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What grinds your gears?


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Ok, I'll admit it! I'm the jackass driver who honks at you when you wait too long at a stop sign, who flips you off as I pass you in a double line because you were going the speed limit, and who will box you in with a semi truck for a period of no less than 5 minutes if you stray into the left lane on the highway going slower then the traffic on the right.


I'm the scourge of the road and I loathe you all, expel your hatred upon me! :D


I hate all those things when driving! :p



5) Children who continually cry and scream in restaraunts.


6) People in supermarkets who think it is Ok to leave there trolly sideways in an aisle while they stand in the other half of the aisle, thus blocking the entire p*****g thing.


7) People that don't say excuse me when they walk into you. (I have a reflex and I say it when it wasn't even my fault)


I agree with those, working in retail most of those happen multiple times a day. :mad:


These construction guys were making lude comments. I mean seriously what is it with pigheaded men?


You should hear what the girls at my work talk about :eek:


I never get these people! Along with this, groups of people who must.. jsut must walk side by side and block the entirety of time from passing.



I had this happen, almost, twice today. I work retail, so, I deal with people, and the stupidest people all at once, everyday.


Another thing, along that idea, are people who walk straight at you, and make no effort to move out of your way at all. Why should I have to move?


This too, retail may just be second to hopitality in dealing with the most annoying and stupid people.

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Also on the football/soccer debate. It's called soccer and I hate it. Not so much the sport itself (although it is unbelievably boring) but the continued attempts to establish it in Australia. Take your sissy foreign sport and get out of my sight. I like my football where the violence is between the players, not the spectators.


Soccer has been trying to do that over here as well since the 1970's. I really do not want to watch a sport where every other player is named Ronaldo.


What "grinds my gears" is some veterans of the forums being rude and c0cky. I won't say who, but the people who act that way really tick me off.


Yes there are some like that on here, but I guess you have to take the good, you take the bad, You take them both and there you have The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.:D


But, the worst is, dudes who wear'em. I mean, the dress shirt, jeans, flip flops.


I'm not one for hurting people, but, I wish I had a pet rhino so I could gore each of them one by one. It's hard enough being a guy, trying to look stylish so the ladies swoon. If we all start dressing in the dark, styled by blind monks, what chance have I?


How about dudes that wear jeans while wearing a sports coat, tie and dress shirt. That crap bothers me as well.


Also, (and I know the hate is about to rain down on me) NASCAR!


Why, oh why, would anybody want to watch a bunch of hillbillies named Billy Bob, Bobby Ray (and whatever other two first names you want to put together) drive around in circles for 500 laps?

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Also, (and I know the hate is about to rain down on me) NASCAR!


Why, oh why, would anybody want to watch a bunch of hillbillies named Billy Bob, Bobby Ray (and whatever other two first names you want to put together) drive around in circles for 500 laps?


Cuz da crashed d00d!


I dislike Nascar, cause, honestly, it's a spot I could do.. well, in theory. I don't tend to turn left all the time.

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I'm a pretty big NASCAR fan. I know its a running gag that its a bunch of left turns and its just driving and what not.


These guys are going 200 mph and their bunched closer together than a lot of us are when we're in a parking lot. Not too mention a lot of this takes place with the cars being well into the 100 degree mark, their coming within inches of other cars, walls, spin outs, wrecks, fires, death lots of things come into effect when your traveling nearly 200 mph in such an enclosed space.


Also with guys like Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson and others the sport is a lot less rednecky than it was in the past. The stigma is still there but Johnson is from El Cajon, California not exactly a rednecky place. The Busch Brothers Kyle and Kurt are from Vegas. Gordon is from Vallejo, Cali and these two are the two most dominant racers of the last two decades so although the sport still has them its actually moved a lot away from what it was in the '80's and before. I find it funny that pro wrestling fans would be so quick to generalize a sport as being "rednecky and hillbilly". Its certainly just as skilled as any other major sport out there I'd say. Different strokes for different folks but that generalization of NASCAR as been obsolte for atleast 15-20 years now since guys like Gordon, the Busch brothers and Johnson have started dominating the sport.

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I'm a pretty big NASCAR fan. I know its a running gag that its a bunch of left turns and its just driving and what not.


These guys are going 200 mph and their bunched closer together than a lot of us are when we're in a parking lot. Not too mention a lot of this takes place with the cars being well into the 100 degree mark, their coming within inches of other cars, walls, spin outs, wrecks, fires, death lots of things come into effect when your traveling nearly 200 mph in such an enclosed space.


Also with guys like Jeff Gordon, Jimmy Johnson and others the sport is a lot less rednecky than it was in the past. The stigma is still there but I'm pretty sure Johnson and Gordon are both Cali guys with no southern accent and about zero hillbilly qualities. Its certainly just as skilled as any other major sport out there I'd say.


A lot of NASCAR fans just watch the sport for the wrecks. I know my brother in law does. He and his friends watch it just for that, I know that is probably the exception and not the rule but I do know there are a lot of those fans out there.


I admit I am not really up on the popularity of NASCAR but I remember Jim Rome (yes I know Rome hates the sport or used to hate it) saying that a good portion of the NASCAR fans hate Jeff Gordon because he is not a good old boy.

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I find it funny that pro wrestling fans would be so quick to generalize a sport as being "rednecky and hillbilly".


I feel the same way when other wrestling fans look down at me because I am a fan of reality television shows, so I can appreciate what you are saying. I guess I live in a glass house and should not throw stones.:D

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Rome used to hate NASCAR but he's come around to it much like he used to hate Horse Racing and now owns a horse.


Jeff had a lot of problems breaking in because he wasn't a good ole boy, he kinda of brought a hollywood flair to NASCAR by winning and being so dominant while at the same time being a cali guy with a smoking hot wife.


There are always going to be fans that dislike guys. Although now like I said they got Vegas guys, Cali guys, they got guys from Europe, their bringing in Indy Car guys they have really made an effort do diversify the sport.


Some people say they watch it for the wrecks and maybe they do but honestly big, awe inspiring wrecks don't even happen every race so if people are tuning in for the wrecks I can't imagine why they would sit there "bored" with the racing for three hours in hopes of a wreck cool enough to be worth it which there are only a handful of each week.


I guess its the same guys that only watch pro wrestling for the scantily clad women or the blood, their out there but their a small group and really like NASCAR it happens so rarely I don't know why they waste their time.

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Don't some NASCAR fans dislike Jeff Gordon and Jimmy Johnson?


Some do but its such a small minority anymore. Think about it like old school NWA wrasslin guys that liked Race, and Thesz and guys like that and then imagine when Hogan first came on the scene or someone of that nature. I'm sure to the oldschool throwback fans there was a resistance but all the new fans that were created kind of drowned out the "old farts".


So yeah some people disklike them but its such a small minority anymore and honeslty it has little to do with "them not being good ole boys' and more to do with they win. Gordon has four championships, Johnson has four IN A ROW people hate winners ask the Yankees they didn't win a championship for ten years and the minute they did hate poured upon them. The Red Sox were loveable underdogs till they won now people "are sick of them".

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Oh trust me I am a Yankee fan who lives in the heart or Red Sox nation, so I have been sick of them for the last twenty years or so.:D


When I was in school, I used to have the Red Sox fans tease me about the Yankees all of the time (this was in the mid to late 1980's). The year I graduated from high school (1996) was the first time they had won a World Series since, oddly enough, the year I was born (1978).


However, I was a freshman in college when they won the World Series so I never had a chance to rub it in the faces of all the Red Sox fans.:mad:

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I remember, when joking about Nascar the other day, I brought up a good point.


In a sense, isn't it an awful waste of gas? I mean, don't get me wrong, I get why people like it. But, I'm paying $3 for a gallon, and there are dozens of cars just wasting it, driving in circles for hours.


Not that it'd really drop the gas prices (since that's a whole different story anyway) but a point it is I bring up.

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Yeah the Yanks were atrocious during the 80's compared to past decades. That being said why in the world would a RED SOX fan taunt you about a team performing badly especially in the 80's when they had been sitting on a nearly 70 year old drought. None the less yeah I'm not a Yankees fan and I really wish Baseball had a cap so teams like the Rays could make a run for more than a few years and I know that owners get compensation blah blah blah but I think the thing that keeps the NFL so interesting is that each team has an even playing field for the most part.


That being said people were throwing a fit when the Yankees won the world series last year even though it had been ten years since they had won it and nine since they had been there. Whats even more ironic is that although they had Tex, A Rod, CC and AJ thats not near what they had done in years past when they literally would just pluck league MVP's from their teams. For ten years they added every big name, heavy hitter they could find and would get swept outta the first round but when they start putting together a more cohesive team after ten years of falling down on the job is when people start screaming about them.


That being said I'm a Cards fan and I'm not willing to face that lineup so I hope they all get small pox for the season :D Even if the Cards starters have the lowest ERA in the league right now

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I remember, when joking about Nascar the other day, I brought up a good point.


In a sense, isn't it an awful waste of gas? I mean, don't get me wrong, I get why people like it. But, I'm paying $3 for a gallon, and there are dozens of cars just wasting it, driving in circles for hours.


Not that it'd really drop the gas prices (since that's a whole different story anyway) but a point it is I bring up.


I guess the same could be said for the airline tickets that go up due to jet fuel going up. What about all these millionaires flying around on a whims notice burning up valuable jet fuel that the consumer then pays for but as you brought up it really has nothing to do with the price of gas anyway.


My theory on the whole thing is if you have the money to pay for something then go for it. I would assume someone, somewhere is paying for the gas. I'd be upset if they were just being "given" gas but they pay for it just like anyone else.


Like you pointed out it has nothing really to do with the price of gas but even if it did we'd have to look at our entertainers and sports teams as well that ride around on buses throughout the country consuming larges amounts of gas as well.


Interesting talking point but you kinda killed your own point dead in the water when you mentioned it really had nothing to do with the price of gas :D

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Yeah the Yanks were atrocious during the 80's compared to past decades. That being said why in the world would a RED SOX fan taunt you about a team performing badly especially in the 80's when they had been sitting on a nearly 70 year old drought. None the less yeah I'm not a Yankees fan and I really wish Baseball had a cap so teams like the Rays could make a run for more than a few years and I know that owners get compensation blah blah blah but I think the thing that keeps the NFL so interesting is that each team has an even playing field for the most part.


That being said people were throwing a fit when the Yankees won the world series last year even though it had been ten years since they had won it and nine since they had been there. Whats even more ironic is that although they had Tex, A Rod, CC and AJ thats not near what they had done in years past when they literally would just pluck league MVP's from their teams. For ten years they added every big name, heavy hitter they could find and would get swept outta the first round but when they start putting together a more cohesive team after ten years of falling down on the job is when people start screaming about them.


That being said I'm a Cards fan and I'm not willing to face that lineup so I hope they all get small pox for the season :D Even if the Cards starters have the lowest ERA in the league right now


The Red Sox fans would always point out how good their team was even if they never won anything. They would point at 1986, even though most would like to gloss over Bill Buckner.


And yes what the Yankees have been doing for the past nine years or so is what they did in the 1980's. Meaning just sign any great home run hitter that you can find and toss them together and see what happens. I think now, they realize that even though they can go out a buy whomever they want. They can also use the draft to their advantage as well. After all Cano, Hughes, Joba, and Gardner are all decent to really good players.


To be honest I am not sure why more people do not dislike the Cards. I am not saying that I dislike them but they are the Yankees of the National League (in that they have won more World Series than any other team besides the Yankees).

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You should hear what the girls at my work talk about :eek:


Women can be some of the worst. :p



Unless it has to do with the Yankees...


Unless it's how much they Suck!:cool:


I am going with you then. :p




Also, (and I know the hate is about to rain down on me) NASCAR!



Why, oh why, would anybody want to watch a bunch of hillbillies named Billy Bob, Bobby Ray (and whatever other two first names you want to put together) drive around in circles for 500 laps?


So I dislike Nascar as well. My ex was a huge fan though.


A lot of my family are fans as well. (I swear I'm not a hillbillly and that term is a bit...crude sir) :p


They say it's a lot better to go watch then just sit infront of the TV. I wouldn't know I feel it's a waste of money. :D


I feel the same way when other wrestling fans look down at me because I am a fan of reality television shows, so I can appreciate what you are saying. I guess I live in a glass house and should not throw stones.:D


Reality TV is Ok. Some of the shows are kind of stupid and repetitive.


Wrestling......I won't comment since like 99% of the people on here are Wrestling fans and I don't want an angry mod chasing me with delete buttons. :D

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NASCAR: I find it boring. I also find horse racing, F1, drag racing, track, and speed skating boring. I'm thinking maybe it's just that don't like racing.


Yankees: I tried to start watching baseball this year. Got lazy. Suffice to say, I watched the Yankees because they're popular. But I don't actually have a strong opinion for real.


Wrestling: Yeah; I grew up thinking that wrestling was for rednecks. But I'm a creepity crazity intellectual who thinks the ****'s super fun, so I found out that I was at least 10% wrong.

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NASCAR: I find it boring. I also find horse racing, F1, drag racing, track, and speed skating boring. I'm thinking maybe it's just that don't like racing.


Yankees: I tried to start watching baseball this year. Got lazy. Suffice to say, I watched the Yankees because they're popular. But I don't actually have a strong opinion for real.


Wrestling: Yeah; I grew up thinking that wrestling was for rednecks. But I'm a creepity crazity intellectual who thinks the ****'s super fun, so I found out that I was at least 10% wrong.


Ok I see this term thrown around LOT and it irritates me.


Seriously what is your definition of a redneck????

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Ok I see this term thrown around LOT and it irritates me.


Seriously what is your definition of a redneck????


If you ever get a chance to see Jerry Lawler vs. Andy Kaufman feud in Memphis and see some of the people that were in the crowd, well for me the definition is right there.:D

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Ok I see this term thrown around LOT and it irritates me.


Seriously what is your definition of a redneck????


I'm from Michigan. Redneck is pretty much the area-standard term for an uneducated or hick person.


I was trying to confess that I had a very negative view of wrestling up until I started watching it. So while I'd like to say that I didn't mean any offense, I kinda did in a sense.

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