiki (Hawaii)


Matches announced include:


Huntress Makiko squares off against Martina Baker!


Lady Caramel defending the QAW Generation XX title against high flyer Pixie Pinwheel!


Baby Blue Kinuye Mushashibo defends the QAW Shockwave title against Brooke Dunn!


QAW Twinstar champions The Canadiennes in non-title action AND


The Icons of Tradition look to make their case for a Twinstar title shot


PLUS: Assault & Battery, Call of Duty, Ashley Grover, and plenty of surprises! Join us for the debut of QAW LiveWire!


Quick key:

Huntress Makiko vs Martina Baker

Generation XX title: Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel ©

Shockwave title: Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo ©

Assault & Battery vs Call of Duty

The Canadiennes vs ???

The Icons of Tradition vs ???

Ashley Grover vs ???

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Huntress Makiko vs Martina Baker

Generation XX title: Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel ©

Shockwave title: Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo ©

Assault & Battery vs Call of Duty

The Canadiennes vs ???

The Icons of Tradition vs ???

Ashley Grover vs ???

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Huntress Makiko vs Martina Baker

Generation XX title: Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel ©

Shockwave title: Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo ©

Assault & Battery vs Call of Duty

The Canadiennes vs ???

The Icons of Tradition vs ???

Ashley Grover vs ???

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Quick Unlock


Huntress Makiko vs Martina Baker

Japan has not been of kindness to Huntress, it is sad. This will not be of sadness, no?


Generation XX title: Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel ©

While my own philosophy of lines and fashion accessories defy most and any rules, here the Champions will be stronger I am thinking.


Shockwave title: Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo ©



Assault & Battery vs Call of Duty

With an invasion of questions, a last stand before.


The Canadiennes vs ???


The Icons of Tradition vs ???


Ashley Grover vs ???


Tricks are for mystery and mystery is life and life always wins in these times.

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2010

LIVE from YWAA Center in Hawaii

Attendance: 484

<object height="25" width="27"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2cnD2_ul0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>





Stacy Simmons Eric Tyler Rebecca Richey


Good evening everyone and welcome to LIVEWIRE! I am Stacy Simmons alongside hardcore icon and eight time world champion Eric Tyler...

Got it on the first try. Very good.

....and the best damn color commentator to ever emerge from the bosom of the Commonwealth, Rebecca Richey...


...and we have a great show for you tonight. The best young...what? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm being told we have an altercation occurring in our backstage area. Can we get a camera back there?


As a cameraman jerkily runs through the backstage area, he turns into a corridor to find two women throwing each other into whatever hard surfaces they can find.



For several minutes, the women batter each other, throwing one another into a myriad of things before Ikuko hiptosses Megumi onto a ladder lying flat on the ground and tries to follow with a double leg drop, only to find no one there. Something catches Megumi's eye while Ikuko writhes in pain grabbing her hamstrings, and she moves over to a production equipment trunk and opens the lid. Grabbing her adversary, Megumi back suplexes her into the trunk with a hollow thud before slamming the lid down, just as security and various officials hit the scene. Breathing heavily and limping every so slightly with every step, Megumi walked down a hall and away from the carnage as Ikuko can be heard banging on the inside of the trunk.


What was that about? We know that Seek & Destroy and the Crush girls don't particularly care for each other but what precipitated that dust-up?

Combustible elements would be my guess. Traditionally, that's the cause.

This is bound to add a new layer of intensity to our first match!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HuntressMakiko.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Krystyna.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MartinaBaker.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Monique.jpg

Huntress Makiko w/Krystyna vs Martina Baker w/Monique


As the match got underway, it was plain to see Martina surreptitiously glancing at the stage every so often. Even with those momentary distractions, she managed to grab control of the match and pull off some exciting offense. But just as she signaled for the Candle in the Wind and grabbed Makiko into the headlock, she found herself on the receiving end of the Tokyo Express. A bow and arrow gesture was immediately followed by the Makiko Clutch for the submission victory.

Winner: Huntress Makiko





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PixiePinwheel.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyCaramel.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JasminePerlot_alt1.jpg

Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel w/Jasmine Perlot


Pixie came out on fire, hammering the champion from any and all conceivable angles. But as expected, the match hinged on one drastic shift in momentum when Pixie hit the ropes for a springboard flying forearm and Lady Caramel caught and flowed with her before dropping her with an emphatic tilt-a-whirl side slam. Never one to pass up on an opportunity, Lady Caramel sought to permanently ground the flyer with a kneebreaker, followed by several stiff kicks to her right hamstring. Thoroughly satisfied with her work as Pixie lay writhing, holding her leg, the champion signaled for the end with a tip of an imaginary c0cktail glass, before planting the challenger with the Cosmopolitan Driver for the successful title defense.

Winner: Lady Caramel



That young lady is going to be dangerous sooner rather than later.

But don't forget that Pixie gave her fits for much of the match.



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BrookeDunn_alt1.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Aurora.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KinuyeMushashibo.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChloeDean.jpg

Brooke Dunn w/Aurora vs Kinuye Mushashibo w/Chloe Dean


An even contest that swung back and forth on several occasions. While there were times where it seemed a new champ would be crowned, the end was produced by the champion slithering out of the Well Dunn, hitting the ropes and connecting with a running boot to the face. Ascending the closest turnbuckles, she sat on the top rope waiting for her adversary to rise and finished her with the Blue Dream.

Winner: Kinuye Mushashibo



The camera cuts backstage to a door with a 'GENERAL MANAGER' placard on it. Two women approach and knock as the camera pulls back.


"Come in."

The door opens to find Cheyenne sitting at her desk, crystal blue eyes fixed warily on the pair as they enter.


Holding up her hands defensively, Lady Melissa says, "Peace, Cheyenne. We're not here to cause any trouble. We just saw something that we thought you might be interested in."


Nodding at them to sit, Cheyenne beckons them to continue.


"Well, we were on the beach gettin' some color..."


Christina harrumphs.


"...well, I was gettin' some color. Chrissy's got plenty already. Anyway, you wouldn't believe who we saw there!"


Christina interjects, "And since you're probably looking for an opponent for the main event, I figured she would be perfect, given her stature."


"And who exactly would you be referring to?"


They both lean in and whisper to Cheyenne and the reaction is easily apparent as her eyes pop open.


"She's here? You saw her?"


"Yup. And this place isn't anywhere near the size of the Q so finding her shouldn't be a problem."


Moments later, Lady Melissa and Christina leave the GM's office and, giving each other Cheshire cat grins, fistbump and walk toward the locker room.


We're taken ringside as the QAW Twinstar champions are in the ring, eagerly awaiting their opponents. After a moment, New Sensation fills the arena, heralding the arrival of The Commonwealth and Ceri Dordevich. The champs look relieved and even a bit amused as the young team confers on the stage before sprinting down the ramp and into the ring!


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LexiHawks.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JessieMcVeigh.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CeriDordevich.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CanadianAngel.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Qubcoise.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Marianne.jpg

The Commonwealth w/Ceri Dordevich vs The Canadiennes w/Marianne


The match starts off with all four women in the ring until referee Isis gets two women out. As Jessie and Québécoise face off, it's apparent that the champions are taking their opponents lightly. However, with each exchange, it appears the challengers pick up ever more momentum. With quick tags on both sides (out of amusement for the champions, habit for the challengers), the balance shifts every so subtly. When Québécoise counters an attempted flying double axe handle by catching Jessie with an overhead belly to belly suplex, she does a little dance, mocking her fallen opponent. That is, until the sprightly lass popped to her feet and hit the Kiwi Krunch. A sure pinfall was broken up by Canadian Angel. A quick tag to Lexi and a mischievous grin to the Angel led to the Swooping Hawk. But unbeknownst to Lexi, Canadian Angel had blind tagged herself in so the ref wouldn't count the pinfall. Rushing the corner to knock Jessie off the apron, Canadian Angel got down to business, dismantling Lexi before finishing her with the Canadian Destroyer.

Winners: The Canadiennes



The Icons of Tradition make their way down the ramp and as they get into the ring, Eric Tyler stands at the announce table.


"Girls, while you know I didn't agree with your little diatribe a few nights ago, I figured it was your inexperience talking. I told you two, you don't start woofin' for title shots until you've beaten somebody. So, as is my job as a father, as an uncle, as well as a manager, I've lined up someone for you to try to beat. This could be a piece of cake or it could be your wake-up call. You decide which it is...."


Shortly after sitting down, he looks to his left and mutters an oath. Brooke and Tayla follow his eyes and their faces fall in unison:



As a handheld camera picks up the three women seated at ringside, they smile and wave before smirking at the two women in the ring. Just as it seems things couldn't get any worse, Hero plays and Brooke goes ballistic, yelling at her father who simply turns his hands up and shrugs.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmazingLass.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PowerGirl.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BethanyHurst_alt2.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BrookeTyler.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/TaylaMartin.jpg

The Super Powers w/Bethany Hurst vs The Icons of Tradition


Despite spending the first part of the match frazzled and shaken (and constantly checking a trio of ringside spectators), Brooke and Tayla managed to lose themselves in the flow of things. While obviously trying to avoid taking the brunt of any of their opponents' offense, they still managed to get caught quite a few times, requiring a save from the other. Finally, just after the 11 minute mark, Tayla rocked Amazing Lass and knocked her off the apron with an enzuigiri before turning to avoid a charging Power Girl. Tagging Brooke, the two women waited for Power Girl to extricate her shoulder from the ring post before launching (and dropping) her with a Weight of Tradition.

Winners: The Icons of Tradition



Marchin' On plays and Docent, Outrider, Call of Duty, comes out accompanied by Rachel Dearheart. Saluting the fans, they run down the ramp and slide into the ring to a rousing ovation. As they hit all four turnbuckles, making the universal belt motion, they cheers turn to immense boos as Cryin' Like A Bitch starts up. Clare South comes out, flanked by Emma and Viv, and fixes a look of disgust on the fans lining the ramp. Escorting her charges to the ring, she fixes the opposing team with a look of undisguised malice and leans over to say something to her team. As referee Isis begins checking all four competitors, the small arena erupts as Miss Independent starts to play. Feigning surprise at the reaction, Cheyenne comes out with a mic in hand.


"Yes yes, I know you want to rip the hide off each other and I'm going to allow you to do that. In fact, I'm going to give you a reason to do that. Cuz y'see, the winner of this match will go on to face the Canadiennes in three weeks at QAW Revolution, for the Twinstar titles!"


The crowd erupts at the revelation as the GM is played off and the match gets underway.


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/EmmaBitch.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/VivJacobs.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ClareSouth.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Docent.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Outrider.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/RachelDearheart.jpg

Assault & Battery w/Clare South vs Call of Duty w/Rachel Dearheart


Brains (and speed) versus brawn, in illustrated form. Docent and Outrider worked to keep their distance from the powerful pair, while repeatedly hitting them with quick attacks before retreating. Emma & Viv tried their best to get their hands on the fleet duo, landing a variety of big slams and suplexes when they did. The turning point came during an exchange outside the ring as Viv chased Docent and looked ready to grab her before falling victim to a drop toe hold, her head bouncing off the steel ring steps. With Outrider finally having gotten the better of Emma, she signaled to the crowd for Shock & Awe. Dropping her with the Shock, she pointed to Docent perched on the top rope for the Awe. The pinfall was almost anticlimactic.

Winners: Call of Duty



The ring is prepared for the main event as the Queenscreen shows Christina Charisma and Lady Melissa backstage in armchairs watching a huge flatscreen TV. Another fistbump exchange and a synchronized pair of smirks into the camera and then we cut to an arena shot when Excuse Me Mr starts up and the crowd reacts to the entrance of Ashley Grover. She moves down the ramp slapping hands with the fans before vaulting over the top rope and hitting the turnbuckles pumping her fists.


After a moment her theme dies down to be replaced by Miss Independent as once again General Manager Cheyenne comes out.


"You know, I had initially had a person in mind to face you, Ash. But I was given a heads up on someone else being available and, well, this was too good to pass up. Good luck, Ash."


She makes several encouraging gestures to Ashley before ducking behind the curtain. Shortly after the GM disappears from view, as Ashley limbers up in the ring, So Cold starts up as Autumn Gleeson and a visibly tanned Golden Delicious come out.



A camera backstage catches Christina & Lady Melissa's reactions...


Christina: "G'day, Ash!"

Lady Melissa: "Wot say I break ya in half, yeah?"


...before collapsing in laughter.



This should be either a good match...or a bloodbath.

Bets on the latter?


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GoldenDelicious.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AutumnGleeson.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AshleyGrover.jpg

Golden Delicious w/Autumn Gleeson vs Ashley Grover


Ashley took the fight courageously to the unstable Golden Delicious. After two near falls, the Aussie vet rolled out of the ring for a breather, sizing up her opponent as the crowd heaped abuse on the woman whose skin tone now matched her name very well. Back in the ring, the two women engaged in a dangerous game of one-upsmanship. That is, until Ashley's relative inexperience caught up to her as she went up top for the Chicago Hope and was plucked out of the air with a seemingly instantaneous Melbourne Surprise.

Winner: Golden Delicious



The show fades with the image of Golden Delicious staring straight into the camera, making a belt motion around her waist.



Final rating: 52

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Post Show



"Don't sweat it, ladies. This was a good first run. As you become more well known and more comfortable in front of the camera, the quality of LiveWire's shows will improve rapidly. In fact, that's why I've decided to base LiveWire in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. You all need to relax and let things come to you more naturally. Beaches tend to have that effect."


I waited until the cheering died down.


"Now, one thing you'll have to keep in mind is that starting February, having "headliners" appear here will be rare. So you ladies have three more shows to find a rhythm before crunch time hits."


I scanned the room and made note of the various expressions I saw, running the gamut from hesitant to excited before I finally said what most everyone was waiting to hear.


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a date with some 14-foot waves."


As the squeals and hollers rose up, I had to add, "Remember, flight to Houston leaves Saturday morning!"




QAW Showcase

Megumi Nakajima vs Sakura Sada

Christina Charisma vs Pixie Pinwheel

Affliction vs Recipe for Success

Joanne Rodriguez vs Golden Delicious

Suzanne Brazzle vs Vixxen

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QAW Showcase

Megumi Nakajima vs Sakura Sada

Sakura are most beautiful when they fall to the Earth and never seen again.


Christina Charisma vs Pixie Pinwheel

Pixie is the orbital monkey of this scheme... boom to the ground and repeat.


Affliction vs Recipe for Success

They build, they grow, the continue again, yes?


Joanne Rodriguez vs Golden Delicious

Golden Delicious seems to be of house and name in QAW. Why stop it now and short?


Suzanne Brazzle vs Vixxen

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QAW: Where we steal...err, draw inspiration from the formatting in other diaries!



Monday Week 2 January 2010

LIVE from QAW Studios in Houston, TX (Mid South)

Attendance: 6,130

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type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="25" width="27"></object>




Stacy Simmons Melanie Florence Thunder Hike



Welcome everyone to Showcase! I'm Stacy Simmons with the effervescent Melanie Florence and joshi legend Thunder Hike and we have quite a show for you tonight.





Miss Independent starts up and the camera cuts to the ring where General Manager Cheyenne is standing by with a mic.


"Cut my music. Good evening QAW fans and welcome to Showcase!"


The crowd pops as the camera pans around the audience stopping briefly on a fan holding a sign that says "I PAID TO SEE BRAZZLE" before returning to the GM.


"I won't be here too long, I just wanted to let you know that we're going to have a little mini-tournament to decide who will go on to Revolution to face the QAW World champion, Saving Grace. Tonight, the Latina Warrior, Joanne Rodriguez faces off with the enigmatic Golden Delicious and in our main event, Vixxen faces off with the Miracle Blonde, Suzanne Brazzle. Next week's Showcase main event will be the winners of those two matches with the winner of that match going on to Revolution to face Saving Grace for the QAW World title!"


As the crowd reacts to that news, she continues, "This is in addition to the QAW Twinstar title match in which the current reigning QAW Twinstar champions, the Canadiennes defend against Docent and Outrider, Call of Duty."


Her music hits again and she makes her way to the back, gladhanding the fans along the ramp.


What happens if Vixxen goes on to win both matches? Does that gives us a Coven vs Coven matchup?


Good question and one we'll have at least partially answered after tonight!




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MegumiNakajima.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Monique.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SakuraSada.jpg

Megumi Nakajima w/Monique vs Sakura Sada


What began as an even affair took a marked turn after one chain wrestling sequence, Sada punctuated it with a slap. After a moment trying to figure out if what she thought just happened actually did, Nakajima took Sada to school, ending the match with the Nakajima Straight Jacket.

Winner: Megumi Nakajima



I can tell you from experience that Megumi Nakajima is not the one you want to play games with.




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PixiePinwheel.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChristinaCharisma_Clarity.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyMelissa.jpg

Pixie Pinwheel vs Christina Charisma w/Lady Melissa


While Pixie gave Christina fits in the earlygoing, this was exactly what it looked like as, after one too many trips to the high rent district left the Pixie dazed and soon after, locked in the Charisma Clutch for the quick submission.

Winner: Christina Charisma







I'm standing by with Generation XX champion Lady Caramel and the lovely Jasmine Perlot and...


See, this is another example of the disrespect I have to put up with. Why is Jasmine the only 'lovely' one? I am the Generation XX champion and the hottest property in this promotion. Quiet as it's kept, I'm also the next Shockwave champion since this promotion needs champions who defend their titles regularly. Well, that and champions who excite the crowd and give them a reason to tune in. We don't need boring.....


The crowd pops as the camera zooms out to find what stopped Lady Caramel midsentence...


...as QAW Shockwave champion "Baby Blue" Kinuye Mushashibo steps into the frame, followed by Chloe Dean.



Yes, boring. Your matches are like Lunesta, with similar effects.

Hmm, I wonder, how many times have you defended that title?

More than you've defended that one. But don't worry too much, I'll be taking it off your hands soon enough.

Okay, how's tonight sound?

What? I'm not prepared to...

Tonight. In fact, right now. I'll meet you in the ring.

But...you can't....





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyCaramel_alt1.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JasminePerlot_alt1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KinuyeMushashibo.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChloeDean.jpg

Lady Caramel w/Jasmine Perlot vs Kinuye Mushashibo w/Chloe Dean


A back and forth affair that on several occasions almost proved Lady Caramel prophetic. But that was before an enzuigiri completely turned the tide as Baby Blue took to the air like a Blue Angel. A dropsault put Lady Caramel on the mat long enough for an ascent to the top where the Blue Dream ended the affair.

Winner: Kinuye Mushashibo





The camera cuts backstage to a woman rampaging through the backstage area.


"Where is she? Where is Cheyenne???"

Grabbing various backstage staff, she repeats the question several times, throwing the person aside when they claim ignorance. She comes across a pair of women standing talking and grabs one of them.


Yelling maniacally, she asks, "Why am I not in the tournament? WHY?"

"I don't...."

"Why are you in wrestling gear? You wanna fight? HUH? YOU WANNA FIGHT ME?!?"

Not waiting for an answer, she floors the young woman with a left hand, grabs her by the hair and drags her to the ring.




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KunikoMatsura.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LynnCox.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/NinaTheBallerina.jpg

Kuniko Matsura w/Lynn Cox vs Nina the Psycho Ballerina


Nina beats Kuniko like a rented mule. Nina Hammer. The end.

Winner: Nina the Psycho Ballerina





As the lights dim, an eerie video lights the Queenscreen:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


That was.....disturbing.

I wonder what it means?




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MichelleCox.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JaimeQuine_alt1.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Persephonealt2.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GinaHeaton.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KeishaMurrell.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HeatherB_alt1.jpg

Affliction w/Persephone vs Recipe for Success w/Heather B


While a balanced affair at first, the match began to turn in the less experienced team's favor after a leg lariat by Gina caught Michelle flatfooted, leading to a near fall. From there, they managed to keep Michelle isolated in their corner, using quick tags to wear her down. A rolling wheel kick by Michelle laid both her and Keisha out until the count of six. Keisha, eager to press the advantage and restore her team's momentum, hit the ropes and charged, only to fall victim to an overhead belly to belly throw that got Michelle pounding the mat, seemingly looking for the Crossface. As Keisha warily moved in, she fell for the ruse as Michelle forward rolled and lunged into her corner, finally getting Shooter in. Clean house? Why yes, yes she did. Very effectively, in fact. The KO Kick put an end to the proceedings.

Winners: Affliction






Hannah is seen backstage walking toward the locker rooms before someone steps into her path.


"You will tell your client to lay down, if you have her best interests at heart."


"If she wishes to have a lengthy career, she would do well to avoid any confrontation with the Savior. There are forces at work here that are beyond your simple understanding."

"Whatever. Just tell your "savior" to be ready. Whether it's J.Ro or Suzanne, she won't be leaving Revolution as the QAW World champion."

Baring her fangs threateningly at Hannah, Sienna hisses at her causing her to flinch and turn away and when she turns back, Sienna is gone. Visibly shaken, she enters the locker room and, at first sight of her, Suzanne says jokingly, "What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Worse. Much worse."




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GoldenDelicious.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AutumnGleeson.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JoanneRodriguez_Clarity.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MercedesGimenez.jpg

Golden Delicious w/Autumn Gleeson vs Joanne Rodriguez w/Mercedes Gimenez


With both competitors wary of each other, this match progressed slowly, as both women remained cautious, not wanting to be the one to make the fatal mistake. After a while, the pace picked up as each woman made it apparent by her actions that she wanted that title shot, badly. Just after the 15 minute mark, J.Ro took complete control after a series of japanese arm drags was followed with a russian leg sweep and double leg drop. She signaled to the crowd she was feelin' it........before the lights went out.


As the sound of rolling thunder reverberated throughout the arena, the potlights over the stage flickered to life as Savior began booming through the auditorium.


A minute later, a figure emerges onto the stage, laughing eerily, before the lights flicker out for a moment and then come up again.


As J.Ro shivers her discomfort away, she apparently doesn't hear the crowd's warning until too late, and doesn't see her opponent on all fours, lying in wait. She will undoubtedly see the replays later because in the moment, she turns around.......and falls victim to a Melbourne Surprise.

Winner: Golden Delicious



My God, what does J.Ro have to do to catch a break here?

She must remain focused on the task at hand, let nothing distract her from forcing her opponent to submit.

Or pinning her...


But it certainly seems to me that, for whatever reason, the QAW World champion wants nothing to do with Joanne Rodriguez.

For good reason.....




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Vixxen.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SiennaDeVille_Fin2.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpgw/http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HannahPotter.jpg

Vixxen w/Sienna DeVille vs Suzanne Brazzle w/Hannah


Another match that started off slow and ramped up after a while. While both women are suitably skilled on the mat, Brazzle chose to press her area of advantage over her opponent by taking to the air on several occasions. A few times, Vixxen tried for the Fall of Reason, only to have her opponent slip out or creatively counter the move.


As the fifteen minute mark came and went, the action ramped up significantly. Vixxen catches Brazzle off a crossbody attempt and flips her over into a samoan drop. The lazy pin only gets her two. Climbing to the top for the first time in the match, she scores with a flying headbutt but only gets another two count. Baring her fangs and hissing, she grabs Brazzle by the hair and lifts her up, only to get rolled into a small package for a two count. Incensed, Vixxen grabs Brazzle and drags her to her feet and, snarling viciously at her, spins her around for the Fall of Reason but again Brazzle counters and irish whips Vixxen to the far side. Telegraphing a backdrop attempt, she baits Vixxen just enough so the disciple of vampirism tries for a sunset flip. Too late she realizes her error as Brazzle raises up and catches her draped across her back in perfect position. As she walks into the center of the ring, Sienna at ringside screams as Hannah pounds the mat....and the Miracle Connection...well, connects. The crowd counts with referee Isis as Brazzle hooks one leg and drapes a leg over the other....






Winner: Suzanne Brazzle



Final rating: 79

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<p>"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">So this week?</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Probably not.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Then when?</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Not exactly sure. Depends on a lot of lines coming together to make for a perfect moment.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Lines? What the hell are you on about?</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Nevermind. Just gimme some time.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">I hope you have plans and not some crap about lines.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Yes, I do. Payoff will be next year.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">NEXT YEAR? I didn't sign up for a payoff next year!</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">I remember differently. I asked you to trust me and what did you say? Oh, I remember now, "based on what you've done with Jo and Grace and Suz, not to mention Michelle and JQ, I'd be a fool not to." Has something changed since then?</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">No but...I dunno, a year is a really long time.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Exactly!</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">What? Exactly what?</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#000080;">Nevermind.</span></em>"</p><p> </p><p>

"<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr</span></em>"</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><em>---------------------------------</em></p><p>

<strong>QAW LiveWire</strong></p><p>

Ikuko Temko vs Megumi Nakajima</p><p>

Jeri Behr vs Jana Marie Bowen</p><p>

Brooke Dunn vs Amber Allen</p><p>

Principessa vs Christina Charisma</p><p>

The Super Powers vs Assault & Battery</p><p>

Recipe for Success vs The Natural Blondes</p><p>

Olivia Diamond vs Ashley Grover</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>QAW LiveWire</strong></p><p>

Ikuko Temko vs <strong>Megumi Nakajima</strong></p><p>

Jeri Behr vs <strong>Jana Marie Bowen</strong></p><p>

Brooke Dunn vs <strong>Amber Allen</strong></p><p>

Principessa vs <strong>Christina Charisma</strong></p><p>

The Super Powers vs <strong>Assault & Battery</strong></p><p>

Recipe for Success vs <strong>The Natural Blondes</strong></p><p>

Olivia Diamond vs <strong>Ashley Grover</strong></p>

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Ikuko Temko vs Megumi Nakajima

Jeri Behr vs Jana Marie Bowen

Brooke Dunn vs Amber Allen

Principessa vs Christina Charisma

The Super Powers vs Assault & Battery

Recipe for Success vs The Natural Blondes

Olivia Diamond vs Ashley Grover

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