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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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[...To recap what occured last week just before the World Championship Wrestling television show, two men received their pink slips from this company. Both Al Perez and Gary Michael Cappetta were given their termination papers. Perez had heat on him in the locker room after pulling a tasteless prank. Cappetta was just a business and need decision. His presence was no longer needed within the company so his termination became inevitable...]


[...Several signings have also been made since my arrival here. Men like: Rock 'N' Roll Express, Ricky Steamboat, Nick Bockwinkel and as of tomorrow Dory Funk, Jr. will be on the roster. I received a note of thanks from his brother Terry Funk for giving him a chance here though he will mostly play the role of a road agent. I can always use a man of his experience in the company...]


[...One wrestler so far has turned down an offer to meet with me due to his loyalty to Vince McMahon. That wrestler is none other than Andre The Giant. He would have been a big pickup, both literally and figuratively for the company but at the same time I'd say his best days are probably behind him...]


[...I am slowly taking a look at the roster and in particular the ones who are signed on pay-per-appearance deals while they work for other companies. Obviously, I do not wish to hurt our relationship with All Japan Pro Wrestling, so certain wrestlers cannot sign a written deal with us. But men like The Iron Sheik and The Great Muta might be better served to us to be on written than on pay-per-appearance...]


[...As I was finishing some paperwork in my office, there came a knock at my door. I looked up toward the wooden door as though I had x-ray vision...]


Scott Robinson

"Come in."


[...The door opened and I was a little more than surprised to see the NWA World Champion walk in...]




[...Ric Flair was dressed in an Armani suit as usual with the gold belt hanging over his shoulder...]


Ric Flair

"Hey there, Champ. The guys and I are headed to get a few drinks and spend a night on the town. Why don't you come with us? It would give you a good chance to spend some time with us and really get to know us."


[...I had to think for a moment because wrestlers were notorious partiers. But what could a couple of drinks hurt, right?...]


Scott Robinson

"Sure. Let me finish up a few papers and I'll meet you down in the lobby."


[...Ric nodded and clapped me hard enough on the shoulder to make me jump. Ric flashed that confident, easy-going smile and walked out from the room. I looked down at my papers for a moment. Yeah, what could a few drinks hurt, right? I grabbed a pen and then shook my head, jumping from my desk...]


Scott Robinson

"Hey Ric, wait up!"


[...The door closed shut behind me...]

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Oh go on I'll take part then!



Thursday Week 3 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. Dynamic Dudes

Buzz Sawyer vs. Eddie Gilbert

Scott Hall vs. Jason Knight

Bob Orton vs. Ole Anderson




Saturday Week 3 September 1989


Nitron vs. Junkyard Dog

The Great Muta vs. Flyin Brian

Buzz Sawyer vs. Sting

Samu vs. Road Warrior Animal

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Steamboat

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Just a 24 hour warning for predictions. Show should be up tomorrow barring any complications. Predictions have been received from Lexa90, BHK1978, Greg McNeish and smurphy1014.


Oh, good reminder - I thought I'd done this already!



Thursday Week 3 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. Dynamic Dudes

It's the Samoans!

Buzz Sawyer vs. Eddie Gilbert

Seeing him coming up against Sting later on makes me think a win before hand may do him some good (though not a lot).

Scott Hall vs. Jason Knight

Hall's the one that's going to become a star.

Bob Orton vs. Ole Anderson

No idea, could go either way so I've copied everyone else!



Saturday Week 3 September 1989


Nitron vs. Junkyard Dog

I think we've established Nitron will be a jobber here...

The Great Muta vs. Flyin Brian

Bigger star so far.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Sting

See above.

Samu vs. Road Warrior Animal

I know I said 'It's the Samoans!' before but that is seen and raised by 'What a Rush! (wrong promotion, I know, but it was still cool)

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Steamboat

Don't like Funk.

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The Wild Samoans vs. Dynamic Dudes

Buzz Sawyer vs. Eddie Gilbert

Scott Hall vs. Jason Knight

Bob Orton vs. Ole Anderson


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 3 September 1989


Nitron vs. Junkyard Dog

The Great Muta vs. Flyin Brian

Buzz Sawyer vs. Sting

Samu vs. Road Warrior Animal

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Steamboat

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Saturday Week 3 September 1989

Location: Charles Koch Arena, Wichita, Kansas (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.48

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


The Power Hour

In an extremely short match, The Wild Somoans defeated Dynamic Dudes in 4:38 when Fatu defeated Johnny Ace by pinfall with a Big Splash...D+


In an extremely short match, Buzz Sawyer defeated 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert in 5:19 by pinfall...D+


In an extremely short match, Scott Hall defeated Jason Knight in 4:01 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge...D


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, 'Cowboy' Bob Orton defeated Ole Anderson in 8:11 by pinfall with The Superplex...B




Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Doom defeated Rock 'N' Roll Express in 3:31 when Ron Simmons defeated Ricky Morton by pinfall with a Powerslam...B-


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Ole Anderson in 5:21 by pinfall with a Top Rope Headbutt...B-


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Z-Man defeated Kevin Sullivan in 4:42 by pinfall...C+




[The show begins inside the Arad McCutchan Stadium for a review of what happened last week...]




[...The ending of the show last week is focused upon as Sting defeated Terry Funk and then had a staredown with The Great Muta.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tylermane.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/woman3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JunkYardDog.jpg

Nitron vs. Junkyard Dog


[A very very very short match here. Junkyard Dog dominated Nitro throughout despite the size advantage of Nitron over his opponent. Junkyard Dog nailed Nitron with a hard Headbutt and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Junkyard Dog (Via Pinfall @ 1:45)

Match Rating: D+


[...JYD rose up to celebrate, getting a good crowd reaction. He moved to a corner and pumped his fists, raising the crowd reaction until he was hit by a figure from behind...]




[...Bam Bam Bigelow brought JYD off the top turnbuckle with a body slam! Bigelow drops JYD with the Greetings From Asbury Park! The crowd boos as Bigelow looks around, playing to them for a moment before exiting the ring.]




[Down within the interview area set back at the top of the stage, two wrestlers are shown waiting for their moment to speak...]




[...The crowd cheers for the two men, who shake hands and then turn their attentions...]


Ric Flair

"Somebody told me that there's a party going on in Wichita tonight. Whooooo! Ric Flair and the Stinger definitely know how to party and we're gonna be out there all night long!"



"That's right, Nature Boy. But before we get to the partying tonight it's gonna be showtime against Buzz Sawyer. Buzz, you are a bit of a tuneup tonight as the Nature Boy and I are preparing for our big tag team match. Muta, I know you're gonna be around and we're gonna be ready for you, right Nature Boy?"


Ric Flair

"Muta! If you want to walk that aisle then you're gonna have to go one on one with the Nature Boy! Whooooo."


[...Sting and Ric move out and high five the crowd as we head back to the ring...]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/brianpillman.jpg

The Great Muta vs. Flyin Brian


[What was believed to be an excellent high flying matchup in the beginning was not as good as everyone thought it would be. Muta caught Flyin Brian with a frankensteiner and a handspring back elbow. Brian caught Muta with an enzuigiri and a picture perfect dropkick. In the end, Muta downed Brian with a Cradle Piledriver and then a Moonsault Press where he made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Great Muta (Via Pinfall @ 6:17)

Match Rating: C+


[...Gary Hart celebrated with Muta for a moment and then they took off. Brian slowly started to revive inside the ring until he was hit by a clothesline to the back of the head...]




[...Norman The Lunatic hit Flyin Brian with a powerslam and then bounced off the ropes -- Sit down Splash! The crowd booed as Norman crushed Flyin Brian with all of his weight! Some nurses came down with a stretcher and slowly convinced Norman to climb on. They strapped him in and it took several security guards to wheel the stretcher to the back.]




[The crowd tries to settle down some after the attack by Norman The Lunatic. When the ring was cleared, the crowd popped at some familiar music...]




[...The top contender to the United States Title: Tommy 'Wildfire' Rich came out to a good crowd ovation. Rich paused to slap hands with the fans. The fans tried to warn him as someone came down and hit him with a clothesline from behind...]




[...The United States Champion stood over Tommy Rich, stomping on his back and shoulder. He lifted Rich to his feet and then raised him up -- Human Torture Rack! The crowd went wild with boos as Luger racked Rich! Security came flooding down, pulling Rich down off the rack and Luger pushed them away to stomp at Rich again. Security pulled Luger back and EMTs came out to check on Tommy Rich.]




[The focus turns down toward the interview stage as the EMTs check on Tommy Rich. Standing down there is the one and only...]




[...Bob Caudle! Bob adjusts his tie and looks into the camera...]


Bob Caudle

"Well, wrestling fans, we were supposed to have an interview with Tommy Rich here tonight but obviously that is not going to happen."


[...The crowd boos as someone walks out from the back. That someone raises his arms in the air, taking in the boos like they are cheering him as he reaches Bob Caudle...]




[...Mike Rotundo moves to stand beside the announcer...]


Bob Caudle

"Well, it looks like I am being joined here by Varsity Club member Mike Rotundo. Mike, do you have something to say?"


Mike Rotundo

"Of course I have something to say, Bobby. Everyone here knows who I am: I'm 'Iron' Mike Rotundo, the best WRESTLER here in the NWA. Why am I the best wrestler? Because I received my training from the presitigious Syracuse University!"


[...The crowd boos! Obviously there are no Orangemen in the crowd...]


Mike Rotundo

"I know that this crowd here tonight is just jealous because I actually went to college instead of sitting on my rear end watching television day in and day out. Another man who is jealous of my success is Steve Williams. Steve, isn't it enough of an embarassment that you went to Oklahoma? But now you've got to embarass yourself even further by facing me in a match at Fall Brawl? Do yourself a favor and don't even show up to the arena that night. No one will blame you if you don't want to face me. I know I sure wouldn't want to face as great a wrestler as myself. But that's enough, Bobby. I'll see you next week."


[...Bob just shrugs as Rotundo walks away and we head up to the ring for our next bout.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sting4.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. Sting


[buzz Sawyer of the J-Tex Corporation came out with manager Gary Hart to face the beloved fan favorite in Sting. It is no surprise where the allegiance of the fans lies. It's definitely not with the Mad Dog, though Sawyer had control in the early goings of the match. He sent Sting outside the ring and distracted referee Bill Alfonso while Gary Hart put the boots to Sting! Sawyer pushed forward and exited the ring. He grabbed Sting and choked him on the security guardrail! He leaned in and broke the count and then whipped Sting to the other side -- reversed! Sawyer hit the guardrail backfirst! Sting charged in and leaped -- Sawyer moved! Sting spilled out into the first row when he missed that splash! Sawyer broke the count again and then pulled Sting back over the guardrail and tossed him back inside the ring. The Mad Dog hit Sting with a vicious headbutt and then made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder up!...]


[...Sting got some support from the fans as they tried to get him to rally against Sawyer. Mad Dog tucked Sting's head between his legs and raised him for a Piledriver but Sting lowered his feet back down. He elevated Sawyer over his head and then dropped to his own knees on the mat. The crowd began clapping and cheering: 'Sting, Sting, Sting!' Both men were slow to get to their feet but Sting started throwing punches to the abdomen! Sting got to his feet and whipped Sawyer into a corner! Sawyer bounced out as Sting bounced off the ropes -- one handed bulldog! Sting released a howl, that was echoed by the crowd! Sting pulled Sawyer up and whipped him into the turnbuckles again, stepping back and then charging -- Stinger Splash! Sawyer staggered from the corner and then fell to the mat. Sting grabbed the legs and stepped in -- Scorpion Deathlock! It didn't take long for the submission victory to be gained!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 7:53)

Match Rating: B


[...Sting released the hold as his arm was raised. He beat his chest to mammoth cheers from the crowd as Gary Hart checked on Buzz Sawyer. From behind, another man hit the ring, sliding inside...]




[...The Great Muta stalked and waited on Sting to turn around. When Sting did -- Asian Mist! -- blocked! Sting put an arm up to block the mist! Sting throws a few punches as Ric Flair comes running down to the ring amongst a slew of other fan favorites! The Great Muta exits the ring at the behest of his manager and Sting celebrates.]




[A video begins to play that is mostly shown to the fans watching at home. This video contains a small interview set with World Championship Wrestling in the background. Two men wearing gold belts step onto the scene...]




[...Michael 'P.S.' Hayes and Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin look out toward the camera...]


Michael Hayes

"Sorry we couldn't be there tonight. Oh, wait, who am I kidding? Who would ever want to come to Wichita to begin with? Definitely not the NWA World Tag Team Champions. It's more of a place that coincides with our top contenders Rick and Scott Steiner. Everyone knows that the Dog Faced Gremlin is braindead. He probably doesn't even know where he is, does he, Jimmy Jam?"


Jimmy Garvin

"Obviously, he didn't know last week, Michael. He must have thought he was in some type of dog contest or something with the way that he was acting. Though Scott is not any better. At Fall Brawl, we are gonna do what we were made to do, P.S.: rock and roll and strut and stroll."


[...The two men raised their gold belts to be seen by the camera as we headed back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/samu5.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/animal3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/paulellering.jpg

Samu vs. Road Warrior Animal


[No one was expecting a solid technical contest here between these two men. There was no catch as catch can wrestling but there was a pure fight between these two powerful wrestlers. Animal tried to hit Samu's head on the turnbuckle early but Samu just shrugged that off and caught Animal with an elbow shot. The match spilled outside the ring and the two continued to fight tooth and nail with Samu's back hitting the steel ringsteps and Animal's head being cracked against the guardrail. The two men finally managed to make it back inside the ring where Animal showed his power by lifting Samu into a high military press and slamming him right down to the mat...]


[...Fatu made his way down to the ringside area and stood in his partner's corner, serving as a distraction to Animal. That is when Hawk came down as well. Samu got control of Animal in the ring and laid him out, heading to the top turnbuckle as Fatu and Hawk got into it outside the ring! Samu leaped but Animal moved out of the way! Samu hit his face on the mat! Animal exited the ring to back up his partner and soon things developed into a 4 person battle outside the ring! Referee Tommy Young had no choice but to end the match due to a draw!]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment @ 6:31)

Match Rating: C




[As security worked on seperating the Road Warriors and the Wild Samoans, two men made their way to the interview area and that is where the cameras turned their focus...]




[...Terry Funk and Gary Hart stood by and were handed microphones...]


Terry Funk

"Gary, tonight I am going to be facing Ricky Steamboat inside this very ring. I would just like to say that Ricky Steamboat is the friend of a jackass. He has made the mistake of befriending a guy like Ric Flair or a guy like Sting when he should be shaking hands with the J-Tex Corporation. Ricky, don't worry, I will beat some sense into your brain tonight. You will learn that there is no reason to have these fans on your side. They are irrelevant and tonight you are going to see that when I beat you. Whether I hit my Texas Piledriver and pin you or whether I lock on the Funk Special, the Spinning Toe Hold and make you give up. Either way I am going to be on the winning end of things and you are going to be on the losing end."


Gary Hart

"Do I need to say anything more?"


[...Gary and Terry toss away the microphones and head down to the ring...]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickysteamboat2.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Steamboat


[Ricky Steamboat makes his entrance to cheers from the crowd. The crowd really wants to see Terry Funk get his and tonight they are hoping it will be so. In Terry's corner, though, is Gary Hart, Owner of the J-Tex Corporation. The match begins with a typical tieup and Funk pushes Steamboat into the corner. Funk makes like he's gonna give a clean break but then starts throwing rapid fire punches in the corner. Steamboat strikes back with chops! Punch! Chop! Punch! Chop! Chop! Chop! The chops send Funk down to the mat! Steamboat catches Funk with a deep-seated armdrag into an armbar! The next two minutes is spent with the Dragon focusing in on the arm of the Funker!...]


[...Funk is able to use the hair and finally toss Steamboat out of the ring. Funk joins him out there and runs Steamboat face-first into the guardrail! The crowd boos as Funk picks up Steamboat for a body slam and slams him down chest-first onto the guardrail! Funk plays to the crowd for a moment, taking in their boos before he enters the ring. Funk has the attention of referee Nick Patrick as Gary Hart sneaks over. Hart gets in a couple of punches and then runs Steamboat into the ring post! The crowd boos even more! Referee Nick Patrick turns around and begins making the count on the Dragon. At the count of 8, Steamboat finally makes it back in the ring! Funk quickly mounts him and starts throwing punches! Funk lays out Steamboat with a hangman's neckbreaker and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder up! Somehow The Dragon got that shoulder up! Funk puts a nerve pinch on Steamboat, trying to gain a submission but Steamboat is not about to give up. Funk releases the hold and drops Steamboat with a snapping DDT! He rolls Steamboat onto his back and then moves for the turnbuckles! Terry Funk heads to the top! He looks down and then leaps -- Knees up! Steamboat got the knees up into the solar plexus of Terry Funk!...]


[...Steamboat banged on the mat, getting the crowd to start stomping their feet and clapping their hands! Both Steamboat and Funk moved slowly to their feet! Big chop by the Dragon! Steamboat bounced off the ropes -- dropkick connects! No one does it better than Ricky Steamboat! Steamboat heads to the top turnbuckle and looks down at Terry Funk! Steamboat waits for Funk to get to his feet: Flying Cross Body!: 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5! Wait a second, the hold knocked back into Nick Patrick! Nick Patrick was standing behind Terry Funk and the momentum knocked them back against the referee! Gary Hart circles around at ringside as Steamboat gets up, realizing what happened. Steamboat goes to the official and Gary Hart reaches under the ring. Steamboat tries to revive Nick Patrick as Gary Hart slides the branding iron into the ring! Terry Funk gets the branding iron and slowly turns, striking Steamboat in the ribs! Steamboat doubles over and Funk hits him over the head with the branding iron! Funk tosses it out of the ring and then pulls Steamboat between his legs: Texas Piledriver! Gary Hart hides the branding iron as Funk rolls Steamboat over and makes the pin just as the referee revives: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 12:28)

Match Rating: B+


[...Terry Funk gets to his feet and raises his arms in victory as Gary Hart joins him in the ring. Funk puts the boots to the Dragon, grabbing a leg: Spinning Toe Hold! The crowd boos! Steamboat is in agony! But someone makes an appearance from the back...]




[...It's Ric Flair! The crowd cheers as Flair slides into the ring! Flair with a chop to the chest of Gary Hart! A knife-edge chop for Terry Funk and both Funk and Hart quickly exit the ring! Ric Flair moves over to the ropes and struts across the ring, releasing a 'Whoooooo!' Flair invites Terry Funk back to the ring but Funk decides that discretion is the better part of valor and declines as the show comes to a close.]

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We had several people to get a combined score of 7/9! Congratulations to Lexa90, BHK1978, smurphy1014 and jhd1!




1. BHK1978=25 Wins

2. Lexa90=24 Wins

3. jhd1=23 Wins

4. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

5. smurphy1014=16 Wins

6. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

8. Greg McNeish=6 Wins

Ritchardo=6 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair


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Good show! Surprised that Funk got the win over Steamboat so soon into his comeback although I suppose it keeps him strong for the Main Event feud!


Next week's picks then:


NWA Power Hour

Doom vs. The Road Warriors: Too soon for Doom to be a realistic challenge for the LOD

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express: Debut win for Ricky and Robert

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian: A Bounce back strong performance from Pillman

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight: A Quite literal squash for Norman

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair: In a word: Flair



WCW Saturday Night

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson: Ole to continue paying the price for his clashes with the boss

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert: Funk's strong run of form to continue

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight: Knight is clearly a jobber under the current regime!

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich: Although, he's there to build guys up - Tommy's the number one US title contender and needs wins to seem credible

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express: Tough call but although terrible in the ring, Sid could be a commodity. The R&R should help protect his shortcomings

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat: Hard loss for Ricky last week, needs to pick himself up with a win over the Cowboy

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair: Another day another successful non-defence for Flair

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Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair

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I have to say, with your great USPW diaries that you have written. I had completely forgotten how good of a real world diary writer you are as well.


I mean to me you nailed Sting and Terry Funk down. I could picture them saying what you wrote.



Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors


This is a tough one but I was a bigger fan of Hawk and Animal.


The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


My only question is, when you do a RNR interview, are you going to mention about how Robert Gibson used to always use sign language to talk to his deaf brother? That would be a cool touch.


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian



Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight


When I was in Middle School I was a huge Norman mark.


Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson


Poor Ole seems to be on the wrong end of the match making lately. I guess that is what you get from being a jerk backstage (this is a family site, so I had to use family friendly language).


Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert


I wouldn't mind seeing Eddie win but Terry has to win to keep him looking strong.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight



Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich


Tommy has to look good seeing how he is in a feud with Lex.


The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express



Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat



Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair


I have a feeling that The Iron Sheik will not make Ric Flair humble.

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Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors

In pretty much every case, it's foolish to pick agaisnt the Road Warriors, in tag team matches.

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Gotta love the RnR Express, but with the Road Warriors and the Steiners already on the babyface side, I think these boys are going to be spending their time as what I like to call "strong jobbers". The Samoans, on the other hand, are in a program with the Warriors.

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

As a proud Canadian, I always give love to the Stampede boys.

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight

Bastion Booger!!!

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair

Ric Flair making an appearance on the Power Hour seems like it's more to keep the network happy, than anything.



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger vs. Ole Anderson

Ole's near the end of the road, and with his attitude, is primed to spend his remaining ring time putting people over.

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

As much as everyone heaps praise on him, Gilbert always seemed like someone who would be best used as a job guy.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

I mark for Bam Bam. I respectfully request that you Jesus-push him.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich

I was considering going with Sawyer, due to Luger interference, but then I realized that it's already a heel-heavy card, in the win department. Based solely on that, I'm going with Wildfire.

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

The Skyscrapers seem like an ideal #2 heel team, working setup programs with the next contenders, or as rebounds coming off unsuccessful title shots. You need to stay strong for that.

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Cowboys can rope cattle, and shoot indians, but they're not Dragonslayers.

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair

Sheik falls into the same category as Ole.

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Good show! Surprised that Funk got the win over Steamboat so soon into his comeback although I suppose it keeps him strong for the Main Event feud!


Thanks for the predictions! I am sure that the Funk win surprised a few people but at the same time, gotta keep Funk strong with a babyface Ric Flair as the NWA World Champion.



Thursday Week 4 September 1989



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


Thanks as always for the predictions, Lexa!


I have to say, with your great USPW diaries that you have written. I had completely forgotten how good of a real world diary writer you are as well.


I mean to me you nailed Sting and Terry Funk down. I could picture them saying what you wrote.



Thursday Week 4 September 1989



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


Some truly high praise, BHK1978! I truly, truly appreciate your comments about the interviews. I try to do my research on their interview styles and everything and bring them out. I hope you enjoyed the Mike Rotundo interview as well as that is another one I am very proud of.


As for Robert Gibson, you never know. ;)



Thursday Week 4 September 1989



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


Thanks for your predictions, Greg! As far as Mike Shaw goes, I hope I can make everyone forget about Bastion Booger with my Norman The Lunatic character. lol.

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After much thought and consideration, I decided to go ahead and add to the predictions sheet the NWA's Fall Brawl. It won't be posted until sometime next week but probably before the next Saturday. So I wanted to give everyone as much time as possible to make predictions for the pay-per-view. NWA Power Hour/World Championship Wrestling will still go up this Saturday as planned. Here is the updated predictions sheet. If you have already made predictions for the Power Hour and World Championship Wrestling shows, obviously you don't need to predict for those shows again but don't forget to make your predictions for Fall Brawl!



Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair



Sunday Week 4 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man

Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting

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The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors

Unless there are belts on the line, and the Road Warriors don't have a scheduled title reign, then they're basically a shoe-in to win. With my later prediction, I definitely see the Warriors go over.


Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

A couple of Stampede boys here (Norman was Makhan Singh, of the Karachi Vice Kingpins), which makes me very happy. I know you have plans to actually establish Norman, but my heart tells me to go with Pillman. I'm interested to see what you do with both of these guys.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

The Steiners haven't had the kind of build I'd expect for new champions. I have a feeling you're saving these belts for the Road Warriors. This should greatly help Terry Gordy, without damaging the Steiners too much.


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

You'll hate me for this, but I mark for IRS.


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Easiest prediction on the card. Tommy Rich is a jobber to the stars, and Luger's a star.


Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man

Ewwww... Squishy....


Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting

This match really could go either way, but with the number of heels I've already predicted going over, I feel safe in saying that there won't be an upset in the main event, and the dream team of Flair and Sting will carry the day. WOOOOO...OOOOWWW

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The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man

Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting

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Sunday Week 4 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors: Can't see past the Warriors for this one. I fancy a Freebird/Warrior feud at the top of the card soon enough...

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian: Pillman's the long term prospect of the two

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners: Too early for The Steiners, their day will come but not until after a Freebird/Warrior feud I reckon.

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams: Tough choice but I'll go for Rotundo through some form of Kevin Sullivan interference

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich: Luger to send Wildfire back to midcard annonymity with a little more momentum than what he started with

Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man: Sid's a natural monster heel and what provide a different foil for Sting or Flair to work against.

Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting: Flair and Sting to win and mark the beginning of the end of these feuds.

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The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors


In a promotion of outstanding tag teams, the Road Warriors to me are the cream of the crop.


Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian


As much as I like Norman, there is no way someone with the potential of Pillman should lose to him.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners


Normally I would go with Rick and Scott because I like them a lot better. However, P.S. is in your main event scene so I highly doubt that he will lose.


Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams


This is a hard one, both men are great but I got to go with Dr. Death.


NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich


Tommy Rich= jobber to the stars!


Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man



Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting

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These warnings are helpful :D



Thursday Week 4 September 1989


Doom vs. The Road Warriors

The Road Warriors will never lose. Ever.

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Couldn't decide so as he has a fairly good reasoning I'm following Greg's lead.

Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

Irwin's not going to be a star, Flyin' Brian might be.

Norman The Lunatic vs. Jason Knight

See any previous match with Knight in for the reason...

Non Title: The Dragonmaster vs. Ric Flair

It's Flair, it's non-title, it's easy...



Saturday Week 4 September 1989


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ole Anderson

Lex is the (bigger) star.

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Again, Knight is hailing from Jobberville. Plus Bam Bam is still going to hold every single title. Ever.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich

Coin flip.

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Sid is in the Skyscrapers. Nuff said.

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat

Steamboat to bounce back after last week.

Non Title: The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair

Come on, Sheik isn't going to win is he!



Sunday Week 4 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors

Can't bet against Hawk and Animal.

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

DQ? Norman is a lunatic after all.

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Too early for a change methinks.

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

Although I agree with Greg again that IRS was a bit cool, I think Dr. Death is better for you now.

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Again, too soon for a change.

Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man

Squash for Sid.

Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting


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Saturday Week 4 September 1989

Location: Dragon Stadium, Southlake, TX (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.41

There was a feeling that a number of the angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


The Power Hour

In an extremely short match, Road Warriors defeated Doom in 1:55 when Road Warrior Hawk defeated Butch Reed by pinfall with a Doomsday Device...B


In an extremely short match, The Wild Samoans defeated Rock 'N' Roll Express in 1:51 when Samu defeated Robert Gibson by pinfall with a Diving Headbutt...B


In an extremely short match, Flyin' Brian defeated Bill Irwin in 4:14 by pinfall...C-


In an extremely short match, Norman The Lunatic defeated Jason Knight in 1:52 by pinfall with a Karachi Krunch...D+


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Ric Flair defeated The Dragonmaster in 9:37 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock...B+




[The show opens with a recap of last week's World Championship Wrestling show...]




[...The show ended with Ric Flair attacking Terry Funk after Funk's match. Funk smartly stayed out of the ring and a staredown ensued between the two as the show came to a close.]




[Next on World Championship Wrestling...]




[...We are going to see two of the top athletes in the world battle it out in the center of the ring as The Iron Sheik faces off with the NWA World Champion Ric Flair. Will Ric Flair build momentum for Fall Brawl or will The Iron Sheik stop him in his tracks? Find out later tonight here on World Championship Wrestling!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/oleanderson.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger vs. Ole Anderson


[The opening matchup was a strong one as we had a title defense to begin the show with Lex Luger defending the United States Title against Ole Anderson. The former Horseman member Ole Anderson started off strong against the younger Total Package. Ole focused on the arm early on on Luger. He put him in several armbars and drove a hard knee into the arm of Luger. Ole got the crowd involved, using their momentum to give an all-out assault of the United States Champion. Ole sent Luger into a corner and followed him in -- misses! Luger moved out of the way! Luger rolls up Ole and grabs the tights: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Luger shakes his arm to try and get some feeling back into it as he goes on the attack on Ole Anderson with two stomps. He picks up Ole and hooks him -- vertical suplex! Luger flexes to boos from the crowd! Luger locks on a reverse chinlock and slides his arm down into a choke when the referee isn't looking. He slides it back up before the referee gets his focus in. Ole Anderson gets crowd support in the form of stomps and claps and chants of 'Ole, Ole, Ole!' Ole fights his way up to his feet. He slams an elbow to the gut of Luger! A second one! He pushes Luger off and Luger slams into the referee! Referee Tommy Young was standing too close to the action and he paid for it. Luger goes down though and Ole Anderson looks to him and then to the referee. Ole moves to the turnbuckles and climbs to the second turnbuckle. He leaps -- foot up by Luger! Ole's face hit the sole of Luger's boot! Luger quickly rolled out of the ring and grabbed the United States Heavyweight Title belt. He slid back in and waited for Ole Anderson to get back up. When Ole got to his feet, he turned -- BOOM! Luger decked him with the belt! Luger slid the belt out of the ring and grabbed the referee, pulling him over. Luger made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! What a miserable title defense!]


Winner: Lex Luger (Via Pinfall @ 7:18)

Match Rating: B


[...Luger got to his feet, taking in boos from the crowd. He looked down at Ole Anderson lying on the mat. Luger picked up the former Horseman and raised him up into the Human Torture Rack! Luger has Ole in the Rack! Referee Tommy Young is trying to pull himself up using the ring ropes when someone comes sprinting from the back like a Wildfire...]




[...Tommy Rich slides into the ring and kicks Luger in the gut, getting Luger to drop Ole Anderson! Rich hits the Lou Thesz Press on Luger and begins throwing punches to the United States Heavyweight Champion! Luger manages to slowly push him away and exit the ring before anymore damage can be done. These two men will meet at Fall Brawl!]




[The focus turned down to the entrance ramp as a familiar song began to play through the arena...]




[...NWA World Champion Ric Flair stepped out to a loud crowd ovation. He released a 'Whooooo' that the crowd echoed back as he walked over to the interview stage and was given a microphone...]


Ric Flair

"Ladies, the limousine is fired up backstage, the bubbly is on ice and now all we need to make things complete is for Ric Flair to step into the ring and do what he does best: win! Whoooooo. Tonight, Iron Sheik, you're gonna get my full attention once you walk that aisle. Do you really think these fans here in Southlake, Texas, want to see you beat me? I don't think so, pal. Tonight is going to prove one of my greatest sayings: to be the man, Whooo, you have to beat the man. And the man is the one wearing this 25 pounds of gold. Oh, wait, that's me. Iron Sheik, tonight, I'm gonna break your legs just like that. (snaps fingers) Whooooo!"


[...Ric takes in the mixed crowd ovation since some folks here in Texas still love Terry Funk. He turns and heads for the back, exiting before the next wrestlers come out...]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/eddiegilbert-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/missyhyatt.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Eddie Gilbert


[it's probably a good thing that Ric left so quickly with the next man to come out being Terry Funk. This match was a lot better than most people would give it credit for as Eddie Gilbert held his own against Terry Funk. But the match was a pretty short one in and of itself. Gilbert got a near fall early on but then Funk turned his attention to the head and neck area of 'Hot Stuff.' Missy Hyatt looked on in horror as Funk set Gilbert up in the ring -- Texas Piledriver! Funk made the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 3:24)

Match Rating: B




[After the ring was cleared, some more familiar music begins to play...]




[...The crowd does go wild for the entrance of one of the hottest wrestlers on the planet: Sting! Sting moves over to the interview stage with a microphone...]



"Great Muta, last week you tried to blind me with that Asian Mist of yours. But, you know what? I'm still here. I'm still standing. I can still see you. Owwwww! Tomorrow night at Fall Brawl I'm still gonna be able to see you when we meet inside the ring in that tag team match. I hope that you start out the match for your team so I can start things out for mine and we can get this all sorted out and put an end to things. The bottom line is that tomorrow night, things are gonna get settled one way or another. OWWWW!"


[...Sting flexes and we head to the ring for our next bout...]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/bambambigelow.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/jasonknight.jpg

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight


[Another short match that was really better than it deserved to be. Bam Bam Bigelow dominated Jason Knight from start to finish with Knight getting in virtually no offense whatsoever. Bigelow floored Knight with the Greetings From Asbury Park and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow (Via Pinfall @ 2:14)

Match Rating: C+




[A video begins to play. Wrestling fans, tomorrow night will be a night like you've never witnessed before. Locked on two seperate sides will see four men who are looking to annihilate each other...]




[...Terry Funk and The Great Muta take on NWA World Champion Ric Flair and NWA World Television Champion Sting in an epic bout live and only on pay-per-view. Make sure you call your local cable or satellite providers so you don't miss out on the great wrestling action!]




[This segued into a pre-recorded video segment with three men standing before a slate gray wall...]




[...The Road Warriors and Paul Ellering look toward the camera...]


Road Warrior Animal

"Wild Samoans, we know you're listening. Samu, Fatu do you really think that you're good enough to even step into the ring with the Road Warriors? Even all the people out there in tv land are running their mouths, flapping their gums about how we're gonna beat you tomorrow night at Fall Brawl. I can't say that I disagree with these people. Tomorrow night, you're gonna learn why you don't mess with the best. Tell 'em Hawk."


Road Warrior Hawk

"Wwweeellllll! Wild Samoans, you've managed to get us off track of our number one goal in becoming NWA World Tag Team Champions but in the end you're just gonna be a speed bump toward our achieving that goal. You are feasting your eyes right now on the two baddest men to walk the planet. Samoans, you're going down when we break your little necks!"


[...Paul just smiles within the background, hitting a copy of the Wall Street Journal on his hand and we head back to the ring...]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tommyrich.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. Tommy Rich


[Though the fans didn't really care for this match at all, it definitely has a history. Buzz Sawyer and Tommy Rich have feuded throughout the early-mid 1980's and had some really bloody wars within the past. But this match was mostly a one-sided affair with Rich coming out on the good and Buzz on the receiving end. Tommy Rich took down Buzz Sawyer with a stiff clothesline and then waited for him to get up -- Lou Thesz Press! He hooks the legs: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tommy Rich (Via Pinfall @ 5:16)

Match Rating: D+




[A video begins to play showcasing a new wrestler here in the NWA. This man will be making his debut at Fall Brawl! He is shown hitting an armdrag and a dropkick...]




[...Welcome to the NWA: Z-MAN!]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sidvicious3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickymorton.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/robertgibson2.jpg

The Skyscrapers vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


[This was your classic case of power versus speed. Both Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson avoided being grabbed by Spivey and Vicious early on in this match. They used their quickness to keep away and even took Spivey down to the mat at one point and hit him with a double back elbow. The crowd was definitely behind the Rock 'N' Roll Express, giving them a chant of 'Rock and Roll, Rock and Roll, Rock and Roll!' But after about two minutes, Ricky Morton was caught by Sid Vicious when he tried a move off the top turnbuckle. Vicious dropped Morton with a fallaway slam! Vicious moved Morton to the center of the ring and hooked him -- Power Bomb! Morton twitched on the mat in obvious agony! Vicious made the cover while Spivey stopped a rescue attempt: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Skyscrapers (Via Pinfall @ 4:28)

Match Rating: B-




[Another video begins to play, this one showing the two challengers for the NWA World Tag Team Championship...]




[...Rick is down on all fours with Scott standing beside him, tugging on the collar...]


Scott Steiner

"Tomorrow night at Fall Brawl, this collar is going to be unleashed, Freebirds and my brother here is going to be unleashed. Right now you guys hold the belts. That means you're recognized the world over as the best tag team in the universe. But that's alright because after tomorrow night those belts are gonna be around the waist my brother and me. Right, Rick?"


Rick Steiner

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"


[...Rick charges toward the camera and knocks it over and we head to the ring...]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/boborton.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickysteamboat2.jpg

Bob Orton vs. Ricky Steamboat


[This was one of the big matches tonight that the crowd has been waiting for. The crowd here in the Dragon Stadium have a special love for 'The Dragon' Ricky Steamboat. Steamboat started the match off with Orton, hitting several sharp and crisp armdrags, the last of which lead into a dropkick. Orton backed into a corner, looking to catch a break but Steamboat followed him in and hit several chops to the chest. Orton reversed this in the corner and threw punches to Steamboat and a shot to the gut. 'The Cowboy' pulled Steamboat out of the corner and dropped him with a big body slam that earned him a chorus of boos from the crowd. Orton played to those boos for a moment...]


[...The next few minutes were spent with Orton in control over Steamboat, keeping him down on the ground. Orton focused in on the back of the Dragon with knee shots and a big splash. He then picked up Steamboat and moved over toward the turnbuckles, lifting the Dragon to sit on the top turnbuckle! Orton climbed up and hooked Steamboat -- blocked! Steamboat blocked the Superplex and pushed Orton off the turnbuckles! The Dragon climbed up and waited for Orton to get up -- Flying Body Press! Steamboat connects and hooks the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Pinfall @ 6:06)

Match Rating: B+


[...A great win for Steamboat here on World Championship Wrestling. Someone entered the ring behind him, though...]




[...Bob Caudle is standing by inside the ring for an interview with the winner...]


Bob Caudle

"First of all, Ricky, great win here tonight against a tough competitor."


Ricky Steamboat

"Thank you, Bob. I feel lucky and honored to get the win tonight but I have something else on my mind. You see when I last made an appearance here in the NWA I had a United States Title match against Lex Luger that didn't go the way I planned. I got disqualified. But now that I am back I want to issue out an open challenge to the winner of the Lex Luger/Tommy Rich match at Fall Brawl. Tommy, I have a lot of respect for you but I'm hoping that it's Luger so I can get my revenge."


[...Ricky gave Bob a pat on the shoulder and then took off, slapping hands of the fans. It's about time for our main event...]




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theironsheik2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

Non Title

The Iron Sheik vs. Ric Flair


[it's our main event time in this non title matchup as NWA World Champion Ric Flair takes on The Iron Sheik. The match started with some back and forth technical wrestling between these two that ended in a stalemate. The two went nose-to-nose in the center of the ring and The Iron Sheik threw a knee to the gut of Flair and then a forearm to the back. The Iron Sheik began his attack on the back of Flair for the next several minutes with the crowd yelling at Sheik. The Iron Sheik locked Flair into an abdominal stretch and referee Tommy Young checked on Flair but Flair was not about to give up, especially with the 'Flair, Flair, Flair' chant going on. The Iron Sheik used the ropes for leverage, stretching further until referee Tommy Young made him break the hold. The Iron Sheik made a threatening gesture toward Tommy Young but then turned back to Flair...]


[...The Iron Sheik whipped Flair toward a turnbuckle and Flair flips over the top turnbuckle, landing on his feet on the apron! Flair runs across the ring and climbs the turnbuckle but The Iron Sheik catches him! A body slam off the top turnbuckle brings Flair down to the mat. The Iron Sheik made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The Iron Sheik yelled at the referee but it was no slow count. The Iron Sheik pulled Flair up and hooked him -- vertical suplex! Flair hits the mat, grabbing his back and crying out in pain. The Iron Sheik gets to his feet and moves in, tugging Flair up but Flair grabs him and rolls him into a small package: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The Iron Sheik gets up and grabs Flair, running him toward the ropes but Flair reverses and The Iron Sheik is sent through the ropes to the outside! The Iron Sheik lands on his feet and then goes down, grabbing his knee! Apparently, he landed awkward down on that knee!...]


[...The Iron Sheik made it back in the ring but Flair was there waiting for him. He brought the Iron Sheik back into a corner and laced his chest with four straight chops! Flair pulled Sheik out of the corner and grabbed his hurting leg, raising it up and hitting the shin breaker! The Iron Sheik hits the mat, grabbing his leg. Flair grabs that leg, putting a stomp to the face of The Iron Sheik before moving that leg to the bottom rope. He uses the ropes as leverage and leaps, coming down on the knee of The Iron Sheik! The Iron Sheik cries out in pain! Flair drags him to the center of the ring and bounces off the ropes -- Knee Drop! Flair looks to the leg and struts, releasing a 'Whoooooo' before he goes right to the leg -- Figure 4 Leglock! The crowd rises as one as Flair has the Figure 4 Leglock on The Iron Sheik in the center of the ring! After about a minute, The Iron Sheik has no choice but to give up!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 9:30)

Match Rating: B+


[...Flair smiles as he releases the hold and rises to his feet. Tommy Young raises his arm in victory but it's not for long as two men attack Flair with one watching on...]




[...Terry Funk and The Great Muta make an attack on Ric Flair! Funk hooks Flair as The Great Muta ascends the turnbuckles -- Texas Piledriver on Flair! Muta prepares to leap but gets knocked off the turnbuckles by someone else...]




[...It's Sting! Sting attacks Terry Funk in the ring and has some punches for The Great Muta as well! The fight is on and we're out of time! We'll see you in Charlotte, North Carolina for Fall Brawl!]

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This time we had several people to get a combined 12/12! Congratulations to Lexa90, Greg McNeish and jhd1!




1. BHK1978=36 Wins

Lexa90=36 Wins

3. jhd1=35 Wins

4. Greg McNeish=18 Wins

5. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

Ritchardo=17 Wins

7. smurphy1014=16 Wins

8. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Just a reposting of the Fall Brawl card for those of you who haven't seen it yet and want to make predictions and comments, etc.



Sunday Week 4 September 1989


The Wild Samoans vs. The Road Warriors

Norman The Lunatic vs. Flyin' Brian

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds defend vs. The Steiners

Mike Rotundo vs. Steve Williams

NWA United States Heavyweight Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Tommy Rich

Sid Vicious vs. Z-Man

Terry Funk and The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair and Sting

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