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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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For those who still need to predict, here is the lineup for NWA's Starrcade!


NWA Starrcade

Sunday Week 4 December 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Flyin' Brian

Barry Windham vs. Paul Orndorff

Cactus Jack vs. Z-Man

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Skyscrapers get a shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Bob Orton vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting gets a shot vs. Ric Flair

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Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Flyin' Brian

Barry Windham vs. Paul Orndorff

Cactus Jack vs. Z-Man

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Skyscrapers get a shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Bob Orton vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting gets a shot vs. Ric Flair

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I've never quoted another person's predictions before...until now. I would have picked the same winners anyway, but Greg's reasoning is so spot on I would have only written out something similar yet inferior. Can't wait for the PPV though angeldelayette! :D


Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

Although Funk is transitioning into an elevation role, further down the card, the incident involving Gilbert knocking out Missy Hyatt gives great heel leverage to sneak a victory. Gilbert will be doing a big babyface beatdown, but let his emotions get carried away, and cost him the decision. These two will square off again in the new year.


NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta defends vs. Flyin' Brian

Brian has been Flyin' under the radar of late. That doesn't bode well for a title change.


Barry Windham vs. Paul Orndorff

Windham starts the evening out right for the Horsemen. No serious drama here. We'll save that for later.


Cactus Jack vs. Z-Man

I think it's standard procedure to have Cactus Jack take a DQ loss, in the opening bout of feuds. No need to change a good thing.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Skyscrapers get a shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

You're hard pressed to find a bigger proponent for Sid than I, but the Steiners and the Road Warriors have a date with destiny, down the line. Until then, don't expect these belts to go anywhere.


Bob Orton vs. Junkyard Dog

In the great Battle of the JTTSs, JYD comes out ahead, in my books. He's got the charisma to stay relevant, long after his in-ring skills have evaporated. Orton sadly falls short of that, although I would expect him to have decent job security, as a gate keeper.


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

This sets up the main event, as the Horsemen have had one success, and one failure. There's no question that Steamboat can do absolute wonders up and down the card, with the US title. He'll do for the babyface side what Muta does with the TV title. Most importantly, heading into the main event, the Horsemen look strong, but not invincible, meaning anything can happen...


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Sting gets a shot vs. Ric Flair

... and it does. There are so many possibilities for the fourth member of the group, whether a new signing, a big turn, or an established heel getting a big rub. Regardless, this heel unit just has too much going for it, not to win the title. It won't be even close to clean, but as has been said, Ric Flair on the chase is just too good to pass up.

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I've never quoted another person's predictions before...until now. I would have picked the same winners anyway, but Greg's reasoning is so spot on I would have only written out something similar yet inferior. Can't wait for the PPV though angeldelayette! :D




Although, with us having spent the entirety of this predictions competition neck-and-neck, it saddens me that I won't be building a lead at Starrcade.


On the bright side, I'm already winning by 3, so my victory is assured.



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OOC Disclaimer: Ric Flair vs. Sting is probably the longest match that I've ever written but I've tried to give it a lot of breaks so it's a lot easier on the eyes. That being said, I hope you'll read it and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope you'll enjoy the rest of Starrcade. On with the show...




Sunday Week 4 December 1989

Location: Colonial Center - Columbia, S.C. - Mid Atlantic

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B+

PPV Buyrate: 1.15

There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


[The show begins with a video package showing several different wrestlers working out...]




[...Ric Flair struts across the ring and releases a 'Whoooo' and this fades into a shot of the Stinger Splash by Sting which fades into a shot of the Human Torture Rack by Lex Luger. Many enter this hallowed ground but only some become immortal here. Tonight will see wrestlers become legends and legends become immortal. This is Starrcade 1989!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/eddiegilbert-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/missyhyatt.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert


[The crowd rose to their feet within the Colonial Center in Columbia South Carolina for the opening bout of Starrcade 1989. Terry Funk was led down to the ring by his manager Gary Hart and a chorus of boos from the crowd. Eddie Gilbert was led down by Missy Hyatt and the crowd got behind him since he is facing the obvious heel. This match was an obvious hardcore brawl between these two tough men. The action spilled outside the ring as much as it was inside the ring. The steel ring post was used by both men. Terry Funk was whipped into the steel steps, hitting them with his back. Gilbert brought Funk back inside the ring and went for the Figure 4 Leglock -- Funk grabbed him in an inside cradle: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd popped at the kickout by Eddie Gilbert. Funk took control, though, and brought Gilbert to the mat with a huge body slam...]


[...At around the ten minute mark, Gilbert started to make his comeback. The crowd got behind Gilbert and he sent Terry Funk into a corner. Gilbert chased him into the corner and ate an elbow to the face! Funk exited the ring and grabbed a chair from ringside. He slid inside with the referee warning him about being disqualified. He brought the chair back and Missy Hyatt grabbed it! Funk turned toward Missy and backed her into a corner. Gilbert pulled up to his knees and charged Terry Funk! He nailed Funk from behind but that knocked Funk into Missy Hyatt! Missy collapsed in the corner and Gilbert's eyes widened. He looked over to check on Missy before Funk kicked him in the gut. Funk hooked him -- Texas Piledriver! Funk made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 14:37)

Match Rating: B-


[...Funk got to his feet and grabbed the chair that Missy had taken from him earlier. He brought the chair down onto the back of 'Hot Stuff.' Gilbert crumpled on the mat and Missy Hyatt slid outside the ring to avoid a further attack. Gary Hart entered the ring and raised Terry Funk's arm to boos from the crowd.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/brianpillman.jpg

NWA World Television Title Match

The Great Muta defends vs. Flyin' Brian


[Our second match was more of a high-flying battle for the NWA World Television Title. The opening few minutes of the bout saw both men hit some high risk moves, including a missle dropkick by Pillman and a standing moonsault by Muta. The NWA World Television Champion gained control over Pillman, tossing him outside the ring. Muta went out and grabbed a chair, sliding back in the ring. He set the chair up near the ropes and then bounced off the far ropes. He used the chair as a springboard to the top rope and then leaped with a suicide dive down on Pillman! The crowd was shocked by this move and even they had to applaud. Muta was the first man up and he tossed Pillman back into the ring and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...At around the nine minute mark, Muta went for a handspring elbow into the corner but Pillman moved out of the way and Muta hit the corner hard. Pillman climbed up and rained punches down on Muta. Bet you can't guess how many! Those ten punches smeared the facepaint on Muta and had Gary Hart looking worried at ringside. Pillman grabbed the head of Muta and went up -- Tornado DDT! Pillman made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Gary Hart climbed onto the apron, getting the referee's attention and Pillman's as well! Flyin' Brian Pillman went over to Gary Hart and grabbed him by the suit. He raised a fist but Muta was up and grabbed the fist. Pillman turned toward him -- Asian Mist! He misted Pillman in the eyes! Pillman staggered around blind as Muta climbed the turnbuckles -- Moonsault Press! He turns it into a pinfall as the referee turns around: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Another successful title defense for Muta and the J-Tex Corporation are 2-0 at Starrcade!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 12:08; The Great Muta retains the NWA World Television Title.)

Match Rating: C+




[After all that action within the ring, it was time to head to our first interview of the night...]




[...The crowd went wild as Ricky Steamboat walked out with a microphone in hand to address the crowd...]


Ricky Steamboat

"Tonight, Lex Luger better be enjoying holding on to the NWA United States Title because by the end of the night he's not going to have it anymore. I can feel the energy of all my Dragons within the audience right now. Lex Luger, I am going to take that energy and I am going to pin you to the mat: 1, 2, 3."


[...Ricky moves out and high fives some of the crowd before heading to the back.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/barrywindham2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/PaulOrndorff4.jpg

Barry Windham vs. Paul Orndorff


[Our first match featuring one of the possible future Horsemen against a man he has been feuding with for awhile now. Orndorff came out to the ring in a cast because of the arm injury that Windham inflicted upon him just a little over a week ago. Orndorff was still pretty good fighting with one hand. He even elevated Windham into a suplex that got the crowd really behind the former Mr. Wonderful. Orndorff tried for a one armed German Suplex but he couldn't elevate Windham enough and Windham caught him with a back elbow...]


[...Windham maintained control, focusing on the arm of Orndorff, which was no surprise to anyone. He got the cast off Orndorff's arm and then began stomping on that arm! He picked up Orndorff and hit a hammerlock body slam! Windham made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! At around the ten minute mark, Windham missed a running knee into the corner and Orndorff started his comeback. He took Windham down with a clothesline by his good arm. He hooked Windham in for a Piledriver, trying to lift him up but that bad arm gave out on him and he held it close to his body as he released Windham. Windham distracted the official by grabbing a chair and having the referee have to put it outside the ring. Windham took this advantage and kicked a low blow to Orndorff. He raised Orndorff on the turnbuckles and climbed up. He hooked the bad arm in a hammerlock and then the other arm -- Hammerlock Superplex! What a move by Barry Windham! Windham floated over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Barry Windham (Via Pinfall @ 12:10)

Match Rating: C+




[We are taken backstage and this is obviously prerecorded since...]




[...Jim Ross is shown walking backstage instead of at the announce table...]


Jim Ross

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Jim Ross here and I am trying to get a read on just who might be the fourth member of the Horsemen here tonight."


[...Jim Ross pauses in his speech as an unknown man walks up...]




[...He runs his fingers through his hair and looks at Jim Ross...]


Jim Ross

"Alright, I've never seen you backstage here. Just who are you?"


Mystery Man

"Who am I? Who am I, mang? I am the only diamond in this industry, in this business. I am the Diamond Studd."


Jim Ross

"Alright, so you're the Diamond Studd. Are you the fourth member of this new group that is forming?"


Diamond Studd

"Jim Ross, I don't need a group to make me look good. In answer to your question, no, I am not the fourth member. I am on my own."


[...Diamond Studd flicked a toothpick from his mouth at the camera and walked off...]


Jim Ross

"Well, it looks like we still don't know the identity of this fourth man. We'll keep you posted, though."


[...Jim Ross walked off and we headed back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/cactusjack3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tomzenk.jpg

Cactus Jack vs. Z-Man


[This was a pretty decent match though it did not have a whole lot of a flow to it as neither man seemed to know how to take the lead during the match and bring in the drama. Z-Man used his quickness to his advantage, hitting Cactus Jack with a dropkick in the center of the ring and then a big clothesline. Z-Man got set up in the corner early for that Super Kick but Cactus ducked! He pushed Z-Man into the ropes and hit him with the Cactus Clothesline sending both men over the top rope to the floor. Cactus released a 'BANG BANG' when he got up and he looked down at Z-Man for a moment. He kicked him right in the face and then headed up on the apron. He broke the count and then ran along the apron -- Cactus Elbow -- Missed! Z-Man moved out of the way! Z-Man picked up Cactus and rolled him into the ring. Z-Man headed to the top turnbuckle, waiting for Cactus to get to his feet. Cactus staggered up but threw the referee into the way of Z-Man's dropkick! Cactus exited the ring as Z-Man looked horrified at what he'd done! Cactus brought a chair in the ring and slammed it against the back of Z-Man! He dropped the chair and hooked him -- Double Arm DDT on the chair! Cactus sent the chair out of the ring and revived the official as he made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cactus Jack (Via Pinfall @ 10:42)

Match Rating: B-


[...Cactus Jack rose up with a smile on his face. He picked up Z-Man and tied him to the tree of woe in the corner. He backed up and then ran toward Z-Man hitting a double axehandle blow! Z-Man was busted open and Cactus got some of the blood on his hands and smeared it on his face! The crowd booed as Cactus smiled and gave his 'BANG BANG!' Z-Man was released by the referee as Cactus exited the ring. He got the win and Z-Man definitely paid for the loss.]




[The sound of trumpets drew the crowd to their feet. Then the music really hit and the crowd began a 'Flair' chant!...]




[...The NWA World Heavyweight Champion walked in from behind the curtain dressed in his blue sequined robe. The title was around his waist, mostly hidden by the robe. Ric walked right down to the ring and was given a microphone at ringside before he stepped inside the ring and spun around, taking in the cheers from this Columbia South Carolina crowd...]


Ric Flair

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I've got to know: what's causing all this? Whooooo! Tonight, Stinger, you're going to have to walk that aisle in front of 15,000 Ric Flair fans chanting my name."


[...'Flair, Flair, Flair, Flair!' The crowd definitely responds to the Nature Boy...]


Ric Flair

"I have got a few good friends that are watching my back tonight. Men like Paul Orndorff and Ricky Steamboat. Whoooo. These men are my friends and tonight we are all going to war together. You may have struck the first blow by defeating Orndorff but Ricky Steamboat and I will strike that decisive blow. Ricky Steamboat will take your United States title and I will put the nail in the coffin in the legacy that Sting is trying to create at my expense. Tonight, Sting, you want to take the Four Horsemen name? This will be a battle for leadership within that Four Horsemen group. When I win, I will be creating my own Four Horsemen off the strength of my close and personal friends. Tonight, Sting, you are going to bleed, sweat and pay the price. Whooooo! You already sent one of my men to the hospital. What is that old Four Horsemen saying? You send one of mine to the hospital and we send two of yours to the morgue, pal! Whoooooo!"


[...Flair gave a strut across the ring and then slipped out as his music played, giving the crowd some good high fives.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sid2.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ScottSteiner22.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RickSteiner3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/missyhyatt.jpg

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

The Skyscrapers get a shot vs. The Steiner Brothers


[Time for our big tag team title bout here. Missy Hyatt did not look good after getting squashed in the corner earlier tonight but she made it out here for this title defense. The Skyscrapers started the match as the dominant team that they have been for the last several months. This is the team that has beaten the Road Warriors. Each Steiner Brother got in there with each Skyscraper member and the Steiners did not look good early on. Sid Vicious hit Rick Steiner with a Choke Slam and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken up by Scott Steiner. Sid brought Rick over to his corner and tagged back and forth with Dan Spivey, each man getting in blows to Rick Steiner. But this was also wearing down the Skyscrapers as they were not used to not getting a quick win. Sid sent Rick Steiner to the ropes -- Rick ducked a clothesline -- Steinerline! The Steinerline rocked Sid Vicious! Rick hit another! Rick ducked another clothesline and hooked Sid Vicious -- German Suplex! The crowd went wild as both men lay on the mat. The crowd stomped their feet and clapped their hands as both men were looking for a tag. Sid had the longer reach and made the tag first to Dan Spivey. Spivey grabbed Rick by the legs and pulled him back but Rick kicked him hard in the knee! Rick scrambled over -- tag to his brother!...]


[...Scott Steiner came in and hit Spivey with a Steinerline! He had one for Sid Vicious as well! Scott turned and hooked Spivey around the waist -- Overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Scott got to his feet and was mowed down by a clothesline by big Sid Vicious! The crowd booed heavily as Sid grabbed Scott Steiner and pulled him in. Sid lifted Scott above his head -- DDT by Scott Steiner! What a reversal from that Power Bomb! Rick Steiner came in and shoved Sid out of the ring. Rick turned toward Dan Spivey and dropped him with a Steinerline as Scott got to his feet. The Dog-Faced Gremlin showed some power as he lifted Dangerous Dan Spivey on his shoulders. Scott walked over to the ropes and climbed the turnbuckles -- Steiner DDT! What a move! Scott makes the cover as the crowd counts along: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The mighty Skyscrapers have been beaten!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 11:34; The Steiner Brothers retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles.)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd booed as the high powered music of a group they do not like begins to play...]




[...Sting, Lex Luger and Barry Windham walk out from the back and head toward the ring. Windham is already in street clothes since his match was earlier but Sting and Luger are dressed to wrestle, which both of them will do later on tonight...]



"One and zero, Ric. My Horsemen are one and zero against your men. Tonight, we will make it three and oh. Lex Luger will get Ricky Steamboat up in that Human Torture Rack and make him squeel like a pig! Then later on tonight I will lock my Scorpion Deathlock on you and I won't release it until you give up your World Title and the Horsemen name. As the fourth Horseman goes? He is in the building and he is ready. That's all you need to know. We don't need another man to win our matches. Speaking of which, tonight, Lex, Barry, I don't want you at ringside for my match against Ric Flair."


[...Both of them look surprised...]



"If I am going to be your leader than I need to prove that I can do this on my own with no outside interference. Tonight, I prove that I am the better man and it's SHOWTIME! OOOWWWW!"


[...Sting looks on as his music begins playing again and the three of them leave without the other two even saying a word.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/boborton.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JunkYardDog.jpg

Bob Orton vs. Junkyard Dog


[This one was mostly a warm-up match to get the crowd ready for the next two big matches. These two had been feuding mostly on the NWA's Power Hour. Junkyard Dog started out strong with clotheslines and headbutts on Orton. He took Orton down with a body slam and moved up the turnbuckles, surprising everyone! He leaped -- Top Rope Headbutt! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder up! Orton came back with a rake to the eyes of JYD. Orton dominated for the next several minutes setting up JYD for a Piledriver around the 14 minute mark. JYD was able to reverse it, getting the crowd on his side. Shortly thereafter, JYD picked up Orton and dropped him with the Big Thump Power Slam! He turned it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Junkyard Dog (Via Pinfall @ 15:54)

Match Rating: B




[A backstage segment came next within a locker room...]




[...Where Paul Ellering and the Road Warriors were shown...]


Paul Ellering

"Take a look at this Starrcade card, Animal, Hawk. Do you see the Road Warriors taking part in any matches? Why do you think that is? It's because you haven't made an impact here. You haven't gone out and dominated like you used to. Well, I am warning the two of you right now: you better make an impact and soon. Otherwise, you will be lost forever within the ranks of the NWA and I am too smart to let that happen."


[...Paul raised his copy of the Wall Street Journal and slapped it against his hand. The Road Warriors both looked up to him and got a fierce look on their faces as we headed to the ring.]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RickySteamboat3.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


[The crowd rose in cheers for the challenger as Steamboat came down to the ring and climbed the turnbuckles, raising his hand and getting cheers from his Dragons. He dropped down in the ring and moved to his corner as the United States Champion was announced and he came out with Barry Windham at his side. Luger never said he would come out alone, right? Luger entered the ring and handed the belt to referee Nick Patrick. As Nick showed the belt to Steamboat, Luger got in a cheap shot in the form of a punch and then a clothesline. The crowd booed Luger as the bell sounded and Luger began stomping his challenger right into the mat. Luger picked up Steamboat and hit him with a hard forearm shot into the corner. The Total Package whipped Steamboat across the ring and into the other corner. Steamboat came staggering out and Luger dropped him with a leaping clothesline! Luger made a cover: 1 -- Kickout! Still too early to expect a victory here...]


[...At around the ten minute mark, Steamboat was able to recover from a Sleeperhold and an outside attack by Windham. The Dragon got Luger in the corner and began hitting him with chops as Luger tried to cover up some. Steamboat lifted Luger into the electric chair position and dropped him backwards and onto the mat. Steamboat got the crowd fired up for him. Steamboat picked up Luger and sent him for the ride -- crisp armdrag from Steamboat. Luger slid out of the ring to catch a breather but Steamboat charged him, leaping over the top rope and bringing Luger down to the floor with a cross body! Steamboat was the first to his feet and tossed Luger back into the ring. Steamboat climbed the turnbuckles, setting up the Total Package, waiting for him to get to his feet. Barry Windham circled around toward Steamboat but was too late to stop him as Steamboat leaped -- Powerslam by Lex Luger! Luger has definitely done his research on the Dragon. Luger called for the Human Torture Rack! The crowd booed as Luger picked up Steamboat. He lifted him up slowly on his shoulders but he couldn't get a good grip! Steamboat fell behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. He pushed Luger into the ropes and then dropped him backward onto the mat. Steamboat with a bridging cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...The match went back and forth until about the fifteen minute mark when Steamboat really started to take control. The Dragon hit a spinning wheel kick on Luger and then picked him up, sending him off to the ropes -- Spinning Spinebuster! The crowd cheered as Steamboat headed to the turnbuckles. The Dragon climbed up and Barry Windham ran over, climbing onto the apron. Steamboat kicked him hard and Windham fell off, hitting the guardrail in the process. Luger pushed to his feet and turned -- Flying Cross Body! This one connected and Steamboat hooked the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3! We have a NEW United States Champion!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Pinfall @ 19:40; Ricky Steamboat wins the NWA United States Title)

Match Rating: A




Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sting6.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting gets a shot vs. Ric Flair


[The crowd began stirring because they knew what was next. It's time for the NWA World Heavyweight Title match. The high powered music of the challenger begins to play and Sting walks out from behind the curtain. He ignores the fans and their boos as he walks down toward the ring. He jumps on the apron and climbs inside, releasing an 'Oooooowwwww!' as he steps inside and moves to his corner. His music fades out and the trumpets begin to play that have the crowd on their feet. The music plays for about a minute before the curtains part and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion walks out. Ric releases a 'Whoooooo' as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp. Ric is wearing his usual blue sequined robe with the title around his waist. He walks down to the ring and steps inside looking toward Sting with that confident look on his face. He hands the title belt to referee Tommy Young who raises the belt up high for everyone to see. This is not only for that belt but for the rights to the Horsemen name. Tommy Young puts the belt outside the ring and looks between the two wrestlers who are staring each other down from their corners. Tommy points toward the timekeeper and calls for the bell on this main event at NWA's Starrcade...]


[...The two men move to meet in the center of the ring and begin jawwing for a moment back and forth. Ric moves to circle Sting and Sting does the same. Sting pushes Flair back toward the corner and Flair reverses it at the last moment. Flair has Sting pushed in the corner and referee Tommy Young looks for a clean break. Ric runs his fingers back through his hair and releases a 'Whoooooo' right into Sting's face, backing off before Sting can throw a punch. The two men circle each other again and Flair avoids a lock-up, strutting across the ring with his back to Sting. Sting moves in but Flair turns at the last moment using the ropes to send Sting back. For the first few minutes of the match it was a good give and take from both men. There was no one that got the clear and clean advantage within those few first minutes until several forearms from Sting gave him the advantage. He sent Flair to the ropes and lifted him up -- military press slam! Flair hit on his back and Sting made a quick cover: 1 -- Kickout! Nothing could be done this early, right?...]


[...Sting held control for the next ten minutes, 15 minutes gone by within the match. Sting was focusing on the back of Ric Flair and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion was definitely feeling the effects. Sting whipped Flair into the turnbuckles and Flair flipped up and over. He ran along the apron and was taken down by a clothesline from Sting! Flair fell on the apron and then outside the ring. Sting exited the ring, knowing he cannot win the title outside the ring. Sting rammed Flair's head into the steel guardrail once and then twice. Flair bounced off that guardrail and took a few steps, throwing punches to the air and then falling face-first to the ground. Sting broke the count and then picked Flair up. He ran him face-first into the ring post! Sting tossed Flair back in the ring and rolled in himself. Sting picked up Flair and body slammed him down on that back. Sting released an 'OOOWWW!' and then grabbed the legs of Flair. He stepped in -- Scorpion Deathlock! Sting locked in the Scorpion and Flair's eyes went wide!...]



[...Sting leaned into it and Flair shook his head...]



[...Flair pushed his palms on the mat trying to pull toward the ropes...]



[...Flair reached and reached and reached...]



[...Sting -- tried to pull him back but Flair got to the ropes!...]



[...Flair held on tight to the bottom rope and referee Tommy Young made Sting break the hold!...]


[...Sting had grown angry when Flair broke the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair was moved into the corner and Sting backed up -- Stinger Splash! Flair took a step forward and fell to the mat. Sting made a quick cover:]














[...Flair's shoulder popped up at the last second and referee Tommy Young signalled it was only a two count!...]


[...Sting could NOT believe it! Sting stepped over and shoved the referee! Tommy Young threatened Sting with a DQ and Sting threatened Young with a punch! Flair somehow pushed his way up -- Clip! He took out the knee of Sting from behind! Flair pushed himself up using the ropes and looked around, releasing a 'Whooooo!' He held his back but moved over. He grabbed Sting by the leg and moved the leg over to the bottom rope. He leaped -- sitting senton on the leg! Sting grabs the leg in pain and he is obviously worn down some from the length of this match. Flair holds the knee and swings around, dropping an elbow on the knee! He stretches it out and then gets to his feet. Flair releases a 'Whoooo!' and then hooks Sting -- Figure 4 Leglock! The Figure 4 is put on Sting! Sting struggles, eyes going wide!...]



[...Sting shakes his head and leans back trying to reach for the ropes or something....]



[...Sting pushes on the mat. He tries to turn the pressure...]



[...Flair shakes his head as Sting tries to turn the pressure on him...]



[...Sting pushes and pushes and...]



[...Sting gets the Figure 4 turned!...]



[...Flair quickly breaks the hold and gets to his feet. He pulls Sting up and pushes him in a corner lacing into Sting with chops! Sting's chest gets red with the chops but he suddenly no-sells them! Sting gives Flair forearm shots to combat the chops! Sting rakes the eyes of Flair and then turns him into the corner. Sting kicks Flair in the gut and then hooks him, lifting him into a vertical suplex position. He pumps up and down several times -- Brainbuster! Sting moves over and makes a cover:]










[...Somehow Ric Flair kicked out of the Brainbuster! Sting gets to his feet wondering just what he has to do to beat Ric Flair! He pulls up Flair and clotheslines him down. Sting grabs the legs again, going for the Scorpion Deathlock. Flair leans in, inside cradle:...]








...Shoulder Up!...]


[...Sting popped back up and pulled Flair up angrily. He threw a forearm shot and backed Flair into a corner. He whipped Flair across and Flair grabbed his back in pain. Sting came running -- Stinger Splash -- Missed! Flair moved out of the way! A hard kick to the back of the knee of Sting! Flair picked up Sting by the leg -- Shinbreaker! Sting grabs his leg and Flair pulls him to the center of the ring. Flair steps in -- A second Figure 4! Sting's eyes go wide again and pain courses over his face!...]



[...Sting shakes his head...]



[...Sting reaches for the ropes...]



[...He's almost there...]



[...He's getting closer...]






[...GIVES UP! Sting gives up! Referee Tommy Young calls for the bell as this match is over!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 30:25; Ric Flair retains the NWA World Heavyweight Title.)

Match Rating: A


[...Tommy Young helps Ric Flair break the hold. Flair holds his back in pain but he is given the NWA World Heavyweight Title! What a win for the Nature Boy! The crowd has risen on their feet! Ric backed up into a corner and looked around as two figures came running down to the ring...]




[...Barry Windham and Lex Luger hit the ring and Flair looked at both of them. Windham and Luger helped Sting to his feet. Sting limped and Flair walked toward them. They began circling the Nature Boy. The crowd looked on for a long moment as Flair was surrounded. The sounds of horses clomping along the ground and then the music of the Four Horsemen begins to play. Are we finally gonna see this fourth man? Everyone turns to look toward the entrance ramp...]











[...No one steps through the entrance ramp but back in the ring...]



[...Ric Flair and Sting...]





[...Flair and Sting hug in the center of the ring and the crowd boos! Flair raises the four fingers into the air and gives a strut though he holds his back because this was definitely a tough match for Flair. Ric shakes hands with Barry Windham and with Lex Luger! The crowd begins throwing trash into the ring. All four men in the ring raise four fingers and it looks like we have the brand new Four Horsemen. How could Ric Flair join forces with the men who seemed to be his arch-nemesis?!?! Maybe we'll find out Saturday night on World Championship Wrestling! We'll see you there! Thank you for watching NWA's Starrcade!]

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The highest score we had was 7/8 belonging to Lexa90! Congratulations to Lexa90!




1. BHK1978=149 Wins

Lexa90=149 Wins

3. Greg McNeish=133 Wins

4. jhd1=130 Wins

5. Ritchardo=125 Wins

6. Beejus=107 Wins

7. Zergon=67 Wins

8. OldSchool=61 Wins

9. nick21985=52 Wins

10. MartinC=47 Wins

11. Destiny=37 Wins

12. smurphy1014=35 Wins

13. jtalley31=24 Wins

14. JudgeJuryExecutioner=18 Wins

Theheel=18 Wins

16. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

17. ColtCabana=15 Wins

18. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

20. tristram=13 Wins

Wee Bob=13 Wins

22. olympia=11 Wins

23. SWF Fan=10 Wins

24. BYU 14=7 Wins


With that last push, Lexa90 came up to tie BHK1978 to win this leg of the prediction contest! Congratulations to you both! You will both be receiving pm's from me within the next day or so detailing your prize.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Normally here is where you would be receiving the next prediction box for everyone to fill out. However, with Starrcade having finished, I am going to be writing out a run-down of some of the game world and how things have changed since the beginning of the diary. This will take me some time. I will also be taking this time to get my own thoughts organized after Starrcade as this is the show that everyone builds toward. This is the show that really matters moreso than every other show. The fall-out from Starrcade will hopefully be able to capture everyone's attention as much as the build to Starrcade has.


That being said, feel free to comment here about the Grandaddy of them all that took place live and only on pay-per-view. I hope you all truly enjoyed the show.

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I haven't gone National yet. I am slowly working toward that goal, making sure I have everything in place.


I was wondering because the CPU always goes national in like a month lol and I just started an NWA diary (might post it later after I see how it plays out) and I was wondering how long I should expect to see that turn as far as a time line goes.

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Also kudos on this Diary, even though it seemed like you were possessed by Dusty when you booked the Starrcade swerve :p I like ho you are doing things, im trying to keep mine a little more home growny (I.E. Only hiring from the indys, no developmental leauges, Teds bossing me around lol) but I really admire what you are doing here, I hope I can write as good as you do. Keep up the good work.
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That's pretty crazy, man. At least it wasn't fingerpoke style, but then this is old school power we're running on here. Hell of a play. The biggest thing I wonder now, is who is there to make a run at the top now that the originators of gang violence are back? I mainly see the Steiners having many run-ins with them now, possibly not trying to step up to combat them but instead just defending themselves. The Road Warriors as well, though they would be just stepping it up to take them on. Steamboat will of course carry on the battle, and Orndorff too I'm sure, but everyone else.... they're either too low to be a major threat, or too heel.


Looking forward to how you're running from here!

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I was wondering because the CPU always goes national in like a month lol and I just started an NWA diary (might post it later after I see how it plays out) and I was wondering how long I should expect to see that turn as far as a time line goes.


Also kudos on this Diary, even though it seemed like you were possessed by Dusty when you booked the Starrcade swerve :p I like ho you are doing things, im trying to keep mine a little more home growny (I.E. Only hiring from the indys, no developmental leauges, Teds bossing me around lol) but I really admire what you are doing here, I hope I can write as good as you do. Keep up the good work.


Generally speaking, I believe the computer is always going to move up fairly quickly but it doesn't mean that they can stay in that position.


Glad to see another person doing the NWA. I was always a bigger NWA/WCW fan. Ted is still bossing me around some as he is keeping me from making any product changes, including moving the percentages any from the Events and the TV shows. As far as the Starrcade swerve goes, well, you'll find out all about the reasons why on the next World Championship Wrestling card. ;)


That's pretty crazy, man. At least it wasn't fingerpoke style, but then this is old school power we're running on here. Hell of a play. The biggest thing I wonder now, is who is there to make a run at the top now that the originators of gang violence are back? I mainly see the Steiners having many run-ins with them now, possibly not trying to step up to combat them but instead just defending themselves. The Road Warriors as well, though they would be just stepping it up to take them on. Steamboat will of course carry on the battle, and Orndorff too I'm sure, but everyone else.... they're either too low to be a major threat, or too heel.


Looking forward to how you're running from here!


It was definitely not fingerpoke style. I couldn't see myself ever re-enacting the fingerpoke of doom, especially not in an old-school style promotion. There will be several people that I will be looking to step up against the Horsemen. Of course I won't name any names here. You'll just have to wait and see, just like the reasons behind the Horsemen swerve. ;)

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Female Wrestler of the Year

Devil Masami


Veteran Wrestler of the Year

Terry Funk


Young Wrestler of the Year

Kenta Kobashi


Wrestler of the Year

Randy Savage


Match of the Year

Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat defeated Terry Funk and The Great Muta Week 2 December 1989 World Championship Wrestling


Show of the Year

WWF Prime Time Wrestling Week 4 November 1989

Virgil defeated Bushwacker Butch - D+

Akeem defeated Marty Jannetty - C+

Tugboat defeated Paul Roma - D+

ANGLE: Brawl involving Arn Anderson and Hulk Hogan - A

Jacques Rougeau defeated Ronnie Garvin - C

ANGLE: Confrontation involving Jake Roberts, Rick Rude and Randy Savage - A

Rick Rude defeated Jake Roberts - A

Ted DiBiase defeated Hulk Hogan - A


Top 10 In Power 100

1. Randy Savage

2. Ric Flair

3. Jake Roberts

4. Roddy Piper

5. Rick Rude

6. Ted DiBiase

7. Keiji Mutoh

8. Terry Funk

9. Ricky Steamboat

10. Andre The Giant

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NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair

NWA United States Champion: Ricky Steamboat

NWA Television Champion: The Great Muta

NWA Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)


Main Eventers

Ricky Steamboat

Scott Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Lex Luger

Ric Flair

Sid Vicious (Managed by Teddy Long)


Terry Funk (Managed by Gary Hart)


Upper Midcarders

'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Junkyard Dog

Paul Orndorff


Barry Windham

Mike Rotundo

The Great Muta (Managed by Gary Hart)



Rick Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Road Warrior Animal

Road Warrior Hawk (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Bobby Eaton

Cactus Jack

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Dan Spivey (Managed by Teddy Long)

Dick Murdoch

Dick Slater

Stan Lane


Lower Midcarders

Flyin' Brian

Ricky Morton

The Gravedigger



The Iron Sheik



Robert Gibson

Diamond Studd

Ron Simmons


Enhancement Talent

Jason Knight

Steve Austin


Occasional Wrestler

Rip Rogers



Missy Hyatt

Gary Hart

Paul E. Dangerously

Paul Ellering

Teddy Long



Jim Ross



Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson

Tommy Young


Road Agents


Dory Funk, Jr.

Nick Bockwinkel




Scott Robinson

Ted Turner


Tag Teams

Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk) (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

The Steiner Brothers (Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner) (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane)

The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey) (Managed by Teddy Long)

The Wild Samoans (Samu and Fatu)



Bill Alfonso (Train Other Workers)

Bill Irwin (Improve Overall Skills)

Bill Kazmaier (Improve Overall Skills)

Billy Graham (Train Other Workers)

Bob Caudle (Train Other Workers)

Brad Armstrong (Improve Overall Skills)

Butch Reed (Improve Overall Skills)

Buzz Sawyer (Improve Flying Skills)

Chris Candido (Improve Overall Skills)

Gorgon Solie (Train Other Workers)

Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin (Improve Overall Skills)

James E. Cornette (Train Other Workers)

John Tatum (Improve Overall Skills)

Kevin Sullivan (Improve Flying Skills)

Magnum T.A. (Train Other Workers)

Nitron (Improve Overall Skills)

Norman The Lunatic (Improve Overall Skills)

Ole Anderson (Train Other Workers)

Precious (Train Other Workers)

Ranger Ross (Improve Overall Skills)

Rip Morgan (Improve Overall Skills)

Shane Douglas (Improve Overall Skills)

Steve Williams (Improve Overall Skills)

The Dragonmaster (Improve Overall Skills)

Tommy Rich (Train Other Workers)

Woman (Train Other Workers)

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NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Ric Flair

NWA United States Champion: Ricky Steamboat

NWA Television Champion: The Great Muta

NWA Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner)


Main Eventers

Ricky Steamboat

Scott Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Lex Luger

Ric Flair

Sid Vicious (Managed by Teddy Long)


Terry Funk (Managed by Gary Hart)


Upper Midcarders

'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Junkyard Dog

Paul Orndorff


Barry Windham

Mike Rotundo

The Great Muta (Managed by Gary Hart)



Rick Steiner (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Road Warrior Animal

Road Warrior Hawk (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Bobby Eaton

Cactus Jack

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Dan Spivey (Managed by Teddy Long)

Dick Murdoch

Dick Slater

Stan Lane


Lower Midcarders

Flyin' Brian

Ricky Morton

The Gravedigger



The Iron Sheik



Robert Gibson

Diamond Studd

Ron Simmons


Enhancement Talent

Jason Knight

Steve Austin


Occasional Wrestler

Rip Rogers



Missy Hyatt

Gary Hart

Paul E. Dangerously

Paul Ellering

Teddy Long



Jim Ross



Nick Patrick

Randy Anderson

Tommy Young


Road Agents


Dory Funk, Jr.

Nick Bockwinkel




Scott Robinson

Ted Turner


Tag Teams

Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Hawk) (Managed by Paul Ellering)

Rock 'N' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson)

The Steiner Brothers (Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner) (Managed by Missy Hyatt)

Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane)

The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey) (Managed by Teddy Long)

The Wild Samoans (Samu and Fatu)



Bill Alfonso (Train Other Workers)

Bill Irwin (Improve Overall Skills)

Bill Kazmaier (Improve Overall Skills)

Billy Graham (Train Other Workers)

Bob Caudle (Train Other Workers)

Brad Armstrong (Improve Overall Skills)

Butch Reed (Improve Overall Skills)

Buzz Sawyer (Improve Flying Skills)

Chris Candido (Improve Overall Skills)

Gorgon Solie (Train Other Workers)

Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin (Improve Overall Skills)

James E. Cornette (Train Other Workers)

John Tatum (Improve Overall Skills)

Kevin Sullivan (Improve Flying Skills)

Magnum T.A. (Train Other Workers)

Nitron (Improve Overall Skills)

Norman The Lunatic (Improve Overall Skills)

Ole Anderson (Train Other Workers)

Precious (Train Other Workers)

Ranger Ross (Improve Overall Skills)

Rip Morgan (Improve Overall Skills)

Shane Douglas (Improve Overall Skills)

Steve Williams (Improve Overall Skills)

The Dragonmaster (Improve Overall Skills)

Tommy Rich (Train Other Workers)

Woman (Train Other Workers)


Did I miss Ron Simmons leaving, if so where did he end up?

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For shame...I guess I have more of a soft spot, or maybe you are just waiting for his GIGANTIC PUSH!


I do think that Ron Simmons has a bright future within the industry. ;) But he has to work his way up the ladder as he technically has only recently debuted within the NWA.

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World Wrestling Federation


The World Wrestling Federation is the #1 rated wrestling promotion in the world.



The WWF Intercontinental Title - has been held by The Ultimate Warrior since Week 4, August 1989. He has made 2 defenses against Raymond Rougeau and Rick Rude.


The WWF World Tag Team Titles - have been held by The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) since Week 3, July 1989. they have made 3 defenses, all against The Hart Foundation.


The WWF World Heavyweight Title - has been held by Hulk Hogan since Week 1, April 1989. He has made 5 title defenses against Jimmy Snuka, a fourway with Jimmy Snuka, Rick Rude and Tito Santana, Andre the Giant twice and a fourway with Andre, Tully Blanchard and Ax.


Top Event

WWF Survivor Series 1989 - Back in November, WWF headed to the FleetCenter in the New England area for this pay-per-view event. The event recorded a 3.48 buyrate. The show was headlined by an eight man tag with Tully Blanchard, Ted Dibiase, Jimmy Snuka and Rick Rude defeating Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts, Randy Savage and Roddy Piper in a 'B+' match. The match of the night was a tie between the main event and an eight man tag featuring Andre the Giant, Greg Valentine, Jim Neidhart and Arn Anderson defeating Hulk Hogan, Smash, Tito Santana and Bret Hart in another 'B+' match.


Latest Event

WWF December Saturday Night's Main Event - The December pay-per-view was held at The Pyramid in the South East region. It drew a 3.38 buyrate. The show was headlined by Hulk Hogan in a successful title defense against Andre The Giant in a 'B' match. The match of the night was Rick Rude defeating Tito Santana in an 'A' match.


Main Eventers

Hulk Hogan

Jake Roberts

Randy Savage

Roddy Piper

The Ultimate Warrior

Andre The Giant

Ted DiBiase

Rick Rude

Jimmy Snuka

Tully Blanchard


Roster Changes

Major Signings: None

Major Departures: Danny Davis

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American Wrestling Association


The American Wrestling Association is the #5 rated wrestling promotion in the world.



The AWA Women's Title - has been held by Judy Martin since Week 4, September 1989. She has made 6 defenses all against Wendi Richter. Previous to Judy, Candi Devine held the belt but she lost in her first defense.


The AWA TV Title - began in September held by Greg Gagne. Greg managed 2 title defenses until he lost the belt to Scott Norton on Week 1, November 1989. Norton managed 4 defenses until he lost the belt to Ken Patera on Week 3, December 1989. Patera has managed 1 title defense so far, beating Mike Enos.


The AWA World Tag Team Titles - began the diary held by Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans. They managed 6 title defenses before losing the belts to a team consisting of Curtis Hughes and Jerry Lynn on Week 1, November 1989. This team managed 1 title defense before losing the belts to Buck Zumhofe and Greg Gagne on Week 1, December 1989. This team, known as Club Deluxe, have yet to defend the titles.


The AWA World Heavyweight Title - has been held by Larry Zbyszko since Week 1, February 1989. He has made 3 title defenses, defeating Brad Rheingans, Nikita Koloff and Ken Patera.


Top Event

AWA In Or Out - Back in October, AWA headed to the Chiles Center in the North West area for this pay-per-view event. The event recorded a .35 buyrate. The show was headlined by a successful AWA World Heavyweight title defense when Larry Zbyszko beat Nikita Koloff in a 'C+' match. This match tied for match of the night with Wahoo McDaniel defeating Baron Von Raschke and Sgt. Slaughter defeating Akio Sato all in 'C+' matches.


Latest Event

AWA Hell Hole - The December pay-per-view was held at The Selland Arena in the South West region. It drew a .43 buyrate. The show was headlined by Larry Zbyszko in a successful title defense against Ken Patera in a 'C' match. The match of the night was Wahoo McDaniel defeating Sgt. Slaughter in a 'B' match.


Main Eventers

Brad Rheingans

Wahoo McDaniel

Jimmy Snuka

Larry Zbyszko

Sgt. Slaughter


Roster Changes

Major Signings: Tony Halme

Major Departures: Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissey, Chavo Guerrero, Hector Guerrero, Mando Guerrero, Kokina Maximus, Jerry Lynn and Scott Norton

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How about the Memphis promotion (not sure what its name was at that time because it changed so many times)?


There's the Continental Wrestling Federation. But I think the one you're referring to is the United States Wrestling Association. That's the one run by Jerry Jarrett.

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