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<p>Does the amount of heat an advanced booking match has change depending on how far in advance the match is booked? I can see that things such as overness, storylines, etc can affect match heat, but I wasn't sure if how far in advance a match is booked would change. </p><p> </p><p>

For example if I was doing a PPV on 1st May, but advanced booked a couple of matches now, would the heat change between now and then, as opposed to me booking the matches the day before?</p>

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Does the amount of heat an advanced booking match has change depending on how far in advance the match is booked? I can see that things such as overness, storylines, etc can affect match heat, but I wasn't sure if how far in advance a match is booked would change.


For example if I was doing a PPV on 1st May, but advanced booked a couple of matches now, would the heat change between now and then, as opposed to me booking the matches the day before?


Haven't done any testing in 2010, but I'm pretty sure in 2008 it would slowly drop if booked a long way in advance and there was nothing done in the meantime between the participants to keep the heat up.


So, if the same it can drop - but it's pretty easy to avoid.

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Call me crazy, but I wouldn't go to a show where I only knew the participants that were gonna be there one day in advance. Well. Right now I don't go to many shows at all, but you get the idea. So I personally feel like there should be some sort of "sweet spot" between 1 week and 1 month or so, and if you book it too far out or too late, you get a penalty.
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Haven't done any testing in 2010, but I'm pretty sure in 2008 it would slowly drop if booked a long way in advance and there was nothing done in the meantime between the participants to keep the heat up.


So, if the same it can drop - but it's pretty easy to avoid.


I tend to advance book my key matches up to a year in advance so I know this is true. However, in January I don't care what the heat is for the match in November. I only book them as reminders to myself since I tend to have a dozen or more games going at once (sometimes in parallel, with divergences) so it reminds me of what I was intending to accomplish.


All it takes to change match heat is using the workers. Getting the workers more overness and momentum will improve the match heat. Typically, if you're going to advance book a match for a big event (whether on PPV or not), you're going to be using those workers in the interim.

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So booking well in advance doesn't actually alter the match heat in itself, its still the overness, momentum, heel/face combinations (where appropriate), storylines, etc that impacts on the heat level? Ok, thats good to know. I'll continue to advance book my matches a couple of days in advance then, I was just curious to see what benefits there might be booking further in advance.
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I'm with Stennick. I always fire them up, after actually booking the show.


It had been mentioned that someone wouldn't go to a show if they didn't know what was on the card. How often does the WWE and TNA not announce ANY matches before the show starts? That's the norm. Specifically, the main events are almost NEVER announced before the show starts.


Now, for indy feds, the time beforehand makes a difference, so I'm with you there. For the big guys, it's not a big deal, because you know no matter what, you're going to get a main event between known guys. Indies bring in special guests all the time, which makes a huge difference.

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In my MAW game we have an hour and a half weekly TV show and a PPV the last Friday of every month. I tend to advance book most of the matches two or three weeks into the month unless it's a main match that I intend to build up heavily. In that case I would advance book it the day after our first TV show of the month.


The heat always drops for me because I can often get 90+ heat and sometimes 100, but with MAW our ratings are in the 80's range so it's almost impossible to keep the heat at the original level. Good angles with popular workers would keep great heat for a few weeks though.

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