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Why is it that when I use a real world mod, and I play as TNA, EVERY SEGMENT gets an E, F, or D with only the main eventers getting C's, and B's, no A's at all


I'm not asking for the ratings to all be A's, but at least make it realistic. I'm guessing the rating is so low because of the worker stats, if so, does anyone know of a real world mod with decent stats? All I want is to book a show that'll give me realistic ratings in return, but with the real world mods available right now it isn't happening. I had no problem with this when I used the real world update for TEW05, with TEW10 being 100x better, its a shame that I can't find a good mod to go with it.


I'm currently using that Know Your Role mod, is there any other mod out there with better stats? Is there a way for me to manually fix this problem myself if nobody else can?



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Sorry, but you aren't giving anywhere near enough information to determine if there's a problem with the mod, your booking, or your expectations.


If you are running a big promotion (WWE, TNA) and getting those grades, that's a problem. But if you are trying to run a small promotion like FIP or PWG and getting those grades, its not so terrible. Be realistic in your expectations.

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The problem is probably more to do with how you're booking your shows. And by the sounds of it the mod is fine, TNA have only ever had a few 'A' segments in their life, and A is incredibly hard to get. In the transition from TEW2005 to TEW2005 you might have read in the help file that the grades have changed. And A is now 90%-95%, which is near perfection.


In TNA, or any wrestling company you should only ever use you Main Eventers and most popular Upper Midcarders in angles, and if featuring someone who is not one of these then you must make sure you put them in an angle where they are rated highly (if a guy has A in menace run menace angles) with those really popular Main Eventers.


Make sure you use people to their skills, if a guy has B- in entertainment but B+ in overness, that's what you should be rating them on in the angles. The B- may get you a C+ to a B but the B+ will get you much higher ratings.


Hope that helps.

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Sorry, but you aren't giving anywhere near enough information to determine if there's a problem with the mod, your booking, or your expectations.


If you are running a big promotion (WWE, TNA) and getting those grades, that's a problem. But if you are trying to run a small promotion like FIP or PWG and getting those grades, its not so terrible. Be realistic in your expectations.


I'm running TNA.


For example, I just booked the following tag match:


Douglas Williams and Brian Kendrick vs Kazarian and Amazing Red, the rating was an E+. All 4 workers involved are skilled, I set it for decent length, nobody is unhappy, this match has no business getting an E+.


Not to mention, any and all segments involving the Knockouts automatically gets an epic fail rating.

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I'm running TNA.


For example, I just booked the following tag match:


Douglas Williams and Brian Kendrick vs Kazarian and Amazing Red, the rating was an E+. All 4 workers involved are skilled, I set it for decent length, nobody is unhappy, this match has no business getting an E+.


Not to mention, any and all segments involving the Knockouts automatically gets an epic fail rating.


What is the TNA product? If popularity matters a significant degree in it, then yeah, those four midcard guys are not going to get a great match grade. Kendick and Red might be lower midcard even. Factor in that one or two of them cound be inconsistent, they wont' have any tag experience at all, and maybe one or two other penalties and you have that grade. Honestly, I wouldn't expect a midcard tag match to get a C grade unless they are very experienced or very very talented. Unless the mod is overpowered, those four should not be extremelley taletned, so to me, asking for a C grade is having overt expectations. I would figure on a mid D, so E+ is a bit disappointing, but not unreasonable, dependent on some factors.

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TNA is a sports entertainment style promotion and yes, that means the ratings are probably based off of everyone's popularity.


I'm going to try the MCD Real World mod and see if I have better luck, maybe the stats are different there or something.

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I prefer the KYR mod to the MCD honestly. Nothing against MrCanada because its a great mod, but KYR and me fit more I guess.


TNA's starting product in KYR brings a vocal fan base and its based more on popularity than performance.


If I'm not mistaken Doug Williams and Amazing Red both start out in the game as openers. So that bogs down the match because of how low their pop is.


You should look at the dirt sheet after a match to see what penalties and what not are taken into consideration. It's helped me a lot.

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TNA is a sports entertainment style promotion and yes, that means the ratings are probably based off of everyone's popularity.


I'm going to try the MCD Real World mod and see if I have better luck, maybe the stats are different there or something.


Honestly, I think you need to adjust your expectations.


If popularity matters in TNA, and you give a match between two relatively unpopular teams without any experience, why would you expect good grades? I'd guess none of those four are very over - D at best. Maybe E. So without them being massively talented (they shouldn't be) or experienced (they aren't, without editing), you can probably expect a grade in the D range at best. Again, throw in a couple of other factors - someone being inconsistent, announcers not good enough, cold crowd, etc, then a E+ is not unreasonable.


Assuming that TNA is cult, then an E+ is not terrible for a match featuring a bunch of low-card guys.

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^ My overall show ratings are at around C, C+, B


Do you think the ratings will get better over time? Maybe as the workers improve and get more over?


And also, Jaysin, what makes KYR better? Is that just personal preference?


C to B should still be growing the promotion, assuming you are at cult, so there is nothing wrong with that. If you can consistently get the "increased our popularity message" after a show, you are doing okay for the most part.


And yes, things will get better over time if your workers get more over. If popularity matters more than performance, then overness is relatively more important than skill. Skill still matters, but more overness means better grades. The good news for you is that popularity is far easier to build than skill - use angles that will grade well and use them regularly.

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^ My overall show ratings are at around C, C+, B


Do you think the ratings will get better over time? Maybe as the workers improve and get more over?


And also, Jaysin, what makes KYR better? Is that just personal preference?


Personal preference mostly. I played with KYR in 2008 and loved it. So it might just be that.

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Sorry, but you aren't giving anywhere near enough information to determine if there's a problem with the mod, your booking, or your expectations.


If you are running a big promotion (WWE, TNA) and getting those grades, that's a problem. But if you are trying to run a small promotion like FIP or PWG and getting those grades, its not so terrible. Be realistic in your expectations.


he did say he was using TNA

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he did say he was using TNA




He had not identified the promotion yet in the first post, which I was responding to. He didn't really identify where he was getting those poor grades in the initial post. Hence why I said "not enough info". If he was getting a D- for Angle vs Styles with no chemistry issues, there's a problem. Getting an E+ for a bunch of lower midcarders in a random tag is not a problem.

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He had not identified the promotion yet in the first post, which I was responding to. He didn't really identify where he was those poor grades in the initial post. If he was getting a D- for Angle vs Styles with no chemistry issues, there's a problem. Getting an E+ for a bunch of lower midcarders in a random tag is not a problem.


He may have mentioned it...


When he said "how come whenever I play as TNA"

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The problem is probably more to do with how you're booking your shows. And by the sounds of it the mod is fine, TNA have only ever had a few 'A' segments in their life, and A is incredibly hard to get. In the transition from TEW2005 to TEW2005 you might have read in the help file that the grades have changed. And A is now 90%-95%, which is near perfection.


In TNA, or any wrestling company you should only ever use you Main Eventers and most popular Upper Midcarders in angles, and if featuring someone who is not one of these then you must make sure you put them in an angle where they are rated highly (if a guy has A in menace run menace angles) with those really popular Main Eventers.


Make sure you use people to their skills, if a guy has B- in entertainment but B+ in overness, that's what you should be rating them on in the angles. The B- may get you a C+ to a B but the B+ will get you much higher ratings.


Hope that helps.


An "A" is nowhere near perfection in angles, atleast not as a bigger promotion. And they are not hard to get either, just depends on the size of the fed.

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The solution is to play with the Cornellverse, where you get a nice, balanced gameworld that's surprisingly effective at drawing you into it's fictional world.


Better solution is to play bobinc's wrestling queens mod because everything goes the way I made it hey every worker looks pretty....well almost everyone. Ha

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The solution is to play with the Cornellverse, where you get a nice, balanced gameworld that's surprisingly effective at drawing you into it's fictional world.


Perhaps. Personally, I think the comparison is invalid from the get-go.


Comparing TEW05 to TEW2010 is like comparing Pong to Chess. That's not a dig on TEW05, just an illustration on how far the game has come. Show of hands, how many people could produce A* segments (or shows) at Small, with no problem? Cutting Edge product + Sex Sells angles = $$$$


The key point is, TEW2010 is infinitely more complex than 05 was, so trying to make a comparison between them is always going to fail. Remember in 05, overness wasn't God for segment ratings. In 2010, it most certainly is. You can try to put a mic-rated promo featuring someone with next to zero overness and you'll get what you paid for (it won't rate out almost exactly at the worker's mic skill). In TEW05, with many products (Cutting Edge being the most obvious), two talented workers in a match with neutral chemistry produced a very highly rated match, regardless of their lack of overness. Is that the case in TEW2010? Nope.


Honestly, at Cult size, TNA shouldn't really be producing A rated angles or shows, at least not regularly. As Masked Orange pointed out, TNA has had maybe a dozen A rated segments (matches or angles) in their entire history. At Cult, producing C+ rated shows at the start is good enough to increase your popularity and continue to grow. Why? Because over time, your workers will accumulate more overness and more momentum which should make B-/B rated shows possible within the first year. In most mods, TNA is set up in such a way that it's possible for them to skip National level altogether and shoot straight to International from Cult, if the booking is strong.


The show ratings you're currently getting are fine. Perhaps you don't know that your main event and semi main comprise like 90% of your show's rating, so if your main eventers are producing, nobody else really matters. Again, your expectations might be unrealistic coming from the game where even Enhancement Talent could produce B rated segments.

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What Remianen said. In the KYR mod, TNA is realistically set so that popularity is key - workrate is a bonus to matches, but without popularity, fans will crap all over a match - hence the low ratings. I'm playing with WWE using that mod, and some of my dark matches get D or D- ratings (which would deffo be E+ or so if I did this with comparably pushed workers playing with TNA). The AI booked TNA in my game so far has not gotten a show over B-, mostly C+ (muahahaha, and I keep stealing their workers ^^), so the mod isn't too far off. So it's a matter of booking and the expectations that come with it, and yes, the major part of the show rating depends on your main event and co main event, which has saved me from lower show ratings on occasion. Another example from my game - I don't get A/A* matches out of Bryan Danielson vs ... say, Steve Corino in my game either, just cause they're not over enough (both midcarders) for my crowds.


A few more booking hints: make sure to check out the psychology rating of the workers when you book a match if you are unsure, because I usually script matches for those guys who don't have a lot of psychology so that they don't get lost during the fight. Equally, letting two guys with high psychology call a match in the ring can also help add a few points to a match rating. And so on and so on ... the tools are all there, you just have to use them.


A few final words about the Real World vs Cornellverse comparisons I see pop up from time to time: In my book, it's easy to say that this or that mod is unrealistic in comparison to the coherency of the CV, because the CV is as it is without any debate even being possible, while, let's face it, there are MUCH more workers in real life than there are in the CV. So odds are, just look at WWE's top guys here (or ROH, or NJPW, TNA's midcard ^^ etc), there are more good workers irl than there are in the fictional world. So I don't think this should be a discussion at all. It just comes down to personal taste, and I simply can't get into the Cornellverse (because it's fictional to begin with, cause it has no real pics but renders (well doh ofc)) while others love it.

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I was convinced it was the mod's fault, and whoever made it screwed up all the wrestler's stats for the TNA workers, and no matter what I did the ratings would always be ****.


After reading the responses I've gotten so far, what I said above doesn't appear to be true. I'm going to give this time, let my company grow, and see what happens from there. If I can push certain guys and raise their overness level, I'm sure the higher ratings will follow. I'm not expecting all A's because I understand this game is more complex and harder, but I'm also not expecting all E's either. Again, we'll see what happens as time goes by, but from what I've read I'm confident that the mod is OK and I just need to put more time into the game

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