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Speedbumps. I swear I trip over the same stupid one every day when I go for a walk. Why? Because I don't pay attention. Flip flops and speedbumps do NOT mix well.


I'll raise you one.


In New York City (and perhaps other places), we have speedbumps...with craters in 'em (you can't call 'em potholes, they're too deep. You can't call 'em sinkholes cuz they're too shallow :p). Talk about double reinforcement!


"Look out, sign says there's a bump up ahead."


"Screw the bump, I'm trying to avoid the hole in the middle of the bump."


Imagine you with your flip flops tripping over a speedbump and landing ankle deep in water/slush/crud at the bottom of said speedbump. :p


Gotta love what freeze/thaw, freeze/thaw does to asphalt, eh?

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@Remi. That sycks. It's funny I have read a lot of what you write, I have no clue why people dislike you. Although if you think it would be funny to picture me fall, then I don't like you.


Maybe it's cause your an a-hole. You should be awesome like me! :cool::p



I'm not as cool as you. Does that make me an A-hole? :(

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@Remi. That sycks. It's funny I have read a lot of what you write, I have no clue why people dislike you. Although if you think it would be funny to picture me fall, then I don't like you.





I'm not as cool as you. Does that make me an A-hole? :(


No, it just means you're like the other 6 billion of my peeps. But, since I speak to you, you're in a higher class than most of them.


I reek of awesomeness, and a little bit of slim jim. Neither can be helped.

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No, it just means you're like the other 6 billion of my peeps. But, since I speak to you, you're in a higher class than most of them.


I reek of awesomeness, and a little bit of slim jim. Neither can be helped.


/remembers that there is a poster named Slim Jim here.


Did you eat him? :eek:

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Ok well I like 80% of you!


You know what I really hate?


Speedbumps. I swear I trip over the same stupid one every day when I go for a walk. Why? Because I don't pay attention. Flip flops and speedbumps do NOT mix well.


Okay this reminded me of another one which I am probably alone in considering how many people wear these like a freaking cop wears a badge. Flip Flops. If you aren't at the beach or on your way to or from the beach or in a super duper tropical climate then get some real shoes. You look like a lazy slob. You might as well wear slippers or a bathrobe out in public.


Also on the football/soccer debate. It's called soccer and I hate it. Not so much the sport itself (although it is unbelievably boring) but the continued attempts to establish it in Australia. Take your sissy foreign sport and get out of my sight. I like my football where the violence is between the players, not the spectators.

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Just a joke Dub C if you look hard enough you'll get it.


Are you really going to follow me aroound and fix all my mistakes? :eek:


You keep make'n 'em I'll keep fix 'em. But to be fair I do have a life and work I don't have time to fix ALL your mistakes only a small percentage

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Oh, I could do this for ages.


1. Cab drivers taking me to Sinyeonsu Station when I ask them to take me to Cinus.


2. Being told that I think my workplace is a social club because I took a sick day, then being given work that clearly goes above and beyond my responsibility the next week. If you think I'm a slacker, why are you giving me super-important stuff to do, exactly?


3. People cutting in line at the convenience store or the waffle stand.


4. Old women seeming to single me out on the subway. They love to push me.


5. Drunken men seeming to single me out on the subway. They love to ask me where I'm from, then proceed to tell me that all Americans are fat and only care about money.. which is funny because I'm skinny as Hell.


Ahhhh, but Korea isn't all bad.


1. Cab drivers are always happy when I'm able to tell them something as simple as 'take a right at so-and-so intersection.'


2. I love my students because they're hilarious at all times. "Teacher! High-five!" "Ohh! Me too!"


3. Yesterday the cashier at a convenience store totally shot this guy down while he was trying to cut in line. She was all like 'this guy was first, dude.' It was fantastic.


4. Old women tracking me down and shoving me in the subway is, honestly, hilarious.


5. One guy told me that he was an 'alcoholist' and another guy offered to teach me a special breed of Aikido after nearly breaking my fingers off my hand... for free. Awesome.



My point is, guys, that there's always bad to be had with the good. You have to appreciate both for what they are. ^_^

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I was just joking I didn't say misguided I was just joking with another poster but I think misguided might be the wrong the wrong word to use in that situation anyway.


I would say that in the past not so much lately but in the past you have been known to be a bit "misguided" or "misunderstood" maybe in some of your topics and posts. That being said I haven't seen too much of it lately you seem to have gained a filter and no longer do the silly thread topics every four minutes so kudo's to you good sir.

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I was just joking I didn't say misguided I was just joking with another poster but I think misguided might be the wrong the wrong word to use in that situation anyway.


I would say that in the past not so much lately but in the past you have been known to be a bit "misguided" or "misunderstood" maybe in some of your topics and posts. That being said I haven't seen too much of it lately you seem to have gained a filter and no longer do the silly thread topics every four minutes so kudo's to you good sir.


Thank you for clearing that up. :) I just didn't understand what mlt meant by "misguided".

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/remembers that there is a poster named Slim Jim here.


Did you eat him? :eek:


Have you seen him post?


I got hungry, one thing led to another. A1 and ketchup was used.


Okay this reminded me of another one which I am probably alone in considering how many people wear these like a freaking cop wears a badge. Flip Flops. If you aren't at the beach or on your way to or from the beach or in a super duper tropical climate then get some real shoes. You look like a lazy slob. You might as well wear slippers or a bathrobe out in public.


Also on the football/soccer debate. It's called soccer and I hate it. Not so much the sport itself (although it is unbelievably boring) but the continued attempts to establish it in Australia. Take your sissy foreign sport and get out of my sight. I like my football where the violence is between the players, not the spectators.


I agree, partially. I don't wear'em, but, my friend does. Mind you, we went to an art walk... in downtown LA. She ended up breaking the strap/whatever it's called within the first 20 minutes. I can't feel sorry for her in that situation. You're walking in LA without proper foot cover!


But, the worst is, dudes who wear'em. I mean, the dress shirt, jeans, flip flops.


I'm not one for hurting people, but, I wish I had a pet rhino so I could gore each of them one by one. It's hard enough being a guy, trying to look stylish so the ladies swoon. If we all start dressing in the dark, styled by blind monks, what chance have I?

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That was my inspiration. Sadly, you missed the end. Stan's whole "morale of the story" thing was bleeped. Apparently, it shouldn't have been, according to Matt and Trey. But, who knows what's a work these days.


I read the thing from Matt and Trey on SouthParkStudios.com - I wouldn't be surprised if Comedy Central just did it to save their asses. I guess Muhammad was the only thing that was supposed to be bleeped out but instead they did practically everything. I'll watch the full version sometime but the beeps were just disappointing and I couldn't get over them, ha.

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I read the thing from Matt and Trey on SouthParkStudios.com - I wouldn't be surprised if Comedy Central just did it to save their asses. I guess Muhammad was the only thing that was supposed to be bleeped out but instead they did practically everything. I'll watch the full version sometime but the beeps were just disappointing and I couldn't get over them, ha.


Yeah, it was funny the first couple times, but, then it got on my nerves.

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