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March 2010 Update {for those interested}

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If you would like to request a move set to get added for a specific worker, reply in this topic. 300 workers have been assigned move sets already across WWE, TNA and the indies.</p><p> </p><p>

Original Post:</p><p> </p><p>

Well, it seems like it's been a while since an attempt was made, so I'm trying my hand. But let's make this a community work in order to get it done.</p><p> </p><p>

I'll handle ALL of the data. This will take place from March 1st, and will include a complete database of workers, title belts, promotions etc, all with (as accurate as i can make) stats.</p><p> </p><p>

What do I need from you? Well, the biggest drag ever is Movesets. So all I can really recommend is someone takes the original list of "Moves" from WreSpi 2, and works on that file alone, adding as many moves as you can find on the internet that aren't already there. (without deleting old ones as they will be needed). Moves must be accurate.</p><p> </p><p>

Once you have made some moves, you could upload the file, and someone else can download the "latest" move file and keep adding onto that. This will be a working chain. I know we'll probably not get this mod done until July, but after it's done, we can easily update it with current day data.</p><p> </p><p>

I know it seems like alot to ask but if everyone chips in just a little bit, we should be able to get all the moves for WWE, TNA and ROH set up, which is what we should be aiming for minimum. Hell, alot of people would be ecstatic to get a working mod with that. Anyway, heres a list of resources as a guide:</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LTQPD7X6" rel="external nofollow">http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LTQPD7X6</a> - The current (latest) move file. Click "Save" when downloading as it is not zipped</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com" rel="external nofollow">http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com</a> - Best place for wrestler bios with frequently used moves, trademark moves and finishers</p><p> </p><p>

You can also use wikipedia to research wrestling moves.</p><p> </p><p>

Every little helps. So if you want a mod, help make a mod.</p>

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Good luck with this fella, wrespi2 needs an up to date mod. I am currently too busy to really help out, but I may be able to pitch in during the summer holidays, when I will have a ton of spair time. Good luck and if you need any advice or idea's feel free to PM me (i'm not an expert but I have worked on a lot of mods for wrespi and for TEW)
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I've completed several WWE, TNA and indy circuit move sets, special thanks to the Fall of the One Ring Circus Mod. But now, its time to take requests for any WWE, TNA, ROH, PWG, CHIKARA etc superstar that you would like a moveset made for. If they're prestigious enough, I will give them a moveset, but if they are an unknown except in like Japan, it'll be really hard to find the data on their moves. Start laying down requests. This mod will be completed within a few weeks.

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Well I am now watching wrestling again having realised that yes I was too into it when I was watching it before but that I can limit the amount of time I spend on it. How is progress on this mod? I'd love to try it out once it's up and running.
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Yeah man, its progressing very well. I've got 150 movesets done so far out of about 300. Will take more requests for WWE and TNA superstar movesets, individual ones though, dont just go "Make TNA." because that would require alot of work, just list your favourite one or two superstars. :-)
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It sounds like this is still going to take awhile. I've thought about buying this game but right now there aren't any real life mods avaliable other than DOTT which I"m not interested in as I want to have the current WWE people avaliable.
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I'm far more interested in the Real World database with most of the wrestlers in the right federations instead of moveset, altough it annoys me when everyone has the same finisher, lol


I would have to disagree, quality over quantity for me. Movesets are the most important thing for me, but they are often what causes people not to do mods, due to the effort it takes.

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Well, yeah, moves are good, but getting the workers on the right federations on the right timeline with no mistakes is the first and most important step

Of course its even better when you put the right finishers on the right people, but without the first step, it sucks

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I'm guessing that once all the wrestlers that you wish to have in a the mod are done and their moves are all done and assigned to them that doing any updates will be fairly easy compared to actually creating the mod.
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