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What grinds your gears?


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TV scheduling grinds my gears big time lately. First Gotham comes back from it's mid-season break for one episode and then isn't even on the next week. I'm aware that happened awhile ago now, but it's been bubbling up.


Flash came back a few weeks ago from it's mid season break and now it's on another month long hiatus. This kind of scheduling is just idiotic to me.

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For some reason I find it odd that whenever the media talks about Mitt Romney they always seem to refer to him as Governor Romney. However, when they talk about President Obama they usually refer to him as Mister Obama.


What the hell is that all about? First off, Romney has not been a Governor since 2007, so why not refer to him as former Governor Romney.


Obama is the current President, so why not refer to him by his actual title?


It doesn't really grind my gears, but I just find it to be odd.


If you want to subject yourself to the New York Times, they tend to refer to everyone as Mr and Ms/Mrs.

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Do not even get me started on Wisconsin drivers. With all the snow we get you would think that we would be used to it? Wrong! Every first snowfall everyone acts crazy for a week. Going in ditches, crashing, the whole package. Oh how I hate those stupid drivers.


As a fellow Wisconsin driver (well, passenger in vehicles) I completely concur with this. Wisconsin drivers are awful when the snow comes.


What's grinding my gears today is my own stupidity. I intended to build a computer for myself with my tax returns, since I haven't ever had my own PC and I do a fair amount of gaming so it'd be helpful. I bought all of the parts online and got them in Thursday & Friday (despite ordering the previous Saturday with 3 day shipping, but I'm past that) and began to assemble everything. So I get everything put together just fine and it turns on and all that, and I go to install my operating system. Which is on a disc. Guess who didn't buy a disc drive? The thought process there was that I haven't used the disc drive on my laptop for anything but putting music on my computer since I've had the laptop (at least 3 years) so why would I need one? Now I am stuck not being able to use my PC. Oops, but very annoying.

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  • 10 months later...

I get to put my old man head on!


1) Anyone who can't tell the difference between opinion and fact.

2) People who lack basic manners and fail to say please or thank you.

3) The spineless cowards that run Britain.

4) Political Correctness - can't tell "An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman" joke without someone getting their panties in a bunch. Usually a Welshman who wasn't included in the joke.

5) When people in a shop say "can I help you" as if you don't know a) how to shop or b) find an assistant if you do need assistance.

6) Hypocrisy


That's all for now. Sometimes I have to let the Scottish side of me out for a few minutes!

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There are only two types of people that grind my gears:


1. People who look down on other cultures.


2. The Dutch.


Would a person who doesn't look down on his country, but rather on the people who run it, plus the majority of its current population grind your gears?

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Anyone 19 years old or younger. They are the worst.


The 20 somethings get on my nerves more than the younger ones do..


Yeah, you young whippersnappers are ruining this planet! :p



Something tells me you're not that old sir. :p

There are only two types of people that grind my gears:


1. People who look down on other cultures.


2. The Donald Trump.


"ahem" Agreed. ;p

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The 20 somethings get on my nerves more than the younger ones do..





Something tells me you're not that old sir. :p



"ahem" Agreed. ;p


I'm old in spirit, does that count? :p


Don't worry, Hive. *I* appreciated the Austin Powers reference, even if nobody else did. ;)


I appreciated it too, just wasn't logged in to show appreciation.

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Trolls who vote all of my diaries 1* before I've even posted a single show!!


You know you just held a big sign out that says, "Please one star my diary!"


I take it as a badge of honor when someone one stars anything that I do, heck I always one star my own stuff. One, because they think it bothers me, which it does not. Two, because there is someone that dislikes me enough to go out of there way to do something that they think will annoy me and well it does not. I laugh when people give anything I do a one star.

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You know you just held a big sign out that says, "Please one star my diary!"


I take it as a badge of honor when someone one stars anything that I do, heck I always one star my own stuff. One, because they think it bothers me, which it does not. Two, because there is someone that dislikes me enough to go out of there way to do something that they think will annoy me and well it does not. I laugh when people give anything I do a one star.


Well said.

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