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Making Alternate Pics

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I just got the latest Photoshop and was looking to give making alts a go and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on where to start. Am I imagining things or was there some sort of pack released with a bunch of accessories? I couldn't find anything.
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I...was looking to give making alts a go and was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on where to start.


Look at real-life first. I see a few alts that don't use things like shadows and highlights and so the cap/glasses/shirt looks a bit 'stuck on' (not knocking anyone, just something I've noticed). If you want to put a cowboy hat on Tyson Baine, look at a picture of a cowboy - how big is the hat in relation to his head? What angle does it sit at? Where do the shadows fall? Your aim is to make the new alt look like an original render - you don't want to see the 'join.'


My other two tips would be to go sparingly with the blur tool (its fine for shading but don't blur the edges of things too much) and secondly use the pen tool wherever possible - use it to make selections, fill in colours etc.


Hope that helps some :)

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