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Can't sign any fighters (Modern Warriors)

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<p>Well, keep in mind that I am new to WMMA2 (I played the first but contract stuff is very obviously vastly different) ... so my problem is, using the Modern Warriors mod, I can't seem to sign any fighters. The problem to me is that, unlike in other games where contract signings are kind of "competitive" with other companies bidding at the same time, I don't get any information FROM the guy I am negotiating with about what he expects from the contract in the game. All I get is "expects a base pay of around 15000 $" (as an example), and I have to work from there. </p><p> </p><p>

So I do that, even a bit higher to start out, and no matter what I offer (for testing purposes I went all the way with some potential signees) it is never enough o.O ... it would be rather helpful if the guy told me that this or that company offered him more of this or that (like say for example, Football Manager by Sports Interactive does), so that I at least would have a VAGUE idea of what to offer during the 3-4 tries I have until he is pulling out. As it is, this negotiation system to me appears to be very much a shot in the dark each and every time I do so, and to me that is not exactly realistic.</p><p> </p><p>

So am I totally missing something out of my noobishness here? Is it because of the mod? Like I said I am new to this game and I haven't the slightest clue of where to look or to get info on what fighters at which level might expect from a contract, especially when other companies are in the bidding war with me. Help would be much appreciated guys <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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From the help file:


Foreign Language Copies Of Windows


When using Windows under certain non-English language settings, WMMA2 can have trouble processing financial values. This is because some languages are set to interpret a comma as a decimal point, turning “$1,000” from “one thousand dollars” into “one point zero, zero, zero dollars”. If this effects you, please go to the WMMA2 \ System folder. You will see a file called “nolanguage.mm2”; please rename this to “language.mm2”. This will inform WMMA2 of the problem, and allow it to remove commas from within financial values, fixing the issue.

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Thanks, didn't think this could be an issue with the game which is why I didn't check the help file. I am indeed on a german version of windows so this might be it then - will report back here if it is fixed now. Thanks again ;)


Edit: Yep, that was indeed it, I fixed it and it all works now. w00t!

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