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Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling: Taking Australia to New Heights

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'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker

Love the idea of Tucker turning 'Heel' when the bell rings ..

Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon

Got to keep Rod strong .. Or could be alot of shenanigans, a tough call here. I'm going draw!


Keeping it Rusty Mills i believe.

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Nice to see some new blood in here. Thanks for dropping in and posting prediction, BYU 14. Show will be up later tonight.






RAW and APW "Trade" Biggest Names in Australia!

By Robert Szatkowski, 8/13/10




Revolution Australian Wrestling has made it's biggest move yet since attaining a cult following - the signing of the hottest prospect in Australia, Swoop McCarthy! It was only a matter of time before RAW crippled their closest competitors, but McMinister and APW are refusing to go down without a fight. Just two days later, APW has signed none other than "Mr. Australia" Kerry Wayne from right out under RAW's nose! With the war heating up, RAW's still a long way from being the undisputed number one promotion in Australia.




"Hey, bossman. Need you in the locker room, Sinner's throwing a huge tantrum..."




Lions sighed to himself as he gestured for Guffin to lead the way. If Keith Cole, his road agent, didn't come get him, then it must be pretty bad.




"Listen, man, I'm just telling you how it is. It's not like I'm the one-"


"Don't feed me that bull****, Cole. I know you've been out to get me since the day I signed up here. You're probably the one who-"


"Enough, you two. What the hell is the problem?" I addressed the problem to Cole, since, after all, he was my road agent.


"Well, Sinner was acting like an arrogant ass with some of the lower card guys back here like Reed and Kenny, so I told him about the plans for him in the future..."


"Cole, I don't care how bad he's acting, you don't spoil my booking plans to take a guy down a peg. Especially someone like Sinner, who could probably take your head off if he really wanted to." I turned to Sinner. This would be a much harder problem to soothe. "Listen, Sinner, I can understand why you'd be upset. But my hands are tied. Cole was wrong for letting you know that way, but you shouldn't be acting tough to all the young guys back here. You're 32, you should know better. I can live with you two not getting along but keep it out of the locker room."


"Got it, boss."


Sinner seemingly deflated, all of his anger from before gone.


"I guess I really should start acting my age, eh? Sorry, John, I've just been so used to getting nothing for all my hard work, that I my head may have swollen up a little. It won't happen again."

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Tower of Cards




Marv’s Sport Central

Attendance: 26




Tonight, John Lions opens the show with a big announcement



“As many of you may already know, next month’s show is Kingdom Come. What you may not know, is that Kingdom Come is the crowning jewel of KCCW: all of the blood, sweat, and tears that each and every wrestler puts into this ring every month will finally be paid off. At Kingdom Come, I will be hosting the first annual King of Australia Battle Royal! Ten men will enter this ring, and one will remain to be crowned the King of Australia. For all their hard work, the winner will be given a guaranteed title shot at any time. The Knights of the Round, Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter, have already been entered, and two more spots have been guaranteed by wrestlers set to debut at Kingdom Come. Be sure to be there for-“




“Book another spot in that Battle Royal, Mr. Lions. It’s only fitting that Frankie Robertson, the Uncrowned King, the man who carried KCCW on its back through the hardest times, finally gets the credit he deserves. It’s a damn shame that none of you fans can appreciate me – I’ve earned the respect of every man I’ve entered the ring with, so it’s only a matter of time before I earn yours. Prepare yourselves, KCCW, because the reign of the Uncrowned King, Frankie Robertson, will begin again in one month’s time! A crown would go well with my title, and it would be a good complement to my resume as a two-time champion.”


(22, E-)




The Axis emerges




“Pat,” Warren says as the trio enters the ring, Tucker standing on the turnbuckles and posing for the crowd as Rigsby just stares down Lydecker, You’re becoming a liability to the Axis. You’ve lost the killer instinct; you’ve changed from the ruthless ‘Piledriver’ who I allied with in the first place. Tucker’s everything you aren’t, Pat. Tonight, I’m going to have you two wrestle, and, if Tucker wins, you’re out of the Axis and he takes your spot as my tag partner!


In response, Rigby fires a hard punch at Warren, knocking the taste out of his mouth! The fans cheer as Rigsby turns on his former partner, and Tucker restrains Warren before forcing out of the ring.


(11, F+)




‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby vs Two-Face Tucker




All smiles, Tucker turns to give his opponent a warm handshake – that is, until the bell rings. As soon as the match is officially started, Two-Face Tucker drops to the mat, clutching his leg in pain! The referee is understandably confused, and goes to check on Tucker. Meanwhile, Warren Lydecker rolls back in the ring, hitting Rigsby with the Lydecker Lariat! As soon as Warren leaves the ring, Tucker springs to his feet, apparently faking the injury, and rolls Rigsby over for the pin. The referee, however, has Tucker well scouted and refuses to count, threatening to disqualify him. Tucker protests that he had nothing to do with Rigsby’s sudden attack, and that he was legitimately injured, until Rigsby interrupts them both, getting to his feet! He shakes his head at the ref, putting his fists up and making a gesture for Tucker to bring it on! Tucker complies, charging at Rigsby, and gets a Russian leg sweep for his troubles! Pat lifts Tucker up by his hair, keeping his body down and hooking back both of his arms. Rigsby hits a double underhook piledriver on Tucker, driving him headfirst into the mat! ‘Piledriver’ isn’t done, hoisting Tucker up again and dropping him with the Stuff Piledriver, pinning Tucker for the win and sending a message to the Axis. By the stipulations, Pat is still Warren’s partner, but a man like Warren doesn’t follow stipulations: rolling into the ring, Lydecker takes Rigsby out with another Lydecker Lariat as he is distracted by Tucker, who is getting to his feet and congratulating him on a well fought match! Warren heads to the back, laughing, the advantage his despite Rigsby’s win tonight.


WINNER: ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby (24, E) [5:33]




Rod Sullivan vs Donovan Boon




Rod Sullivan heads to the ring with his partner, Nicky Gilbert, but Donovan Boon doesn’t come out alone either. Accompanying Donovan Boon are the Drifters, Sinner and Mercenary, and they take up place around the outside opposite of Gilbert!

“I hope you don’t mind me bringing a little extra protection… I’m not about to let you cost me this way with your underhanded tactics, Mr. Gilbert.


Despite the tense circumstances, the match goes off without a hitch. Sullivan and Boon lock up, with Boon getting the advantage after a knee to the gut. A bridging vertical suplex gets a two count, as Sullivan is far from done with this match. Rod bounces to his feet, going for a roundhouse kick! Boon catches his foot, but isn’t prepared for Rod to swing his other foot around and nail him in the head. This pumps up Sullivan, who heads to the top rope and comes off with a big double stomp to Donovan’s chest! A pin only gets a two count, but it was a close one. Rod fires off a flurry of leg and body kicks to Donovan as he regains his feet, so Boon wisely bails out of the ring. Sullivan looks like he’s about to follow, but the Drifters stand in front of him as he regains his composure! Before being counted out, Boon heads back to the ring, but Rod has been waiting, coming off the second rope with a springboard dropkick. Boon is down, so Rod heads to the top, coming off with his Rolling Rod Knee, but Donovan was playing possum the entire time. As Rod came off the top, Donovan nailed a huge superkick into his chest, surprising Sullivan and blasting him to the mat! For good measure, Boon hoists his opponent up onto his shoulders and drops him with the Boon Drop, though many wonder if he would have been able to recover before Sullivan hit his Rolling Rod Knee if he wasn’t able to get out of the ring and hide behind his back up.


WINNER: Donovan Boon (33, E+) [13:31]




After the match…




Nicky Gilbert rolls into the ring, but is caught unawares as Mercenary rolls into the ring and nails him with the Big Boot, knocking him out cold! On the outside, Sinner is setting up a pair of tables, laughing and talking to himself.


“Rod Sullivan lost, and his partner happened to be in my way so regretfully finds himself unconscious at my feet. Not that it’s any different than if I had a match with him, but killing two birds with one stone is a deal I can’t possibly turn away from. Take notice, Rusty Mills – you can either come out here and accept a match between me and you at Kingdom Come, or my compatriots and I end the wrestling careers of young Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan. If I don’t break their necks through the first table, there is always more. I’ll keep going until I put them in a hospital bed, Mills. Don’t you see? This is your fault. It’s your fault I’m this way. All you have to do is-




“I accept your challenge, Donovan Boon.” Rusty Mills, interrupting his former partner’s threat, emerges from the back to end Boon’s reign of terror through KCCW! “However, it will be under my conditions. You’ve entertained the idea of making your way to the top of the figurative mountain. So our match will be a ladder match! If you can pin me, then you reach the top. But wouldn’t it be so much sweeter if you can do it ten to fifteen feet in the air, after actually climbing your way to what you see as your own personal ‘destiny’? If you do beat me, Donny, then I congratulate you, but I’m going to make you work for it. So stop this madness, and leave Gilbert and Sullivan be.


Donovan nods at the Drifters, who leave the two Next Big Things away without any more damage despite Mercenary’s eagerness to do so. Grinning insanely, Donovan yells back into the mic at Mills.


“You just agreed to your own personal hell, Rusty Mills! I’ll pay you back tenfold, Rusty, for the eight months I’ve been forced to stay in your shadow. When you’re sitting in that hospital bed, I’ll make sure to send you each monthly KCCW show, so you can watch as I demolish every person you thought you could protect and put them all in a bed next to you.


The two of them stare each other down, Donovan grinning wildly, Rusty completely determined. The remaining competitors clear out to make way for Frankie Robertson, determined to make sure Rusty and Donovan don’t face off for the championship at Kingdom Come.


(29, E+)








This match starts off much like their previous outing did, except this time it is Rusty who is the champion and Frankie who is the challenger. Anyone who may have thought Mills would be distracted by Boon and his numerous threats, they would be wrong, as Rusty is as determined as always. As soon as the bell rings, Rusty takes Mills down with a takedown, locking him in a series of amateur holds as Frankie writhes around on the mat in pain. Despite Robertson’s lack of amateur pedigree, he makes up for it in stamina – none of the moves come even remotely close to making him give up. Rusty backs off, but this is only a trap for Frankie as he sits up, as Mills is far from done. Mills comes running from the opposite side of the ring, hitting him with a Shining Wizard! Pulling out a new maneuver, Rusty goes for the pin, but only picks up a two count. Grudgingly, Mills nods to himself, realizing that it wouldn’t be that easy to put away the tenacious Frankie Robertson. Not wanting to give up the advantage, Rusty goes to hoist Frankie to his feet, but takes an elbow to the forehead for his efforts! Robertson shoves Mills off and begins firing a combination of elbows at him, ending it with a spinning back elbow that sends Rusty sprawling to the mat.


Frankie heads to the top rope, waiting for Mills to get to his feet, and flies off with a bulldog, driving Rusty to the mat! Frankie only picks up a two count, so he hooks Mills’ head and looks to finish it with the Robertson Experience. Rusty shoves Robertson off, so Frankie decides to back into the ropes and hit him with his running elbow strike instead! Lifting the prone champion to his feet, he hooks his head and manages to successfully hit him with the Robertson Experience! The crowd is in uproar as Robertson grins ****ily and rolls him over for a loose pin. To the surprise of everyone, though, Mills manages to kick out! Robertson is stunned, sitting up and staring vacantly. Frankie shakes off his surprise, realizing Mills was far from being back in the fight, and turns to the prone champion. Again, to the utter amazement of Robertson, Rusty kips up and stands face to face with his challenger! Frankie is too stunned to defend against a belly-to-belly suplex from the champion, and, one Miller Highlight later, and Rusty Mills retains in the best match in KCCW history!

WINNER: Rusty Mills© (39, D-) [19:31]




OVERALL: (34, E+)

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Jingo – 18/29

Zergon – 16/29

MaxHexx – 10/14

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Dragonmack - 6/7

BYU 14 - 3/3

Rayelek - 3/6





Kingdom Come


At Kingdom Come, three huge matches are sure to cement this event as the biggest show in KCCW history. The very first ladder match AND the very first King of Australia Battle Royal, accompanied by a grudge tag team match in the making for months, round out the card and set up an unmissable event!



The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary)


Ever since Mercenary faced off with Rod Sullivan, the maniacal giant has taken an interest in both of the young blue chippers. At every opportunity, the undefeated monster would get the better of these two, leading to a no-holds barred match at Through Blood By Thunder which saw the debut of Mercenary's keeper, Sinner. While the menacing Mercenary has yet to speak a word since debuting nine months ago in KCCW, Sinner's revealed The Drifters' motives behind their actions - Mercenary's done working for money, but is instead working for a higher power. This led to the kidnapping of Rod Sullivan, who Nicky Gilbert was able to free after a match between himself and Sinner one month after his capture. Sullivan has been scarred from that event - he still refuses to even talk to Nicky about what happened. A final showdown between the two warring teams has been announced two months before Kingdom Come. Can The Next Big Things triumph over their mortal enemies, or will the monstrous duo remain dominant over KCCW's undercard?





King of Australia Battle Royal


Frankie Robertson's claimed to be the 'Uncrowned King' of KCCW, but there is only one way for him to drop that title - win the King of Australia Battle Royal. The odds are stacked against him, though, as seven other hungry KCCW regulars all want a guaranteed title shot, while the two unknown competitors look to pick up a big debut victory. Who will be King?





This is another match that has been long in the making. Rusty Mills, ever since being turned on by his one-time partner Donovan Boon, has been on the heater of his life, reaching heights he never thought imaginable when he was in a tag team with Boon. All of the success Rusty has had, though, is the success that Boon feels he should have. Boon lost his shot at a one on one match with the champion to Rusty Mills, and watched as Mills took that momentum to pick up the championship for himself. Since then, Boon has been working his way from the bottom, taking out every wrestler he sees as standing between him and his 'destiny'. When Boon threatened to end the careers of Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan, Rusty finally caved in and accepted a title match - but revealed the title would be sitting suspended above the arena, with the champion being the one to reach the top while the loser falls into obscurity! The title match holds much more importance than just a championship victory for these two wrestlers, and it is sure to be reflected in the ring.


Make sure to catch Kingdom Come, September 27th at Marv's Sports Central, or catch the live feed here at kccw.com!


The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary)


Kenny Poulter, Lance Lott, 'Rocket' Reed Buckfield, 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby, ???, ???, Warren Lydecker, Two-Face Tucker, 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, and Frankie Robertson


Mystery Entrant(s):


Each mystery entrant is 1 point. One of them you'll just have to guess, but the other is a big (for a local Aussie fed) name that has been hinted at numerous times in this dynasty. Oh, and if you pick a mystery entrant to win, it doesn't matter which one you pick :p

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The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Donovan Boon) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary

I actually expect Drfters to win but my WWE patented opposite momentum chard says it´s Gilbert´s and Sullivan´s turn



Kenny Poulter, Lance Lott, 'Rocket' Reed Buckfield, 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby, ???, ???, Warren Lydecker, Two-Face Tucker, 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, and Frankie Robertson

Usually the mystery guy wins with this set-up and since one of them are a big name it´s even more likely



I feel that it´s little too early for a title change but this feud will likely continue regartless of the outcome.


Mystery Entrant(s): No idea about these two but lets say Seeker and uhmmm... Toady (just bacause I would like to see this ZEN school guy to actually have a job for once:p)

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The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Donovan Boon) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary

Donovan Boon is a next big thing now? sure that wasnt supposed to be rod sullivan? Either way they win, via dq



Kenny Poulter, Lance Lott, 'Rocket' Reed Buckfield, 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby, ???, ???, Warren Lydecker, Two-Face Tucker, 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, and Frankie Robertson

I think Nighthawk is one of them and will win



Mills seems to be your boy at least till you get to small


Mystery Entrant(s): dont know the australian scene well enough to guess the other, but I am sure it isnt Swoop. ;)

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The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Donovan Boon) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary



Kenny Poulter, Lance Lott, 'Rocket' Reed Buckfield, 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby, ???, ???, Warren Lydecker, Two-Face Tucker, 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, and Frankie Robertson

Has to be the mystery man.....Doesn't it?



I think it will be a DQ or some other ending to keep Boon strong


Mystery Entrant(s): I have a lot of catching up to do on Australia to make a guess here.....Even with clues :)

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The Next Big Things (Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan) vs The Drifters (Sinner and Mercenary)

I sense something funny going on ... Maybe a turn of something ...


Kenny Poulter, Lance Lott, 'Rocket' Reed Buckfield, 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby, ???, ???, Warren Lydecker, Two-Face Tucker, 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, and Frankie Robertson

It has to be a mystery guy right!?


I'm calling shenanigans DQ retain

Mystery Entrant(s): Maurice Jackson and Seeker.

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Thanks for all the feedback, show will be up tomorrow night. Since it's essentially my Wrestlemania, I'm taking a good deal of time on each segment, so it'll be a long read. Though from the bits I have done, thoroughly enjoyable :)






"I want 600$ a show, and not a penny less."




Jesus. Ever since the kid got signed by RAW earlier in the month, Gilbert's been walking around like he's king ****. 'I'm a TV star, you guys, so don't expect me to job to you anytime soon!' The guy was making more enemies than he seems to believe, especially from Rod. How the hell does he think being saddled with a pornstar gimmick as a comedy jobber means he's in the big leagues? John Lions sighed to himself, memories of that horrible RAW match where Nick 'The Stick' Gilbert was squashed by Vincent Victory in less than three minutes.


"Fine, Nicky, I can't just let you go. You're part of a big storyline in the coming-"




"Trouble again, bossman, worse this time."


Seeing the urgent look on Guffin's face, John hopped out of my seat and followed him as we raced past Gilbert to the locker room, where Lance Lott, Reed Buckfield, and Warren Lydecker were all holding back Mercenary.




"Let me at him! That son of a bitch said I would be out of a job if it wasn't for him signing up! Who the hell does he think he is?"


Lions turned to the man in question. Damnit, anyone but him.




He pulled the debutant for Kingdom Come aside, to have a private word with him. The same man who said he'd stick by his agreements, who said he'd join no matter what.


And he was drunk.


"Listen, man, we're a local company. Do you think the twenty people who show up to our shows would stop coming if I fired you right now and made the Battle Royal a nine man? You're important if I want to pull of this storyline, yes. But your ****ing dispensable, and if you show up to work hammered or insulting one of my hardest working employees again, you'll find your ass thrown on the curb harder than any of those hardcore freaks over at DIW can throw you."


To his credit, he definitely looked a lot more sober than back in the locker room. And a little ashamed, as well.


"Got it, boss. The environment here is a lot different than at DIW... it won't happen again, trust me."


How hard is it to find a locker room leader in Australia, damn it!

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Kingdom Come




Marv’s Sport Central

Attendance: 25




Next Big Things vs The Drifters



Opening our biggest show of the year is a grudge match that has been long in the making. With all four competitors in the ring, the referee surprisingly has more trouble getting the volatile Rod Sullivan onto the apron. Mercenary looks like he’s about to take the fight to Sullivan, but Sinner sends him out of the ring with a gesture. The bell rings, and immediately the huge Sinner takes his ham-sized fist and drills Gilbert with a hard punch to the jaw! To his credit, though, Nicky Gilbert only turns with the blow, refusing to me dropped. Wiping the corner of his mouth, Nicky immediately begins firing stiff punches at Sinner’s chest and head, blocking any of his attempts to punch back with a forearm! Gilbert strategically staggers him back into his corner, turning the big man and forcing him chest-first into the turnbuckle. Nicky tags out to his partner, who’s been patiently waiting to get his hands on either Drifter, and grabs Sinner in a waistlock! There is no chance Gilbert can lift the big man alone – which is why Sullivan climbed up onto the top rope, coming off with a flying leg lariat as Nicky lifted Sinner up, dropping him neck first to the mat with a vicious combo! Gilbert breaks up his bridge, since he isn’t the legal man, but eats a huge Big Boot from Mercenary before he can make it to the apron! This gives Sinner enough time to get to his hands and knees, gasping for breath, who gestures to Mercenary to go back to the apron. The monstrous man-for-hire complies, and Sullivan is left in the ring with the man who tormented him for a month.


Sullivan charges at Sinner, as he’s still on his hands and knees, but, rather than attack Sinner, he uses him as a springboard to hit a flying dropkick on Mercenary! Mercenary’s knocked off the apron, and Rod is a house of fire, heading back for Sinner as he staggers to his feet and dropping him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head! Rod’s anger leads to the advantage going to the Drifters, though, as he begins yelling at the prone Sinner on the mat and stomping at his head, choking him with his boot! The referee forces Rod off after a five count, and the beleaguered Sinner rolls to his corner and tags to Mercenary, who, by this point, had made his way back up onto the apron. Nicky gets Rod’s attention away from the referee, just in time for him to take a huge clothesline, taking the young gun’s head off! Mercenary lifts Rod up in the air in a military press, dropping him from a nearly seven foot height onto his knee! Sullivan is on the mat, clutching his gut in pain. The giant lifts him up by his throat, looking to finish him off with his partner’s Chokebomb finisher, but Nicky Gilbert interferes! Gilbert takes Mercenary’s legs out from under him with a low dropkick, and, as the big man falls forward, Rod gets his knees up to hit him with a facebreaker! Both men go down hard, but, as the referee forces Gilbert back onto the apron, they get to their respective corners. Sinner charges at Gilbert, but, rather than brawl with him, Nicky springboards off the ropes and hits a flying clothesline to take him down! Smelling blood in the water, Gilbert starts slamming his fists on the ground and gesturing for Sinner to get to his feet. Mercenary looks to interfere, but eats a superkick from Rod, who sensed that the end was near as well! Sinner gets to his feet, and eats a Diamond Cutter from Gilbert, driving him head first into the mat. With no one to break up the pin, Nicky picks up his team’s biggest victory yet over their long-time enemies! As the Next Big Things celebrate, Mercenary crawls his way to the announce table, forcing John Lions to give him his microphone.




“TREMBLE, MORTALS, AND DESPAIR!” Mercenary yells in a deep, raspy voice, “DOOM HAS COME!”


WINNERS: Next Big Things (32, E+) [8:23]







The lights go out! Fog begins pouring out from the back, filling the entranceway and surrounding the ring. As the light slowly begins to fill the arena again, two robed and hooded figures are seen slowly making their way up the entranceway! During the blackout, both of the Drifters managed to get to their feet, as they are both kneeling side by side in the ring, looking towards the mat. Both Rod Sullivan and Nicky Gilbert are looking on warily, while the referee bails out of the ring as the mysterious figures continue their ominous procession. The slightly larger of the pair holds the ropes open as the smaller hooded man stepped into the ring. As the lights come back on fully, he pushes back his hood to reveal…





It is past time that a scion of Enlightenment has graced Australia with his presence. You have done well Sinner, sowing the seeds for my arrival. But you overstep yourself. You take unnecessary risks, and jeopardize our mission for your own personal enjoyment. There are no second chances for the likes of you, Sinner. Brother Blood! The second man takes off his head, revealing himself as he walks towards Sinner, who is still kneeling.


…born by blood, by blood unborn…


Brother Blood unwraps the white bandages that go from his elbow down to his hand on his left arm, revealing it to be wrapped in barbed wire! Blood is chanting as he takes the barbwire and cuts a bloody x in Sinner’s forehead, as he stares rapturously at Seeker. The Next Big Things, who had been previously watching the entire ordeal, go to intervene, but are stopped by Mercenary, who, with his massive frame, prevents them from getting involved. The bloody deed done, Sinner stands up and puts his hands up. As Seeker watches on, Blood Brother lifts Sinner up onto his shoulders and throws him out of the ring, dropping him sickeningly on his neck with the a Crucifix Powerbomb!


You have been Excommunicated, Sinner. Console yourself in the face we did no more than break your neck for your transgressions – sins against the Enlightened are a serious crime. There are not nearly enough apostates living to attest that. Done with Sinner, Seeker turns to the Nicky Gilbert and Rod Sullivan.




“Nicky Gilbert, Rod Sullivan, the two of you have shown incredible promise – it isn’t an easy feat, to defeat my personal emissaries. The way of the Enlightened is difficult. The rewards bestowed upon us by our Creator can only be given to the strongest of men, those who elevate themselves to a state of transcendence that no mere mortal can attain. Join us. Nicky Gilbert, you have incredible promise. Sinner was ranked fairly high among us, and you defeated him twice. If you knew the truth, though-“


“I’m not joining your cult, you insane priest. And neither is Rod.” Nicky looks like he is about to get violent with Seeker, and Mercenary looks like he’s about to take action, but both stop as the high priest abruptly lets out a deep chuckle.

“We are not a cult, Nicky Gilbert. We are the truth. Who has been to the other side, who can tell you what really happens when your mortal body passes on? Only the words of many, the devout following of the mind-washed masses in the word of the Bible, implant the idea in your minds when you are young to use it as a guideline for your own mortality, just as their parents did. Only the words written in the Bible restrict the truly great from achieving Enlightenment. The truth is that we are not all equal, Nicky Gilbert. There are those like you and I who… nevermind. I am wasting my time with you. You already made your decision. You will see the light eventually, Nicky Gilbert. Seeker turns away from the pair, leaving them staring, until he abruptly turns back around and utters the phrase: “Brother Sullivan?”


BAM! Rod Sullivan nails a huge superkick into his partner’s face! The crowd goes nuts as Gilbert goes down to the mat in a dead heap as Sullivan joins Seeker’s strange procession, flanking Seeker with Brother Blood as Mercenary looms ominously behind them. The lights go out again, and when they come back on, only Nicky Gilbert is left in the ring, down on the mat as the referee tries to wake him.

The Enlightened have come to Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling!


(26, E)










All ten men head to the ring before the match can start. Rather than go with a generic entrance, when the eight KCCW regulars are all in the ring, the lights go out for a third time this night. When they come back on, Brother Blood and Seeker are in the center of the ring, and immediately jump ‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield, who they throw over the ropes before he even gets his astronaut helmet on! (ELIMINATION 1: ‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield). Despite the match not officially starting, the referee allows it, not wanting suffer the same fate as Nicky Gilbert and Sinner. Once the match gets under relative control (as controlled as nine man battle royal can be), the battle lines are drawn clearly. The Enlightened duo of Seeker and Blood Brother are working together, while the tag teams of The Axis (Lydecker and Tucker) and The Knights of the Round (Lott and Poulter) hold their alliances through the match as well. This puts Zucco, Robertson, and Rigsby at a big disadvantage. The new Axis take turns brutalizing their former member Pat Rigsby, while the Enlightened face off with Zucco and the Knights take the fight to Robertson. Seeker is content to look on as Brother Blood does the work on Zucco – the self-proclaimed ‘Psycho’ lands a wicked headbutt on Blood, staggering him back, but Blood counters with a headbutt of his own, dropping him like a sack of bricks. Rather than attempt to throw him over the top rope, Blood instead chooses to unwrap the bandages on his arm, taking the barbed wire and choking Zucco out! The ref had no opportunity to confiscate Blood’s barbed wire before, so Blood finds himself being disqualified and eliminated. (ELIMINATION 2: Brother Blood). The acolyte doesn’t look phased, though, leaving Zucco a bloody heap on the mat for Seeker to easily toss out of the ring (ELIMINATION 3: ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco).


Meanwhile, Tucker and Lydecker have been taking advantage of Rigsby, not letting him get in even a scrap of offense. As soon as the match started, Tucker hit Rigsby with an atomic drop (he had been vigorously shaking Pat’s hand and telling him how much of an honor it would be to compete with him before the bell rang). Since then, the Axis duo has been taking turns stomping on Pat and spitting in his face. They were unsuccessful at any attempts to throw the resilient Rigsby over the ropes, though, despite all of the beating they were giving him. Cavalry arrived to Rigsby in the nick of time as the Knights of the Round charged the Axis with a double clothesline as they had him on the apron, knocking both members out of the ring! (ELIMINATIONS 4 AND 5: Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker). After a minor exchange of brawling, Robertson had backed away with his hands up for a truce with the Knights, pointing out the Axis’s cheating and begging that they help him rather than double-team him – it worked, and, with Seeker simultaneously eliminating Zucco, there were five men left in the ring now with only one team. Not being graceful losers, Lydecker and Tucker pull Rigsby off the apron before he can get back in, evening the score! (ELIMINATION 6: ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby). On the outside, Tucker hits Rigsby with the Coin Toss (Mic Check, or Leg Hook Reverse STO) and Lydecker spits in his face, leaving him down on the floor as the head to the back.


A maniacal priest and a no-frills wrestler make an awkward alliance, but the makeshift team of Robertson and Seeker prove effective against the Knights of the Round. They have their work cut out for them, though, as the teamwork of the pair turns out to be too much. Kenny drops on his hands and knees to the mat, and Lance Lott runs and jumps off his back, hitting Robertson with a flying clothesline. Before he can capitalize, Seeker takes him down with a flying somersault neckbreaker from the top rope! Poulter charges at Seeker and gets an elbow to the gut. The High Priest of Enlightenment grabs Poulter’s arm and wraps him up in a full nelson hold, as Frankie Robertson unsteadily gets to his feet and tosses Lance out of the ring (ELIMINATION 7: Lance Lott). Robertson walks over to where Seeker has Poulter locked up, and begins firing elbow and forearm shots at him! After knocking him silly, Seeker flips him over his back with a dragon suplex, driving him into the mat. The pair tosses Poulter out of the ring to narrow the field down to two (ELIMINATION 8: Kenny Poulter). Seeker and Frankie Robertson face off in the middle of the ring, and Seeker does the cut-throat gesture that Mercenary’s used so often before. In response, Robertson hits him in the face with his forearm, knocking him backwards! Robertson runs into the ropes, about to go for his flying elbow strike, and is stopped short as Blood Brother grabs his foot. Frankie turns his attention to Brother Blood for a second to long, and Seeker is able to capitalize, hitting a kick to the gut and hoisting him into his shoulders. Seeker drops Robertson out of the ring with a death valley driver that Lions puts over as the Excommunicator! (ELIMINATION 9: Frankie Robertson). Seeker is the King of Australia!


WINNER: Seeker (31, E+) [12:35]




After the ring is cleared, a ladder is set up in the center of the ring…




And sitting on that ladder is Rusty Mills, the KCCW World Heavyweight Champion. Mills hooks his championship belt on the rope suspended from the ceiling, and takes up the mic that has been sitting on his lap.


“This is it, Donny. This is your chance to shine. Finally, you have a chance for your star to shine brighter than all the rest. This is your chance to blow it. For the past nine months I’ve listened on as you preached to everyone who would listen that you are destined for this. To you, this match is already a foregone conclusion, I assume. But there is a reason there are twice as many people in the audience than the last time we fought. And no, it isn’t because they want to be here as you make history. They want to see you fall fifteen feet to the floor, to see you in just as much pain as you put the honest, hard working men of KCCW in every month until I caved in to give you this opportunity.


“Do I think you deserve it? That’s a tough question, but I think you do. You’ve convincingly beaten anyone who stood in your way, and you’ve proven why you’re one of the most formidable men in Australia. You’ve proven that you were a good student, Donovan, because I taught you everything you know about wrestling. You still have a lot to learn, Donovan Boon, and, even though I’m not your teacher anymore, I have one last lesson for you. A lesson in humility. After I prove to you that the world doesn’t revolve around you, I hope you’ll realize your mistake. I hope I can get through to the Donovan I called my friend, many years ago.”




Donovan Boon emerges from the back, as Rusty begins to climb down the ladder. The referee removes the ladder from the ring before the championship match.


“I have nothing to say to you, Rusty Mills, that I haven’t already said before. You’re absolutely right. I’ve talked a big game. Do you know how I know I’m better than you, Rusty? We’re both the best wrestlers in KCCW, bar none. If you and I were to have 100 matches, just pure wrestling matches, we would probably both win half. But wrestling isn’t all about ring work. There is one quality I have that you don’t – ambition. There have been great men in our time, Rusty, and there have been legendary men. Every single legend has achieved their greatness through their ambition. You don’t see the big picture, Rusty, and that’s why I’m better. You don’t realize that it doesn’t matter if twenty or so inbreds don’t like you. You are content being champion of the smallest wrestling promotion in the known world. And that is what sickens me. That people like you can hold people like me down. Rusty Mills… I spit on your name. If you had a legacy, I would spit on it too. But you never will, and that is why I hate you. Prepare to become a footnote, Rusty, because you are nothing more than a detour on my road to greatness. Prepare, Rusty Mills, for the fight of your life. Can you defeat destiny?


(33, E+)








The atmosphere in the arena is electric as the two competitors face off, circling each other in the ring, as John Lions steps in the ring with a microphone to officially begin the match.


“Introducing first the challenger… Donovan Boon! And his opponent this evening, the reigning KCCW World Heavyweight Champion… Rusty Mills! The only way to win the match is to obtain the championship belt suspended fifteen feet above the ceiling. Referee, ring the bell!”


Lions slides out of the ring just as the two competitors charge at each other, locking up in the center of the ring. Rusty Mills gets a waistlock, going for a German suplex, but Donovan does a backflip to land on his feet! Rusty turns around just in time to eat a haymaker, dropping him to the mat. Boon wastes no time rolling out of the ring, grabbing a ladder and carrying it to the apron. It backfires for him, though, as Rusty baseball slides it into his face! Mills follows through with a senton dive to the outside, sandwiching the ladder between himself and Boon. Both men are injured from that high risk move, but Mills gets to his feet first, taking the ladder into the ring and setting it up. Rusty begins climbing to the top, looking to end the match quick, but as he reaches the third step he sees Donovan begin stirring. Stopping short, Rusty hops off the ladder and looks out at Boon, staring. The two competitors lock eyes, and Rusty gestures for him to bring it! Boon rolls into the ring, looking to lock up again with his mortal enemy, but Mills reveals it all to be a set up as he grabs the ladder up and nails Boon in the chest with it. Boon goes down hard, but is aware enough to roll out of the ring before Rusty can do any more damage.


Rusty rips the straps down from his singlet, roaring at the crowd as Boon opts to not engage him again, pulling a second ladder out from below the ring. Boon pushes it into the ring, hopping up onto the apron, as Rusty goes to take him down with another shot of his own ladder. Boon has him well scouted, though, sidestepping him and letting the ladder get caught up the ropes and knock Mills back. Boon charges at Mills, dropping him with a flurry punches and grabbing him by the neck, dropping him back first with a vertical suplex on the ladder he pushed into the ring. Boon sets up the second ladder in the center, and is about to climb up until Rusty gets to his feet and charges at him. Boon, however, scoops him up onto his shoulders and drops him to the mat with a Boon Drop! Doing his signature elbow drops, Donovan hits two before pausing and climbing the ladder. Halfway up, Boon drops from eight feet to deliver a third elbow drop to Rusty Mills! Donovan begins his climb to the top, not expecting Mills to get up from such a vicious attack.


As Boon nearly makes it to the top of the ladder, Mills kips up, getting to his feet! The crowd roars as Rusty shoves the ladder over with Boon on top, dropping him from nearly ten feet in the air! Rusty staggers over to Boon, and drops him hard with the Miller Highlight! Rusty collapses along with Donovan, as his assault has left him spent as well. Rusty is able to get to his feet first, though, and he sets up the ladder, climbing towards the top! Not far after him is Boon, who begins climbing up the other side! High above the arena, the two men meet, trading punch after punch with the championship hanging just above their heads. A big punch by Donovan staggers Rusty, nearly knocking him from his precarious position. Donovan reaches over to Rusty to push him off the top, but Rusty reveals he was faking – he grabs Donovan and throws him off the top with a belly-to-belly suplex, keeping his legs hooked in the top rung of the ladder! Boon goes down to the mat hard, as the fans in the arena get to their feet as Rusty climbs to the top, unhooking his championship belt to win a brutal match against his former friend. Mills looks about ready to collapse as he clutches the championship to his chest at the top of the ladder.


Suddenly, the lights go out!


When they come back on, Donovan Boon is nowhere to be seen.


Rusty Mills has won this battle, but the war has only begun.


WINNER: Rusty Mills© (38, D-) [18:15]




OVERALL: (35, E+)

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Jingo – 21/32

Zergon – 20/32

MaxHexx – 10/14

Dragonmack - 9/10

BYU 14 - 6/6

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Rayelek - 3/6


It's a damn long show, but I would really appreciate some feedback from other writers on it. Likes/dislikes/critiques etc would be awesome, because I'm looking to improve as a writer and finding out how people feel about what I'm putting out would be amazing.


It may be a couple days before I get Shooting the Breeze up, I still have to book and write it, plus catch up so I have some more shows already written :p Grats to Jingo and Zergon for nailing the major name who I picked up. I would have liked to have Toady, since he's the only decent Aussie worker willing to work for cheap, but he debuted the month right after Kingdom Come:mad:





Shooting the Breeze


Kingdom Come was a night of surprises. The Enlightened have come to KCCW, and made a major impact - viciously assaulting Nicky Gilbert, Sinner, and 'Psycho' Joe Zucco, converting Rod Sullivan, and even may be behind Donovan Boon's disappearance. One thing is for sure - the 'High Priest of Enlightenment' Seeker will be in attendance, and will have an announcement after his victory in the King of Australia.



Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan)


Rod Sullivan shocked everyone in attendance when he turned on his long-time partner Nicky Gilbert and joined with Seeker's cult of Enlightenment. Seeker's acolyte, Brother Blood, will be teaming up with Rod to take on the Knights of the Round - men who no doubt disagree with everything Seeker and his allies stand for.



'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker


Warren Lydecker, the leader of the Axis, has been making Rigsby's life a living hell ever since he turned his back on their tag team. The two finally face off one on one, but who will Tucker side with? Will he revert to his cheating ways after the bell is rung even if he isn't in the match?



Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker


There is no need to explain why this match is the main event of the evening. Seeker, and to a lesser extent, Mercenary, Sinner, and the rest of the Enlightened, have been his source of grief and anger since the big man-for-hire faced off with Rod Sullivan for the first time. Every single time, Seeker's goons got the upper hand - even when Nicky thought he won, he found out to his dismay that he lost in the end, as his best friend turned on him. Will Seeker and the Enlightened prevail, or can Nicky Gilbert finally succeed on defeating the leader of the men who have caused so him so much anguish?


All this and more at Shooting the Breeze, October 27 at Marv's Sports Central! Or be sure to catch the live feed at kccw.com!


Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan)

'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker

Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker

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Nice show, I really like what you are doing here you have nice storylines and most of the wrestlers are less known so it feels fresh. Your layout is also good and it´s easy to read which is always a good thing. I prefer a shorter match reports though, but that´s more a personal preference so no need to change that.:)


The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan) vs Knights of the Round

Knights are a more experienced together but I think that Enlightened takes this one probably via interference or cheating

Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker

I go with Rigsby winning this one which likely make Warren very angry so the feud can continue further.


Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker

Seeker got a title shot opportunity so I presume that he is build up a little before he cash it.

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The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan) vs Knights of the Round

despite being Lion's law enforcers, the Knights of the Round spend a lot of time losing


'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker

Piledriver winning adds more to this storyline


Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker

new entry makes big impact



As for the shows and stuff you do a good job of setting up clear storylines and feuds so far as I have seen continuity throughout the diary for the storyline progression. I am a big fan of having underlying reasons for most of the matches I make, and I can see that here as well. Personality comes across for your main characters as well, as I can get a good sense of it from the angles. As for improvements, I always looked at stuff that really caught my attention from other diaries, whether it was layout, format, how they wrote matches or angles, and slowly worked stuff in that I liked. My first NYCW diary shows a different change from the start to the end not only in format but in how I wrote stuff. There are even minor changes in my new one as I keep trying to incorporate stuff.


Tl/DR: Find stuff you like from other diaries, and work in what you can that you like from those.

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The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan) vs Knights of the Round

I'm going with this show to make The whole of the Enlightened stable look good.

'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker

Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker

A big win to make the new guy look unbeatable,


Loved the show i'm not one for big match write ups but found myself reading every word ... Might be because i'm a huge fan of 'Cults' in Wrestling storylines and Seeker i one of my favorite Aussie workers so thats a good choice :D

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Thanks for the feedback everybody, I really appreciate it. I just noticed that Jingo somehow managed to call a turn in the tag match, though he got the result wrong. I feared my match write ups may be a bit long, but I've stolen the 'bolded important parts' idea from rf4's LAW diary so if you skim through it you can still catch the main parts of each segment. As long as at least one of you guys is reading it through word for word, though, I'll keep writing them as they are.


I found out that I'm free tomorrow, so I'll have a lot more time tonight to book/write some shows. Expect Shooting the Breeze tomorrow at the latest :)

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I just noticed that Jingo somehow managed to call a turn in the tag match, though he got the result wrong.


Yeah something about this

Rod’s been back for a month now, but he still refuses to talk about what happened for the month you had him kidnapped.


Made me suspect Rod was going to turn ... Only a slight hunch.

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Show will be up later tonight. After November Has Come, I'll do a roster overview and summary of KCCW's first year (planning on taking December off, monetary reasons) before beginning 2011.




RAW Attitude!



Nick 'The Stick' Gilbert vs Dumfrey Pinn




Nick 'The Stick' Gilbert, who some fans may recognize as KCCW's 'Nicky Gilbert', struts out with slicked back hair and a bathrobe to 70s porno music, air-humping the crowd. His opponent, Dumfrey Pinn, wastes no time, dropping him with a right hand! Three seconds later, and RAW's resident porn star loses again!


Mr. Lions slammed his laptop shut angrily. Those sons of bitches over at RAW were burying what was potentially KCCW's breakout star, one of the most promising workers in Australia. The things people put up with just to get on television.




"Trouble, bossman."


John sighed, gesturing Guffin to lead the way again. Three months in a row? God damn it.




What John Lions found infuriated him. In the locker room, he watched as Seeker attempted to brag to anyone who would listen about how big of a star he is in DIW, and how he's going to carry all of them to the top just like he did with the Comedian. He paused in his story of how he met Comedian as a young boy and saw potential in him to be almost as good as him (for ****'s sake, Comedian's 8 years older than him!) to take a swig from his flask. Maybe dressing him down in front of everyone will do some good.


"Seeker, I've got the Comedian's number, mind if I call him up so he can tell the whole locker room about how you taught him how to do a Running Powerslam?"


Seeker's ****-eating grin froze, as the rest of the locker room grinned and chuckled. They knew he was talking out his ass, and they were getting tired of it.


"Didn't think so. Listen, back here, you aren't 'High Priest of the Enlightened' Seeker. You're just another wrestler. So you'd be better off saving your booze for the other 27 days of the month or you may end up in a match where the punches don't get pulled. You follow?"


"Gotcha, boss," Seeker replied, but he insolently rolled his eyes at him despite his complacency. John Lions had no doubt that he would be back to telling the story about how he beat Captain Wrestling at beer pong as soon as he left.


God damn it.



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Shooting the Breeze




Marv’s Sport Central

Attendance: 19



The 2010 King of Australia opens the show!




The unholy procession of Seeker, along with his acolytes Brother Blood and Rod Sullivan, walk slowly up the ramp as the lights go out, slowly brightening as they come closer to the ring. In Seeker’s hands is the King of Australia crown that he earned for being the victor of the King of Australia Battle Royal last month. Looking at it for a moment, he grimaces as he tosses it aside!


As the High Priest of Enlightenment, one needs no earthly possessions. My mission in Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling is to bring the word of the Enlightened, giving those who hold promise the chance to see the truth for themselves. I see many who have potential: Rusty Mills, for one. Nicky Gilbert is another, but he won’t be seeing the light anytime soon… as a matter of fact, he won’t even be here tonight. He attempted to ‘reason’ with Brother Sullivan after Kingdom Come, and found himself on the receiving end of Mercenary’s boot.” Seeker grins. If it stopped there, I could see him being here tonight, but, regretfully, he still hasn’t recovered fully from his concussion.


“But I did not come out here to talk about Nicky Gilbert. What I came out here to do is to purge KCCW of those who have no hope, those who are everything the Enlightened are against. Why should people like Frankie Robertson draw the same amount of breath as us, when we deserve more? The Enlightened begin their crusade to cleanse KCCW tonight. Mercenary!”




Mercenary emerges from the back, carrying the prone forms of ‘Rocket’ Reed Buckfield and ‘Psycho’ Joe Zucco! Outside of the ring, Rod Sullivan is setting up a pair of tables, while Brother Blood begins unwrapping the bandages around his arm.


“You see, Reed Buckfield and Joe Zucco are examples of people who will never amount to anything. When I became the King of Australia, I became the face of KCCW. KCCW in now the Chapel of Enlightenment, and these two will be the first to be Excommunicated.


Mercenary sets Joe Zucco and Reed Buckfield down in sitting positions, and Brother Blood proceeds to cut an X into both of their foreheads (though he has to remove ‘Rocket’s helmet first). Seeker gestures for Mercenary, who lifts the downed Zucco up and places him onto the High Priest’s shoulders. Seeker takes Zucco and hits the Excommunicator (Death Valley Driver) on him through the first table! Mercenary does the same with Buckfield, and both men are left lying in shards of table with their foreheads bleeding as officials carry them out of Marv’s Sports Central.


They were only the first,” Seeker says, “and will undoubtedly not be the last. The Chapel of Enlightenment must not harbor the weak!


(25, E)



Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) vs The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan)



The Knights of the Round are in for the fight of their lives here, as they face off with two of the most dangerous members of KCCW. The referee forces Brother Blood to remove the barbed wire wrapped around his arm, which incredibly spirals all the way up to his shoulder. Lance Lott and Brother Blood begin, and Blood wastes no time charging at Lance and battering him with his wild brawling style. Lance gets no chance to retaliate – Blood batters him from corner to corner, eventually getting him trapped in the Enlightened’s corner. After hitting a couple shoulder tackles on Lance, he tags out to Rod, whose prowess is known to every KCCW fan. With Lance still in the corner, he drops him with a roundhouse kick, dropping him prone on the mat. Sullivan hops up onto the top rope and hits a double stomp onto Lance! Brother Blood drops off the apron and heads over to Poulter, who, watching the match, doesn’t notice. Meanwhile, Rod hits a couple hard knees to the prone Lott before heading up to the top rope. He wastes no time jumping off the top and hitting the Rolling Rod Knee! Before Poulter can break up the cover, he is choked off the apron by Brother Blood with his barbed wire! Sullivan rolls up Lance for the three, but as soon as the dazed Lance gets up, he jumps Blood, stopping the insane acolyte’s assault before it can cause any serious damage to his partner. The Knights head to the back before they can fall to the superior numbers of the Enlightened, but, despite the underhanded tactics of Blood, the Enlightened still pick up an impressive victory.


WINNERS: The Enlightened (Brother Blood and Brother Sullivan) (21, E-) [12:30]




'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs Warren Lydecker




For a while now, Pat Rigsby has been waiting to get his hands on Warren Lydecker one on one. Warren, though, still has back up in the form of Two-Face Tucker, who heads out to the ring slapping hands with fans (who all pull back). Rigsby is noticeably curious about how Tucker will react when the ring bell rings, moreso than Warren. When the match is officially started, Tucker grabs a chair, looking to charge into the ring, and both competitors hesitate locking up to watch him. Rather than attack, however, he unfolds it and sits, watching the match with interest! Taking advantage of Rigsby’s distraction, Lydecker hits him with a punch to the back of the head, staggering him. A running knee takes Pat down hard, and Warren looks to win it here. He only gets a two count, and, if anything, the shots encourage Rigsby rather than slow him down. Lydecker tries to pick Rigsby up, and eats an elbow to the chest! Pat hops to his feet, and comes off the ropes with a clothesline! As Warren gets to his feet again, he hits him with another clothesline! Momentum on his side, Rigsby lifts Lydecker up and drops him with a scoop piledriver! Warren kicks out at the last second, with Tucker on the edge of his seat watching. The ‘Piledriver’ lifts Warren up to finish him off with his Stuff Piledriver – and Warren snaps his arm back to take Pat down with a low blow! The referee is about to get on Lydecker’s case, but Warren theatrically stumbles back, taking the ref down with an elbow! While the referee is trying to get to his feet, Tucker gets to his feet and shoves the chair into the ring. When he finally comes to, as Pat is recovering from the low blow to get to his feet as well, Warren drops to the ground and acts as if he was hit with the chair! Putting two and two together, the referee rings the ring bell and gives the win by disqualification to Warren Lydecker!


WINNER: Warren Lydecker (24, E) [8:23]



After the match…




Tucker goes over to help Warren to his feet, but Rigsby shoves him! Two-Face protests that he did nothing to Pat, but gets shoved again! Before Tucker can get violent, Warren hits Rigsby with the Lydecker Lariat, throwing him over the ropes out of the ring! Tucker gets in Warren’s face for a second, but Lydecker gestures at Pat and points at the chair, convincing him that Rigsby used it illegally in the match. The Axis roll out of the ring, Warren with the chair in hand, prepared to do some damage to Rigsby, before unlikely cavalry arrives!




The Knights of the Round emerge from the back, Kenny still with a bloody ring around his neck, to chase the heels off! As the Axis are retreating up the aisle, Rigsby grabs a microphone.




Warren, Tucker, it’s about time we ended this. I’ve earned the Knight’s respect, and they are willing to help me keep the odds in my favor from now on. Next month, at November Has Come, it will be myself and the Knights of the Round versus The Axis and a partner of your choosing!


(17, F+)




After the ring is cleared of the Knights and Rigsby, the lights go out!




And when they come back on, the High Priest of Enlightenment, Seeker, is standing alone in the ring.


Despite Nicky Gilbert’s untimely absence, I am still required to wrestle the main event for tonight’s show. Are there any in the back who are ready to meet their maker? I would challenge Rusty Mills, but he’s been given the night off after his ladder match last month. Donovan Boon would be a worthy opponent as well, but he seems to have… disappeared. Is there anyone left?




To the surprise of many, Frankie Robertson appears from the back, to a mix of cheers and boos for interrupting the insufferable Seeker!


You think I’m worthless, Seeker? Your jaw says otherwise. I see you’re still being careful with it after I nearly broke it with my elbow. I can listen to you from the back preach your bull****, I’m fine with that. I can even listen to you toss a couple of insults at me. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before. But when you threw that crown down, you made this personal. Another year where I am still the Uncrowned King of KCCW, because of you and your insufferable cultists, running around like you own the damn place. The Chapel of Enlightenment? Don’t make me laugh. Listen, Seeker. You didn’t just spit in my face by tossing the crown aside, but you spit in the face off all these fans, while I’ve worked my ass off to keep them showing up every night. I would love to finish what I started at Kingdom Come, and shut you up for good when I split your god-damned jaw down the middle!


(32, E+)



Frankie Robertson vs Seeker




Seeker doesn’t like being interrupted, especially not by a man he sees as having ‘no potential’. The KCCW fans think otherwise, though – the months of working hard match after match have earned their respect, and standing up for them has earned their favor. Robertson even has the support of Mac Guffin on commentary, who wants to see the Enlightened gone just as much as everyone else. As soon as the bell rings, Robertson jumps at Seeker, dropping him to his knees with his flying elbow strike! He proceeds to bash elbow after elbow into Seeker’s face, whose eyes are about to roll back his head until…


The lights go out!


When they come back on, Seeker is on the top rope, and the rest of the Enlightenment are at ringside! Frankie only has time to turn as Seeker jumps off the top and hits him with what he calls the Message of Truth (Blockbuster, or flying somersault neckbreaker)! Frankie goes down hard, and Seeker rolls him up for a close two count. Slightly chagrined, as he didn’t expect one of the ‘lesser’ members of KCCW to survive that, he picks Robertson up onto his shoulders for the Excommunicator! Frankie manages to drop off his back, hitting Seeker with a Lung Blower! Seeker goes down hard, as Frankie heads to the top rope himself. Brother Blood looks to pull him down, but the referee notices, stopping him by threatening disqualification. Seeker gets to his feet only to eat the mat as Robertson jumps off with a flying bulldog! Robertson gets down to the mat, slapping it and gesturing to the High Priest to get to his feet. Seeker goes, and gets caught in a headlock! Looking for the Robertson Experience, he stops short as Mercenary hops up on the apron in a scene reminiscent of the tag match at Puppet Show. The referee forces Mercenary down, but the distraction is enough for Seeker to push Roberson off. A kick to the gut stuns Frankie, and Seeker hoists him up onto his shoulders! Forgoing the theatrics that cost him earlier, he drops him headfirst to the mat much quicker, hitting the Excommunicator! Seeker rolls up Robertson, picking up a three count and a big win over the former KCCW World Heavyweight Champion!


WINNER: Seeker (27, E+) [17:49]




Robertson is in trouble…




Because as soon as he gets to his feet, he is dropped by a Big Boot from Mercenary! Brother Blood goes and gets a microphone for Seeker at his bidding, and hands it to him, joining Brother Sullivan and Mercenary at stomping the downed Robertson.


“Maybe I was wrong about you, Frankie,” Seeker says, “maybe there is some promise in you. I won’t Excommunicate you yet, but let this be a warning to you: when you are in the Chapel, you must treat a High Priest with utmost respect. Seeker bends down to grab Robertson by the head, with both Brothers Blood and Sullivan holding Robertson’s eyes open. Because if I need to teach you to have manners in the Creator’s home again, I won’t hesitate to leave you in a pool of your own blood.


(25, E)




OVERALL: (26, E)

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Jingo – 24/35

Zergon – 22/35

Dragonmack - 11/13

MaxHexx – 10/14

BYU 14 - 6/6

hrdcoresidebrns - 5/7

Rayelek - 3/6


Yeah... so my calendar lied and told me Gilbert was free on Saturday, turned out he had another RAW show to job at. Thankfully RAW's given him so much TV exposure, so instead of dropping popularity in Eastern Australia (where I'm located) he's dropping it everywhere!!!!! God damn bastards raising his pay, forcing me to change my schedule, AND jobbing his popularity out!


Anyway, November Has Come will be my final show of the year, so the top predictor (either Jingo or Zergon depending on how this show turns out) will get to pick a wrestler to join KCCW when we reach small. I'll reset it in 2011, and whoever is leading by the time we DO reach small gets to pick the gimmick.





November Has Come


Set to be the final show of 2010 for Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling, the returning Rusty Mills and Nicky Gilbert look to put the Enlightened into place!




Frankie Robertson shocked (and pleased) many KCCW fans when he backed them up against the insidious Seeker. Rod Sullivan shocked (and angered) those same fans when he kicked his friend Nicky Gilbert in the face and joined The Enlightened. While Robertson's attempts to take the High Priest down a notch were unsuccessful, he looks to change his fate by taking on one of his acolytes, Brother Sullivan. Surprisingly, these two never faced off one on one when Robertson had his dominant reign as champion. Will The Enlightened pick up a win here or will the originals score for KCCW's sovereignty?





Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???


A match made by Rigsby last month, these five men look to end the battle that has waged between them since Lance Lott took on Warren Lydecker at the inaugural KCCW show. Despite the honor holding Rigsby's alliance together tightly, the mystery man (who will earn you 1 bonus point for naming if you happen to be predicting) may tip the balance. Will it be someone known to the KCCW fans, or will another new face come to Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling? Will good prevail, or will the cheating ways of the Axis steal another victory?





Rusty Mills ended Kingdom Come on a high note, with his enemy vanquished and his championship retained. One month away from KCCW, and he finds it overrun by Seeker and the Enlightened cultists. Mills has vowed to go through every single member of The Enlightened before his title match against Seeker, and his first hurdle is Brother Blood. Blood is known for his viciously aggressive nature, and his liberal use of barbed wire to maim his opponents. Can Mills get out of this match in one piece?



Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker


A match that was originally scheduled for Shooting the Breeze, Gilbert's injury prevented him from making the show. Despite that, the stakes are raised even higher as his win would be a big boost for the KCCW originals looking to keep their home from turning into the 'Chapel of Enlightenment'. Can Gilbert even the score against the man who turned his best friend against him?


All this and more at November Has Come, November 28th at Marv's Sports Central! Or be sure to catch the live feed at kccw.com!


Frankie Robertson vs Brother Sullivan

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???


Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker

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<p><strong>Frankie Robertson</strong> vs Brother Sullivan</p><p>

<em>Seems like Robertson is going to feud with Seeker and he´s henchmen so he should win this one maybe with the help of Gilbert who likely going to clash with his former partner sooner rather than later.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby</strong> vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???</p><p>

<em>I could see this one going either way but I go with faces here mainly because Seeker and gang seems somewhat dominating currently and Knights might get mixed up to that feud at some point. I guess Sinner is the unknown guy (if he still works for you)</em></p><p> </p><p>

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Rusty Mills©</strong> vs Brother Blood</p><p>

<em>Seeker seems like the most likely guy to get the title on their group, actually Blood might currently be the least likely to get the title on the Enlightenment group so no change here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nicky Gilbert vs <strong>Seeker</strong></p><p>

<em>Seeker is build up for a title match so he takes a win here via interference</em></p>

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<p><strong>Frankie Robertson</strong> vs Brother Sullivan</p><p>

<em>Frankie continues to look 'stronger'</em></p><p>

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs <strong>The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>I'll go with the Heels cant bet against Mr. ???</em></p><p>

<strong>KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP:</strong> <strong>Rusty Mills</strong>© vs Brother Blood</p><p>

<em>Blood isn't taking the belt,</em></p><p><em>

</em>Nicky Gilbert vs <strong>Seeker</strong></p><p>

<em>By mucho's shenanigans ...</em></p>

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<p>QUICK PICKS:</p><p>

Frankie Robertson vs <strong>Brother Sullivan</strong></p><p>

<em>sullivan wins by interference.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat </p><p>

Rigsby vs <strong>The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???</strong></p><p>

<em>Invoking the ??? usually wins rule</em></p><p> </p><p>

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Rusty Mills©</strong> vs Brother Blood</p><p>

<em>Rusty isn't going to lose to an underling, and somehow I suspect he gets an unexpected helping hand from Boon.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nicky Gilbert vs <strong>Seeker</strong></p><p>

<em>The leader takes the victory.</em></p>

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<p>QUICK PICKS:</p><p>

<strong>Frankie Robertson</strong> vs Brother Sullivan</p><p>

<em>Robertson stays strong here, maybe by a botched interference?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and 'Piledriver' Pat Rigsby vs <strong>The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???</strong></p><p>

<em>CAN'T pick against the mystery partner...</em></p><p> </p><p>

KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: <strong>Rusty Mills©</strong> vs Brother Blood</p><p>

<em>Easy defense for Mills.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Gilbert</strong> vs Seeker</p><p>

<em>In the midst of RAW destroying Gilbert's popularity and character, I think you'll give him a huge win to turn things around.</em></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;">November Has Come</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i.imgur.com/xKYApSL.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Marv’s Sport Central</p><p>

Attendance: 25</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The lights go out!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/DVScncc.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

And predictably, Seeker is standing in the center of the ring when they come back on. <strong>With microphone in hand, the High Priest is about to address his congregation until…</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/QtvmN7J.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>John Lions interrupts him.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;"><em>“Before you begin, Seeker, I have something to say. </em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em><strong>I cannot approve of you putting my wrestlers out of the arena on stretchers, nor can I approve of your renaming of Kingdom Championship Class Wrestling.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em>”</em></span> Mr. Lions breaks into wry grin. <span style="color:#008000;"><em>“</em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em><strong>Despite this, I am a businessman first, and your ‘divine crusade’ is putting more fans in their seats and putting more money into my pocket.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em>”</em></span> The crowd begins to boo Lions, until he pats the air to shush them.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;"><em>“Now now, don’t think I’m siding with these wackjobs. I’m just going to keep it from getting out of hand.</em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em><strong> So, Seeker, if ANY of your Chapel of Enlightenment goons are caught by the referee interfering in a match tonight, you, along with everyone you are associated with, will be fired. Do you want to take that risk?</strong></em></span><span style="color:#008000;"><em>”</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><em>“John Lions,”</em></span> Seeker intoned, <span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>“you know not what forces you are toying with.”</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

The lights go out again, and Seeker is gone.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(24, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Frankie Robertson vs Rod Sullivan</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/gVbYpBA.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/oEG735J.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Brother Sullivan heads to the ring, noticeably alone, as Seeker definitely doesn’t feel like risking his contract tonight. <strong>Robertson tears into Rod early, blitzing him with elbows and hitting a running bulldog for an early two count. </strong>Sullivan shakes off the assault though, and, when Frankie tries to pick him up, he kicks him in the gut. <strong>Rod flips to his feet, dropping Robertson to the mat with a big superkick!</strong> After a couple of knees to Frankie’s face, he springboards off the second rope to hit a double stop right onto Robertson’s chest. <strong>The stomp only gets a two count, so Sullivan heads to the top rope. Off the top he comes with the Rolling Rod Knee, but Frankie rolls out of the way!</strong> Both men quickly get to their feet, but it is Frankie who capitalizes with his running elbow strike. <strong>Robertson gets to his knees on the mat, slapping it with his fists as he goads Rod into standing. Sullivan complies, and gets caught in a headlock, as Frankie spikes him head first into the mat with the Robertson Experience!</strong> The former champion rolls up Sullivan to score a big win against the Enlightened.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> Frankie Robertson <strong>(32, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [9:53]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Knights of the Round (Lance Lott and Kenny Poulter) and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby vs The Axis (Warren Lydecker and Two-Face Tucker) and ???</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/a3JKAcm.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/BWFuYMb.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/71VKrGJ.jpg</span><p>


<span>http://i.imgur.com/NNjGAkS.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/DSqz1hD.jpg</span><span>http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/5528/mysteryperson.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>“Allow me to introduce to you our choice to team with us tonight,”</em> Warren says as The Axis step out to meet with the trio of wrestlers in the ring. <em>“He is undefeated in singles action and the largest, most dominant man in KCCW! </em><em><strong>Our partner is MERCENARY!</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/95DnVx5.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The big man steps out from behind the pair, running his thumb across his throat!</strong> The Knights look worried, having experienced first-hand the dominant power of Mercenary, but Rigsby looks unfazed, ready for war. <strong>As the trio enters the ring, Rigsby immediately jumps Warren Lydecker, peppering him with punches! The referee is unable to establish order, but, before he throws the match away, John Lions gets up from the announcer table to whisper in his ear. The referee nods, and allows the match to continue, making it a tornado tag match!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Knights of the Round still have no love lost with the Axis, primarily Warren Lydecker. The two teams brawl out of the ring, leaving Rigsby alone with the monstrous Mercenary.</strong> Attempting to end it early, Mercenary goes for a big boot, but <strong>Rigsby catches his leg, taking him down with a dragon whip!</strong> No one has ever taken Mercenary down so easily. Rigsby immediately mounts Mercenary, firing punch after punch on the big man. <strong>Getting his wits about him, Mercenary uses his superior size to throw Rigsby off him, taking him halfway across the ring!</strong> Mercenary grabs Rigsby up, lifting him in a military press, dropping him onto his knee with a wicked gutbuster! <strong>Arrogantly, Mercenary tries to pin him with his foot, but Pat manages to kick out at two.</strong> Mercenary bends down to lift Rigsby up for a Chokebomb, but Rigsby struggles out, dropping to the mat! <strong>Punch after punch he fires at Mercenary until the big man is thoroughly dazed, and, amazingly, he grabs him by the waste and flips him, drilling him to the mat to hit him with the Stuff Piledriver!</strong> <strong>Unbelievably, Rigsby rolls up Mercenary, pinning him for the three count for the first time in KCCW!</strong> Meanwhile, the Knights of the Round and The Axis don’t seem to realize the match is over, brawling to the back. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNERS:</strong> Knights of the Round and ‘Piledriver’ Pat Rigsby <strong>(22, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E-</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [7:01]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Champ is here!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/KCctu8W.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

After his month long absence, the champion, Rusty Mills, has returned to a KCCW ring! The fans give him a warm welcome as he steps into the ring, microphone in hand.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><em>“One month I am gone, and KCCW degrades into chaos. Two men send out of here on stretchers, maybe to never return to a ring again. One man, a man I called friend, disappears after the brutal match we put on. </em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em><strong>All of it can be linked to one man.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em> Seeker, this isn’t the Chapel of Enlightenment. Do you hear me? </em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em><strong>I’m laying down a challenge to you, ‘High Priest’, so I can teach you a little thing about heart. Frankie Robertson has heart – we have had our differences, but, even your little cult couldn’t take away what he holds above all else. Nicky Gilbert has heart – he’s going to tear you apart tonight, Seeker, just you wait.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em> You made his life hell for an ENTIRE year, and yet he still comes back. And each time he comes back, he is stronger. </em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em><strong>It’s only a matter of time before your followers lose faith. This ‘Enlightenment’ is nothing more than a sham, and all I need is three seconds to expose you.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#0000FF;"><em>”</em></span></p><p>

</p><p><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">

“Tonight, I’ll take on one of your many followers. </span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Brother Blood, I don’t know if you were taken against your own will, like ‘Brother’ Rod Sullivan. That doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on you. If that barbed wire comes within an inch of my skin, Blood, and I’ll make you choke on every foot of it.</strong></span></em><em><span style="color:#0000FF;">”</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(30, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KCCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP: Rusty Mills© vs Brother Blood</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/KCctu8W.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/Luk0Yaq.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brother Blood is simply outclassed this match.</strong> Rusty lets his opponent start, and, predictably, he goes for a wild brawling approach. <strong>The champion meets him punch for punch, taking him down to his feet.</strong> Blood gets up, going for an awkward lockup, but Mills takes him down easy. Rusty gestures for Blood to get to his feet again, and, this time, <strong>Rusty takes the initiative, grabbing him and tossing him over his head with a belly-to-belly suplex!</strong> Mills lifts Blood to his feet and whips him into the corner, lifting him to the top for a superplex. <strong>Brother Blood takes a cheap shot on the top rope, though, kneeing Rusty in the crotch! Rather than let him fall, Blood grabs him in a headlock and takes both himself and Rusty outside with his own superplex!</strong> The crowd is on their feet as both men take a big fall to the outside, and it seems <strong>Blood may have done more damage to himself by dropping onto the ring steps</strong>. Rusty gets to his feet first, as the count reaches 8 from the referee, and rolls in and out of the ring to reset the count. W<strong>anting to win the match fairly, he takes Blood back into the ring, dropping him back-first onto his knee with the Miller Highlight! Despite Blood’s suicidal offense, Mills still manages to send a challenge to Seeker.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> Rusty Mills© <strong>(30, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [8:34]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>After the champion leaves the ring, the lights go out!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/DVScncc.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

And when they come back on, the High Priest of Enlightenment is again standing in the center of the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><em>“</em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>Rusty Mills, it is a shame you can’t see what an opportunity you have.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em> The option was clear to you – you could join the Enlightened, and no more violence would be needed. O</em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>ther than on those who are unworthy, of course, abscesses that need to be removed.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em> But you are an impressive prospect, and, with the right teachings, you could ascend even past me in the eyes of the Creator. </em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>Instead, you choose to fight it. If you wish to bring about your doom so soon, Mills, then I accept your challenge. At Genesis II, I agree to face off with you for your title.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em> We could have worked together so well, Rusty. It’s a shame.”</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/inVewqY.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Nicky Gilbert steps out of the back to interrupt Seeker’s ruminating.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>“</em><em><strong>Seeker, I know that Rod is in there, in that shell of a man you’re calling ‘Brother Sullivan’. And nothing is going to stop me from getting him back.</strong></em><em>”</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><em>“How brave of you. </em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>Or ignorant.</strong></em></span><span style="color:#800080;"><em> Do you even know how to get him back?”</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><em><strong>“No, but I’m prepared to beat the living hell out of you until you tell me.”</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

After that, Seeker’s grin fades, and he is all business as Gilbert steps into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>(28, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Gilbert vs Seeker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i.imgur.com/inVewqY.jpg</span><span>http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/5315/versusw.jpg</span><span>http://i.imgur.com/DVScncc.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The last match of 2010 starts off with a bang, as Gilbert Lou Thesz Presses Seeker as soon as he gets into the ring, firing punch after punch on the priest!</strong> The referee is forced to pull Gilbert off before things get out of hand, and actually has to hold Nicky back before the bell is rung. A<strong>s soon as Seeker gets to his feet, the lights go out, and, when they come back on, Rod Sullivan is standing on the outside! </strong>Nicky turns to his friend, subconsciously taking a step towards him, but doesn’t realize Seeker is behind him! <strong>The High Priest of Enlightenment puts him in a full nelson, spiking him on his head with a dragon suplex!</strong> Seeker bridges for a pin, but Gilbert kicks out at two. Before Nicky can get to his feet, S<strong>eeker lifts him off the ground and puts him in a Tree of Woe position, hanging with his head down in the corner and his legs tied up in the turnbuckle!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Seeker backs up to the opposite corner, charging at Gilbert with a double knee strike onto Nicky’s chest!</strong> Both men fall back, Gilbert on top of Seeker, but the High Priest flips him over for a pin. Again, Gilbert kicks out at two, and the High Priest is getting noticeably frustrated. <strong>He heads to the top rope, watching as Nicky gets to his feet, planning on hitting the Message of Truth as he gets to his feet.</strong> His plan is foiled, though, as Gilbert dazedly staggers out of range! Holding the ropes for support, Nicky appears close to finished, so Seeker decides to hop off the top and go for the finish. <strong>Gilbert was playing possum, though – as soon as Seeker gets in range, he springboards off the second rope and hits a flying clothesline on the priest! </strong>Seeker quickly gets to his feet, and gets immediately dropped to the mat by Nicky’s Fisherman Suplex! <strong>Nicky rolls up Seeker, but breaks the pin as Brother Sullivan steps onto the apron and comes into the ring! Gilbert gets to his feet, walking over to Rod again, trying to reason with him, only to take a shot to the back from Seeker as he comes on him from behind!</strong> The damage done, Sullivan leaves the ring as Seeker lifts Nicky onto his shoulders and drills him to the mat with the Excommunicator. <strong>The High Priest of Enlightenment has used Nicky’s priority on Rod to pick up the win here, but he won’t be able to do that against Rusty Mills next month.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER:</strong> Seeker <strong>(35, </strong><strong><span style="color:#A0522D;">D-</span></strong><strong>)</strong> [13:43]</p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>OVERALL: (33, </strong><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">E+</span></strong><strong>)</strong></p>

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